• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 700 Views, 20 Comments

Shadows - The reader 0_0

shadows is alive and it been alone and in pain for years and it's time for it to get vengeance.

  • ...

The nightmare

In a cloud house above pony ville. Stood rainbow Pegasus laying on her bed fidging around. “Ugh,” groan a grumpy rainbow dash. She was just waking up from having a nightmare. She been having the same nightmare for days. She'll be surrounded by darkness and it's holding her by the wings. Rainbow sees Twilight with darkness coming out of her eyes and mouth. Before Rainbow wakes up Twilight always try to reach her hoof out to her and say. “ Help me,”Than everything goes black and shes wake up from her nightmare sweating and gasping for air. But this time was different she didn't wake up in her bed. She woke up in a different version of pony ville. This pony ville was surrounded by darkness and the ponies was surrounded by darkness so much that she couldn't see their faces. But the ponies rainbow recognized their face wasn't cover in darkness. So she trotted to one of the ponies she recognized. “ Can you tell me where I am?” asked rainbow. Carrot top didn't say anything to her she just trotted pass her. “ Hello equestria to carrot,” said rainbow. Dash was waving her hooves in front of carrot to get her attention but she continue trotted away from her. “Hey carrot, I'm talking to you,” said rainbow. She put her hoof on carrot shoulder. “ Whats wrong-,” Carrot turned around than grabbed dash. “ What the hay!” Dash hissed. Revealing herself Carrot looked just like Twilight darkness coming out of her eyes and mouth. Holding dash in her embrace carrot open her mouth wide, and darkness started coming out from her mouth. She was trying to consume rainbow It felt like her soul was on fire. “ ahhhh!” rainbow yelp in pain. Then other shadowed ponies that was trotting in town stop and started surrounding her. “What the hay is wrong with every pony!” shouted rainbow. “ Get off!” rainbow pushed carrot off her and then the other shadowed ponies started jumping on her. “ Ugh!..get off!” she push one off of her. But another one grabbed rainbow and started holding her. Two shadowed ponies was holding rainbow and one other shadowed pony was in front of rainbow. What's wrong with you!” shouted rainbow. The pony in front of rainbow didn't say anything just open it's mouth wide darkness coming from it's mouth, and darkness was once again consuming her. “ Ahhh!...Some pony help me!” rainbow begged for help. Rainbow felt like her soul getting ripped out of her. Slowly her eyes was closing and her heartbeat was slowing down. Just before she was about to become unconscious the shadowed ponies vanished with a beam of light even the one holding rainbow. Rainbow fell on the ground with a thud. She couldn't see she was too weak her vision was at a blur. She couldn't really make out who saved her, but she saw a white alicorn with a sun as a cutie mark holding rainbow in her arms. It was Princess celstia but how she get here and how she knew rainbow was here. Rainbow was gonna asked a another question but she black out. Rainbow woke up in her bed, but it looked different it was surrounded by darkness and celstia was standing by her side with a frown on her face. “Are you OK my little pony,” said celstia. She trotted next to rainbow grabbed her hoof.” Where..how?” said rainbow. She started looking around her vision still a little blurry she started rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. “ We are in your house and how we got here I teleported us here,” said celstia. “We're not in pony ville,”. Rainbow stared at her dumb-folded “ I was just thereand we're in my house,”said rainbow. “My house is above ponyville,”. Celstia sign “Rainbow where in a placed called the other world,” explained celstia. Rainbow looked even more confused she didn't say anything. She couldn't find the words to say so celstia took that as a sign and continue. “ I know you have a lot of questions about what's wrong with the ponies,” said celstia. Rainbow nodded and she continue talking. “ That's not them it's lost souls disguising themselves as ponies in your memory ,” explained celstia. “ They were trying to ripped your soul out and take over you're body leaving you only a soul trapped in this world,”. Rainbow felt her chest with her hooves it still hurt. If she been there any longer she would have been a soul trotted around clueless and scared. “ So you saved me?” asked rainbow. Celstia nodded “ How?”.

“I used my light spell to vanished them,” explained celstia. It's didn't killed them it just scared them away for a little.

Rainbow try to get up from her bed, but only to be stop by a hoof from celstia. “Heal little one you're in no condition to get up,” said celstia. Rainbow lay back on the bed and sign. “How I get here?” asked rainbow. She didn't know how or what brought to the other world. She only remember waking up in the middle of the street in pony ville.

“ Some pony must have been trying to reach you for help,” she explained .

“ Explains the nightmares,” Muttered rainbow.

“ Nightmares?” asked celsria.

“Yeah I been having nightmares about me being surrounded by darkness and it holding my wings,” replied Rainbow. “I see Twilight with darkness coming out of her eyes and mouth just like those other ponies, and Before I wake up Twilight always try to reach her hoof out to me saying “ Help me,” she explained .
Cestia looked at rainbow she had a concern face and got closer to rainbow. “Twilight been trying to reached you,” she replied. “She's been fully consume by the darkness but not from the souls, but by a higher soul.

“Higher soul?”

“Yes the soul holder, the ruler of the loss souls in this world,” she replied.
But why.. why twilight?” asked rainbow. She didn't understand why the ruler choose to consume twilight.

“I'm afraid I don't even know why,”she said. She had a frown on her face and trotted to the window and sign than looked back at rainbow. “I know one thing twilight is somewhere in this world trapped as a loss soul if we don't get her out of here soon she'll become one permanently,” she explained.

Rainbow got up from the bed pain in her she was laying on still feeling the pain in her chest. “ If I'm in the other world I must be a trapped soul too,” said rainbow.

“Well no since Twilight is the one who summon you here,”. You're here temporarily as a you're conscious. Anytime now you'll wake up in you're bed,” she explained.

“So since Twilight's here trapped as a soul that mean the ruler is in Twilight's body in our world,” said rainbow. She nodded.
Rainbow trotted to the door and looked back at cesltia who was still at the window.

“Okay let's save-,” rainbow stopped as she felt a sudden pain her head“ahh!” she yelp in pain. Celstia started vashing from her vision and everything around her than everything went black. Rainbow woke up gasped for air sweating everywhere in her body making the bed stain with sweat. She looked around to see where she was. She was in her bed but it wasn't surrounded by darkness or Celstia wasn't there it was hers in her world. “Must of been another nightmare, but it felt so real” rainbow said to herself. She got up from her bed and went into the bath room to take a shower. After taking a 10 mintute shower she got out feeling relax. She trotted to the mirror and looked at the mirror and sign. “Maybe it wasn't a nightmare,maybe Twilight was trying to reach me,” she said. But why me?” she dried herself off than went out her cloud house and took off to her destination the library.

Author's Note:

I'll get a proof reader to edit later

I know I know spell the princess of the sun named wrong but it'll get fixed later