• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 599 Views, 4 Comments

A Blast into the Statue! - Thunder Kicker

Thunder Kicker gets sent through the Canterlot High Garden Statue. Now he's got to wait for the portal to reopen. In the meantime he's got to adjust to being ponified.

  • ...

Day Zero

Beep Beep Beep

Thunder Kicker smacked the snooze button on his alarm clock with his hand, it was 7:00 in the morning and he had to get ready for school. Yawning he lazily stretched out on his bed, before rubing the sleep from his eyes. He carefully got off his bed, and tucked the sheets back as too make it look tidy.

He walked across his room to his dresser, and began rumaging through for something decent to wear. He settled for a plain red shirt, sporting his personal emblem, a storm cloud with a vibrant yellow lightning bolt surrounded by a faint outline of a shock wave, it resembled his sisters emblem a simple cloud with the sun, he also pulled on a pair of black jeans.

With his attire on, he casually strolled out of his room and towards the bathroom, only to hear that his sister was lightly singing, while she did her hair.

He sighed "Cloud you almost done in there?" He asked in a sincere tone.

"Yup, Sport. Just gotta finish my hair." She replied from the other side of the door.

Thunder Kicker rolled his eyes at the nickname, and leaned against the wall opposite to the bathroom door, waiting for his older sister to hurry up.

He didn't have to wait long, cause the door opened and his sister strolled out, hair done up in a perfect ponytail.

She grinned and ruffled his hair, getting a giggle out of him.

"Stop it, Cloud." He said in between giggles.

"Alright Sport!" She ceased ruffling his hair, and crossed her arms, leaning against the door frame. "So what do you want for breakfast?"

"Umm. Eggs?"

"Eggs it is." She smirked, taking the stairs down to the main floor.

Thunder grinned as his sister descended the stairs, before turning to the bathroom, and walking in.

He splashed his face with water, he had an almost pitch black complexion compared to his sisters light purple. But he had a similar hair colour, dark and light yellow, to be precise. He applied a liberal amount of deodorant to himself, even though he'd have to do it again for gym, he loved gym. He really hoped Mr.Snowflake let everybody play dodgeball today. Thunder brushed his hair, stylizing it into a fauxhawk. He grinned again as he left the bathroom and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

He smelled the delicious food, before he even got into the kitchen. He began drooling upon thinking how delicious it would taste. Cloud Kicker chuckled when she saw the look of desire on his face, and began laughing when she noticed he was actually drooling.

Thunder Kicker giggled along with his sister, as he wiped the drool on his T-shirt. Along with the scrambled eggs she was making, she had bread in the toaster and peameal bacon frying in a side pan.

Three years ago their mother Cloud Reader told them'she'd be working very early in the morning and she wouldn't be home till after 3', so instead of cereal in morning Cloud Kicker learned to cook, she was very good for the record. Their father, Capt. Rolling Thunder was a away as a artilleryman in the armed forces and his tour wouldn't be finished for another 5 months.

Thunder sat on a stool at the kitchen island, where he sat every morning for breakfast. He checked that his lunch was made, which it was, as was every morning by his mother before she left for work. He quickly packed it into his back pack before waiting patiently for his food to be finished.

Cloud Kicker turn to face him, as she waited for the food to be finished cooking.

"So, are you going to the dance with anybody tonight, stud muffin?" She asked in a cutesy voice.

Thunder groaned and set his head on the counter top "Ugh. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and every other girl in my grade asked me to it.... Heck even Scootaloo did.Then she hit me in the arm , and muttered something about boys."

Cloud Kicker laughed at her little brothers predicament. "Well that's life, Sport. Learn to deal with it." She turned back around, to check on the food.

"How about you? Who are you going with?"

Cloud Kicker turned her head to show him a bright smile "Ohh..... just the leader of the football team!

"So you're going with Soarin? That's sooooooo cliché. The leader of the football team and head cheerleader!"

"Hey, I thought you liked Soarin, and cliché? Please I have brains and beauty, unlike some of my squad."

"Don't get me wrong Cloud I like Soarin, he got me the QB position on the team. All I was saying is that it's a cliché in school."

Cloud Kicker huffed out a fake breath of annoyance "Brat."

"Oh you love me, Cloudy!" Thunder said with a smile.

"Unfortunately I do little bro. Now here, eat up. Remember to rinse and put it in the dishwasher." Cloud Kicker told him, as she passed him his plate of food. He immediately set upon it with gusto.

Cloud Kicker laughed as she sat next to her little brother and began eating albeit at a slower pace. Thunder finished up his plate before Cloud so he rinsed it and put in the dishwasher with the other dirty dishes. Before climbing back up the stairs to brush his teeth.

Finishing brushing his teeth he walked out the bathroom, and passed Cloud Kicker in the hallway.

