• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 1,102 Views, 12 Comments

The Farmer and The Rocker - mibevan

A romantic love story story between Applejack, the farmer of Ponyville's Sweet Apple Acres, and Thrash Trotter, lead vocalist of popular rock band Blank Flank.

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Chapter 3 - Canterlot Concert

Chapter 3
Canterlot Concert

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applebloom got off the train they took from Ponyville. They were now in the busy city of Canterlot.

“I thought we’d never get here!” Rainbow Dash whined. “I love a good train ride more then the next pony, but not when I’m being forced to play ISPY with Pinkie for the whole trip.”

“Oh! That reminds me, I spy something yellow. Guess what it is.” Pinkie Pie said happily.

“That’s strange, I’m sure Shinning Armor said he’d meet us here.” Twilight said as she looked for her brother.

“Relax dear Twilight, we have two hours left until the concert.” said Rarity. “And has your brother ever let you down before?”
“You mean other then that time he told me about his wedding at the last minute?”

“Well...he had an excuse did he not?”

“I just can’t believe we’re here in Canterlot.” Said Applebloom.

"I keep forgetting you don't come here as often as we do.” Rarity said.

“Well...yea. Usually I’m here for the Hearts Warming Eve pageant and never get a good look at the town.”

“Twilight, isn’t that your brothers carriage over there?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight looked towards the road. An elegant white carriage stood there with two Pegasus ponies from the Canterlot Royal Guard next to it.

“Without a doubt! Common!” Twilight shouted as the six ponies dashed towards the carriage.

“Here’s to tonight.” Thrash said as he toasted a cup of hot chocolate with Whiplash and Snap.

“So tell me, what did the Princess want with you?” Snap asked.

“What do you mean?” Whiplash asked.

“I saw the shela talking to him after we entered the concert hall. What was that all about?”

“Ah, she was asking why I was curious if they had any museums around here is all.” Thrash explained before gulping down some more of his hot chocolate. “She told me about this museum in Ponyville. I may check it out tomorrow when I get the chance.”

“You know what I heard?” Whiplash said. “That Unicorn that wielded the Element of Generosity owns a boutique in that same town. I may go check it out. I thought the band could use some new threads.”

“None for me thanks, I like my outfit just fine.” Thrash objected.

“What ever you say. What About you Snap? You must be getting tired of wearing your pajama’s on stage.”

Thrash spat out his drink and fell back on Snap's bed laughing at the remark. Whiplash held her giggles back with her hoof.

“Stop making fun of my look! I wear these threads as a tribute to Mr. Bill Star. The greatest drummer that ever lived.”

Thrash held a hoof in the air. “All in favor of messing with Rush’s bass?”

“AYE!” Whiplash and Snap said.

“I can’t wait for this. I really hope they do “Sweet Colt O’ Mine”. That’s my favorite song.” said an excited Applebloom.

“I just hope we get the chance to meet the band after.” Rarity said. “I’ve always wondered if Slide got any of the love notes I sent him when I was in highschool.”

“So Twiley, why isn’t Applejack here?” Shining Armor asked his sister.

“She was much more interested in getting her work done, so she stayed behind." she said. "She said she doesn't even like rock either.”

“Wow. I never thought I’d see the day where somepony would say that.”

“Tell me about it. I really wish you could come, I know how much you love the band.”

“Just Promise me that if you meet Whiplash, tell her Shining Armor said hi.”

He handed Twilight a photo of a bunch of ponies gathered around a bonfire in the woods located outside of Canterlot.

“Show her this and see if she remembers that night.”

“Was this back in highschool?”

“Yea, We celebrated graduation with a bonfire in the woods. See, there’s me.”

Shining Armor pointed to himself in the photo. He looked relatively the same only smaller and less buff. He was kneeling on a log waving at the photographer with a cup of cider in his other hoof.

“And that’s Whiplash. Back then her name was Sunday Glitters.”

Whiplash looked Different then she did today. She was sitting at the other end of the log with an acoustic guitar on her lap. Her mane and tail were shorter and had a light brown color.

“Wow. She played guitar back then like she does today?”

