• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 761 Views, 37 Comments

Wub Radio Part 2 - SuperPinkBrony12

A continuation of Wub Radio by Nexosaur. Vinyl Scratch works with other DJs on a special radio station with questions submitted by the listeners.

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Wednesday: Show #4 (Reader's Choice 2)

Vinyl Scratch carefully tiphoofed out of her house. Octavia had a big performance tomorrow and she did not want to wake her up. She knew how grumpy Octavia could be when she didn't get enough sleep.

She made her way through the streets of Canterlot until she arrived at her destination.

"Ah Vinyl good to see you again." Twirls said.

"Same here Twirsl." Vinyl said "I'm looking forward to answering some questions again."

"Well then come along, We don't have all night." Twirls said.

"So PON-3's here huh? Well about time." F3tlock said.

"Quiet everyone." Twirls said "We're going on the air soon. Are the questions ready?"

"Yup. Got em right here." Draft Punk replied.

"Okay. Places everyone." Twirls said. All the DJs took their seats. The "ON AIR" sign flashed and lit up.

"Hello citizens of Canterlot. You're listening to Wub Radio, the most rocking radio station in Equestria." Twirls said "Tonight we are pleased to announce the return of listener's choice where we answer questons submitted by you, our faitful listeners."

"Ah yeah!" Techbeat said "And first up we have this question. 'What do you guys think of the princesses? Just to recap there are currently four. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle."

"A very good question." Zone said "Let's start with Twirls. So do what you think of our princesses?"

"That's a bit of a tough one." Twirls said "But Celestia's always kind and caring. Luna's a bit hot tempered. Cadence I haven't really seen. And Twilight Sparkle I only know of her feats prior to becoming a princess. How bout you Vinyl?"

"Celestia's okay I guess." Vinyl said "But like with Octy man is she uptight. Luna's a lot more fun loving and sometimes I catch her at one of my perfomances. Cadence from what I've seen of her is pretty nice. And Twilight Sparkle, well when I last saw her was still a bit of an egghead and wouldn't surprise me if she still is. What do you think Draft Punk?"

"Well I haven't really seen any of the princesses all that much." Draft Punk said "Celestia seems nice though. Got anything to add Techbeat?"

"I've played a few gigs all over Equestria." Techbeat replied "Celestia and Luna are okay but they're kind of old. Then again they have been ruling for a long time. Cadence? Boy let me tell ya if she weren't already married I'd wanna get hitched to her, she's got a smoking hot body and plot. And as for Twilight, she's a nerd plain and simple. But is she kind of hot I guess. F3tlock do you have anything to add?"

"I think all the princesses are fine." F3tlock said "Though I gotta admit because she's still single I'll bet Princess Twilight's got all the stallions in Equestria lining up at her door. Most of em are probably gold diggers though. Back to you Twirls.

"Let's see what the next question is." Twirls said, digging through the letters. Finally he pulled one out. He read it aloud "Dear Wub Radio:

You guys are awesome! Keep on rocking!

Your loyal listener for life:

Rainbow Dash"

"Fan mail eh?" Vinyl Scratch asked "Well it's nice to know we have supporters. Any other intresting letters we should read?"

"Ooh how bout this one?!" Twirls asked "It's from Pinkie Pie."

"Well what's it say?" F3tlock asked. Twirls read it aloud

"Dear Wub Radio

You always bring a smile to my face whenever I listen to you. You make so super duper happy go lucky and I love love love LOVE you guys!

Pinkie Pie"

"Oh and what do we have here?" Twirls asked, looking over another piece of fan mail. Suddenly his eyes lit up "You're gonna wanna see this Vinyl Scratch!" he said excitedly as he gave her the letter.

"Dear Wub Radio

I'm a little ashamed to admit this, being a cello player and all. But I actually think you guys are pretty good. And sometimes at night when I know I'm alone I listen to you.

Yes Vinyl that means I lied about not being intrested in this earlier.


Octavia Melody"

"Well I'll be." Vinyl Scratch said "Looks like there's more to old Octy then meets the eye."

"Indeed." Draft Punk said "Got any more intresting fan mail for us Twirls?"

"Nope." Twirls said "And besides we're not hear to answer fan mail."

"Yeah well it's a bit late for that now." Techbeat said "And I'm sure our listeners enjoyed it."

"Well I'll have to see if we can work into future shows." Twirls said "But for now we're out of time. Hope you've enjoyed listening to Wub Radio. Tune in again at this time tomorrow. Peace out!"

The "ON AIR" sign flickered off. "Well that was an intresting show to say the least." Twirls said.

"I'll say." Vinyl Scratch said "I can't believe Tavia actually listens to this station. Guess love really can do strange things to ponies."

Author's Note:

So what do you guys think? Should I work fan mail into more shows?

If so then it'll probably be one show (chapter) per week.

As always submit your ideas in the comments section or on the blog post.