"I'll be waiting in the car, kay?" He told her.

"Kay, just got to brush my teeth then I'll be down, and then we can go."

"Alright." Thunder jumped down the stairs two at a time. He grabbed his back pack and double checked he had everything in it.





Clean gym shorts and T-shirt?




'Alright. Looks like I've got everything I need for today. I just don't know what to do about tonight's dance' Thunder sighed, before chuckling and grabbing his bag and walking out to his sister's car.

His sister's car was a 1971 Boss Ford Mustang, blue with a yellow racing strip she got it for 16 birthday when their Dad was away on duty. Cloud was ecstatic to get it, but sad that Dad wasn't around to spend it with his little girl.

Thunder tossed his bag in the back, and got into the front seat. Automatically buckling up and waiting for Cloud to come out the house. He heard the door shut and his sister lock it. She smiled as she approached the car, jiggling the keys in front of him.

She tossed her bag in the back next to his. Before turning to him "Buckled up?" She asks.

"Yup." He answers tugging on the seatbelt going across his chest.

"Alright. Let's get going." She says turning the ignition switch. The car roars to life the powerful engine flooding the cars powerful V8 full of energy. Cloud presses down on the accelerator, revving the car up. Both siblings have wide smiles on their faces. Cloud looks carefully down both sides of the street, then throws it in reverse, and....slowly backing out of the driveway like a responsible adult.

The drive to school is relatively short, and Thunder had a good 5 minutes before class began. So he decides to wait in the classroom. Math, a good way to start out the morning and wake his brain up. There's only a few of his classmates and friends in this class. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Silver Spoon, Twist, Rumble, Snips and a few others. He took his assigned seat next to Apple Bloom.

Ms. Cherilee had to assign seats when Apple Bloom started arguing with Silver Spoon, while Snips kept grossing Sweetie and Twist out with his boogers. Now Apple Bloom sat to his left, and Rumble sat on his right. Nobody was in the seats in front or behind him. Sweetie was moved closer to the front, while Snips sat three seats behind her and one seat over. Silver Spoon sat two seats away from Sweetie, and some other seats were filled up by other students.

Apple Bloom whispered to him "So you know who you're going with yet?"

"You mean to the dance?"

"Ya I mean the dance! So who you going with?"

Thunder groaned "I don't know all the girls in our grade asked me, and I don't want to upset anybody. Cause I know if I choose one of you, that will make the other jealous."

Rumble groaned next to Thunder. "Dude. So everybody asked you. Even--"

"Yes everybody asked me. Even Silver Spoon." Thunder dead panned. Rumble froze.


"I figure you had a crush on Silver Spoon...You stare at her sighing with this weird look in your eyes. You should ask her to the dance."

"You know what, I will." He stated. He quickly got out of his seat and walked over to her.

Thunder rolled his eyes. Looking over at Apple Bloom, who had a broad smile.


"Aww That was nice of you, TK" Thunder pouted. Causing Apple Bloom to giggle. Sweetie looked up from where she was drawing and looked over at them. Thunder smiled and gave a short wave when he noticed her looking. She returned his smile to him and Apple Bloom. Who smiled and waved back at Sweetie.

Sweetie went back to her work. As Rumble sat back down. He had a goofy grin on his face.

"She said yes."

"Well Duh. Why would she say no?"

"She said yes."

Thunder, and Apple Bloom looked at each other before shrugging.

"So you still, haven't told me who you're taking."

"Uh I don't know yet. I'll think of something."

Apple Bloom pouted before sighing and giving up. "Fine."

Ms. Cherilee walked into the class pulling a cart, loaded with papers. When the students see this a wave of groans washed over except for Thunder Kicker and Rumble. The former, cause he was excited for the work. The other cause he was so wrapped up in muttering "She said yes." To even notice the teacher's arrival.

After Math, came English with Ms. Cherilee. Apple Bloom along with Silver Spoon, Rumble, Snips and a couple other students weren't in this class, but Diamond Tiara, Featherweight, Snails and Pipsqueak replaced them. Thunder sat on Sweetie's right, and Diamond Tiara sat on her left, Snails sat in front of Diamond Tiara, while Twist sat further away on his left. Pipsqueak sat in front of Thunder, and Featherweight sat in front of Pip. Ms. Cherilee had to go make some photocopies of today's lesson on 'GRAMMAR'. Leaving the class unattended.

Diamond Tiara looked past Sweetie to look at Thunder. "Hey Thunder! Did you figure out who you're going to the dance with yet?"

Sweetie looked upset. "Oh Diamond Tiara asked you too?" She squeaked out.

Thunder shook his head "No I haven't figured it out yet. Heh, our entire grade asked me out Sweetie."

Pipsqueak leaned back in his chair looking at Thunder upside down. "I think I would remember asking you T ....Nope pretty sure I didn't." Thunder groaned, and Diamond Tiara giggled.

