> The Farmer and The Rocker > by mibevan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Blank Flank, Let me start by saying congratulations on completing your fifth album. Everyone in Equestria enjoys your music, and after hearing it myself I can see why. The reason I am sending you this letter is because I heard that you were about to start a new tour to promote the new album, Poison Ponies if I’m not mistaken. After seeing your past live performances with my magic I would gladly request that you start your tour in Equestria. I will help fund this tour if you start here in Canterlot, followed by Cloudsdale, and finally Ponyville. You'd be performing in front of an audience of ponies that want to see you. I just want to give my little ponies something that they deserve after working so very hard during this year’s Winter Wrap Up, and I feel that your music is something that they deserve. Let me know if you were interested. I promise that you won’t regret it. Yours, Princess Celestia Dear Princess Celestia: As both the bands bassist and manager, I took the liberty of discussing your offer with the others. Now when this sort of thing comes up we like each of us have a say. And this is what each of us said. “Oh yea! A new place to explore and a new audience to entertain. Definitely count me in.” -Thrash Trotter “Let’s give our fans something they love and deserve.” -Shredder “As a former resident of Canterlot, I would love to perform in front of those that I know and love. I’m coming home everypony, and I’m bringing some friends!" -Sunday "Whiplash" Glitters “Finally a chance to perform in front of royalty. I cannot turn that down.” - Ludwig Slide “Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and a lying no." - Snap Draw We’ll see you next month in Canterlot. Just send me the details and thank you for starting us off on a new tour. Yours, Rush My faithful student Twilight Sparkle: I have agreed to help fund the tour of a rock band that is well known throughout the world. They will be starting this tour here in Canterlot, followed by Cloudsdale, and then Ponyville, after that they will continue throughout the rest of Equestria and then the rest of the world. I wanted to give my subjects a little reward for the hard work that they put into this year’s Winter Wrap Up. Seeing how much I know you and your friends like music, I’m including six backstage passes for you and 5 other friends. I think the band would enjoy meeting one, or all six of the ponies that wielded the Elements Of Harmony. Especially since one of their songs is about you and your friends saving Equestria from Discord. Oh I almost forgot to tell you the name of the band. It consists of six members total. They go by the name Blank Flank. The concert is three days from now. Hope to see you there. Yours, Princess Celestia > Chapter 1- Blank Flank? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Blank Flank? It was a hot Thursday afternoon in Ponyville; mostly at Sweet Apple Acres. Springtime always brought the hottest days to the farm since it was far away from society. Nevertheless the Apple Family was always working. Applejack tended to ignore it as she worked. She knew that working hard could pay off, whether it involved making money for the family, or building up more and more strength in her apple-bucks. Of all the other members of the Apple family, she was the one that worked the hardest and it was something she was very proud of. Today she was teaching her younger sister, Applebloom, how to buck apples off the trees. She wasn’t really that interested. She would rather be out trying to get her cutie-mark with her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “...So aim at the center of the trunk to get most of the apples off the branches.” Applejack said as she positioned herself next to the tree. Applebloom pretended to be interested. “Yea.”, Applebloom said lazily. “If you can’t reach the center then try and make your mark as high as you can.” “Yea.” “Then put all your strength into your hind legs and...” “Yea.” Applejack stopped and noticed how uninterested her sister was. “Applebloom, how do you think you're going to harvest apples for the family if you can’t learn how to buck the trees properly?” “You turn around, kick the tree, and the apples fall down. What’s so professional about it?” “It takes more than just kicking a tree. You need strength, a strong will, and lots of practice.” “Big Macintosh said that all you do is kick the tree and put the apples in the bucket. Heck he even taught me personally and I did fine.” “Well that’s our brother’s way, I am trying to teach you the proper way to harvest.” “And the difference is...?” “Just get over here and show me what you can do.” Applebloom slowly trotted to the front of the tree and gave it a good buck. Within seconds, all the apples fell to the ground, not a single one left behind. Applejack inspected her sister’s work from top to bottom. “There see? Every apple hit the ground. Now can I go?” “Not quite sis. Your apples landed too far into the sun. You need keep them closer into the shade to keep them cool. Here let me show you again” “Applejack,” Applebloom whined, “Why are you making me do this!? My apple-bucking is just fine!” “I just want to teach you how to do it properly.” Applebloom gave an annoyed shrug. “Listen Applejack; either the heat has gone to your head, or you’re overworking yourself. Big Mac and I think you need to get out more. Not just during the weekends.” “The weekdays are the most important days to harvest apples. I give my equal share of work and play, just like you do with school.” Applejack said. “You need to learn to do the same so when you get out of school, you'll be as hardworking as I am.” “Applejack I’m on a two week spring break. Learning is something that I'm trying to avoid at the moment. I’ve spent the last five days doing this.” “And it will be worth it. Now, I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your spring break. However, even though there are things in life that you don't want to do, you can’t turn them down.” “But Appleja-” “No ‘buts’ Applebloom! Now let's try it again. This time aim a little higher...” “APPLEJACK!” shouted an approaching voice in the distance. Applejack turned to see Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rarity trotting towards them. “Hey girls,” Applejack said kindly. “Hay Applejack,” said Twilight with a smile. “What are you doing?” “ I’m teachin’ Applebloom here how to professionally harvest apples.” “But isn’t she supposed to be on spring vacation?” asked Rarity. “Yes, she decided to spend it learning how to harvest from a professional.” “I did not...!” exclaimed Applebloom before being interrupted by her sister. “Hush Applebloom. I’ll get back to teaching you in a minute. Just go take a water break or something.” Applebloom grunted as she took a drink from the bottled water she had set down on a stump. “Oooook then,” said Rarity. “It may not be the way I’d spend a vacation, but it's her break.” “Personally, I find it fascinating that she’s spending her time learning something new,” Twilight said. “Anyway, Applejack you won’t...” “What are y'all wearing around your necks?” Applejack asked after noticing that they were all wearing a lanyard with a dangling tag. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Princess Celestia sent these to us.” Fluttershy floated forward gripping her tag tight in her hooves to show it to Applejack. "She's given Ponyville a reward for all our hard work during Winter Wrap Up. We got these personally for making sure it turned out nice and organized this year.” “Well what did she send us?” “Applejack can’t you read the tag? These are backstage passes for Blank Flank.” Hearing this, Applebloom choked on the water for a moment. “Blank Flank?! You're going to see Blank Flank?!" Rarity squealed with excitement. “OOOOOO! We've been invited to the first concert of their world tour for their newest album!” “Poison Ponies?! I have been waiting to buy that album for months...!” “Who's Blank Flank?” a confused Applejack asked. All the ponies stared at her like she was crazy. “Applejack...WHAT!?” asked Rarity. “You don’t know who Blank Flank is?” Fluttershy said softly. ”I mean...not that it’s a problem...” Twilight stepped in. “Applejack Blank Flank is a rock band composed of six ponies in their mid and early twenties that have been beloved for like four years now.” “Rock music?” Applejack chuckled. “Applebloom I can understand, but you three being rock fans I kinda find hard to believe. I always thought you and Rarity liked instrumental music, and Fluttershy preferred the chirps from her birds...Uh, no offence.” “None taken,” Fluttershy Said. “I actually do prefer the sweet soft whistling of my bird’s then any music. But when I first heard Blank Flank I just got hooked instantly!” Everypony looked at Fluttershy as her tone changed. “Well... I did keep the volume low when I heard their music.” “Oh I remember when they first came out on my last year of high school.” Rarity fantasized. “I remember hearing everypony talk about how much they loved the band and I had no idea what they were talking about. I was too busy with my dressmaking that I wasn’t, how you say, ‘in with the in-crowd’. So my friend let me borrow a copy of their first album, ‘Sickness for Rock’. When I heard their song ‘War Colts’ for the first time, I just wanted to hear more.” “Wow. And this is coming from Rarity,” said Twilight. “I suppose you went to a concert too,” Applebloom joked. The other ponies laughed. They knew Rarity was too classy for a loud intense rock concert. “I did,” she stated. All the ponies stopped laughing. “I was vacationing in Fillydelphia at the time and they were in town so I went. I didn’t stay long though. The moment they came out and started playing I may have gotten a bit rough on the other ponies blocking my view. So security threw me out.” All the ponies, including Applejack, were shocked at Rarity’s story that their mouths hung open. “At least I saw them in person. I always envied Whiplash's mane. And I used to write love letters to their keyboard Player, Ludwig Slide. Oooooh, out of all the pegasus in the world, he was the center of all my romantic fantasies,” she admitted, blushing. “I prefer Rush Lee, the bassist. He’s much more calm and collected when he performs,” Fluttershy added. “Shining Armor actually went to school with Whiplash. She’s from Canterlot you know,” Twilight informed the group. “You’re kidding?!” Rarity exclaimed. “Yup. I always admired her, Rush, and Snap the drummer. The magic those three unicorns perform create amazing effects during their concerts.” “You three are just bein’ silly fillies now,” chuckled Applejack. “Well you haven’t even heard about the two most beloved members of the band,” said Applebloom. “Their lead guitarist, Shredder; no pony can play better rock music then him. He’s the greatest electric guitarist ever. That riff he plays to open ‘Sweet Colt O’ Mine’ is just like Celestia raising the sun; amazing. That’s why he’s my all-time favorite.” “I’m guessing that’s the song you play over and over in your room every night?” “Duh! It’s my favorite song!” “Mm-hmm, who’s the other member?” Each Pony Giggled as they spoke at the same time. “Thrash Trotter!” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “He’s the youngest member of the group. They say his singing voice is so powerful that it can be heard for miles,” Fluttershy said. “While living in Fillydelphia, he learned how to do amazing acrobatics. Thus making him famous for performing unbelievable stunts on stage while performing,” Applebloom Said. “Well ain't that mighty interesting,” said a not so impressed Applejack. “Yea. We may even get to meet them in person.” said Rarity. “Here, take your pass. The concert is tomorrow.” Twilight said handing the pass to Applejack. “I’ll pass. I’m not so much of a rock fan. And I’ve got work to do tomorrow.” “Oh, common. Get Big Macintosh to cover for you. It’ll be fun.” “Well, I’m not so familiar with their music." She then looked at her little sister who was shocked that she turned down the ticket. “Tell you what. Applebloom seems mighty jealous of you three. So why not just give my pass to her,” she said with a smile. She walked to the red barn to fetch some pales for the apples. “Applejack that’s mighty nice of you,” said Applebloom. “But you should go. You’ll have fun. I know you...” Applejack didn’t respond. She just went into the barn to fetch her pails. “Well, I guess I’m going to the concert with you after all. I hope you’re okay with that.” “Better then wasting a ticket at least,” Twilight said. “Still, I wish she would come.” “What pony doesn’t like rock?” Rarity asked. “I mean, I’ve heard that the members of this band are very sophisticated ponies.” > Chapter 2- Meeting Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Meeting Celestia Rush was locked into his work that he didn’t’ notice the door to his room had opened. Thrash stood at the doorway watching him work in peace. He knew he didn't like to be disturbed while he’s working, but how can he resist the perfect opportunity. “Hey Rush.” He said. “What is it now Thrash?” Rush responded in an uncaring tone. “Are we there yet?” “No.” He paused. Rush could hear Whiplash and Snap giggling in the background. “...How about now?” “No.” “...Now?” “No!” “Now?” “NO!” “Now?” “NO!!” Rush was getting irritated. He was trying to plan out the concert and balance the funds for the band all day. He would have been done by now if it wasn’t for Thrash and the band constantly messing around with him. “Now?” “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!” Rush walked over and shut the door on Thrash’s face. He locked it tight so he could finish working with no more disruptions. Outside of his door, on the other hoof... “Ok Snap, commence the beats.” Thrash said, giggling with Whiplash. Snap walked forward with his drumsticks in hooves and started tapping on Rush’s door. “I swear to Celestia, I am going to take those drumsticks and use them ON YOUR FACES!!!” “Stop pretending that you know how to actually drum as well as me you drongo!” Snap responded in his Trotstrailian accent. Whiplash and Thrash fell on the floor laughing so hard that they started tearing. “He’s even terrible at threats.” Whiplash said under her breath. “Quick Snap, tap faster.” Commanded Thrash. Snap laughed as he went faster with his drumsticks on Rush’s door. The Three ponies laughed, but abruptly stopped when they heard the tumblers of the doorknob rattle. They all dashed down the hallway and into another room that they locked behind them. Rush galloped out of his room and started banging on the door they were behind. “Open this door so I can pop you all in the...!!!!” The door opened and Shredder stood at the doorway. His mane was messy and he had his reflector sunglasses on that Rush could himself in. He removed them revealing his blue eyes. “Rush, can I help you with something?” He said in a deeply relaxed voice. He sounded disturbed “Let me in that room Shredder!” “Why?” “So I can give those three ponies what for!” “...Rush your disturbing me during the time I practice. And there is nopony else in here besides me.” “Let me check!” “Allow me. Who are you looking for?” “Snap, Thrash, and Whiplash. WHO ELSE!?” “Alright.” Shredder turned around towards his room. “Snap, Thrash, Whiplash!?” All three ponies answered at once “Yes?” “Are you in my room?” “Nope.” said Whiplash. “I’m not in here!” Thrash said. “Be Lying of I said yes mate!” said Snap. Shredder turned back to Rush. “Well there you go. Now go away.” “But...!” Shredder shut the door in Rush’s face. “I HATE YOU SO MUCH, I’M GONNA...GONNA...AHHHHHH!” He waited until he heard the sound of his bedroom slam. Shredder approached the sofa opposite from his bed. He picked up his guitar and played a quick riff on it. He then paused and sighed. “You three are the most annoying thickheaded ponies I know.” The closet next to the beds opened and the three ponies fell on top of each other laughing like crazy. Their prank was successful. “Ok what should we do to him next?” asked Thrash. “You three aren’t doing anything.” Shredder said walking to a coffee maker that he started up. “Whiplash, Snap let me talk to Thrash alone. I would go get ready, we'll be there soon.” The two ponies left the room. Thrash fell on his bed that was next to Shredder’s. “You boiling the good stuff?” he asked his roommate. “Of course I am!” Shredder responded while pulling out a bag of hot chocolate mix. “Hey just asking.” “You’re my best friend Thrash, and I respect you very much. But you realize that Princess Celestia is a very important mare right?” “Yea I know. Raises the sun. Goddess...something, another thing, objects of harmony.” “Listen, we just can’t make fools of ourselves. This mare is kindly funding our tour. And despite you being the youngest, you need to stop acting like the out of control colt you are on and off stage.” “Would it annoy Rush if I did act like an out of control colt?” “Not just Rush, the whole band.” “I’m going to pretend you said yes to that and respond with the following; I don’t take requests.” He laughed as he put some headphones on and turned on some loud rock music. Shredder could hear the song and recognized it as “Iron Colt” by Black Saddle. Thrash sang the song out loud with his beautiful voice. Shredder set a glass of hot chocolate next to Thrash on a nightstand and picked up his guitar. He started playing the same song Thrash was singing. Eventually, Thrash sat up on the side of the bed and took off the headphones and started singing the lyrics to the song being played by Shredder. Thrash fell back onto the bed laughing and taking a drink of the hot chocolate. Shredder sat back on the couch and did the same. “Look bro. I understand how much this means to the band. To me this is like eating dinner. You eat with the family you can be as “manner less” as you want, but when out on a fancy dinner with a bunch of strangers, you act like a king.” “Fillydelphia was never kind to you was it” “That’s the city of brotherly love my friend. It was never kind to anypony.” “Here, here.” The two ponies clanged their cups against one another and they drank. The tour Carriage passed several buildings in the Canterlot area. Rush finally finished his work. He picked up his bass guitar and sat on his bed. He started strumming notes as he looked out the window. Suddenly something caught his eye. “Oh no.” He said to himself. He jumped off his bed and ran into the hallway. “Everypony, we have a problem!” All the members of the band poked their heads out the doors of their rooms. “Rush this better be good.” Slide said in his French accent. “You are disturbing my meditation.” Slide often did meditation to relax his mind. He claims that it helps him focus on his piano playing in order to give the audience a real show. “It’s not good, it’s terrible. Somepony put up posters for our concert!” All the ponies looked at each other. “That's not a bad thing.” “It is a bad thing. Now we're going to have a mob of fans waiting at the palace. We're gonna get be distracted from our schedule.” “Oh that reminds me,” said Thrash, “are we there yet?” The whole band giggled. “Laugh all you want, I am not going to end up behind schedule...” The Carriege came to an instant halt. “Canterlot Castle!” shouted one of the three drivers pulling the cart. “A simple yes would have been easier to say Rush.” Rush just shrugged and looked out the window. Thrash did the same in his room. He gave a huge smile at the large crowd of fans surrounding the sides of a red carpet path into the castle. Armored members of the Canterlot Royal Guard were lined up in front of the fans to hold them back when they exited. “YES! We got a welcome wagon.” he said, excited off his mind. “How much?” a8sked Snap at the door of his bedroom under the floor. “Enough to fill this whole carriage to capacity. Shredder do you have a spare marker on you? I lost mine.” Shredder finished packing his guitar case and tossed a black marker to Thrash. They proceeded their way to the door. Rush was worried stiff looking out the window. “Common Rush. So what if we get a little behind schedule? These ponies came to welcome us.” Whiplash said giving him a nudge with her hoof. A small group of unicorns came to the lower deck of the carriage to collect the other instruments that the band had packed for the tour. Using their magic, they lifted them onto a dolly and wheeled them to the stage through the back. The door to the carriage opened up and the sound of squealing fans was heard. Thrash and the band slipped some sunshades over their eyes. “Show time.” Snap said as they started their way out. The screaming fans became louder after they exited the carriage. The Guards had a hard time holding the fans back but they still were able to manage. They proceeded down the walkway behind an officer of the Royal Guard. Along the way they gave autographs and got a few pictures from fans and members of the press. Finally they made it inside the palace. They were led to the grand staircase. “The Princess will be with you in a moment.” said the officer as he left the room. Everypony, except Shredder, removed their glasses and looked around at the glorious decor and stained glass windows. “Fancy.” Thrash said. “Now remember to be respectful bow down to the Princess when she...” “We know what to do Rush!” shouted Shredder. “Can you go five minutes without acting like our mother?!” Rush just shrugged. All he wanted to do was make sure things turn out well with ABSOLUTELY no flaws. Princess Celestia entered the room. The whole band kneeled before her and rose. Rush trotted forward. “Dear Princess Celestia, as the manager of the band I would like to say that it is an absolute...” “Princess, as a former resident, let me say that it’s an honor to perform for you and the citizens of Canterlot.” Whiplash said gracefully as she interrupted Rush in mid-sentence. Celestia smiled at the vanilla colored unicorn. “Well it’s an honor to have you come here to perform.” She said kindly in her elegant voice. “Has the city not changed since you were last here?” “Not one bit. It feels so good to be home.” Whiplash said as she jumped in place with excitement. “Oh, please excuse me I haven’t introduced myself and the rest of the band.” Whiplash turned around introducing each pony. “I go by the name Whiplash, I am the oldest of the band and the rhythm guitarist. That is our fancy keyboardist from Vanhoover, Ludwig Slide.” “The pleasure, is all mine madam. Just call me Slide.” he said kneeling before the goddess. “Our gut busting drummer from Trotstrailia, Snap Draw.” “G’day, fair goddess Celestia.” Snap said. “The Second oldest and most beloved lead guitarist, Shredder.” “You’ll find out why soon enough.” Shredder said as he fixed his sunglasses. “And our youngest member, and agile vocalist, Thrash Trotter.” she said, skipping Rush in the line. “Ay!” shouted Rush. “I am also the comical one.” he said smiling with a squee. Whiplash looked back at Celestia. “He tells no lies.” Everypony, but Rush, chuckled. “But what about me...” “That’s Rush Lee. He plays bass and manages the band.” Whiplash said interrupting him again. Celestia smiled. “Well I’m happy to meet all of you. I’ve heard your music and I am really looking forward to seeing you perform.” “What times the show?” asked Snap. “8:30pm at night, tonight.” Rush and Celestia replied together. Celestia led the band down a long wide hallway. The carpet was red, and there were closed beverage stands in either side under stained glass windows. “You six will be performing in the concert hall.” The Princess said. “We hold our Hearts Warming Eve pageant in this room every year. There's enough room to hold up to 50,000 ponies. We have cleared it out to have it remodeled to your desire. That is what you requested, correct Rush?” “Yes, thank you Princess.” Rush said with a smile. “With all that space, based on the layout we can fit an additional 1,000 more. “That also makes more room for the fans to move around.” Shredder said. "Way to think.” “I try.” he said proudly with a smile. They continued walking until they got to a large white door. “This is the concert hall’s main entrance.” Celestia explained. “Your Instruments and other equipment will be waiting for you backstage, and the stage crew will be there to set everything up based on Rush’s designs. If you require anything, just ask one of the guards inside. Are there any questions?” Thrash raised his hoof like a school student in class “Oooo! Ooooo! I have one! Are there any museums or historic sights around here? I wanted to take a look around the town and...” “Thrash we are only here for one night.” Whiplash said. “The concert is in 12 and hours. We can’t schedule any side quests.” “Awww.” Thrash moaned. “You could consider this castle one of the most historic places in this kingdom.” Celestia explained. “But now that you mention it, I almost forgot to mention that you will be having some very special Ponies backstage to watch the concert.” “How special?” Asked Slide. “I have invited my best pupil and her friends to attend the concert backstage. These ponies were the ones that wielded the Elements of Harmony to stop Discord and Nightmare Moon.” All members of the band gasped. Their mouths hung open. “Well I’ll leave you alone to prepare for tonight.” Celestia said passing the six frozen ponies. “...Rush?” said a squeaky voiced Whiplash. “On it. BAND HUDDLE!” he shouted and all six ponies huddled into a circle. “Ok. I had no idea that we would be meeting these six heroes, so I’m just as surprised as you. The ponies that inspired our song "Six Basic Elements" will be watching this show.” “We never performed that song live before.” said Slide. “We don’t have time to fit it in with the planned songs.” “It's ok.” Rush continued. “We'll follow through with what we already have planned. Even if we don’t play it we will still give them a performance they'll never forget. So lets get in there and practice like we never practiced before!” The band cheered as Rush opened the doors to the concert hall. The room was huge. The walls and balconies were made of a dark wooded material. The tiled floors were a dark grey and clear of the seats that were once