• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,838 Views, 56 Comments

The Shimmering Regret of Shining Armor - PaulAsaran

Twilight's shining moment was not so great for everypony involved. Now Shining Armor must deal with the aftermath when a former apprentice's life comes crashing down.

  • ...

One Last Try


That was the word Shining Armor had been looking for ever since he’d left the castle. When he’d been promoted to First Lieutenant the other day, he’d been besides himself. No more staying in the barracks, no more drilling with the enlisted troops. Best of all, he would have some real responsibility!

He’d simply not expected to have quite this much.

He entered his new on-base home, provided to officers who’d come of rank, and allowed himself to relax. A nice meal, a letter from home, maybe a drink or two. As he passed by the kitchen – his kitchen, he kept reminding himself with relish – he noted the mirror in the hallway and paused to examine himself. Oh, did he love the sight of himself in that uniform! The embroidery, the gold trim, the officer’s insignia. He thought he made a rather dashing young officer... and so did a certain princess, he was pleased to recall.

'Young' was right; it was hard to believe that he’d come so far when he was still really just a teenager. There wasn’t a single officer in Canterlot less than three years his elder, and he was proud of that fact. His father thought he would be intimidated, but such wasn’t the case, for Shining wanted the responsibility.

Yet he’d have been lying if he were to say he was prepared for it. Two days straight of nonstop briefing on the things a First Lieutenant of Canterlot Castle needed to know. They weren’t secrets so much as little-known facts, particularly relating to things that needed protection or careful handling. Magical artifacts and the like. He obviously wasn’t expected to keep watch over all of it, but he was expected to know what they were in case something came up.

Which meant Shining would be spending the next two or three months studying. The thought made him wilt and he rapidly lost interest in his reflection. His kid sister Twilight was the bookworm; he was a pony of action.

The thought of his sister reminded him that a letter from home had come in that day. He’d not heard from his parents or sister in weeks now and he was always eager to catch up on family news. This thought in mind, he went to his new room to get the letter from his bed. Gradually unbuttoning his coat, he brought the letter to his kitchen and sliced it open with a knife.


You won’t believe what’s happened! Yesterday Twilight went to try out for Celes—

He felt the tingling sensation before he noticed the color. He dropped the letter in surprise, realizing that his entire body was coated in an opal glow. “What the—”

His world flashed so bright he couldn’t see anything… and then he was standing on the roof of the nearby officer’s headquarters.

“—hay?” He fell to his haunches, stomach churning. He was a momentarily dazed, but not confused; he knew a teleportation spell when he felt its unpleasant effects. He jerked to his hooves, struggling to maintain his balance as he scoured the roof for whoever had done this to him.

“Who’s out there? Show yourself!”

He circled in place as he wondered why anypony would want to get him out of his house, but spotted the figure. The hooded pony was sitting beside a chimney, head hung low. Shining took up a defensive stance; if this pony planned to get the drop on him then he’d show that youth didn’t mean weakness! His horn glowed in preparation… yet no attack came.

Seconds ticked by, but the hooded figure didn’t approach. Though hesitant. Shining gradually let his magic die down. “Who are you?”

The pony shifted at his harsh tone. The hood turned away and Shining thought maybe there would be no answer. But then, slowly, the pony reached up and pulled the hood back. It was a young unicorn mare. He saw that brilliant red and yellow mane and recognized her instantly. “Sunny?”

She winced and would not meet his startled gaze.

“W… What?” He shook his head, confusion shifting to annoyance as he approached her. “What’s the big idea? Last I checked, teleporting ponies from their homes out of the blue was not considered proper behavior.”

The sadness in her glance stopped him in his tracks. “Sunny? What’s wrong?”

She hesitated, a clear fear in her trembling lips, but finally she turned to him. Her eyes were pleading, her voice soft.

“Shining… Am I worth anything?”

He blinked, the question different from anything he might have expected. The subject wasn’t new, but the abruptness, and the way she asked the question… “Where did this come from? Of course you are.”