He saw Pipsqueak's face flush when Diamond Tiara giggled. He didn't get it. Pipsqueak liked Diamond Tiara and Diamond Tiara liked Pipsqueak.....Why would Diamond Tiara ask him out, instead of Pipsqueak?

He mentally groaned. 'I will never understand girls.'

Thunder Kicker sighed. "Pip ask Diamond to the dance."

Pipsqueak shot up and turned his body around to stare at Thunder, while Diamond nearly crawled over Sweetie to stare Thunder down.

"What!?" They both shout in unison, gaining the rest of the classes attention. They blush brightly, going back to their original spots.

They both stare away from each other, but Pipsqueak decides to be brave. He lightly coughs in his hand. "Diamond Tiara would you li-."

"Yes." She answers, cutting off Pipsqueak. They both have silly grins plastered on their faces.

Thunder Kicker smiled and shakes his head, only to feel a small bump to his side. Looking down he sees Sweeties hand in a fist. He smiles and gives it a gentle tap, making her giggle.

It's now that Ms. Cherilee comes back into the classroom. With a giant mound of paperwork. Another wave of groans goes out through the class, except for Sweetie Belle and Lightning Kicker who gives Sweetie a gentle nudge. She giggles again as Ms. Cherilee passes out the paperwork.

She gives the two a sharp look causing them to smile sheepishly back at her. She just rolls her eyes and hands them the paperwork.

When English finished Thunder goes with Sweetie to the Cafeteria for lunch, making sure to bring his packed meal. Following Sweetie he spots Applebloom and Scootaloo, already sitting at the table. Scootaloo looks defeated, and Apple Bloom is trying to cheer her up.

"Come on Scoots. Science ain't that bad. You just have to try harder." She says giving her a reassuring smile.

"Ugh, You don't get it Bloom it's soooo boring. Oh hey Sweetie. Hey TK."

"Tough time in Science Scoots?" Thunder asks sitting next to her, while Sweetie sits across from him next to Apple Bloom.

"My brain feels like it's about to explode."

"Well hang in there, we have gym next."

"Ya, Scoots, only two more periods left."

Thunder opened his pack and takes out an apple, which coincidently came from Sweet Apple Acre's, the Orchard Apple Bloom's family runs and owns. He eats it in four bites, then nibbles it down to the core.

"Ugh, school is so boring! Nothing exciting ever happens." As soon as Scootaloo says those words Thunders's ears picks up a beat.

Looking around he sees five of the seniors getting up and dancing. It's Rarity, Sweetie's older sister. Applejack, Apple Bloom's older sister. Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy. And Rainbow Dash. They're dancing, and singing. Then he laughs as he sees his sister jump up and join in on their dancing and singing.

Halfway through their routine they open up the Cafeteria doors, revealing the new girl, Thunder doesn't really know who the new girl is. She's only been around for two days, he's pretty sure her name is Twilight...Twinkle or something close to that.

He sees Flash Sentry, do a wicked chord on his guitar. They're talking about how 'Twilight Sparkle', should win Princess of the Fall Formal. They even throw out fake pony ears and tails. Representing the school's sport team, 'The Wondercolts'.

'Being a pony would be weird, having hooves instead of hands and the walking around on all fours all the time. Glad I'm a human.' Reaching out he grabs a tail and ear headband, as they go flying through the air. Noticing Apple Bloom didn't catch any, he hands his over to her.

Her eyes light up and gives him a smile, before taking the items and putting them on.

As quickly as it started, the number was done and the students went back to lunch. Thunder looked at the clock to see that lunch was halfway over. He excused himself from the girls and left to find Soarin.

As expected Soarin was in the Football locker room, leaning over a table with miniature football players, going over plays for next week.

Thunder knocked on the door before entering. Soarin, looked behind him in surprise, but ended up smiling when he saw who it was.

"Hey Sport! What's Up?" Soarin asked leaning against the table.

Thunder walked around the room looking over the odds and ends that Coach Snowflake had collected. A small trophy for a 'shouting' contest caught his eye. Picking it up he glared at Soarin "I heard your going with my sister tonight." He begins staring down at the trophy, before returning his gaze to the head player. "Let me remind you that if you make her cry......They won't find your body!"

Silence was present as Soarin contemplated what Thunder Kicker told him. He was honestly a little scared at how calm the kid had said it all.


"It's good too see we have an understanding. Now about next weeks plays."

Soarin and Thunder Kicker discussed the game plays, after Soarin got over his intial shock. After wrapping up the strategizing, Thunder bid Soarin goodbye. He had two more people to see before lunch was over.

The first was Rarity, he had asked her to make him a suit for the dance a month ago, which she told him she'd do free of charge...If he'd be willing to model some of her clothing. He agreed of course, and actually found himself enjoying modelling, and told her he'd be willing to do whenever she need him too. She squeed and hugged him.