attached to the floor. The balconies were lined with built in red velvet chairs. “This place is huge!” Shredder said as the band proceeded their way into the hall. As Thrash trailed behind the rest of the band, he felt a hoof tap him from behind. He turned to see that it was Princess Celestia. The band didn’t even notice her. “Thrash was it?” she asked. “Yes Princess.” he responded. “What did you mean by museums and historic sites?” “Well, I just enjoy exploring the places we visit. And I enjoy museum’s most of all.” “You have a thing for them?” “I just enjoy the Culture, the art, the history, you name it. I guess you can say it’s just something I picked up along the way.” “Where are you having your next concert?” Thrash rubbed his head with his hoof, trying to recall the name. “I know the next concert is three days from tonight...and it takes place at.... I think it was called... Skysberg?” “Cloudsdale?” “That was it. Sorry my memories not so good. Guess that’s what I get for travelling everywhere.” he said with a smile. “Well below that city is going to be your third stop. It’s a town called Ponyville. When you get the chance, hit up that town. The museum is worth the wait.” “No fooling?” Thrash asked excited. Celestia nodded her head. “Alright! I’m so there. Thank you Princess Celestia.” He gave her a quick hug and ran into the concert hall. Celestia stood in place shaking her head and smiling. “It’s always the youngest one who’s most adventurous.” she said to herself as she walked away. “Ok, the Lighting is set on the board. Is the zip line secured!?” Rush asked Thrash from the balcony with a megaphone. “I’ve tested it nine times! It's functioning great and capable of supporting my weight!” Thrash shouted from the stage to Rush. “It still kind of makes me nervous! Will there be a safety net below me?!” “They didn’t already set it up?!” “Did you tell them to set it up?!” Rush stopped. “...Dear Celestia.” He grumbled to himself. “Can somepony please secure a safety net under the zip line for Thrash!?” Two white Pegasus ponies flew up to the highest balcony and started setting up a net. “At least I can tumble onto the stage like a boss if I don’t end up sliding onto the stage like a boss.” Thrash said to himself as he took a drink from a bottle of water. A yellow unicorn mare approached Thrash and tapped him in the back. “Mr. Trotter?” she asked. He turned and looked. “Please call me Thrash.” he said kindly with a smile. “You’re the stage manager, correct?” “Yes sir.” she responded with a nod. “My name is Honeycomb. I just wanted to say that we've finished padding the walls and ground for your stunt work. We thought you would enjoy a test run.” “Heck yea I would!” Thrash shouted happily dropping his water on ground. He leaped up towards the wall at the peak of his height. He grabbed a metal handle that was drilled into the structure, and swung back and fourth, till he flew forward and landed to the side of the drummer’s platform followed by a flip on stage. He picked up his bottled water and drank it some more. “I hereby dub that to be awesome. Good on yah, its perfect.” “That was amazing!" she said. “Where did you learn those stunts?” “Let’s just say Fillydelphia has some talented ponies hidden in certain places. If you find those places you can learn a lot.” “What?” “To simplify, that’s band secret.” “Oh, well ok. Oh, before I forget I have a son who enjoys your music. It’s his birthday tomorrow and I was wondering if you’d sign this CD.” She held out a copy of their fourth album, "Radiation". Thrash took it and looked at the back to see the picture of the band. Thrash noticed at how different they all looked back then. Whiplash had a shorter mane, Snap’s mane had its natural dark blond color and it was much more messy, and Rush’s glasses were darker. “Ah memories. I remember recording this Album last year. It was Whiplash's turn to choose the title and Rush became our manager.” “What happened to the old manager?” “Eh, it’s a long story. Anyway I’d love to sign this but I have a better Idea.” Thrash walked to the back. Honeycomb waited there for a few minutes and he returned with a copy of the new "Poison Ponies" album. “This is the new album, it won’t be released until next month. We autographed several to give to certain ponies we meet during the tour. Give this to your son. Tell him Thrash said hi.” he said with a smile and a wink. “Thank you. You are a very nice colt, you know that.” she stated accepting the gift and leaving to inspect the rest of the stage. Thrash stood there sighing to himself after what he did. “You know we have only 150 of those Cd’s.” Whiplash said from behind him. “Ah, we got plenty of those things. Heck we still have a ton of leftover from the last tour.” “Your gonna make Rush angry.” “I know.” “She is right about you. She kind of reminds me of your mother.” Thrash lifted his hoof and starred at the two gold bracelets dangling from them. “...A little.” “Well you should see what we got planned for tonight’s finale.” Whiplash handed Thrash a piece of paper that outlined a plan that they had for the finale. His eyes swept through it swiftly. He looked back up at Whiplash. “I need to see this to believe this!” “Ok lets get our first rehearsal through the whole show.” Rush said as he arrived on stage with his bass guitar hooked to an amp. “Everypony ready?” Each member got into position; Snap on the platform where his drums were set. Slides piano was to left on his own platform. Rush stood on the left of the stage while Whiplash stood behind Shredder on the right. Thrash walked up to the microphone in center stage to do the usual mic check. “Check 1, 2. Mic check, check. Checkidy check, check. Rush’s vest looks stupid check check.” he joked. The whole band giggled to themselves. “Sometimes I wonder why I haven’t quit yet.” Rush said to the band in his microphone. “We love you!” Said Whiplash on her microphone. Rush turned away, and smiled to himself. “I just can’t live without’em!” “OK LETS TAKE IT TO THE OPENER!” Thrash howled into his mic. “1...2...3...4!” PART 1 PART 2 > Chapter 3 - Canterlot Concert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Canterlot Concert Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applebloom got off the train they took from Ponyville. They were now in the busy city of Canterlot. “I thought we’d never get here!” Rainbow Dash whined. “I love a good train ride more then the next pony, but not when I’m being forced to play ISPY with Pinkie for the whole trip.” “Oh! That reminds me, I spy something yellow. Guess what it is.” Pinkie Pie said happily. “That’s strange, I’m sure Shinning Armor said he’d meet us here.” Twilight said as she looked for her brother. “Relax dear Twilight, we have two hours left until the concert.” said Rarity. “And has your brother ever let you down before?” “You mean other then that time he told me about his wedding at the last minute?” “Well...he had an excuse did he not?” “I just can’t believe we’re here in Canterlot.” Said Applebloom. "I keep forgetting you don't come here as often as we do.” Rarity said. “Well...yea. Usually I’m here for the Hearts Warming Eve pageant and never get a good look at the town.” “Twilight, isn’t that your brothers carriage over there?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight looked towards the road. An elegant white carriage stood there with two Pegasus ponies from the Canterlot Royal Guard next to it. “Without a doubt! Common!” Twilight shouted as the six ponies dashed towards the carriage. “Here’s to tonight.” Thrash said as he toasted a cup of hot chocolate with Whiplash and Snap. “So tell me, what did the Princess want with you?” Snap asked. “What do you mean?” Whiplash asked. “I saw the shela talking to him after we entered the concert hall. What was that all about?” “Ah, she was asking why I was curious if they had any museums around here is all.” Thrash explained before gulping down some more of his hot chocolate. “She told me about this museum in Ponyville. I may check it out tomorrow when I get the chance.” “You know what I heard?” Whiplash said. “That Unicorn that wielded the Element of Generosity owns a boutique in that same town. I may go check it out. I thought the band could use some new threads.” “None for me thanks, I like my outfit just fine.” Thrash objected. “What ever you say. What About you Snap? You must be getting tired of wearing your pajama’s on stage.” Thrash spat out his drink and fell back on Snap's bed laughing at the remark. Whiplash held her giggles back with her hoof. “Stop making fun of my look! I wear these threads as a tribute to Mr. Bill Star. The greatest drummer that ever lived.” Thrash held a hoof in the air. “All in favor of messing with Rush’s bass?” “AYE!” Whiplash and Snap said. “I can’t wait for this. I really hope they do “Sweet Colt O’ Mine”. That’s my favorite song.” said an excited Applebloom. “I just hope we get the chance to meet the band after.” Rarity said. “I’ve always wondered if Slide got any of the love notes I sent him when I was in highschool.” “So Twiley, why isn’t Applejack here?” Shining Armor asked his sister. “She was much more interested in getting her work done, so she stayed behind." she said. "She said she doesn't even like rock either.” “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day where somepony would say that.” “Tell me about it. I really wish you could come, I know how much you love the band.” “Just Promise me that if you meet Whiplash, tell her Shining Armor said hi.” He handed Twilight a photo of a bunch of ponies gathered around a bonfire in the woods located outside of Canterlot. “Show her this and see if she remembers that night.” “Was this back in highschool?” “Yea, We celebrated graduation with a bonfire in the woods. See, there’s me.” Shining Armor pointed to himself in the photo. He looked relatively the same only smaller and less buff. He was kneeling on a log waving at the photographer with a cup of cider in his other hoof. “And that’s Whiplash. Back then her name was Sunday Glitters.” Whiplash looked Different then she did today. She was sitting at the other end of the log with an acoustic guitar on her lap. Her mane and tail were shorter and had a light brown color. “Wow. She played guitar back then like she does today?” “Yah. she was always strumming that thing. Whenever we had a campout, school function, or party. She would always bring her guitar to entertain us. We all loved her music.” Twilight looked at the picture again. “Was she friends with Cadence?” “Oh yea, they were like sisters; always hang out with each other. She’s actually sitting next to her right there. I remember she used to sing to her music.” “WooHoo! We’re here!” Pinkie Pie said as they arrived outside the castle. Searchlights filled the skies and there was a large banner in the front with the text “Blank Flank: Poison Ponies Tour” written on it. They were greeted by some royal guards that were sent to lead them backstage. “Don’t worry bro, I’ll be sure to show her this if we see her.” Twilight said as she got off the carriage. “Thanks Twiley.” Shining Armor said as he drove off. The six ponies walked towards the castle entrance behind their escorts. “Alright! Who’s been messing with my bass!?” Rush shouted angrily under the stage with the rest of the band. “How should we know?” Whiplash said rolling her eyes. “It looks fine to me Rush.” Shredder said. “Open your eyes! It’s been un-adjusted!” “So readjust it. Honestly it takes like 5 minutes.” “Hey! When I perform live, I like to keep my things ready. Now it's not ready...!” “Shut up and adjust your instrument!” Slide shouted. “If you want to know real torture, ask monsieur Thrash. He stuck up on the balcony by himself with nopony to talk to. Knowing him he’s most likely bored right now.” “I am so bored right now.” Thrash said in his head. He was sitting in a chair behind a black curtain in a booth. Two guards were protecting him outside the booth. Above his head was the zip line. “It’s a full house and here I am at the highest point of the whole hall waiting for this thing to start. It's boring as a snail race.” He sighed. “What am I supposed to do for the next 10 minutes to entertain myself?” “I just hope we can get my program signed.” said a voice outside the curtain. Thrash peeked though the crack of the curtain and saw two teenage mares waiting for the show to start. “I mean if any member signed this, I would be the most popular pony in class.” “Well prey we can get an autograph from anypony in the band after the long trip it took to get up here.” her friend said. “Who cares. We still get to see the band either way.” the mare said setting down the program next to her seat in the aisle. “My friend, prepare to become popular because you just gave me something to do before my big entrance.” Thrash said in his head as he opened the black marker that he got from Shredder earlier that day. “I never thought we’d be this close to the stage!” Applebloom said after they were seated in comfortable chairs on the side of the stage. “Twilight, this is the greatest gift Celestia has given us since the tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Rarity