• Published 27th Aug 2013
  • 1,027 Views, 54 Comments

Buildin a new life - Security-brooch

A collision between two very different worlds. One from a world where war is constant, The other from a world where peace is maintained almost constantly. What awaits these individuals? Only time will tell.

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chapter 1, a twist of fate

Fade in to the inside of a darkened library, lit only by a few candles placed around the room, in Ponyville where a certain purple unicorn, Who's mane is frazzled from stress and lack of sleep, has her face hidden inside of a book titled “Application of The Theory of Multi-Dimensional Transportation” and where balled up notes have been scattered around the floor.

“Yes... I think I get it now...” The unicorn in question stated, her horn glowing and casting a small amount of light around the room.

“How could I not see it before?! It's so obvious!” She exclaimed, a large smile now growing on her face as she levitated another pad of paper and a quill to herself and writing down another note.

“Twilight? You're still awake?” Yawned a small purple and green baby dragon as he descended the stairs leading down into the library's main room, “What's up with all of the noise? You'll wake up Celestia in her castle if you shout much louder...”

“Of course I'm still awake, Spike!” Twilight half shouted, still smiling that same large, almost crazy with happiness smile, “how could I sleep after I got this door on my bookstep?”

“You... Mean book on your doorstep, I think it's time you get some sleep... you don't look too good...” Spike warned, already cautious of the unicorn mare in front of him, remembering the last time she looked how she did now.

“Sleep? Why would I need sleep? I'm perfectly fine, spike, and besides! I think I may have figured out how to make the spell described in this book work!” Twilight said, her smile growing an extra inch

“Perfectly fine, huh... Go look in the mirror and say that again, you're a wreck.” Spike countered and crosses his arms

“Fine, if it will get you to leave me alone so I can finish my research, I'll go look in the mirror!” Twilight said with no small amount of annoyance before walking into the bathroom and looking in the mirror “I just dont know what could possibly make you-”

Twilight was cut off mid sentence by her appearance in the mirror, taking note of her bloodshot eyes and messed up mane, even having caught sight of that crazy smile.

“See what I mean?” Spike said from the main room, sweeping the balled up papers into a pile before putting them onto the table, “You need sleep.”

“Oh... my... my mane... my EYES...” Twilight muttered to herself, before frowning as a small crack formed in the center of the mirror, “Spike's right... I need sleep...” Twilight admitted to herself before walking out of the bathroom and up the stairs to her bed room.

“About time she went to sleep... I don't think anyone in Ponyville needs to deal with Twilight Spazzle tonight...” Spike said, making sure to say it quiet enough for Twilight to not hear it as he put the book that had been left on the floor onto the table next to the notes before following her up the stairs to go to sleep himself.

Transition to a large, badly worn out wooden building, at around mid-day wherein stood a bipedal man wearing overalls, red goggles and a construction helmet standing next to something large that was covered by a large cloth, standing next to him was a tall man wearing glasses, an all white outfit with the word “Blu” written on the left arm, just beneath a red cross symbol, standing in front of the both of them were 7 more people, each clad in their own unique outfit

“Thank ya'll kindly for coming to see what me and the Doc have been working on, take it away, Medic.” the Jumpsuit wearing man spoke up with his Texan accent before turning to face the medic and giving him a nod

“Danka, mein hard hatted friend!” The tall man said with a German accent before turning to address the group.

“I do not wish to keep you all waiting, so I will cut to ze chase... The robotic minions of Grey Mann have been growing in difficulty to keep contained every time they come back, and we 9 are all that remains of the resistance...” The medic stated before turning his head to the jumpsuit clad man, signalling it was his turn to speak

“Both Reds and Blu's have suffered large losses from those metal varmints, so the doc and I have been buildin' a way to get us out of this war without having to fight our way through Saxton Hale's “desertion” penalty...” the jumpsuit clad man said before shuddering, having remembered what happened to the last man to try and leave.

“Come on, get to the point hard hat,” the smallest of the group said with no small amount of annoyance, “Did ya call us here just to remind us that every minute we sit here is another minute those robots move that bomb closer to us or are you going to actually say somethin' interesting?”

"Sit your self down mister before ya'll bring about my boot to kick that sorry behind of yours, Scout... I'm getting to the point” The man wearing the overalls returned before turning back to the rest of the group, “What we have designed is a long distance Teleporter, much like my own design, but made so that we can all escape this war, seeing as it's more likely that we would get butchered if we stayed than left.”

“Are you sure zis vill vork, Engineer?” the largest of the group said with a Russian accent, before eying the tarp covering the machine warily...

“We have NO idea...” Both the engineer and the medic replied before pulling the tarp off of the machine, revealing what would appear to be a doorway inside of a giant metal frame with a large coil on each side of said frame and a sign above the doorway that stated "vacant".

“Only one way to find out, no?” Another of the group said with a thick french accent.

“All righty then... Stand back everyone...” The engineer said as he grabbed ahold of a lever on the side of the strange doorway.



“Thank you all for coming, I promise I'll make this quick, because I know you're busy, Applejack,”Twilight said, regarding the orange pony

“I can catch up my work on the farm any time, Twi... But all the same, It would be mighty fine if you would speed it up...” Applejack replied with a nod and a tip of her hat

“Of course, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting.” Twilight said before giving her focus back to the other 4 ponies in the group as well, “I have been working constantly in the past 24 hours to get a surprise ready for-” she was unable to finish her tangaent, however, as a pink earth pony in the group suddenly began to make a squealing noise

“OOOOH! A surprise?! Whatisit,becauseilovesurprises,wellexceptforbeestings,becausenobodylovesthose,infactsomeponiesareactuallyallergictobeestings,soiguessidontreallylikeALLsurprisesand-”Her sentence is muffled by a cyan colored pegasus with a rainbow mane clamping down both hooves over her mouth.

“Eeaaasy there, Pinkie, we can talk about... Whatever you were just talking about... Later, let Twilight finish what she's doing...” The pegasus said, giving twilight a look that said “Hurry up already!"

“R-right... As I was saying... I've spent the past 24 hours getting this ready, I've been reading up on a book that presents Theories of Inter-Dimensional Transportation and all of its possible uses, and with it I've managed to perfect, I hope, a spell that will allow for travel between dimensions!” Twilight said with an undeniable note of pride in her voice

“Well, as strange as that sounded Twi, I think we should get this show on the road before Rainbow Dash loses her grip on Pinkie...” Applejack said to the unicorn, watching Rainbow now struggling to keep Pinkie from going ballistic.

“Well, alright then... Stand back everypony...” Twilight said as her horn began to glow

Back with Engie

“Lets get going!” The Engineer said as he pulled down on the lever

A bright light begins to appear in the doorway as well as in front of Twilight as both machine and magic do what they do best...

Before the engineer can celebrate his machine working, however, he begins to hear a sliding sound from his feet, which, when he looks down to investigate, reveals that the sliding sound is him and everyone else in the room being pulled into the doorway

“MONDIEU!” The French accented man from before shouted at the top of his lungs as the pull increased threefold in power, dragging all of them through it and through to the other side...

Author's Note:

Updating for this story may be a little bit rare, seeing as I am the Writer, Editor and Proof checker of this story... and I dont seem to be very good at it...