After he picked up his suit, from Rarity he went to the library where the chess team was having their lunch game. He didn't join them today since he was occupied with his current dilemma on who to take to the dance tonight.

He met up with Right Move, the current chess champ and de-facto leader of their competition. He told him he'd be unable to make it to the tournament this weekend. Right Move understood and told him that Trekkie was going in his place. Thunder shrugged his shoulders and told him that it was his call.

Checking the time again, Thunder found class would be starting soon, making his way to his locker. He gently placed his suit inside and removed the items he'd need for Gym. He walked at a brisk pace as the halls began to thin out. He made it to the boys change room just as the bell rang.

In the change room were the other students already in different states of being dressed in gym uniform. Thunder quickly threw off his shirt, and reapplied a even coat of deodorant, before throwing on his gym attire.

Everybody turned to look as Mr.Snowflake stuck his head in the change room.

"Alright ladies! Outside."

With everybody dressed, they began shuffling out of the change room and outside on the sports field.

Thunder could see the girls at the other side of the field. This was the only class where most of his friends were all in.

He saw Scoots, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom standing at the edge of the field. He quickly jogged his way over to them.

"Did you hear?" Squeaked Sweetie. "Featherweight asked Twist to the dance. That means it's just us left."

Thunder was surprised. "No I didn't hear. So it's just us...What about Snips and Snails?"

The four of them looked over at the duo, who were wrestling next to a garbage can. The two boys smacked into the garbage can causing the contents to fall upon them. Mr.Snowflake walked up to them and yelled at them to go clean themselves off.

Thunder turn back to look at the girls with unamused looks on their faces, he slightly grimaced.

"Okay, so maybe their not the best choice."

"Ya think!" Supplied Apple Bloom.

Thunder's shoulders sagged, as he let out a deep sigh.

"What do you want me to do? I can't exactly split myself in three and take each of you!"

Sweetie brighten and threw a hand in the air. "That's it!"

"Uhh Swetie ah don't think that's what he was gettin at!"

"No why doesn't he take the three of us. I mean I won't mind going with my best friends."

Scootaloo snapped her fingers "Hey that's a great idea. What do you think Apple Bloom"

Apple Bloom smiled wide "Ya, that's ah great idea."

'Wait...what.' "Do I get a say in this?" Thunder asked cautiously. The girls only answer was a stern glare. He hung his head "Thought so."

"Here comes Mr.Snowflake!"

Thunder raised his head as the overly muscular physical education teacher reached them.

"Kicker you planning on playing, or just standing on the sidelines."


"Yeah what?"

"Yeah I plan on playing."

"I can't hear you."


"Then get going we're playing 'Tackle Dummy' and you get to be the dummy."

Thunder yelped, taking off as the rest of the class looked at him with a feral grin and a sparkle in their eyes.

Thunder was able to keep out of the classes reach but soon started to tire. The game ended when he just stopped running and decided to lay down on the grass, inviting the class to dog pile him.

After Tackle Dummy, the class played a game of Dodgeball.

The class finished with Sweetie, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Thunder parting ways to attend the last class of the day.

Thunder entered the classroom, with a small smile. Drama, this was the one class he had that didn't have anybody from his grade, they were all older. He saw Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, his sister Cloud Kicker and the new girl Twilight Sparkle.

Cloud Kicker smiled when she saw him "Hey Sport."

"Hey Sis, Shy, Rarity, AJ, Dash, Pinkie. I don't think we've meet yet but I'm Thunder Kicker, Cloud Kicker's my big sister." Thunder says smiling.

"Oh." Twilight said a little surprised, as she turned to look at Cloud Kicker. "I didn't know you had a little brother?"

Cloud grabbed Thunder in a hug and gave him a rough noogie. "Yeah, this is my little bro." Thunder squirmed as his sister noogied him.

"So, you figure out who you're going with tonight?" She asked letting him go.

"Hehe Yeah. I was wondering if you could pick them up for the dance."


Thunder chuckled and scratched the back of his head "Heh, yeah. I guess I'm going with Sweetie, AB, and Scoots."

The girls raised suspicious eyebrows at him. He pointed at his chest "Don't look at me like that. I didn't get a choice in the matter."

Rarity sighed "My sister, is taking my advice at getting a boy too..literal."

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders "Scoots wants something she takes it. She takes after me."

"But I thought she wasn't your sister?" Thunder asks cocking his head to the side.

"Nah, not by blood but I'm in the 'big sister' program, and Scoots is my 'little sister'."


Applejack turned to him. "S'long as you don't hurt mah sis' feelings, I'm fine with it."

Cloud considered it for a moment. "I guess, I can pick them up, seeing as nobody has a problem with it."