“Yah. she was always strumming that thing. Whenever we had a campout, school function, or party. She would always bring her guitar to entertain us. We all loved her music.”

Twilight looked at the picture again.

“Was she friends with Cadence?”

“Oh yea, they were like sisters; always hang out with each other. She’s actually sitting next to her right there. I remember she used to sing to her music.”

“WooHoo! We’re here!” Pinkie Pie said as they arrived outside the castle. Searchlights filled the skies and there was a large banner in the front with the text “Blank Flank: Poison Ponies Tour” written on it.

They were greeted by some royal guards that were sent to lead them backstage.

“Don’t worry bro, I’ll be sure to show her this if we see her.” Twilight said as she got off the carriage.

“Thanks Twiley.” Shining Armor said as he drove off.

The six ponies walked towards the castle entrance behind their escorts.

“Alright! Who’s been messing with my bass!?” Rush shouted angrily under the stage with the rest of the band.

“How should we know?” Whiplash said rolling her eyes.

“It looks fine to me Rush.” Shredder said.

“Open your eyes! It’s been un-adjusted!”

“So readjust it. Honestly it takes like 5 minutes.”

“Hey! When I perform live, I like to keep my things ready. Now it's not ready...!”

“Shut up and adjust your instrument!” Slide shouted. “If you want to know real torture, ask monsieur Thrash. He stuck up on the balcony by himself with nopony to talk to. Knowing him he’s most likely bored right now.”

“I am so bored right now.” Thrash said in his head. He was sitting in a chair behind a black curtain in a booth. Two guards were protecting him outside the booth. Above his head was the zip line.

“It’s a full house and here I am at the highest point of the whole hall waiting for this thing to start. It's boring as a snail race.”

He sighed.

“What am I supposed to do for the next 10 minutes to entertain myself?”

“I just hope we can get my program signed.” said a voice outside the curtain. Thrash peeked though the crack of the curtain and saw two teenage mares waiting for the show to start. “I mean if any member signed this, I would be the most popular pony in class.”

“Well prey we can get an autograph from anypony in the band after the long trip it took to get up here.” her friend said.

“Who cares. We still get to see the band either way.” the mare said setting down the program next to her seat in the aisle.

“My friend, prepare to become popular because you just gave me something to do before my big entrance.” Thrash said in his head as he opened the black marker that he got from Shredder earlier that day.

“I never thought we’d be this close to the stage!” Applebloom said after they were seated in comfortable chairs on the side of the stage.

“Twilight, this is the greatest gift Celestia has given us since the tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Rarity said. “I just can’t wait!”

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie said

“I am not playing another game of ISPY.” remarked a rather irritated Rainbow Dash

“I heard Thrash and Shredder can do impressive stunts that make yours seem like nothing.”

“Ha! When I see them do something better then the Sonic Rainboom, that’s when I’ll get jealous...But out of pure curiosity how good are their stunts.” she responded with worried concern.

“Trust me you're in for a big surprise.” said an unfamiliar voice. They looked to see a yellow Unicorn wearing a headset.

“Who are you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Stage manager for the concert. The names Honeycomb. I’ve been working with the band all day, and let me tell you, you’re going to have a blast. Heck you might even get to meet Thrash during the show. You see that cart?”

She pointed at a grey cart that had bottled waters, fruit, and towels on it.

“He will stop at one point during the show to get a drink. If your lucky, he'll sit down in that seat next to the the filly here. We set it up just for him.”

Applebloom looked at the seat that had a reserved sign on it.

“Alright Applebloom!” Twilight said. “Your gonna get to meet Thrash during the show.”

“I gotta tell ya, he’s a really nice stallion.” The Unicorn said.

“30 seconds till show time.” Rush announced.

“Alright, lets kick off this tour and give them a show they’ll never forget.” Shredder said as he stepped on the platform that would lift him to the stage. Rush grabbed a radio from the staff pony next to him.

“Thrash, You all set?”

“Been waiting a long time for this.” Thrash said as he attached himself to the zip line. He slipped a wireless microphone on his belt to use when he landed.

“Look! There’s the princess in the balcony!” Twilight said as she pointed at the balcony on the opposite side.