said. “I just can’t wait!” “Hey Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie said “I am not playing another game of ISPY.” remarked a rather irritated Rainbow Dash “I heard Thrash and Shredder can do impressive stunts that make yours seem like nothing.” “Ha! When I see them do something better then the Sonic Rainboom, that’s when I’ll get jealous...But out of pure curiosity how good are their stunts.” she responded with worried concern. “Trust me you're in for a big surprise.” said an unfamiliar voice. They looked to see a yellow Unicorn wearing a headset. “Who are you?” Fluttershy asked. “Stage manager for the concert. The names Honeycomb. I’ve been working with the band all day, and let me tell you, you’re going to have a blast. Heck you might even get to meet Thrash during the show. You see that cart?” She pointed at a grey cart that had bottled waters, fruit, and towels on it. “He will stop at one point during the show to get a drink. If your lucky, he'll sit down in that seat next to the the filly here. We set it up just for him.” Applebloom looked at the seat that had a reserved sign on it. “Alright Applebloom!” Twilight said. “Your gonna get to meet Thrash during the show.” “I gotta tell ya, he’s a really nice stallion.” The Unicorn said. “30 seconds till show time.” Rush announced. “Alright, lets kick off this tour and give them a show they’ll never forget.” Shredder said as he stepped on the platform that would lift him to the stage. Rush grabbed a radio from the staff pony next to him. “Thrash, You all set?” “Been waiting a long time for this.” Thrash said as he attached himself to the zip line. He slipped a wireless microphone on his belt to use when he landed. “Look! There’s the princess in the balcony!” Twilight said as she pointed at the balcony on the opposite side. The lights went off and the fans got louder. “Oh no! I’m afraid of the dark!” Fluttershy panicked. Three large screens above the stage displayed white static. A distorted note from an electric guitar played as it turned into a dark venomous green. The static faded out to reveal the band logo, causing the whole room to explode with screams. The six ponies backstage were also cheering in their seats. The audience started chanting the bands name. “Time to rock.” Shredder said. The band was raised onto the dark stage. Thrash reached under the curtain and grabbed the program next to the seat. “Mares and stallions of Canterlot!” Said a voice on the speakers, ”Direct from Fillydelphia, kicking off their tour for the new album “Poison Ponies”, we give you, BLAAAAAANK FLAAAAANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The audience went wild as the beam of a red spotlight fell on Shredder playing an opening riff. Mares screamed with delight. Applebloom jumped from her seat and doing the same. A pinkish red spotlight revealed Whiplash behind him as she strummed her double-neck electric guitar. Rush was then revealed followed by Slide on his Piano. Rarity jumped and screamed so loud when he came into view. Snap was then revealed lightly tapping on the cymbals of his drum set. The lights then started flashing to the rhythm, as the song started to build up. Back on the balcony, the two teenage mares were going wild in their seats. Then they noticed a figure next to them. They were surprised to see Thrash finishing his signature on the program and handing it to the mare. “Enjoy the show.” He said as he dashed to the end of the Balcony and leaped off letting the zipline brake his fall. He swiftly flew forward, detached the line from his belt, and slid on the stage. All the stage lights went on and they started with their new song "Welcome To The Forest". Thrash’s loud voice and incredible stage stunts made everypony in the audience scream with lust and enjoyment. He ran and jumped around the stage doing flips, jumps, and swings like a crazy energetic rubber monkey. Shredder glided to the center of the stage next to his friend to perform his guitar solo, all while assisting the earth pony with his stunt work. The song ended with Rush, Whiplash, and Snap using their magic to create an explosion of fireworks mixed with laser lights. The audience applauded them. “Canterlot!” Thrash shouted. “How’s everypony doing out there?” The audience yelled with excitement. Whiplash jumped and waved to the citizens of her former home. “You all ready for the night you'll never forget?!” The crowd wailed even louder. “In that case here’s a number off the new album! It’s called "Mare of the Moon".” The moment Thrash said the name of the song the audience yelled louder One hour had passed and Applebloom, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were still as energetic as they were when the concert started. Rainbow Dash was having fun and was actually impressed with the stunt work. Twilight and Fluttershy were too exhausted to cheer and decided to sit and watch the show until their energy was replenished. Thrash and Whiplash just finished up their duel to one of their old songs called “9 Lives”. The audience loved the performance as it ended with a chord being held by Shredder. Thrash stepped back up to the microphone. “Give it up for the band everypony!” He stepped off stage to take a break while the band continued with an instrumental number entitled “Bloody Horseshoes”. Thrash approached the cart, wiped his sweaty head with a cold rag, and took a long drink of water. Twilight noticed he was there and tapped Applebloom in the back. “He’s here.” She whispered into the filly’s ear Applebloom was excited, yet nervous at the same time. She had no idea what to say to him. Thrash chomped down a red apple and then noticed the six backstage guests. He was really looking forward to meeting these particular ponies so he took his seat next to them. Applebloom was absolutely speechless. Thrash Trotter, THE LEAD SINGINGER OF BLANK FLANK, was sitting next to her. “Sweet Celestia this takes a lot out of you. Still, you got to love the music these guys can dish out, am I right?” he said attempting to make a conversation. “How rude of me, my friends call me Thrash. You enjoying the show?” He held out a hoof towards Applebloom. She kindly shook it and nodded her head. “I absolutely love your voice!” Fluttershy said. “Thank you very much. I like yours too, ever thought of a career?” She blushed. “What is this song anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked “A small number we made called Bloody Horseshoe’s. It gives the band some glory without me getting in the way. It was actually written by Shredder, Rush, and Slide...” “He is so creative!” Rarity shouted as she eyeballed Slide. Thrash stared at the love struck unicorn. “What’s her deal?” “You don’t wanna know.” said Twilight. “Oh! This is awesome! Watch Snap!” The band came to an abrupt stop. Snap then used his unicorn magic to levitate 12 drumsticks in the air, each for a drum. He stuffed the two sticks he was already using in his belt and sat there with his hooves crossed and a smile on his face as he watched the Audience cheer. His sticks were playing a rapid paced drum solo all on their own. He rose from his seat and walked to the front of the drum set to get a drink from a bottle of water on the platform. No matter where he moved the sticks kept playing. The band and the six ponies backstage watched him as he walked off stage to the food cart. He grabbed an apple and chomped it down as he walked back to his seat behind the drum set. He sat down and watched his sticks drum on their own for about 15 more seconds. He threw the apple core behind him, stopped his sticks in midair, took out his own, and hit a drum once. All the other levitating sticks flew into the crowd where everypony fought for one. The band continued playing. “That was the greatest thing I've ever seen. How did he do that?” Applebloom asked. “No Idea.” Thrash said. He stood up from his seat and shouted at the brown Unicorn. “You’re an animal Snap!” Snap looked at Thrash and winked with a smile. Appleblood stood on her seat. “I love you Shredder!” she yelled. Thrash looked at her and noticed that she didn’t have a cutie-mark. He was intrigued. The band ended their song and the audience cheered them on. “Time to wrap this up” said Thrash as he ran back on stage. He tossed his towel behind his shoulder and it landed on Fluttershy. She hugged it tight like one of her woodland critter friends. Thrash walked back to the microphone. “Alright!! Now we’re gonna finish up this night with one more song. But before we play I just wanna say that we love you all and that we are honored to perform in front of Princess Celestia.” The Audience applauded for the princess on the balcony as she stood up to face her subjects. “I’d like to dedicate this song to a special filly I just met back stage. Keep searching, and enjoy the adventure until you find your mark” That crowd exploded when Shredder walked up behind Thrash and spread out his wings to their full extent. He then began to ascend after starting his guitar riff for the song “Sweet Colt O’ Mine”. The moment Appelbloom heard the opening riff, her eyes got wider and a large smile filled her face. Thrash grabbed onto Shredders legs and he pulled him high above the stage. The rest of the band eventually continued into the song. Some time later Thrash let go of Shredder and fell 10 feet to the ground and landed softly on a mat. He ran to the microphone and started singing. “Can you believe it Applebloom!?” said an excited Pinkie Pie. “They’re singing your favorite song, for you!” Applebloom said nothing. She just stayed frozen with a smile on her face. “Helloooo?! Earth To Applebloom!” Pinkie tapped her, but she made no response. “Don’t spoil her moment Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “She looks just like me when I saw the Wonderbolts perform for the first time!” “Common, let me hear those hoofs Canterlot! COMMON!” Thrash shouted as her lead the audience to stomp to the rhythm of the song. Rush, Whiplash, and Snap used their magic to produce more fireworks that exploded in the air around Shredder. The three ponies looked at each other and nodded with smiles. Shredder was nearing his big solo. “Is it just me, or are these special effects getting way too close to Shredder?” said a concerned Twilight. “HA!” chuckled Honeycomb. “Just watch!” Whiplash, Snap, and Rush knew that it was time to unleash the thunder. As the music began build up, the three ponies zapped Shredder with their magic. Shredder illuminated like the sun, lighting up the whole room. His small black wings had formed into large white eagle wings. The crowd exploded with screams and started jumping with amusement as they watched the Pegasus wail on his electric guitar like crazy. “Dear Celestia!” said Twilight. “A wing spell?” “You bet your rump it is.” said the stage manager “Twilight didn’t you use that same spell on me when we went to Cloudsdale?” Rarity asked. “Those look nothing like those colorful butterfly wings you had before.” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Well they've been experimenting with magic that could be used on the tour.” Honeycomb said. “And the best part about is that it isn’t even over yet.” All six ponies looked back at Shredder. Shredder flapped his majestic wings in the middle of his solo, sending thousands of feathers into the audience. He started descend as the spell reverted his wings to their original form. “A feather spell combined with a light wing spell.” Honeycomb continued. “The light magic makes the wings easily collapsible and quick to molt.” “Combining spells like that?” thought a rather intrigued Twilight. “Why didn’t I ever think of that?” Shredder flew down next to Thrash where they shared the mic to sing some back up vocals. Rush joined in followed by Whiplash. Thrash sang the rest of the song and Shredder ended the performance with an extended chord. Rush, Whiplash, and Snap Flooded the stage with fireworks with their magic, and stopped the moment Shredder's riff ended. Thrash ran up to the microphone. “THANK YOU CANTERLOT, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!” he shouted at the crowd. “We love you all! Thanks for coming!” The band set down their instruments and approached the front of the stage next to Thrash. They all gave a bow. “Thank you Canterlot. You have been a great crowd. Look out for the new album, get home safe, and good night!” The band exited on the opposite side of the stage. “That concert was so awesome!!!!” shouted Applebloom. “This was definitely worth the trip.” Twilight said. “I can see that you all had fun tonight.” said a familiar voice from behind. The ponies turned to see Princess Celestia standing there. “I have to say, I was very impressed with their performance.” “Thank very much for giving us these passes.” said Fluttershy. “Yes thank you!” said Rarity. “Thanks to you, I got to meet my highschool love.” “I’m just happy you all had a great time.” The Princess continued. “Now when the crowd leave they will be serving food in the banquet hall. If you want, you can stay and meet the band personally.” All the ponies gasped. “I MUST PREPARE!” shrieked Rarity, who bolted towards the nearest restroom she could find. “I’ll assume that would be a yes.” Celestia said. “I’m going to go check in with the folks back home.” said Applebloom. Fluttershy followed her, not wanting to leave the filly unsupervised. “Twilight, not that there’s a problem with this, but where’s Applejack?” “Kind of a long story.” said Twilight “In that case, Pinkie Pie where’s Applejack?” “She didn’t wanna come because she wanted to work rather then go out to see some band that she never heard of because she doesn’t like genre of music they play, but Applebloom does, so she gave her pass to her.” She said rapidly “Well I guess not all ponies can have the same interests. Still it’s a real shame that she couldn’t come. Especially after all that hard work she did clearing the fields from that big blizzard during the last Winter Wrap Up.” Celestia said trotting towards the banquet hall. Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash followed. For the last hour, the band, crew, and guests were walking around the banquet hall enjoying a variety of refreshments while socializing with one another. “Your kidding!?” Pinkie Pie said. “Nope. They aren’t their natural color.” said Thrash as he chomped on a slice of cake. “And how old were you?” “14 believe it or not. My eyes used to be brown.” “Why dye them red though?” “I don’t know. A lot of crazy things happened to me in high school. Then again you would probably know that already wouldn’t you?” “Actually I can’t remember any of it.” “No questions asked.” The two ponies shared a laugh. “Goodness!” Whiplash shouted as she looked at Twilights picture. “My mane was really that low? I mean really, best years of my life and I never let it go like the other mares did? I should have listened to Cadence.” “I think you looked just fine.” Twilight Sparkle said kindly. “Do you still own that guitar?” “Yea. It was my first. I don’t usually use it on stage though. It’s way too special for a big crowd.” “Why so quiet, it’s a party?” Rush said as he fixed himself a salad. “I’m not good with meeting new ponies.” Snap said. “I’m not the socializing type. I blame my shyness.” “Well be as boring as you want, it isn’t bugging me?” “Yea but you know what will?” “Huh?” “We hid your pillows on the bus again.” Rush kept as calm as he could. He did not want to look foolish at a gathering such as this. “If we weren't at this party I would give you what for.” He said as he trotted away. Snap laughed to himself. Fluttershy was on the other side of the table. “Why did you do that to him!?” she asked. “Ah, we didn’t hide them. We sold them as souvenirs.” “Yea well you don’t have to hate him. He didn't do anything to you...!” Snap stopped her with his hoof. “Whoa whoa whoa! We don’t hate Rush, he’s our mate.” “Then why would you...?” “We just like to play practical jokes on each other... mainly at Rush. Who are you anyway?” “Um...I’m uh...I’m...Well” Snap looked at the name on her backstage pass. “Fluttershy eh? The names Snap, Snap Draw.” He offered her a hoof, but she floated away nervously. Snap just shrugged. “Nice mare. Very shy.” “How long have you been her student anyway?” Whiplash asked Twilight. “Almost 10 years now.” She replied. “I’ve learned a lot of things from her. Were you also one of her students?” “No. I picked up magic throughout the years. Kind of like my guitar playing.” Slide trotted up behind Whiplash and tapped her on the back. “Pardon mesdemoiselles. I must borrow Whiplash for some important business.” “Excuse me.” she said as they stepped away towards the open area to talk. “And then I said, oatmeal are you crazy?” Pinkie Pie said as she rambled on to a bored and annoyed Thrash. “And so then we...OOOOO is that Rush over there?” she pointed towards Rush, who was dishing more dressing on his salad. Thrash smiled devilishly. “Why yes it is. You know, he'd love to hear these “hilarious” stories of yours.” Pinkie Pie ran to meet her new friend. “Oh thank Celestia!” Thrash said with relief. “Well, we’ve started the new adventure.” said Shredder. He handed Thrash a foam cup of hot chocolate. “How did you sneak that in...?” “I know somepony. Anyway tomorrow we hit Cloudsdale, the town of Pegasus ponies. You and the other wingless ponies are gonna need to be given the charm to walk on the clouds.” “Sweet.” Thrash said chugging down the drink. “Rarity.” Fluttershy said as she flew over to her friend. “Snap spoke to me and said my name...” “Shhh! He may hear you Fluttershy.” Rarity whispered as she eyeballed Slide on the other side of the room. “Ooooooh. Do you think he sees me? Is he talking about me?!” “Rarity he’s never met you.” “Oh, of course he hasn’t. What was I thinking? There's no way he’s talking about me?” “Do you know which mare is the dressmaker you were rambling about before the concert? I’m interested in seeing her designs. I grow tired of these old, how you like to say, threads.” “Oh she’s actually over there with that yellow Pegasus. Twilight pointed her out earlier.” Whiplash responded after noticing Rarity. They started their way towards them. “Oh no. They’re coming towards us. Quick Fluttershy, what do I do?” Rarity panicked. “Umm... stay and say hi?” Fluttershy suggested. “Of course. How does my mane look?” “Umm...” “Bonsoir mesdames.” Slide said in French. “My name is...” “Slide! I’m Rarity. I am your ultimate fan. I wrote you a ton of letters to you every day when I was in high school!” Rarity squeed like a young filly. Slide thought for a second. “Did you send me those beautiful poem’s that inspired my piano work?” “YES! I sent you love letters and poetry all the time. Each one defining my true feelings for you.” “Oh yea. Those helped too.” “EEEEEEE!” She squealed “Miss Rarity we heard you owned a boutique in Ponyville. We'd love to come by tomorrow to look for some new threads. You think you may have anything for us.” Whiplash asked. Rarity was speechless. “Yes! Yes, of course. I may have just what you're looking for.” “Great we’ll be there in the morning. Nice meeting you. And you to miss...” “Fluttershy.” Fluttershy greeted kindly. “And the pleasures all mine.” "Tell nopony that we are coming to your shop." Slide added. "If we get caught by fans we won't be able to shop in peace." They trotted away from the two ponies to go socialize some more. Rarity fainted to the floor, with a smile plastered on her face. "Somepony pinch me. I have to be dreaming." “Rainbow Dash will you come with me to meet Shredder,” Applebloom asked. ”I’m a little shy” “No problem kiddo. I was the same way when I first met Spitfire. Besides I wanted to ask Thrash where he learned his moves from.” They made their way to the table that Shredder and Thrash were standing next to. “Fans at three O’clock Thrash.” Shredder warned with a whisper. “We need to ditch the drinks. The last thing we want to do is become bad influences” Shredder threw his Hot Chocolate in the trashcan next to him while Thrash chugged down what ever he had left in the cup. “Never waste this stuff. It’s bad luck.” Thrash said. tossing his cup in the trashcan behind Shredder. Rainbow Dash and Applebloom approached the two stallions. “Well look who it is. Have you met my good friend Shredder?” Shredder removed his sunglasses revealing his blue eyes. “Hey.” he said in a cool low voice “Shredder this is that filly I dedicated the finale to.” “My names Applebloom. Thanks for performing my favorite song. I simply love your guitar skills.” she said with a smile. “Thanks. So you’re the filly with no mark?" Applebloom nodded and showed her flank. “Well just remember what Thrash said, enjoy the adventure and don’t let others bring you down.” He grabbed Thrash in a headlock. “My bro here never got his till he was 19, so don't think that your too old to not have one yet.” “Common let me go!” Thrash laughed. Shredder released him. “Thanks. My friends and I actually formed a club. We go around crusading for our cutie marks, doing all kinds of things everyday.” The two smiled at her. “And your name...?” Thrash asked. “Rainbow Dash.” she said. “I just wanted to ask where you learned all those cool stunts.” Thrash laughed. “Let’s just say Fillydelphia has some talented ponies hidden in certain places. If you find those places you can learn a lot.” “Huh?” “To simplify, that’s a band secret.” Rainbow Dash was confused. “It was a real honor to see you perform.” Applebloom said. “Well it was an even bigger honor to perform in front of the ponies that wielded the Elements Of Harmony. We wanted to give you something you deserve after you saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon and Discord.” Shredder said. “I’m not one of those ponies that used the element’s.” “What!?” they both said shocked. They looked at Rainbow Dash. “Yea. Basically all the other ponies used the elements except her.” she said. “My sister Applejack is the real Element of Honesty.” “Darn, why couldn’t she attend...?”. “She never told us.” Rainbow Dash said swiftly. She didn’t want them to feel insulted by saying Applejack hated their music. “Well at least we got to meet the others.” Thrash said kindly. “And we gave you a night to remember.” Shredder said. “You bet you did.” Applebloom said. They all laughed. Twilight had planned to stay with her parents that night for a visit while her friends took the train ride back to Ponyville. Fluttershy and Rarity walked little Applebloom home. The time was 11:47pm when they arrived and she was shocked to see the lights in her house were on. She entered the house and saw Applejack and Big Macintosh playing go fish, while Granny Smith slept in her rocking chair. “Hey everypony! I’m back!” Applebloom said as she entered, waking Granny Smith in the process. “Well she’s home now Big Mac! I’m going to bed now. I need to get up early to harvest the rest of the apples!” said a pouty Applejack as she left the table and marched upstairs. They heard the sound of her door slamming. “What’s up with her?” “She don’t like staying up late because it causes her to sleep in.” said Big Macintosh. “I wanted some company while we waited for you to get home safely, so I made her stay up. Did you have a great time at that rock concert.” “Yea! I got to meet the band and everything.” “That’s good.” “Yea. We were all still bummed that she didn’t come. Heck Shining Armor and the princess were concerned about why she wasn’t there. Honestly she needs to have fun and stop working for a day.” “Eeeyup. That’s why we got a plan.” Applebloom was confused. She looked at Granny Smith who held up an object in front of her face. “You guys didn’t?” said Applebloom as she gave a clever smile. “It was all Granny Smiths idea.” Big Macintosh continued. “Our sister is in for a big surprise tomorrow. Eeeyup.” PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 > Chapter 4 - A Hard Days Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 A Hard Days Off Applejack was sleeping peacefully in her bed, all relaxed and comfortable. The light from the sun hit her eyes causing her to wake up with a smile on her face. She stood up in bed and gave a long yawn. “What a long night.” she said to herself. “I shouldn’t have stayed up so late waiting for...Wait a minute, the sun never rises this early.” She looked at her nightstand and noticed her alarm clock was missing. “Dear Celestia, what time is it?!” She grabbed her hat, ran downstairs, and out the door. Applejack had never been late for anything, and she wasn’t intending to get off schedule today. She ran towards the barn and opened the door. All the apple pails that she had to fill were gone. Big Macintosh came trotting up from behind her. He was pulling a wagon full of hay to feed the farm animals. “Big Mac...I’m sorry...I got up late. My alarm clock was gone!” she said still catching her breath from all that running. “Eeeyup.” Big Macintosh responded. “Wait, where’s Applebloom?” “Out with her friends.” “What?!” “She’s enjoying her spring break AJ. And you’re going to do the same.” Applejack started piecing things together. “...Did you and Applebloom...?” “To be precise it was Granny Smiths idea. We took your alarm clock so you could sleep in and take the day off.” “But...But what about my chores..?.” “Leave all your chores to me. In the meantime your gonna spend the rest of the day off the farm.” “But it’s a weekday all my friends are busy.” “So make some new friends.” Applejack was shocked. “But I prefer being with my regular friends...” “The longer you stay here AJ, the longer you won't get your alarm clock back.” Applejack knew that she was beat. She trotted off to find something to do. Sweetie Bell was leaving Carousel Boutique with an angry scowl on her face. She managed to catch Applejacks attention as she approached her friends the dress shop. “Sweetie Bell is your sister home?” she asked “Don’t bother knocking on the door!” Sweetie Bell said angrily “Why not?” “She’s too busy to talk to anyone. She’s supposedly expecting “two special customers” to come by the shop today and she won't even tell me who they are.” “Is that why you’re so angry?” “No, I just came here for my yoyo. I wanted to try getting a cutie mark for professional yoyo tricks. But she wont let me in.” The filly trotted