> Shadows > by The reader 0_0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The awaking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twilight, you're not in your right mind! Snap out of it!” Rainbow Dash was hurriedly backing away from Twilight, and in her haste she tripped over a chair and fell to the ground. “DON'T TRY AND GET AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME! YOU MUST PAY! YOU ALL MUST PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO US!” Twilight launched herself at Rainbow Dash with a knife raised in her magic. “NO TWILIGHT, PLEASE!” Rainbow Dash shouted. The day before: Morning is always quiet. Morning is always calm. Morning is always beautiful. Mornings are not complete without the majestic Sun rising into the sky to start the day. But this morning wasn't silent, calm, nor beautiful. Twilight was having a dream about her friends.She giggled as she continued to watch Rainbow Dash dance in the hideous outfit, swinging her arms around wildly as she banged her head up and down. It was quite the scene indeed, though she had to admit Rarity, sporting a huge afro and sunglasses, was far more entertaining. At that moment, a loud banging rang throughout the barn. "What is that?" twilight asked herself. The banging grew louder and louder. The images of her friends were disappearing from her vision, the images rippling as if it was the reflection of a lake, disrupted by a stray pebble that was thrown into it. "Gah!" Twilight snorted as she shook her head; it was just a dream. She heard knocking from downstairs, no doubt some pony wanting to borrow a book. "Did I oversleep?" she asked herself as she looked at her clock. It was only three in the morning. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!?" she growled to herself as she pulled her pillow over her head. The banging on her door however, continued on, growing louder with each passing second. "OKAY I'M COMING!" she yelled as she got up from her bed, and quickly made her way downstairs. “I know it just seems like this is the place to look for a good book around these parts of town,” the stallion said, looking around to prove his point. Twilight looked up at the clock and saw what time it was. “Sir, it's 3:00 AM, the library doesn’t open for another 4 hours!” Twilight was angry that any pony had the audacity to come looking for a book at 3:00 AM. She loved a good read, but this was a bit too much. “Ma'am, I just want to get a book about the Shadows,” the stallion replied. The stallion looked very suspicious asking about a book about shadows. It’s not a common request. So, out of curiosity, Twilight ask the hooded stallion a question. “Why do you need a book about shadows?” Twilight was wondering why he wanted a book about shadows, and waking her up At 3:00 too from her funny dream about her friends. The library doesn’t open for another 4 hours so it must have been important. “Oh! you didn't hear?” the stallion said, raising an eyebrow, looking at Twilight. “Hear what?” asked Twilight, wondering what she didn't hear about. “A pony tale called The Shadows," the stallion got a little closer to Twilight, and Twilight backed away from is sudden movement. “The shadows?” Twilight asked raising a eyebrow, She read and heard about every pony's tale, so could she not have heard about this one. “Yes” the stallion said . Twilight stood there for a moment but didn't say anything. Finally the stallion broke the silence. “They said the shadows are just a fragment of life...but they were wrong. They were very wrong,” the stallion said, rather darkly, shaking his head. “Who was wrong?” asked Twilight. She didn't know who he was talking about, so she wanted to know more about the tale. “The first ponies to encounter the shadows thought they weren’t alive, but they were, and the shadows wanted vengeance,” the stallion said, looking Twilight straight in the eyes, showing he was serious. Twilight stopped for a few seconds, than burst out laughing at the idea of shadows feeling vengeance. After several minutes of laughing, Twilight regained herself, and she looked into his eyes. He looked mad, so Twilight clear her throat. “Vengeance?” asked Twilight, wondering how shadows can feel Vengeance if they are not alive. “Yes, the shadows are out for vengeance for being left alone in the dark and in pain," the stallion said as he trotted very close to Twilight, looking like he was about to attack her. “Oh..OK,” Twilight said backing away from him. She looked back at the clock and saw that it was still too early to get a book. "So the shadows attack the ponies who thought wrong of them, and they were never heard from again!” the stallion said looking at Twilight who looked very interested, wondering if they were ever heard from again. “Never?” Twilight asked interested in the tale. The stallion nodded his head in agreement, and Twilight gasped! how could shadows do that to a pony? It made no sense to her! “Wow... so why you do you need a book about shadows?” Twilight wasn't sure why he needed a book about such a simple thing and couldn't wait until morning to get the book. “Just interested in them, that's all,” the stallion said looking at Twilight with a smirk. " One moment," Twilight went into the library looking for the book the stallion ask for. At the book stand, she started looking for the book in the S section s for shadows. " Shadows Shadows," Twilight said while running a hoof on the books trying to find the shadow book. "Got it"! Twilight shouted. Then she went back to the front door where the stallion was standing. He looked calm and patience. So Twilight levitated the book about shadows to the stallion outside. " Here you go" Twilight said levitating the books to him. He grabbed the book with his teeth " hank ou" the stallion said with the book in his mouth. He gave Twilight a waved goodbye. Then Twilight return a waved and started to shut the library door. Just than she was about to shut the door she remember wanted to ask him something. So she quickly opened the door and went outside. She started galloping towards the stallion. Twilight spotted him a few feet from the library near a tree, reading the book she had given him. He looked up and saw that it was twilight and smirk. “Yes?” the hooded stallion asked. “I didn’t catch your name" twilight forgot all about asking what his name. She was too caught up in the story to ask the question. “We don't have a name,” the stallion said cryptically before trotting away from the tree, and down the road to ponyville. “We?” Twilight asked, confused as to what ‘we’ was supposed to mean, and why he said he was nameless. “Maybe I can find out from him when he brings the book back,” Twilight said trotting back to the library. She had left the door open, she had forgotten to close it. Then Twilight closed the door and made her way upstairs to her room, but she stopped in the middle of the steps. Twilight glanced