• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,149 Views, 166 Comments

In Love and War - Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Soarin finally gets the chance to meet the pony of his dreams. But neither could expect what the future held...

  • ...

Chapter 9-No Rest For the Weary

The rapid clop of Spitfire's hooves on the tile floor echoed down the empty hallways. She sprinted down aisle after aisle, sliding around corners, never relenting her breakneck speed. News traveled fast, and it had only taken minutes between the death of Soarin and word to reach her ears. Spitfire halted abruptly in front of the door that led to his room, skidding to a stop. A trail of red droplets trailed down the hall, turning off at another corner. She slowly opened the door, eyes following the blood further into the room. The splatters increased, culminating into a pool below Soarin's empty bed.
"Where is he?" Spitfire asked the empty room. "Where is he? What have they done with him?!? WHERE IS HE, CELESTIA DAMMIT?!?" Spitfire's emotions boiled over, rage and grief mingling together. She flipped over the blood stained bed, crimson-tainted sheets draped across the floor. In her grief Spitfire struck out against everything in the room, punching through the wooden cabinets along the wall, pounding her hooves on the stone walls. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the blood of her lieutenant, her wingpony, her best friend. Spitfire slumped against the wall, her energy spent, alone in her sorrow.

Rainbow Dash paced frantically outside the operating room. Her eyes were red and swollen, and tear stains still marked her face. The nurse' words still echoed in her mind. 'He's got a chance. Not much, but there is still hope for him yet. Just don't give up on him.'
Try as she might, Dash still felt the small presence in the back of her mind, telling her that Soarin was already gone, that the doctors would fail. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts for a split second, before the voice was back, stronger than before.
Minutes felt like hours as the medical ponies tended to Soarin. At last, one of the doctors, a blue unicorn, pushed open the door to the operating room. His surgical apron was spattered with fresh blood, while his eyes showed only weariness.
"Is he okay?" Dash asked nervously, still afraid of knowing what the answer could be. "Is Soarin okay?"
The doctor flopped into a chair, a light blue aura surrounding his mask as it floated in the air. "Can't say I'm sure. We did what we could-but I'm still worried. Soarin's stable for now, but I don't know how long he will stay that way."
"So-so he's going to live, right?"
"I'm going to be honest with you. There are no guarantees than he will make it out of here alive. Whatever he fought, it did a lot of internal damage. It's a miracle he made it off the battlefield alive, let alone through this."
"He's going to make it. I know he will."
The doctor looked her in the eyes, his mouth forming into a grin frown. "Don't get your hopes up." He pushed himself out of the chair, walking off into the hospital, leaving Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts.


"So, after all that, you managed to pull through. Good job Wonderbolt." Solar Flare paced around a battered and bloody Soarin slowly, grinning menacingly. A stave levitated behind him, splotches of red scattered across its surface.
"I'm-I'm stronger than I look, traitor." Soarin clipped his sword into his hoofguard again, pulling his head up to look at Solar Flare again.
"Oh, I'm not the traitor. They left me to die. I owe them nothing." Solar Flare swung his stave at Soarin, each strike in quick succession.
Soarin parried the first, the force of the blow sending his sword-leg askew. The next smashed into his gut, making Soarin double-over from pain. Another smacked across his back, knocking him to the ground. The last was brought as an uppercut, catching Soarin under his chin and sending him sprawling across the dirt on his back, a thin stream of blood arcing through the air behind him.
"You can't win, Wonderbolt. I am stronger than you will ever be."
Soarin rolled back onto his forelegs, propping himself up slightly. "I-I don't fear you. Do....your....worst."
Solar Flare cocked his head to the side just the slightest. Never before had his prey challenged him like Soarin did. A sudden epiphany struck him as he stared down in his defeated foe. The Wonderbolt was no longer afraid. Nothing Solar Flare did would break him.
"Oh, you'd love for me to, wouldn't you Wonderbolt?" Solar Flare hissed. "I see you have finally conquered your terror of the night."
"Glad...glad to see you fin-finally realized that. How...how about you leave my dreams, be-before I kill you?"
"An interesting proposal, indeed. However, I no longer have need of you. You have fought well-killing you would be such a waste. I don't think your death is needed. Now that you gave me what I need, I have more important matters to attend to." Solar Flare turned away from the bleeding pegasi, walking into the enveloping darkness.


