• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 1,101 Views, 12 Comments

The Farmer and The Rocker - mibevan

A romantic love story story between Applejack, the farmer of Ponyville's Sweet Apple Acres, and Thrash Trotter, lead vocalist of popular rock band Blank Flank.

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Chapter 1- Blank Flank?

Chapter 1
Blank Flank?

It was a hot Thursday afternoon in Ponyville; mostly at Sweet Apple Acres. Springtime always brought the hottest days to the farm since it was far away from society. Nevertheless the Apple Family was always working.

Applejack tended to ignore it as she worked. She knew that working hard could pay off, whether it involved making money for the family, or building up more and more strength in her apple-bucks. Of all the other members of the Apple family, she was the one that worked the hardest and it was something she was very proud of.

Today she was teaching her younger sister, Applebloom, how to buck apples off the trees. She wasn’t really that interested. She would rather be out trying to get her cutie-mark with her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“...So aim at the center of the trunk to get most of the apples off the branches.” Applejack said as she positioned herself next to the tree. Applebloom pretended to be interested.

“Yea.”, Applebloom said lazily.

“If you can’t reach the center then try and make your mark as high as you can.”


“Then put all your strength into your hind legs and...”


Applejack stopped and noticed how uninterested her sister was.

“Applebloom, how do you think you're going to harvest apples for the family if you can’t learn how to buck the trees properly?”

“You turn around, kick the tree, and the apples fall down. What’s so professional about it?”

“It takes more than just kicking a tree. You need strength, a strong will, and lots of practice.”

“Big Macintosh said that all you do is kick the tree and put the apples in the bucket. Heck he even taught me personally and I did fine.”

“Well that’s our brother’s way, I am trying to teach you the proper way to harvest.”

“And the difference is...?”

“Just get over here and show me what you can do.”

Applebloom slowly trotted to the front of the tree and gave it a good buck. Within seconds, all the apples fell to the ground, not a single one left behind. Applejack inspected her sister’s work from top to bottom.

“There see? Every apple hit the ground. Now can I go?”

“Not quite sis. Your apples landed too far into the sun. You need keep them closer into the shade to keep them cool. Here let me show you again”

“Applejack,” Applebloom whined, “Why are you making me do this!? My apple-bucking is just fine!”

“I just want to teach you how to do it properly.”

Applebloom gave an annoyed shrug.

“Listen Applejack; either the heat has gone to your head, or you’re overworking yourself. Big Mac and I think you need to get out more. Not just during the weekends.”

“The weekdays are the most important days to harvest apples. I give my equal share of work and play, just like you do with school.” Applejack said. “You need to learn to do the same so when you get out of school, you'll be as hardworking as I am.”

“Applejack I’m on a two week spring break. Learning is something that I'm trying to avoid at the moment. I’ve spent the last five days doing this.”

“And it will be worth it. Now, I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your spring break. However, even though there are things in life that you don't want to do, you can’t turn them down.”

“But Appleja-”

“No ‘buts’ Applebloom! Now let's try it again. This time aim a little higher...”

“APPLEJACK!” shouted an approaching voice in the distance. Applejack turned to see Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rarity trotting towards them.

“Hey girls,” Applejack said kindly.

“Hay Applejack,” said Twilight with a smile. “What are you doing?”

“ I’m teachin’ Applebloom here how to professionally harvest apples.”

“But isn’t she supposed to be on spring vacation?” asked Rarity.

“Yes, she decided to spend it learning how to harvest from a professional.”

“I did not...!” exclaimed Applebloom before being interrupted by her sister.

“Hush Applebloom. I’ll get back to teaching you in a minute. Just go take a water break or something.”
Applebloom grunted as she took a drink from the bottled water she had set down on a stump.

“Oooook then,” said Rarity. “It may not be the way I’d spend a vacation, but it's her break.”

“Personally, I find it fascinating that she’s spending her time learning something new,” Twilight said. “Anyway, Applejack you won’t...”

“What are y'all wearing around your necks?” Applejack asked after noticing that they were all wearing a lanyard with a dangling tag.

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Princess Celestia sent these to us.”

Fluttershy floated forward gripping her tag tight in her hooves to show it to Applejack. "She's given Ponyville a reward for all our hard work during Winter Wrap Up. We got these personally for making sure it turned out nice and organized this year.”

“Well what did she send us?”

“Applejack can’t you read the tag? These are backstage passes for Blank Flank.”

Hearing this, Applebloom choked on the water for a moment. “Blank Flank?! You're going to see Blank Flank?!"
Rarity squealed with excitement. “OOOOOO! We've been invited to the first concert of their world tour for their newest album!”

“Poison Ponies?! I have been waiting to buy that album for months...!”

