• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,149 Views, 166 Comments

In Love and War - Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Soarin finally gets the chance to meet the pony of his dreams. But neither could expect what the future held...

  • ...

Chapter 7-When You're Gone

"You-you're being deployed," Rainbow Dash said, the tears now welling up in her eyes, threatening to burst forth. "You-you have to go fi-"
"Don't worry Dash, I'll be fine," Soarin said, cutting off the sentence he knew was coming. "I'll be fine. Just think, I am part of the best unit in Equestria." Soarin put his hoof underneath her chin and lifted her head, making eye contact, looking deep into her magenta eyes. "Hey, it'll be ok". Soarin moved forward and embraced her, holding it for a second before pulling back and slowly pressing his muzzle to hers. They held the kiss for a few moments, before Rainbow pulled back. "Promise me you will come back. Promise me." Tears rolled down her face as she stared into Soarin's emerald eyes.
"Don't worry Dashie, it'll be ok." She buried her face into his chest as he held her tight, stroking her back while continuing to reassure her that everything was going to be fine.

Dashie. That was the first time he had ever called her that. It had always been "Dash" or her full name. Never the nickname that Pinkie gave her. That only made the stream of tears running down her face flow more, as she realized that he was not promising he could be safe. He was leaving, and there was no guarantee he was coming back. The shadow in the back of her mind grew, providing her imagination with scenarios of his death over and over. She gripped him even tighter, not wanting to risk losing him to the macabre thoughts running through her head.

They continued to hold each other close for several more minutes, neither wanting to break apart and face the inevitable. "Dash, I have to go. But I'll be back. I'll be back." Soarin pulled away, looking back at Dash one more time before taking off towards the Wonderbolts HQ.


The Headquarters was a frenzy of activity, as everypony checked and re-checked their armor and gear. Soarin landed among the chaos, and was immediately greeted by Spitfire.
"Get your gear NOW!" She shouted over the din, "We gotta go today!"
"Today? When today?"
"Eight. Now get your damn gear!"
Soarin dashed over to his locker on the edge of the courtyard. He all but ripped the door off and threw his armor in the bag beside the locker. He had to see Dash before he left. He said he was going to come back and he sure as hell wasn't going to promise her something and then break it. Soarin grabbed the bag in between his teeth and moved for the exit. Almost immediately Spitfire landed in front of him, blocking his access.
"Soarin! Where the hay do you think you're going? We gotta be ready to go!"
"Ma'am, I have to see her. I promised. And I've already got everything ready! You can check."
Spitfire looked him over before waving her hoof beside her. "Go ahead," she said, her voice a little softer, "Just be back in time, alright? And leave your stuff. I'll take care of it"
"Yes ma'am. Thank you."
"Get outta here."
Soarin flew over the heads of his comrades and shot through the gate. He had only a few hours left to spare, and he was going to make sure to spend every second with the mare he loved.


Rainbow Dash sat alone in her house, staring at the picture she had of her and Soarin. That had been at Pinkie's party. Everything seemed so simple then. There was no war, no changelings, just her and Soarin. A single tear ran down her face, leaving another mark alongside the tear stains that had not yet fully dried. Her imagination played out yet another scenario, another false death. Rainbow Dash felt more tears well up in her eyes, just before the sounds of a pony landing outside reached her ears.

"Dash? Dash, I'm back," Soarin called out. He took one step into her house and was immediately enveloped by her hooves.
"I can't do this Soarin. I can't do it. Please don't leave. Please."
"Dash, you know that I would stay if I could." He pulled her against his chest, stroking her mane with one hoof. Soarin hated to see her like this, her cocky and adventurous personality enveloped by worry. He held her close for a few more minutes, letting her bury her muzzle into his fur. Soarin waited until the tears stopped running down her face before pulling back a few inches.
"You okay Dash?"
"Y-yeah," she sniffled. "I'm good. I-I think."
"Hey, everything will be alright. I've been through scraps before without a single scratch. This won't be any different. And don't worry, I'll write as much as I can. Alright?"
"Yeah, t-that's good. When do you have to go?"
"Eight. Tonight."