at the clock and it read 3:30. They had only been talking for 30 minutes. “Still got some time to sleep,” Twilight said to herself, and then she went all the way up stairs. She was hoping she wouldn't hear another bang on the door, or another pony asking for a book at this hour. Twilight got to her bed, levitating her covers over her body. She looked beside her bed to see that Spike was still asleep in his small basket with his tail on the floor for anypony to trip over. Twilight lay her head down on the bed, than closed her eyes. It didn't take her long too full asleep. She was hoping she would have that same dream she had earlier. Twilight several Hours since the meeting with the mysterious hooded stallion. She woke up happy despite being awakened earlier in the morning. When Twilight got out of bed, she stretched her legs. She looked to where Spike was supposed to be sleeping, but his basket was empty. "Must be making breakfast." Twilight always liked when Spike made breakfast for her every morning. Twilight made her bed and went into the bathroom room to brush her teeth, hair, and take a shower. after preparing for the day, Twilight went downstairs and saw Spike standing perfectly still. He looked almost like a shadow. Twilight knew something was wrong, so she went to Spike and put her hoof on his shoulder. Spike didn't move or turn around instead. He just stood still mumbling something. " Hey Spike, is breakfast ready?, I'm starved" Twilight said, her stomach growling a bit, telling her it was time to eat. It made her giggle . "You hurt us!" Spike mumbled, still not looking at twilight or moving. "What was that Spike?" Twilight asked, getting a little closer to him so she could hear him. “You hurt us!” Spike repeated, loud enough for Twilight to hear him. “Spike, what are you talking abo-” “YOU HURT US!” Spike interruped, turning around to reveal a knife grasped in his claw. “Spike, put the knife down and tell me wha- “YOU HURT US!” Spike interruped again, cutting Twilight off and launching himself at her. “Spike what are yo- OOF!” The breath was knocked from Twilight as Spike tackled her to the ground. “Spike please don't do this! Tell me what's wrong! Did somepony hurt you?” Twilight asked. “You did” Spike said, raising the knife in the air before swinging it down. “Sorry,” Twilight said, and shot a beam of magic at Spike, knocking him off her. Spike flew across the floor and into the darkness. “UGGGH!” Spike shouted in pain. Twilight got up, galloped outside, and locked the door with a spell, locking Spike inside. “Spike, I don't know what's wrong, with you but I'm going to find you help,” Twilight could hear Spike screaming in anger and banging the door furiously, trying to get out. “I love you, Spike,” Twilight called to the door before heading out toward her destination. She headed toward Zecora’s cottage in the Everfree forest, hoping to find out what was wrong with Spike. > revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's was nearly dark In Equestria. Thick underbrush is spread between the trees, not a beam of sunlight slips through the forest hell's branches. Only when the sun sets, can one see it's glory. Yet this forest is always full of darkness, and it is deep. The bark of the trees is a dark dark brown, the leaves are an even darker green. creatures move between them, and abominations. Things that shouldn't exist but do, move around, between the tress in the ever free forest. Forest isn't safe for any pony to be around, Twilight isn't safe. Twilight was galloping to saved Spike's life. Twilight didn't care if something happen to her long as she get to Zocar cottage to know what's wrong Spike to saved him. " Gotta help him Gotta help hi-woad!" Twilight yelp falling not paying any attention to her surroundings. Twilight fell in a huge rabbit size hole. There was one source of light, and it was coming from up above the hole shinning. Where she fell at the whole place was surrounded by darkness. Twilight try to get up but her leg was badly injured ." ahh! I need to save Ahh! “Twilight yelp in pain. Trying to get up, but failed and fell to the ground with pain in her leg. It was a thorn stuck into her leg was keeping her from getting up. Twilight tried countless times to get up" Ahh!" but failed with a scream of pain and end with her falling on the ground. After a final attempt Twilight slowly rose from the ground the thorn still in her bloody leg. “ I did it I did-!” shouted Twilight in delight. “Ahh!” she yelp in pain and Then She fell into the ground ending her face slamming to the ground and she failed once again. Twilight finally conceded she couldn't get up she couldn't get to Zocar cottage she couldn't save spike. Twilight felt useless that she couldn't save spike. Rage feeling up inside she started hitting the ground with her hoof repeatedly. “ow! couldn't ow! save him because of this stupid thorn! Ow!” Twilight shouted. Hoof started bleeding. " I sorry spike I tried I tried!" Twilight angrily shouted still hitting the ground ignoring the pain and the blood. After making the dirt printed with her hoof and blood Finally she stop and started sobbing. " I'm sorry spike I tried I tried," Twilight muttered. "You're in pain you're alone surrounded by the only darkness to comfort you" A sudden voice rang in Twilight ears. Darkness started forming around her. She started looking around to find the source of the voice. " W-who are you?," Twilight asked" Not who?, What" the voice replied. Darkness started closing in on Twilight. " what.. what is this!" shouted Twilight. " Your realization" the voice replied darkly. The darkness started slowly consuming Twilight's body. " AHHH!" she screamed in pain. Twilight's body felt like the darkness was consuming her soul. The darkness stop at her face because she was using her magic to protect her from fully get consumed. " I won't let you!" Twilight angrily shouted at the darkness. fighting for her body not to be consume. "hah aha" Twilight heard a sadistic laugh that rang out through the rabbit hole. “ What's so funny!” Twilight shouted a second time. Losing the fight for her body not to be consume. The laughter continue growing louder and louder Twilight was getting frustrated that whatever this thing was laughing at her pain, her fear. Finally twilight couldn't take the laughter anymore. “ Stop it! please!” Twilight begged for the laughter to stop but continue on. “ begging only brings you disappointment,” the voice replied. Twilight couldn't find the strength to fight the darkness her vision started fading away. Not willing to fight to win over controlled anymore. So the darkness fully consume Twilight's body and everything went black. Waking up with a headache Twilight looked around to find only darkness surrounding her and nothing else. So Twilight slowly got up She noticed something she didn't feel any pain in her leg. She raised her leg where she was wounded. To