• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 35 Comments

The Race That Ate Friendships - Talon and Thorn

When Octavia decided to join the annual running of the leaves she didn't that that it could ruin her relationship with her friends, but was she wrong?

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Asking the friends

It was the next day and Octavia had spent a sleepless night worrying about the race which was now only a few days away. The obvious answer seemed to be to drop out of the race or to let her friends win but that seemed ..... dishonest to her. She never played with anything but the whole of her ability, to do otherwise would be an insult to both herself and to music itself, not to mention the audience. She didn’t think she could do such a thing in the race either.

She had considered telling Medley of her fears but she was worried how the blue pegasus might take the revelation. She might be angry that Octavia thought she was the better runner of the two of them. The angry words from the spring festival when Octavia had gone behind the shop keepers back still haunted her, she did not want to enrage her again.

There was also the matter of Lyra, her aqua friend was more easy going than Medley but her love of Bon Bon was the very core of her being. How would she react if Octavia showed her up in front of the cream mare?

Octavia realised that luckily she didn’t have to make the decision by herself, now she had friends she could call upon for advice. She decided to start with Fluttershy, although timid the butter coloured mare was empathic and would understand that she didn’t want to hurt her friends.

Thus after her normal morning ritual Octavia made her way out of town and towards the rustic cottage that served as her friend’s home and surgery. The building was, as usual, covered in banners and flags proclaiming the various groups and charities that Fluttershy was currently supporting. As she was crossing the small bridge leading to the pegasus’s property Octavia’s sensitive ears picked out a shriek of distress from within the building, it sounded like Fluttershy! Octavia galloped the short distance to the front door and began to hammer on the door. “Fluttershy!” she called, “are you alright in there?”

There was long pause from the other side of the door. Octavia was just about to knock again when she heard a faint, “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, the voice still sounded panicked.

“Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. I’m fine. Everything’s fine here now, thank you. How are you?” came Fluttershy’s hesitant reply.

Octavia relaxed somewhat. “Can I come in? I have something important I ask you.”

There was another long pause before the door creaked open and Fluttershy’s head poked out. To Octavia’s amazement her friends head was covered by a sort of mask which roughly resembled the head of a lizard. Fluttershy’s face poked out through the creature’s mouth while a pair of small crossed eyes were positioned above her head. The sight knocked Octavia dumb for a moment as her brain struggled to deal with this strange sight.

“Err... What was it you wanted to talk about?” asked Fluttershy sweating profusely inside the costume.

Her curiosity got the better of her and Octavia barked, “Whatever are you wearing?” before remembering herself and putting a hoof to her mouth.

Fluttershy opened the door fully to reveal that she was covered in a loose green reptile costume with gems inlaid along the side. “This is my dragon costume,” she explained, “Rarity helped me make it for the race”

“Are you alright?” asked Octavia remembering the sounds she had just heard, “I heard you cry out.”

“I scared myself,” muttered Fluttershy below the level of even Octavia’s hearing.


“I wanted to try out the costume before the race and looked at myself in the mirror. It’s too realistic, I scared myself.”

“To realistic?” asked Octavia, those were not the words she would have used to describe the outfit.

Fluttershy doodled on the floor with her hoof, eyes down, “Oh, yes it looks just like one of the dragons in the book I read, a Night Fury. There are all sorts of dragons.” she looked up starting to warm to her subject, “They’re an ancient and civilised race with a strong code of morals. They created many works of art, but most ponies fear and distrust them. It’s just not right. So I decided to wear a dragon costume to the running of the leaves this year to raise the awareness of their plight. But when I put the costume on and looked in the mirror all I saw was a horrible scaly monster that wanted to eat me! I’m such a bigot, I’m the worst pony ever!” she wailed.

Octavia blinked several times trying to process this information, “I’m sure you were just surprised, you need more time to get used to the costume,” she ventured. “Wait, did you say you were going to the running of the leaves?” Maybe her friend wouldn’t be as impartial as she had hoped.

“Yes,” said Fluttershy straightening her costume, “I registered a few days ago, will you be running?”

“I think I will be,” said Octavia, “Do you think you will do well?” She asked deciding to find out Fluttershy’s feelings before telling her of her problem.

“Oh No. I’m not much of an athlete, but I have some experience of fun runs and the like but I’m going to be running in a costume, so I doubt I’ll finish in the first fifty. But it’s not about winning, although the prize money could be given to good causes, it’s about taking part; inspiring other ponies to do their best, oh and highlighting the plight of the dragons as well, of course.”