Sunset bowed her head, mane drifting down to hide her face. When she spoke again, her voice was cracking. “T-tell me I’m wanted, Shining. Tell me I‘m not being thrown away…”

Shining had no way of understanding what was wrong, but it was clear that she needed help. He hesitated; in truth, he was probably the last stallion she should be coming to for comfort. Even so, seeing her broken down like this hurt, for he knew how strong she really was. If she was on the verge of tears, this was no time to hold back.

So he stepped forward and held her close. “I don’t know what’s come over you,” he confessed, “but you know you’re a valued pony. Even Celestia—”

“Don’t talk to me about her!”

She shoved him back and turned away. He was startled to see tears in her eyes.

He stood by in quiet confusion as she tried to recover. “Sunny… what in the wide world of Equestria happened?”

Sunset spent several seconds rubbing her face and trying to stop the tears. After some time she was able to recover, but wouldn’t turn to face him. “C-Celestia… I’m no longer her apprentice.”

That made his eyes go wide. “She ended your training? Why?”

“I don’t know!” She shook her head violently and looked up to the castle in the distance. “She told me this crap about not learning my lessons, about going in the wrong direction. And now somepony’s replaced me!”

“Oh…” Shining fell to his haunches, trying to take this in. No wonder she was so upset! Knowing her as he did, about her past, he recognized this for the personal blow that it was. “Sunny, I’m so sorry.”

“How could she do this to me?” Sunset lowered her head once more and her entire body trembled. “I tried so hard, I studied so much. I didn’t let anypony stand in my way! I was a prodigy – she said so herself! I was going to be a princess. Nopony ever said it, but they didn’t have to; I knew she was grooming me for it. And now I’ve been replaced by a filly who’s not even half my age!”

He listened quietly, understanding her frustration. Yet he also recognized the situation; he had anticipated something like this might happen. Celestia probably gave up on her for the same reasons that he’d broken up with her two months ago. What was he supposed to do in this situation? Lie and claim a great injustice had been done?

Sunset turned her head to glare at him from over her shoulder. “Don’t you have anything to say?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. It’s so sudden, and I’m not really sure how to look at it.”

She heaved a long sigh and pouted. “That’s just like you, Shining: always looking for the way to keep everypony happy.”

He drooped. “Well… what do you want me to say?”

She turned to him, her eyes sad but hopeful, and walked forward so she was just in front of him. She gazed up into his eyes as she whispered, “I want you to tell me that I’m not like my mom. Tell me that I’m valued."

He stared back into those pretty cyan eyes that once made his heart flutter but now only filled him with sadness.

“You are valued, Sunny.”

She lowered her gaze and leaned forward, nuzzling his sturdy chest through the half-opened officer’s coat.

“Am I wanted?”

He blushed and considered moving away; this was far more contact than he wanted. But…

“You are.”

A moment’s silence as she remained leaning against him. He gritted his teeth as he felt her legs coming up to embrace him.

“Am I loved?”

He caught her, held her at leg’s length; that was going too far, even under these circumstances. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” Her hopeful expression dropped to a harsh frown. “Don’t seek some comfort? Don’t ask to be loved? I’ve lost everything, Shining!”

“I can’t give you that kind of comfort.” He stepped back from her with an apologetic frown. “It’s over between us, you know that.”

“But why?”

His face was as firm as it had been two months ago. “I told you why.”

She glared at him for several seconds, but he wouldn’t budge.

“It’s because she’s a princess, isn’t it?”

A fire burned in Shining, but he forced his voice to remain calm. “My breaking up with you had nothing to do with Cadance.”

“Cadance.” Sunset spat the name as if it were poison. “Not Princess Cadance, I notice.”

His scowl was joined by an unpleasant tone. “Listen, I’m sorry about the apprenticeship. I’m sorry things didn’t work out between us. I’m sorry about your mom leaving, how your plans were ruined. I’m sorry about everything. But I am not going to lie to you and pretend to want you back just for your comfort, Sunset.”

Her eyes went wide, her hooves half-rose for him. “It wouldn’t be a lie!”

“Yes it would. Eventually that lie would destroy both our lives. I care about you, Sunny, I really do, and I’m worried for you, but what you’re wanting I can’t offer.”

Sunset's hooves slowly dropped, her expression hardened. Shining sucked in a deep breath and waited; he refused to let the pain in his chest be known. Seconds passed as the former lovers shared glares.