her surprise nothing was there no thorn in her leg or no blood there was nothing. “ What the?”Twilight muttered. She was confused how her wound healed and more confused where she was and how she got here. “Where am I?” Twilight said. trotting and looking around to find that there was only darkness. “Hello any pony there,” Twilight called for help to no avail. Where ever she was there had to be some pony there to help her figure what was going on. “ Twilight” Twilight heard a voice it was quiet but she could hear it. So she started galloping to find the source of the voice. “ Hello.. hello please help me please!” Twilight begged. Whatever voice she heard would saved her from the darkness that surrounded her. “Twilight, what are you doing?” Twilight started to see a blurry figure it looked like a green and purple dragon. It was her number one assistance it was spike's voice she heard. But why was he asking what she was doing when it was oblivious. “ Spike!..Spike!” Twilight shouted. She stopped galloping she was even more confused than before. She was at the library in her room in her bed. Spike was standing beside her holding her hoof staring at Twilight looking also confused probably at her sudden scream for help. “Where?.. How?” asked Twilight. She was confused how she get here when before she was in some kind of dark void with only darkness to see. “ Twilight, you –OOF! The breath knock out of Spike from her quickly hugging him. “ Hey Twilight, what's wrong everything OK?” spike asked. Consoling Twilight she was crying in his arms her hugged getting tighter by every passing second. “ No everything great Spike” Twilight replied . Her face was buried in his scaly chest letting her tears wet his chest. “Spike” muttered Twilight. “ Yeah Twilight” Spike replied. He looked into Twilight's eyes he saw distressed in his friend. “ Don't leave me ever again,” she said. She than buried her face again into his chest and started sobbing again not tears of sadness tears of joy. But something felt odd Spike was cold. She didn't hear a heartbeat drumming in his chest she heard nothing. “Spike” Twilight muttered. She looked up gasped at what she saw. Spike eyes was completely black and he looked shadowed like before when he attack her in the library. “Spike!” Twilight repeated her voice getting loud. She was scared that Spike would attack her again like he did before. “ Begging only brings you disappointment,” Spike said. Twilight eyes widen when she heard those words. Immediately She try to break his embrace and escape but failed. Spike was holding her not with his claws but dark tentacles coming out from his chest. “It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you truly sees,” said Spike. The library started fading away from Twilight's vision and she was once again surrounded by darkness. Also Spike fading away from Twilight vision but she was still being hold by darkness tentacles. Instead of seeing Spike she saw two big red eyes with lizard sharp teeth and darkness cover it's face and body. The darkness brought Twilight close face to face. Twilight stared into the eyes of the dark creature.“What are you?” asked twilight. “ A superior to any pain that can be put upon him, the best reply to unseemly pain is darkness and vengeance,” the darkness replied . “ Why are you doing this!?” Twilight shouted. “ A mistake is never forgiven,” the darkness replied. Twilight was yet again confused a mistake what mistake she never did anything to it. “ Mistake i never did anything to you!” she shouted. “ No pony ever said you did anything” the darkness replied. “Your rulers did this to us,” said the darkness. Twilight gasped at hearing about celestial or Luna the cause of this dark abomination. “ What are you talking about?” asked Twilight. “ Your princess hurt us left us in the dark to be alone,we were loyal to them and they just saw that as weakness”the darkness replied. “ You're lying!” shouted twilight. The darkness slammed twilight twice into the ground consumed her body even more. The dark creature brought her back face to face. It was a gruesome sight a lot of blood covering Twilight's eyes from the wound opened from her head. Nose bloody and a bloody scar on her chest. She was hardly breathing.“ We was alone, in pain, and left to die all because of your heartless princesses!” the darkness shouted at Twilight. She couldn't say anything she was in too much pain to speak only breathe. Twilight stared into the devilish red eyes . She saw only hatred and vengeance for princess Luna and Celesta . “ We will make you all see how we felt by first destroying Equestrian only defense the elements of harmony,” the darkness said. It's started mouth opening and the darkness that was surrounding them was going into Twilight's mouth . Twilight couldn't speak, scream, or fight back only watched getting consume by the darkness.After all the darkness was gone it dropped a unconscious Twilight into the abyss and she vanished into the darkness. “ From the errors of others, the wise superior corrects their mistakes, and buried them in the shadows. > The nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a cloud house above pony ville. Stood rainbow Pegasus laying on her bed fidging around. “Ugh,” groan a grumpy rainbow dash. She was just waking up from having a nightmare. She been having the same nightmare for days. She'll be surrounded by darkness and it's holding her by the wings. Rainbow sees Twilight with darkness coming out of her eyes and mouth. Before Rainbow wakes up Twilight always try to reach her hoof out to her and say. “ Help me,”Than everything goes black and shes wake up from her nightmare sweating and gasping for air. But this time was different she didn't wake up in her bed. She woke up in a different version of pony ville. This pony ville was surrounded by darkness and the ponies was surrounded by darkness so much that she couldn't see their faces. But the ponies rainbow recognized their face wasn't cover in darkness. So she trotted to one of the ponies she recognized. “ Can you tell me where I am?” asked rainbow. Carrot top didn't say anything to her she just trotted pass her. “ Hello equestria to carrot,” said rainbow. Dash was waving her hooves in front of carrot to get her attention but she continue trotted away from her. “Hey carrot, I'm talking to you,” said rainbow. She put her hoof on carrot shoulder. “ Whats wrong-,” Carrot turned around than grabbed dash. “ What the hay!” Dash hissed. Revealing herself Carrot looked just like Twilight darkness coming out of her eyes and mouth. Holding dash in her embrace carrot open her mouth wide, and darkness started coming out from her mouth. She was trying to consume rainbow It felt like her soul was on fire. “ ahhhh!” rainbow yelp in pain. Then other shadowed ponies that was trotting in town stop and started surrounding her. “What the hay is wrong with every pony!” shouted rainbow. “ Get