• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 520 Views, 3 Comments

Chaos Versus Law: Angels & Demons - Thunder Kicker

Damian, a young boy comes to terms with what he is in the Magical land of Equestria.(Humanized)

  • ...

Where Am I

The sun blinded me as I slowly opened my eyes. I moved a hand to block out the sun, moving my hand brought pain to my body. I'd forgotten that I had broken one of my bones in my crash. It throbbed sending a dull, arcing pain to my skull. I closed my eyes again and feel for my energy.

'Not even a close to being full.' At this constant rate I would be full in at least four to five days. I may not have full charge at the moment, but I have enough to heal my wounds.

I opened my eyes again, squinting so I wasn't completely blinded. I was on a small cot.... Right that mysterious blue lady. My shirt was ripped showing my chest, which was bandaged in a white, sterile gauze. I didn't hear anybody around, so I raised my hand and opened them, releasing Angelic magic to heal my wounds. My Halo glowed brighter, going from a faint outline to a dim glow. Light glowed in my hands moving around in wisps, before breaking of into a thin solid line tracing down my arms to the various bumps and bruises. A loud crack sounded as my broken wing snapped together, fully healed.

In a couple of seconds I was completely healed and able to move. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and using my arms I pushed myself up to a standing position. I examined my shirt and found it no longer served a useful purpose, so I ripped it off and threw it on the ground. I faintly remember a trailer from last night and assumed since it was a single room, I was in the trailer. I walked up too the single door, it had a small square sheet of paper tacked to it. I ignored it and pushed open the door, stepping outside.

Around was a typical camp site, that Demons would set-up. A small fire, with a small supply of wood to keep it burning. Two Shire stallions, both black with white fetlocks, they looked almost identical except one was clearly older than the other, they were tied up at the front of the trailer munching slowly on some plant life. The eldest looked at me for a second before softly neighing and then going back to his food. The trailer itself was in a small clearing, with the only sun shining on the trailer.

The forest seemed to have a supernatural feel. I had a 'gut' feeling that I should be wary of it.

I learned early in my young life to trust my 'gut' feelings.

If I was going to get my energy up I was going to need eat a lot of food. My pack was left behind when I released my magic back at the clearing. It had all my foraged food in it, but since I wasn't about to go back for it I looked and listened around the immediate area for sustenance.

I heard a soft, but audible hopping noise close by and decided to check it out. Munching on some vegetation was a small white rabbit. I stood about seven feet from it, but it hadn't noticed me. Slowly I unravelled my prehensile tail, at full length it was ten feet long, that's the reason I kept it wrapped around my body. It had a diameter of an inch and a half, with an arrowhead tip. It was extremely sharp, so it could puncture most types of armor and along with it being highly durable, it was very useful.

I brought to my side, coiled so I could launch it and hopefully spear myself a meal. Unfortunately I missed the shot by a mere inch. The rabbit jumped in surprised, staring at my tail that was embedded right next to it. I pulled it out of the dirt and coiled it again for another shot. But my prey looked at me before dashing away into the under brush.

I watched it scurry away, with an emotionless look, before looking elsewhere for my breakfast.

I got lucky and spied a squirrel, sitting on a branch. I opted to expand a little energy to make sure I ate, I raised my right hand and aimed it at the furry creature. Doing a final check to make sure I wasn't likely to miss. I arced a lightning bolt at it, my bolt scored a direct hit and the squirrel fell from the tree. It's body was convulsing on the ground.

I walked up and picked it up, ripping off it's head. I tossed the head over into the bush, and walked over to the fire. I stoked the fire with a couple of twigs. I use my tail to spear the squirrel and sit down on the single log acting as a simple seat and rest my tail over the fire. The fire didn't even bother my tail, as I slowly spit cooked my food.

I sit there waiting patiently, when I hear shriek, looking up I noticed the blue lady was back. She staring wide eyed at me roasting the squirrel. I stare emotionless back at her, slowly rotating my food so it's cooked evenly. She walked up to me, still staring.

"Wh..What are you doing?" She asks in a small, shaky voice.

"Cooking." I respond in my normal monotone voice.

"Why.......Why are you cooking a.......a squirrel?"

"Food." I respond again.

"But why.....meat?" She asks in a low voice. As if saying loud would make it worse.

"Meat gives me more energy then plant life." I answer plainly

She looks dumbfounded for a moment looking between me and the squirrel. I think it's about now that she realizes what I'm actually using to cook the squirrel WITH.

She shrieks again and points at my tail, then at me. "Ahh WHAT.IS.THAT?" She yells.

