• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,149 Views, 166 Comments

In Love and War - Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Soarin finally gets the chance to meet the pony of his dreams. But neither could expect what the future held...

  • ...

Chapter 8-Casualties and Nightmares

Rainbow Dash groggily opened her eyes, pushing her head off the pillow. She glanced around, initially confused at her surroundings. She seemed to be alone; the room painted an orange hue by a lone lamp hung on the ceiling. Rough blankets covered her on the equally-uncomfortable bed.
"What?" Rainbow Dash asked, more to herself than anypony who could possibly hear her. "What happened? Where am-" She was cut off as the memories of the day before crashed down on her...


"Soarin!" Rainbow Dash yelled at the unconscious stallion on the litter as she trotted beside it. His light blue coat was tinted with a lime green from the aura around him. "Soarin just hold on!" She turned away from him to the pony trotting ahead of her, bearing the front of the litter. "Can't we go faster?!?"
"Not if ya want him to live! Any faster, he takes a bad bump and he's gone!"
Dash turned back to Soarin. His head lolled back and forth in response to the bumps as the litter-bearers trotted back to the fort. She noticed a trickle of blood, just a slight red stain beginning to ooze from his open mouth.
"Hey!" Dash shouted to the unicorn mare across from her, also running alongside Soarin. She called out again, her first time seeming to have no effect. "HEY!"
"What?" The unicorn's voice was sharp, showing that she was trying to concentrate on keeping the spell over Soarin working.
"He-he's bleeding!"
"Holy shit! Swordwind, hold up-the stasis spell is failing! I got to get this working!"
The litter-bearers jerked to a halt, staying careful enough to make sure their charge was still safe. Immediately the unicorn set to work, muttering incantations from memory. Her forehead scrunched up in concentration as she tried to strengthen her spell. "C'mon. C'mon dammit." A few tense seconds passed as the trickle of blood continued to flow, before the aura around Soarin grew brighter and it ceased.
"Alright, he's good for now. Let's go, and hurry!"
The stretcher-bearers immediately ran forward, determined to reach the fort that now was just several dozen hoofsteps away. Dash ran alongside Soarin the whole time, staying silent, trying to fight whatever scenarios her mind conjured. In what seemed like a few seconds and a lifetime at the same time, the ponies turned the corner into the fort. Immediately, they ran into a white pavilion, marked by a giant red cross on the roof. More distinctly was the heavily bandaged ponies outside the entrance, lying about on stretchers as doctors in blood-stained gowns maneuvered through their patients.

Dash moved to follow the ponies into the makeshift hospital, but was immediately stopped as a foreleg wrapped around her chest.
"NO!" She screamed in sorrow and fear for her love "SOARIN! I'VE GOT TO BE WITH SOARIN!" She whipped her elbow back, smashing the pony holding her back in their face. Just as she got free, Dash felt a pinprick in her flank. The world began to spin, everything seeming to move in slow motion.
"No!" She yelled, but this time her voice seemed distant, as if a muffled echo. "Soarin! Soarin!" She fell to the ground as her world began to grow dark. Dash felt her mouth moving, but there were no sounds reaching her ears. The last thing she saw was Soarin being carried into the medical tent, out of her sight.


Rainbow Dash shook her head, clearing her thoughts of the chaos of the day before. She glanced around, trying to get an idea of where she was. The room lacked any minute details that might betray her location. Dissatisfied with her fruitless search, she ran and swung open the door, to be greeted by a somber sight.

The Wonderbolts were all gathered in the meeting hall, embers glowing in the rectangular fireplace located in the center of the room. Wave Chill, Rapidfire, and Firestreak sat together at the tables positioned along the walls, nursing wounds or muttering snippets of conversation. Silver Lining lay spread-eagled on another table, passed out. Blaze and High Winds stood at the far side of the room, cleaning the remaining grime and blood from their armor. Fleetfoot sat alone by the bar located across from Dash, her head buried in her forelegs. Empty bottles surrounded her, laying about on the floor and bar.