Rainbow Dash flew silently alongside Soarin as they approached the train station. She felt like there was a ton of bricks in her stomach. A million thoughts raced through her mind. What would she do, with him being gone? Of course, he had been near Canterlot for a long time, but that was different. He could die on some unknown battlefield. Dash tried to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't start crying again. Everything was going to be fine. Just like Soarin said it would be.

Rainbow Dash was still lost in her thoughts by the time they got to the train station. They were greeted by an armored monstrosity, completely different from the trains that he had ever seen. Giant metal cars gleamed in the sunlight, with small slots serving as windows. On the roof, unicorns dressed in armor stood in encasements, looking out for any threats. Ponies clad in golden armor were already beginning to load into the first cars.
"Well, we're here," Soarin said, a hint of resignation on his voice. "Let's go."
They both glided down towards the station. Rainbow Dash felt the weight of his departure pressing down on her. She had to let him go, but that was not in her nature.

Soarin landed behind the crowd of soldiers, Rainbow Dash following suit. Dash could barely keep the ride of emotions threatening to overwhelm her bottled up inside.
"I guess this is it," Soarin said, glancing towards the train. He put his hoof on her shoulder, and looked deep into her magenta eyes. "Goodb-"
"Don't," Dash said, the faintest glimpse of tears forming at the edge of her eyes. "Don't say goodbye. I hate goodbyes." She leaned forward and kissed him slowly, passionately, her hooves wrapped around his body. They held their warm embrace, engulfed entirely with their love.

The massive roar of the iron train's horn brought them back to cold reality. Soarin broke the kiss, pulling out of the embrace and moving ever so slowly towards the train. He gave Rainbow Dash one last longing look, before turning his back and boarding the train.

Dash couldn't hold in her emotions anymore. Tears streamed down her face, her breathing escalating to rapid shallow gasps. She launched into the sky, fleeing to the solace of her cloud house.


Soarin started out of the train's window, his newly-donned helmet rattling against the glass. He couldn't help thinking of Rainbow Dash. He had never seen her in such an emotional state.
Soarin was brought out of his maze of thoughts by a soft touch of a hoof on his shoulder. "Hey Soar, you gonna be alright?" Fleetfoot asked.
"Yeah, I'm not the one to be worried about."
"Oh," she said, sitting down in the seat beside him. "I think she'll be alright. She's a tough pony."
"It's just that I've never seen Dash like that before. She is usually able to keep her cool no matter the situation."
"Soarin, she loves you with all her heart. And now were getting sent to Celestia-knows-where to fight. She has probably never had this happen before. She is afraid of losing you."
"I just feel like I should do something."
"Write a letter when we get there. It's the best you can do."
Soarin looked up at Fleetfoot, a weak smile on his face. "Thanks Fleet. I needed to hear that."
"That's what friends are for." Fleetfoot got up, and turned back to Soarin. "Hey! What am I doing here? I could be a bucking psychologist!"
Soarin chuckled, before turning back to the window. He cleared his mind, not wanting to dwell on the past, but still not wanting to worry about the future. He just watched the forests and grass covered hills of Equestria roll away, before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.


The sound of an explosion shook Soarin awake. Then another came. And another. Then he heard the squeal of the brakes and felt the train start to slow. Soarin glanced out the window to see the high walls of a fortress just hoof steps away from the train. The front door opened and a mud-covered earth pony in full armor smashed in.
"Come on you lot!" he said, with a hint of Canterlot accent in his voice. "You lads came at the right time. Now get your bloody arses moving!"
As one, the soldiers in the train stood up, grabbed their gear, and made for the exits. The mud-covered pony had already left the train. Soarin followed the clogged aisle of ponies out of the exit to his temporary home.

The first sight Soarin was greeted by was a green fireball tearing through the battlements of the fortress, sending flaming figures flying off the wall. He dared to look around. Everywhere, green fire fell from the sky. Other colored fireballs shot back towards the distance, where he could just pick out green lights and the silhouettes of tents. A deafening sound of and explosion and tearing metal came opposite of the duel. Soarin turned and saw with dismay that one of the cars had been directly hit. Moving torches showed that the car had been unable to unload in time. He turned his eyes, unable to look at the scene any longer. Soarin ran through the open gate ahead of him, trying to find some refuge from the magical barrage.

