• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 1,358 Views, 32 Comments

The Girl with Draconequus Tattoo - MyPeculiarSelf

A pegasister is in Equestria, nothing new, right? But Lidya has a Discord's tattoo and she need hide it of the ponies and Discord while she try have a good time whit her new friends.

  • ...

chapter 3: pegasus and tickles

Lidya was pressed against the door of her room, completely in awe. A mug which used to be filled with hot chocolate was now broken on the floor, and a familiar blue Pegasus was on top of her bed in a position not unlike that of an animal ready to pounce.

Rainbow wore a hat similar to that of Daring Do on her head, but it was still possible to see her colorful mane. Her mane, as well as her tail, was unkempt, matted with dirt and had small sticks tangled in it. Her coat also had bits of dirt and earth on it, but the mare did not seem to care about it as she faced her "mysterious creature" after so much time looking for it.

Now Rainbow could better see this thing, which she had spent so much time looking for. It seemed that she had no fur, with the exception of a long brown mane on her head which surpassed it's shoulders by a few inches. Her eyes were brown too, matching the mane. And she wore clothes (adapted to the creature's body, of course). It was a lavender t-shirt, blue pants (ie: known to us human as jeans) and combat boots.

This thing wasn't as big or menacing as a manticore or hydra, in fact Rainbow could tell by the expression on it's face that the creature was probably as surprised as she was. But Rainbow had learned from her past experiences and of her friends (she heard the story of Twilight about the basilisk) that just because a creature seemed to be harmless that it was. And if this thing were to attack her, she would be ready.

Lidya had her eyes focused on the pony in front of her. What should she do?

Rainbow Dash is in ... my ... room ...

Lidya took her eyes off of Dashie to look at her room and discovered that the Pegasus wasn't the only thing that had changed in it since she left. Her books were on the floor and many of her dolls and other things too, messy bed, and empty shelves because the things on them were strewn across the floor.

(Warning: narration in the first person, when you are a character, can cause symptoms such as: people around you thinking that you are alienated, feeling that a lot of guys on the internet are following specific moments of your life and inability to hear a Pegasus rummaging your room. Use it sparingly).

Slowly Lidya could feel the fear and surprise fidgeting in her bowels to become a denser and extremely volatile feeling known as anger.

Her gaze shifted from side to side like a wild animal cornered, until returning to the Pegasus on her bed.

"Okay, mysterious creature." Rainbow began, never looking away from her target. "You have a lot of explaining to do now. What are you? Why were you in the forest and so close to Ponyville? How has nopony ever seen you before? And especially ... "Rainbow rose her wings showing that she was holding the toys that Lidya had of the Mane 6. She could even do that? I know Pegasus can do pushups using their wings, but hold dolls with them?

"Why do you have dolls of me and my friends? What are your intentions? "Rainbow shouted angrily. She didn't know if this thing spoke equestrian or understood her questions, but it not was important now. She just wanted answers and was ready to get it, one way or another. But Rainbow didn't know that despite the apparent calm of Lidya, inside she had an anger that could melt her soul if well channeled.

A long silence (really only 10 seconds) had passed, in which neither of them took the eyes from one another. But Lidya ended the silence when she started babbling something. At first it was hard, anger caught in her throat preventing her from saying anything, and when she got it was so dry and low that Dash didn't understand.

"What ..." Her voice was more like a low growl.

"What?" Rainbow asked raising an eyebrow. "I didn't understand."

"What ..." She spoke louder this time, but still sounded like a growl.

"What 'what'?" Dash said getting impatient.

Anger made Lidya gasp. "I asked ..." She took a deep breath. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" She screamed in a fury that seemed to make the room shake.

Rainbow Dash was astonished. Not only by the fury in the voice of the thing but because she didn't expect this kind of response from the "mysterious creature". Not that she really knew what kind of response to expect. But she quickly pulled herself together.

"What is my problem?" She replied. "What's your problem?"

"Why do you think I have one? And even if I had, it isn't any of your business! "

"None of my business? I disagree! You're dangerous, you have dolls of me and my friends and all these weird things. It's obvious that you have some evil plan to take over Equestria and I won't allow it. "Rainbow said with determination.

It's the same thing when she accused Twilight of being a spy. What is this? Reprise of the first season? Rainbow ... have you learned nothing from the incident with Zecora? Lidya thought as she pulled her own hair and had the expression of someone who was about to freak out (or already had).

