• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 1,270 Views, 35 Comments

The Race That Ate Friendships - Talon and Thorn

When Octavia decided to join the annual running of the leaves she didn't that that it could ruin her relationship with her friends, but was she wrong?

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The race

Dawn finally brought a sleepless night to an end for Octavia. She dragged herself from her bed and stood under the hot shower for quite some time trying to feel Equine again. Still as always she faced the sun as it rose on the last day of her friendship and played. She supposed that even if her friends left her she would still have the sun. The sad notes drawn from her heart drifted off into the new morning which was inappropriately pleasant. There were a few clouds in the sky to prevent frost but generally the sky was blue, it appeared that Dash did not want rain to interrupt what she must see as her day of triumph.

Downstairs Bon Bon was packing a picnic hamper with a range of tasty treats, she looked up as Octavia entered the room, “Morning Octy,” she said, “Are you ready for the race?”

“I am,” she tried, unsuccessfully, to hide her anxiety.

Bon Bon paused for a second, “Hey don’t be worried, I’m sure you’ll do really well today. I’ve seen you jog and most of the entrants are complete amateurs. You’ll probably even place, when you finish you can share this,” she gestured towards the spread she was preparing.

“Thank you, but I am worried that I might upset my friends if I do better than them, Medley, Fluttershy and Lyra are also competing.”

“Well if they're your friends I’m sure they’ll want you to do well.”

“I understand that but I fear they might be upset if I beat them,” it felt good to get her problems off her chest, maybe she should have discussed this with Bon Bon earlier but she did not want to burden her landlady with her problems. “Lyra is trying to impress someone..” she tailed off remembering who she was talking to.

“Lyra has a sweetheart?” asked Bon Bon, “That’s good for her, she looks so lonely sometimes, I just want to give her a hug. Is it anypony I know?”

“You could say that.... but she wants me to keep it secret for the moment.”

“Fair enough, would you like to walk to the track with me?”

“Thank you.”

There were more ponies at the race than Octavia had expected, it seemed like most of the town had turned up to either compete or watch. She joined the queue to register while Bon Bon wished her luck and said she’d cheer for her before heading off towards the finish line.

The queue to register was long, she judged that several hundred ponies would be competing. She saw Applejack, with a number one obscuring her cutie mark, talking to her family and a number of hangers on. Even the ancient Granny Smith was there her rocking chair mounted on Big Mac’s back. Rainbow Dash and the weather team were off to one side having their wings gently tied down while they glared over at the Apples. Dash was apparently number five.

“Name?” came a cheerful voice from in front of Octavia, she turned and noticed that she had made it to the front of the queue. Cheerilee the school teacher was sitting at a desk helping to organise the race. She looked up, “Oh, it’s you Ms Philharmonica,” she ran a hoof down the list in front of her, “You’re number one hundred and twenty four,” she slapped the sign onto Octavia’s flank with a bit more force than the grey mare thought was necessary. “You need to wait in the green area,” she gestured towards a roped off enclosure, “until we start.”

“Thank you,” said Octavia as she trotted towards the relevant area wincing a bit at her smarting flank. She noticed that a small stage had been erected near the starting line. It was packed with speakers and surrounded with a railing. At the centre was a raised podium with a turntable mounted on it and for some reason a telescope. Around it was gathered a herd of ponies, mostly white unicorns with a mixture of other tribes and colours among them. It looked like the entire Scratch family were visiting Ponyville and had gathered there. This must have been what Vinyl had been working on all week.

Upon joining her group Octavia started her warm up exercises and tried to get her head together for the race. She shouldn't lose hope yet, maybe Medley and Lyra would be better runners than she expected, they might beat her. A small part of her argued that they weren’t but she pushed it away, she could deal with that probability when it came up, if it came up. For now she should just try to enjoy herself. Gazing around the mob of chattering ponies filling the enclosure she didn’t see any of her friends, a brief spark of hope rose in her breast that maybe they had pulled out. Then she saw Lyra in another group, the aqua unicorn spotted her and waved a friendly hoof, she waved back with trepidation.

“Hi,” came a masculine voice from beside her, “You’re Octavia aren't you?”

Octavia turned to see a light blue earth pony stallion with a long red mane and a spade cutie mark talking to her. “Yes,” she replied cautiously.

“I thought so, I saw you at the Equinox before things got crazy, I’m Ditch Digger by the way. I didn’t know you ran.”

“I have been jogging for many years now.”

“I only started with last year's running of the leaves, one of my friends dared me to do it. I came in one hundred and twenty fifth but at least I finished. I enjoyed it so I thought I’d try again this year, maybe improve my placing, I’m hoping to make the top fifty maybe even top thirty.”

“That is very admirable. I’m afraid I’ve been rather remiss at studying the course itself. What can you tell me about it?”

“Well it’s quite long, the race normally goes on for about two to three hours, and it takes in most of the major woods around ponyville. It sort of spirals out but it’s fairly twisty so you gotta look out for the signs telling you which way to go, I almost got lost last year. It ain’t no proper running track either the organisers try to fill in any major potholes but you still got to be careful not to turn a hoof. They got guards stationed around the track to shoot any runners that fall, to put them out of their misery.”

Octavia stared at him in shock, he grinned back, “Just kidding, they got first aiders here and there and some of the nurses are on standby just in case.” He nodded towards a large tent with a red cross on it near the starting line, “That Redheart sure is pretty, it would almost make it worth getting hurt to spend some time with her.” He shook himself out of his thoughts, “Oh and there's water tanks every few miles if you get thirsty.”