Rainbow Dash surveyed the Wonderbolts with shock. She had never seen her lifetime heroes seem so defeated. They had always been so indomitable in her mind. Dash was so taken by the ragged group before her that she didn't even notice Spitfire approach her.
"Hey Rainbow Dash," the golden pegasi said, exhaustion evident in her voice. "That's a nice elbow you got there." Spitfire commented as she rubbed a bruise on her jaw to emphasize her statement.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, it's just that Soarin was-"
"Relax, I know. It's alright."
"I-I saw what happened to Soarin," Dash said, trying to keep her voice from quivering. "Is he okay?"
"We have no definite answer, but I think he's going to be fine. But you gotta stay here for now."
"Why ca-"
"Before you ask, that's what the medical staff said. I don't know why."
Rainbow Dash glanced around at her surroundings again. "Spitfire, where exactly am I?"
Spitfire paused briefly, looking at the ground as she gathered her thoughts. "Well, you're in the Wonderbolts frontline HQ. With what's left of us."
"But aren't all of y-"
"Rainbow Dash. You're in Surprise's room."
"Look, we lost a good Wonderbolt out there today. Another is on death's doorstep, and we have several with major injuries. It would be best not to bring anything up. Especially to Fleetfoot. Surprise was her best friend; hell, they were inseparable. She's taking it really hard, so it would be best to leave her be."
"O-okay. But when can I see Soarin?"
"I'll get you in there as soon as possible, but be warned, it might not be pretty."


Soarin blinked the sleep out of his eyes, awakened by the yellow sunlight streaming into the room. He propped himself up on the cloudbed, careful to not create any disturbance. He looked down at the cyan pegasus lying with her back to him, her rainbow mane unkempt. She seemed so peaceful, despite his knowledge of her energetic and sometimes rambunctious personality. Soarin lightly laughed as he remembered her antics as she pursued Pinkie Pie after the rather sudden announcement of their relationship. She had been so worried about her public image back then, about being "cool". Soarin slipped back under the bedsheets, wrapping a hoof around Dash's body. He planted a light kiss on her cheek, before burying his face in her mane. Soarin felt exhaustion begin to bear down upon him, and closed his eyes.
Immediately the image of the changeling's steel mask flashed, red light pouring from the eyes in a tide of malice. It stared into his soul for that split second, ice gripping his heart as pure evil looked him in the eyes. Soarin immediately opened his eyes once again, expecting to be greeted by the sight of Rainbow Dash beside him in her cloudbed. But instead of seeing by his fillyfriend beside him and safe in her house, he was back on the battlefield. Soarin tried to pick himself up, but the pain was too great. Suddenly, Surprise was there, pulling him up, supporting his weight.
"C'mon, we gotta-" She started, but was cut off as a red beam punched into her armor and she was launched backwards. He turned to face his attacker, but this time there was no changeling to defeat. There were only the two red eyes in the shadows, embers of hate searing in his mind. A wall of shadows surrounded him, trapping him in darkness and hate-filled eyes. Soarin screamed, for the first time in a long time he screamed a cry of pain and terror. Crimson eyes were everywhere, staring at him, mocking him, burning into his soul.

Suddenly, they all vanished, the blood red eyes dissipating in a wave as dark as coal. Soarin pulled himself up, the pain gone from his body. He turned around, to be greeted by the Princess of the Night.
"P-Princess Luna. Th-thank-"
"Rest now, young warrior. You have fought well. No longer shall the shadows of the night haunt your dreams."
Soarin was about to speak, when he heard a metallic thump. Then another. And another. His eyes widened as the realization dawned on him. Soarin turned slowly around, to be greeted by his fear once again.
The metal-clad changeling was marching out of the mist, head held high in a sort of arrogance. Luna's jaw dropped for a split second, before she recovered and mustered her magic that had erased Soarin's dream before. It launched forward, a pure black wave that had wiped away even the most terrible of nightmares. The changeling's horn lit up, a distinct bright red instead of the normal lime green. As the wave hit him, he staggered but did not dissipate as the others had.
"Princess Luna, master of the night," it said, deep rasping voice echoing in Soarin's mind. "Do you truly think a little spell will defeat me? I am not one of the Iron Guard he dreams of! I am as real as you, Princess of the night!"
Luna stepped backwards, mentally preparing her options. Morphing back into Nightmare Moon was possible now that she could control her rage, but it could cause damage to Soarin's mind. Her foe had already proven to be a keen magic-wielder, so that would not end well. Her last option left was with diplomacy, or at least to distract it enough to banish it from his mind.
"Who are you?" she asked, keeping on guard in case of a strike.
"Me? Oh my dear Princess, how could you forget?" The helmet became enveloped by a red aura, and slowly lifted off of the armored figure.
Soarin gasped in shock. Inside the armor was not a Changeling, but a pony. A red unicorn with charcoal-black mane. His hate-filled eyes were a deep blue, peering out across his heavily scarred muzzle at the Night Princess.
"No....it can't be."
"Oh, but it is," the unicorn hissed.
"Solar Flare? What have you done-"
"WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?" Solar Flare boomed, voice filled with rage. "YOU CAUSED THIS! YOU AND THAT DAMNABLE CELESTIA!"
"The first changeling war, remember? You left me to die, on that forsaken spit of land. I called, oh I called for you in my dreams to save me, but you. Didn't. Listen."
"Canterlot was under siege! I could not have-"
"DON'T GIVE ME YOUR PATHETIC EXCUSES! What did you tell Shadowsword, hmm? That his brother died a hero? That you LEFT HIM TO DIE?!?"
"What happened-"
"The changelings found me, healed me, changed me. Funny, for being the devourers of love, they showed me more than you ever did."
"SILENCE!" His horn glowed red as he wrapped bonds of pure energy around Luna's snout. "I am not Solar Flare. No, that pony died out on the border, left bleeding in the sand. No, I am Lord Kharax. I am doom incarnate." Kharax lowered his voice, approaching Luna, stopping mere inches from her face. "And I will have my revenge."
Lord Kharax fell back into the shadows, once again melting into a pair of burning red eyes that slowly evaporated in the mist. Luna looked back to the still-prone Soarin. His eyes were wide with shock at the sights he had witnessed. Luna approached him and touched her horn to his forehead. "Rest now young warrior. I shall stay vigil over the night."
Soarin felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, and he closed his eyes to leave the dreams behind, taking solace in the peaceful darkness.