"You know what is really ugly? To accuse random people!" Lidya shot, facing the Pegasus. A deathly silence hung in the air until Rainbow broke it.

"Pe .. peo ... peo ... people? "Rainbow said putting a hoof under the chin and taking a thoughtful look. "What in Equestria are people?"

"Idiot." Lidya told herself. It was obvious that Rainbow didn't know what a person was, much less a human. She was still calling her a mysterious creature. She was an idiot for thinking that Rainbow would know that.

"Hey! I heard that! "Rainbow said angrily, unaware that the creature was talking about herself and not of the pony. "Take it back!"

"What?" Lidya asked legitimately confused.

"You said I'm an idiot! Well, I'm not. Now take it back! "

Lidya just looked at the Pegasus with a serious face. "Apologize to me."

"What?" Rainbow cried.

"Apologize for breaking into my house and make a mess in my room." She demanded.

"No." Rainbow said simply without taking her eyes off of Lidya. "Now take it back or you will be tasting my hoof in your mouth for a month."

In fact, I would be a little disappointed if you had just agreed. But that's okay. I have other ways. Lidya thought to herself with a smirk. She faced the cyan Pegasus "No, I won't ..." Her smile widened a bit. "... Idiot."

You could almost hear the sound of something breaking in Rainbow Dash's head as she went into a rampage and jumped out of bed toward Lidya with the intention of teaching her something called "respect". Although she didn't know, it was she who was about to learn a lesson.

So predictable... Lidya thought smiling. She raised a hand and before Dash noticed, she was lying on her belly on the floor, with a very familiar, mysterious creature on top of her. Rainbow was a good fighter and did everything to try to get up and get this "thing" off of her, but nothing worked. Perhaps because she had previously only struggled with ponies that were of her size and not the double or triple size that the creature was. Not to mention that while the body of the ponies was more designed for galloping and walking, this thing had a much more flexible body allowing greater mobility.

"Very well, Rainbow Dash." The creature began to speak in a much calmer tone. Eerily calm to be exact. Rainbow somehow wasn't surprised that this thing knew her name, she kind of already expected that. But the calm way she said her name was scary. From her position on the floor she couldn't see the face of this thing, and with her using that tone, Dash didn't know if she would want to.

Lidya was calmer now. At least the threat to her home was neutralized and she could take control of things. Do not judge Lidya. She was very fond of Rainbow. She was one of her favorites on the show, but it's not because someone is your fan that you have the right to destroy their things. And accuse them of being a threat.

"First, so nobody can accuse me of being unfair, I'll hear your side of the story. So tell me Rainbow Dash." Her tone still eerily calm. "Why do you think I'm a threat?"

"How so?" Rainbow replied indignantly, as if she had been asked why Pegasi had wings "Since I saw you in the forest Everfree I knew you were dangerous. Wearing these strange clothes and looking at Ponyville. And don't think I didn't notice your hoodie of me. "

"So... because I was in the forest, I am a creature that nopony has seen before, use odd clothes and was looking at your city, this instantly makes me evil?"

"Exactly." Rainbow said getting more confident now.

"But isn't that exactly what you thought when you first saw Zecora?" Lidya asked.

"How do you know that?" Rainbow asked astonished.

"I'm Zecora's friend. Now answer."

Rainbow hesitated a bit before answering. "Yes .."

"And was she evil?"

"No. .."

"You have judged hastily, haven't you?"

"Yes .." Rainbow was feeling worse and worse with all this. This strange creature was making her feel like a filly in kindergarten being scolded by the teacher for not doing her homework. It was as if the shame (and a creature twice her size or more) was putting all its weight on top of her and pressing her down. Couldn't she just hit her or eat her and end this torture?

"What about the dolls of me and my friends? What about all this? "Rainbow asked, trying to regain some reason and dignity.

"It's just my taste in decor. The same way that Zecora has her masks and potions. And that doesn't make her an evil enchantress. The fact that I have it doesn't mean I'm planning to take Equestria." The creature scolded again. "Am I right?"

"Well .." Rainbow couldn't argue with that logic.

"Then apologize with me." The creature spoke authoritarian.

"No." Rainbow replied still underneath her.

"Why not?" Lidya asked. If she was angry or sad with the response, Rainbow couldn't tell because her voice hadn't changed.