away. Applejack walked up to the door of the dress shop and knocked loudly with her hoof. “Rarity?” There was no answer. “RARITY ARE YOU THERE?!” Still no response. Applejack looked at the window of the shop. Hanging there was a sign that read “Sorry We Are Closed”. She turned around and decided to go see what Fluttershy was doing. She knocked on her door and waited. The door-opened half way and then fully. Fluttershy stood at the door. “Applejack? What brings you here?” “Big Mac covered for me today at the farm. He made me take the day off.” “Oh that’s good. You could use a day off after how hard you have worked.” “Yea.” They both stood there in silence for a few seconds. “Well you wanna do something?” “Oh...um... I can’t. I need to tend to my animals today.” “Oh.” “Yea...I hope your not mad. I have to care for my ducks. One of them is sick and...” “That’s ok. I’ll just go find Rainbow Dash.” “Ummmm.” “Let me guess. She’s busy to.” “Please don’t be mad...but yes. She had to make up for a storm that was supposed to hit Canterlot last night.” “Why am I not surprised?” Applejack said miserably “I’m sorry Applejack. All of us are usually busy on the weekdays, especially in the morning.” Applejack sighed and her ears dropped down as she turned away from the door. “I know, that’s what I tried to tell Big Mac.” She started walking away from Fluttershy’s cottage and made her way towards town. She walked all across the town alone. She could have went to go see Twilight, but she remembers Applebloom saying that she planned to stay with her parents in Canterlot for a few days before she went to the concert. And Pinkie Pie was always working on the weekdays till dusk at sugar cube corner. There was no way she was going to meet up with her anytime soon. She never did anything on her own before. She was always with her friends whenever she wasn't working. She wandered into a part of the town that she had hardly ever been to. It was on the far end of Ponyville, past the market place. She looked around and saw an empty cider bar that was open to the public. “Well, it seems like this is the closest I’m going to be getting to apples today.” She said trotting towards the barrel shaped building. Out of nowhere a taxi cart piloted by a Pegasus flew past her causing the hat to fly off her head. She was close to getting hit. “Watch where you’re going!” the driver shouted rudely. “Why don't you learn how to fly, you thick headed jerk!” She shouted back. She went over to fetch her hat, which landed in a puddle of water. She picked it up and shook it off. She then proceeded through the front door of the bar. “I guess this is that part of town where manners no longer exist.” She grumbled to herself. > Chapter 5 - Stage Setup > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Stage setup “For the last time, I don’t need any new clothes.” Thrash said to Whiplash, “The outfit I usually wear is fine.” Whiplash shrugged as she put on a black barret hat to match her outfit. The band had to wear special outfits to disguise themselves to not have any attention drawn towards themselves when they went out into the public. “You’re such a colt.” she said. “We're getting outfits made by The Element of Generosity for ponies sake. Why would you want continue wearing that same outfit to every concert, and not get the opportunity to have an outfit made by a famous mare?” “Let me spell it out for you. BLACK IS AWSOME. That and they were hoof stitched by my sister. She’s far more famous then anypony to me." “Well, who am I to disagree with that. I’m just saying though.” “Riiiiiiight. Anyway I’m wearing my “play clothes” today.” “Skipping out on stage setup?” “Nah. I’m leaving after.” “Oh before I forget!” Whiplash's horn began to glow, and she zapped Thrash's hooves. They it up for a few seconds but then faded to normal. “Only Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds. But this charm will give you the ability to move around Cloudsdale.“ “Sweet! What about the others...” “Already done.” “Ok so, who’s going with you to Ponyville?” “Just Slide.” “So I’m stuck here with Rush?” “Well you’ll also have Shredder and Snap.” “...So WE'RE stuck here with Rush?” “Well you can always join me...” “I’ll be at the stage.” Thrash left Whiplashes room. He’d rather be stuck with Rush then go clothes shopping. Whiplash just smiled and shook her head. It took three hours to program sound equipment, setup lighting, and prepare the instruments. Everything was moving faster then usual. It was a good thing they got some help from the stage crew. Pegasus ponies were able to work in high places thanks to their wings and move at incredible speed. The work was done in no time. “Testing one, two, three.” Thrash said as he tested the microphone. Snap stood near his drums tapping a cymbal he just screwed on to make sure it was set up right. Shredder sat on an amp off stage. He strummed his guitar since he wasn't really doing anything. Rush was inspecting everything on stage the stage manager following from behind. “Ok lights are set, Amplifiers are on and working...There’s got to be something else to prepare...” “There’s nothing else that needs to be prepared Rush!” Shredder shouted. “Stop acting so paranoid!” “Nonsense. If this concert is going to be good it needs to rise above a hundred percent.” “Yea?” Said Snap. “Well I’m "a hundred percent" going back to my room to write some new lyrics.” He strolled off the stage towards the exit door. “Leave if you want. I’m staying here to double the perfection.” He trotted off stage with the stage manager to check the sound...again. “Well I guess that ends our work for the day.” Thrash said putting on a red vest over his blue outfit. “I’m heading down to Ponyville to check out the scene. You in?” “Are you kidding?” Shredder said as he got up from the amp. “We were up all night at that party. I’m going to bed.” “Aw, common! How can you sleep when there’s so much to explore down there?” “No, you go ahead.” Shredder yawned as he walked towards the exit. “Shredder...” The sound of the door echoed in the arena. Thrash stood there alone. He trotted out the front as he put on his sunshades. He walked to a taxi sign and shook his hoof in the air. He didn't see a street, but he was pretty sure the sign would get him a taxi in some way. “What A bunch of Buzz kill’s.” he thought to himself. “I really wish they came with me. They don’t know what they are missing.” A taxi carriage pulled up next to Thrash and he sat in the seat. The yellow Pegasus pulling the carriage looked back at him. “Where to?” he asked. “Ponyville.” The driver blinked. “Yea? Where specifically in Ponyville?” “The Museum.” Thrash said. It was the only place he knew off hoof. “Ponyville museum it is.” He flew downwards. 10 minutes later, they arrived at a small village. Thrash looked out the side window. He saw the town residents trotting around the market area. Some were shopping, some were working, and others were just enjoying themselves. It kind of reminded him of Fillydelphia; a society of mixed ponies going through their daily lives. He just couldn’t wait. The cart then shook a bit nudging him towards the center of his seat. The driver turned his head and shouted. “Watch where you’re going!” He turned back to his flight path. “The thick headed ponies in this town. Why can’t they just pay attention to where they’re walking?” Thrash said nothing and just looked back out the window. The taxi arrived at a big white marble building. Thrash exited the cab and stared at it. “Wow this is bigger then I thought it would be.” he said. “Yeaaa, that will be 75 bits.” said the driver. He paid the driver wit a single large silver 100 bit-coin. The drivers eyes widened as he looked at it. “Keep the change.” Thrash said as he walked towards the museum. The driver stuffed it in his coat pocket and took off. “Nice stallion...yet very familiar.” he said to himself. Thrash ascended up a small flight of stairs and made his way towards the ticket booth. A light grey mare around her 50’s was sitting in the booth reading a magazine. She looked up and noticed that she had a customer. “How interesting.” she said with no care what-so-ever. “Somepony who isn’t dressed up fancy or on a field trip.” “How much is it to get in?” Thrash said with a smile. “6 bits.” “Not bad for an admission price. You must be really popular around here.” “Oh, you have no idea.” she said sarcastically. Thrash was too excited to notice. He paid the mare, got his ticket, and walked towards the entrance. “What a weirdo.” The mare thought to herself. He stepped into the building and didn’t even know where to start. The lobby divided the museum into different sections from science to history. So after some thought, he walked over to the art gallery. > Chapter 6 - And Then They Met > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 And Then They Met After spending two hours in the Ponyville museum, Thrash left feeling refreshed and filled wth knowledge. “Nothing like a good museum to start the adventure.” he said. “Now what’s a stallion gotta do to get a drink around here?” He looked around at his surroundings. He then realized he had no idea where he was. “This is exactly why I hate going out alone.” he grumbled to himself. He then saw another pony walking down the path towards him. A purple mare with a pinkish mane. She had a saddle bag filled to the top with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Her cutie mark had 3 happy sunflowers. Seeing that there was nopony else around, he ran towards her hoping to be pointed in the right direction. “Excuse me, I’m kind of new here. Where can I get something to drink that’s both cheap and refreshing?” The stranger stopped to think. “Well I don’t know about cheap, but there is a cider bar over there. I’ve only been there once but it had some decent beverages.” she said as she pointed towards a barrel shaped building. “Thank You Msssssssss....” “Cheerilee. It’s Cheerilee.” “Of course. Thank you Ms. Cheerilee” He started his way towards the cider bar. “Wait! Do I know you from somewhere? You seem familiar.” Thrash began to get nervous. If his cover was blown there goes his perfect day. He had to pull himself together if he wanted to get out of this situation. “Oh....no. Like I said, I’m not from around here. You must have me confused for somepony else” he said with a smile “Maybe your right . Sorry about that.” Ms. Cheerilee continued her way down the trail. He sighed with relief and proceeded towards the cider bar entrance. The room was dimly lit. There were wooden tables and chairs scatters throughout the circular room. There was only one customer sitting at the counter. Thrash proceeded his way to the counter and sat next to the stranger. Since there were no fans around to bug him he politely removed his sunglasses. Applejack looked at the white stallion that sat next to her. He was wearing a dark blue outfit with a red vest and his eyes were ruby red. She couldn’t recognize him at all. He clearly wasn’t from Ponyville. He looked really confused. Thrash had no Idea what to order. “What’ll it be?” said the chubby grey mule behind the counter. He didn’t seem happy, most likely because it was a slow day. At least he had no idea who he was serving so Thrash was still safe. He looked at the menu hanging above. He wasn’t in the mood for water, and was open to anything. He then noticed the wooden mug by the pony next to him. “I’ll have what he’s having.” he said. The mule left to get his beverage. The other pony perked up and looked at him. “Hey! What do you mean by what “he’s” having!? Do I look like a stallion to you!?” Thrash had no idea what he had said “I wasn’t being observant at that time...But to be honest you kinda have that stallion look...” “Well the nerve of you!” “I never got a look at your face is all.” “So your saying my face is the only thing that makes me look like the mare that I am? Then what about this mane and tail style? You ever seen a stallion wear that!?” “Yes. As a matter of fact I have.” Applejack thought he was trying to be smart with her. “Really? Yea right!” “No I'm serious. When you’ve been on the road as long as I have, you tend to see some really crazy things along the way.” The waiter set a wooden mug in front of him. “Three bits.” he said. Thrash paid him three bit coins, and went back to talking to the orange earth pony. “Then again, I’m not from here. So I don't know how the locals style themselves.” “Your still a jerk.” “Eh. I’ve been called worse.” Applejack just tried to ignore this stranger. He looked into the hot mug of brown liquid. He had no idea what he just ordered. He slowly dipped his hoof into it to stir in the flavoring. Applejack saw him repel quickly after he burnt his hoof in the hot apple cider. “What in tarnation are you doing!?” she asked “I wanted to stir it up a bit. Just to give it some more flavor.” “Can’t you see the steam? It’s obviously a hot beverage?” “I’ve seen cold items give a little fog. But then again I don’t even know what I ordered.” Applejack looked dumbfounded. “...Are you for real?” “Quite sure that I am.” “That’s hot apple cider you got there. Red delicious flavored to be