Octavia considered this, she had made sure she had hydrated before leaving home but she saw the logic behind this, even in the autumn chill it would be easy to work up a lather during the race. She noticed a few ponies with large tanks on their backs were making sure the contestants were fully watered before starting. “Thank you Mr Digger,” said Octavia digesting what her companion had said. The race was much longer than she was used to, her morning jog normally took less than an hour and even that could be tiring. She was also used to paved streets, she would have to keep her eyes on her hooves and pace herself for the distance.

“My pleasure ma'am, have you got any tips as you’ve been running longer than me?”

“Well I have not run competitively for a long time but I would say you should be careful not to exhaust yourself early on, it is a long race.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Octavia. It looks like we’re about ready to start.”

Ahead of them a few volunteers in red coats were gesturing for their group to move up towards the start of the race where dozens of ponies were already in place and eager for the start. She saw Rainbow Dash near the front clearly chewing at the bit, near her Applejack waited more patiently but with just as much determination in her eyes. Octavia turned her head and was a large green draconic head gazing over the crowd a short distance behind her. Fluttershy had attached a sign to the top of her costume stating ‘Not real’ and another around her neck stating ‘Non Pony, Yes! Non Sapient, No!’ The crowd seemed to be keeping some distance from her, trying not to stand on the trailing ends of the costume. Then she saw Medley, the blue mare was not too far ahead gently trotting on the spot, Octavia wanted to reach out and talk to her but still didn’t know what to say after their argument yesterday.

There was a bust of noise off to one side and Octavia’s head snapped towards it. The Mayor had mounted the podium with a number two proudly attached to her flank. In place of her traditional cravat the older mare had fabric bands around her head and hooves which Octavia remembered being popular back when she was a young foal. Behind her Vinyl stood at the turn table her horn glowing.

“Welcome everypony to the sixth annual running of the leaves,” announced the Mayor her voice amplified by the unicorns spell so everybody could hear her clearly.

“It’s so great to see all of you here today! We’ve smashed last year’s record turnout!” continued the mayor leading the crowd in a cheer. “I hope you all have fun this year and clear all the trees ready for winter. Of course as always I myself am taking part I wouldn’t expect anypony to do anything I wouldn’t try myself. Now this year our very own element of magic, DJ Pon-3, will be commentating,” There was a quick burst of music. ”So everypony should know how the race is going. Now without further ado let’s get the race started and I’ll see you all at the finish line for the prize presentation ceremony.” Carefully the tan mare climbed down from the platform and made her way into the crowd of contestants.

Red Tape gingerly clambered onto the platform as if it was going to collapse at any moment. Then cautiously walked to the centre of the stage. He opened his mouth to speak but all that emerged as a squeal of feedback. He glared at Vinyl who looked innocent. He tried again, “Now, if everypony could be careful out there we had several unnecessary injuries last year. Make sure you obey any instructions from our race staff and medical personnel,” droned the bureaucrat. “Now if you would all start on the mark.” He produced a small bundle of cloth which he unwrapped to reveal a small whistle which he levitated to his lips. “3.... 2.... 1.....” before Red could give the signal a vast wave of noise erupted from the speakers making the stallion leap into the air and almost swallow the whistle. Below the horde of runners surged forward as one.

“And they’re off!” yelled Vinyl, “And it looks like Time Turner’s in an early lead but there’s no way he can keep that pace he’ll be finished before he’s begun, but a lot of stallions have that problem Turner. Behind him it’s a mass of ponies but it looks like Rainbow is starting to pull out a bit but Applejack is right on her tail.” Octavia took to her heels with the rest of the crowd and the white pony continued to comment as they ran by.

After a few minutes the competitors had all passed and the small number of ponies who were walking the course started to follow. Vinyl noticed Bluenote among them flanked by Twist who looked excited and Silver Spoon who looked bored. The Blue earth pony mare was carrying bulging saddle bags and had a tether attached to one of her fore legs which led to a white foal who was trying to pull the larger pony along. Vinyl recognised her brother and waved at the group without ceasing her commentary.

“Ok, people the racers are on their way so it’s time for me to take this party on the road, in fact it’s time...” At a glow from Vinyl’s horn the tops of the large speakers at the edge of the stage flipped open and with a hiss of compressed gas dozens upon dozens of red balloons spilled out, each tethered to the stage. “To take it to the air!” Slowly and with much creaking and protesting the combined force of all the balloons started to lift the stage into the air. The crowd gasped in astonishment and staggered back away from the floating construction. The blue haired unicorn walked to the front of the stage and struck a pose staring down at the ground, which was no disappearing into the distance, without a trace of fear.

“And don’t worry that you won’t hear the commentary down there on Equestria, because this ship is powered... by music!” Smaller speakers swung down from the side of the floating stage shaking the construction. From them music started to play at a high volume.

You and I in a little toy shop

Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got.

Set them free at the break of dawn

'Til one by one, they were gone.

Back at base, Red Tape’s in the town hall

Sends the message, Something's out there.

Floating in the autumn sky.

99 red balloons go by.

The crowd below started to cheer and Red Tape scowled at the use of his name. Slowly the force of the music started to push the floating stage through the sky after the runners, several of whom looked up in surprise.

99 red balloons.

Floating in the autumn sky.

Panic bells, it's red alert.

There's something here from somewhere else.

The bureaucracy springs to life.

Opens up one eager eye.

Focusing it on the sky.

Where 99 red balloons go by

A flag pole grew from the back of the stage and a large flag unfurled, it showed a picture of a grinning Vinyl held aloft by a balloon tied around her middle, it proclaimed the flying stage to be the ‘HMS Wubs of the Air’.