Kharax turned away from the shimmering pool before him. "Princess Luna. Oh, it's been such a long time," he muttered to himself. His helmet hid the slight grin spreading across his scarred muzzle, which grew with each pounding step. With a nod of his head, two of the Iron Guards flanked behind him. He had work to do.


Rainbow Dash weaved her way through the corridors of the hospital, dodging medical ponies and wounded soldiers as she followed Spitfire. The whole hospital seemed like a maze, all the walls the same bleached white, each hall filled with ponies.
"Rainbow Dash!" Spitfire exclaimed, shouting just to let herself be heard through the din. "His room is right here!"
Dash shoved her way through the crowd, anxiety building in her chest. She ignored the sharp comments directed at her from the ponies she forced out of her way. In what felt like hours, she reached the closed door. She started for the entrance, but was stopped by Spitfire's hoof.
"Rainbow," she said solemnly, "I don't know how bad he is. Just be ready for anything."
"I know," Dash replied, bracing herself for anything. She slowly opened the door, trying to convince herself everything was going to be alright. She pushed it open further, revealing Soarin lying on a hospital bed, unconscious. Dash slowly moved closer, half of her mind urging her forward while the rest wanted to leave. Pulling up a chair, Dash sat down beside the bed, looking over Soarin. His right wing was heavily bandaged, red stains marking the points of worst damage. The rest of his body was just as badly injured, with one leg in a cast and his torso also wrapped in blood-stained bandages.
Dash fought back her tears at the sight of the once-strong pegasus lying bloody and broken. She grabbed his hoof in her own and squeezed it tight. "Soarin," Dash choked out, a knot forming in her throat. "Soarin? Can you hear me?" Tears began to well up in her eyes as she looked at her wounded lover. "Everything's going to be fine Soar. Everything's going to be fine, just like I said." Dash brushed through his wavy blue mane with her other hoof, in part to bring herself comfort. "We got you back. You're safe." She was unable to hold back anymore. The dam of emotions broke, Rainbow Dash breaking down into sobs as she squeezed his hoof even tighter. She tried to keep talking, in hope that some part of him would hear her, but she couldn't choke out any words over her sorrow. Dash buried her face in his mane, wanting to get as close as she could to him. She cried herself to sleep beside him, the frantic flight still taking a toll on her. Even as she drifted to sleep, Dash still held his hoof in her own.


He could hear her, just a faint echo in the dark. "Rainbow Dash!" Soarin called out, searching for her. "Rainbow Dash! Where are you?"
Her voice began to get louder, enough for him to pick out words. "...going to be fine, just like I said."
"Dash! Where are you?" Soarin turned, to be greeted by a distant light, just a speck in the darkness. He flew towards it with all his might, Dash's voice increasing in volume as he grew closer.
"We got you back. You're safe."
He could tell she was crying now. Soarin stopped mid-flight. 'Wait...am I dead?' he thought to himself. 'I can't be dead.' He looked back to the light. The sobs had stopped, now there was only silence in the dark expanse. Soarin gritted his teeth, and launched himself to the glimmer of light. Faster and faster he approached, until he burst into the blinding sunlight.