I bring my tail up to my face, squeezing the squirrel to check how well it's cooking.

"My tail." I take a bite out of the speared squirrel. Swallowing it, I look at the blue lady who pales under her blue fur.

Thud I look back at the blue lady, whose laying on the ground.

I watch her for a few seconds, before going back to eat my meal, but I stop mid way.

Bring her inside, and put her in the bed.

I stop eating to do this. I stand-up, moving over to her prone form. I finally take notice of all her features. She's definitely naked, but covered in short blue fur. It covers up everything including her lower reproductive organs and mammary glands. Her hair if she was standing up would fall down below her shoulders resting at around the small of her back. Her eyes are a purple colour, and she has a single short horn jutting out from her forehead. I bend down reaching under her, easily picking her up in my arms and walking back to the trailer. When I get there I use my tail to wrap around the door handle and open it. It opens easily and I walk inside pulling the door shut. I drop her in the bed.

I exit the trailer shutting the door when I hear a small 'poof'. Walking around I smell a faint smoky smell, I follow my nose to the source only to find a letter floating in the air, above a lantern with an interesting green flame. I leave the letter alone, not that I care if it's personal but because it would do me no good.

I sit back down by the fire, and wait, quickly finishing off my meal. I don't know why I waited, but I did. I sat their staring into the fire, recuperating my energy. I was rewarded for my waiting when I heard the trailer door gently shut.

I turned my head to watch, the blue lady's approach, remaining seated, but alert should the need arise to spring into action.

She sits close to me, far enough so as to not invade my personal space, but close enough to talk gently.

"So you said your name was Damian?" She asks, in a soft, caring voice.

"Yes." I answer curtly.

"...Care to elaborate on that?"

I stare at her, not understanding. "What would you like me too elaborate on? I have already given you my name and age.

"Well.... Where are you from?"

"I am from nowhere, and everywhere."

The Blue Lady's face contorts into frustration, and she huffs. "Fine where were you born?"

"I am unsure. I do recall memories from my birth."

She sighs "Are you trying to be difficult?"

"I am unsure what you are getting at, I am not being 'difficult'. I am simply answering your questions."

"Well this is going to tough then I thought. Good thing I sent Twilight a letter about you. I don't think I can do this by myself."

"What do you mean by sending a letter to this, 'Twilight'?"

"Oh...Well When I found you were pretty hurt and so I thought I should send Twilight Sparkle, a nearby unicorn.... Well I guess she's an alicorn now. But I sent her a letter about you. Actually now that I think about it you seem fine, and you wing looks healed."

"Of course. I healed myself this morning. What does this 'Twilight Sparkle' want?"

"...Healed. Yourself... But that's impossible. How could you do that?

"I am a hybrid. More specifically a Demon/ Angel Hybrid.

"Demon? Angel?" She asks uncertainly.

"Have you never heard of either?"

"Well. I cant say I have. Who are they?"

"Angels, are the bringers of Law, while Demons, usher in Chaos----"

"So then Angels are good? And Demons bad?"


The blue lady looks over at me, when I do not respond.

"I do not know if they are bad or good. I only know they hunt me."

"Oh this is troubling." She mutters, but I was still able to hear it. "We have to go see Twilight right away."

She moved to stand and grab my hand, but I was faster. With practised ease I was already standing and five feet away. "No."

Go with her.

She takes a step towards me, I don't move, she was having a hard time trying to read my expressionless face.


She opened her mouth to speak, but I bolted from where I was standing.

Keep running, don't stop. She wants to hurt us.

No, we have to stop and go with her.

Don't run so fast, It's scary.

We have not felt, any Angelic or Demonic presences around. We should be able to use our wings to fly.

I continued running through the forest, I ignored my 'emotions'. But I did realize I couldn't sense any energy coming from the Angels or Demons. It was like they simply stopped existing. I slowed my running, and thought harder on what that meant.

'No Demons. No Angels. But then what was that blue lady then.'

We speculate that we are not on Terra any more.

I stopped running entirely. I didn't understand. "Not on Terra." My voice sounded out of place in the eerie forest around me.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." A scream interrupted me from my thinking. It wasn't the blue lady, it was somebody younger. Perhaps my age. I jumped in the air flying towards the sound. I leave two imprints in the ground from the force of my take off.

I find where the scream's coming from. It was out of the forest and in some sort of clearing. I landed on a tree branch at the edge of the clearing, Wrapping my tail to anchor myself to the limb and crouching down for stability, using my hands to grasp the bark.

