• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 753 Views, 16 Comments

A Holiday in Haywaii - Key Lime Pie

Comedy story for the Febuary Write off!

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Finally in Haywaii!

‘How in tarnation could we forget Pinkie? She’s always jabberin’ on about somethin’.’ Applejack asked.
The girls had kindly asked some passengers to move so they could all sit next to eachother and discuss what to do about their friend who was accidentally left behind at the airport.

‘It’s easy! Let me open up a window, then I’ll soar right on back to the airport and pick her up!’ Rainbow Dash explained, looking proud of such a plan. But Twilight shook her head solemnly.

‘I’m sorry, Rainbow, but that can’t be done. This is a flight path, and it’s strictly forbidden for anypony to be flying in one of those. You could get sent to prison.’ She told her friend sadly.

‘Then...then...they should turn this plane around! Turn it around, and go and get Pinkie Pie! Celestia knows what she’ll do if she’s left alone for even more than an hour!’ Rainbow Dash exclaimed, the element of Loyalty showing her colours, although her plans were now becoming more like clutching at straws.

‘Well, if you ask me,’ Rarity said, ‘there’s nothing we can do right now. I’m sure Pinkie Pie is managing by herself. She will be fine, but we’ll contact her when we get to Haywaii to see what we can do. For now I recommend we all get a good night’s sleep.’

Everypony, though they didn’t like it, had no choice but to agree with Rarity. She was right, after all. Pinkie Pie was responsible when she needed to be, and she always pulled off a miracle, somehow. She’d probably arrive at Haywaii before they did or something.

Twilight planned out what she was going to do in her head: They’d send a letter to Spike to go to the Airport and check up on Pinkie Pie to see if she was alright. Maybe someone else could look after all their pets for a while. Okay, send a letter to Spike getting Mr. & Mrs Cake...oh wait, they had the twins to look after. Then, maybe get Daisy to look after the pets for a while. Oh no, she still faints whenever she sees a bunny...Well, he’ll find someone to look after them all, then get to the airport as quick as he can...Spike will sort it out....number one assistant...always does...

‘We have arrived in Haywaii. Please set your clocks 3 hours forward and leave the plane towards the Airport where you will receive your luggage.’ The flight attendant called out, waking up the five mares.

‘Oh my, look, the birds are singing! I’ve never seen fauna like this, ever!’ Fluttershy cried, bounding off the plane to get a closer look. Fluttershy always woke up Early to feed her animals, so she was bright eyed and cheery faced. The others followed her, still groggy eyed and unruly haired.

‘Whoo-ee Twi! You weren’t lyin’ when you said this place was hot!’ Applejack said, fanning herself with her hat before placing it back on her head.

‘Think of the beaches! Oh, the luxury! It’ll be simply marvellous!’ Rarity continued, strolling towards to the Airport, bags in tow.

‘It is a wonderful place, I agree, but we mustn’t stay off task. Pinkie Pie is our priority. Let’s see if we can find a GreenFlame to send a letter in.’ Twilight reminded everypony.

‘What now?’ Rainbow asked, confused.

‘A GreenFlame. It’s relatively new technology. The flame Spike can produce is green. This type of fire allows letters to be sent wherever the sender wishes them to go. Normally it’s only produced in Dragons very rarely, but scientists have developed an artificial Green Flame for use of sending mail.’ Twilight informed Rainbow Dash, who even after the very simple explanation was still none the wiser as to what a GreenFlame was.

‘Well, let’s get going then! Passports!’ Rainbow told Rarity, who dislodged six of them from her hair. She opened up one of them to see Pinkie Pies grinning face staring back at her.

‘Oh, I do hope she’s all right.’ Rarity said to herself, stopping briefly, before carrying on and trotting into Haywaii regional Airport.

Inside the Airport, the five friends walked over to the luggage carousel, taking in the sights of the amazing island as they did so.

‘Oh, that’s my one.’ Twilight saw her bag and levitated it over to herself, checking the nametag. Yep, this one was hers! It was a popular model, so she had to check it to make sure she hadn’t taken somepony else’s. Then, an idea popped into her head.

‘I know, why don’t I stay here and get our bags while you guys go off and try to find a GreenFlame?’ Twilight said.
‘I’ll stay here with ya, Twi’. Rainbow, Fluttershy and Rarity can find a GreenFlame, can’t ya gals?’ Applejack added on to Twilights plan.

‘Very well then! Come on girls! I’ll go left and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, you go right.’ Rarity finalized the idea and everypony got into motion doing her own job.