The metallic pounding of Solar Flare's armored hoofs echoed down the empty candlelit halls. Eerie shadows flickered on the doors, changing with the movement of the green flames. Solar Flare stopped in front of an ostentatiously decorated door, the vivid red and greens painted in a mockery of the crest of the Equestrian Air Guard. He took just the slightest pause, before pushing open the door.

A navy blue pegasi sat bowed over a table, poring over maps of the front lines. His mane, black with a navy stripe through the middle, lay neatly blown back, as if the pony had been flying. The pegasi muttered to himself, suggesting troop deployments and offensive actions to himself, unaware of Solar Flare behind him.
Solar Flare stood patiently in the doorway, waiting for his subject to recognize his presence. After a few minutes of idleness, he lost his patience, slamming the door shut, making the pegasi leap from his chair.
"What the hell?!?" The pegasi shouted as he nearly hit the ceiling. "What do you-oh, sorry my lord."
"Wingstream. I have need of you and your squadron."
"What's my objective?"
"Not this time. I need my ace flyer here, to guard against attacks. All I need is your best flyers."


Rainbow Dash waited in the same room for hours, awaiting clearance to see Soarin. She was desperate to see him again, half of her mind wanting to barge in anyways and see to him herself. But the more reasonable side of her conscience kept her at bay, repeatedly reminding herself that he needed to rest after his emergency operation. Rainbow Dash slunk down into a chair, a dull pain rising in her head. All of the hectic events in the last few hours started to get to her, now that everything had calmed down.

After what seemed like an eternity, a nurse left Soarin's room, giving Dash a slight nod. Rainbow Dash bolted forwards, but was stopped by the nurse's hoof.
"If he is asleep, let him stay asleep. He needs rest. You have thirty minutes."
"What? Only thirty min-but Soarin is my coltfriend, for Celestia's sake! He almost died on me twice! How can you expect-"
"Thirty minutes. That's final." The nurse turned away, no allowing Rainbow Dash to press the issue any further.
"Bitch," Dash muttered once the nurse was out of earshot. She cast a final glare in the direction the nurse had went, before entering Soarin's recovery room.

Rainbow Dash walked up beside his bed, looking at the heavily-bandaged frame of Soarin. Despite his wounds, he seemed almost peaceful as he slept, the slow rise and fall of his chest the only way to tell that he was alive. She wished so much that she could just bury her face into his fur, and wake up at her house, the past events all a nightmare.
"Oh Soarin, why is this have to happen?" Dash grabbed his hoof in her own, squeezing it tightly. "Why couldn't we have had a normal life like everypony else?" Rainbow Dash laid her head beside his, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Get better for me Soar. Please get better." Dash spent the rest of her time snuggled up as close to Soarin as she possibly could, hoping with all her strength that he could feel her somehow.

The nurse entered the room with a soft knock, all too soon for Rainbow Dash. With a soft kiss, Dash parted with the unconscious form of her lover, still uncertain of his future.