In the clearing were three girls my age, they were being chased by a two...No. A three headed animal, It seemed half lion, half goat, with a snake for a tail and two large leathery wings.

I watched as six other females came running to help the three younger ones. Their were two with horns like a demon, three with wings like Angels and three like Humans, and one with both Angel and Demon qualities....... But they didn't feel like either: Angels, Demons, and Humans. Like the blue lady they were naked and covered in fur, and they seemed to be working together.

I watched the hybrid, she threw up some sort of barricade to stop the creature from attacking the littler ones. While she threw up the barricade, a rainbow one flew around it leaving behind a rainbow trail flying at speeds Angels could never hope to reach.

The Creature, using it's serpent tail to grab a hold of the rainbow one. She screamed from its bite and was thrown away onto the ground, rolling then coming to a complete stop, unmoving.

While this was going on, a yellow, winged one was ushering the little ones to safety. As a orange normal one was using a rope to bind the Creature.

The Creature spread its wings snapping the rope, and with a growl slammed a paw into her, sending her flying and out of the fight.

The hybrid was able to pick up both of the ladies and bring them towards her, then she put up another barricade. Around all of them. All nine were in a purple bubble, with the fierce Creature hammering it with its paws and tail.

I continued to crouch idly by while this happened.

We should help them.
Rip, shred, kill. Three enemies for the price of one.

Without any further prodding I unwrapped my tail and coil it, to launch myself off the branch. I waited patiently for the right opportunity to strike before throwing myself into the air in an arc to collide with the strange Creature.

Without my shirt and bag, I was easily able to get my wings open, positioning them to spin me into a spiral descent. I lined myself up with it's head, bending my one leg and straightening my other, but not putting it in a locked position. The Creature didn't even hear me till it was too late.

I planned it perfectly, so that when I hit, I'd use my other leg to start my roll. The Creature on the other hand got knocked flat on its stomach, head first in the dirt.

It got back to it's feet in mere seconds, with a roar. It brought it's serpentine tail up to hiss at me and I respond by bringing my own up and mimicking it's gestures.

It circled me, probing for a weakness. When it seemed confident it leapt at me, maw wide open. I caught it mid leap , grabbing it around it's maw. The force of the leap caused me to step back with its weight. Using my strength I kept it's mouth open AND in the air. It started desperately struggling, so I threw it towards tree.

The force of the collision knocked the tree over and it disappeared in the shrubbery.

I turned around to see everybody was staring at me with a mixture of awe, surprise and a little fear.

I turned my neutral view to the rainbow haired one, that was bitten by the snake tail during the fight. She was sweating and shivering. With concern, her allies gathered around. yellow seemed the most effected. She turned to the hybrid and started talking frantically.

"Oh Twilight. This is bad, she's been poisoned. We need an antidote, but I....I don't have any. Chimera's are very rare and I...I never prepared...." She started crying, into her hands. I watched passively.

A very, pink one talked rather slowly and somberly. "Twilight. Dashie's going to be alright. Right?"

"I....I don't know Pinkie, I...I don't know anything about Chimera poison....But maybe Zecora. Maybe she would know what to do."

The crying yellow one stopped, and looked up with determination. "I...I will go get her." Without waiting for an answer she took off in flight over the forest. All warnings to be careful, were lost as she disappeared.

I looked over at the other unconscious lady, she seemed fine other then a few bruises. She was being attended by the white one, and two of the three young ones, the yellow and the white one. As soon as she was in a comfortable position, the older white one and the younger white came over and joined us to look at 'Dashie', while the yellow young one stayed with the unconscious orange one.

She gave me a quick glance before, inquiring about her friends condition. "How's it looking Darling?"

Twilight or Darling looked quite upset, "It's not good Rare, Fluttershy, went to go get Zecora. But I don't know what's going to happen."

Our healing can remove the poison.

We have already used enough energy. We should find that Chimera and finish it.

I look over the group. The pink and white, one have an abundance of energy, while 'Twilight', is considerably low. The girls have a very weak energy, most likely do to an age difference.

I speak in my usual, monotone. "I can remove the poison from your friend."

All eyes turn to me, almost as in they'd forgotten I was there.

"Oh darling, you can do that? That would be wonderful!" Says the Rare, with a smile.

"My name is not darling. I will require some energy."

"Anything, anything to help our friend. What do you need us to do" She asks eagerly.

I nod, "Very well. Don't move." I put one hand on her forehead, and the other around her wrist. Before she can do anything, I drain a large portion of her magic reserves. Her eyes flutter and she falls to her knees. It wasn't enough to make my Horns noticable.

