• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 753 Views, 16 Comments

A Holiday in Haywaii - Key Lime Pie

Comedy story for the Febuary Write off!

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In conclusion: Never go to Haywaii again!

Applejack awoke in her hotel room bead with her trademark hat missing, several bandages in its place. Slowly recollecting the past events, Applejack pieced together what had happened.

‘Oh shucks. This was meant to be my relaxing holiday, and now I’m stuck in bed. T’aint fair.’ The work pony muttered to herself, slumping back into her covers, rubbing her head in pain. She peeked outside the window and saw some of her friends playing Volleyball outside.

‘I’d give anythin’ to be out there with my friends...relaxin’ in the Haywaii sun.’ She continued, sighing with disbelief at her stupidity for bucking heavy fruit such as the coconut. Applejack glanced around the lavish room, spying several in a fruit bowl. She growled at them before standing up, wincing in visible pain.

‘Well, I better find my hat. That was Granny Smith’s hat that she gave to me when I was a young’un and I can’t lose it.’ She thought to herself, scanning the hotel rooms for any obvious places someone might leave a hat.

‘Well where is it? Surely somepony would have put it on the hat rack right infront of the buckin’ door.’ Applejack said, lamenting. She searched in the less obvious places now. She looked in the chest of drawers and even under beds, Celestia knows why hotel staff would put her hat there, but it was good to check anyway.

‘Well, i guess front office has it, then.’ Applejack said, making her way down the hallway and the stairs towards the entrance desk with a receptionist pony that looked shockingly familiar. The cyan pony with poufy hair looked up at Applejack and smiled.

‘You must be the one who tried kicking the coconuts down from their trees.’ She said in an ersatz tone, that sounded distinctly off somehow.

Applejack glowered. ‘Yeah, that’s me. Wondering if you have my hat?’ She asked politely.

‘Hat...hat. Sure we had some kind of hat dropped off here earlier. Was it this one?’ The mare popped up with a bright pink woolly knit hat in her mouth.

‘No, it’s a brown cowpony kind of hat.’ Applejack said, thinking that would be fairly obvious if she had seen her earlier. The mare rummaged through what looked like a box of lost hats, but the closest they could come to Applejacks hat was a Daring Do replica hat. And that wasn’t even close.

‘Sorry, madam, I tried, madam, but, alas, madam, I couldn’t find it, madam.’ The mare squeaked.

‘But surely you can-‘


Applejack scowled again. She was doing an awful lot of that recently. This was meant to be a holiday! Applejack calmed herself and thought through where her hat might be. Maybe it fell off when they were carrying her to her hotel room? That must be it. She just had to retrace the route they took her to the hotel...oh, consarn it, she was unconscious! Well, maybe she’d just try to walk back to the Coconut strips and hopefully find her hat along the way!


‘Both teams are at eleven points and this will be the tiebreaker as to who gets through to the next round!’ The announcer called, to which the crowd cheered. The competition was fierce. Twilight must have read quite a bit about Volleyball because she was normally hopeless at sports. Rainbow Dash often got ahead of herself, or hit the ball too hard so it went out of the court.

‘BEGIN!’ The ball was tossed into the air towards Rainbow Dash, who hit it toward Haysellhoof, hoping to intimidate him. However, he stood his ground and with a mighty punch returned the ball towards Twilight, who looked to Rainbow Dash.
‘Yours, Rainbow!’ Twilight shouted, punting the ball towards her flying friend, who winded up a hoof in anticipation, aiming towards Rarity. However, Twilight hit the ball over the net herself, not passing to Rainbow. Rarity and Haysellhoof were so distracted by what was being said, they hadn’t planned for what wasn’t the direct obvious. The ball firmly planted itself in the sand.

‘WINNER! RAINBOW DASH & TWILIGHT SPARKLE!’ The announcer called as the referee blew her whistle. Twilight cheered and so did Rainbow Dash, taunting Rarity and Haysellhoof.

‘My first game of Volleyball was a complete success! I should write a letter to the princess about it.’ Twilight thought, planning out the letter in her head already, lost in deep thought.

‘Was there ever any doubt? Me, the amazing and one and only Rainbow Dash, Equestria’s finest athlete, won again! We were only up against some surfer and Rarity anyway! Oh yes! Hahaha! Wait, where did everypony go?’ Rainbow Dash said, looking around in puzzlement.

Twilight looked up, her mind breaking from the imaginary writing of her letter. ‘Yeah, everypony has gone all of a sudden. And it seems kind of shady.’ She said, looking up and immediately regretting it, for hovering in the air was a fearsome Wyvern Dragon, blocking the sun from view and scanning the beach with his reptilian eyes.

