• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 762 Views, 37 Comments

Wub Radio Part 2 - SuperPinkBrony12

A continuation of Wub Radio by Nexosaur. Vinyl Scratch works with other DJs on a special radio station with questions submitted by the listeners.

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Wednesday Show #12 (Reader's Choice 6)

"So how are things going between you and Octavia?" Draft Punk asked Vinyl Scratch.

"They're going good. Nothing really exciting though." Vinyl Scratch said.

"You tried pranking her again?" Zone asked.

"Ever since that sandwich prank she's been keeping a close eye on me." Vinyl Scratch said "And that makes it hard to do anything."

"I see." Techbeat said.

"Anypony else got anything they want to talk about?" F3tlock asked. Noone replied.

"Seems like this is going to be one of those slow days." Vinyl Scratch said.

"Yeah. I doubt Twirls has anything major planned." Zone said "It's just going to be another reader's choice."

"I wouldn't underestimate Twirls." Techbeat said "I have a feeling that something is going to happen tonight, and that something is going to make this night anything but boring. Don't know what that something is though."

"Guess we'll find out soon." Draft Punk said "Cause here comes Twirls now."

"Hey guys." Twirls said "You all ready for another reader's choice?"

"Yeah." the DJ's replied in a half intrested tone.

"Let's try that again." Twirls said "With a little more energy. After all we don't want to bore our audience to sleep."

"Sorry Twirls." Vinyl Scratch said "But there hasn't been anything really exciting happening lately. And it just sort of feels like there's nothing of intrest going on."

"Well suck it up!" Twirls said "We've got a good thing going here and I doubt any of you want to ruin it."

"We know that Twirls." Zone said "But what can we do when there's nothing worth talking about?"

"It's called putting on a mask." Twirls said "You hide your true feelings from the audience."

"That sounds like it'll be hard to do." Draft Punk said.

"Yeah." Techbeat complained.

"Come on guys let's at least try to sound excitied." F3tlock said.

"I couldn't have put it better myself." Twirls said "Now everyone take your places." The DJ's did so. But before the "ON AIR" sign could flicker on there was a knock at the door.

"Wonder who that could be?" Zone asked.

"Beats me." Draft Punk said "It's pretty late, most of the city should be asleep."

"I'll get it." Vinyl Scratch said, rising out of her seat. When she opened the door the pony on the other side came as a real shock. "Princess Celestia?" Vinyl Scratch asked.

"Indeed." Princess Celestia said "I hope you don't mind if I come in."

"N-not at all your highness." Vinyl Scratch said "Make yourself at home."

"Princess Celestia!" Twirls gasped, bowing down along with the other DJ's "A thousand pardons your majesty but we received no notification of your arrival!"

"At ease my faithful subjects." Princess Celestia said "This is obly a formal visit, no need to be so overwelcoming."

"Why have you decided to grace our humble station?" Techbeat asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Princess Celestia asked "I want to be your guest star for tonight."

"You mean it?" F3tlock asked.

"Of course I do." Princess Celestia said "This will help my subjects get to know me better on a personal level. That is okay with you all right?"

"Huh? Oh, oh yes of course." Twirls said "But are you sure you'll be comfortable with knowing that we'll be asking our own questions instead of pre submitted ones?"

"That's why I came here." Princess Celestia said "I'm ready when you are."

"Well if you're sure." Twirls said "Okay guys looks like we've got ourselves a guest star."

"Now we're talking!" Zone cheered.

"Okay, okay. Settle down now." Twirls said "Let's not get too excited. Everyone take your places." Everyone did so. The "ON AIR" sign flickered to life.

"Greetings to you all yet again." Twirls said "This is Wub Radio coming at ya. And tonight we are pleased to announce that we have a treat for all of you. A guest star! And not just any guest star! Our guest star is the one, the only, Princess Celestia!"

"Thank you for the introduction Twirls." Princess Celestia said "And I assure all of you who are listening that this is not a trick. I hope you will enjoy hearing what I have to say, especially since the questions are not going to be ones that I selected in advance."

"Are you ready Princess?" Draft Punk asked.

"Yes." Princess Celestia said "Ask away."

"Okay then, I'll start things off." F3tlock said "First and foremost I'm sure everyone would like to know what the status is on the whole changeling scare."

"As much as it pains me to say this the threat is still out there." Princess Celestia said "We have managed to track down most of the changelings responsible for the wedding invasion but the queen and her commanders remain at large. Therefore I ask all of you to continue to remain alert, if you suspect anything make to report it. With that being said try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt."

"Would you mind telling us what sort of power Twilight Sparkle will have now that she's a princess?" Techbeat asked.

"Twilight for the time being is only a back up princess." Princess Celestia said "If anything were to happen where either Luna or I were to disappear Twilight would step in. She would take our place until we could be found. But I am hopeful that will never have to happen. As for political power she'll have a little more authority now that she's a princess but even she will not be above the law. I trust her enough though to know that she will use her powers for good and not evil."

"Did you have anything to do with The Crystal Empire being considered for and ultimately securing The Equestria Games?" Zone asked.

"I can see why you might think that." Princess Celestia said "And I did bend the rules a little to allow The Crystal Empire to be considered so soon after its reappearance. But I did so only because I wished to give the crystal ponies a chance to show how far they've come in the few months since they resurfaced. And in the end I was not allowed to choose who would decide whether The Crystal Empire would get the games, nor did I play any part in allowing the empire to host the games. That decision was Miss. Harshwhinny's to make, and I know that her judgements are always nonbiased."

"Have you ever bended or broken any other rules?" Vinyl Scratch asked.

"Even if I might have been tempted several times during my reign I have never broken any rules at all." Princess Celestia said "And I have only bended the rules once in the previously mentioned example. Even great rulers such as I are not above the law. As my mother once told me those who are given great power are also given great responsibility. And it is up to them to use their power for the right reasons."

"Who holds the most blame for the changeling invasion during the wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor?" Draft Punk asked.

Celestia sighed "That would be me." she explained "It was my fault that the invasion was allowed to happen in the first place. My faithful student Twilight Sparkle saw signs of trouble during the time leading up to the wedding rehearsal. She was the one who saw through the changeling queen's disguise. But I did not act on the information she had given. Instead I dismissed her evidence as pure speculation, simply because I did not want to believe that my own niece could ever be so cruel. Had I not been so blind I could've prevented the invasion and caught the changeling queen. Then we wouldn't be sitting here, talking about the changeling scare. I am merely thankful that Twilight forgave me and ultimately managed to save the day by freeing the real Cadence."

"Think you have time for one last question?" Twirls asked.

"Yes." Princess Celestia said "Please make it a good one."

"Oh it's a good one alright." Twirls said "What's your favorite food?"

"That's a tough one." Princess Celestia said "I like a lot of foods. In the end I suppose I have a weak spot for cake, especially chocolate cake."

"So that Gabby Gums article was true after all." Vinyl Scratch said "I never would've guessed."

"I actually am glad that Gabby Gums took that photo of me." Princess Celestia said "For it allowed my subjects to see that I too have a sweet tooth, just like them."

"Intresting." Twirls said "Well that's it for tonight folks. Hope you've enjoyed this special broadcast." The "ON AIR" sign flickered off.

"Thanks for visiting us Princess Celestia." Zone said.

"Yeah, you saved us from total bordem!" Vinyl Scratch said.

"Happy to help." Princess Celestia said "Now I shall be on my way." And she left without further ado.

Author's Note:

And thus we have the first guest star, Princess Celestia.

Feel free to submit ideas for more guest stars, or just questions or fan mail.