"You're still a total stranger who knows my name, have dolls of my friends, and I know you're hiding something. So I don't see why I should apologize to you. "Rainbow said nonchalantly.

"Very well." Lidya mused. "If you apologize to me, I will answer your questions."


"But I said I'll answer your questions." Now her tone seemed a bit surprised.

"Never mind. You're still a monster, mysterious creature or whatever you are. And I don't trust you." She said accusingly.

"So, just because I'm odd, you don't trust me ..." She said in a disappointed tone. "... and you won't apologize for vandalizing my room."

Dash just made a "humph" as response.

"I understand ..." The creature said in her calm and scary tone again. I can't say that a part of me didn't expect this. Yeah... I guess I have no choice.

"It's a shame, Rainbow." She began. "You really are one of my favorites. But I can't just ignore your attitudes." Creature's tone had changed somehow. Dash didn't know why, but it made her neck crawl. "I just want you to know that it wasn't my choice. You are forcing me to do this. "

"Wh-wh-what ... i ... i-it ...?" Rainbow asked trying to sound brave but failing miserably.

"Rainbow ..." Her voice now had a maniacal happiness in it, like a psychopath. "I really tried to be understanding and help you see things in the best way. But you're so stubborn." No even Apple Jack is on your level. "Once all my options have been eliminated, what choice do I have? I'm not a fan of corporal punishment-"

"What?" Rainbow, at the mention of corporal punishment began to fight harder than before, but without results. "What exactly are you talking about?"

The creature positioned it's own head in a way that the pony beneath her could see her. Rainbow had to struggle to contain her scream at the vision before her. She was seeing the creature's head upside down with the long mane almost touching Rainbow's face. The eyes of the thing had a sinister and mischievous gleam in them. And the mouth? Sadly her vision of the mouth was perfect and she could see a huge smile of cynicism and craziness that would scare Nightmare Moon and make Discord proud.

"You will discover Dashie. It's something that my species know do very well. But remember that all this could have been avoided with a simple apology. "

Dash could feel thin things with spikes passing down her back. Surely the creature's claws. She was right from the beginning. This thing was a monster and would hack her into pieces while laughing maniacally. She could only implore that it would be kind enough to do it fast. But judging by her psychopathic way, she doubted it.


And in a mile away the townspeople could hear a cry that could chill the blood of anyone. It was the wail of fear and despair of a victim of torture and terrible evil that surely could only be made by someone heartless and with psychotic tendencies. The scream cut the air like a knife through butter and was so cold that could put out hell's fire.

When it was extinguished it left in its place a brutal and absolute silence ...




Which a second later it was replaced by the sound of the same voice, but now laughing hysterically.


Back to Lidya's home

Rainbow Dash was laughing hysterically nonstop. Her members shaking uselessly in the air.

Lidya was still on top of Dash, but now she was using her long human fingers to tickle Rainbow Dash. Arms long enough to maintain a safe distance from the Pegasi's hooves and avoid a painful accident. And while she mercilessly tickled the poor pony she had a cynical, crazy and of pure satisfaction, smile on her face. Not that Dash could notice it, since she was too busy laughing uncontrollably.

"What's the matter Dash?" Lidya asked the Pegasus writhing with laughter. "You seem uncomfortable."

"St. .. sto ... sto ... "She gasped between laughs.


"Stop ..."

"Stop? Oh! You want me to stop tickling you. "

"Yes! Pl .. ple ... ple ... please ... "

"I don't know. Are you going to apologize? "

"Never ..." Dash choked between laughs.

"You can be like that, Dash." Said Lidya and intensified the tickle. "I just hope you can handle it."

Dash couldn't last long. "Ok .. ok ... so-so ... so-sorry ... "

"Sorry? For what? For messing up my room? "

"Yes .."

"And for invading my room?"

"Yes .."

"And judging me the wrong way and accusing me of being evil?"

"Yes .."

"Very good, Rainbow. But its missing something." She said, still doing the tickle. "My house and I have had many surprises today. So, before I stop, I want you to promise me you'll behave. Do you promise? "

"Ye-yes ..."

"And without attacks. Or I won't be so kind next time." She warned.

"Ok ..." The tears were now streaming down her face. Rainbow didn't know how much longer she could bear.

"Do you swear?"

"Yes .."