-------------------------------------------------------One Week Later--------------------------------------------------------------

"Ah just can't take it anymore!" Applejack exclaimed as she paced around the library. "RD has been up in her house all week! We gotta do somethin'!"
"I don't know Applejack," replied Fluttershy, "She might need some space. After all, she has all rights to worry."
"Ah know, but she can't just mope around in her home!"
"Maybe we could throw a party! Parties always make me feel better if I'm sad!" Pinkie Pie suggested.
"I don't think so Pinkie," Twilight replied, "That might not be the best idea for this time."
"Perhaps we could take her to her favorite restaurant," Fluttershy suggested. "Food with friends is always a good remedy for depression."
"That is a magnificent plan!" Rarity shouted. "We will take her to Ponyville's finest restaurant. And I shall pay for our dear friend Rainbow Dash. It's the least I can do."
"Alright," Applejack said. "We will meet for dinner tomorrow night."
"Uh, I won't be able to make it tomorrow," Fluttershy whispered. "One of my animals is sick, and he really needs my help."
"That's fine. How 'bout the rest of ya?"
All the others murmured their consent.
"Then it's settled. Tomorrow, at seven, be at tha Ponyville Cafe!"

Rainbow Dash looked at the picture of Soarin yet again. Try as she might, she could not get him out of her head. At least she knew where he was. Hooffall. Dash had found a map of Equestria just to know his exact location. Dash lay out on her bed, fighting the overwhelming fear for Soarin rising from the back of her mind.
Suddenly, three sharp knocks pounded against her front door.
"Dash!" Applejack's voice called out. "Rainbow Dash! Are ya in there?"
"What do you want?" she shouted back.
Dash heard her door open, followed by the soft sounds of hoofsteps supported by magic. She buried her face in her pillow, not wanting to talk to anypony.
"Hey Dash, we're all goin' to the Ponyville Cafe. Ya wanna come?"
Rainbow Dash muttered something unintelligible, her words smothered by her pillow.
"What was that?" Applejack asked.
Dash turned her head to the side just enough so her mouth wasn't in the pillow. "I said, I'm really not hungry. I just want to sleep."
Applejack looked Dash over. She seemed to have lost a good deal of weight since Soarin had left. AJ reckoned that she had barely eaten all week.
"RD, ya need ta get outta here and get some fresh air. It'd be good for ya."
Dash lifted up a hoof and swung open the window beside her bed, not looking up from her position.
"Ha ha, real funny RD. Now come on, ya need ta be with your friends some. Lighten ya mood a little."
"If I go, will you stop bugging me?"
"Yep. Just gotta go this once."
"Fine. When are you guys going?"
"In about an hour or two."
"Ok. See ya then." Rainbow stuffed her face back into her pillow, waiting for Applejack to leave. But there was no sound of her walking off. Dash opened one eye and saw Applejack still by the door.
"Ahm just makin' sure ya don't sleep through it."
"So you're just going to stand there and watch me? That's a bit creepy."
"Jus' give me a Pinkie promise."
"Ok. Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye. You happy now?"
"Yep. Ah will see ya there!"
"Yeah, yeah."
Applejack trotted away from Dash's bedroom towards the door, happy about getting the cyan pony to get out of her cloud house. Nothing could go wrong now...


Soarin trotted behind Spitfire over to the command center, moved to an underground shelter to protect it from the bombardment. He ducked under the low-lying log and was immediately in the command room. Maps marked with gold and black flags covered tables. Ponies marked out enemy positions and made battle plans. And in the middle of it all stood a legend amongst ponies. Commander Shadowsword, a head taller than the other ponies, coal black fur blending almost perfectly with his black iron armor. Everything about him commanded respect.
"Wonderbolts," he said, his deep voice carrying over the commotion of the command room. "I called you here to discuss our battle plan. Seeing how you are among the highest ranking pegasi, you are going to be essential to our next move."
"Sir," Spitfire said, "what exactly is our next move?"
"The time has come for a counter-attack. Each Wonderbolt will be assigned a group of 10 pegasi to lead. Your objective is the enemy mages. No doubt you've seen the devastation they've done so far. When we attack, they are your primary targets. Supporting pegasi groups will take out any fliers. Any questions?"
"No sir," Spitfire and Soarin both said in unison.
"Go tell the rest of the Wonderbolts. Our success rests upon your elimination of the enemy mages."