The class went as well as expected. Before long it was time to go home, he grabbed his bag and suit and found his dates for tonight.

"Hey, are you excited for tonight?"

"Yes, Rarity made me a beautiful dress." Sweetie Belle squealed, hopping up and down.

"Well, my sister said she'd be able to pick you up."

Scootaloo fist pumped "Your sister's car is awesome."

"I feel you want to go with me just to ride in my sister's car." Thunder says, with mock hurt.

Scootaloo rolls her eyes and punches him playfully in the arm.

Thunder grins as he rubs his arm.

"Am just glad, Ah get to go." Apple Bloom says grabbing her two friends in a group hug. Thunder stands awkwardly next to the group hug as he rubs the back of his head. But a white hand grabs him and drags him into the group hug. Were he's hugged by all three girls.

"Alright I better get going. Got to look good for tonight." He says breaking off the hug.

The girls, each say good-bye before leaving to catch their respected rides.

Thunder finds Cloud waiting patiently in the car.

"Sorry, I'm late I got held up."

Cloud giggles "I know." She shows him a picture on her cell of the group hug he was just in, with a pink heart border.

Thunder blushes profusely, causing his sister to laugh at his predicament.

"Who sent you that?"

"Oh it's already on Facebook."

Thunder let's out a short groan, Cloud continues to laugh as she drives off school property. The drive home is silent, as Cloud Kicker focuses was on driving, and Thunder's focus was on 'where it went so wrong.'

When his mother finally arrived home from work, Thunder had finished all his homework and was currently cleaning his room. He heard her voice as she opened the front door.

"I'm home." She called out in a sweet, song filled voice. Thunder perked up when he heard his mother's voice and bound out of his room and down the stairs, to greet her. Cloud Kicker who was doing her homework at the kitchen table, so she could watched the meatloaf cook in the oven, was the first to greet their mother, by giving her a hug.

When their hug ended, Thunder ran up and hugged his mother too.

"Hey Mom!" Giggling as she tickled him. after their hug.

"Hey Sport. Mmmm what smells good."


"Ohh, you definitely take after me for cooking, your Dad can't cook to save his life."

Cloud grins at the complement. "Thanks Mom."

"So you two ready for the dance tonight."

Both siblings grin widely.

"Ya, this stud muffin even has three dates."

Thunder blushes. "I guess you take after your Father, then Sport. He was always getting the girls. Sometimes I wonder why he chose me."

"What about Cloud she's going with the Captain of the football team!"

"Yeah." Cloud says as they sit down at the kitchen table. "But he's only taking me." She finishes, booping Thunder on the nose.

They sat at the table talking, as the meatloaf cooked. When it was nearly done Thunder helped his sister set the table.

The meal was just right, the meat was given just enough time in the oven to crisp the top, but leaving the inside, moist and tender. With the meatloaf, Cloud also made potatoes, she boiled them then baked them in the oven with just a little hint of seasoning to bring out the immense flavour held within the potato.

Sad to say, Thunder could only eat so much before he was too full. He waited patiently for his mother and sister to finish, when they did he took their plates along with his own and placed them in the dishwasher. He then cleared the remaining food, placing them in plastic containers, before putting them in the dishwasher with the plates. When he finished clearing the table and wiping it down. He started the dishwasher. He checked the kitchen to make sure everything was put away before joining his sister and mother in the Living Room.

His sister was already in her dress. She wore a strapless dress, the top half was purple, then cut off into a red ripple pattern below her waist. It also had white arm cuffs. She wore her hair in a more elegant ponytail then her usual one with a matching red-purple band holding it in place. For her feet she decided to go with knee high purple boots, trimmed with white, with a small red diamond in the front.

When Thunder saw her he had two simultaneous thoughts: 'I'm the luckiest brother in the world for getting such a cool sister', and "Oh crap better hurry up and get ready.'

He turned and scrambled up the stairs in a mad dash to get ready. Luckily it wouldn't take him long to put it on. He decided to jump in the shower so he's smell nice for the girls, he washed the gel out of his hair and made sure to scour every inch of his body to clean it. When he jumped out of the shower he was smelling better then roses. He put on the black satin shirt first, then he pulled on the black pleated trousers, over top of the shirt he wore a white button less coat, and finally to complete the look he wore black tie. He checked himself over in the mirror. Smiling he descended the stairs, to where his mother and sister was waiting for him. The former with a camera, the latter beaming at him with two thumbs.

Thunder strikes a few different poses for his mother and sister, causing them to laugh especially when he flex's and sticks his tongue out. The last photo is of him and his sister standing next to each other. His sister bending down' with her eyes closed giving a wide smile, Thunder mirrors his sister's smile. Both are giving each other rabbit ears, without the other knowing.

"So you ready to go Sport?" His mother asks him.

