• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,149 Views, 166 Comments

In Love and War - Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Soarin finally gets the chance to meet the pony of his dreams. But neither could expect what the future held...

  • ...

Chapter 2-Hidden Love

Chapter 2-Hidden Love

"You had a date with Soarin?!? Like the Wonderbolt Soarin! Did you kiss him? Did he taste like pie? You know how much I like pie, even though cupcakes are better, but not pumpkin flavored cupcakes, even though pumpkin pie is AMAZI--". Pinkie Pie was cut off by a sudden cyan hoof being shoved into her mouth.
"Pinkie Pie, it was not a date!" Rainbow Dash wore an annoyed expression as she listened to Pinkie Pie's ranting. "All we did was have a few drinks and hang out. You know I'm not into that mushy stuff."
"Sounds like a date to me Dash," Twilight chimed in out of nowhere, earning a glare from Rainbow Dash. "I wouldn't be denying it either. Not everyone gets the chance to go out with a Wonderbolt. I actually don't think anyone has for a long time. Maybe there is somewhere I could find that."
"Look, I am telling you, nothing happened. We talked over a few drinks. That's it. End of story."
"Well, you shot that down. Sorry, but I have to go. Princess Celestia sent me a new set of books that have been waiting to read of a long time."
"Yeah, yeah, I'll see ya around sometime egghead," Rainbow said playfully. Twilight rolled her eyes as she left Sugarcube Corner.
Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie, but the pony had already disappeared. With Twilight gone, Rainbow was left by herself. She found her thoughts drifting back to when he first offered to buy her a drink. 'Perhaps he does like me after all. Why else would he come out of the blue and hang out? And then there is our meeting next week. Am I really sure there is nothing between us going on?'
She continued to mentally interrogate herself, unable to convince herself that she was just friends with him.


"Soarin, wake up! Wake up!" Rainbow Dash was nearly inches from his face, her eyes wide with worry. "Soarin, wake up!" Rainbow's face began to shift and distort as she spoke. "You better get up right now, or I will bust you so low that even a flight school graduate will hold a higher rank than you!" At that comment, the distorted image of Rainbow Dash morphed into the furious face of Spitfire as he snapped out of his dream.
"We have one week until our show," Spitfire yelled at him. "One week! If I don't see you out on the training field in ten minutes, you better go ahead and leave before I get ahold of you!" She stormed out of the room, not caring to look back and see if Soarin was moving.
Soarin drowsily looked at the clock opposite of him. "9:30? Heh, no wonder she is mad."

"Hey, look who's up," Surprise smirked as Soarin flew out into the open training field. "What took ya so long Soarin? Did ya go back And have a late night rendezvous with Rainbow after we got here? A little tired from a long night?"
"What?!? No! What is wrong with you?"
"Ah, I am just messin' with ya Soarin. Or should I say, 'Snorin'?" Surprise burst out in a fit of laughter, falling to the ground. "It works so well! It's perfect!"
"Oh come on."
At this point Fleetfoot, who had been taking a break off to the side, chimed in. "I hate to say this, but I think the name is stuck."
"Geez, a pony sleeps in for once in his life and he lives with it forever."
"Yep!" Surprise said before bursting out in another fit of laughter at his new nickname.
A shout from Soarin pulled them out of their fun. "Attention!" he called out as Spitfire took the field, carrying saddlebags that appeared to be filled.
"Oh no not this again! I hate flying with weights!" Surprise moaned, slouching a little. The last time she had tried she ended up turning a little too sharp and swerved into Fire Streak, injuring both ponies.
"Wait, this week is focused on combat. Why would we be weight flying," Soarin whispered to Surprise. Their questions were soon answered when Spitfire dumped the bag on the ground, and hoof guards rolled out.
"Why do we need these," Fleetfoot asked, prodding at the one closest to her. "Armor training isn't until Friday, after the show."
"Well if you all would stop asking questions I might be able to explain," Spitfire said. "Do you all remember the Griffon-Pegasi war?" She was met with silence. "You know, where the griffons beat us time and time again because of their ability to use swords with their talons once they got past our spears? Well, Canterlot engineers have created a prototype hoofguard that now allows us to use swords as well." On cue, she flipped out her right hoof and from underneath came a clip. "These clips are big enough to hold swords appropriate for ponies, but small enough to flip into the hoofguard and cause no discomfort. Now, thanks to our elite ranks, we are the first unit to test out these and see how they work. So everyone gear up!"