off!” rainbow pushed carrot off her and then the other shadowed ponies started jumping on her. “ Ugh!..get off!” she push one off of her. But another one grabbed rainbow and started holding her. Two shadowed ponies was holding rainbow and one other shadowed pony was in front of rainbow. What's wrong with you!” shouted rainbow. The pony in front of rainbow didn't say anything just open it's mouth wide darkness coming from it's mouth, and darkness was once again consuming her. “ Ahhh!...Some pony help me!” rainbow begged for help. Rainbow felt like her soul getting ripped out of her. Slowly her eyes was closing and her heartbeat was slowing down. Just before she was about to become unconscious the shadowed ponies vanished with a beam of light even the one holding rainbow. Rainbow fell on the ground with a thud. She couldn't see she was too weak her vision was at a blur. She couldn't really make out who saved her, but she saw a white alicorn with a sun as a cutie mark holding rainbow in her arms. It was Princess celstia but how she get here and how she knew rainbow was here. Rainbow was gonna asked a another question but she black out. Rainbow woke up in her bed, but it looked different it was surrounded by darkness and celstia was standing by her side with a frown on her face. “Are you OK my little pony,” said celstia. She trotted next to rainbow grabbed her hoof.” Where..how?” said rainbow. She started looking around her vision still a little blurry she started rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. “ We are in your house and how we got here I teleported us here,” said celstia. “We're not in pony ville,”. Rainbow stared at her dumb-folded “ I was just thereand we're in my house,”said rainbow. “My house is above ponyville,”. Celstia sign “Rainbow where in a placed called the other world,” explained celstia. Rainbow looked even more confused she didn't say anything. She couldn't find the words to say so celstia took that as a sign and continue. “ I know you have a lot of questions about what's wrong with the ponies,” said celstia. Rainbow nodded and she continue talking. “ That's not them it's lost souls disguising themselves as ponies in your memory ,” explained celstia. “ They were trying to ripped your soul out and take over you're body leaving you only a soul trapped in this world,”. Rainbow felt her chest with her hooves it still hurt. If she been there any longer she would have been a soul trotted around clueless and scared. “ So you saved me?” asked rainbow. Celstia nodded “ How?”. “I used my light spell to vanished them,” explained celstia. It's didn't killed them it just scared them away for a little. Rainbow try to get up from her bed, but only to be stop by a hoof from celstia. “Heal little one you're in no condition to get up,” said celstia. Rainbow lay back on the bed and sign. “How I get here?” asked rainbow. She didn't know how or what brought to the other world. She only remember waking up in the middle of the street in pony ville. “ Some pony must have been trying to reach you for help,” she explained . “ Explains the nightmares,” Muttered rainbow. “ Nightmares?” asked celsria. “Yeah I been having nightmares about me being surrounded by darkness and it holding my wings,” replied Rainbow. “I see Twilight with darkness coming out of her eyes and mouth just like those other ponies, and Before I wake up Twilight always try to reach her hoof out to me saying “ Help me,” she explained . Cestia looked at rainbow she had a concern face and got closer to rainbow. “Twilight been trying to reached you,” she replied. “She's been fully consume by the darkness but not from the souls, but by a higher soul. “Higher soul?” “Yes the soul holder, the ruler of the loss souls in this world,” she replied. But why.. why twilight?” asked rainbow. She didn't understand why the ruler choose to consume twilight. “I'm afraid I don't even know why,”she said. She had a frown on her face and trotted to the window and sign than looked back at rainbow. “I know one thing twilight is somewhere in this world trapped as a loss soul if we don't get her out of here soon she'll become one permanently,” she explained. Rainbow got up from the bed pain in her she was laying on still feeling the pain in her chest. “ If I'm in the other world I must be a trapped soul too,” said rainbow. “Well no since Twilight is the one who summon you here,”. You're here temporarily as a you're conscious. Anytime now you'll wake up in you're bed,” she explained. “So since Twilight's here trapped as a soul that mean the ruler is in Twilight's body in our world,” said rainbow. She nodded. Rainbow trotted to the door and looked back at cesltia who was still at the window. “Okay let's save-,” rainbow stopped as she felt a sudden pain her head“ahh!” she yelp in pain. Celstia started vashing from her vision and everything around her than everything went black. Rainbow woke up gasped for air sweating everywhere in her body making the bed stain with sweat. She looked around to see where she was. She was in her bed but it wasn't surrounded by darkness or Celstia wasn't there it was hers in her world. “Must of been another nightmare, but it felt so real” rainbow said to herself. She got up from her bed and went into the bath room to take a shower. After taking a 10 mintute shower she got out feeling relax. She trotted to the mirror and looked at the mirror and sign. “Maybe it wasn't a nightmare,maybe Twilight was trying to reach me,” she said. But why me?” she dried herself off than went out her cloud house and took off to her destination the library. > Apples and diamonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the nightmare. Applejack and Rarity was at the boutique. Applejack was there to help rarity choose a dress to help her win the canterlot fashion competition. Usually Applejack would say no, but rarity did her famous whining on her. Applejack couldn't say no,but now she wished she did. “ Rarity ah told you many times dat dress is beautiful,” lied Applejack. “Ah gotta go help mah family with the farm,”. Applejack had her own problems back at the farm that needed tending too. Rarity turned side to side checking if the dress was what Applejack said it was. The dress was indeed beautiful, but with Rarity it have to be marvelous. “You're just saying that,” whined Rarity. Then she took off the dress and put a another one on. “ And besides it can't be beautiful it as to be marvelous for me to win the competition. Applejack just sign shaking her head. She wish something exiting would happen. “Rarity I- What in tarnaton!” shouted Applejack. The boutique was now surrounded by darkness out of nowhere. Windows was cover in darkness, and the doors. Applejack and Rarity couldn't get out they was trapped in the boutique with the darkness. “Rarity up stairs now!” “But Apple-,”. “Now!” shouted Applejack. So Rarity did what she was told and gallop towards the stairs, but stop