It was Sunset who broke. She lowered her eyes and began to cry fresh tears.

“Please… don’t tell me it’s a lie. I need something to cling to, anything!”

Shining watched her sob and felt his heart break. He wanted to help, but he just didn’t know what to do. It seemed like such a dangerous situation. If he came close, would she try again? But if he held back, she might regress into the situation she’d been in when they’d first met, back when she was struggling to make ends meet and nopony cared for her.

Becoming Celestia’s pupil had been the greatest thing to ever happen to her. It gave her a chance, a real opportunity to rise from her past... and now it was gone.

He had to do something.

Shining took a cautious step forward, wiping away her tears with both hooves. “Sunny, I wanna be there for you. Really, I do.”

She sniffed and didn't meet his gaze. “B-but you won’t take me back.”

“I can’t. I wish you could understand that.” He leaned forward to press foreheads with her and prayed she wouldn’t take the touch in the wrong way. “This isn’t the end for you. We aren’t even out of our teens yet. There are endless possibilities. You should take what you’ve learned and apply it to your future.”

“I don’t have a future without you,” she muttered, misery seeped into every word.

He straightened up and tucked a hoof under chin, making her look him in the eye. “You won’t be without me. I’m here, Sunny! I’ll help. I can’t give you… that… but I’ll help in any other way you need.”

Though the sadness didn't leave her eyes, she managed a smile. He smiled back. For just a moment, he thought maybe he’d reached her… until she leaned forward to give him a peck on the lips.

He jerked back, fear filling him, but she didn’t follow up the kiss. She only kept smiling, eyes wet but clear. “You’re sweet. You always were. But that’s just not enough.”

Shining sat and lowered his head, feeling like a failure. He was supposed to be her friend – he wanted to be – but he just couldn’t figure out what to do.

“I’m sorry, Sunset.”

“Me too,” she whispered.

For a long time they remained that way, neither knowing what to say. Shining wished he could think of something comforting, something that would really matter to her, but after several minutes of struggling with his thoughts all he could manage was a weak “What will you do now?”

He winced; it sounded so cold in his head.

Yet Sunset's smile didn't fade. She pulled her cloak about her body as if chilled and turned her head away. “I’ve been thinking about it. I’m going to go away. There’s nothing for me here anymore.”

Shining raised his head in alarm. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Yes, I do.” Her voice strangely calm. “There’s no love in this world for me. I’m a failure. I wasn’t good enough for my mother, for society, for Celestia. For you. No matter where I go in Equestria, that will always be true.”

“That’s not true at all!” He set his hooves to her shoulders, tried to get her to look him in the eye. “You can’t just give up like that. If you were Celestia’s apprentice then you should realize that there’s love for every pony in Equestria!”

He regretted it as soon as he said it. Her eyes hardened and she shoved him away. Her voice became like ice. “Maybe that’s why she gave me the boot, because I didn’t learn. Or maybe she’s the one who needs to learn!”

He stepped up to her with an pleading expression. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

She peered at him. “How else could you have meant it?”

He withered under her gaze, knowing he was in the wrong. “I’m sorry, okay? I was just trying—”

“—to help.” She jerked her head away from him. “You’re always trying to help.”

The energy didn't last, and her anger faded to that now-familiar sorrow. “I shouldn’t be taking it out on you. It’s not your fault I’m a failure.”

“You’re not—"

“Stop.” She set a gentle hoof to his lips. “I don’t want to hear anymore.”

Shining stared as she lowered her hoof, wishing he could find a way to get through to her. She was taking this whole situation in the wrong direction, but she just wouldn’t let him show her that!

“I came here hoping to find a reason to stay,” she confessed with head bowed. “I’m sorry, Shining. I should have just left.”

“No.” He lowered his head to meet her gaze through their manes. “You trusted in me to help. I’m the one proving worthless.”

She smiled, then turned her head to observe the full moon. “I’ll have to go soon. Don’t wanna miss my ride.”

He blinked and followed her gaze in quiet confusion. “Where are you going?”

She turned her smile back on him. “I told you, Shining: there’s no place in this world for me, so I’ll have to find another.”