99 decision Street.

99 minions meet.

To worry, worry, super-scurry.

Call the troops out in a hurry.

This is what we've waited for.

This is it colts, this is war.

The princess is on the line

As 99 red balloons go by.

The force of the musical vibrations shook the trees along the course as the stage passed by knocking the few leaves that remained on them to the ground and bringing in Autumn.

99 Knights of the air

Pegasus pulling high tech chariots

Everyone's a superhero.

Everyone's a Commander Hurricane.

With orders to identify.

To clarify and classify.

Scramble in the summer sky.

As 99 red balloons go by

As the HMS Wubs of the Air passed over Bluenote and her group Titchy tried to jump up into the air to get to his sister without success. In response she had saluted down to the group before scampering back to her turntable and putting on the next piece of music. She quickly peered through the telescope to get a view of the current status of the race.

Below the racers were starting to spread out as the stronger or more foolhardy racers pulled ahead while the weaker ponies fell back. In the middle was a large pack which contained most of her friends. Taking a deep breath and throwing on another disk Vinyl began to explain what was happening to her audience.

As the racers started to wind through the woods nearest Ponyville Octavia found herself near the back of the main pack. She thought she saw Medley near the front but it was hard to tell, there were too many other ponies in the way. She was certain she had seen Lyra race off from the herd when the race had begun and Fluttershy was quite near her off to one side. The dragon dressed pony was talking to one of the other racers and judging from the look on her companions face whatever she was saying was fascinating.

Octavia was setting an easy pace for the first part of the race, she could have been running much faster but was nervous about the length of race, it was much longer than she was used to and she did not want to exhaust herself. By her reckoning the pace much of the pack had taken was unsustainable particularly as many of the ponies were amator runners as best. Many of the contestants had realised this already but ponies, being descended from social animals, had strong instincts to stay with the herd both metaphorically and literally making it difficult for them to set their own pace.

Remembering Ditch’s words Octavia kept her eyes on her hooves which not only made it easier to avoid joining the rest of the pack but also gave her a view of the terrain in front of her. As expected the ground was rough and often pot-holed. She had already stumbled a few times when a patch of grass had turned out to be less stable than expected. Suddenly the runner ahead of her leapt forward and she noticed a steep hollow in the ground. Reacting quickly Octavia jumped as well avoiding a potentially nasty fall. The Runner behind her was not as lucky and tripped head over hooves onto the ground. Octavia began to slow to help the unfortunate pony but he was quickly on his hooves again and running, although with a bit of a limp. Letting out a sigh of relief Octavia redoubled her efforts to ensure the path in front of her was safe.

“This is fun isn’t it?” asked Bluenote leading her small herd of foals through the woods. By now the racers were far ahead, the only sign of their passage the thick layer of fallen leaves that coated the path.

Titchy was still leashed and was amusing himself rushing through the leaves throwing them around as he ran back and forth. Silver Spoon kept far away from the rambunctious colt walking behind the rest of the group as if to distance herself from them.

Only Twist seemed interested in the forest itself, “What type of tree is thith, Mith Bluenote,” she lisped pointing at a large and now bare tree.

Bluenote examined the tree for a moment, “A larch,” she said, “A larch,” she repeated rolling the word around her mouth.

“And thith one?” Twist pointed at a smaller tree that stood up straight by the path.

“A larch.”

“And thith one?” she pointed at a gnarled tree bigger than the others.

“A larch.”

“Are you sure?” asked Silver Spoon, somewhat interested, “They look very different.”

“Well the only type of tree I know is the Larch so to me they’re all Larches.”

“But you could be wrong, they’re probably all different types of trees.”

“Maybe, but I might be right. As the only tree I know if the larch, all trees are larches to me.”

Silver Spoon screwed up her face at this, it seemed wrong to her but at the same time it seemed so true.

“Come on, let’s go see some more larches.” said the music teacher.

Vinyl in the Wubs of the air was peering down at the race below through her telescope while giving a running commentary of what she was seeing. The rickety airship was making groaning sounds but its occupant did not seem to be worried.

“Still in front we have Applejack but only a few horseshoes behind her is Rainbow Dash, those two just don’t want to quit do they?” she moved her telescope to look further back in the pack, “At the moment third place could go to anypony; Medley, wow look how she goes, she’s like a well-tuned instrument. Time Turner, why is he so good at running anyway? Even our dear Mayor, I guess running for office isn’t just metaphorical Ivory. Any of them could take the bronze. Behind them there are even more brave racers; Lyra, although that looks painful. Rose, Flitter, Dragonshy.. I mean Fluttershy. With the race not even halfway through they all have a chance to win. Even my good friend Octavia although this doesn’t seem to be her best performance. Well maybe this next song will encourage her, remember ....” She started a disk turning and began to sing pushing her strange craft through the sky even faster.

I am the Commentator and I fly and I fly

I fly through the sky-ie-ie-ie-ies

I see the racers run through the leaves

Yeah, the brown and orange leaves

You know it looks so good today

I am the Commentator

I fly through the air

I look at the racers go by

I see the racers come out today

I see the bright and cheerful ponies

Over the sky-ie-ie-ie-ies

And everything looks good today

Singing la la la la la.. lala la la, la la la la.. lala la la

Below her the crowd began to nod their heads in time with the music and sing along.