"What do you swear? It has to be something good, Dashie. Or I won't be satisfied. And if I'm not satisfied, I will continue with the tickling. "

"I swear ... I swear ... "Rainbow tried to think of something. Anything good enough for this creature to be satisfied. "... by Celestia. "She said hoping that this creature knew Princess Celestia was.

"Pinkie Promise?"


"Pinkie Promise?" She yelled shrilly and scary leaving the tickling even more intense.

"Yes .." said Rainbow increasingly desperate. She had no idea how this thing knew Pinkie Promises, but was too busy laughing to think about it.

"Is that how you make a proper pinkie promise?"

"Cro-cross… m-my heart… hop… hope to fly… sti…stick a… cu-cu-cup… cupcake… in my… eye!" Rainbow finally managed to say.

"Very well." Said Lidya, and Dash immediately felt the tickling stop.

If she was not already on the ground, she certainly would have fallen now. Her body ached from flailing around and her face from so much laughing. She was sure that a little more and she would have been puking her lungs. She almost wished this thing had eaten her instead of doing all this. It was extremely humiliating and painful. Rainbow also felt a weight coming off of her back and saw the creature coming off of her. She was still too tired to get up, but this was a welcome relief.

Dash looked up to see the creature smiling and sitting on the unmade bed.

"I hate you." Dash said breathlessly.

"It's nice to meet you too Dash." Said Lidya happy. "But nonetheless I will still answer your questions. After you fix my room. "

"What?" Rainbow asked indignantly.

"You messed it up. It is only fair that you clean. "

"No way I'm going to clean your room." Rainbow said defiantly, until she saw the creature raising one hand, flexing the fingers.

"Should I apply my methods again?" Lidya asked grimly, but still smiling.

"No! No! No!" Rainbow implored still on the ground. "I'll clean up! Just give me a minute to breathe again. "

"Hey, I can be merciful, I'll give you five." Said Lidya cheerfully.


Fortunately tidying the room didn't take long. It was more a matter of putting things back on the shelves and fixing up the bed. Rainbow wasn't very happy to have been beaten by a creature using tickling and have to help tidy the room. Even though she was the one who messed up everything.

If she could, Dash would give this creature a piece of her mind, but she had made a Pinkie Promise. Even though she was far from Ponyville, and had made a promise to a monster and not a pony or any other being known by her, Dash wasn't willing to take the risk of breaking a Pinkie Promise. She doubted that Pinkie would accept breaking one lightly. Knowing her friend, she would appear out of know where to make certain the promise was kept.

And she was still afraid of another tickling session.

"You did very well Dash. That didn't take much work, did it? "

"Whatever." Rainbow said with a shrug, landing on the hardwood floor after putting the last plush monster on the shelf. "Will you answer my questions now?"

"Yes, I will. But there's one last thing you have to do. "

"How so? I faced tickling, apologized and cleaned your room. It is no longer enough? "She asked a bit desolately.

Lidya tried to hold back a giggle. "Calm down, Dash. That part is over. "

"Thank Celestia." She sighed in relief. "So what do you want?"

"I just want you to go in the tub."

The creature was smiling and had a friendly enough look, but the words sank in Rainbow's soul like a stone.

Into the tub? She began to think. Why would this creature want me to get into a tub?

Few knew, but beyond Daring Do books, Rainbow had also recently discovered a passion for crime, horror, and suspense books. And these stories returned to her mind as she thought of her current situation and what this simple request of the creature could hide. Dash's brain came up with two possibilities: gore and sex. Which will be explained in the form of fantasies to you.


Dash's Mad Fantasies, Part 1: Gore

Rainbow is in an all white bathroom, but the poor lighting made it look like something taken straight from a horror film with all of the shadows and ashen shades. Sink, toilet and tub larger than you would usually find in Equestria's bathrooms, since they were made for the creatures species and not for ponies. The light is dim, but Dash could see dark spots sprinkled across the room. Rainbow's mind raced through what those stains could be, although she hoped she was wrong.

Then the creature appeared in front of her, directly between the Pegasus and the tub. But now the creature had mane not brown but dark like shadows and it would begin to move as if each lock was a tentacle moving by its own accord. The eyes weren't visible, only the shadow produced by the fringe. The gaping mouth like that of a rag doll who's mouth was ripped open with a knife.

Her fingers were large claws. And on one of her twisted clawed hands, rested a knife with horrifyingly familiar dark spots splattered across the blade.