He could only stare back in confusion. He had the sad feeling he was missing something very important.

She blushed, averting her eyes. “You were good to me, Shining. I didn’t even know what kindness was until I met you. Tell me, what we had… was it real?”

He considered the question, recalling their two years of romance. The anger of their first encounter; the moment they realized their attraction; the awkwardness of that first date; the anxiety of that first kiss; all the times he sneaked out of the base to see her; how she’d brought him to the Royal Gardens to watch the sun set over Canterlot; the occasional steamy night.

“Yes. Yes, Sunny, it was very real.”

She regained her frail smile and reached up to stroke his cheek. “We might not see one another again for a long time." She came forward and embraced him tightly, and this time he felt no fear. “For just a moment, one last time, let’s pretend it’s real again. Maybe it will keep me warm wherever I’m going.”

That, at least, he could indulge. He held her close, wishing he could do more, knowing there was nothing that would help. This little moment, this one last act of tenderness, was all he could give. If it would bring her comfort in the coming days, then he’d offer it.

They held on for some time, neither saying anything. At last he felt her shift and pull away, and she was smiling. “I have to go; my window will close very soon.”

He watched her walk away, heart heavy with regret.


She paused but didn’t look at him.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be the stallion you needed.”

She turned to him. Tears filled her eyes, but her expression was warm. “You’ll make a good husband someday, Shining. No matter what happens, I want you to remember that I don’t blame you for anything, and… that I loved you. Don’t forget that, okay?”

He tried to smile. He managed it, but it probably wasn’t a good display.

“I promise.”

She held his gaze for a few tender seconds. At last her horn flashed, and she was gone.

He sat, alone and miserable. He thought on what had just happened, on what he might have done differently. Yet no matter how he looked at it, things probably would have been the same between them. Should he share this moment with Cadance? Should he bring it up with anypony?

No matter what he might do from here on in, he knew that this failure would haunt him for a long time to come.

Author's Note:

This is one of those exceedingly rare times when I feel like the shortness of this story works in its favor. Usually? I hate writing short. That said, I feel like this isn't my best piece. It's like there's some simple, perhaps even basic element missing, and I just can't grasp what it is even though it's probably staring me in the face.

When I saw that Random Romance's September contest was going to pit these two together, I also noticed that everyone was talking about Alternate Universe tags and how it was absolutely necessary. I immediately thought, "Why?" Within minutes this scenario popped up in my head, and I wanted to be the one who could write about a potential romance between these two without moving beyond the bounds of the show. I had to make a few general assumptions, such as a difference in physical aging between the two worlds and the Equestrian age of the characters, but I feel with the limited information granted by the show and the movie I didn't overstep enough to warrant an AU tag.

Which was a major goal, so w00t.

I'm not so sure about how this story will fare in the contest, though. It's probably not the kind of romance people are expecting, and may not fit well enough to fly. The type of romance was almost inevitable, though, for without an AU setting the relationship was doomed to failure.

Comments ( 56 )

Darn, I really want to read this... But I can't because I'm writing my own entry... Ugh.

You know if it wasn't for the fact that you're a veteran and I'm a complete novice, I'd probably be jealous.

I like this.

Though, Bronies to tend to blame stuff on Lovebutt's existance.

I still like this, moustache from me :moustache:

Site Blogger


You know if it wasn't for the fact that you're a twenty year veteran and I'm a complete novic, I'd probably be jealous.

I assume that's in reference to the speed in which I wrote this. Funny thing is, I started at what I consider a really late time, and kept thinking "I really need to start writing that, why am I procrastinating?"

Being a literary veteran helps a lot with being comfortable with what I write as I write it, that I'll acknowledge. It may also be part of why I can write so fast. But over the years I've learned that my ability to conceive an idea and form it into a story so quickly is something a lot of others just don't seem to share. I dunno if it's a matter of experience or not, but it regularly astounds me when I see so many people responding to an idea with "I have no idea what to do next."

I've often considered offering myself up as a 'plot adviser' somewhere.

Site Blogger

Lovebutt? I suspect that's supposed to be Cadance?