Soarin blinked his eyes open. No longer was he in a void, a dreamless sleep. He felt soreness in his wing, chest, and leg. Soarin looked around the room. The plain white walls betrayed his location; a hospital. He started to pull himself up, but felt a grip on his hoof. Glancing down, he saw Rainbow Dash asleep by the side of his bed, holding his hoof. Her mane was unkempt, and dried tear stains crossed her face. Even so, she still looked as beautiful as she ever did to Soarin. He started to lay back down, the pain in his chest increasing the more he was propped up. His stirring woke up Rainbow Dash, who looked back at him through half-closed eyes. Realization hit her half a second later, shown as her eyes widened.
"Soarin!" she exclaimed, "You're awake!" Rainbow Dash jumped out of the chair and engulfed Soarin in a massive hug, burying her face in his neck.
"Hey Dash," Soarin replied, his hoarse voice almost at a whisper. "Glad to see you too."
"I almost lost you Soarin," Dash said, pulling back to look him in the face. "I-I was so worried..."
"Hey, it's alright. I'm here now." Soarin pulled her close with his one good leg. She buried her face in his shoulder, forelegs wrapped around his neck. Soarin kissed her lightly on her head, before bringing his face close to Dash's. "Everything's going to be fine now. I'm here Dashie. I'm here." Soarin lightly stroked her mane as she sobbed into his shoulder, the anxiety from recent events now bursting forth in earnest. Minutes passed as they held their embrace, neither wanting to let go of the other. Eventually, Rainbow Dash sat back up, wiping the last tears from her eyes. Soarin had already begun to drift back to sleep, his recovery taking its toll on his energy. Just as his eyes closed, he shook himself awake.
"I'm so sorry Dash, I'm just so-"
"Ssh, it's alright," she whispered lovingly. "You need your sleep. You're fine. Just rest now."
"O-okay. Love...you." Soarin muttered as he drifted back to sleep.
Rainbow Dash leaned forward and lightly kissed him, their lips just touching. She sat back in the chair, content with just watching Soarin sleep, wanting to spend as much time as she could with the pony she loved.


Rainbow Dash pulled herself out of the chair, having to mentally coax herself that everything was going to be fine. She kissed him on the forehead lightly, then proceeded to leave his room. She wandered among the halls of the hospital building, lost in thoughts of Soarin. Eventually, she made her way back to the entrance. Rainbow Dash pushed open the door, blinking in the harsh sunlight. Almost immediately, Spitfire came running up to her.
"How is he?" Spitfire queried. "Is he going to be fine?"
"I'm-I'm not sure. He woke up for just a second, enough to say a few words. But his voice, he-he was really raspy."
Spitfire let a small grin creep across her face. "Hey, that's something," she said as she patted Dash's shoulder.
"Yeah....I just wish I could do something. I feel so helpless."
"He's in good hooves. Just check up on him every now and again; you might manage to catch him awake."
"That's what I was going to do, at least, later tonight."
"That's good. In the meantime, why don't you return to our barracks?" Spitfire glanced at the sky, squinting in the sun's light. "It's safer in there if the bugs decide to start shooting at us again."
Rainbow Dash's thought process was immediately sobered by the reminder that she was in a war zone. She could still die. All of her thoughts had been so focused on Soarin, she forgot to worry about herself.
'What about my friends?' Dash thought in worry. 'They don't even know if I'm still alive. But wait...Twi does have that spell. But what if she is too scared to use it again? I have to go and tell them I'm alright-but what about Soarin? I can't leave him. He needs me. And so do my friends.' Dash buried her face in her hooves, her loyalty torn between her love and her friends. She perked up at a sudden idea. 'A letter!....but that could take weeks to get there. They might think I am already dead by then.'
"Oh, what to do?!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She felt multiple stares from ponies around her, and felt her cheeks turn red as Dash realized she had thought out loud. "C'mon Dash, think. What would Twilight do?"
Spitfire's voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts. "Rainbow, you alright?"
"Huh?" Dash blurted as she was brought back to reality. "Oh, yeah I'm fine."
"You sure? You've been walking around in circles talking to yourself for five minutes now."
"Oh. It's-" Dash paused for a second to collect her thoughts. "It's just that I left my friends back at Ponyville with no heads-up or anything, and they're probably worried about me. But I can't leave Soarin. And a letter could take days, if not weeks to get there. I just don't know what to do!"
"Look Rainbow, I know how loyal you are. Hell, you almost left the academy because a dumbass was being reckless and eventually put your friends in danger. But Soarin needs you right now. Send your friends a letter-it'll get there soon enough. But he needs you to be there beside him when he wakes up. He loves you a lot, and I worry about what he would do if you were not there."
Rainbow Dash stood in silence, letting each of Spitfire's words soak in. "Thanks Spitfire. I needed that."
"Yeah, just don't get all emotional on me," she replied with a smile. "Or I'll have to bust your can."
"Yeah, sure. See ya around." Dash sprinted back to the barracks as ran straight to the room she was staying in. She went to the desk and dug through the drawers until she found a clean piece of paper. Grabbing a nearby pen, she began to write.