Soarin blinked drowsily as bright sunlight shone on his eyes. He immediately noticed the room around him was different from his recovery room on the hospital. 'What the hay? Where am I?' He questioned as he looked around the room, squinting. 'More importantly, is this another bucking dream?' He glanced around for any signs of Solar Flare, or any other sign that would show that this world was just another figment of his unconscious mind. The room seemed real enough, none of the dark shadows that normally flickered around his recent dreams. Soarin propped himself up on his forelegs, trying to get a better idea of where he was. Just then a female earth pony walked in, carrying a tray holding bandages and medicine. Her eyes widened as she saw the Wonderbolt sitting upright, and fully conscious. The tray dropped with a clatter, and the nurse bolted out of the room, he door swinging shut behind her.
"Well, that's new," Soarin muttered to himself, unsure of what the cause of the nurse's shock was. Within seconds, multiple ponies from the medical staff burst into the room, each talking amongst themselves. Soarin tried to sort out what was going on amidst the commotion, but his attempt was to no avail.
"Hey!" He shouted above the clamor, getting the attention of the other ponies. "What is going on?"
"Well," said one, obviously a doctor, "You sort of, uh, died on us."
"We had to revive you-you began to bleed from wounds we thought we had closed, and by the tim-"
"Where is Dash?!? Does she know I'm fine? Is she alright?"
One of the doctors ran out of the door, undoubtedly to inform the rest of the Wonderbolts. The remainder still hovered in the room, discussing Soarin's sudden recovery. The commotion was only increased by the entry of Soarin's closest friends from the Wonderbolts
"Soarin, you're alright!," Spitfire exclaimed.
"Sweet Celestia, you're okay!" Fleetfoot shouted as she embraced Soarin. Several others came up, each laughing with tears of joy streaming from their eyes. Together they celebrated the recovery of one of their own, swapping stories and telling jokes. As the last of the crowd of ponies dissipated, Soarin caught a slight glimpse of rainbow mane just outside the door. He shifted slightly, and locked eyes with Rainbow Dash. Tears streamed down her cheeks, an unreadable expression on her face.

She covered the space between them in less than a second, lips locking with Soarin's. Cyan hooves wrapped around his head, pulling him closer in their passionate embrace. Soarin's back bumped against the wall, Rainbow Dash pushing herself towards him, not wanting to break their tenacious contact. All of the fear, anxiety, and worry that Dash had felt in the previous week evaporated, her love finally safe.

She pulled away ever so slowly, looking deep into Soarin's emerald eyes. She mentally fumbled for something to say, but all that she managed was a soft "Hey Soar."
"Hey Dashie," he said, equally as soft. He pulled her in for another kiss, equally as passionate as the first. He held it as long as he could, unwilling to pull away. Rainbow Dash broke the kiss, looking once more into Soarin's eyes. She slipped onto the bed, wrapping her forehooves around his chest, pulling herself as close as she could to him. Dash laid her head down on his shoulder, careful to not touch any wounds. Her magenta eyes peered up at him from behind her rainbow mane, weariness and love equally present.
"I...I was so worried about you. Things were going so bad...I thought I would lose you. You...you...you-"
"Ssh Dash, I know," Soarin whispered, gently stroking her back and mane. "I know. But I'm here now. Nothing's going to take me away."


"Are these your best fliers, Wingstream?" Solar Flare's voice echoed off the damp stones of the castle, magnifying his already deep voice to terrifying levels. The thud of each step as he inspected the five changelings before him complemented the sound of his voice, iron shod hooves thudding on the stone.
"Yes, my lord. Each veterans of no less than fifteen sorties."
"Excellent. Have them gear up and be ready for mission briefing in five minutes-I will inform them myself."
"Yes sir. YOU HEARD HIM! GET YOUR GEAR!" Wingstream waited until the five were out of sight before turning to the departing Solar Flare, trotting forward to catch up. "My lord, if I may, why am I not to be on this mission? I am your ace flier-I should be leading this operation, considering the risk."
"My dear friend, that is why you must stay. I cannot risk losing a flier like you in such a mission like this. No, I need you to lead the rest of the squadron. Changelings are expendable-you are not."
"Yes, my lord." Wingstream gave a slight bow before breaking off and retreating in the direction of the barracks.

Solar Flare's horn glowed red as he casted a telepathy spell. The figures of three Changelings appeared before him, all reporting in at once.
"Commanders, prepare your soldiers. Within a day, fliers from the Black Wave Squadron will arrive on the front, carrying orders for an important mission. Follow them to the letter, and no mistakes. This operation is vital to our success. Carry on."
"YES SIR!" All three Changelings chimed at once, before their image dissipated from view. Solar Flare looked back at the book on his table, opened to an image of a necklace bearing a lightning bolt.