"Rarity!" The hybrid Twilight yells, grabbing her friend. "Wh...What did you do?"

"I drained a large portion of her energy." I respond, moving over to the prone form of Dash. Placing my hands on her forehead, I focused and removed the poison from her body, placing it in my own. Then I closed up her wounds. This time my Halo shines enough for them to take notice.

I stood up walking away from them before kneeling over and coughing up some blood and some very sticky, black venom. The ladies gathered around me with looks of concern for my health. Even Rarity, looked concerned, barely able to stand on her own, being support by the young white one and the pink one.

It was the hybrid that, asked if I was okay. "Are you aright? What did you just do? And more importantly how?"

I straighten up and look at her. "I am in decent condition. What I did was, removed the poison from her body and used my body to fight it of, using my Angelic power, which is why my halo appeared."

She's about to respond when her eyes widens, and her gaze, looks behind me. "Lookout!" She screams.

I turn around to see the Chimera was back, and it's goat head was sending flames towards me. Acting on instinct I bring my hands together in front of me and send out a torrent of demon fire. It burns with a dark flame and quickly overpowers the normal fire, lighting the goat's head on fire, it runs around screaming out both mouths, until the goat goes quiet and slumps over, leaving just the lion head roaring it disappears back into the forest, with the flames fading away.

My horns, having come out from using Demon magic, quickly gain the attention of all present. They move back in fear. All except the Hybrid she steps closer, examining me.

"What are you?"

I stare into her eyes causing her to shutter at their emotionless look, before looking up at the passing clouds.

"Different." I say passively. I stand watching the clouds move on by in the sky above the forest, with nothing important to do. I move into a sitting position on the ground, closing my eyes and leaning against a nearby tree.

"Ah, excuse me. Do you think you could...Ya know heal my sis too?"

I crack an eye open to see the yellow girl, with the red hair. Behind her on both sides are the other girls, the white single horned one with a pale pink and purple hair, and on her other side is the orange winged girl with purple hair, and the white one I took the energy from.

"Applebloom manners, sorry about her. We never introduced ourselves. My names Rarity, this is my sister Sweetie Belle" She says putting her hands on her sister's shoulders. "That is Applebloom," She points to the girl that asked me the question. "Her sister, Applejack is over with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash." I look over as she points to each individual, I see that Rainbow Dash, the one I removed the venom from, is up and moving around. "Fluttershy is the one that flew off to find Zecora...Oh I hope she's alright. Ohh I almost forgot this is Scootaloo. Now what's your name?"

"Damian." I respond.

Rarity opens her mouth to respond, but is interrupted by Scootaloo, who strides forward to examine my wings

"Oh come on! How come you can fly with these little things but I can't." She complains, pulling on one of them.

I look at my wings, I unconsciously shrunk them down to a smaller size. Concentrating, they come back to their full wingspan. The sudden growth spurt and 'poof' causes the four of them to take a step back, and for Scootaloo in particular to trip and fall on her backside.

I then realize it is necessary to conceal my true form, so I allow my horns to stay at their length, so the curve protects my head. My halo comes to life with energy and light, and my tail coils around my leg.

They stare at my display with interest. "Wow." I look down at Scootaloo whose staring behind me at my wings. I have even garnered the attention of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle, whose gaze is studying my form.

The flapping of wings signals the one named Fluttershy's return, she lands next to Rainbow Dash and immediately hugs her, before holding her at arms length to check her over, another person emerges after Fluttershy. She's striped black and white, with a Mohawk, she immediately walks up to Twilight and started conversing.

I turn back to Applebloom. "Why should I heal your sister?" I ask settling down and folding my wings gently behind my back.

She opens her mouth, but stops to think of a good reason. "........Well because you done healed Rainbow, I guess."

"Your sister will not die from the wounds inflicted upon her, most she will suffer are some bruises and perhaps a concussion."

The girl named Applebloom pouts at me "But yah can heal her can't you?"

"Yes." I answer.

Before Applebloom is able to utter a rebuttal, Sweetie Belle speaks up in a small voice "Why do you speak like that?"

"Like what?" I ask.

"You sound... depressed."

"No not depressed. He sounds bored."

"Ah think he sounds tired!"

"I think the poor darling is just suffering from healing Rainbow."

I look at each of them.' "I sound this way because I am disconnected from my emotions. That is why my face and voice sound...different."

"So you don't feel anything?" Scootaloo asks as she punches me in the arm as hard as possible. Only to grasp her hand. "Owww."