Hey, just letting you know that I'm fine. I probably shouldn't have flew out on you like that, but Soarin needed me. I'm staying at Hooffall with the rest of the Wonderbolts, so I'm fine. I'll be back before you know it.

Rainbow Dash

Dash scribbled "Ponyville" on the back of the letter before folding up. She sprinted back through the building, plowing over a few chairs scattered about and about running over Spitfire. "Oh sorry!" She exclaimed as she shot by.
"Hey, watch it next time!"
Spitfire sat back in a still-upright chair, a bemused smirk on her face. Ten seconds later, Rainbow Dash's head popped back in the door.
"Hey Spitfire, where's the-"
"Far left building, in the corner."
"Ok, thanks!" Dash ran towards the post office, dodging whatever pony got in her way. She burst through the door, slapped the letter down on the desk, tossed a few bits onto the table, and ran back out the door. She knew another friend that needed help.


"Hey Fleetfoot," Rainbow Dash said as she pulled up a chair alongside the Wonderbolt. "How you doing?"
"Hey," Fleetfoot muttered, casting a minute glance at the cyan pony. Both sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes, unwilling to bring up the worry that hung over their heads.
"So, Fleet, how are you feeling?" "How do you think I'm feeling?" Fleetfoot spat. "I just lost my best friend, and the other could die."
Dash put her hoof around the Wonderbolt's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "Hey, I know how you feel. Hell, Soarin's my coltfriend."
"Yeah, I guess you do." Fleetfoot softened slightly, picking her head up off the bar. "It's just that, there was nothing."
"What do you mean, nothing?"
"Surprise. No body, no item to identify if a piece of meat was her. She's just gone."
"But that means she could still be alive, right?" She might have been brought back beforehand, or-"
"Or taken prisoner by those scum. She might as well be as good as dead. I've heard about what they do to captives."
"Hey, you can't think like that. You got to stay positive, try to hold on to the hope that they will be found. Otherwise you just drive into a deeper pit of despair. Trust me, I know."
"Thanks Rainbow. It's just hard, losing a friend and having another injured the same day."
"Fleet, I'm going to see Soarin. You want to come? He was awake last time."
"Maybe in a few. I'm going to try and compose myself first."
"Alright. Just stay strong." Dash left the bar, and gently walked to the door of the barracks. As soon as she was outside, she shot straight for the hospital, hoping Soarin was awake once again.