It was hot in Haywaii, thought Rarity. Much hotter than she’d imagined. The sun hadn’t been fully risen yet, so it wasn’t as hot as it would be soon. The humid air got in Rarity’s throat and made her feel a little clogged up. This wasn’t like the crisp Ponyville air at all. While looking, Rarity looked at some locals and remembered what Twilight had told her about the island, ging through the information so she didn’t look like a tourist or an ignorant person.

The locals of Haywaii were mainly Earth Ponies, with only a few Pegasi and Unicorns. Being an island in the West Equestrian Ocean, it was fairly isolated and so the rarer Pegasus and Unicorn genes hadn’t fully integrated in the community. Their colours were very Earthy, unlike the colourful pastels found in other Equestrian communities. Rarity had done some reading up and knew this was because the Ancient Haywaiians needed to blend into their surroundings so predators (which were abundant on the island) wouldn’t see them. Thus, rich greens and Rust red were common colours, however a deep blue and Earthy brown were also a normal sight. Rarity had also learned their tribal outfits were simply stunning, and reminded herself to bring her inspiration book so she could jot down ideas wherever she would go.

‘Oh, I feel like such a tourist! I’m bright white with Purple hair! Two colours that don’t occur in the wild at all! At least I’m not the only one...Rainbow Dash must stick out like a sore hoof!’ Thought Rarity to herself, before realizing she had gone all the way to the Airports edge window and not found anything that looked like a GreenFlame. Oh well, she’d regroup back to the luggage carousel.

When she got back she saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had already scouted the right side and were waiting for Rarity’s return with Twilight and Applejack.

‘Any luck Sugarcube?’ Applejack asked, keeping her eye on the rotating conveyor belt.
‘I’m afraid not, Applejack. ‘

‘Oh my, this is awful, just awful! How will we contact Pinkie Pie if there isn’t a GreenFlame anywhere here?’ Fluttershy asked nopony in particular, tears brimming up in her eyes.

‘Pull it together, Fluttershy! Anypony would think somepony had died! Which they haven’t!’ Rainbow Dash yelled at her friend, her patience snapping.

‘Rainbow! That was a mean thing to say! Apologize!’ Rarity told off her brash friend.

‘No way! She’s always crying about things she doesn’t need too! And I’m fed up about this! Why should we worry about Pinkie Pie not being here? She’ll be fine, like Twilight said! She’ll just go home, we can have the holiday without her.’

‘How rude! In that case, I’ll just leave!’ Said Pinkie Pie, stomping away from the group.

‘Huh?!’ Everypony else said in unison, turning toward their bright pink fiend, who shouldn’t have been there, but definitely was.

‘Oh, Pinkie! I’m so glad you’re here!’ Fluttershy said, running up to her friend to nuzzle her neck as a sign of friendship.
‘Wait, Pinkie! How did you even get here?’ Twilight asked, confused.

‘Oh, that’s a doozy! Well, I stepped out the bathroom and saw you were all gone! The plane hadn’t left so I tried to get on but that meanie receptionist wouldn’t let me without a Passpart.’

‘Passport.’ Twilight corrected her.

‘That’s what I said, Passpart! Silly! Anyway, I didn’t really know what to do, but I didn’t want to stay at the Airport, so I decided to see if I could catch a boat here! Funny enough, I couldn’t! You need a Passpart there too! Why? They only check the face, and they can see my face if they looked up from the passpart at me!’

‘Cut to the chase, Pinkie Pie! It’s wonderful you’re here, but how?’

‘Well, in short, it involves a sneaking suit, speedboat, sunglasses, and a whole load of Sarsaparilla.’ Pinkie finished her tale, leaving everypony stunned.

‘So you stole a speedboat-‘ Rarity started, before Twilight put a hoof over her mouth.

‘Best not go there.’ She mouthed to her fellow unicorn.

‘Anyway, the good thing is she’s here! And we can finally start this vacation! And boy, am I starved! Where are we off to next?’ Applejack said, hauling her own suitcase, which was the last one, onto the trolley that carried them.

‘The hotel!’ Twilight said, grinning.

‘Oh yeah, Twilights mystery hotel! We finally get to found out where we’re staying!’ Rainbow shouted, her excitement getting the best of her.

‘And I know you girls will love it! Follow me!’ Twilight said, picking up her luggage with her magic and waving a hoof to signal everypony to follow her.

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this was going to be their best holiday ever!