The sun had set by the time the Wonderbolts had finished testing the prototype armor. Their nonexistent experience with the sword increased the difficulty of their time training. By the end, Soarin was drenched with sweat, his right foreleg hurting from his attempts at drawing and swinging his sword. "Ugh," Soarin groaned to Fleetfoot and Surprise. "I NEVER want to do that again."
"You said it," Fleetfoot replied, using her wings to fly inches above the floor so she did not have to walk. "I think that was harder than bucking Wonderbolt initiation."
"Well, I wouldn't go that far. But it was rather difficult."
"I think once we get used to swinging it around, the training will be easy. But that will be a while away. What do you think Surpri-?" Soarin turned to see the normally energetic pony spread-eagled on the floor, deep in sleep.
"That's the first time I have ever seen her so quiet," Fleetfoot said, the exhaustion easy to recognize in her voice. "Come on, let's get her out of here." Fleetfoot and Soarin flew over and each grabbed one of Surprise's forelegs in their mouth and half-dragged her back to her bunk.

"I don't know about you, but our decision to skip lunch is killing me," Soarin said after they had got Surprise in her bed. She was still deep asleep, despite the ride. "Hey, I'm going down to Ponyville to grab a pie, you wanna come?"
"Nah Soarin, I'm good. I am too tired to eat."
"Your loss." In reality, Soarin was glad that neither of his friends were going. He was really hoping to see Rainbow Dash at Ponyville, and maybe get a chance to talk to her. He slowly walked out of the door before flying off to the small town below.

Soarin sunk through every cloud that was in his way, allowing the cool moisture to relax the sore muscles in leg. He eventually went into a free-fall through the cloudy skies, allowing himself to be caught and slowly drift through each in return. The cool clouds were so relaxing that he closed his eyes and began to drift off into sleep. Just as he began to sleep, he smacked into another pony, dragging both into a rather large cloud.

"What the hay?!?" the pony cried out in the darkness that surrounded them. Soarin instantly knew who it was. That was just his luck.

"Uh, hi Rainbow," Soarin said in the darkness. A much more furious reply followed.
"Soarin! I swear I am going to kill you once I get out of here and find you!"
"Nice to meet you again also."
"Whatever. How the hay am I supposed to get out of here?
"Uh, there is this magic thing. It's called wings."
"Ha ha, real funny. Did you not notice that there is fog below this? If I go in the wrong way, I will hit the ground and break my neck! Didn't think about that, did you?"
"I was kinda, uh, asleep."
"What? How do you just fall asleep while flying?"
"Long story. Anyways, how are we going to get out of here?"
"Come this way"
Soarin turned to the way he thought was up, and rocketed forwards. It was not long before he broke through the surface of the clouds. Rainbow Dash was already waiting for him.
"How do you fall asleep while flying?"
"Well, it was more like a free fall through the clouds. Then I passed out."
"Well that means you owe me a drink. And some pie."
Soarin smiled at the proposition. If he got to spend more time with her, he was always up for it. "Alright, I guess I do."
"Come on, I know just the place."


"Sugarcube corner," announced Rainbow Dash as they neared they neared the odd structure. "My friend Pinkie Pie works here. I don't think you know her."
"No, what's she like?"
"Loud, talkative, incoherent, and a bit, well, bouncy.
"Hmm, seems like an interesting character."
"HI DASHIE!" The energetic pink pony seemed to come out of nowhere, already speaking in rapid-fire mode. "It is so nice to see you here; I am SO bored right now I could just bounce off the walls. Well actually I did, but that was just so I could say that I-Who is that? Is that Soarin? Are you guys going on a date? Do you have anything special in mind? How about some triple-chocolate cake? Oh, how about some pie? What flavor? Blueberry? Cherry? Or maybe-"
Pinkie Pie's nonstop talking was cut off by Rainbow Dash's hoof being stuck into her mouth. "Look, Soarin and I are just here to grab something to eat, ok? No need make a big fuss over it."
"Are you suurrreee?" Pinkie said, stretching her neck to a disproportional length so she was close to Rainbow Dash's face.
"Yes, I am sure," Rainbow said, pushing Pinkie's head away. "Now, two blueberry pies, please."
"Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie exclaimed before hopping to the back of the shop. Rainbow turned towards Soarin and rolled her eyes at Pinkie's behavior.
"Well, you did say that she was loud and incoherent," Soarin said with a slight smile. He walked over to a nearby table and turned back towards Dash, who had her attention focused on the returning pink pony. He sighed inwardly as he watched her get drawn into another unintelligible conversation with Pinkie. 'If only I could tell if she liked me back. It would make this a whole lot easier.'

