• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 5th, 2014


I am the Splinter Cell, armed with advance and lethal arsonal. I'll make you believe I am everywhere. I'm going to find you.... and then silence you.


Two Years after the events of Splinter Cell: Blacklist

For years, Sam Fisher's life has been put on the line numerous occasions. Where He would have to travel both in the dark and in the light. However, When an explosion confirms him M.I.A, His abilities are to be put to the test.

He finds a land... which his daughter would call pure. Free from the sin of violence, sex, and drugs. Sam must not let his guard down, even for a second. Otherwise he might not return home at all, Not to help with a "Special" alien tracking his every move...

If Sam was to return home, He has three days before the CIA will go to his daughter, declaring him dead. He will have to push his himself over the edge and litreally break a limb,Thats going to be a tough one. Especially when he knows nothing about this place...

Fate may be cruel, but somewhat fair...There is a way to get out, but how will he get out? And whom is there to help him? What is this place anyways?

Wouldn't want this to be too easy.

SplinterCell: Nightfall

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 46 )

It's good. Very good. Spelling mistakes and grammar here and their, mostly grammar though.

As I said, English isn't my first language... I'm willing to fix those if you can (Want) to point them out?

Finally, a Splinter Cell crossover with Sam Fisher (human)!


Yes, Yes.... But Keep in mind, Sam Fisher can't stay human for long... right? A 53-57 old man has to eat, and I don't think walking up to an 'Apple' Vendor and ask for their finest apple and pay with money.... right? xD lol...

I'm thinking about swtiching Sam Fisher between Pony and human like the diffrences between day and night... What type of pony is up to my valuble readers!


If i get ten, I'll reconmend you all on my FanFiction.com account!

I don't usually comment but I have to tell you that I haven't seen a splinter cell cross over ever and I'm looking forward to this, it's like my favorite game lol xD

Need a proofreader. And the spelling shudders the horror THE HORROR!

Okay, I only have a few things to say to you. First, I love Splinter Cell and a crossover like this has much promise. Second, Splinter Cells do not have a military Bluetooth for comms, its a small device implanted in the ear and throat that allows for hands free communication and to use it without letting a single sound out of the mouth. Third, Sam would most likely know the languages. Fourth, Sonar and NV can be on the same goggle system, was done on Blacklist. And Fifth, spelling and grammar but a good pre-reader is a very good solution to that. Only reason why I know all this info is because of the books (have read every single one and am awaiting the next one) and played most of the games. Small details, but a true SC fan can point these out depending. Overall though, love the story so far and can not wait to see where it goes.

3144674 Sorry, one last thing I want to mention. A Spy and a Agent are two very different entities. For them to work together on a mission seems highly unlikely due to their separate mission statements. I would like to see it happen though, so kudos, but Sam would not get a callsign like "Spymaster" due to not being a Spy. Again, small detail but something that just kinda bothers me a little bit.


I am very aware of these things, I've yet done th proper reserch before performing the format... So I can change that.

The blue-tooths will be swapped to the devices.
Sam FIsher being called 'SpyMaster' is just a code name due that its on the ubisoft wepage by one of the developers. Even if he was an Agent. He's still 'Refered' to as SpyMaster, even if its not in the books or games.. SO I think that he was trying to make a 'Un-Cannon' nick name for the Agent.

Spies and Agents are very diffrent, yet simular. Anyone would think that a Splinter Cell would classified as both. But they aren't. Spies are more into intelligence while Agents are into ManHunts. I would've thought I was a bit clear when I know Sam Fisher wouldn't have the intel' of the arrival if the Spies hadn't come along...

So Spy 1 and 2 are just there for support roles.

I don't know as much as others about splinter cell but Sam never has cussed that much all in all but this shows promise like others have said.


If A Napalm C4 was about to go off underneathe you, Wouldn't you think you'd swear before you get blown to pecies? :pinkiecrazy:

Sam is only human, he is smart-mouthed. But still very human. No stealth can excape the wraith of C4! :facehoof:

3145737 good point just don't drag him out of character

3145698 Roger on that. Now I shall await next chapter patiently

Sam fisher crossed with ponies? Yes please! :D

i will fave for the sake that there are no splinter cell crossovers out there.

and i'll rate it when i've read the second chapter.


For the lack of my english... I'll try to make it a long chapter... Please note that it will be a violence if you squemish to blood, and injury...

3149629 doubt it:pinkiehappy: i've played splatterhouse (and i loved it)

Dude... get a proofreader


I'd get a proof reader, if I knew where to get one... :raritydespair:

3157567 go to the Proofreaders Group in this site. Also The spell check in Microsoft Word never hurt

Stop yelling your scaring us!


Very well written. Hopefully over the course of writing this story your grammar will improve.

Indeed, 'MEH', but English isn't my first language...

You really need an editor.
The premise and everything is good, however, Twilight seems a bit OOC in this chapter and the grammar is bad.


I see...

I should fix it by the end of this week, 'AGAIN ENGLIGH IS NOT MY FIRST LANQUAGE!'

I like the new werewolf thing you have going on in this story. Or wereman. Fischer will rule the night.



3675762 I'm posting it, I'm just celebrating Christmas.

The updated chapter shoujld be up by tomorrow aftrernoon.

I have no idea what happened in this chapter but what I did understand everyone is OOC.

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