“So you wouldn’t be upset is somepony you know, a friend, did better that you?” asked Octavia carefully.

“Of course not, most ponies don’t take the race that seriously.”

Relief cascaded through Octavia at her pink maned friends words, “But,” said Fluttershy causing the grey mare to tense up again. “Some ponies do take it very seriously like Applejack and Rainbow Dash for example, they’re very competitive about it.”

“How so?”

“Well when the race started Applejack won for the first several years despite being one of the youngest competitors, she’s a rodeo champion you know. Then the year before last Rainbow Dash moved into town and you know how she is about speed, she flew the course in less than half the time it took Applejack to run it. Applejack was furious about Rainbow ‘cheating’ as she called it, but there’s no rule against flying just most pegasus didn’t do it. Anyway Applejack took the matter to the Mayor and she agreed to change the rules so that all the race has to be on the ground. Dash wasn’t too happy about being called a cheater and vowed to win on the ground, she trained really hard. Then when last years race came around they were neck and neck until the very end when Dash fell and Applejack won. Dash said that Applejack tripped her, but I think it was a rock or something, I don’t think Applejack would do such a thing. Dash was furious and well some very not nice words were said,” The nervous pegasus shivered at the recollection, “And she vowed to win this year. It’s a shame,” she sighed, “they were quite good friends when Dash first arrived but they hardly talk to each other now a days.”

“So,” Octavia swallowed around a suddenly dry mouth, “You would say that the race destroyed their friendship?”

“We’ll, maybe not by itself Applejack wasn’t happy when Dash dated Mac, said she was giving him ideas, but the race certainly didn’t help.”

“I think I’ve heard what I need to,” said Octavia looking worried.

“Are you sure you don’t want a drink or anything?”

“No thank you, I need to think about a few things,” said the grey mare as she let herself out.

“Bye then.” said Fluttershy as she turned towards her bedroom steeling herself to face her mirror again.

Octavia was once again crossing the small river near the cottage when another squeak of fear echoed across the clearing.

Octavia had plenty of time to think on the walk back from Fluttershy’s house. She’d hoped that she was overreacting, thinking that a simple race could ruin a friendship but Fluttershy’s story had dispelled that assumption. If the race could break apart Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s friendship then it could do the same for her own relationships.

Although her friends were not as competitive as the farmer and the weather manager, Medley could be very particular when it came to money, she’d said that she needed the prize money for repairs on her shop. Octavia wondered if she could deal with the problem by spending any prize money she won in the music shop, but she knew Medley had her pride and that she would be angry at being given what she would see as charity.

Fluttershy might be ok with just being an inspiration for others but Medley wanted that money and Lyra wanted to impress Bon Bon, she certainly didn’t want any competition in that.

By now her hooves had carried her back into Ponyville itself, maybe if Fluttershy couldn’t help her then another of her friends might. Although she didn’t always act it Vinyl was a smart mare and she had much more experience dealing with friends than Octavia, maybe she could help.

Octavia walked to Vinyl’s house and knocked smartly on the door. There was no sign of life. She waited then knocked again, there was still no response. Octavia looked up at the sun, it was early afternoon, Vinyl would normally have just gotten up.

“She’s not in,” came a voice from behind her. She turned to find Red Tape standing there. “I’m her neighbour, for my sins” he explained in a pained voice, “Vinyl’s been going out early, around dawn, and back late all week.”

“Ah, do you know where she’s been going?”

“Unfortunately no. I think she’s working on something for the race. No doubt another death trap.”

Octavia cautiously thanked Red for his assistance and watched as he wandered off muttering to himself. If she couldn’t talk to Vinyl that left only one close friend, Bluenote. She hadn’t been Octavia’s first choice as she did not think the music teacher would take her fears seriously, she normally seemed happiest to just let problems flow past her rather than deal with them. Still she was a sociable mare so she might know how to deal with Medley and Lyra.

Bluenotes small house was away from the centre of Ponyville but given the size of the town it was still not very far to walk. Octavia knocked on the door and unlike Vinyl’s place received a response almost straight away. “Come on in it’s open,” came Bluenote’s voice, it sounded strange, a little stressed.

Octavia pushed the door open, “Wait stop him! Don’t let him get outside!” came a further cry. Octavia briefly saw a small white blur rushing towards her and instinctively reached out to block its way. To her surprise a small white unicorn foal crashed into her and bounced off. It looked up at her in awe for a second before shaking off its surprise, and apparently uninjured, picked itself up with a giggle and made another break for freedom. Before the child could get to the door it was grabbed by Bluenote, “Come here you!”

