• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 762 Views, 37 Comments

Wub Radio Part 2 - SuperPinkBrony12

A continuation of Wub Radio by Nexosaur. Vinyl Scratch works with other DJs on a special radio station with questions submitted by the listeners.

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Thursday: Show #10 (Reader's Choice 5)

"Hard to believe we've been on the air for so long already." Zone said "Seems like only yesterday this station was just getting off the ground."

"I know." Vinyl Scratch said "I guess that old saying is true, time flies when you're having fun."

"Does Twirls have anything special planned for tonight?" F3tlock asked "I'm kind of itching for something new."

"I don't think Twirls plans on doing anything really special." Draft Punk replied "Though I think I overheard him saying he'd take us all out to dinner after the show to celebrate."

"You mean more of a late night meal." Techbeat said "And that's assuming we can a place that stays open this late at night. Even in Canterlot it's hard to find a place that's open 24/7."

"Well if worse does come to worse I'm sure Octy won't mind too much if we help clean out the fridge at my place." Vinyl Scratch said.

"But what if she catches us?" F3tlock asked.

"Or finds out?" Zone asked.

"Octy's a real heavy sleeper most of the time." Vinyl Scratch said "And what Tavi doesn't know won't hurt her."

"Well don't come crying to me when she makes you sleep on the couch again." Draft Punk said "No offense but I think sometimes you take your relationship with Octavia for granted."

"Octy's cool with a lot of stuff." Vinyl Scratch said "Besides she really needs to learn to lighten up. You've only got one life, so why not make the most of it?"

"I just think you could stand to be a little more considerate." Draft Punk said.

"Well I don't recall asking for your advice Draft Punk." Vinyl Scratch said "You never see me get all up in your personal life."

"Alright, alright. Let's break it up here ladies." Twirls interrupted "I certainly can't have any bad blood between two DJs when we're about to go on the air. Now you two kiss and make up."

"Aw man I wanted to see the cat fight!" Techbeat said.

Twirls sighed "Let's just get into the proper frame of mind for our show." he said "Remember our listeners can sense our moods. If they suspect we're not intrested in talking to them they could turn to another station."

"You heard the guy!" Zone said "Sit down! Shut up! And be happy!" Everyone did so.

"Thank you for that Zone." Twirls said "Okay everyone get ready." The "ON AIR" sign flickered on. "Hello there citizens of Equestria and beyond. It;s Wub Radio coming at you once again. And tonight we want to first thank all of your for your support. If it weren't for you we would not be the longest running radio talk show in Equestrian History to date."

"You all rock!" Vinyl Scratch cheered "Even those of you who've only recently stumbled onto us or are even hearing us for the first time!"

"Settle down Vinyl." Zone said "Continue Twirls."

"Anyway it's time once again for reader's choice." Twirls said "Where we answer questions submitted by all of you. And the first one is, have we ever considered having guest stars on the station?"

"Depends on what you mean by guest stars." F3tlock said.

"Yeah." Draft Punk said "Are we talking about celebrity guest stars? Foreign guest stars? Political guest stars? The list goes on and on."

"In any case it's up to Twirls to decide that." Techbeat said.

"And so far I don't think he's considered one. Though that could change." Zone said.

"I hope it does, I've got a lot of ponies who would love a chance to be on the air." Vinyl Scratch said "Like my good friend Neon Lights for starters."

"Well I have been recently trying to pull some strings to get one of the Princesses to put in an apperance." Tiwlrs said "No such luck so far though. I'm thinking that perhaps I'll have better luck with the Cantelort elite like Fancy Pants and Hoity Toity."

"What about those five others mares that are friends with Princess Twilight?" Zone asked.

"Don't you think I've already tried to contact them?" Twirls asked, he then sighed "Let's just move on to the next question, thinking about guest stars is giving me a headache."

"Okay, okay." Techbeat said "How bout this one? Have we considered hosting rap battles on air?"

"Rap battles? Like those Epic Rap Battles of Equestria that are becoming so popular?" Vinyl Scratch asked.

"What makes you say that?" Draft Punk asked.

"Have you been living under a Faust damn rock or something?!" Vinyl Scratch asked "You would not believe how many times I get a request to play one of those. I'm still waiting for my copies to arrive. Though I suppose they're better then that one song featuring Fluffle Puff. I'll never get that bucking tune out of my head!"

"Don't remind me!" F3tlock said "That song was so annoying."

"You're telling me." Zone said "Anyway we're getting off topic here. To answer the question we have considered rap batles but those are hard to pull off. I know they may look easy but here's the thing, anyone can make music and sing. It takes real talent to make the lyrics and the beat sound good. You can't rush art."

"An excellent answer to an excellent question Zone." Twirls said, thankful that at least someone had remembered the topic at hoof. "Now for the final question of the night."

"This one sounds intresting." Zone said "What were we doing when Discord roamed free the first time and made Ponyville the chaos capital of the world?"

"I can't actually remember much.." Vinyl Scratch said "Last thing I remember is turning gray. Then some time later it feels like I've awoken from some sort of dream."

"That's pretty much what happened to me." Draft Punk said "I'm sure something else happened in that time span but anything that might've happened during that time has somehow slipped my mind. I'm drawing blank on it."

"I know." Techbeat said "It's as if my mind was suddenly wiped clean of all memories of that time."

"But who could've done such a thing? And more importantly why would that someone do so?" F3tlock asked.

"I wouldn't put it past Princess Celestia or Princess Luna to do such a thing." Zone said "I suppose they wanted us to forget about what Discord might have made us do. Not that I blame them. Anyone in their situation probably would've done the same. Anything to add Twirls?"

"Nope I got nothing." Twirls said "Just like the rest of you guys I can't remember what happened. Those few hours are a total black out."

"Well this one was a dud." Vinyl Scratch said.

"Guess I spoke too soon on that one being intresting." Zone said.

"No. Really?" Vinyl Scratch asked.

"Don't start you two." Twirls said "That's all for tonight folks. See you all again on the next show." The "ON AIR" sing flickered off.

"What a show." Vinyl Scratch said.

"Don't tell me you're too pooped to party." Techbeat said.

"I'm not!" Vinyl Scratch said.

"Just checking." Techbeat said.

"You just love pushing my buttons tonight don't you?" Vinyl Scratch asked.

"Maybe." Techbeat said.

"You are so dead!" Vinyl Scratch shouted and chased Techbeat right out the door.

"Should we try to stop em?" Draft Punk asked.

"Nah." F3tlock said "They'll work it out."

"Eventually." Zone muttered.

Author's Note:

This does not close the door on guest stars or rap battles but if I am going to do rap battles I'll need your help. I'm not very skilled at writing music.

As for guest stars you can drop suggestions into the comments below. They can appear for questions or just deliver their fan mail. For now the Princesses are off limits, after a few guest stars that will change.

As always send in suggestions for fan mail and questions in the comments section below.