• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 555 Views, 2 Comments

Transformation - Ramboom

In this world life seamed normal. For most people, apart from one girl's or should I say Princess Cadence

  • ...

Chapter 7

I slowley woke up in a clear glass cell. I turned over then I saw scientist watching me with an eagle eye. I jumped to my hooves and inspected the cage. I then yelled at them, "What did you do with Tom, or Camran?!"
A man looked up, "Tom is not a consern to us, Camran knows to much, she is in the cell next to you."
A woman spoke, I am in charge of you, my name is Opal could you levitate something for us?"
I looked at her, "no."
She blinked, "What!?"
"I said no"
"Why not?"
"If I am stuck like this, why would I do what you tell me?"
"We could kill you!"
"You would never let me go."
"We would try and cure you!"
"People already tried!"
"We haven't!"
"How can I trust you?"
Opal sighed and showed am a tape. It was Equestria. "We can create a new pony body for you so you can live there."
"I want to go back to being a human!"
"We can try but it is not likely to happen!"
"Well make it happen!"
A man spoke to Opal, "Shall we get a table ready?"
Opal thought for a moment, "No too many people know her, give her the cure, the newest one."
Befor I could object I was jabbed and my body started to turn back, I was human agen. The only new side affect was that I had the same colour eyes as my pony. They made shore that it worked for a few days before I was free, Camran was never let out.

I walked in the streets, then I noticed that not many people with tails where out. I went to Tom's place first. A old man answered, "who is it?"
I looked at him, "is Tom here?"
Then the old man just said, "that's me, who are you?"
"I'm Erin, sorry I am looking for another Tom."
"Erin? It it really you?"
"Why, you know me?"
"You where missing for 37 years!"
"37 years, I was in the cell for 37 days, how can I trust you are the Tom I am looking for?"
"We went camping, and then you started to turn into a pony. We then left to go to my uncle's house. Then Tia turned into a pony, I was starting to turn then Tia's sister joined us. Tia went mad then a women came to us with the cure, and you couldn't be cured. Your parents regect you then you got a job a radio station. You then where performing with shell and you where shot. That was the last I saw of you, until now"
"You are Tom!" He opened his arms and I fell into them crying. He led me inside and he told me something that I would never forget.
"Erin, I love you, but you shouldn't keep on loving me, I am to old and I will be taken away soon. If someone truly loves you, don't turn them down."
"I will never love someone as much as I love you."
"Please do it for me?" I nodded then he gave me a envelop. "Go buy yourself a house."

I left and walked down the street. People looked at me, I was young and with a tail. I walked up to the real-estate and a high rise apartment building was recently built. I looked at the envelop, it had over 4 million in there, I nearly dropped the envelop, a van then passed with a sign, Old Eternity Home, I did not know what it was, but I knew that he wasn't coming back, this was all his money. I walked around and saw a large apartment 1 million dollars.

I asked for a tour of the house. It was very posh, and had a nice view, I also could move in as soon as I paid the money. I forked over the money. I got the keys and then I opened a bank account. I put all but $2000 in there, I got the apartment furnished so that was one less thing I had to worry about.

I went into the apartment and cried myself to sleep about Tom.

Comments ( 1 )

The story's description needs some work.
First: In this world life seamed normal.
Seamed is wrong. The word you need to use is seemed.

Second: For most people, apart from one girl's or should I say Princess Cadence.
The way this is worded simply doesn't make any sense.

Perhaps something like the following would be better: Life seemed normal for most people in this world. But one girl wasn't like most people. She was Princess Cadence. She just didn't know it yet.

If you can't think of a good way to say something, just say it plainly. Something like: A girl turns into Princess Cadence.
It's short, it's concise, and potential readers know exactly what to expect. It's a little plain, but that's better than being unreadable.

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