I'm telling you, she outran me by a good five seconds." Soarin sat around one of the tables back at the Wonderbolts arena, eating lunch with Fleetfoot and Surprise.
"Ha!" Fleetfoot exclaimed, almost choking on her food. She forced down her meal before continuing on. "An untrained weather pony outflying a Wonderbolt? I call bullshit. Or did you let her win, eh?"
"Yeah, let her win to woo her, right Soar?" Surprise chimed in
"Oh come on guys, nothing like that," Soarin said. "We're just friends."
"Yeah, friends with benefits!" Fleetfoot quipped, sending both mares into fits of laughter.
"Wha-I don't-uh-"
"Hey look Fleet, he's blushing!"
"I didn't know you could turn that shade of red Soarin!" By now both mares were in tears from laughing so hard, at Soarin's expense.
Soarin crossed his forelegs in disgust, glaring at his friends. "I bucking hate you two, you know that?"
"Nah Soar," Fleetfoot said, hovering close to his face. "You love us-"
"-But not as much as you love Dashie!" Surprise finished, making Soarin blush even deeper.
"Screw you two," Soarin muttered.
"But that's what I thought you had Rainbow Dash for!" Surprise said, sending both into laughter once again. Soarin put his head on the table, buying his face in his hooves. His action only elicited another roar of laughter from his friends. Eventually, they both calmed down, still wiping the tears from their eyes.
"Oh, Soarin, I think I'm going to die," Fleetfoot panted as she tried to catch her breath.
"Good. And take Surprise with you."
The bell rang before any other comments could be made. All the Wonderbolts started back to the training field. Soarin started to the door, when he heard a familiar thump of a hoof. Then another, this one closer. He turned around slowly, and came face to face with one of the armored changelings.
"Shit!" Soarin exclaimed as he clambered over the table behind him. He ducked low, sliding under another. As he brought himself back up, Soarin realized that he was no longer at the Wonderbolts arena. He was back on the battlefield, fighting for his life once again. He felt the fractured bones in his wings crack, an audible snap resounding. The pain was nearly unbearable, even though he knew he was in a dream.
"Luna, how long must this continue?!?" He shouted to the sky, tears rolling down his face. An armored hoof turned him around, and he felt a spear drive through his chest. Hot blood poured from his wound as he looked down in shock. He felt a horn touch his forehead, and was instantly engulfed in memories, flicking by in seconds.
A dark presence seeped through his consciousness. Soarin, still in shock, was unable to fight the shadows clouding his mind. The voice of Kharax echoed through his mind. "Ah, so this is her. Rainbow Dash. Element of Loyalty. Oh, and who's this? Her friends are elements too? Thank you so much, Soarin of the Wonderbolts."

Soarin felt Kharax's presence leave his consciousness, slowly, painfully. All went black as the dream world faded from his vision, leaving only darkness.


Rainbow Dash steadied herself before entering Soarin's room, allowing herself a minute to catch her breath and fix her mane some. She knew Soarin really didn't mind, but she wanted to look nice when he woke up. Slowly, Dash opened the door, peeking inside. Almost immediately, she ran to his side in panic.
Blood soaked through the bandage across his chest, running down and staining the blue-grey sheets a dark crimson. His body was covered in a cold sweat, turning his light blue fur a dark blue. A trickle of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, dribbling down his cheek. Soarin's body shook lightly, spreading blood across the bed.
"Soarin!" Dash screamed. "Soarin! Stay with me!" She ran to the door, swinging it wide open. "HELP! SOMEPONY HELP!" Her cries were greeted by the sound of hooves sprinting towards her. Rainbow Dash ran back to the bed, cradling Soarin's head with one hoof, grabbing his hoof with the other. "C'mon Soar, keep it together." Tears ran down her face, falling onto Soarin's quivering form. "Help is coming. Just hold on!"
Rainbow Dash was shoved aside as multiple ponies in medical garb rushed into the room. She tried to look over their shoulders as they worked. Unfamiliar terms and diagnoses all were tuned out, Dash stuck in the corner of the room, unable to help. One line, the words she most dreaded, punched through her thoughts.
"Shit, he's going! We need to get to OR now! Where's that damn stretcher?!?"
Everything went quiet in Dash's mind as the first three words echoed in her mind. Over and over her mid replayed one sentence, the exclamation of the doctor working on the pony she loved. She saw The stretcher-bearers burst in, ready to go. Within seconds, Soarin was on the stretcher, and all the medical ponies were out the door, their voices echoing down the hallway.
"Celestia dammit, he's going!"
"Come on Soarin, hang in there!"
"Buck, we're losing him! We're losing him! Come on, hang in th..." The doctor's voice paused for a second. Suddenly, his voice boomed down the corridor. "MOVE!"

Sudden realization dawned on Rainbow Dash. The pause, his frantic order to the other ponies.
Dash slumped in the corner, tears streaming down her face. Her breath sped up to the point of hyperventilation. She felt her head begin to swim, and a nauseous feeling in her stomach. Soarin, the love of her life, her coltfriend, was gone.

Author's Note:

OK, here we go. Chapter 8. An enemy revealed, a hero at death's door, and a lover in tears. Whats not to love?

I'm not sure if there will be a February update, this chapter took an unexpected turn with Soarin and all. I was actually going to let him recover, but looks like ol' Kharax (or Solar Flare, whichever you prefer) got the best of me. Also, I gotta start applying for scholarships, so essays may burn out my writing desires for a while. Fun fun fun.

...Back to the story and all, the revealing of Solar Flare is going to be important later. Remeber back in chapter 1 when I said I do everything for a reason? That still applies here. I just hope I didn't steal anyone's OC. Sorry if I did.

Stay Awesome