Get into the sky

We'll be the Commentator

We'll ride through the sky today

We'll see the racers come out today

We'll see the bright and cheerful ponies

We'll see the brown and orange leaves

Leaves made for us to clear

Even a few of the racers, those with the breath to spare joined in with the song as they zig zagged through the trees. Octavia looked up and although she did not enjoy the style of music she did appreciate the effect it had on the ponies around it and that the beat allowed her to pace her running better.

Oh, the Commentator

See, how she flies

Oh, the Commentator

She flies and she flies

She looks at the racers

What does she see?

She sees the brown and orange leaves

She sees the racers run through the leaves

She sees the sky-ie-ie-ie-ies

She sees the winding racetrack

And everything was made for you and me

All of it was made for you and me

'Cause it just belongs to you and me

So let's take a run and see what's ours

Singing la la la la.. lala la la

Singing la la la la.. lala la la

Singing la la la la.. lala la la

Oh the Commentator

She flies and she flies

She sees things from the skies

She looks at the racers go by

She sees the things that she knows are hers

She sees the brown and orange leaves

She sees the leaves fly away

She sees the racers are out today

And all of it is yours and mine

And all of it is yours and mine

So let's run and run and run and run

Oh, oh, Singing la la la la lalalala

Bluenote and her group had been walking through the woods for over an hour. The other walkers had mostly pulled ahead as Bluenote kept stopping to examine the various ‘Larches’ that lined the track.

“Stop,” commanded Bluenote looking about. Twist who was following close behind her crashed into her flank while Titchy pulled at his leash.

“What is it? Another Larch?” asked Silver Spoon sarcastically while looking around. The woods looked normal to her, full of trees covered in red and brown leaves.

“What do you see?” asked the music teacher.


“Exactly, you can’t see the trees for the leaves. Someone’s been slacking off, none of the trees here have their leaves knocked off.”


“So it’s our civic duty to help,” Bluenote reared up on her back legs and brought her front hooves down on a nearby tree visibly shaking it and causing a cascade of leaves to tumble down upon her. She began to shake the trunk dislodging further dead foliage.

“Come on Spoonie,” called Twist, “I bet I can knock down more leaths than you.” she ran past a large tree giggling as she went letting her slipstream pull down a flurry of brown.

Silver Spoon decided that it was her unwillingness to let somepony like Twist one up her that caused her to barge into a nearby shrub dragging the leaves from it, not the fact that it was fun. Running around giggling as she now was would be unbecoming a pony of her station and she would tell anyone who asked just that and if they claimed to have seen her doing anything like this then they were mistaken.

Twitch stood for a moment looking bewildered at his companion’s behaviour before walking over to a sapling and taking its stem in his teeth bent it down shaking his head to dislodge the leaves. Suddenly with a twanging sound the trunk straightened throwing the colt through the air into a bank of leaves. Bluenote stopped in her own efforts and began to run towards the foal to check on him. Before she you get to him his small head popped up over the leaves, “Again!, Again!” he yelled.

By the second half of the race the main pack has stretched out significantly and Octavia’s strategy was starting to pay off. Her slow but steady pace meant that she was passing more and more racers who had exhausted themselves in the early part of the race. By her reckoning she had run further than her normal morning jog and although hardly fresh she felt she could last the rest of the race and could in fact afford to speed up a bit.

The stretch of track she was currently traversing was flatter than the first part of the course but swung repeatedly from left to right in long lazy zig zags. Ahead of her she caught sight of a familiar aqua unicorn running through the woods, or at least she thought that Lyra was running. The busker seemed to be hopping from hoof to hoof as if undecided on which one to put on the ground next.

Up until now the grey unicorn had managed to put her earlier worries to the back of her mind losing herself in the race. Now that one of her friends was in sight they returned with a vengeance. What could she do now? From what she could see the unicorn was beginning to flag and sooner or later Octavia would either have to slow down or pass her. How would Lyra react if she did the latter? She might as well find out now, pushing herself slightly Octavia sped up.

Glancing back over her shoulder Lyra noticed her friend slowly gaining on her and slowed for a moment to allow the two of them to run side by side. “Hi Octy,” said Lyra panting slightly, “Which do you think looks most impressive?”

“What looks most impressive?” asked Octavia sounding confused.

“Which way of running. I want to look my best for Bon Bon when I pass the finishing line. I can do back hooves,” she rose up on her back legs and hopped forwards in an ungainly gait. “Front hooves,” she staggered forwards head down, “One side or the other,” she somehow managed to move in a sort of controlled fall using only her left and then only her right legs, “I can even manage a cartwheel.” The athletic pony spun forward for a second before collapsing in a heap on the ground.

Octavia screeched to a halt before helping her friend to her hooves, “Maybe you should save them for the last section when Bon Bon can see you? You don’t want to hurt or exhaust yourself before the end.”

“Oh don’t worry Octy, ‘My strength is like the strength of ten for my heart is pure’. Still.” she winced slightly as the two of them started off again, “You might have a point, I wouldn’t want to use up all my awesome before I get to my lady love.”

The two ponies ran on in silence for a few minutes continuing to follow the winding track through the woods.

“So Octy.” said Lyra chattily, “Is there any reason you’re still here?”

“What do you mean?” asked Octavia her guts suddenly turning to ice.

“Well it’s nice to have the company but you go running each day. I keep fit but I’m not that good a runner. You could pass me whenever you want, so why don’t you, you don’t normally do things by halves.”

Octavia froze for a second, almost stumbling, what should she say? Lyra didn’t seem upset just confused. “I thought you would want to win, for Bon Bon.”