‘Rainbow, Rarity. Stay absolutely still and quiet and it won’t notice us.’ Twilight told her friend, who looked up at the Dragon in the sky and retracting into the sand in fear. She wasn’t scared of dragons normally, but this one looked...scarier than most.

‘Mah hat! I found mah hat guys!’ A southern voice called out, attracting the attention of Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and the Wyvern. However, the large mass did not see anything and continued to flap it’s gargantuan wings suspending itself in the air.

‘Oh, Nelly.’ Applejack said, placing the hat on her head and cowering, sitting down onto the floor.

‘We can’t just sit here forever Twilight? What do we do?’ Rainbow Dash asked her egghead friend, who thought a while and scratched her head.

‘Wyverns are a rare species...I don’t know much about them, nor does anypony.’ She concluded, panic in her voice slowly starting to creep in.

‘Who’s that?’ Applejack asked, pointing towards a shadowy figure crawling from the forest canopy.

‘It looks like it has two heads! And 8 hooves!’ Rarity said, straining her voice to be quiet.

‘No, it’s just two ponies. And I think I know who.’ Twilight said, the two figures becoming more apparent now, one head adorned with curly bouncy hair and one with long sweeps and curves. Pinkie and Fluttershy, of course.

‘Hey guys! We have some bad news.’ Pinkie told her friend loudly, which alerted the dragon. Twilight waved her hooves to get Pinkie to stop talking, but once she started it was hard to stop her.

‘Well, Fluttershy and I went on safari together and we might have kinda...kinda sorta...angered a giant Wyvern Dragon to rampage out of its natural habitat and storm onto this beach, attacking several ponies, causing a bit of disruption, you know, the general dragon-y sort of thing to do, and now we’re outrunning an angry mob who hate us for ruining their paradise.’ Pinkie wrapped up, gasping for air and then glancing up, spying the dragon, her pupils widening in horror, inhaling ready to let out a big scream.

‘Pinkie promise you won’t scream!’ Twilight snapped at her friend, who let out the air quickly, covering her mouth and nodding. Fluttershy was shaking so hard she could barely walk, let alone talk properly.

Suddenly, an idea came into Twilight’s head.

‘Pinkie, do you know where your speedboat is, the one you used to get here?’ Twilight asked her pink friend, who rubbed her chin in thought.

‘Oh, sure, Twi, I put it in my saddlebags. How could I forget?’ Pinkie Pie said, signalling her friends to look away.

‘How could you even fit one in there?’ Rarity asked.

‘Trust me...it’s possible.’ Fluttershy whispered, covering her eyes. ‘Just look away and she’ll do it.’

Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow all covered their eyes so Pinkie could get her boat out without revealing the secret to her never-ending bags. After several grunting noises and what sounded like a lot of struggling, before a splash, and several bouts of gasping.

‘Ta-dah!’ Pinkie called, her friends opening their eyes and seeing a white speedboat with yellow stripes and a sun insignia on it floating in the sea. Twilight bit her hoof in anticipation.

‘Property of H.R.H Celestia.’ Twilight read from the boat, scowling at Pinkie who smiled sheepishly.

‘What are we waiting for? Let’s go!’ Rainbow Dash told her friends, about to zoom to the boat, before Twilight used her magic to stop her.

‘Hang on, I have a better plan. I’ll distract the dragon while you guys get on. Then I’ll use my teleporting magic to catch up with you. Alright?’ Her friends nodded, sensing the urgency of the situation. Twilight gulped and got ready to shout...
‘HEY! YOU! BIG OLD WYVERN! COME OVER HERE!’ Twilight yelled, gritting her teeth and hoping this plan didn’t fail. The Wyvern glanced down at the small purple pony and roared, charging full speed at Twilight. Meanwhile, everypony else had snuck quietly to the speedboat, and Pinkie signalled for Twilight it was okay to join them, so with a quick flash of magic, Twilight blinked out of exsistence, causing the dragon to crash into the sand.

Twilight blinked back into reality in the speedboat, which was only a few yards away from where she had started her spell, so it didn’t take much effort.

‘Pinkie Pie! Start the boat!’

Pinkie nodded, and floored the pedal, only for nothing to happen.


‘Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the speedboat is out of gas.’

Comments ( 10 )


You know it! Hoping someone would get that!

more dislikes than likes, yet only positive comments :applejackconfused:


Yeah, it works that way. Who would comment if they dislike something?

if I find nothing bad or in any case constructive criticism worthy, I don't comment, if I don't comment I don't dislike, I rarely dislike actually, if the tags aren't my cup of tea I just move on. If I truly find something worth disliking I at least don't hit and run. It's like beating a child for doing something wrong and not telling him why.


I know. I only dislike something if it's totally bad, and then always comment saying why I did and what they could do to improve...It just makes much more sense to me :pinkiehappy:

You end it like that?!?

That vacation sure went haywaii-re!

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