The lights went off and the fans got louder.

“Oh no! I’m afraid of the dark!” Fluttershy panicked.

Three large screens above the stage displayed white static. A distorted note from an electric guitar played as it turned into a dark venomous green. The static faded out to reveal the band logo, causing the whole room to explode with screams. The six ponies backstage were also cheering in their seats. The audience started chanting the bands name.

“Time to rock.” Shredder said. The band was raised onto the dark stage.

Thrash reached under the curtain and grabbed the program next to the seat.

“Mares and stallions of Canterlot!” Said a voice on the speakers, ”Direct from Fillydelphia, kicking off their tour for the new album “Poison Ponies”, we give you, BLAAAAAANK FLAAAAANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The audience went wild as the beam of a red spotlight fell on Shredder playing an opening riff. Mares screamed with delight. Applebloom jumped from her seat and doing the same.

A pinkish red spotlight revealed Whiplash behind him as she strummed her double-neck electric guitar. Rush was then revealed followed by Slide on his Piano. Rarity jumped and screamed so loud when he came into view. Snap was then revealed lightly tapping on the cymbals of his drum set. The lights then started flashing to the rhythm, as the song started to build up.

Back on the balcony, the two teenage mares were going wild in their seats. Then they noticed a figure next to them. They were surprised to see Thrash finishing his signature on the program and handing it to the mare.

“Enjoy the show.” He said as he dashed to the end of the Balcony and leaped off letting the zipline brake his fall. He swiftly flew forward, detached the line from his belt, and slid on the stage.

All the stage lights went on and they started with their new song "Welcome To The Forest". Thrash’s loud voice and incredible stage stunts made everypony in the audience scream with lust and enjoyment. He ran and jumped around the stage doing flips, jumps, and swings like a crazy energetic rubber monkey. Shredder glided to the center of the stage next to his friend to perform his guitar solo, all while assisting the earth pony with his stunt work. The song ended with Rush, Whiplash, and Snap using their magic to create an explosion of fireworks mixed with laser lights. The audience applauded them.

“Canterlot!” Thrash shouted. “How’s everypony doing out there?” The audience yelled with excitement.

Whiplash jumped and waved to the citizens of her former home.

“You all ready for the night you'll never forget?!”

The crowd wailed even louder.

“In that case here’s a number off the new album! It’s called "Mare of the Moon".”

The moment Thrash said the name of the song the audience yelled louder

One hour had passed and Applebloom, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were still as energetic as they were when the concert started. Rainbow Dash was having fun and was actually impressed with the stunt work. Twilight and Fluttershy were too exhausted to cheer and decided to sit and watch the show until their energy was replenished.

Thrash and Whiplash just finished up their duel to one of their old songs called “9 Lives”. The audience loved the performance as it ended with a chord being held by Shredder. Thrash stepped back up to the microphone.

“Give it up for the band everypony!”

He stepped off stage to take a break while the band continued with an instrumental number entitled “Bloody Horseshoes”.

Thrash approached the cart, wiped his sweaty head with a cold rag, and took a long drink of water.

Twilight noticed he was there and tapped Applebloom in the back.
“He’s here.” She whispered into the filly’s ear

Applebloom was excited, yet nervous at the same time. She had no idea what to say to him.

Thrash chomped down a red apple and then noticed the six backstage guests. He was really looking forward to meeting these particular ponies so he took his seat next to them.

Applebloom was absolutely speechless. Thrash Trotter, THE LEAD SINGINGER OF BLANK FLANK, was sitting next to her.

“Sweet Celestia this takes a lot out of you. Still, you got to love the music these guys can dish out, am I right?” he said attempting to make a conversation. “How rude of me, my friends call me Thrash. You enjoying the show?”

He held out a hoof towards Applebloom. She kindly shook it and nodded her head.

“I absolutely love your voice!” Fluttershy said.

“Thank you very much. I like yours too, ever thought of a career?”

She blushed.

“What is this song anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked

“A small number we made called Bloody Horseshoe’s. It gives the band some glory without me getting in the way. It was actually written by Shredder, Rush, and Slide...”