Rainbow Dash awoke with her face buried in Soarin's shoulder. She laid beside him with her eyes closed, wanting to drift back to sleep alongside him. After several minutes, she rolled onto her back, taking a deep breath as she stretched her legs with a yawn. Her eyes flicked open, slamming back shut to avoid being blinded by the pale yellow sunlight shone in the room. Soarin shifted slightly, his sleep disturbed by her rousing. He mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, before rolling over on his side.
"Ssh, go back to sleep," Rainbow Dash whispered lovingly, gently running her hoof along his back. Soarin mumbled another string of gibberish before drifting back off. She lightly kissed his cheek, before lifting herself off the bed and slowly hovering to the floor. Rainbow dash started for the door, but a sudden flicker of blue caught the corner of her eye. She glanced in the area it originated from, but there was nothing but a wall.
'Great, now I'm seeing things. I really need to get some actual rest.' Her thoughts paused as she caught a glimpse of blue once again. Dash turned again, and was rewarded by the sight of a blue unicorn, with a midnight black mane.
"Run!" He shouted, his voice partially distorted. She looked around at the ponies around her, but none of them seemed to be able to hear or even see him. "Run Rainbow Dash! He's coming for you! He's-" The unicorn cut off, glancing to the side, fear wide in his eyes. He jerked violently, and disappeared into thin air.
Rainbow Dash stood in stunned silence, unsure of what had just transpired. A metallic thump brought her back to her senses, piercing her stupor. Another came from behind, then another. Dash turned around, just to see a wave of black engulfing the hallway, and everything inside. Fear took her heart, freezing her to her spot. Two beads of crimson light shown in the center, growing ever closer with each pounding step. From the shadows emerged an armored figure, standing more than a head over Rainbow Dash. The figure moved towards her, ensnaring her in a crimson magic aura. It pulled her up to its eye level, forcing her to stare into the soulless, blood-red light coming from its eyes before throwing her into the shadows.

Rainbow Dash shot up, cold sweat soaking her body, barely able to breathe. Her heart pounded rapidly, echoed by a throbbing in her head. She looked around the room, barely illuminated by the moon. Beside her Soarin stirred, awakened by her sudden movements.
"Dashie, are you alright?" He asked, sleep slightly jumbling his words. He traced his hoof across her back soothingly, comforting her as well as he could.
"I...I think I'm fine. Just...just a nightmare. Yeah, just a nightmare."
"You want to talk about it?"
Rainbow Dash turned so she was looking back into his eyes. Even in the dark, she could sense the compassionate look he was giving her.
"Nah, I'll be fine. It's just a dream."
"Okay. That's alright."
Rainbow Dash fell back onto the bed, feeling Soarin's forehooves wrap around her. She pushed into him, trying to draw as close as she could. Soarin extended his good wing over her, soothing her with a sense of protection in his care. As she drifted back to sleep, the two red eyes still haunted the corners of her mind.


The sounds of a tense argument drew Rainbow Dash from her sleep, harsh whispers carrying through the door. Perking her ears, Dash slipped lower down the bed. She focused as hard as she could, managing to overhear the two ponies.
"Look, I couldn't give two shits about 'regulations.' I'm not going to let you disturb her!" Rainbow Dash immediately recognized Spitfire's voice, her hushed tone making the orange pegasus's voice more venomous than usual. She did not recognize the second pony, whose thinning patience was evident
"She's not even supposed to be in there, much less have spent the night! Soarin is not supposed to have any visitors-"
"She is more than a visitor, you little bucktard. Seeing her will do him good. Now scram before I get Fleet over here to beat your sorry ass."
The distinct sound of hooves running down the hall marked the end of the debate. Her curiosity sated, Dash slowly wriggled back up into Soarin's embrace. She felt him shift slightly, awakened by her efforts at eavesdropping. She rolled over, so that she was facing the now-awake Soarin, one of his emerald-green eyes drowsily open.
"Hiya Dash," he said, sporting his traditional goofy smile.
"Morning," she replied, giving him a quick kiss. "Nice to see you up early for a change."
"Not you too," he groaned quietly.
Rainbow Dash gave a light laugh before pressing herself close to him, face buried in his neck. She felt as though she could stay there forever, cuddled up against Soarin, warm morning light streaming in the room.