"Now, Dashie." The creature spoke in a distorted voice. "Be a dear pony and get in the tub, so we can avoid soiling the bathroom." She said, starting to walk towards the Pegasus. Rainbow wanted to run, but she was paralyzed with fear. "And try not to struggle too much, it hampers my job." She raised the knife above Dash's head. "But look at the bright side. When I'm done, you will hardly feel tickling, or anything again."


Dash's Mad Fantasies, Part 2: Sex

Rainbow is on a large bathtub surrounded by bubbles covering up the base of her neck. A thin layer of steam floating through the bathroom along with the smell of sandalwood and jasmine shampoo and soaps.

The Pegasus is gently playing with the bubbles in front her when she feels a pair of warm, wet arms around her, hugging her neck.

"Dashie ..." The creature said in a sweet voice.


Back to reality (sorry, but the classification of this story doesn't allow me to spend the rest of the second fantasy).

Rainbow Dash was shaking and her pupils shrank to the size of pins. None of her ideas was something she wanted. She felt as if the world would collapse under her. And the creature's innocent outward appearance wasn't helping.

"Something wrong?" The creature asked raising an eyebrow.

"Wh-wh ... wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh- ... do-do .. you wa-wan-wan-want... me-me ... in a-a-a tu-tu-tu-tub?

Lidya looked at Rainbow Dash as if she'd just asked why humans had hands.

"You need a bath. Have you seen yourself? "She asked pointing to the Pegasus.

Rainbow looked at herself. Her coat had smeared with dirt and splattered with dried mud, obscuring the bright cyan of her natural fur, her mane and tail so dirty and matted that if Rarity saw them, she probably would faint, they still had a multitude of twigs entangled in them. And as if that wasn't enough, because of the tickle attack earlier, she had sweated a lot, and now smelled a strange mix of sweat and dirt which wasn't very nice.

"Oh .. I get it. "Rainbow said smiling nervously, scratching the back of her head with a hoof.

"Why did you think I wanted you to get into the bathtub?" Lidya asked quizzically.

"Well .." She didn't expect that question. "I ... I ... I ... " Her cheeks began to challenge Pinkie Pie as the most pink thing in existence as the heat rushed to her face, as her mind flickered back to her previous thoughts.

"I think I know now." The creature said, staring at Dash with a mocking smile. "You are so perverted!" She started laughing openly, making Rainbow feel more uncomfortable than before, if that was even possible.

"No! Not so! "She cried with red cheeks. "It's not funny! Stop now! "

"Ok. Ok" The creature said stopping, as she wiped a tear from her cheek. "I stopped. See?"

"So ... can I take that shower? I kinda feel a little dirty now." Dash said looking away.

I can't imagine why. "All right. Just follow me. " Lidya said as she motioning for the Pegasus to follow.

Although still reluctant, Rainbow followed, trotting a bit behind the strange being. Lidya, suddenly remembering she had never formally introduced herself to Rainbow Dash. "By the way, my name is Lidya."

Author's Note:

Sorry the late, but you know: exams, study and other stuff. I hope you like this chapter, I really try do my best here. Unfortunately because of exams the next chapter will delay. Probably just in December or January. Sorry again.

Finaly: the chapter title was based in Dog and Scissors anime. And I want thanks again to Techno Brony by edit the chapter. You're are amazing man!

Comments ( 9 )

Will there be human magic?

Run, Dashie! Don't sneak a peak at Lidya's Fimfiction stories!

...or do, seeing as she had fantasy #2...

3462598 No, Lidya isn't magic. Maybe in future chapters, but I really not decided yet. Why you ask?

3462823 Sorry, I didn't understand what you mean with

Don't sneak a peak at Lidya's Fimfiction stories!

Can you explain me, please? :twilightsheepish:

Well..... If RD panicked at finding the dolls toys, whatever would she think if she found the many stories about her and her friends? Especially if Rainbow finds out all the ponies the fandom has shipped her with. ;)

Great story, by the way. I spazzed out when I realized it had updated.

3467582 I understand what you mean. Fortunately Lidya's computer isn't online in this chapter. But she will, eventually, say to ponies about the fandom, however not so early about fimfiction's stories. But don't worry, it will happen.javascript:smilie :pinkiehappy:

And thanks, it's good know my job have this effect about the readers. :raritystarry:

Can't wait for more!

Alright. Two questions.

1.) When are the ponies going to find out about her tat?

2.) When is the next update to this glorious story?!

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