• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 699 Views, 20 Comments

Shadows - The reader 0_0

shadows is alive and it been alone and in pain for years and it's time for it to get vengeance.

  • ...

The awaking

“Twilight, you're not in your right mind! Snap out of it!” Rainbow Dash was hurriedly backing away from Twilight, and in her haste she tripped over a chair and fell to the ground.

“DON'T TRY AND GET AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME! YOU MUST PAY! YOU ALL MUST PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO US!” Twilight launched herself at Rainbow Dash with a knife raised in her magic.

“NO TWILIGHT, PLEASE!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

The day before:

Morning is always quiet. Morning is always calm. Morning is always beautiful. Mornings are not complete without the majestic Sun rising into the sky to start the day. But this morning wasn't silent, calm, nor beautiful.

Twilight was having a dream about her friends.She giggled as she continued to watch Rainbow Dash dance in the hideous outfit, swinging her arms around wildly as she banged her head up and down. It was quite the scene indeed, though she had to admit Rarity, sporting a huge afro and sunglasses, was far more entertaining. At that moment, a loud banging rang throughout the barn.

"What is that?" twilight asked herself. The banging grew louder and louder. The images of her friends were disappearing from her vision, the images rippling as if it was the reflection of a lake, disrupted by a stray pebble that was thrown into it.

"Gah!" Twilight snorted as she shook her head; it was just a dream. She heard knocking from downstairs, no doubt some pony wanting to borrow a book. "Did I oversleep?" she asked herself as she looked at her clock. It was only three in the morning. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!?" she growled to herself as she pulled her pillow over her head. The banging on her door however, continued on, growing louder with each passing second. "OKAY I'M COMING!" she yelled as she got up from her bed, and quickly made her way downstairs.

“I know it just seems like this is the place to look for a good book around these parts of town,” the stallion said, looking around to prove his point. Twilight looked up at the clock and saw what time it was. “Sir, it's 3:00 AM, the library doesn’t open for another 4 hours!” Twilight was angry that any pony had the audacity to come looking for a book at 3:00 AM. She loved a good read, but this was a bit too much. “Ma'am, I just want to get a book about the Shadows,” the stallion replied. The stallion looked very suspicious asking about a book about shadows. It’s not a common request. So, out of curiosity, Twilight ask the hooded stallion a question.

“Why do you need a book about shadows?” Twilight was wondering why he wanted a book about shadows, and waking her up At 3:00 too from her funny dream about her friends. The library doesn’t open for another 4 hours so it must have been important.

“Oh! you didn't hear?” the stallion said, raising an eyebrow, looking at Twilight.

“Hear what?” asked Twilight, wondering what she didn't hear about.

“A pony tale called The Shadows," the stallion got a little closer to Twilight, and Twilight backed away from is sudden movement.

“The shadows?” Twilight asked raising a eyebrow, She read and heard about every pony's tale, so could she not have heard about this one.

“Yes” the stallion said .

Twilight stood there for a moment but didn't say anything. Finally the stallion broke the silence.

“They said the shadows are just a fragment of life...but they were wrong. They were very wrong,” the stallion said, rather darkly, shaking his head.

“Who was wrong?” asked Twilight. She didn't know who he was talking about, so she wanted to know more about the tale.

“The first ponies to encounter the shadows thought they weren’t alive, but they were, and the shadows wanted vengeance,” the stallion said, looking Twilight straight in the eyes, showing he was serious. Twilight stopped for a few seconds, than burst out laughing at the idea of shadows feeling vengeance. After several minutes of laughing, Twilight regained herself, and she looked into his eyes. He looked mad, so Twilight clear her throat.

“Vengeance?” asked Twilight, wondering how shadows can feel Vengeance if they are not alive.

“Yes, the shadows are out for vengeance for being left alone in the dark and in pain," the stallion said as he trotted very close to Twilight, looking like he was about to attack her.

“Oh..OK,” Twilight said backing away from him. She looked back at the clock and saw that it was still too early to get a book. "So the shadows attack the ponies who thought wrong of them, and they were never heard from again!” the stallion said looking at Twilight who looked very interested, wondering if they were ever heard from again.
“Never?” Twilight asked interested in the tale. The stallion nodded his head in agreement, and Twilight gasped! how could shadows do that to a pony? It made no sense to her!