Soarin stepped back into the light. His mind was already formulating plans and counter-plans for the battle ahead.
"Soar, go ahead and gather up the rest of our lot. I'll tell them all at once."
"Yes ma'am." Soarin replied before running off to where the Wonderbolts were living, half his thoughts still on the fight.


Applejack and Pinkie both struggled to hold Rainbow Dash back. The table where they were sitting lay overturned on the ground, food and drink thrown aside.
"SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME!" Dash shouted at a trio of stallions a few feet away. "SAY IT ONE MORE TIME! I DARE YOU!"
"Whoa there Dash!" Applejack exclaimed. "Ain't no need ya pay attention to them. We know ya ain't a filly-fooler." She wished either of the unicorns had been able to make it, but Rarity had gotten a massive order due in two days, and Twilight had to do some research for Princess Celestia that couldn't wait."
"Yeah, don't listen to those jerks!" Pinkie Pie replied.
"Hey look, her fillyfriends are holding her back. How sweet," the nearest one said, turning to smack the hooves of the other two stallions.

Dash dropped all her weight to the ground, escaping the hold of her friends. She leaped over the overturned table, delivering a mid-air kick to the back of the first stallion's head, who lurched forward. She spun in midair, using her hind leg to deliver a blow just under the jawline of the second colt. Her strike was rewarded with a sharp crunch as his jawbone snapped. She grabbed the third, who was still trying to grasp the situation, and flipped him over her shoulder, breaking the table he landed on. Rainbow Dash delivered a final stomp on his gut before she was able to be caught by her friends once again.
"Buck this," Rainbow Dash said. She shoved off her friend's grips before flying out of the open door.

"Well, ah reckon that wasn't such a good idea after all," Applejack said to Pinkie.
"The idea was fine, but some ponies just don't have any manners," Pinkie said, glancing at the fallen stallions.
"Ya got that right. Let's go tell Twi, she'll work up somethin' or another."


"Rainbow Dash did WHAT?!?" Twilight exclaimed.
"They had it comin'. And we tried ta stop her."
"This isn't like Dash. She never lets petty insults get to her."
"Hehe, except from Gabby Gums," Pinkie said, but she was silenced by Twilight's stare.
"Hey Twi, do ya got anything ta let her even see Soarin? Ya know she is worried sick over him, with tha war an' all."
"I'll have to check. But in the meantime, keep an eye on her. We don't want her to do anything too consequential."

Book after book of spells flew off the shelves of Twilight's library, flying past her face to land in neatly organized piles on the floor.
"Telepathy, telepathy, telepathy. Where's tele-Ah ha! Telepathy! Now I just need to find an observation spell.

Rainbow Dash sat in her bed, looking through the few pictures of her and Soarin. Each provided a vivid recollection. Her and Soarin dancing at the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Pinkie Pie's party, where her pink friend announced to pretty much all of Ponyville that Soarin and her were together. Rainbow Dash laughed a little, remembering how shocked they both were. Those days seemed so far away, and life seemed so much simpler. Dash glanced at the map of Equestria she had put on her wall. A blue tack was pinned on the western side. She had managed to find out where he had been deployed. At least she knew where he was.

A resounding thud came from Dash's door as it was swung wide open.
"Dash!" Twilight Sparkle called out. "Rainbow Dash! Come quick!"
Dash shot down her stairs into the living room, worried that something might be wrong. Or worse, that changelings had made it near Ponyville.
"What is it Twilight? Is everything alright?"
"I-I found...found an obs-observation spell," Twilight said, trying to regain her breath.
"A what?"
"An observation spell. It used telepathic relays to allow you to see anything in real time."
"Once more. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at."
Twilight facehoofed herself, before continuing. "It lets you see anything from a great distance."
"So, you mean I could..."
"Exactly. And that's why I'm here. You won't be able to talk to him, but at least you can see and hear him."
Dash's face lit up at the proposal. She would actually be able to see him again. "Come on, let's go!"
Twilight flipped open the spell book she had floating behind her, the pages flipping past rapidly. Eventually, she stopped at the image of a magical image showing a pony. "Alright, here we go." Her horn lit up a light purple, and she immediately felt that this spell was tougher than it looked. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut, focusing more power into the spell. At last, an image surrounded in a purple haze appeared in the room. It showed the whole of Equestria at first. Then, it began to zoom in, closer and closer towards the Changeling-Equestrian border. It continued to come closer, going through the upper layer of clouds. It suddenly got to clear sky, and settled above a group of armored pegasi on top of clouds. Rainbow Dash peered closer, picking out Soarin's navy blue mane and tail. She nearly jumped for joy, but that joy turned to horror as she saw what happened next.