The Aqua unicorn laughed for a second then painted to regain her breath, “If winning this race would earn me Bon Bon’s heart then I would already have finished,” she said earnestly, “but it not like that, Bonny doesn’t just want an athlete, she’s not shallow she’s,” Lyra searched for the right word for a second, ”Bon Bon, she deserves the best at everything, the best runner, the best singer, cook, dancer, writer, everything. But noponies perfect at everything so I just have to be the best I can and today I’m being the best runner I can. But you’re better so you should be doing the best you can, which means you should be in front of me.”

“You don’t mind if I beat you?” asked Octavia sounding stunned.

“Of course not, what kind of friend would I be if I was angry with you just for that?” Octavia had a flash of Medley from yesterday, she had been angry, “As long as I get to see Bon Bon at the finish line I’ll be happy. I’ll meet you again there.”

“As long as you’re sure?”

“Of course. Oh before you go which was the best way to cross the finish line?”

“Well that thing with your hind legs just looked.. wrong. Maybe you could just slide across the line?” she suggesting trying to think of a way to prevent Lyra hurting herself.

“It all comes down to how far I can slide,” muttered Lyra, “I think I can make that work. See Ya.”

Feeling better but still worried about Medley Octavia picked up her pace slowly leaving her green friend behind.

Bluenote and her party had left the main track and headed off up a steep hill which eventually rose above the tree line and gave a wonderful view of the surrounding countryside. It was quiet apart from the background thud of the ‘engines’ of Vinyl’s airship. The music teacher unpacked her saddle bags to reveal a large red and white checked blanket which she spread out over the ground and then covered in stacks of picnic food.

“Eat up,” she said gesturing to her party, “There’s nothing like a good walk to work up a healthy appetite.”

Titchy immediately leapt at a muffin almost as big as him, Bluenote caught him in mid-air and redirected him towards a mound of sandwiches. “Try something a bit more savoury first Titchy, it’ll make the sweet taste better.” Not looking convinced the foal sniffed at the offered food before starting to gnaw at it.

“What’s in these Mith Bluenote?” asked Twist after taking a bite of her own sandwich.

“Smoked cheese, I get it imported especially.”

Silver Spoon was impressed, she knew that her father bought similar food for a big party he had hosted last year and he had said it was difficult for even someone of his statue to get it, “How did you manage to get this?” she asked.

“I made a few contacts while I was in Canterlot, people from all other the world went to the school there I’ve still got some friends who can score me treats from far away.”

“Is this reindeer cheese?” Silver spoon had heard it was the hardest type of cheese to get.

“Nope, I’m not that lucky this is from goats. They work for far less, or so I’ve heard.”

Titchy has finished his sandwich and was looking hopefully at the muffin. Bluenote smiled, “Ok you can knock yourself out now kid.” the colt gave a yelp of joy and dived face first into the sweet treat.

“I’ve got ginger beer to wash all this down with.”

A yell came from above, “Ahoy down there!” and a sudden breeze tore at the blanket.

The foals looked on in shock as the ‘Wubs of the air’ appeared above the peak they were picnicking on. Bluenote seemed unperturbed, “Afternoon Vinyl.” she yelled over the noise of the machine, “How’s the race going?”

“Getting near the end now,” her friend yelled down, “Rainbow and Applejack are still neck and neck. Medley’s doing well and Octavia’s moving up. I haven't seen Fluttershy for a while but Lyra looks a bit puffed out. How are you?”

“Fine just having a rest, here catch.” she lobbed a bottle up towards Vinyl who caught it in her aura.

“Ginger beer? I’d have preferred the real stuff.” she opened the lid and took a swig, “Still that hits the spot. Thanks.”

“Vinyl, Vinyl,” yelled Titchy having overcome his surprise, jumped up and down to get his sisters attention.

“Hi kid! You being good for Bluenote?”

The white foal nodded energetically, “Fly! Fly!” he shouted.

“Sorry, not this time Titch. I got the Wubs perfectly balanced, can’t have any extra ballast.”

The small unicorn looked downcast, “Maybe next time?” his sister amended trying to cheer him up.

Titchy seemed to perk up at this aided by Bluenote pushing another muffin towards him.

“Anyway, I must be off,” announced the DJ, “This race isn’t going to commentate itself. See you all at the finishing line.” With a further burst of sound the flying machine moved off with the group waving goodbye to it.

The herd sat in silence for a while their mouths full of various treats. Once that had finished Bluenote packed the blanket and the remains of the food into her bags and set off down the path. “Come on,” she said, “We better get back to the track.”

“Mith Bluenote,” said Twist, “Didn’t we come from thith way?” she pointed down a similar track in the opposite direction.

“I’m certain it was this way,” said Silver Spoon pointing in a third direction.

Bluenote looked uncertain, glancing down each path, “Hum, I’m not sure.”

That didn’t sound good, though Silver Spoon.

Octavia began to pick up her pace again. The last marker had indicated that the finishing line was only a few miles away now. She had passed several tired ponies over the last few minutes, mostly unicorns. Of the three tribes they tended to be the last athletic, Pegasus were light and quick and earth ponies such as herself were strong and had greater endurance so the third tribe tended to come last in most physical competitions unless their magic could be used.

By her reckoning there were probably less than a dozen ponies ahead of her including most of the serious competition. Her pacing seemed to have worked, although she was still feeling the strain of such a long run. She was panting slightly and could feel a lather starting to form on her flanks, a feeling she did not enjoy. Sweating like that made her feel dirty. Her mother had always told her that mares shouldn’t sweat, they should perspire. Octavia was certainly sweating now and she felt a little maternal shame.