I'll take that moustache, thank you. :pinkiesmile:

I would normally never read a story like this, because neither of the characters really interest me. But this...just the description has captured my attention. So I'm definitely giving this a read.

Site Blogger

That's a relief, actually. I felt like the description was... lackluster.

I quite enjoyed that, and I don't usually enjoy very short stories. Very unusual pairing and it worked well in that regard.

I did find one mistake however:

It gave her a chacne, a real opportunity to rise from her past... and now it was gone.

I liked that a lot.
I wish that I could give you some advice, or some edits, or something, but...
I'm at a loss.
Good job.

3174447 Lovebutt, Moonbutt, Sunbutt and the newly crowned Sparklebutt. :pinkiehappy:

Site Blogger

Argh, I hate it when that happens! Will go to correct.

Normally I don't like writing shorter stories, but I felt if I tried to expand upon it at all then it would take away from what I'd already made, so for once I ignored the desire for length.


I wish that I could give you some advice, or some edits, or something, but...
I'm at a loss.

Then I must be doing something right! :twilightsmile:

Thanks to you both!

Site Blogger

My dictionary of MLP vocabulary has been expanded. :rainbowwild:

Wow. Just... wow. :fluttershysad:

It almost makes me want to enter that contest :pinkiehappy:

For someone who is apparently a "literary veteran," I would expect your characters to be a bit more... realistic.

I found Sunset excessively whiny and out of character. You are talking about a deeply rooted sociopath with extreme magical prowess, who was in a poorly explained relationship coincidentally with the brother of her successor. The plot itself makes little sense, and portraying Sunset to be a quivering whelp just didn't work for me.

This was an extremely fast fic that left me not really understanding what just happened or why. Yes, in a literal sense it is explained, but the psychological background for it just does not exist. It's just... fake. Such a fake scene that didn't need to be here. It was an excerpt, which I get why you did it, but a story is about something changing and how a character is affected by/deals with it. This wasn't that. Nothing changed, someone else was just told in a very annoying way.

I don't know what contest this even is, I found this on a random scroll looking at new fics, but good luck in it.

Site Blogger

Referring to Sunset as a "deeply rooted sociopath" makes me think of headcanon. I never saw her in that light. Aside from that, this is meant to be a Sunset before she became what she is in Equestria girls. I inferred from a number of elements in the movie - for example, the differing pictures of her at the Fall Formal - that she gradually grew to be a meaner, more confident and dominating character during her time in the human world. I used dialogue to hint at what she would become, but otherwise this is a younger Sunset who's bitterness has yet to evolve. There's nothing out of character about a character who hasn't become the character yet.

In summation, in my headcanon this is a perfectly legitimate version of what Sunset Shimmer might have been prior to joining the human world. Just because she was a confident villain in the movie doesn't mean she always was.

I've written stories that explain everything, and I've written stories that explain practically nothing. Both get shot down regularly for doing one or the other. I've come to learn that some readers want to be told things about the background and future, whereas others want things left to interpretation. I was going for that second audience this time. If that means I didn't throw in enough hints about her background to give you your psychological profile, I apologize.

Youz a beast. From the east.

Site Blogger

Watch yo mouth! I from da South. :ajsmug:

this is a fantastic story, thank you for sharing it. :twilightsmile:


Even at her most desperate, Sunset wouldn't hurt Spike or even threaten him. She actually let him go even though he was a much better bargaining chip than destroying the portal, because "I'm not a monster."

So, yeah. Calling her a sociopath is pretty silly. She was just a bully with a manipulative streak.


It's not the lack of psychological profile, it's the completely laughable way Sunset is so whiny and annoying with no dynamic character aspects.

This is quite an enjoyable read, a good story about what kind of character that Suunset was before the events of the movie. I can see the possibility of her and Shinning Armor romance with the position that she had before, if not opened doors to other combinations of her love life at the time. I am glad that you avoided using the AU tag in the story, for what is claimed by others for the tag can be... over-exaggerated at best.

Now, I wondered how would character would be developed in the human world before the timing of the movie and explored why she had some romance with Flash Sentry at that world.

Overall, nice story and a enjoyable read. Keep up the good work man :pinkiehappy:

Site Blogger


Now, I wondered how would character would be developed in the human world before the timing of the movie and explored why she had some romance with Flash Sentry at that world.