It always was quiet at higher altitudes. Almost no noise from the ground reached the lower level clouds. Had it not been for the scene below, he could have easily put the war off his mind. A sea of black was moving steadily towards a smaller-sized mass of gold. Soarin glanced to the other pegasi on the cloud around him. Somewhere in their number was Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Surprise, Wave Chill, and the rest of the Wonderbolts, each leading their own group of pegasi. He turned back towards the field below just as the battle began. The first purple bolt arced across the ground, before hitting the front of the changeling army. Small purple flashes erupted along the first ranks. More bolts shot towards the mass, each differing in color and result. An orange streak hit a forward group and turned them into flaming beacons within the mass. Then he saw it. The first green fireball streaked across the changeling lines, impacting in the midst of the Equestrian forces. Small glints of gold flew as it exploded. More fireballs came, dueling with the unicorns. Soarin turned back to his group and nodded. They, along with the other pegasi, pushed off their clouds and dove straight towards the locations of the changeling mages. The battlefield grew closer, with a sharp increase in noise as the front of both armies smashed against each other. He could pick out individuals now, sunlight glinting off the coal-black armor. Just then, the pegasus to his left erupted in flame, smoke streaking as he plummeted towards the earth. Green puffs of fire erupted towards the descending pegasi, occasional hits sending another pony down in flames. Soarin picked out one of the mages and readied his spear. Just as a large fireball was launched by the changeling, Soarin's spear hit home. It was jerked from his hooves as the changeling was impaled on the ground. He pulled up, flipping out his hoofguard and unsheathing his sword. Soarin looked back, seeing other pegasi strike their targets with the same result, while yet others were shot down. As the last few finished their strike, a low buzzing began to emerge from the changeling force. One after the other, changelings began to ascend, pursuing the regrouping Equestrian forces. Soarin and the other pegasi turned around, and charged straight towards the oncoming horde.

Shadowsword looked up from the combat at the sky. All along the sky, pegasi and changelings were engaging in aerial duels, the losers plunging to the ground. A green fireball exploded to his right. The reduction in fire had been nice, but there were still mages out there. The pegasi needed to get unengaged.

Soarin pulled his sword out of the chest of the changeling, letting his foe drop. He kicked another with his hind legs, before lunging forward and cutting down the changeling's wing. It fell screaming to the combat still raging below. He glanced around at the chaos raging around him. An occasional pegasus would manage to take a run at the mages, but other than that nothing was getting accomplished. A sharp pain in his flank pulled him back to the combat before him. He swirled around and brought his sword down on the bare head of another changeling. Blood trickled down his leg, a dull pain seeping from his wound. He ducked under the spear of another, first wrapping his arm around the spear shaft and shattering it with a sword blow before punching his sword through the weaker stomach armor of his opponent. Soarin turned back to the ground, picked out a mage, and dove towards his target. Reaching out with his forehoof, he brought his sword across the mage, its blood spurting across his chest. Soarin pulled away, going at almost a vertical climb to gain altitude. He flapped his wings until they began to feel like they were burning, before turning back for another pass. He dove at nearly the same angle, rapidly gaining speed. All he saw was a flash of green, then he was falling.


"SOARIN!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Tears were streaming down her face as the battle unfolded on the projection before her. She ripped away from the magic projection and sprinted towards the window. Dash put her left shoulder forward and tucked her head, and smashed through the glass of the library window. Shards of glass sliced jagged cuts in her skin, but she didn't even notice them. Dash shot into the sky, tears streaming from her eyes. She had to get to Hooffall. She had to save Soarin. She was so blinded by worry that she didn't notice the faint purple aura around her, or the land below her go by faster and faster.