The path was starting to straighten out now and the woods were thinning. She took a final turn and saw the front runners not too far ahead and in the distance a crowd of ponies could be seen marking the finishing line. She recognised several members of the leading group, the Mayor was near the back, next to her was a brown stallion who looked on his last legs, and ahead of them was the familiar blue pegasus, Medley. Unlike the rest of the group she did not seem unduly tired, her almost unnatural endurance still keeping her going, she had her head down and was pushing onwards at a steady pace.

Screwing up her courage, Octavia moved faster. Her actions might push Medley away from her but she couldn’t stop, that would be a lie, it would go against the very core of her being. She would give this race her all, regardless of the consequences. She quickly closed the distance with the pack passing the exhausted stallion and a few other racers. For a moment she was running parallel with the Mayor who seemed less tired that Octavia would have expected. The older mare picked up her pace for a minute starting to outdistance the grey mare but then seemed to reconsider and slowed dropping back past the musician.

Suddenly Octavia realised how close to the front she now was, Medley was only a few lengths ahead and in front of her only a single pony, a purple pegasus was between her and Dash and Applejack who were still running side by side with twin looks of determination on their faces. The finish line itself was drawing closer, maybe just over a mile away.

With a final burst of speed Octavia found herself just behind Medley. She knew she had the physical strength to pass her but found that she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Despite all her previous protestations, she found that she prized her friendship more than her pride. She couldn’t bring herself to beat her friend even if it meant a blow to her self-respect.

Medley looked back at Octavia, “You’re not trying.” she said bluntly

Octavia tried not to look guilty, “I am pacing myself.” she gasped. Medley didn’t seem out of breath.

“No you’re not, I’ve seen you of a morning, you can do better than this. Why are you letting me win without a fight? Is this about yesterday?” she looked ashamed ears drooping, “I’m sorry about that, I shouldn’t have shouted at you. You really are a good runner.”

“I don’t want to beat you.” she admitted.

Medley considered this for a moment, dropping back slightly to remain alongside the grey mare “When I win, when, not if, it wouldn’t mean anything if you didn’t try.”

“But I’m scared that I’ll beat you.”

“What do you think would happen if you did?”

“Well you might not want to be my friend anymore.” she found the answer cathartic, she had been worried about it for so long now, it was a weight off her mind.

Medley laughed, “That it? That’s what you’re worried about?”

Octavia nodded.

“Do you really think I’m that fragile? Answer me this, if you beat me would you rub it in, constantly brag about being better than me?”

“No!” said Octavia shocked, “I would never do that!”

“Then what’s the problem? Octavia, friends compete all the time, as long as you don’t take it too seriously there’s no sin in that. You are a far better musician than I will ever be, and you prove it every time we play together. Does that stop me trying to improve? Does that stop me being friends with you?”

“Well, no but..”

“But nothing, you're a better musician, I’m better at making instruments, one of us is better than the other at running, why does it matter?”

“I suppose it doesn’t”

“Good, I’ll see you at the finish line then, I’ll be the one on the podium.” with that the blue mare sped up and started to pull away.

With a smile and a lighter heart Octavia also redoubled her efforts.

As the first of the racers were approaching Vinyl had parked the Wubs of the air over the finish line and was leaning out of the airship as she yelled out her observations. Around her stood a large crowd of spectators just as excited as she was. Off to one side Ditzy was floating in the air with her daughter securely strapped into a saddle on her back. The young grey unicorn was yelling in excitement while beneath her her mother struggled to keep the two of them in the air.

“And they’re coming into the home stretch and Applejack and Rainbow are neck and neck. It’s Appledash or should that be Rainjack? Only a few lengths behind them is Octavia she’s pushing hard but I think she’s flagging, can she keep it together for long enough? Nipping at her heels is Medley, wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen her pant before. Then back a few lengths is Flitter and behind her is Time turner, he looks dead on his hooves but he’s still going and then there's the Mayor, come on Ivory you can do better than that.”

“With only a few yards left to go now it Dash, no it’s Applejack, no Dash, no Applejack. They crossed the line neck and neck it’ll be a hoofbiter while the judges decide but I think Applejack had it. Now the race is on for third place. Octavia is in the lead but only by a nose, who knew that having practise at keeping your snout in the air would help in a race? Wait Medley’s pulled ahead, it looks like Octavia’s trying to rally but I don’t think she has anything left, Yes. It’s Medley third and Octavia for fourth. It looks like Flitter has fifth... yes she’s just finished, now Time Turner for sixth and the Ivory Scrolls for seventh, bad luck Mayor Mare just out of the placing again. And there's still more ponies approaching I can see Lyra and ...”

Having crossed the finish line all Octavia wanted to do was collapse but she knew that if she didn’t cool down properly she could hurt herself so she forced her hooves to keep trotting as her lungs sucked in gasps of air. Ahead of her she could see Rainbow and Applejack still staggering onwards leaning on each other to remain standing. She could just about make out their conversation through the roar of the crowd.

“You’re pretty fast for a bag of feathers,” mumbled Applejack.

“You’re not too bad for a piece of farm machinery yourself,” slurred Rainbow Dash.

“How about we call it a truce until next year?”

“Well if you want to. That race was fairly awesome probably point seven of a rainboom maybe point eight.”

“Just keep away from my brother Ok.”

“Ah, I’m so over him now. He’s not all that anyway.” said Rainbow dismissively.

“Are you saying my brothers not good enough for you?” responded Applejack.

Octavia smiled as their bickering was swallowed up by well-wishers. Maybe this race didn’t destroy friendships after all, maybe it formed them.