"My sense of touch works just fine. Just emotions like fear, anger, hopelessness or happiness." As soon as I finish speaking my vision is filled up with blurry pink. Refocussing I find that the pink one 'Pinkie Pie' is standing right in front of me.

"Can't. Feel.Happiness!!! You're coming with me right now!" She grabs my hand with one of hers and attempts to walk away only to get yanked back when I don't move. She starts reeming and pulling with both hands, but I don't budge.

Pinkie starts panting but doesn't give up, "Whew, this is gonna be a tuffy!" She exclaims falling on her butt and sliding back towards me.

She grins up at me, and I casually lift her back onto her feet.

"Wowie! You are really strong!"

"Pinkie what are you doing?" I look to find that Twilight Sparkle and her friends have joined in our conversation. Rainbow Dash helping Applejack, who seems to be having trouble standing by herself. The striped lady nowhere to be seen.

"Hehe, Sorry Twi. But I had a good reason." Pinkie says, grinning widely.

"Oh, please enlighten us, Pinkie." Twilight deadpans.

"He says he has NO EMOTIONS." Pinkie nearly yells the last part to emphasize the point.

Twilight along with her friends look shocked before quickly turning their eyes on me.

"Is that true? Do you have no emotions?" Twilight asks me with curiosity.

"No." I say, "I told her I was disconnected from my emotions. I have 'emotions' but not in the sense of how you feel them."

Twilight is about to ask something else, but the slight rustling of bushes catches my attention. Looking over I see Trixie emerging with her horses, and wagon. She has a frantic look, until she spots me with the others. She lets go of her reins, to run over to our group.

She bends over and places her hands on her knees, panting hard. "There....you.....are!" She takes a large breath, before straightening up "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Uhh Trixie, are you alright?" Twilight asks, arching an eyebrow.

Trixie waves her off, "Yeah, just had to catch my breath!" She then turns to me, "Why did you run away?" She asks accusingly.

"I assumed you were trying to lure me into a trap, so I ran as fast as possible. Though now I am fairly certain I am safe. What planet am I on?"

"Err, what do yah mean? What planet am ah on?'." Applejack asks.

"What is the name of the planet I am on?" I ask, again.

"...Earth." Twilight answers hesitantly.

"Seems I am not on Terra any more."

It seems we used to much energy and ripped right through real-space. We are approaching another energy burst, we will continually get stronger as we go through these. Perhaps we will be able to reverse what has happened and go back to Terra.

I don't like it there. Everybody tries to hurt us!.

"What do yah mean? Seems ah am not on Terra any more!'." Applejack asks, confused.

"Exactly what it means. I am not on my planet any more. I seem to have ripped right through space, possibly another dimension. It would make sense, both words Terra and Earth mean the same thing: Dirt." Now to go find my meal.

I jump over the gathered crowd and start walking towards where the Chimera scampered of too.....

...only to get stopped by those ladies again.

"And where do you think your going?" Rainbow Dash said flapping her wings gently.

"My meal escaped." I answer plainly as always.

"Your meal?.....Wait you don't mean that..thing?" She says landing on the ground jaw agape.

I stop walking to explain. "I require extreme amounts of energy. I gather energy through consuming foods, and draining other. The energy I gathered from Rarity to heal you is only a small fraction of my stores."

"Can't you eat plants?" Fluttershy asks in a small voice.

"I can though it would require me to consume large portions just to get the same results as red meat." I respond, walking past them.

They walk in front of me, again.

"Wait." Twilight says, "You need to come with us. Princess Celestia will want to speak with you."

"Why would I need to speak with your Princess?"

"Because shes the Princess. She is thousands of years old."

"I do not concern myself with what your princess wants?"

Twilight thinks for a moment before she brightens. "We have tons of food. You'll be able to replenish your energy."

This catches my attention. "Very well. I will accompany you. To meet you leader. Lead the way."

With that I follow her through the forest towards a small unsuspecting town.

Every so slowly Sweetie Belle drifts closer to the young stranger, a sensation in her chest and a red tinge on her cheeks.

Author's Note:

Here's the best way to think of Damian's magic is.... Skyrim. That's probably the best way to explain it. Right now he's on par with Twilight in Magic, but has a larger amount of Mana/Magicka. Stronger then three big Mac's(The pony not the burger), and as fast as Fluttershy. He's a slow, but stronger flier. He can fly through a storm cell, but Rainbow Dash can fly circles around him.

Hmmm what are those voices? What do they mean?

Comments ( 2 )

I look forward to seeing more of your work! :D

Why aren't there more story's like this out there.

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