The foal struggled for a second then settled into the blue mare’s grasp. Octavia examined the foal, he was a colt, his pelt was pure white and his mane was made up of familiar blue stripes. He was examining her with huge ice blue eyes. “Isn’t that..” she began.

“One of Vinyl’s brothers? Yeh, beats me if I can remember all their names though.," teased Bluenote tickling the child. "What you called little bit?"

“Titchy, Titchy,” giggled the foal.

“Oh, yeh, Titchy Scratch. How could I forget one of my favourite pupils?”

“I always thought he was a little young for your lessons,” said Octavia as she helped Bluenote carry the foal back to the living room.

“Yeah, technically I'm his foal sitter rather than his teacher. It's not very frequent, normally the Scratch clan has dozens of free sitters on hand. A couple of his brothers brought him over and said they were in town but all busy for some reason so they asked me to look after him for a few hours. Well he was asleep then, since he woke up he’s been like a little dynamo even more than normal, he just keeps going and going. I think they might have loaded him up with sugar.” She placed the foal on a chair and he instantly tried to climb down out of it. Bluenote picked him back up again. “So what brings you here?” she asked.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Give me a sec, this normally keeps him still for a while.” Pinning the foal for a second Bluenote picked up a cheap looking child’s recorder from the ground and passed it to Titchy who regarded it owlishly for a few moments before taking a deep breath and placing it in his mouth.

“You might want to...” began Bluenote. The foal exhaled creating an incredibly loud sound, the shock almost knocked Octavia off her hooves.

“Cover your ears.” continued Bluenote somewhat belatedly. The foal took another breath and made what seemed, incredibly, to be an even louder sound. Octavia’s ears not only flattened but tried to turn inside out to escape the racket.

“We can talk in the kitchen,” yelled Bluenote, Octavia couldn’t hear her but could just about make out the words on her lips. She quickly scampered away to safety. Bluenote joined her after making sure the rest of the doors and windows were closed.

The noise made by the instrument could still be heard from within Bluenote’s small, but surprisingly well equipped kitchen, although it was reduced to a tolerable level. “What was it you wanted to talk about?” asked Bluenote.

Octavia shook her head to try and stop the ringing in her ears, “I am planning to take part in the running of the leaves this weekend.”

“Huh, is it that time of year already?” asked Bluenote, “You know I might take part this year.”

Octavia looked surprised, “Forgive me, but I would not have thought you would be interested in a race.”

“Oh no, I’m not an athlete but I think it’d be fun to go for a walk in the woods; maybe take a few of the foals with me, knock a few leaves down, do my bit for the community.”

“That’s a good idea. However, my problem is that I fear I might win.”

The blue mare raised an eyebrow, “That’s not something most ponies are afraid of, what’s the problem with winning?”

“If I win I would be beating Medley and Lyra, I am worried how they might react to that.”

“I don’t think it would be a problem, I wouldn’t care if you beat me.”

“Medley is not as,” Octavia searched for the right word, “relaxed about these things as you are.”

Bluenote thought for a moment, “You might be right there she does take some things, particularly money, rather too seriously. I remember when I owed her for a tuba tune up, she was waiting outside my house each morning for a week until I finally paid her back, she was not happy about that indeed,” she paused in recollection, “Maybe you should just let her win then.”

“I... I do not think I could do that.” said Octavia looking somewhat pained.

“Seems easy to me just put one hoof in front of the other slower than she does,”

“But it would be dishonest, like lying. I am a good runner I can’t pretend otherwise, it would be wrong, like not playing with my full skill.” she wrung her hooves.

“I still don’t see the problem. Why don’t you just talk to her about it?”

“I think I might have to, but what if...” she suddenly realised the whistling from the living room had stopped when a loud metallic crash could be heard. Quick as a whip Bluenote was pulling the door open and searching for her charge. Octavia followed behind her and surveyed the room, Bluenote’s Tuba had been knocked from its stand and now laid upside down on the floor but of Titchy there was no sign.

“Humm, if I was a foal where would I be?” wondered Bluenote out loud casually looking around the room.

Octavia was more worried about the foal’s disappearance and began to frantically search the room checking the doors, windows, the fireplace and behind a cupboard to no avail. Then she heard a scraping sound and saw the tuba starting to drag itself across the floor towards the open kitchen door. Bluenote noticed as well and lifted the instrument up revealing the foal under it, he reared up and spread his legs wide, “Surprise!” he yelled before falling back onto the ground. Bluenote strapped on her instrument and used it to make a surprised sounding noise. Looking thoughtful for a second Titchy rushed under the table and picked up his discarded recorder and tried to copy the sound with increased volume. The music teacher repeated the note again even louder and once again the small unicorn tried to copy her. Between the two of them the volume started working up towards a cacophony.