“Told you I was the better runner.” said Medley with a smile, the blue mare was trotting alongside Octavia panting slightly but otherwise apparently none the worse the wear for her exertions.

“I was hardly at my best; if I'd known the race would have been like this I'd have trained for it properly,” pointed out Octavia, the she froze worried she might have insulted her friend again.

“Is that so?” replied Medley cheerfully, “Then I guess we’ll have to see again next year won’t we. Think you’ll be on your game by then?”

Octavia gave a sigh of relief, “You’re on,” she agreed.

“Hey, there’s Lyra,” yelled Medley pointing at the finish line. The aqua mare was just crossing the line as part of a mob of other ponies. She had rushed forwards turning her run into a skid followed by a flip before coming to a stop just past the line. Several of the crowd cheered at her antics including Bon Bon which caused the busker to smile so widely it looked like the top of her head would fall off.

Octavia and Medley collected their friend and looked for a quiet spot to wait for Fluttershy. By the time the yellow pegasus arrived the crowd was starting to clear and a podium was being set up for the closing ceremonies. Vinyl was still hovering above playing her music at full volume. The veterinarian, her costume looking rather tattered, was supporting a limping unicorn as she crossed the line. “Aqua’s always wanted to finish the race,” explained Fluttershy as she saw her friends, “but she fell about half way through so I just had to help her, still she seemed very interested in the plight of dragons and the need to conserve the west Coltland swamps, she said she’d help out if I ever need a spare hoof. Anyway one hundred and twenty eighth place isn’t that bad.”

As they were congratulating their pink maned friend Cheerilee cantered up to the group, “Here you go.” she said passing out medals to all those present, “All entrants get these.” she explained. “And you two,” she pointed at Medley and Octavia need to get over to the podiums, Mum’s handing out the prizes soon. You did really well,” she effused, “This year was the fastest race ever by over ten minutes.”

The winning ponies took their places on the podium positioned near the finishing line. Applejack stood proudly in first place. Next to her Dash was floating above her spot stretching her newly unwrapped wings and keeping just above Applejacks height. On Applejacks other side Medley took her place. Below them stood Octavia, Flitter and Time Turner. The Mayor went from one to the other shaking them by the hooves and handing out certificates and various sized bags of bits. Applejack was given a cup as well which she held aloft. As she did Dash dropped back onto the podium smiling up at her friend.

Above them floated Vinyl still blasting out music for the closing ceremony.

Glancing around the crowds and her friends Octavia smiled. She was so glad things had turned out the way they had and she couldn’t believe how worked up she had gotten about something so trivial. Of course her friends wouldn’t abandon her just because she did better than them in a race, they were her friends. Then she had an idea. She hopped off the podium with Medley and approached Lyra and Fluttershy, who had now removed her costume.

“I know what I can do with my winnings,” she announced, “I think I have enough to take us all out for a meal.” It could be part of Bluenote’s birthday present, thought Octavia. She could buy something more for her friend with her stipend later.

There was a chorus of agreement from the rest of the group.

“There’s no need for you to spend it all, half of your winning and half of mine together and we can go to a nice place, how about La maison d'herbe.” suggested Medley.

“That Prench restaurant?” asked Octavia, “I’ve heard good reviews. But are you sure, what about your floorboards.”

“I’ll have enough left to patch them up, I can do a lot with a little. I know a few tricks to get by.”

Behind them came Vinyl’s voice, “Well that’s about it for today, nice to see you all here and I hope you all had fun like I did. I’ll see you all here next year. This is DJ Pon-3 signing off,” with that a final song sprung from the speakers and several of the balloons holding the stage aloft detached and flew off into the sky.

99 dreams I have had.

In every one a red balloon.

It's all over and I'm standing pretty.

In these leaves that were once on trees.

If I could find a souvenir.

Just to prove the world was here.

And here is a red balloon

I think of you and let it go.

As one by one the balloons fluttered into the sky the stage dropped lower and lower. Suddenly with the sound of snapping strings most of the remaining balloons escaped at once dropping the stage the last five feet to the ground. It smashed on impact throwing pieces of wood all around and sending several of the speakers crashing to the ground. Unperturbed Vinyl strolled out of the wreckage past the stunned onlookers. Behind her a small fire broke out and Red Tape rushed past scowling at the DJ while using his magic to smother the flames. As she went the white unicorn grabbed a last balloon as it made a break for freedom and passed it to an small orange filly who took it in her hooves staring up in awe at the DJ before the balloon started to lift her off the ground and her mother grabbed her before she got too high.

Vinyl turned to a crowd member near her, “Did that look as cool as I thought it did?” she whispered.

The shocked stallion could only nod.

“Good,” she announced out loud, “So how are all of you?” she asked as she walked towards her friends.

“We’re off to get something to eat, you're invited.” said Medley.

“Great! Should be wait for Bluenote? She shouldn’t be too much longer.”

By the time that Bluenote crossed the finishing line the sun had set. She was staggering slightly under the weight of the three foals sleeping on her back. Twist and Silver Spoon were adorably intertwined while Titchy was laid out on his back across them.

Her friend were waiting for her in a pile near the line, several had fallen asleep.

“What kept you?” asked Vinyl getting up from where she had been hunched and stretching.

“The usual; got a bit off track, found a tribe of pygmy elks in the forest, saved them from a horde of ravenous miniature giant space hamsters. Me and the foals got crowned as princesses, even Titchy.”

“Oh, how is Queen Ichycoco?” asked Lyra in interest.

“Fine now we drove off the hamsters, she’s had her calf it’s a girl. Anyway how did the race go?”