“He is so creative!” Rarity shouted as she eyeballed Slide.

Thrash stared at the love struck unicorn.

“What’s her deal?”

“You don’t wanna know.” said Twilight.

“Oh! This is awesome! Watch Snap!”

The band came to an abrupt stop. Snap then used his unicorn magic to levitate 12 drumsticks in the air, each for a drum. He stuffed the two sticks he was already using in his belt and sat there with his hooves crossed and a smile on his face as he watched the Audience cheer. His sticks were playing a rapid paced drum solo all on their own. He rose from his seat and walked to the front of the drum set to get a drink from a bottle of water on the platform. No matter where he moved the sticks kept playing. The band and the six ponies backstage watched him as he walked off stage to the food cart. He grabbed an apple and chomped it down as he walked back to his seat behind the drum set. He sat down and watched his sticks drum on their own for about 15 more seconds. He threw the apple core behind him, stopped his sticks in midair, took out his own, and hit a drum once. All the other levitating sticks flew into the crowd where everypony fought for one. The band continued playing.

“That was the greatest thing I've ever seen. How did he do that?” Applebloom asked.

“No Idea.” Thrash said. He stood up from his seat and shouted at the brown Unicorn. “You’re an animal Snap!”

Snap looked at Thrash and winked with a smile.

Appleblood stood on her seat.

“I love you Shredder!” she yelled. Thrash looked at her and noticed that she didn’t have a cutie-mark. He was intrigued.

The band ended their song and the audience cheered them on.

“Time to wrap this up” said Thrash as he ran back on stage. He tossed his towel behind his shoulder and it landed on Fluttershy. She hugged it tight like one of her woodland critter friends.

Thrash walked back to the microphone.

“Alright!! Now we’re gonna finish up this night with one more song. But before we play I just wanna say that we love you all and that we are honored to perform in front of Princess Celestia.”

The Audience applauded for the princess on the balcony as she stood up to face her subjects.

“I’d like to dedicate this song to a special filly I just met back stage. Keep searching, and enjoy the adventure until you find your mark”

That crowd exploded when Shredder walked up behind Thrash and spread out his wings to their full extent. He then began to ascend after starting his guitar riff for the song “Sweet Colt O’ Mine”.

The moment Appelbloom heard the opening riff, her eyes got wider and a large smile filled her face.

Thrash grabbed onto Shredders legs and he pulled him high above the stage. The rest of the band eventually continued into the song. Some time later Thrash let go of Shredder and fell 10 feet to the ground and landed softly on a mat. He ran to the microphone and started singing.

“Can you believe it Applebloom!?” said an excited Pinkie Pie. “They’re singing your favorite song, for you!”

Applebloom said nothing. She just stayed frozen with a smile on her face.

“Helloooo?! Earth To Applebloom!”

Pinkie tapped her, but she made no response.

“Don’t spoil her moment Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “She looks just like me when I saw the Wonderbolts perform for the first time!”

“Common, let me hear those hoofs Canterlot! COMMON!” Thrash shouted as her lead the audience to stomp to the rhythm of the song.

Rush, Whiplash, and Snap used their magic to produce more fireworks that exploded in the air around Shredder. The three ponies looked at each other and nodded with smiles. Shredder was nearing his big solo.

“Is it just me, or are these special effects getting way too close to Shredder?” said a concerned Twilight.

“HA!” chuckled Honeycomb. “Just watch!”

Whiplash, Snap, and Rush knew that it was time to unleash the thunder. As the music began build up, the three ponies zapped Shredder with their magic. Shredder illuminated like the sun, lighting up the whole room. His small black wings had formed into large white eagle wings. The crowd exploded with screams and started jumping with amusement as they watched the Pegasus wail on his electric guitar like crazy.

“Dear Celestia!” said Twilight. “A wing spell?”

“You bet your rump it is.” said the stage manager

“Twilight didn’t you use that same spell on me when we went to Cloudsdale?” Rarity asked.

“Those look nothing like those colorful butterfly wings you had before.” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Well they've been experimenting with magic that could be used on the tour.” Honeycomb said. “And the best part about is that it isn’t even over yet.”