I considered planning out a story going into those details for later writing, but I've decided not to. For one I have way too many story ideas I need to get to already, and for two neither Sunset or Shining are high on my 'want to write about' list. Still, exploring the concept was interesting.

You're clearly mistaken, at it is Princess Purple Smart.

3181997 Her butt quite clearly contains sparkles!

One thing that's great about the romance tag is that it doesn't necessarily have to have a happy ending. Just because the status quo was maintained doesn't mean that nothing changed. Shining was tempted by Sunset. He could be her personal savior, if he went back to her. But Shining's character shows through. While the story doesn't delve into why they broke up, it hints at events in the "Fall of Sunset Shimmer" comic. It also makes Sunset a little more three dimensional than she was in EQG. As far as being whiny, she's a lot younger than she was in the movie, so naturally she acts more immature.

There's a lot of depth that shows through in what is not actually said with words.

Site Blogger

First of all, you just said a lot of what was in my head defending this story. I only didn't state it 'cause I didn't want to get into a drawn-out debate over the subject at the time.

Second, and this may just hurt my credibility a little... Comic? :twilightoops: I know of no comic. :twilightblush:

At any rate, glad you enjoyed it!

Well, I finally got around to reading this, and I have to say, I enjoyed it. It was more "sad" than"romantic" but not a bad story.

Site Blogger

Finally is right! Oh well, better late than never.

I knew that the sad elements of this story might get in the way, but to quote puzil:

One thing that's great about the romance tag is that it doesn't necessarily have to have a happy ending.

This story was a serious challenge, 'cause I was determined to show this couple without being forced into an AU tag (which everyone insisted would be obligatory). But there was no way to do that without a sad ending.

This is a masterpiece.
I've been in Sunset Shimmer's shoes, and you nailed that...it's reductive to call it longing bitterness, but language is imperfect, so I'll stick with that.

Kudos. I wish I could upvote this more than once.

Site Blogger


Whoa, people are still reading this?


Well then, I thank you for the praise!

Quite the interesting concept, I like it. A lot. Although If I did this I would have further implied suicide (leaving a world does kinda implie it for some people) for Sunset Shimmer, for the dramatic effect, tear jerking, and possible hate. But maybe that would have stepped into the AU zone.

Site Blogger

Oh, absolutely not. Sunset was never suicidal in my book (unless you count what's going on in Twilight's Inferno, but that's totally AU so it doesn't necessarily count). Besides, I literally don't understand why people commit suicide, and as such I feel I'd never be able to write a suicidal character properly. Tried it once and it came out terribly.

4640663 Yeah I don't understand it either, but like I said that's what I would have done if I did this story, obviously I didn't since its awesome.

Good story! The one thing missing from it, though, is why they broke up. Given Sunset's mercurial nature, arrogance and bad temper I have little problem imagining what might have happened. It's just that without a specific reason it comes off as "Shining got bored with her," which is probably not what you're going for.

Are you assuming that "Neigh Anything" isn't canon, or are you assuming that Shining and Cadance broke it off post secondary school and then resumed their love affair at some subsequent meeting? That sounds possible, especially if one or both of them became convinced that they had to do it "for the other's own good."

There are other timing issues, but mostly having to do with my chronology -- I have Shining being 25 and Twilight 17 at Luna's Return, but we could as easily assume Shining to be older. I based the gap on their apparent ages (17-18 and 9-10) in "Neigh Anything" -- Shining could of course be more than eight years older than his sister.

Incidentally, that makes Shimmering's hostility to Twilight in Equestria Girls, and her friendliness toward her in Rainbow Rocks, all the more emotionally-significant. It would explain some of the reasons Sunset liked Flash Sentry, and it would make losing his affection to Twilight Sparkle all the worse.

Site Blogger

I have no idea what "Neigh Anything" is. I will assume it's a comic relating the relationship of Cadance and Shining. Just bear in mind that I know absolutely nothing about the comics.

At any ate, glad you enjoyed the story! People do have a tenancy to really delve deeper into it than I intended, but I'm not complaining.

I found a very minor thing you may want to edit.