Soarin had become so lost in thought that he didn't recognize that Rainbow had managed to escape Pinkie and approached him. Her voice cut into his thoughts. "Soarin. Soarin. Equestria to Soarin."
"Oh, sorry Rainbow Dash, I just got lost in thought."
"Eh, don't worry about it. It happens to all of us every once in a while. Anyways, you got lucky. Pinkie decided the pie is on the house, since she seems to still think we are on a date."
"Well, I wish she was right," he muttered under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Huh," Soarin said, suddenly realizing he had thought out loud. "What was what?"
"You said something."
"No I didn't. You must be going crazy."
"I am not! You said something. Now what was it?"
"I didn't say anything."
"Whatever. Here, eat your pie before it gets cold." She shoved his pie over to his side of the table. "You know, I can see how Pinkie could think we are dating. I mean, it's the middle of the night, and we come up and order pie with no one around. And-wait, how did you eat your pie that fast?"
"I am bloody starving! We skipped lunch to practice, so I gotta make up for it now!"
"I am surprised that you don't have enough food stored in your gut to last you a month!"
"Hey, I'm not fat! I just enjoy the fine aspects of life, especially food."
"ESPECIALLY food," Rainbow said with a smirk. "I am surprised you can even fly with how much you eat!"
"Oh, you wanna race, do ya?"
"Well, I am only the fastest flier in Equestria. It would only be fitting if I beat a Wonderbolt before doing my entry exam."
"You're on."


"Alright, I got the course set up," Rainbow said, putting the last cloud into position. "No pushing, wrecking, or any other cheating, you got that?"
"What, you think I would do that?"
"Once you start to lose to me you will. Now, on your mark, get set, GO!"
Both Pegasi shot from the starting point, keeping neck and neck as they pulled around the first turn. Both increased their speed, until the wind was burning their eyes and forcing their checks backwards. But no matter how much Soarin tried, he could not get past Rainbow Dash. She glanced back at him and gave him a wink combined with a mischievous smile, and suddenly shot ahead past the finish line.
"Haha," Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "I did it! I knew I would win! I just beat a Wonderbolt! Ha ha!"
Soarin collapsed onto a cloud. This impromptu race combined with the training from earlier and a full stomach did not mix.
Rainbow Dash approached where he was lying down, and held out a hoof close to his face. "Excuse me Mr. Wonderbolt," she said, deepening her voice to act like a reporter. "How does it feel to lose to not only the coolest pony in Equestria, but also the now-confirmed fastest and best flyer?"
"Ha ha," Soarin replied in a sarcastic tone, shoving her hoof away. "Very funny. One race doesn't mean anything."
Rainbow Dash put back on her mischievous grin. "Oh, but it does," she said, before kicking the cloud that was under him into nonexistence.
"Hey!" Soarin exclaimed as the cloud supporting all his weight disappeared. He fell a short distance and landed onto another with a muffled 'poof' sound. Rainbow flew down and landed beside him, falling onto her back within a wing's length of him. Soarin immediately noticed this, and had to fight back the urge to wrap his wing around her. Half of his mind was yelling at him to go ahead, but the other was warning him to take it easy. 'Look Soarin, you gotta tell her sometime. Now is the best chance you'll get. Go ahead, what do you got to lose.' Soarin mentally argued with himself for a few minutes, before coming to a decision.
Soarin turned towards Rainbow Dash, about to finally tell her how he felt. But she was already asleep, her chest rising and falling slowly, her face turned towards his. He looked at her for a minute, admiring how beautiful she actually was, before slowly scooping her up in his forelegs and flying slowly to her house. Soarin opened the door and, after placing her on the couch while he searched for it, carried her to her bedroom. As gently as possible, Soarin placed Rainbow Dash onto her cloud bed and brought the sheets up over her. He took one last look at her, the mare of his dreams, lying asleep on her bed. He stared wistfully for a minute, before heading off to the Wonderbolts HQ. Soarin knew he was going to feel terrible tomorrow, but it was worth it.

Author's Note:

Alright, Chapter 2 is up! Again, any comments, constructive criticisms, suggestions welcome.
Now before you say anything, all content in my story is relative to some event, future or now. Remember, I said i got this planned out

Hopefully chapter 3 will be up next week, I am proofreading and tweaking it still while trying to wrap up chapter 4 rough draft.