• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 762 Views, 37 Comments

Wub Radio Part 2 - SuperPinkBrony12

A continuation of Wub Radio by Nexosaur. Vinyl Scratch works with other DJs on a special radio station with questions submitted by the listeners.

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Tuesday: Show #7 (Fan Mail 2)

"Glad to see you're back Zone." Twirls said "This place hasn't been the same without you."

"I know." Zone said "But I back and feeling better then ever. So what are we doing tonight?"

"We're doing fan mail again tonight." Vinyl Scratch explained "It was my idea to have one show each week where we read fan mail."

"So far it's been pretty good." F3tlock said.

"Yup." Draft Punk replied "We'll even let you pick the first one since you've been away for a while."

"You guys mean it?" Zone asked.

"We're not kidding." Techbeat said.

"Wow. Thanks guys." Zone said "I won't let you down."

"Okay that's enough for now." Twirls said "Let's get this show on the road. Places everyone!" The "ON AIR" sign flickered on.

"Hello faithful listeners." Zone said "Did you miss me? It's me Zone. I'm back."

"This is not a trick. You heard it here folks." Twirls said "The one and only Zone has returned. And not a moment too soon."

"And I'm not going to waste any more time and plunge straight into my first fan mail." Zone said, reaching into the bag. "Ooh this one looks intresting." he said, pulling out a leader and reading it.

Dear Wub Radio,

How would you feel if I told you that you're all fictional characters inside of a fanfic? Said fanfic is based off of a show that is intended for little girls but is actually enjoyed by people of all ages?

This is not a trick. (No seriously I mean it.)



"Well first off what are these 'people' you're talking about?" Zone asked.

"Yeah, I've never heard of 'people'." Vinyl Scratch said.

"And second nice try but you're obviously joking." Zone said "This is just one of the ways you get your kicks. Well it didn't work."

Somewhere in another time and place Discord was heard to say "Curses. Foiled again."

"Man you sure picked a good one Zone." F3tlock said "I don't think I've ever laughed that hard before."

"Me too." Draft Punk said.

"And me three." Techbeat added.

"Okay that's enough." Twirls said "Vinyl why don't you pick the next fan mail for us?"

"Sure thing Twirls." Vinyl Scratch said, digging into the sack. "I know it's here somewhere." she said as she fumbled around. "Ah ha! Here we go!" she said at last, pulling out a letter. It read:

Dear Wub Radio,

We hope we got the right address with this letter.

Life in the Badlands has been awful ever since that failed invasion. But the queen would have us thrown in jail if we tried to oppose her. Our only salvation lies in the fact that we confiscated a radio during one of our raids. We use it to listen to you.

We were opposed to the invasion but the queen forced us to take part. We can only hope she will be forced from power soon.

Changling Soldiers

There was a pregnant pause for a moment. None of the DJs knew what to say. This sort of thing was unexpected. Finally Vinyl Scratch broke the silence. "Well that's certainly intresting." she said to herself.

"For the record we already expressed our thoughts on the issue of changelings." Twirls said "And we are NOT about to repeat ourselves!"

"Unfortunately he speaks the truth Zone." Techbeat said.

"That's o.k." Zone said "I really don't have much of an opinion anyway."

"Thank Celestia." Twirls said "Now who wants to go next?"

"Ooh! Ooh! I do! I do! Pick me! Pick me!" Draft Punk said.

"Okay then Draft Punk." Twirls said "Go right ahead and pick out the next fan mail please."

"No sooner said then done Twirls." Draft Punk said.

"Make it good Draft Punk." F3tlock said.

"Well how about this one?" Draft Punk said, pulling out a letter. This one read:

Dear Wub Radio,

I've heard good things about you and when my husband and I have a little alone time we like to listen to you.

It pleases us to know that you're not afraid to say what's on your mind. It's something that I believe is truely lacking in this day and age of political correctness.


Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire

"Wow! Will you look at that?!" Zone said "Even the princesses of Equestria are sending us fan mail. We just keep getting more and more popular."

"And you said not being politically correct would cost us." Vinyl Scratch said "Looks like we proved you wrong after all Twirls."

"I guess you did." Twirls said.

"I'll pick out the final fan mail for tonight." Techbeat said.

"With everything we've gotten so far I doubt you'll be able to top us!" Draft Punk said "But go ahead and try your best."

"You're on!" Techbeat said "Here's a good one." The letter read:

Howdy Wub Radio,

I know I'm just a simple apple farmer but I really have grown to like you guys.

Most radio stations these days seldom have anything of intrest. But with you guys there is never a dull moment.

Keep on doing what you're already doing. Cause I like it, and like it with a passion.


Big Macintosh Apple

"Looks like you lose Techbeat." Draft Punk said "Nice try though."

"I wasn't trying to beat any of you." Techbeat said "I just picked this one out because I liked it. But all of these fan mails have proven we're continuing to pick up new listeners by the hour. Wub Radio is probably on its way to becoming the number 1 radio station in all of Equestria. Perhaps even beyond."

"That sounds a little farfetched if you ask me." F3tlock said.

"Yeah." Zone added "We haven't even been on the air for a month yet."

"Zone's right." Twirls said "And being number 1 isn't what's important."

"Well a pony can dream." Techbeat said.

"You never know." Vinyl Scratch said "We just might reach that mark someday."

"But not tonight." Twirls said "Speaking of, that's all for this show folks. Please keep tunning in at the regular times. And keep sending that fan mail. We love it." The "ON AIR" sign flickered off.

"Not bad for your first time back on the air Zone." Vinyl Scratch said.

"Thanks." Zone said "And baring perhaps the occassional illness I'm going to be back for good."

"Let's hope so." Twirls said "Cause the station will never be the same without you."

"Well what are we? Chopped salary or something?" F3tlock said.

"Of course not." Twirls said "We're all equally important. We're all a well oiled machine and if one part isn't doing its job right then the whole system breaks down."

Author's Note:

Zone's back. At least unitl I forget about him again.

And since I'm starting school again and I have work I'm going to be very busy and have less free time. So updates will come less frequently. But I don't intend to end this until mid to late September, unless something else happens.

As always keep sending suggestions for topics and fan mail. There are no wrong answers.