The door flew open with a jolt, slamming against the wall. Rainbow Dash jerked up into a sitting position, the sudden noise surprising her. Two royal guards stood at the entrance of the door, one escorting a livid Spitfire away. The orderly she had overheard arguing with Spitfire walked in, none too pleased about seeing Dash sitting in the same bed as the wounded Wonderbolt, who had just started to push himself up. The orderly stood in the doorway for a second fuming, her mouth moving but not saying anything. Dash was tempted to say a sarcastic comment, but held her tongue.
"This...this goes against all regulations!" she finally said at last. "No visitors are allowed to sleep with the patients!"
"Chillax lady, it's not like anything...much," Dash said, a devilish grin stretching across her face as she winked at Soarin. She could feel the medical pony's eyes burning into her back.
"That...you...guards! Get her out of here!"
"Hey, I'm leaving! Just one sec." Dash leaned in and kissed Soarin, making as much show as she could. She wrapped her forelegs around him, stroking his back as she held the kiss for as long as she could. All the while, she could sense the burning gaze of the orderly growing more intense.
When at last she broke off, her grin had faded. Giving one last wink to Soarin, she fluttered off the bed, landing at the door. She cast one last look towards Soarin, before the door shut behind her. Rainbow Dash glared at the medical pony for a split second, hate radiating from her eyes, before she stormed out of the hospital. Neither Soarin nor Rainbow Dash had caught the green flicker that came from the orderly's eyes, as the pony's grin spread wide.


"Do you understand the orders?" The Changeling asked impatiently as he stared down the commander from the other side of the table.
"Yes, just give us more time to prepare. Lord Kharax said two days-you arrived here in one. Our troops are not-"
The commander was cut off by the cool tone of the soldier across from him. "Our infiltrators have already deployed and assumed positions. You have thirty minutes. Let's roll." The soldier turned and left the tent, not waiting for any response from the commander.

The camp was in full mobilization, soldiers running to and fro, each on their own task. The battle mages moved towards the front, green flames licking in the air around them. Other units, both infantry and airborne, formed ranks behind the mages. With a sharp command, the first green fireballs launched into the sky, fading green trails being engulfed by the next wave. Distant crumping noises came as the first salvo hit home, tearing chunks out of the stone walls and sending earth flying. The changeling forces began to move, marching under the cover of the barrage.


Rainbow Dash tried to recover as explosions rocked the fort, gouging scars into the ground, punching deep craters in the walls. Shot after shot of green fire launched from the Changeling lines. She made for the nearest building, seeking shelter from the barrage. The earth shook as a fireball impacted to the left of her, disintegrating a small shack. Just as she burst through the open door, the last fireball hit.

Everything was a blur, colors mingling together as fuzzy shapes moved about. A yellow blot appeared in front of her, the slightest bit of movement coming from the bottom. A persistent ringing in Rainbow Dash's ears blocked out most of the noise around her, making everything into muffled gibberish. Slowly, her senses returned. Spitfire's face materialized from the yellow blur, her sharp voice shouting Dash's name.
"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow! Come on, we gotta move!" Spitfire pulled up the cyan pegasi as she started for the Wonderbolt barracks. Dash fell in behind her, initially unsure of what was happening. The sudden presence of soldiers running about in armor, lances at the ready, immediately told her. The fort was under attack.
Spitfire pulled her into the barracks, slamming the door shut behind Rainbow Dash. "Wait here," she said, before running into a back hallway and disappearing from sight. Within minutes she returned, wearing her full armor and carrying a saddlebag loaded with supplies.
"Rainbow, you need to get out of here. Take these bags, they have enough supplies for a journey home."
"I can't leave Soarin. He just now is starting to recover!"
"Rainbow Dash, you don't understand. We. Are. Under. Attack. Ponies are going to die. If the walls break, if the gates don't hold, if there are just too many for us to handle, everypony here will die. Military or civilian."
"I'm not going to leave him! I've lost him once already, I'm not going to bucking lose him again!"
"What about your friends, huh? They need you just as much as he does. Hell, they need you more! You are one of the six Elements of Harmony. Yes I know, don't ask how. But if Equestria is threatened, and the need arises, you can't be dead."
"I am not going to leave him to die, damn it!"
Spitfire paused for a moment, looking at the fire and fury that filled Rainbow Dash's eyes. Deeper down, she saw the love Dash held for Soarin, the love that kept her here despite of the danger around her.
"There's no reasoning with you, is there?" Spitfire asked, her voice softened.
"I'm not going to leave him."
"Alright. Just stay safe and hidden. If you hear the walls fall, get Soarin and hide. Hide somewhere."
"I will."
Spitfire drew her sword and flew out the door, leaving Rainbow Dash to fend for herself. The ground shook as the barrage started up again, dust falling from the ceiling. 'Shit, that was close! Still, you got to get to him Dash. Come on, you can do it.' Rainbow Dash mentally coaxed herself, trying to convince herself to run to the hospital.
"Ok, on three Dash," she said to herself. "One...two...THREE!" On the final number she ran out of the door, into the hazy air outside the barracks. Sounds of combat came from the walls, echoing off the building, turning the fort into a crazed, war filled spit of land. Blast after blast tore great gouges in the earth, dirt raining down on those near to the blasts. Green torches traced across the blue sky, each landing like a fallen comet. A particularly strong blast knocked Rainbow Dash to the ground, the strong vibrations making her lose her footing. She recovered, and started towards the hospital, in hopes of reaching Soarin unscathed.