All six ponies looked back at Shredder.

Shredder flapped his majestic wings in the middle of his solo, sending thousands of feathers into the audience. He started descend as the spell reverted his wings to their original form.

“A feather spell combined with a light wing spell.” Honeycomb continued. “The light magic makes the wings easily collapsible and quick to molt.”

“Combining spells like that?” thought a rather intrigued Twilight. “Why didn’t I ever think of that?”

Shredder flew down next to Thrash where they shared the mic to sing some back up vocals. Rush joined in followed by Whiplash. Thrash sang the rest of the song and Shredder ended the performance with an extended chord. Rush, Whiplash, and Snap Flooded the stage with fireworks with their magic, and stopped the moment Shredder's riff ended. Thrash ran up to the microphone.

“THANK YOU CANTERLOT, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!” he shouted at the crowd. “We love you all! Thanks for coming!”

The band set down their instruments and approached the front of the stage next to Thrash. They all gave a bow.

“Thank you Canterlot. You have been a great crowd. Look out for the new album, get home safe, and good night!” The band exited on the opposite side of the stage.

“That concert was so awesome!!!!” shouted Applebloom.

“This was definitely worth the trip.” Twilight said.

“I can see that you all had fun tonight.” said a familiar voice from behind. The ponies turned to see Princess Celestia standing there. “I have to say, I was very impressed with their performance.”

“Thank very much for giving us these passes.” said Fluttershy.

“Yes thank you!” said Rarity. “Thanks to you, I got to meet my highschool love.”

“I’m just happy you all had a great time.” The Princess continued. “Now when the crowd leave they will be serving food in the banquet hall. If you want, you can stay and meet the band personally.”

All the ponies gasped.

“I MUST PREPARE!” shrieked Rarity, who bolted towards the nearest restroom she could find.

“I’ll assume that would be a yes.” Celestia said.

“I’m going to go check in with the folks back home.” said Applebloom. Fluttershy followed her, not wanting to leave the filly unsupervised.

“Twilight, not that there’s a problem with this, but where’s Applejack?”

“Kind of a long story.” said Twilight

“In that case, Pinkie Pie where’s Applejack?”

“She didn’t wanna come because she wanted to work rather then go out to see some band that she never heard of because she doesn’t like genre of music they play, but Applebloom does, so she gave her pass to her.” She said rapidly

“Well I guess not all ponies can have the same interests. Still it’s a real shame that she couldn’t come. Especially after all that hard work she did clearing the fields from that big blizzard during the last Winter Wrap Up.” Celestia said trotting towards the banquet hall. Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash followed.

For the last hour, the band, crew, and guests were walking around the banquet hall enjoying a variety of refreshments while socializing with one another.
“Your kidding!?” Pinkie Pie said.

“Nope. They aren’t their natural color.” said Thrash as he chomped on a slice of cake.

“And how old were you?”

“14 believe it or not. My eyes used to be brown.”

“Why dye them red though?”

“I don’t know. A lot of crazy things happened to me in high school. Then again you would probably know that already wouldn’t you?”

“Actually I can’t remember any of it.”

“No questions asked.”

The two ponies shared a laugh.

“Goodness!” Whiplash shouted as she looked at Twilights picture. “My mane was really that low? I mean really, best years of my life and I never let it go like the other mares did? I should have listened to Cadence.”

“I think you looked just fine.” Twilight Sparkle said kindly. “Do you still own that guitar?”

“Yea. It was my first. I don’t usually use it on stage though. It’s way too special for a big crowd.”

“Why so quiet, it’s a party?” Rush said as he fixed himself a salad.

“I’m not good with meeting new ponies.” Snap said. “I’m not the socializing type. I blame my shyness.”

“Well be as boring as you want, it isn’t bugging me?”

“Yea but you know what will?”


“We hid your pillows on the bus again.”

Rush kept as calm as he could. He did not want to look foolish at a gathering such as this.

“If we weren't at this party I would give you what for.” He said as he trotted away. Snap laughed to himself.
Fluttershy was on the other side of the table.

“Why did you do that to him!?” she asked.