“I think I should be going,” yelled Octavia, struggling to be heard over the racket.

Bluenote made a sad sound which was again copied by Titchy.

“Sorry, I think I will take your advice and talk to Medley,”

Bluenote nodded and played a happier note, again copied by her student.

Octavia staggered out of the house with her head ringing. Sighing she considered her situation, she agreed that trying to confront Medley might be the best course of action but she doubted it would be as easy as Bluenote thought. The pegasus could be very touchy about some things especially if they involved money. She still had a few days until the race, it might be a good idea to think about the matter for a day or so, prepare what she was going to say. Happy that she now had a plan Octavia trotted back towards her home.

A day spent preparing what to say to Medley had become two and then almost three. With the race the next day Octavia was forced to stop procrastinating and actually face the blue pegasus. With a heavy heart she made her way to the music shop to meet her friend. Each step seemed to make her journey harder and by the time she got to the shop the grey mare was sweating nervously. Visions of Medley ordering her to leave the shop, telling her to never talk to her again and yelling that she was not her friend any more flashed in front of the grey mare’s eyes. Octavia shook her head trying to calm herself, she was being silly, Medley wouldn't overreact that much. Then she remembered how Medley had behaved when Octavia had volunteered her Aeolian harp for the festival and almost ran home again. Steeling herself Octavia opened the shop door and stepped inside, the floorboards gave a loud creak beneath her hooves.

Medley was in the front of the shop arranging some music books on the stand, “Those damn boards,” she grumbled to herself, “still I should have them fixed soon.” She looked up, “Oh, hi Octavia, what brings you here.”

The grey mare opened her mouth and her mind went blank, all the carefully prepared arguments just blew from her brain like autumn leaves falling from the trees. She stood dumb for a moment, “Race,” she stuttered.

“What about the race?”

“Do you have much experience running? I’ve never seen you run around ponyville.” asked Octavia trying to get the conversation on track.

“I do most of my running up on the clouds, you need to set them off to get rain and running over the tops of a cloud bank is a good way to do it. Sometimes I run on the ground out in the woods. Either way you probably wouldn’t have seen me. I used to have more time to run when I was younger but I have managed to get in some practice for the race recently. I might not be as fast as Dash or Applejack but I figure if I can set a good pace and keep it up for the whole race I can outlast most of the pack. I’m fairly sure I’ve got third in the bag I might even beat one of the favourites I’m sure they'll be furious if I do,” she grinned.

“What if someone else wins?” she asked trying to get a feeling of what the temperamental mare thought of the situation.

“Like who? I’ve watched the last few races, I’m sure I can beat anypony else who enters.” replied Medley calmly shuffling some sheet music.

“How about me?” ventured Octavia, “I keep myself in good condition and have experience jogging.”

“Sorry, no offence, but this race is a bit different from just jogging around town. It’s longer and the grounds rougher, I don’t think you have much of a chance.” said the blue mare sympathetically and to Octavia’s ears somewhat condescendingly.

A spark of pride ignited in Octavia’s breast fuelled by her nervousness and quickly began to spread, “I think you will find,” she began, pulling herself up to her full height, “that I am a better runner than you think. I have been jogging for many years.”

“It’s not just about experience, it’s about drive. You’ve never needed anything in your life, it’s all been handed to you on a silver platter so you don’t know what it’s like to push yourself to achieve something.” Medley sounded rather bitter.

“How dare you!” yelled Octavia, “I never put less than my all into anything, I push myself to improve all the time.”

“Yes with your music but why do you need to win this race? You don’t need the money.” Medley stomped up to the musician almost butting heads with her.

Octavia tried to calm herself down, this was beginning to get out of control, “How badly do you need it?” she asked.

“I’m doing ok,” replied the blue mare defensively, “But more never hurts and I know I can place in the race.”

“As can I regardless of what you think.”

“Well I guess we’ll see who the better galloper is tomorrow then.”

“Yes, we shall,” said Octavia acidly, turning to the door head held high, “And it shall be me.” she crossed the squeaky floorboards and slammed the door behind her. She was halfway home before she realised what had happened and cursed herself. For a moment she wanted to turn and apologize but her pride wouldn’t allow her, Medley had acted atrociously as well, saying she wasn’t motivated, she could apologize first.

Things seemed to have gotten so out of control, the damned race it seemed determined to ruin her friendships. By the end of tomorrow she might be down several friends.