"Yup." He responds eagerly, walking out the door.

"You got your roses for your dates?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

Thunder freezes at the door, before turning around and looking at his mother in horror.

"OH NO!!" He shouts before all hell breaks loose. He starts running around hands on his head. "How could I forget the roses. Stupid. Stupid."

Cloud Kicker starts laughing at her little brothers antics, before sending him a giant grin. "Don't worry Sport. I thought you might of forgot so I got mom to pick something up."

Thunder Kicker whips his head around at such a high speed, his mother is concerned he might of just gotten whiplash. She makes sure he doesn't have whiplash, before showing him three beautiful cut roses.

One single orange rose.

One single yellow rose.

And finally a single white rose.

The first stop was out in the country to the 'Sweet Apple Acres' family orchard, it was still early so both Applejack and Big Mac were still there.

Thunder was nervous. He was getting scrutinized by the entire Apple clan. First was Granny Smith. She stared at him for a few seconds before smacking him on the back and giving him the okay. Applejack was even quicker, she gave him a pat on the head and a wink.

It was Big Mac that took the longest. He didn't even say a word just stared down at the smaller boy. But that stare was more descriptive then one of Shakespeare's play's. It told all of the unfathomable things Big Mac would do if Thunder purposely hurt his little sister. Thunder found himself nodding to the unsaid contract.

-Be good to mah sister.

-Dance with mah sister.

-And under no circumstance...I mean no circumstance should she cry because of something you did to hurt her.

Nodding to Thunder's consent Big Mac walked away with one of his famous "Eeyups"

Last thing they did was get a couple of photo's of Apple Bloom and Thunder, courtesy of his mother's camera. She was wearing a cute purple dress, wrapped with a pink bow, in her hair was her special ribbon.

Before Thunder got in the car he remembered the rose he was suppose to give her. So with a awkwardly stiff hand he presented the yellow rose to her.

She graciously accepted with a small blush forming on her cheeks. He even opened the door for her, like a true gentleman. He hoped his father would be proud of him.

Next stop was the orphanage where Scootaloo lived. It was a little less awkward, and a little more at the same time.

Since Scootaloo was the youngest of a tight knit 'family' in a orphanage of only girls, Thunder felt the gaze of every member of the female race boring into his skull. Like with Apple Bloom, he got their photo taken.

He handed Scootaloo the orange rose, and opened the back door for her. She hopped in and starting chatting excitedly with Apple Bloom.

The last stop was Sweeties house, she lived with Rarity and her parents but they were away on business. Sweetie was wearing a red dress with a yellow belt to keep it together and had a white flower in her hair. Like the first two stops pictures were taken. But after a few shots of just Thunder and Sweetie. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo joined the shots, to get a group hug photo.

When Thunder gave Sweetie the White rose, she squealed and kissed Thunder on the cheek. Rarity was ready with her camera and got a shot of a poor blushing Thunder and Sweetie wrapping her arms around him giving him a kiss on the cheek, her one leg sticking up in the air just like her sister taught her to do. Rarity was very proud of her sister, even dismissing the 'unladylike' forwardness.

Thunder opened the door and his three dates piled into car, talking rapidly amongst themselves about how fun tonight was going to be. He shut their door opening his own and getting in the car. He smiled at his sister who sat in the drivers seat. She smiled back as she started the car.

The excitement from the girls was starting to get to him, and he was excited to get in. They pulled up to the school, the dance wouldn't be for another few minutes and they were the first ones there.

"I have to go get Soarin." Thunder stopped looking at the school, turning to look at his sister. "Behave."

Thunder grinned "I always am!"

Cloud snorted as she pulled out of the school parking lot.

Thunder turned back to his dates, they were staring at him, patiently waiting in the grass in front of the schools statue.

"Well, I guess we just wait for the dance to start, Eh." Thunder says as he joins them.

"Yeah, ah guess so." Apple Bloom added.

The four friends talked and waited until eventually more students started to show up. When a sufficient number of students showed up, Principle Celestia opened the doors allowing everybody to enter, and move everybody to the gym.

Before being able to get into the dance, Thunder feels the urge to go to the little boys room. He stops in the hallway causing the girls to look at him. He grin sheepishly. "I..Uh have to use the washroom."

They roll theirs eyes collectively "Fine we'll be in the dance."

Thunder gives them another sheepish smile before scampering off to the washroom.

The washroom was empty, so their was nobody to bother him as he did his business. He whistled a jaunty tune as he washed his hands, with warm water and soap. Thinking over how tonight is going to turn out. Pushing the door open he walks out into the empty hall. He turns and heads towards the sound of music, entering the dance he sees a lot of dancing students.

But the three that stick out are Sweetie, Scoots and Applebloom. He laughs loudly when he sees how Scoots was 'chicken' dancing.