“Ah, we didn’t hide them. We sold them as souvenirs.”

“Yea well you don’t have to hate him. He didn't do anything to you...!”

Snap stopped her with his hoof.

“Whoa whoa whoa! We don’t hate Rush, he’s our mate.”

“Then why would you...?”

“We just like to play practical jokes on each other... mainly at Rush. Who are you anyway?”

“Um...I’m uh...I’m...Well”

Snap looked at the name on her backstage pass.

“Fluttershy eh? The names Snap, Snap Draw.” He offered her a hoof, but she floated away nervously. Snap just shrugged. “Nice mare. Very shy.”

“How long have you been her student anyway?” Whiplash asked Twilight.

“Almost 10 years now.” She replied. “I’ve learned a lot of things from her. Were you also one of her students?”

“No. I picked up magic throughout the years. Kind of like my guitar playing.”

Slide trotted up behind Whiplash and tapped her on the back.

“Pardon mesdemoiselles. I must borrow Whiplash for some important business.”

“Excuse me.” she said as they stepped away towards the open area to talk.

“And then I said, oatmeal are you crazy?” Pinkie Pie said as she rambled on to a bored and annoyed Thrash. “And so then we...OOOOO is that Rush over there?” she pointed towards Rush, who was dishing more dressing on his salad. Thrash smiled devilishly.

“Why yes it is. You know, he'd love to hear these “hilarious” stories of yours.”

Pinkie Pie ran to meet her new friend.

“Oh thank Celestia!” Thrash said with relief.

“Well, we’ve started the new adventure.” said Shredder. He handed Thrash a foam cup of hot chocolate.
“How did you sneak that in...?”

“I know somepony. Anyway tomorrow we hit Cloudsdale, the town of Pegasus ponies. You and the other wingless ponies are gonna need to be given the charm to walk on the clouds.”

“Sweet.” Thrash said chugging down the drink.

“Rarity.” Fluttershy said as she flew over to her friend. “Snap spoke to me and said my name...”

“Shhh! He may hear you Fluttershy.” Rarity whispered as she eyeballed Slide on the other side of the room. “Ooooooh. Do you think he sees me? Is he talking about me?!”

“Rarity he’s never met you.”

“Oh, of course he hasn’t. What was I thinking? There's no way he’s talking about me?”

“Do you know which mare is the dressmaker you were rambling about before the concert? I’m interested in seeing her designs. I grow tired of these old, how you like to say, threads.”

“Oh she’s actually over there with that yellow Pegasus. Twilight pointed her out earlier.” Whiplash responded after noticing Rarity. They started their way towards them.

“Oh no. They’re coming towards us. Quick Fluttershy, what do I do?” Rarity panicked.

“Umm... stay and say hi?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Of course. How does my mane look?”


“Bonsoir mesdames.” Slide said in French. “My name is...”

“Slide! I’m Rarity. I am your ultimate fan. I wrote you a ton of letters to you every day when I was in high school!” Rarity squeed like a young filly. Slide thought for a second.

“Did you send me those beautiful poem’s that inspired my piano work?”

“YES! I sent you love letters and poetry all the time. Each one defining my true feelings for you.”

“Oh yea. Those helped too.”

“EEEEEEE!” She squealed

“Miss Rarity we heard you owned a boutique in Ponyville. We'd love to come by tomorrow to look for some new threads. You think you may have anything for us.” Whiplash asked.

Rarity was speechless.

“Yes! Yes, of course. I may have just what you're looking for.”

“Great we’ll be there in the morning. Nice meeting you. And you to miss...”

“Fluttershy.” Fluttershy greeted kindly. “And the pleasures all mine.”

"Tell nopony that we are coming to your shop." Slide added. "If we get caught by fans we won't be able to shop in peace."

They trotted away from the two ponies to go socialize some more. Rarity fainted to the floor, with a smile plastered on her face.

"Somepony pinch me. I have to be dreaming."

“Rainbow Dash will you come with me to meet Shredder,” Applebloom asked. ”I’m a little shy”

“No problem kiddo. I was the same way when I first met Spitfire. Besides I wanted to ask Thrash where he learned his moves from.”

