• Published 27th Aug 2013
  • 1,027 Views, 54 Comments

Buildin a new life - Security-brooch

A collision between two very different worlds. One from a world where war is constant, The other from a world where peace is maintained almost constantly. What awaits these individuals? Only time will tell.

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Chapter three, part one- Medic

Medic followed Twilight into the library, yawning along the way, only to jump as Spike runs up to Twilight, "So how'd the experiment g-" He cut off when he noticed Medic, but he didn't stop smiling, "Are you an alien from another world?"

The Medic blinked a couple of times before wiping his eyes with his gloved left hand and replying, surprised by the newest appearance, "Ja, It vould seem zat I am, as you say, an alien to zis world," Medic lowered his glove from his eye before asking, "And vat, I must ask, Are you?"

"I'm Spike, The dragon, What are you?" Spike asked him in return, his smile still unwavering.

"A dragon? Zis world vill never cease to amaze me vill it?" The medic thought silently before replying, "I am ze Medic, But you can call me Medic for short, And I am a Homo-sapien, Also known as a Human," Medic stated

"Human? That's a weird name for a species," Spike commented, Causing the Medic's to smirk, which he hid feigning another yawn, Only to have said smirk turn into a wince as Twilight scolded the baby dragon loudly.

"SPIKE! It's RUDE to make fun of somepony else just because of how their name sounds, ESPECIALLY guests!" Twilight said to the little dragon before turning to The Medic with an apologetic smile on her face, "I'm SO sorry about that, Spike can be a little quick to speak, often before he thinks about what he's saying," Twilight explained to Medic, A little hastily, The medic noted.

"Ach, It's no problem, Twilight... Opinion and curiosity are perfectly understandable, especially when speaking to a species previously unknown," The Medic replied, "And besides, That's one of the least offensive things I've heard said in my time as a field medic," The medic continued before yawning once more.

"Oh right, I almost forgot... I don't think any pony beds will be big enough for you, Medic, so I'm afraid your options are either A, the couch or B the floor, I can get you some blankets and a pillow though to help you get comfortable whichever your choice may be though," Twilight said to The Medic before she levitated down a pillow and a couple of blankets, which snapped The Medic out of the middle of a yawn.

The Medic, having not seen Rarity Using magic earlier to get the measurements for The Spy's suit and being unaware any of them could USE magic, Said to Twilight in as calm a voice as a man of science can manage while watching magic being used, "I Vill Have to ask you later... How it is zat you DO ZAT..." The Medic stated before taking the blankets and pillow out of the air

"What, Don't they have magic where you come from, Medic?" Twilight asked as Medic worked on regaining his composure, "It's not an uncommon thing here in Equestria, Any Unicorn can use magic, really."

"Ja... Ja, zere are zose in my world zat can use magic, But it is a highly uncommon thing where I come from..." The Medic replied, momentarily thinking about a certain magician that had caused all manner of chaos in his world, before continueing, "Most humans do not even BELIEVE in magic, much less know how to use it..."

"Oh? What about those who do know how to use it? Have you met anypony who could?" Twilight asked, her curiosity having peaked, and her paper and quill now levitating in front of her while she continued taking the notes she started on earlier while The Medic spoke to Spike.

"Ja... I have met one of zem, But I do not wish to speak of him. He caused me and my friends nozing but harm..." The Medic replied with a frown while he laid out the first blanket on the ground, Having determined the couch to be too small for him to use, "Some harm more permanent than ze rest."

Twilight, On hearing this, frowned herself before replying, "I'm sorry to hear that... I hope that the magicians of Equestria can help you forget all of those bad times, I promise that nopony would do anything to hurt you unless given good reason to," Twilight said, helping even out the blanket on the ground with her magic and giving Medic a hopeful smile.

"I... do not zink zat anyzing will ever wash away all of the bad memory's left behind by ze incidents zat magician caused, "The Medic replied, causing Twilights smile to fade slightly before continuing, "But, I cannot let zat make me form an opinion on zose who practice it here." The Medic finished, returning her smile for a moment before flopping down onto the blanket with a sigh.

"Well, I'll just leave you to get your rest, I've got a few things I need to do today." Twilight told Medic, looking out at the mid-day sunshine, "Spike, don't bother Medic unless he wants to talk to you, I'll be back in a couple of hours, I have to go check on the others and get a replacement for the window the CMC busted out while trying to get their "Ultimate frisbee" cutie marks..."

"See ya later, Twilight, I've still gotta finish cleaning up the mess you left upstairs last night..." Spike replied as Twilight went out the door and shut it behind herself, before heading upstairs.

Author's Note:

As the top says, this is part ONE, I ended up splitting this chapter into multiple segments, as stated in my blog post, that i would be doing so in order to get my content out somewhat faster.

Also, if anyone knows an artist who would draw a picture for the cover of this story, do let me know... unfortunately I cannot pay for it, as I'm currently more broke then a glass window in the middle of a tornado that hit a gravel road.

Comments ( 4 )

Medic sighed and sat on the makeshift bed, "Magic and Dragons? This world ve have found ourselves in is fascinating to say the least... Oh ze medical mysteries I could discover here..."

I can help if you get stuck, but only so much. It is your story after all...

Currently I'm working on engie and heavy... I'm kinda stuck though, mostly because I'm worried I'll mess up and stray too far from the personalities of the ponies or (less likely) the tf2 characters.

check out my pastebin, link in my profile, if you want to check out what I've got so far.

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You're doing well thus far, I believe in your ability as a writer. :ajsmug:

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