“Don’t what?” He hopeful expression dropped to a harsh frown.

That should be "Her".

Site Blogger


You can edit it a million times, and you'll always miss something. This was way back before I had any editors at all, though, so I'm surprised that's all you found.

I WANT to read this... I REALLY want to... but it's a short one-shot, and has the sad tag regardless... (I don't read sad-fics, traditionally.)

Site Blogger

Woe be upon you for denying yourself such a vast number of potentially awesome tales just because of one little tag.

Err, not saying that this story is awesome, 'cause that would be arrogant and I'm not... no, I am, but I'm not saying...

*takes shovel, starts digging*

I like this story, its short, its sweet and with enough angst to get the feels going but not enough to be overpowering. Plus it gives an idea of the age diffrence between Sunset and Twilight. Half her age indeed. Figured in EQ Twilight was around Freshmen age while Sunset was a Junior.

Site Blogger

Actually I see their ages as much broader in difference for this story. I had to make an assumption that people in the human world take longer to age than ponies to make it work, though I didn't expressly state that in-story. That's the nice thing about AUs; you can change your headcanon from one to another if you so choose.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!

Site Blogger

I suppose I can see how people might make this mistake, including Shining Armor, but Sunset talking about things such as 'missing her window of opportunity' ought to undo that misconception. Or so I thought.

Site Blogger

Well, in my interpretation of things, she didn't know (and if there's something, like a comic, that says otherwise, I was unaware of that).

Great story, Paul. :twilightsmile: Nice to see Sunset getting a little backstory and a reason for how things became as they were. I think this is the first story I've seen with this pairing, so kudos for that as well.

One thing:

She jerking her head away from him.

*She jerked

Have a fave!

Site Blogger

Gah! no matter how many times a story is edited, there's always that one thing that slips by. :facehoof:

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it! For something I wrote on a whim, it's certainly one of my more popular yarns. I need to use Shining Armor more...

Bleh, this brought up some unpleasant memories.

That said, I very much enjoyed it. It'd be interesting to see what would happen should Sunset come back for a visit after EqG2.

He thought he made a rather dashing young officer... and so did a certain princess,

Celestia's harassing the troops again.

He saw that brilliant red and yellow mane and recognized her instantly. “Sunny?”

Why wouldn't these two get along?

“T-tell me I’m wanted, Shining. Tell me I‘m not being thrown away…”

I wouldn't throw her away.

“She told me this crap about not learning my lessons, about going in the wrong direction. And now somepony’s replaced me!”

It's not Sunset's fault: Celestia's teaching style is Read This and Write an Essay. She's a bad teacher with poor judgement.

Yet he also recognized the situation; he had anticipated something like this might happen. Celestia probably gave up on her for the same reasons that he’d broken up with her two months ago.

NOO! Take her back Shining! Or let me have her!

“Cadance.” Sunset spat the name as if it were poison.

I do the same thing.

“Yes it would. Eventually that lie would destroy both our lives. I care about you, Sunny, I really do, and I’m worried for you, but what you’re wanting I can’t offer.”

Tough love. She needs to hear it. I would love her.

“You won’t be without me. I’m here, Sunny! I’ll help. I can’t give you… that… but I’ll help in any other way you need.”

Poor, poor Sunset Shimmer.

“There’s no love in this world for me. I’m a failure. I wasn’t good enough for my mother, for society, for Celestia. For you. No matter where I go in Equestria, that will always be true.”


“You were good to me, Shining. I didn’t even know what kindness was until I met you. Tell me, what we had… was it real?”
“Yes. Yes, Sunny, it was very real.”

Why do you dot his to me Sir Author?
3173884 It IS her fault! Without her, Shining would have meet Chrysalis long before her invasion and prevented it, while falling in love with her. Cadance's magic is Obsession, not Love.

... And thus I have finished all of your stories to date! Huzzah! I am really happy with all of your stories, and I can't believe that you've come so far in your writing ^^ I hope that you keep strong even with your job weighing you down, and I sincerely hope that you can still find time to enjoy writing.
Your devoted fan,

Site Blogger

Holy wow and congrats, that's a ton of words! No worries, I'll be going strong for a while yet. At least, that's my intention.

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