“Medley came third, Octavia fourth, Lyra twelfth and Fluttershy one hundred and twenty eighth,” replied the DJ not batting an eyelid at her friends strange conversation.

“We are going for supper at La maison d'herbe, would you like to join us?” asked Octavia struggling to work her stiff legs and blinking the sleep from her eyes.

“Oooh, that sounds nice, I’ll meet you there. I better take my passengers home first their parents will be wondering where they got to. Tell the Maître de that I sent you and he’ll get you the best seats in the house.”

“I’ll help you get Titch back to where Mum and Dad are staying,” said Vinyl levitating his small form off Bluenote’s back and onto her own, he struggled in his sleep for a moment before clinging to his sisters back. Twist and Silver Spoon reacted unconsciously to his loss gripping each other tighter. “See the rest of you in half an hour.”

As the party separated and Octavia started to trot towards the restaurant surrounded by her friends, looking forward to telling them all about her race over supper. She realised she was sad that she’d have to wait a whole year to do it all again.

Author's Note:

Comments please!

Comments ( 23 )

I really loved this story! Octavia's concerns are serious enough to be real, but it all worked out in the end. The descriptions of the race were lovely, especially Bluenote and the kids.

A nice, happy story. I really enjoyed reading this. Great job, man!

Loved this story.

Cadanceverse is best AU.

So many memes Appledash, Rainjack, Lyra's human antics, that dragon costume from "Dragon Quest" and Vinyl accidentally called Fluttershy Dragonshy. And I loved every one of them great story and hope to see more from this universe.


Thank you all for your praise.


In the first draft Octavia's loosening of her regime was a bit more severe and she was happily guzzling hot chocolate of a morning, but Grassandclouds2 suggested this was a bit to far and I agreed. I put this story about 6 months in so there can be some reasonable development time for the characters so that they can have changed a bit from music while still be recognisable.

One thing about this story is that I feel a little selfish grabbing more than my fair share of secondary characters and setting them with some personality (Big Mac, Ditzy, The Cakes, The Mayor, Twist), name checking some others (Flitter, Time Turner, Cheerilee, Dash, Applejack) and even a few OCs (Red Tape, Digger, Titch) so that they're a bit less available to other writers to do what they want with. I really like universe building and like taking these characters off in, if not unique (Fandom is so big that true uniqueness is probably impossible) then unusual directions (Ditzy being very dexterous, Big Mac the opera singer) but I do feel like I'm hogging the story a bit.

My next planned story will have a smaller cast but will probably spot light Fluttershy and Rarity with an unusual history for her (probably) as well as a few more background ponies appearing. Hopefully by then a few more authors will have put there mark on the universe and I can start working off their idea's as well as my own.

I really liked this. An understandable oncern but a happy ending anyway, even for Rainbow and AJ. And a bit of ship teasing in an almost love dodecahedron type way. Very nice.

Somebunny needs to write that adventure.


Interesting, I haven't noticed that before. My next story fits into it as well, Rarity and Fluttershy semi-competing over who can raise the most money for charity.


That scene sort of ran away from me. Originally it had Octavia to nervous to talk about her worries and just keep pussyfooting around the issue before leaving. But when I came to write it I realised that I had two most prideful characters standing up to each other and that was going to make some sparks fly so it ended rather different to the way it was envisioned. I probably overdid Medley's 'prickliness' though.


Are you the rabbit for the job? Princess Cadence want's YOU to write a The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe parody.

On a more serious note I have no idea what Grassandclouds2 plans for his Lyra's reward story but this is the sort of thing I'm expecting so that's why Lyra recognises the queen.

All hail Princess Titchy Scratch of the Elk Nation! :pinkiecrazy:

3089058 I'm imagining Vinyl teasing him to Tartarus and back about that when he's old enough to care.


With a name like Titchy he probably doesn't need anything else to be teased about. I imagine that he'll grow up to be bigger than Big Mac and not be able to get a date because there's a rumour he lives up to his name. :raritycry:

3093338 Unless he likes stalions in which case it'll scare them off because it's "too gay".:facehoof:


That was a really good short story in typical Cadenceverse-style.

I liked how Octavia´s fears build up more and more and how her friends in the end acted in such a reasonable way, even the temperamental Medley. The conflict was simple, logic and comprehensible.

And of course the musical parts were great, that´s after all what features the Cadenceverse.
My favorite was, of course as a German, Nena´s '99 Luftballons'.
A classic that never gets old.

Excellent. Great version of the Running, here. Oddly enough, now I wanna do a sympathetic story with Red Tape. "Someone's gotta keep City Hall on track, for Cadance's sake!" :trollestia:


I do see him as sympathetic really, he just wants Ponyville to be safe and it would be that if Vinyl was locked away.

If you do want to do something with him PM me and I can give you some further background and idea's

The only thing I currently have in mind would be a story in the far future (season 2-3 style thing) where he and Vinyl get trapped together and they have to work as a team.

Bag Mac is a typo. You want Big MacIntosh

TimeTurner just might finish before he starts. I imagine that he has a Blue Box near.

It ended nicely.

Bravo bravo :twilightsmile: I liked the Cakes shameless attempt at bribery ough the speaking in unison thing was a bit creepy >< Octavia felt really well done too Beautifully balanced and well thought out.

One of the good things about this musical universe is you sometimes find new songs and bands you never heard of, but end up liking.

I for one have a new favorite number, 99.


Nope sorry, that's all folks.

Until the next story anyway.


They go to a restaurant have a good time, chat and life goes on the next day. You can fill in the blanks if you want.

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