He walks over to them joining them and starts awkwardly dancing with them.

Thunder dances with each of his dates, Sweetie a slow song, Applebloom a rock song, and Scootaloo a dub step techno song much to his amusement she starts to chicken dance again, making her feel embarrassed till he joins in with her. She gives a very.....thankful smile. which he returns with one of his own.

After an intense dance with Applebloom, he decides he needs some air.

"Hey, AB I'm going too get some air, tell Sweetie that when I get back and it's a slow song I'll dance with her."

Applebloom giggles, she looks around nervously, confusing Thunder, but ends up pecking him on the cheek. He tenses up, and sees her blushing redder then her hair.

"What was that for?" He asks nervously.

"For being nice, and taking all of us to the dance...Also cause you know, your cute."

Thunder's cheeks redden at the compliment, "It was my pleasure. You three are my best friends."

Her face, loses it redness as she stares at him.


"Whelp. Air...Bye." He quickly, walks to the doors on the way outside.

Muttering to himself, as he walks he finds himself at the statue in front of the school.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why can't I make up my mind, I have three beautiful girls that like me, and..and I can't choose one."

Lifting himself up, he rests on the marble statue of 'The Wondercolt', contemplating which girl he 'like likes'.

A shout rouses him from his contemplating.

"Spike SPIIIIKEEEEE." He notices, Snip, Snail, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer...whose carrying a sledgehammer, running out the front door. His eyes widen when he notices her sledgehammer.

"Sweet Baby Jesus." He jumps up, standing on the statue as Sunset Shimmer, moves beside it with the sledge raised and poised to strike.

"What's happening?" He yells.

"TK, don't move ya hear. Just stay where ya are!" Applejack tries to reassure him by giving a smile. But it comes off too nervous to do any good.

"What's going on? Why does she have a sledge?" He asks trying to comprehend the situation he found himself in.

"Quiet brat." Sunset Shimmer says menacingly, before looking at Twilight. "Give me the crown, or I smash the portal."

Thunder stands there mouth gaping at what he just heard....... "This crazy bitch is about to take a sledge to this statue cause she didn't win."

The vulgar language startles, everybody present. "Now Thunder Kicker, I realize this is a very stressful situation, but that is no excuse to swear....In the presence of LADIES none the less." Rarity stares him down. He gives a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Rarity. I was just thinking about things, and well I'm sorry."

She gives him a small smile "It's alright dear."

"Excuse me. Evil plot going on," She says waving the sledgehammer around. "Good, now Twilight give me the crown or I'm going to smash this portal back to Equestria."

"First, let Spike go!" Twilight demands. Thunder looks over and notices for the first time that Snip and Snail are holding a dog.

Sunset looks at them and nods, they drop the dog and he quickly speeds over to Twilight.

"Now the crown."


"But I'll smash it."

"I know. But I can't allow you too get your hands on my crown. So go ahead and destroy the portal."

"Aaaaaaaa." In her rage, Sunset Shimmer drops her sledgehammer and tackles Twilight. They roll on the ground, and the crown goes flying towards Snip. He bends down to grab it, Twilights dog, is faster and he's able to snatch it before Snip can grab it.

He runs up to the doors with Sunset on his tail. She corners him, but Rainbow shouts to him, and he throws it at her. Rainbow passes it to Fluttershy, when Sunset charges her. Fluttershy 'Eeps' when they start running at her, but with some quick thinking and a handy lasso Applejack is able to pull her out of the way, but in her shock Fluttershy lets go of the crown, Snail is quick enough to grab it. But Pinkie pops up from behind him and steals it back.

Pinkie with a quick throw, passes it towards Twilight, but overshoots it and lands in Sunset's hands.

"Finally. Now you can witness.....
My final form!

The Triforce!!

The Rainbow of Darkness!!

The Power of Greyskull!!

My Thu'um!

The Dark Lords Return!

My Magic. Ahahahahaha" She places the crown on her head, which immediately starts glowing, wrapping her in a weird bubble rising into the sky, with her.

Thunders eyes go wide and he whispers, just loud enough for everybody to hear "That definitely doesn't look good!!"

A loud boom is heard and Thunder can see where Sunset was, and saw a very scary demon-thingy with wings, and Sunset's colour scheme.

"That IS definitely NOT good." He all but shouts.

The Sunset monster, looks at the school, and rips off the front door, with a simple wave of her hand. Thunder can see that most of the student body has gathered there, including his sister and his dates.

'I have to do something. Got to protect them.' With a steel resolve, Thunder jumps down from the Wondercolt statue and grabs Sunset's discarded sledgehammer.

He let's off a battle cry as he charges towards her. She gives an amused smirk as he nears. When he gets close enough, he tries to hit her with a down stroke. But he ends up missing when she takes a step back. She raises a leg, and kicks him square in the chest.