High above the battle raging below, hidden within the low-level clouds, two black figures watched the carnage below. Green eyes scanned over the fort, searching for one particular thing.
"Do you see the target?" The first queried, impatience easily recognizable in his voice.
"Nah, I got nothin'. Where is this stupid pony?"
"Probably staying inside. Not all too stupid if you ask me. If only those dumbasses would stop shooting off their horns for a minute..."
"Ha, you know them. Wanna get all the fun, they do. After all, they do-wait, did you see that?"
"Yeah, that her?"
"Looks like it. The colors match. She's...she's moving! Let's roll!"
With a slight cackle, both figures leapt out of their cover, diving with breakneck speed towards their target...

"Celestia DAMMIT!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as another blast tore into the ground, rocking her off her feet. She had tried to fly, but was no better off. The Changelings threw up bursts of magic once she put enough space between herself and the ground to make a difference in the force of the impacts. She had almost made it to the hospital. It loomed several dozen hoofsteps ahead of her, the outside chipped by explosions and flying debris.
"Just a little more Dash. Come on, this is nothing. Little more." The hospital was approaching rapidly, the pounding of the bombardment lessening slightly. "Come o-".

Rainbow Dash never finished her sentence. Just as she reached the door, she felt a slight pinprick on her flank, followed by forelegs being wrapped around her upper body. Within seconds, she was in the air, not by choice but by whomever had grabbed her. She flapped he wings weakly, wildly swinging at whoever dared to attack her. The world spun around as her drugged mind tried to process what was happening, and her resistance grew weaker. Rainbow Dash heard voices, malicious and with a hissing tone, coming from beside her, echoing in her mind.

"Hey, she gone yet?"
"Yeah, she's wiped. I can't believe no one saw that."
"No one ever said Equestria had the most attentive soldiers."
"Or the fact there's a bloody siege so we could pull this off! Come on, let's get back to Wingstream. He's going to like this..." The voices slowly began to fade away, as Rainbow Dash began to drift out of consciousness. The last thing she heard was the distant crump of the magic barrage still falling on the fort behind her. And then all was black.

Author's Note:

OK, I had a couple of things to mention, lets see if I can remmeber them all.

First- I am going to be calling Lord Kharax by his true name "Solar Flare" from now on (unless a changeling mentions him). I hadn't originally meant for him to be a pony, so I recycled a name from one of my Chaos Space Marines, but I like the way Solar Flare sounds better.

Second- Only reason Soarin was dying was due to Solar Flare having a hold on him, as seen through his dreams. Once SF let go, Soarin was able to recover.

Third-Wingstream is vital, I repeat VITAL in the future. Don't question him, I said at the start that I have a reason for everything, and I still do. But I can't be throwing out any spoilers, now can I?

Fourth, and last-I can't exactly say I am as pleased with this chapter as a I am with others. But I wrote myself into a corner, and the door shut behind me. Ten hopefully will be better, so if you find this less enjoyable than the others, I understand.

Wow, wall of text in the note. I'm done. Point out my typos, autocorrect might mess stuff up.

Stay Awesome.