They made their way to the table that Shredder and Thrash were standing next to.

“Fans at three O’clock Thrash.” Shredder warned with a whisper. “We need to ditch the drinks. The last thing we want to do is become bad influences”

Shredder threw his Hot Chocolate in the trashcan next to him while Thrash chugged down what ever he had left in the cup.

“Never waste this stuff. It’s bad luck.” Thrash said. tossing his cup in the trashcan behind Shredder.

Rainbow Dash and Applebloom approached the two stallions.

“Well look who it is. Have you met my good friend Shredder?”

Shredder removed his sunglasses revealing his blue eyes.

“Hey.” he said in a cool low voice

“Shredder this is that filly I dedicated the finale to.”

“My names Applebloom. Thanks for performing my favorite song. I simply love your guitar skills.” she said with a smile.

“Thanks. So you’re the filly with no mark?"

Applebloom nodded and showed her flank.

“Well just remember what Thrash said, enjoy the adventure and don’t let others bring you down.”

He grabbed Thrash in a headlock.

“My bro here never got his till he was 19, so don't think that your too old to not have one yet.”

“Common let me go!” Thrash laughed. Shredder released him.

“Thanks. My friends and I actually formed a club. We go around crusading for our cutie marks, doing all kinds of things everyday.”

The two smiled at her.

“And your name...?” Thrash asked.
“Rainbow Dash.” she said. “I just wanted to ask where you learned all those cool stunts.”

Thrash laughed.

“Let’s just say Fillydelphia has some talented ponies hidden in certain places. If you find those places you can learn a lot.”


“To simplify, that’s a band secret.”

Rainbow Dash was confused.

“It was a real honor to see you perform.” Applebloom said.

“Well it was an even bigger honor to perform in front of the ponies that wielded the Elements Of Harmony. We wanted to give you something you deserve after you saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon and Discord.” Shredder said.

“I’m not one of those ponies that used the element’s.”

“What!?” they both said shocked. They looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Yea. Basically all the other ponies used the elements except her.” she said.

“My sister Applejack is the real Element of Honesty.”

“Darn, why couldn’t she attend...?”.

“She never told us.” Rainbow Dash said swiftly. She didn’t want them to feel insulted by saying Applejack hated their music.

“Well at least we got to meet the others.” Thrash said kindly.

“And we gave you a night to remember.” Shredder said.

“You bet you did.” Applebloom said.

They all laughed.

Twilight had planned to stay with her parents that night for a visit while her friends took the train ride back to Ponyville.

Fluttershy and Rarity walked little Applebloom home. The time was 11:47pm when they arrived and she was shocked to see the lights in her house were on.

She entered the house and saw Applejack and Big Macintosh playing go fish, while Granny Smith slept in her rocking chair.

“Hey everypony! I’m back!” Applebloom said as she entered, waking Granny Smith in the process.

“Well she’s home now Big Mac! I’m going to bed now. I need to get up early to harvest the rest of the apples!” said a pouty Applejack as she left the table and marched upstairs. They heard the sound of her door slamming.

“What’s up with her?”

“She don’t like staying up late because it causes her to sleep in.” said Big Macintosh. “I wanted some company while we waited for you to get home safely, so I made her stay up. Did you have a great time at that rock concert.”

“Yea! I got to meet the band and everything.”

“That’s good.”

“Yea. We were all still bummed that she didn’t come. Heck Shining Armor and the princess were concerned about why she wasn’t there. Honestly she needs to have fun and stop working for a day.”

“Eeeyup. That’s why we got a plan.”

Applebloom was confused. She looked at Granny Smith who held up an object in front of her face.

“You guys didn’t?” said Applebloom as she gave a clever smile.

“It was all Granny Smiths idea.” Big Macintosh continued. “Our sister is in for a big surprise tomorrow. Eeeyup.”




Author's Note:

Twilight and her friends travel to Canterlot to see Blank Flank's concert. They even get a chance to meet the band personally.

Story by EV B

(Part 1)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-UJQkHyupk
(Part 2)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoQC4nXSUXg
(Part 3)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFaBxNC3iDQ
