• Member Since 1st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2013

Tempered Steel

A teenage brony who loves nothing more than to test his limits with his own expanse of knowledge dealing with writing.


Everypony wants it now and then. The feeling, the feeling of the air blowing in their mane and the adrenaline of facing certain death for the glory of an ancient treasure. Sadly, most ponies are a too cowardly for a mission that is too herculean even for the toughest of stallions.

But most ponies aren't anything near Applejack.

With her farm far behind her and adventure in her blood, she sets out to find the only thing that pirates of this era have been searching for their entire lives, Blackblood's Gems. With her crew by her side and an infinite amount of explosives in stock, she's sure to take what is rightfully hers.

That is, if she can take down haywire titan clockwork ponies, defeat an old enemy, and most importantly, not dying!

Acknowledgement Section:

Thanks to SpaceCommie, LivingLie, and others who pre-read and proofread this whole story!

A shout out to Surprise the Pegasus for making this amazing piece of art!

And last but certainly not least, CometTail, the girl that gave me moral support through all of this!

(Note: I would really appreciate if you looked them up, and read some of their works of fiction!)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 16 )

I really like this fic. I will keep my eye on this.

Yes I can see that this was proofread. Isn't it weird that read and read sound different but are spelled exactly the same? Anyway I've got to say while reading this I got a slight fallout equestria vibe from this. Obviously it isn't close to the actual thing but it is nice to be reminded of something as great as Fo:E. And I will look forward to what you do for later chapters.

Ok, you do have my interest.

Let's see what you got.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Very good, a like and a fave should be a sufficient enough reward for your efforts. :pinkiehappy:

Hiya, Literary. I'm reviewing this story on behalf of the the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive list of grammatically-correct stories on Fimfiction.

Your story has been added.

On a personal note, this story intrigues me. Liked and favorited. I eagerly await more.

You have my attention with this piece, as an adventure enthusiast, I look forward to where you take this.

And I look forward for you enjoying it (Hopefully!).

Hmmm. I had forgotten of this fic, sad to say...

Still, nice bit of maneuvering on Rarity's part... Even if the other guy came out on top of that.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3035567 said exactly what I'd say.

I don't want to be the one to tell Pinkie Pie she doesn't exist. I get the feeling she wouldn't like that.

Yay, new chapter! :pinkiehappy:
Rarity, was great in this chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next. :twilightsmile:

Hmm, not sure if I enjoyed the head hopping between Rarity and Bolts, I found it a bit too jarring. Right when I was settling in to one of the character's perspectives, I was suddenly pulled to the other and was privy to their thoughts. It diffused a bit of the encounter's intensity. I think if it were all from one of the character's perspectives, the whole scene would have been stronger for it.

Also small mistake in the first paragraph.

tapped his pencil against his desk in a iteratively rhythm as his mind

'a' should be 'an'
'iteratively' should be 'iterative'. Although that's probably not the word you'd actually want to use, since it implies verbal repetition not tapping. I'd give that sentence a good look over. It kinda made it hard to jump right into this chapter.

A neat chapter in general, though it leaves me wondering what the whole situation is and how much it differs from our canon understanding of Equestria and the mane 6. I'm still intrigued and look forward to the next chapter.

“Alright then, how about the propeller? The blow of it against the door should’ve caused some debris to cling onto this supposed reliable Applejack.”

*supposedly reliable

“Then answer me these questions,” he sat up straight in his chair and prepared his mind for the onslaught he was about to deliver, “how are they alive?”

He did not say that by sitting up straight in his chair and preparing his mind, I think.

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