at the top of stairs. “Are you coming?” asked Rarity. “Yeah ah just need to stop with ever this is you keep Sweetie belle safe,” replied Applejack. Sweetiebelle was upstairs playing with her crayons and other toys she had when this happen. She didn't hear Applejack shouting or the darkness breaking through the windows. So Rarity went upstairs to check on Sweetiebelle, and make sure she was safe. When She got to the room it was too late Sweetiebelle was there getting consume by the darkness. Rarity could only stand there in horror watching her sister get consume by the darkness. Rarity was in shock she couldn't move,speak,or even sob she was too shocked to do anything. After the darkness was finished consuming Sweetie belle it dropped her unconscious body on the floor. Then the darkness lanuched itself at Rarity who was still in shock so she couldn't scream for helped. “ Nooo!” shouted Applejack. Applejack tackle Rarity into the glass window sending them outside. She ha d no choice if she did nothing Rarity would have been consumed and Applejack would have no choice to fight her best friend and her little sister. After tackling Rarity outside the boutique Applejack and her was wounded but not too bad. Applejack got up brush off the pain and turn to check on Rarity. She was unconscious laying on the ground. She was cover in dirt and a little scratches on her fur if Rarity would of saw this she would of fainted. So Applejack put Rarity onto her back and gallop to her farm to check on her family. Applejack galloping and making sure Rarity wouldn't fall off her, or making sure the darkness wasn't following them. She was at the farm, but it was also surrounded by the darkness.”No,” muttered Applejack. Applejack put Rarity near a apple tree and gallop towards the house. When in there Applejack check the kitchen it was empty and other rooms which was also empty. “Ahhh!” It was a scream of terror it sounded like Applebloom. Applejack gallop upstairs fast like a speeding bullet than buck Applebloom door open. Apple bloom was being hold by dark tentacles , and the darkness had a rizard sharp teeth. “Get off her you nasty creature!” shouted applejack. She gallop towards the darkness and bucked it in the teeth. The darkness was screaming in pain and dropped Applebloomon . “Appleb-woah!” Applejack was grabbed by the tentacles. “Applebloom get out of here and don't look back. “No! Ah not-” “Go!” shouted applejack. Applebloom heistated for a while but did what she was told. She gallop outside tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't leave her sister in there by herself to get consume by the darkness. No she had to get help what sister would she be if she just let Applejack died in there. Applebloom spotted Rarity near a tree rubbing her head looking around confused she didn't know how she got here. So applebloom galloped to her and started screaming and crying at the same time. “APPLEJACK, NEED, HELP!” scream Applebloom. Rarity pulled applebloom into a hugged to calm her down. “I'll save her,” whispered Rarity. She gave Applebloom a ressuring smile and gallop towards the house to saved Applejack. The darkness saw her coming and grabbed her with it's dark tentacles. “Get off of me!” shouted rarity. The darkness open it's mouth and darkness was started going into Rarity mouth consuming her.” Mmmph!” Rarity soul was getting ripped from her body it felt like it was on fire. Rarity lit up her horn and shot a beam of magic at the creature, and it threw her into window shatttering it. She was in the room where Applejack was getting consume by the darkness. Rarity was wounded badly blood leaking down her head. Her vision was blurry she couldn't make out what she was seeing. It was a orange figure standing in front of her. The orange figure grabbed Rarity and slammed her onto the wall and start punching her. “Ahh!” she yelp in pain. Rarity got threw crossed the wooded floor slamming her head into the wall. She was slowly becoming unconscious, but she shook it off her vision was still blurry. She carelessly shot a beam of magic onto the orange figure and it went straight breaking through the window and falling outside the house with a thud. Rarity got up and trotted to the broken window where the orange figure was threw. Her vision cleared making it easy to see where she was going. She saw the orange figure that was attacking her unconscious on the ground. “No!” she heard a screaming coming from Applebloom. The orange figure was Applejack ” but why she attack me,” Rarity said to herself. She broke down and started sobbing she didn't mean to hurt Applejack she didn't know it was her. “You monster!” shouted Applebloom at Rarity. Applebloom had tears streaming down her face even more than before.Holding her wounded sister into to her arms sobbing onto Applejack chest. Rarity was ashame of herself, but she did it to protected herself. She didn’t know it was Applejack if she know she probably would just knock her unconscious. Applejack got from being unconscious and grabbed Applebloom holding a shredded glass from the broken widow she fell out of . “Applejack, what are you doing it's me yer sister,” pleaded. Apple bloom was being hold terrorize and confused. Why her sister was holding a weapon to her neck.Why was she trying to kill her all these questions was swimming through Applebloom's head not being answer. Rarity knew it wasn't Applejack she didn't look like her or act like it. She looked shadowed her eyes and mouth was streaming down with darkness. Rarity know Applejack would never harm her family even it meant taking her own live. Rarity act as quickly as possible she teleported tackling into Applejack. Pinning Applejack down she was trying to break the embrace screamming in anger trying to bite Rarity to get her off. “Appleack what's wrong with you!” shouted Rarity. “What's the matter why you acting like this?”. She didn't know why Applejack was feeling the urge to kill of the sudden or trying to kill Rarity or her sister. Maybe if had something to do with that dark creature that was holding and consuming her. “You hurt us!” she shouted. Rarity was confused why applejack said 'we' instead of 'I'. Rarity did a spell that locks a pony in a magic grasp, and can't get out no matter how hard she tried. Twilight taught her that spell when Rarity visted her to get spike. “Applebloom I know this is hard, but I'll find a way to help find out what's wrong with your sister,” Rarity put a hoof on Applebloom shoulder giving her a reasurring smile. Applebloom sign and nodded her head she didn't want to leave her sister not like this. But she had no chocie if she wanted to help saved her she didn't want to resort to killing her. So Rarity and Apple bloom headed toward the boutique to save Sweetie belle from the darkness that consume her. > Understanding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't know what's going on let me explain. Each mane