"Ommph." He lets go of the sledgehammer, when the kick connects and he goes flying across the lawn, landing a few yards behind Twilight, who has a shocked look in her eye.

He distinctly hears a voice calling to him. "THUNDER!!!" He looks up too see the panicked face of his sister being restrained by an equally panicked Soarin.

Disorientation hits him as he tries to stand back up. He tenderly grabs his side where he got kicked. He gives a pained whimper, even with the adrenaline coursing through his veins it really, really hurts.

Sunset flies over to the student body that has gathered at the school entrance. They try to run, she stops them somehow and mind controls them.

The whole time Thunder, and the six girls all watch with horror stricken faces.

"Oh..Oh my!" Is the only thing Rarity can say, shock written across her face.

"So NOT awesome." Rainbow says, with a grim look.

Pinkie is too busy, helping a traumatized Fluttershy to notice her hair has gone flat. While Applejack holds her hat in her hands, slightly wrinkling it with a slacked jaw expression.

"Alright girls. We have to stop her, before she causes serious damage." Twilight says taking charge of her friends.

Applejack looks uneasy as she addresses Twilight "But how Twi. What can we do against that."

Twilight smiles as she put her hand on Applejack's shoulder. "By doing our best." Applejack smiles at her friends Honesty.

Moving over to Rainbow she put her hand on her shoulder too "Because their our friends." Rainbow Dash grim look disappears into a cocky grin, seeing her friend's Loyalty.

She moves over to Rarity and places a comforting hand on her shoulder, she turns to look at Twilight. "Even if it means
a little sacrifice must be made." Rarity's confidence is boosted by her friends Generosity.

Twilight moves over to Fluttershy and Pinkie kneeling down on the ground, placing a hand on each shoulder. "Cause everybody needs help....." Fluttershy looks up smiling fondly at her friend's Kindness, "And a party in the end." Pinkie's hair poofs out to it's original puffiness, with a dramatic 'POOF', when she thinks of the parties and Laughter to come.

"Cause FRIENDSHIP. IS. MAGIC." Twilight s heart warming speech is cut to a screeching halt as Sunset Shimmer starts applauding. "How very cute Twilight. But you seem to be forget one important thing...I have the crown! I have the Magic and I will rule Equestria." She ends the evil rant by laughing wildly.

She then begins to charge her hand with a glowing red light. The six of them huddle together as Sunset's grin becomes maniacal.

Thunder's heart is beating a mile a minute. He's played enough video games to know just what is about to happen. Without even thinking he surges forward trying to close the gap between himself and the girls. He's almost there when Sunset let's go of the energy.

"NOOOOOOO!" 'Too slow I'm not going to make it.' He watches the bolt travel from her hand towards the six of them. Then the most surprising thing happens. Thunder watches in amazement as the bolt of energy harmlessly bounces off the shield and leaves them unscathed.

He then realizes with terror that the bolt of energy, bounced perfectly off the shield... in a trajectory right at him. He barely has any time to register that fact when it collides with him.

No shield appears for him, and he takes the complete force of the hit. Letting his body take the full blunt of the blast as he's lifted off his feet.

Time slows as he flies backwards, slightly aware of the growing pain spreading across his body. He looks over at his classmates, looking for people to say good bye to before he dies.

His sister, stands next to Soarin. Staring vacantly ahead at nothing in particular. He's going to miss her. She was...is the best sister he could of asked for. He just hopes that Twilight can return her to normal. He gives Soarin a hard look.

'Better treat her right or I'll come back to haunt you buddy.'

He spies his dates next, he realizes that their also under mind control, like his sister.

'Here's hoping my sacrifice, was worth something.' Thunder thinks darkly.

Thunder shifts his gaze to Twilight and his friends, as they turn their heads in slow motion. He realizes that he's screaming as he flies through the air, and that's what they're hearing.

Finally Thunder looks behind him, he pales at what's approaching him. Or what he's approaching at a very high speed.

'Oh the irony. I was just sitting on. Now I'm going to be all over it......In every sense of the word.' He stated matter-o-factly to himself.

He closes his eyes, and he waits....

And waits...

And waits...

Feeling nothing Thunder opens his eyes.

It was a bad idea, Thunder Kicker, a boy from Canterlot High was positive he was dead. He had to be, since he was currently staring into the eyes of...ponies.

"You're not Twilight!" Said a very hyper, yet familiar voice. 'Pinkie?'

"Guard, go get a nurse we have a very seriously injured colt." 'Principal Celestia? Colt?'

That was as much as Thunder could handle, he promptly fainted from pain and confusion.

Too be continued

Comments ( 2 )

3251382 Tell the masses, I'm not trying to 'attention whore' but I do appreciate it when people read and like it. Tells me to continue writing! If I get more Negatives then Positives I usally just cancel it.

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