“Who's Blank Flank?” a confused Applejack asked.

All the ponies stared at her like she was crazy.

“Applejack...WHAT!?” asked Rarity.

“You don’t know who Blank Flank is?” Fluttershy said softly. ”I mean...not that it’s a problem...”

Twilight stepped in. “Applejack Blank Flank is a rock band composed of six ponies in their mid and early twenties that have been beloved for like four years now.”

“Rock music?” Applejack chuckled. “Applebloom I can understand, but you three being rock fans I kinda find hard to believe. I always thought you and Rarity liked instrumental music, and Fluttershy preferred the chirps from her birds...Uh, no offence.”

“None taken,” Fluttershy Said. “I actually do prefer the sweet soft whistling of my bird’s then any music. But when I first heard Blank Flank I just got hooked instantly!”

Everypony looked at Fluttershy as her tone changed.

“Well... I did keep the volume low when I heard their music.”

“Oh I remember when they first came out on my last year of high school.” Rarity fantasized. “I remember hearing everypony talk about how much they loved the band and I had no idea what they were talking about. I was too busy with my dressmaking that I wasn’t, how you say, ‘in with the in-crowd’. So my friend let me borrow a copy of their first album, ‘Sickness for Rock’. When I heard their song ‘War Colts’ for the first time, I just wanted to hear more.”

“Wow. And this is coming from Rarity,” said Twilight.

“I suppose you went to a concert too,” Applebloom joked. The other ponies laughed. They knew Rarity was too classy for a loud intense rock concert.

“I did,” she stated. All the ponies stopped laughing. “I was vacationing in Fillydelphia at the time and they were in town so I went. I didn’t stay long though. The moment they came out and started playing I may have gotten a bit rough on the other ponies blocking my view. So security threw me out.”

All the ponies, including Applejack, were shocked at Rarity’s story that their mouths hung open.

“At least I saw them in person. I always envied Whiplash's mane. And I used to write love letters to their keyboard Player, Ludwig Slide. Oooooh, out of all the pegasus in the world, he was the center of all my romantic fantasies,” she admitted, blushing.

“I prefer Rush Lee, the bassist. He’s much more calm and collected when he performs,” Fluttershy added.

“Shining Armor actually went to school with Whiplash. She’s from Canterlot you know,” Twilight informed the group.

“You’re kidding?!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Yup. I always admired her, Rush, and Snap the drummer. The magic those three unicorns perform create amazing effects during their concerts.”

“You three are just bein’ silly fillies now,” chuckled Applejack.

Well you haven’t even heard about the two most beloved members of the band,” said Applebloom. “Their lead guitarist, Shredder; no pony can play better rock music then him. He’s the greatest electric guitarist ever. That riff he plays to open ‘Sweet Colt O’ Mine’ is just like Celestia raising the sun; amazing. That’s why he’s my all-time favorite.”

“I’m guessing that’s the song you play over and over in your room every night?”

“Duh! It’s my favorite song!”

“Mm-hmm, who’s the other member?”

Each Pony Giggled as they spoke at the same time. “Thrash Trotter!”
Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“He’s the youngest member of the group. They say his singing voice is so powerful that it can be heard for miles,” Fluttershy said.

“While living in Fillydelphia, he learned how to do amazing acrobatics. Thus making him famous for performing unbelievable stunts on stage while performing,” Applebloom Said.

“Well ain't that mighty interesting,” said a not so impressed Applejack.

“Yea. We may even get to meet them in person.” said Rarity.

“Here, take your pass. The concert is tomorrow.” Twilight said handing the pass to Applejack.

“I’ll pass. I’m not so much of a rock fan. And I’ve got work to do tomorrow.”

“Oh, common. Get Big Macintosh to cover for you. It’ll be fun.”

“Well, I’m not so familiar with their music."

She then looked at her little sister who was shocked that she turned down the ticket.

“Tell you what. Applebloom seems mighty jealous of you three. So why not just give my pass to her,” she said with a smile. She walked to the red barn to fetch some pales for the apples.

“Applejack that’s mighty nice of you,” said Applebloom. “But you should go. You’ll have fun. I know you...”
Applejack didn’t respond. She just went into the barn to fetch her pails.

“Well, I guess I’m going to the concert with you after all. I hope you’re okay with that.”

“Better then wasting a ticket at least,” Twilight said. “Still, I wish she would come.”

“What pony doesn’t like rock?” Rarity asked. “I mean, I’ve heard that the members of this band are very sophisticated ponies.”

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle and her friends run to Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack that Princess Celestia has sent 6 backstage passes to the Blank Flank concert in Canterlot. But Applejack has no idea who they are talking about.

Story by EV B
Edited by Lolli