Twilight stared at the dissipating rainbow trail arcing into the horizon. She put down her spell book, her horn still glowing with magic. She didn't know what her friend was going through, but she decided to help her by any means. The only thing she could think of was a speed spell, propelling Dash towards the front lines.

Soarin flapped his broken wing, biting back cries of pain with each movement. He had managed to slow down from the rapid speed he had plunged earlier, but the ground was approaching too fast. 'This is it,' he thought, 'This is how it ends.' Then, with a dull thud, Soarin smashed into the packed dirt, his vision instantly going black.

One solid scream, distant and faint, filled his mind. Slowly, it grew in volume. More screams joined it, an unholy cacophony filling his mind. He could do nothing but listen to the overwhelming noise penetrating his mind. Suddenly, all the noise was gone. Then came a thud of a hoof. Then another. A light shine in the distance. It grew larger, rushing at him. He tried to run, but found his legs unwilling to move. A sudden pain wracked his body as the light engulfed him.

Soarin opened his eyes, his cheek resting on the bloodstained dirt. His entire body was screaming out in pain. Around him were his pegasi, protecting their fallen leader. Soarin pulled himself up, weakly standing on three legs, the fourth bleeding and broken. He teetered, before being caught by Surprise.
"Come on Soarin," she said, "You're good."
"Sur-Surprise..."Soarin choked out. He could barely breathe, each shallow intake of air causing sharp pain. "Wh-what are you-"
"Shh, come on, we gotta-". She was cut off as a puff if red mist shot from her chest and she shot backwards. It was then he saw them. There they were, five of them, coming out of the dust. Five massive armored forms, each a hoof taller than he was, each fully covered in armor. He watched in horror as one swatted aside a pony with its hoof before using its magic to make the pony erupt into a fireball in midair. Fear clouded his mind as one of the behemoths turned towards him. Soarin scrambled across the ground, hindered by his broken leg. He reached out, grabbing a shattered spear from a fallen changeling. Soarin flipped over, the monstrosity now only a few hoof steps away.
It reared up on its hind legs, before bringing its armored hoofs crashing to the ground. Soarin rolled to the side, just in time to avoid the thunderous impact. Again, it reared. Soarin tried to roll, but his armor was caught on a spear shaft. The armored changeling's hoof crashed down on Soarin's golden chest plate.

He felt the bones break as his armor caved in. The Changeling pushed harder, driving his chest plate into his chest. Blood began to trickle as his armor tore and punctured his skin. Soarin half-consciously grabbed the broken spear, and drove it up under the armor above the changeling's hoof. It withdrew the pressure as the spear tore through its leg through the knee. Soarin mustered every iota of strength he had left, grabbed a fallen sword and lunged with all his might. He felt a wall of magus smash into his side, but not before he was able to stab the sword into the eye socket of the changeling.

He tumbled across the ground, the magic blow sending him flying. His already-broken wing was now torn shreds. At last he came to a stop, lying against a changeling war-machine. Pain clouded his mind, black creeping along the edges of his vision. The thumps of another armored form grew closer, one after the other. They became an omnipresent sound, in his mind, drowning out the sounds of metal on metal and shrieks of pain. And the darkness was growing, encroaching on his consciousness. Soarin collapsed, unable to stay awake, the pain of his shattered body overwhelming him. As his vision faded, he saw her. There she was, amidst the dust and smoke, her rainbow mane waving in the wind. She began to fade, his failing consciousness allowing him to see the mare he loved one last time.
"I-I'm sorry Dash," Soarin coughed, "I'm s-so sorry". The growing darkness took him, drowning out the battle around him.

Author's Note:

Finally! Its up! Again, sorry for missing the Thanksgiving timetable, but two days after isn't bad, right?

You know the drill-pointing errors out and comments welcome.

Before anyone says anything, do not expect a December update unless I can find time and motivation. 3 AP classes are starting to load down work. And, I need to find out where this is going to go. I had all the way up to this chapter planned in August, but not past that. So, it may be a little bit.

Stay Awesome