six character have a side story going against the darkness. each duo have two parts. Fluttershy and Pinkie: A shy party Rainbow dash and Celestia: nightmare Twilight and Spike: revealed Rarity and Applebloom: Apples and diamonds > Revealed part 2: mind games > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight awoken not surrounded by the darkness. But in her library seated on a chair. Across from where she was sitting. A stallion wearing a bloody jacket staring at her. “Wher-where am I?” she ask out between coughs. “Don't you know where you live?” replied the stallion. “I'm in the library,”.she said he nodded. “Twilight we have big plans for you,”. The stallion said. “And you're friends...well they are irrelevant,”. He got up from his seat an put his hoof on Twilight’s head. “You'll be the reason Equestria turned to nothing but ashes,”. “But first we gotta teach the citizen of Equestria some life lessons,”. “If you're friends tried to stop us we'll have you to protect us,”. He started laughing like a maniac. Twilight started feeling ill the room started spinning like a swing. After second past the spinning came to a halt she wasn't seated in the library anymore. She was in Rainbow dash's house. “How?...what?” She was standing on a cloud! Only Pegasuses can stand on clouds . Rainbow Dash was standing across from her staring at her growling under her breath. She started moving towards Twilight her growl getting more audible.”Twilight what's the matter? She Scolded under her breath. “Dash what's wrong with you?” asked Twilight. “You're what's wrong!” shout Rainbow Blood started dripping from her muzzle,but she still was growling closing the space between them. Twilight started feeling ill again her legs no longer supporting she fell through the cloud where she was standing. Her vision at a blur she could only see a blue figure soaring towards her. She felt teeth sank into her shoulder. “Ahh!” she yelp in pain. Rainbow was biting her while they was falling. “Get..off!” she said thrusting in every word. Rainbow still had tight grasp on Twilight’s shoulder. Yanking her teeth off of Twilight’s shoulder a cried of pain was blurted out. Blood flowing out and into the air her shoulder from the bite. Rainbow started laughing like a maniac Twilight’s blood painted her teeth red. Rainbow tried to bite Twilight again. She shot a beam of magic at Rainbow removing off her and out of sight. She was still falling gasping for air as she fell. Feeling dizzy once again everything was spinning. The spinning came to a halt Twilight fell and started vomiting. After regaining herself she look up she wasn't in the sky nor falling. “Where am I? What's going?! She shout into question. Vision freeing her from the blindness making easy to sort out where she was. She was in the boutique, but something didn't feel right . Something felt like it was plunge in Twilight’s abdomen. She tried to pull it out with her magic but she was too weak and in pain to concentrate. Why is this happening? Why am I keep dozing off and rewinding up in my friend's house? Why am I going through some much pain? What is this darkness that hold's me captive? All the questions was swimming through her head being unanswered. She gaped in horror. three of her friends were used as manics in the boutique. Poles plunged in their abdomen their eyes was stitched they were still lively, but barely breathing. “What is this?!” she shouted. Why is this happening to me? Why are my friends like this? Where is Rarity? How I get like this? Twilight heard a humming tone coming from the other room. It sounded like a familiar tone. A tone Rarity would sing while shes fashioning dresses. “Hello Rarity is that you?” asked Twilight. The humming stop. It was followed with a groan. A Pegasus was drag into the room Twilight was in. Fluttershy was creeping to Twilight mumbling “Help me” before she was whacked in the back of her head with a shovel falling unconscious. A white unicorn a with a blue messy mane, blood stainedon her face blood shot eyes, and a sadistic grin threaten to split her face open. Rarity Twilight said to herself. “I see you awake now darling,” said Rarity. “Wh-why yyou ddid that tto Fflutershy” Twilight stutter. Her body was quivering seeing one of her friend laying in a puddle of her own blood. And the other grinning like a manic. “Why isn't oblivious I need more mannikins,” said Rarity “mannikin?” replied Twilight. Twilight looked down a pole was plunge into her abdomen blood leaking into the pole. Her legs and forelegs was stiff and stitched up making her like a manikin. She scream in horror. How could Rarity do this to her and the others. “Yes the others are growing stale so I got Fluttershy and you to renewed them, I'll just burn the other ones,” explain Rarity. “You're insane!” shouted Twilight. “Hardly darling,” “Why can't you use plastic manikin!” “Cause darling the plastic breaks to easily a pony's body doesn't” she explain. Twilight hung her head down and started sobbing. Why was this happening to her friends? When will it end?What was wrong with Rarity? Why this is she suddenly insane? Rarity started working on Fluttershy's body humming a tone while she did it. Cutting her abdomen open with scaple. Removing her organs and replacing them with cotton. Twilight looked down a some cotton was sticking out of her abdomen. She left a hole in Fluttershy for the pole to go in. While she was doing this Twilight thinking of an escape plan! Maybe if I shot my magic no to weak or maybe if I pulled this pole out I can no that won't work. She couldn't think of a escape plan all of them require magic. When Rarity was done Fluttershy was now a mannikin. Her eyes was stitched and lips. Her eyes were crying tears if blood. “Done! What do you think?” said Rarity. Twilight didn't respond just kept her head low. “Twilight don't ignore me! Twilight started feeling ill again. Rarity voice was coming more inaudible and the room was spinning around . It came for a final halt. Twilight tried to move, but to no avail chains were keeping her for escaping. The room was surrounded by darkness and across where she was chain was Spike. He is just like Twilight chains plunge inside is forelegs and back. He was unconscious so he didn't feel the pain. “You're afraid,alone, in pain” A sudden voice rang inside her head. “You're mind is performing tricks on you, Bringing out your worse fears. “Fear that one day you're friends will betrayed you, kill you or making them suffer the same fate as you,”. He said. ”It's true never be afraid to show your true self,”. A doppelganger Twilight came from out the darkness. The same cutie mark, mane, coat color,and voice was just like hers. The doppelganger walk close to Twilight and whisper into her ear. “And we'll achieve that fear,” said the doppelganger . It vanished from her sight leaving her knowing the worse possible thing. The darkness was going to use her body her identity to destroyed Equestria and destroyed the Elements of Harmony if they get in it's way. Or damage her body trying. Leaving her a lost soul in the other world. > A shy party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In canterlot there was a party. But it wasn't a average party it was a Pinkie pie party. When it's a Pinkie party nothing never go improper and always a drill. That's what Pinkie believe well she was wrong. Don't believe me here’s a clip of the disaster. click On the top of canterlot palace a pink earth pony was grasping on a yellow Pegasus arm making sure she not to fall. Above them was a worm hole filled with darkness. “Fluttershy, hang on!”