“Wow... so why you do you need a book about shadows?” Twilight wasn't sure why he needed a book about such a simple thing and couldn't wait until morning to get the book.

“Just interested in them, that's all,” the stallion said looking at Twilight with a smirk.
" One moment," Twilight went into the library looking for the book the stallion ask for. At the book stand, she started looking for the book in the S section s for shadows. " Shadows Shadows," Twilight said while running a hoof on the books trying to find the shadow book. "Got it"! Twilight shouted. Then she went back to the front door where the stallion was standing. He looked calm and patience.
So Twilight levitated the book about shadows to the stallion outside. " Here you go" Twilight said levitating the books to him. He grabbed the book with his teeth " hank ou" the stallion said with the book in his mouth. He gave Twilight a waved goodbye. Then Twilight return a waved and started to shut the library door. Just than she was about to shut the door she remember wanted to ask him something. So she quickly opened the door and went outside. She started galloping towards the stallion. Twilight spotted him a few feet from the library near a tree, reading the book she had given him. He looked up and saw that it was twilight and smirk.
“Yes?” the hooded stallion asked.
“I didn’t catch your name" twilight forgot all about asking what his name. She was too caught up in the story to ask the question.
“We don't have a name,” the stallion said cryptically before trotting away from the tree, and down the road to ponyville.
“We?” Twilight asked, confused as to what ‘we’ was supposed to mean, and why he said he was nameless.

“Maybe I can find out from him when he brings the book back,” Twilight said trotting back to the library. She had left the door open, she had forgotten to close it. Then Twilight closed the door and made her way upstairs to her room, but she stopped in the middle of the steps.

Twilight glanced at the clock and it read 3:30. They had only been talking for 30 minutes.

“Still got some time to sleep,” Twilight said to herself, and then she went all the way up stairs.
She was hoping she wouldn't hear another bang on the door, or another pony asking for a book at this hour.
Twilight got to her bed, levitating her covers over her body. She looked beside her bed to see that Spike was still asleep in his small basket with his tail on the floor for anypony to trip over. Twilight lay her head down on the bed, than closed her eyes. It didn't take her long too full asleep. She was hoping she would have that same dream she had earlier.

Twilight several Hours since the meeting with the mysterious hooded stallion. She woke up happy despite being awakened earlier in the morning. When Twilight got out of bed, she stretched her legs. She looked to where Spike was supposed to be sleeping, but his basket was empty. "Must be making breakfast." Twilight always liked when Spike made breakfast for her every morning. Twilight made her bed and went into the bathroom room to brush her teeth, hair, and take a shower. after preparing for the day, Twilight went downstairs and saw Spike standing perfectly still. He looked almost like a shadow. Twilight knew something was wrong, so she went to Spike and put her hoof on his shoulder. Spike didn't move or turn around instead. He just stood still mumbling something.
" Hey Spike, is breakfast ready?, I'm starved" Twilight said, her stomach growling a bit, telling her it was time to eat. It made her giggle .
"You hurt us!" Spike mumbled, still not looking at twilight or moving.
"What was that Spike?" Twilight asked, getting a little closer to him so she could hear him.
“You hurt us!” Spike repeated, loud enough for Twilight to hear him.
“Spike, what are you talking abo-”

“YOU HURT US!” Spike interruped, turning around to reveal a knife grasped in his claw.

“Spike, put the knife down and tell me wha-

“YOU HURT US!” Spike interruped again, cutting Twilight off and launching himself at her.

“Spike what are yo- OOF!” The breath was knocked from Twilight as Spike tackled her to the ground.

“Spike please don't do this! Tell me what's wrong! Did somepony hurt you?” Twilight asked.

“You did” Spike said, raising the knife in the air before swinging it down.

“Sorry,” Twilight said, and shot a beam of magic at Spike, knocking him off her. Spike flew across the floor and into the darkness.

“UGGGH!” Spike shouted in pain.

Twilight got up, galloped outside, and locked the door with a spell, locking Spike inside.

“Spike, I don't know what's wrong, with you but I'm going to find you help,” Twilight could hear Spike screaming in anger and banging the door furiously, trying to get out.

“I love you, Spike,” Twilight called to the door before heading out toward her destination. She headed toward
Zecora’s cottage in the Everfree forest, hoping to find out what was wrong with Spike.

Author's Note:

A proofreader edited this story so yeah