• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 700 Views, 20 Comments

Shadows - The reader 0_0

shadows is alive and it been alone and in pain for years and it's time for it to get vengeance.

  • ...

Apples and diamonds

During the nightmare.

Applejack and Rarity was at the boutique. Applejack was there to help rarity choose a dress to help her win the canterlot fashion competition. Usually Applejack would say no, but rarity did her famous whining on her. Applejack couldn't say no,but now she wished she did. “ Rarity ah told you many times dat dress is beautiful,” lied Applejack. “Ah gotta go help mah family with the farm,”. Applejack had her own problems back at the farm that needed tending too.

Rarity turned side to side checking if the dress was what Applejack said it was. The dress was indeed beautiful, but with Rarity it have to be marvelous. “You're just saying that,” whined Rarity. Then she took off the dress and put a another one on. “ And besides it can't be beautiful it as to be marvelous for me to win the competition.

Applejack just sign shaking her head. She wish something exiting would happen. “Rarity I- What in tarnaton!” shouted Applejack. The boutique was now surrounded by darkness out of nowhere. Windows was cover in darkness, and the doors. Applejack and Rarity couldn't get out they was trapped in the boutique with the darkness. “Rarity up stairs now!”

“But Apple-,”.

“Now!” shouted Applejack.

So Rarity did what she was told and gallop towards the stairs, but stop at the top of stairs. “Are you coming?” asked Rarity.

“Yeah ah just need to stop with ever this is you keep Sweetie belle safe,” replied Applejack.

Sweetiebelle was upstairs playing with her crayons and other toys she had when this happen. She didn't hear Applejack shouting or the darkness breaking through the windows. So Rarity went upstairs to check on Sweetiebelle, and make sure she was safe. When She got to the room it was too late Sweetiebelle was there getting consume by the darkness. Rarity could only stand there in horror watching her sister get consume by the darkness. Rarity was in shock she couldn't move,speak,or even sob she was too shocked to do anything. After the darkness was finished consuming Sweetie belle it dropped her unconscious body on the floor. Then the darkness lanuched itself at Rarity who was still in shock so she couldn't scream for helped.

“ Nooo!” shouted Applejack.

Applejack tackle Rarity into the glass window sending them outside. She ha d no choice if she did nothing Rarity would have been consumed and Applejack would have no choice to fight her best friend and her little sister. After tackling Rarity outside the boutique Applejack and her was wounded but not too bad. Applejack got up brush off the pain and turn to check on Rarity. She was unconscious laying on the ground. She was cover in dirt and a little scratches on her fur if Rarity would of saw this she would of fainted. So Applejack put Rarity onto her back and gallop to her farm to check on her family.

Applejack galloping and making sure Rarity wouldn't fall off her, or making sure the darkness wasn't following them. She was at the farm, but it was also surrounded by the darkness.”No,” muttered Applejack. Applejack put Rarity near a apple tree and gallop towards the house. When in there Applejack check the kitchen it was empty and other rooms which was also empty. “Ahhh!” It was a scream of terror it sounded like Applebloom. Applejack gallop upstairs fast like a speeding bullet than buck Applebloom door open. Apple bloom was being hold by dark tentacles , and the darkness had a rizard sharp teeth. “Get off her you nasty creature!” shouted applejack. She gallop towards the darkness and bucked it in the teeth. The darkness was screaming in pain and dropped Applebloomon . “Appleb-woah!” Applejack was grabbed by the tentacles. “Applebloom get out of here and don't look back.

“No! Ah not-”

“Go!” shouted applejack.

Applebloom heistated for a while but did what she was told. She gallop outside tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't leave her sister in there by herself to get consume by the darkness. No she had to get help what sister would she be if she just let Applejack died in there. Applebloom spotted Rarity near a tree rubbing her head looking around confused she didn't know how she got here. So applebloom galloped to her and started screaming and crying at the same time. “APPLEJACK, NEED, HELP!” scream Applebloom.

Rarity pulled applebloom into a hugged to calm her down. “I'll save her,” whispered Rarity. She gave Applebloom a ressuring smile and gallop towards the house to saved Applejack. The darkness saw her coming and grabbed her with it's dark tentacles. “Get off of me!” shouted rarity. The darkness open it's mouth and darkness was started going into Rarity mouth consuming her.” Mmmph!” Rarity soul was getting ripped from her body it felt like it was on fire. Rarity lit up her horn and shot a beam of magic at the creature, and it threw her into window shatttering it. She was in the room where Applejack was getting consume by the darkness. Rarity was wounded badly blood leaking down her head. Her vision was blurry she couldn't make out what she was seeing. It was a orange figure standing in front of her. The orange figure grabbed Rarity and slammed her onto the wall and start punching her. “Ahh!” she yelp in pain. Rarity got threw crossed the wooded floor slamming her head into the wall. She was slowly becoming unconscious, but she shook it off her vision was still blurry. She carelessly shot a beam of magic onto the orange figure and it went straight breaking through the window and falling outside the house with a thud. Rarity got up and trotted to the broken window where the orange figure was threw. Her vision cleared making it easy to see where she was going. She saw the orange figure that was attacking her unconscious on the ground. “No!” she heard a screaming coming from Applebloom. The orange figure was Applejack ” but why she attack me,” Rarity said to herself. She broke down and started sobbing she didn't mean to hurt Applejack she didn't know it was her.

“You monster!” shouted Applebloom at Rarity.

Applebloom had tears streaming down her face even more than before.Holding her wounded sister into to her arms sobbing onto Applejack chest. Rarity was ashame of herself, but she did it to protected herself. She didn’t know it was Applejack if she know she probably would just knock her unconscious. Applejack got from being unconscious and grabbed Applebloom holding a shredded glass from the broken widow she fell out of .

“Applejack, what are you doing it's me yer sister,” pleaded.

Apple bloom was being hold terrorize and confused. Why her sister was holding a weapon to her neck.Why was she trying to kill her all these questions was swimming through Applebloom's head not being answer. Rarity knew it wasn't Applejack she didn't look like her or act like it. She looked shadowed her eyes and mouth was streaming down with darkness. Rarity know Applejack would never harm her family even it meant taking her own live.
Rarity act as quickly as possible she teleported tackling into Applejack. Pinning Applejack down she was trying to break the embrace screamming in anger trying to bite Rarity to get her off. “Appleack what's wrong with you!” shouted Rarity. “What's the matter why you acting like this?”. She didn't know why Applejack was feeling the urge to kill of the sudden or trying to kill Rarity or her sister. Maybe if had something to do with that dark creature that was holding and consuming her.

“You hurt us!” she shouted.

Rarity was confused why applejack said 'we' instead of 'I'. Rarity did a spell that locks a pony in a magic grasp, and can't get out no matter how hard she tried. Twilight taught her that spell when Rarity visted her to get spike. “Applebloom I know this is hard, but I'll find a way to help find out what's wrong with your sister,” Rarity put a hoof on Applebloom shoulder giving her a reasurring smile. Applebloom sign and nodded her head she didn't want to leave her sister not like this. But she had no chocie if she wanted to help saved her she didn't want to resort to killing her. So Rarity and Apple bloom headed toward the boutique to save Sweetie belle from the darkness that consume her.