. Shouted pinkie “Pinkie, don't let me fall!”. Let's take you a Day back. 1 day ago Pinkie pie was invited to host a party to honor a guard who save countless lives. She was nervous-exiting she always love hosting parties to bring smiles upon ponies,and to honor them. Pinkie loved to bring her friends but to no avail none of them was at their homes. The library was locked Pinkie could of sworn she heard belongings breaking and shouting. Maybe it was Twilight practicing a spell, breaking materials in the process and needed to concentrate that mean no Pinkie. She traveled to the bonquie it was surrounded by darkness and Rarity. Pinkie thought it was some kind of special kind of smoke. That fashion ponies use at a fashion show. She tried the others either of them wasn't home or surrounded by the darkness. She started to get suspicious about the darkness being in two of her houses or none of them being home. “Where is everypony?” Pinkie said to herself. Pinkie was thinking for a moment than a huge smile threaten to split her mouth wide open appear. “I didn't go to Fluttershy cottage yet she'll love to go with me!”. Pinkie happily bounce to her shy friend's cottage desiring it wasn't surrounded by darkness like the other houses, or she was home. At her friend's cottage Pinkie noticed something rather different about the place. The doors was boarded, and the flowers was lifeless, It seems she isn't home. “Better knock,” Pinkie said to herself. “Hope she's not being too assertive again”. Pinkie trotted to the door and knocked a few times. Time passed and there was no answer .A frown appear on Pinkie face was her friends weren't home . “Why are none of my friends home?”. Just before Pinkie was about to take off she heard a shriek of terror coming from inside the cottage. “Fluttershy!” shouted Pinkie. She buck the door open and gallop her way inside. It was pitch-black Fluttershy must forgot to lit her candles. “Fluttershy!” Pinkie searched around her cottage but didn't find her. The shrieking continue getting more earsplitting. Pinkie grown concern for Fluttershy the shrieking was coming from upstairs. So she gallop upstairs and buck the door that lead to Fluttershy's room open. There was Fluttershy curled up near a wall quivering furiously concealing her eyes with her hooves. Pinkie face hoof it wasn't nothing to be concern about Fluttershy was just scare of her shadow again,and boarded up her doors to keep her shadow from approaching inside her house. Pinkie trotted to Fluttershy than put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her frightened friend. Fluttershy looked up it was her friend Pinkie she stop quivering. “Oh hello pinkie,” said Fluttershy. “Thank goodness you came,”. Fluttershy rising from the corner and trotted downstairs Pinkie follow. When she was downstairs she saw her doors were clash open. “What happen to my doors?”. “He-he it was me,” conceded Pinkie rubbing the back of her neck blushing in embrassment. Fluttershy gaze at Pinkie,but she look away from Fluttershy gaze. “Sorry,” Pinkie muttered under her breath. “It's okay Pinkie, just be more careful next time,”ressured Fluttershy. “ Okay dokie lokie!” Pinkie replied. “So what brings you here Pinkie? umm it you don't mind me asking,”. Pinkie had a confused facial expression. Why was she here it had something to do with canterlot and a party. “Aha!” Pinkie shouted surprising her friend. Fluttershy jump and concealed under the coach frighten from her friend sudden flare-up. “Oops he he sorry,”. Fluttershy hearing those words she felt safe and came from under the coach to talk about what Pinkie wanted. “Fluttershy I want you to come with me to canterlot,”. Why? Umm if you don't mind me asking again,” said Fluttershy. “ I wanted a friend to come with me, but none of them was home so I came here,” explain Pinkie. “I don't know Pinkie, it's going to be a lot of ponies there,”. “Well duh-uh! it's a party Fluttershy,”. “ I don't know Pinkie,”. “Please!,”. “It's going to be,”. “Please!” A lot of ponies there,”. “PLEASEEEEE!,” pleaded Pinkie. she signed in defeat.”OK only for you Pinkie,” she reassured . Pinkie punched the air, and snatched Fluttershy then bounced off. Not giving her friend time to packed for the trip. Pinkie and Fluttershy was at the station ready to depart to canterlot.” Are you excited Fluttershy huh-huh!?” shouted Pinkie bouncing happily around Fluttershy. “I exiting exactly I'm always excited, but I really excited!”. “Train for canterlot leaving in two minutes,” train operator inform. Pinkie and Fluttershy boarded into the train and went to their seats. A hooded stallion came on the train, and sat near Pinkie. “Going to a party,” said the stallion. “Yeah *gasped* are you side-kicked?,” Asked Pinkie earning a chuckle from the hooded stallion. “ You can say that,”. “ Are you going to a party?” asked Pinkie. “ You bet!” the stallion replied. “Train to canterlot is now taking off,” the train operator inform everypony in the train. Pinkie and Fluttershy were off to canterlot. She going to host maybe the greatest party ever! Fluttershy was seated across Pinkie looking outside the window. “This is going to be the best party ever!” shouted pinkie. “Yes this is going to be a party to remember,” the stallion muttered under his breath. After hours of riding on the train getting sick, reading magazines, playing games they were finally at canterlot. Pinkie and Fluttershy was greeted by guards who inform them to follow to the canterlot palace. Where Pinkie was going to throw the party and stay for a couple nights. “ This is where you two is going to be staying,” inform one of the guards motioning to the two bed room. Pinkie and Fluttershy search around the room looking in admiration. The room had painted beautiful flowers as wallpaper,clouds on the ceiling,and painted grass on the floor. It truly was a canterlot room. The guards left Pinkie and Fluttershy to be alone. It was 10:00 so everypony who were living in the palace was asleep. “Fluttershy,” whisper Pinkie. “Yes Pinkie ,” replied Fluttershy. “Thanks for coming with me, your a true friend,”. “Don't mention,” reassured Fluttershy. Pinkie and Fluttershy slept on the comfy beds. Pinkie required the sleep if she wanted the party to be the best ever. A stallion halted near there door peaking through it. “This will be the best party ever Pinkie, and I'll make sure of it,” the stallion said darkly. Then He vanished into the darkness laughing maniacal. When Pinkie Pie awakened up from her slumber. She wasn't in canterlot, nor Equestria. She was on a train seated on the familiar spot where she sat before. Fluttershy wasn't there it was odd she went with Pinkie on the train. she started feeling frightened she didn't know how? Or what? Brought her on this train. “Greeting Pinkie,” said a voice from behind. Pinkie turned from her seat. She saw a stallion wearing clothes that looked similar to the old pony days. There was blood stain on the jacket he was wearing. There was also written language on his jacket it read the errors of the wise superior their mistakes, and buried them in the . Some of the words was conceal in blood making it hidden to others to see. “Hello stranger!” said Pinkie. “Do you know where this train is headed?”. “Nowhere,” He replied.”This train is going continue streaming forever”. “Forever?” she asked . He nodded. Pinkie was on a train that headed nowhere nor stops. He emergence from his seat and sat near Pinkie. “Now Pinkie you care about your friends right?” she nodded. “You'll do anything for them?” She nodded a second time. “Well I want you to assassinate the guard you hosting the party for,” He explain. she thought for a moment.”Wh-why?” That's all she could utter out. “Well He's loved by millions a idle to many young believers, “We want you to assassinate him so the ponies can see even a great hero like him could tumble down,”. He said. “ If you refused Then well..,” His horn started to glow, and darkness summon three ponies seated in the train. “I'll your friends die,” He finished. There were her friends surrounded by darkness. “This not real,” she murmured. Pinkie started hitting herself to see if this was a nightmare but no avail it was realistic. “This not real!” Pinkie repeated. The stallion started laughing. He transported to Rarity then struck her with a hoof and she yelp in pain. “This is entirely real!” He said. Then he transported backed to Pinkie. She held tears in her eyes. “Why!” Pinkie shouted between sobs. “Wh- She was interrupted by a hoof clenched to the neck. “We want Equestria to fall!, “By that happening is first taking down Equestria's hero Armored swords,when he's dead the ponies in Equestria lost hope,” . “Lost hope knowing there will be nopony to save them,”He explain. He release Pinkie's neck. “Pinkie its you're choice let him live your friends died, Kill him They lived,”. His horn glow up again, and her friends vanished from her sight. “Hero dies, citizens of pony lose hope, They lived in fear, in pain,and alone,” He also vanished from her sight. But she can still hear his voice rang in her head. “Don't hate us we're like a teacher,”. He said. Parts of the train started to fade away. “And our first lesson is.” The train was losing control steering around uncontrollable . “Don't be a hero,” He finished. Then train crashed and everything went black. Fluttershy awoken not in the room she was resting. She woke up in a forest full with darkness. The leaves on the tree was black instead of green the sky was conceal in a black fog. The grass was deceased the air reek of death. “Where am I?” said Fluttershy. She searched around hoping to see a another pony. “What was that!” A cracking sound rang throughout the forest. She started to panic the sound grew more and more earshattering. She started galloping hoping to get away from what ever was creating the sound. “Whoa!” she yelp. She tripped on something that sent her smashing onto a tree. Falling a little unconscious she saw a blurry figure getting near her. “No please! Don't hurt me!” She pleaded. She was trembling furiously hoping what ever was getting closer won't hurt her. “Don't be alarmed my friend,” said a voice. Fluttershy vision clear it was a black hooded stallion. He buck the tree Fluttershy was at an apple fell out of it. He catches it with his magic then started chewing on it, and sat near Fluttershy. “Fluttershy don't you just love the fresh air,” He exhale then inhale. “I would do anything in the world to die here,” He took a another bite of the apple. He suddenly grip on Fluttershy faced “Listen to me,” he calmly said. “ Your going to break the force field by meeting a guard with a cross arrow painted on his armored he'll be at the party he will give you the crystal,”. “You're going to put the crystal in swords chest when he dies when that happens we be able to make a appearance, if you don't you're friends will died,” He explain. He release her faced. The forest started to fade away even he started to fade from her vision. “Fluttershy remember this,” He turn around to faced her. “A price of happiness always has a ugly side,” Then the tree collide into Fluttershy's head making everything go black. “Ahhh!” Pinkie&Fluttershy screamed in unison. waking up panting and sweating. “It was just a dream,” both repeated to themselves. The door open revealing a mare wearing a butler suit holding a plate holding two drinks. “Greet ms. Pinkiema&Fluttershy care for a drink?,” said the butler. “Thanks,” said in unison. Grabbing the drink. “Pinkie he wishes to see you,” The butler said. “Who?” “Armored swords,” she replied. “I leave and let you two tidy up call me when you need me,” The butler left the room. Pinkie& Fluttershy took their showers got tidy up, and went downstairs to have breakfast. “Welcome,” Said a another butler. He sat them down on their seats. Then he went into the kitchen few minutes later he came back with acceptable canterlot food. Chocolate cover apples, hay pancakes with maple syrup on top, freshly squeeze orange juice. Fluttershy thanked the butler and started eating. But Pinkie didn't which was unusual she would gulp the whole breakfast down in one bite. “Pinkie, are you okay?” asked Fluttershy. Pinkie sign then shook her head. “Fluttershy you'll do anything for us right?” “Well of course Pinkie, y'all are my best friends I care so much about,”. “Would you take another pony's life for their safety?” she choke on the food she was eating. Pinkie immediately got up from her seat then started pumping Fluttershy abdomen to get the food out of her throat. “Get *pumped* out *pumped* Now!” the food flew out of Fluttershy mouth. “ You okay Fluttershy?”. “Yeah Tthanks Ppinkie,” Fluttershy mange to say while panting desperately trying to regain her breath. “If we all done choking on our food I would like this meet this famous Party pony,” joked a stallion. Pinkie&Fluttershy turned to reveal a stallion wearing armored on his chest with a star on it. Having a dark blue mane. “Who are you?” they asked in unison. “Swords... Armored Swords” he replied. > you think > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You think I should keep going with this story? comment below