precise. I’d blow on it before drinking it otherwise your burn your lips off.” Thrash blew on the beverage and took a drink. The taste of fruit and spice was tingling on his lips. It was like nothing he ever tasted before. “Not bad. I might get some for the road.” “Where are you from Anyway?” “Fillydelphia.” “Really, and I suppose every stallion in Fillydelphia looks like a mare?” “You’re still on that?” “Well it would make sense. The style of your mane must have some logical explanation.” “Whats wrong with my mane?" "You look like you may as well be wearing a dress.” "I like it like this. ” “Why? “Eh. I just do. You don’t seem to be a city pony, so you may not know what kind of looks anypony can have.” “No I’m not, nor do I care!” she said angrely “Have you ever been to a big city before?” “Yes.” “Which one?” “Manehatten.” “Vacation?” “Does the tone of my voice give you any sign that I don’t wanna talk to you?!” “Yes it does, but I do.” “What?” “Yea, its not everyday I get to talk with a complete stranger. But really, were you there on vacation?” “Why would you wanna talk to me?” “Why aren’t you answering my question?” She rolled her eyes. This Stallion was really beginning to annoy her. “The reason I was in Manehatten is none of your business, but no I was not there for vacation.” “...I was just hoping to get a story is all.” Applejack paused. Who in Celestias name was this pony? “Hey can I get a refill for me and her.” Thrash dropped six bits on the table. And the waiter got two more mugs. “Why did you do that...?” “I thought we should have something to drink while you told me the story.” “I said it’s none of your business.” “Why?” Applejack grabbed the stallion by the collar of his vest. “Look, you don’t know me and I think you’re a weirdo...” “I thought you said I was a jerk...” “WHATEVER! The point is I don’t know why you're talking to me but I want you to stop!” She let go of his vest and turned away from him, blocking all means of eye contact. “I just like talking to you is all. I wanted to...” “What!?” “...I wanted to get to know someone new. You know make a new friend or something.” Applejack froze “What did you say?” “I just answered your question. That’s why I wanted to talk to you.” Was this stallion really legit. She literally just said in his face that she didn't want to talk to him. Why would he like talking to her? But she could tell that he was in a similar situation that she was in only he had NO friends, at least thats what it sounded like to her. She took a drink from the mug and took a deep breath. “Well I guess you could say I was in Manehatten for family reasons.” “What do you mean?” “I wanted to live with my Aunt and Uncle, but their life was just too fancy for me to handle” “I take it the you're not the type of pony that can live a life like that.” "Kind of. They were trying to change who I was. They made me act different, talk different, eat different, and none of the other fancy ponies could understand me." "Ouch." “Yea. I returned to my real home here in Ponyville as soon as I could. It was wear I belonged all along." "So it all turned out well in the end. Good for you." "Yea. What about you?” “Huh?” “I told you a story about me, now you tell me one about you. What did you mean by on the road?” “Uhhhhhhhhh...” Thrash had to think carefully. He didn’t want to expose himself as a famous vocalist. He looked at the waiter at the end of the counter who was reading a newspaper. He looked back at Thrash and went into the backroom to read in peace with no distractions. “I’m sorry, what did you mean by that?” “You said you were on the road right?” “Yes.” “Do you travel alone?” “I got five other roommates.” “You travel with five roommates?” “In a big vehicle with a lot of space.” “What do you do?” Thrash choked down the cider and coughed a bit. He quickly pulled himself out of it. “I’m uhhh.... in the entertainment industry.” Thrash knew he couldn’t hide who he was for long and he would have his cover blown if she kept asking him questions like this. But he noticed how she never recognized who he was when he removed his sunglasses. Maybe she wasn’t a fan? Or didn’t even knew who he was for that matter. If that was the case, it may be safe to tell her who he was. But he had to pick into it slowly . “Entertainment? Like what? Filmmaking?” “Music. I’m...a vocalist in a band.” “Really?” Applejack was a bit impressed. “Have you worked with or met any famous ponies?” “I’ve recently worked with a mare named Octavia on an album.” “Interesting.” “Yeeeea we did a duet. Oh, and I did meet Princess Celestia yesterday.” “No kiddin’? So did my sister?” Thrash choked down another sip of cider the moment this she said this. He started thinking about the party last night. “What?” “Yea, she went with my friends to go see a concert. I was invited but I gave her my ticket.” “Why didn’t you go?” “I’m not much of a fan of rock or metal music.” “So this was a rock band?” “Yea. I forgot the name though...” “Blank Flank?” “Yes! That’s it! How did you...wait?” “What was your sisters name?” “When did you say you were with Celestia?” “I won’t answer that until you answer my question?” At first she thought that was a bit rude, but there was no other way to get an answer from him. “Applebloom. Her name is Applebloom. Why?” Thrash remembered Applebloom. The filly without the cutie mark. During the party she had mentioned her sister...Applejack. “Well? Are you gonna to answer my question...?” “Your name wouldn’t happen to be Applejack would it?” Applejack froze. “How did you know that was my name? Who are you?” Thrash had no way to hide his identity now. The room was empty with just him and her, and she obviously didn’t know him so he might as well confess. “Well it seems you got me.” Applejack was confused. “What?” “First let me say that I feel honored sitting next to the Element of Honesty.” She couldn’t believe it. Not only did he know who she was but he also knew her own element. “I met your sister when I was with Celestia last night. At first I thought she was the Element of Honesty. But she corrected me and said it was you.” “Ok?” “As for who I am...I’m only telling you because there’s nobody here” He cleared his throat and spoke slowly and quietly. “I'm the lead vocalist of Blank Flank.” “...Beg your pardon?” “My name is Thrash. Thrash Trotter” “Your Thrash!?” He panicked and tried to quiet her down. “Yes. Please, not so loud. If anypony knows I’m here, my cover is blown.” “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with your band mates or something?” “Nah, we’re all rehearsed for today. I came to Ponyville to explore it a little while we prepared for our show in Cloudsburg.” “Cloudsdale?” “Cloudsdale.” “Well...not that its any of my business suger, but I’d say your taking a huge risk.” “It's Thrash, not sugar.” he joked. “And I have no risk that should be taken. Other then being caught by the fans that is.” “But aren’t you worried about how your performance will turn out if you don’t practice for a show that'll be viewed by all the citizens of Cloudsdale.” “Nah. We got it under control.” “You realize the Pegasus population is huge there. We’re talking hundreds of ponies watching you.” “I know, maybe even thousands!” he said clenching his hooves with excitement Applejack sighed as she drank her cider. “You are something else, son.” She stopped him with her hoof right when he was about to say something. “If the next thing coming out of your mouth is a smart-alecky comeback about my accent, just keep it to yourself!” She lowered her hoof away from his face. “Well you don’t have to mean about it, nor do I have a problem with it. You seem down. Is something bothering you?” “What in Celestias sake gave you that ridicules idea?” she scolded back to him. “Well when I came in you just looked sad and bored is all. You looked like you were feeling alone.” Applejack just looked back at him as he took another drink of his cider. “Was...was I really that obvious?” “Those beautiful eye’s of yours don’t lie.” “Beg pardon?” Thrash stopped himself. He had no idea what he just said. “Your...your eyes, they...they just looked sad?” “Do you really think my eye's are beautiful?” He was beaten there. “Better then these red frauds on my face.” he said with a smile “Frauds? Those eyes aren’t your natural color?” “Nah. I got my brown eyes magically changed when I was 14.” “Why do that?” “I don’t know. I just like the color red. I think it’s a rather soothing color then brown.” “Oh.” “But anyway, what’s got you down?” “Well...” She was a bit shy. Applejack wasn't used to talking about her problems, ESPECIALLY when it involved telling them to a complete stranger. “Usually I work on the weekdays, and I take the weekends off. My family thinks I work to hard, so they took my alarm clock and made me sleep in a few hours past my usual wake up time. Then they made me take a day off and none of my friends are available because they all work on the weekdays.” Thrash felt bad for her. “So you just have no friends to hang with is all?” “That and I was kinda’ looking forward to work today.” Thrash gave a dumbfounded look. “Let me get this straight. Your upset..because you got the day off as well?!” he laughed. “And you’re calling me the weird one?” “Hey, I enjoy my hard work at the apple orchard, thank you very much!” He pulled himself together. “Sorry, I just never thought I’d hear somepony say something like that...Well except for Rush.” “I haven’t been out for three hours and its only 10:57am. What am I supposed to do to pass the time when there’s nopony to be with?” She looked down at her cider, irritated by the thought as she took another drink. Thrash wanted to do something about her problem. He didn’t like seeing other ponies feel down in the dumps. He took a moment to think. “Have...have you ever been to the museum?” “What?” she asked as she lowered her cider. “I mean you’re a resident so you probably have, bur I was just curious?” “Well not in a while. Why you askin’?” “No reason. I enjoy going to museums. I always check them out when I’m in big town such as this.” “You?” she asked surprisingly. “An energetic, smart-alecky, rock vocalist like yourself, are interested...in museums?” She laughed. “Well that and more. I like sight seeing around the local areas. I just like museums for the art, history, and culture. Why so surprised? Did I not look like that kinda stallion?” “To be honest, no.” She continued to laugh. He rolled his eyes and smiled. “Anyway, I was just there and they had a display of foreign art that looked pretty cool. And since your obviously not doing anything with anypony today...” Applejack stopped him again with her hoof, “Thrash, are you asking me to go with you to the museum of Ponyville to see some old foreign craftwork?” “In a way yes. I’ll even buy your ticket for admission.” Applejack was a little shy but mostly confused. First he gets her a cup of cider and now he’s offering to get her into a museum. Was he trying to impress her with his wealth or something? “I don’t know?” Thrash was a bit disappointed. He hated seeing her in such a sad state. But he couldn't force her too join him. “Well if you don’t want to it's fine. I wanted to make you happy by being your friend since you had no pony to hang out with.” Maybe he was just trying to be friendly. “Umm...” “Well I don’t know my way around here very well, so I’ll be there if you change your mind.” he said as he put his sunglasses back on. “It was a pleasure talking to you Ms. Applejack. You take care.” He waved goodbye and trotted out the door. Applejack thought about this stallion to herself. He was really nice to her. He was like her other friend’s that treated her like a sister. And she hadn’t been to the Ponyville museum since she was a filly in school. ...She finished her cider as quick as she could. Thrash was proceeded his way back up the dirt path. He was looking forward to spending more time in the museum. Yet he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that Applejack didn't wish to join him. “HEY! HOLD ON, WAIT A SECOND!” Applejack shouted as she ran towards Thrash. Thrash turned around to see Applejack, approaching him from behind. She stopped right in front of him to catch her breath. Thrash just starred at her. “So, what kind of art did you say was in that museum today?” She said catching her breath. Thrash smiled “Just come with me I’ll show you.” He walked towards the museum. Applejack followed him from behind. “Thanks for not using my name in the public Ms. Applejack, I don’t want anypony to ruin this great day.” “Just call me, Applejack sugar cube.” she said with a smile They both laughed > Chapter 7- How Was Your Day? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 How Was Your Day? Thrash and Applejack browsed through every section of the museum. Applejack couldn’t remember the last time she saw fine art. Then again, she hadn’t been to the Ponyville museum in so long. Thrash could easily recognize the different types of art after everything he learned from his travels with the band. He was able to explain each artistic technique to Applejack whenever she was curious or had any questions. Later they browsed through the history section. Applejack knew almost everything about Ponyville. She told Thrash that if it weren’t for the family of her grandmother, Granny Smith, Ponyville would have never existed. He was pretty surprised. They stood in the lobby looking at a large map that displayed the present layout of Ponyville. Applejack told Thrash about each building on the map and where it could be found. She even took the liberty of telling him about where each of her friends lived and worked. They wanted to walk around some more but an approaching security guard informed them that they were closing for the day and had to leave. She looked at the large clock in the center of the lobby and was shocked to see that it was 6:13 in the afternoon. She must have been so occupied that the time had went by faster then usual. Guess that’s what you get for having fun. They both exited the building as the lights went off. “Well, what did you think?” Thrash Asked Applejack. “I’ll admit, I enjoyed seeing all that fancy art they had,” she said with a smile. “I’ve been apple bucking for so long I never even thought about going to that museum.” “...I have no idea what you just said, but I wasn’t expecting to have my own personal tour guide.” Applejack blushed a little. “Well...I hope that I wasn’t being annoying or anything...” “Are you kidding? I've never felt honored. It's not everyday that the Element of Honesty gives me a history lesson." “It’s weird. I always thought all rock bands were full of mannerless ruffians that cared more for themselves. But you’re different you know that?" Thrash chuckled a bit. “Well I’m not that kind of stallion. But there are some. Like I know this one band called Spears And Roses, they have this lead vocalist that’s a complete and total...” “It’s ok! You don’t need to give names. I wouldn’t know any of them anyway.” Thrash stopped walking. “You don’t seem to get out much do you?” Applejack stopped and faced the white stallion. “No. I usually work on weekdays from dawn till dusk. And when the weekends come and I get a break I like to spend time with my friends." “Then why didn’t you come to the concert?” “Huh?” “It was at night. You said you worked “from dawn to dusk”. Why didn’t you join your friends at the concert? Is it just because you don’t like our music?” “Well…it’s not that I don’t like YOUR music in particular. It’s just not the kind of music that I enjoy. But the main reason I didn’t go was because I needed sleep so I could get up early the next morning to do my chores.” She turned and continued walking. “Eh. It would have still been fun to have you there,” he shrugged as he followed from behind. “Anyway, when we were looking at that map of the town I became eager to see the real thing. Would, you mind showing me around town tomorrow?” Applejack stopped and looked at Thrash. “Beg Pardon?” “Well you seem to know this town better then anypony I know, so why not show me around?” Applejack was all tied up inside. She was hoping Big Macintosh would have returned her alarm clock when she got home so she could resume work the next day and get on with her life. But she did have fun hanging out with Thrash at the museum. She had no idea how to respond. “Well…I don’t know what my schedule is like tomorrow. Let’s just see what happens.” Thrash raised an eyebrow. "Well what should I do?" “Just meet me at town hall in the center of Ponyville. I’ll see if I can get off work another day. What's a good time for us to meet?” Thrash took a moment to think. “I have an early rehearsal so how about noonish” "Works for me. Just wait until I arrive." "Ok, but how will I know if you didn't get off work?" "If I'm not there by 12:15 then I couldn't get off work." "...Well I guess there's no other alternative." “Ok then.” She started her way back home as Thrash rung for a cab. “Oh Applejack,” he shouted to her. She turned around to face him. “Please don’t tell anypony I’m here. It’s not everyday I can meet with a friend without having my fans get in the way” Applejack felt a little sorry for him. It became clear to her that Thrash Trotter had a hard time making friends. Applejack was just an ordinary pony in Ponyville and despite her past heroic deeds she was still treated like everypony else. Thrash on the other hand was beloved by ponies ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Whenever somepony saw him all they saw was the lead vocalist of Blank Flank. She was one of those special types of ponies that treated him like Thrash Trotter despite knowing what he does for a living. She was still unsure if she would be able to show up or not, but now she felt like she wanted to do anything she could to get off work and spend time with this new friend of hers. “Of course sugar cube,” she said with a smile. Thrash arrived at the spot where the tour carriage was parked at about 7pm at night. He opened the door and trotted up the stairs. Whiplash was sitting at the table reading a book. She looked up and noticed the stallion as he walked in/ “Not everyday you come back this late. What happened?” she asked. “Nothing really,” he said. “Sorry I couldn’t join you. I just had to see Ms. Rarity in action. Did you do ok on your own?” “Yea it was a great day. I went to that museum Princess Celestia told me about, and made a friend.” “Oh good for you. Well I’m heading back tomorrow to…wait, what!?” Whiplash dropped the book on the table. “Yea we’re hanging out tomorrow.” Thrash turned the knob of his door and entered. “Tomorrow…!? Wait, Thrash! Hold on a Second!” she said with worried concern as she got up a trailed behind him. Shredder was still asleep on the couch, but immediately woke up when Thrash strolled in. “Hey Shredder,” Thrash said as he passed the black Pegasus. “Did I miss dinner? How long was I out?” he said lazily. Whiplash walked in the room. “Does this pony know who you are? Does this pony know your name? Have they told anypony else who you are?” “What's going on?” Shredder asked. “Yes she does know who I am. Don't worry I was fine. This friend of mine is keeping my identity safe,” Thrash said as he pulled out a bag of hot chocolate mix. Whiplash sighed with relief. “You met somepony that kept your secret. There’s something that happens once in a blue moon," Shredder said.“But seriously, did you guys save any food...?” “Just try and be more careful Thrash," said Whiplash. "You should know that if anypony see's through your disguise, they might track you to the rest of the band and then we’d have to get all new disguises. Do you remember how hard it was to get new outfits without fans noticing...?" “Relax. Everything is fine. I would never let that happen,” Thrash said all cool and collected. Whiplash starred at him as he started up the boiler to boil water for the hot chocolate. “You always worry me Thrash. Your lucky I know how trustworthy you are.” “OH FOR PONIES SAKE! I’m just going to order Chinese!” Shredder shouted as he left the room. “So what was this pony like? Was it a mare?” “Does it matter?” Thrash said. “IT DOES TO ME!” Snap shouted from his room under the floor. “Well you know I’m Just asking. No particular reason,” Whiplash teased. “So was it a mare?” “Yea, it was a mare,” Thrash sighed. He knew what was going to be asked next. “Was she a cute mare?” “I don’t know and frankly I don’t care,” he responded, They would always get on his case if it was a mare. He presumed it was because he was the youngest. “I’M COUNTING IT AS A YES,” Snap muffled below. “Can you two leave me be. I wish to bathe.” Whiplash rolled her eyes and left the room. “Drama queen,” She said to herself. Applejack opened the door to her bedroom. She looked to see her Alarm clock returned to its rightful place. Dropped her hat on her bed and undid her ponytail. She could hear Big Macintosh walking downstairs and rush out to catch him. “Hey Big Mac,” she shouted at the red Stallion. He turned and faced her. “I had a feeling you’d be back this early,” he said. “How was your day?” “It was fine. My friends were busy to do anything today but I did what you said made a new friend,” she said with a smile “Well that wasn’t too hard now was it?” “Yea, which reminds me. Can I ask a favor?” “Eeyup.” Applejack bit her lip. “Look this may sound both weird and annoying buuut...” “What is it AJ?” “...Would you be willing to cover for me again tomorrow from 11:30am through the rest of the day?” Big Macintosh was a bit shocked. He was actually hoping that she’d go back to work tomorrow. “You want another day off…?” “Well not the whole day. I’d just work until the afternoon.” “Why so?” he asked. “I promised my new friend that I’d meet with him tomorrow.” Big Macintosh was a bit surprised. He knew that his sister had many friends but he never heard of her ever-spending time with a stallion. He wasn’t the type to get over protective; it just fascinated him a bit. “Well, it was a bit difficult to keep up with my regular work flow without you today sis.” “ I know, but I promise you that I’ll make it up to you for this.” “Well...I don’t see why not. Just don’t come back too late.” “Thanks, I swear I’ll make up for the work I’ve missed." Applejack hugged her brother and ran back up to her room. “It’s not like her to just want to get off, nevertheless for the sole purpose of seeing a friend. I just hope she’s ok.” > Chapter 8- Gossip and Excitement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 “Gossip and Excitement” The band ran through their rehearsal the next day. They woke up early to get it out of the way since everypony had plans that day. Whiplash and Slide were planning to assist Rarity with their new outfits at The Carrousel Boutique, Rush wanted to spend the day working on getting the stage ready (despite it being ready enough), and Thrash was planning meet up with Applejack. After running through the whole concert they packed up their instruments for the rehearsal the next morning. “Why isn’t the zip-line hooked up yet?” Snap observed. “Yea, I was curious about that. What gives Rush?” Thrash asked. “We couldn’t get it up,” Rush explained. “It was too heavy for the clouds to handle, and it was too short to reach the stage.” “Thank Celestia we have a backup plan.” “I don’t know Thrash. The device for the alternate stage entrance broke when we tried hooking it up yesterday. Maybe you should stand on the stage with us, we can use the lighting to make you blend into the darkness…” “Don’t worry, I’ve got It all under control. If Pegasus ponies have the strength to move heavy equipment around the stage, then they shouldn’t have a problem holding me.” “He’s got a point there,” said Whiplash. “So when are you leaving for Ponyville?” “In another hour.” “Well I’m about to leave with Slide in a few minutes, so how about hitching a ride with us?” “No, thank you. I need to shower before leaving anyway. All that practicing left me smelling worse then a sweat sock.” Slide butted in. “Is it really because you just want to smell nice to get the attention of that mare you’re meeting again?” “That has nothing to do with it,” Thrash remarked. He didn’t want them to get on his case about being friends with a mare, nor did he want Applejack involved (which is why he didn’t say her name). “You know I can tell that there is another reason why you don’t want to go with us. It’s written all over your face. Is it because you don’t want us to meet her for some reason?” “Kind of. She’s a little shy and has a hard time making friends with other pony’s.” “She sure made friends with you easily.” “Hey get off my back, frenchy! Technically I was the one that made friends with her.” “Now THAT I believe,” Whiplash said. The whole band looked at her. “Well, I’m glad somepony understands,” Thrash said. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” He trotted off stage and out the exit door. “What makes you believe he was the one that made friends with her?” Snap asked Whiplash. “Because that’s how we became friends,” she said. “Either way, it’s not like him to hide things from us,” Rush said. “That’s true.” “Ah, leave him alone,” Snap said. “I don’t see what the big deal is. I mean it’s not like he’s turning on the band or skipping out on practice.” “He has a point,” Slide said. The rest of the band agreed. Whiplash was still unsure. Applejack wiped the sweat from her forehead after bucking one last tree in the apple orchard. She then went to the cellar to store the apples with the others that would be sold in the marketplace, thus completing her work for the day. She moved quickly because she was excited to meet up with Thrash Again. “Leaving already?” Big Macintosh asked his sister as she closed the cellar doors. “Well yea,” she said. “I just wanted to clean myself up before meeting my friend again.” “Just remember that you have to work tomorrow. We are running a little behind on the harvest for the marketplace so we need to put ourselves in gear.” “You know I won’t forget,” she said as she ran into the house. “You better not,” Big Macintosh said to himself “I hope she makes it,” Thrash thought to himself. Like yesterday, he took a cab to get to Ponyville. He remembered Applejack saying that she would only come if she could get off work. He figured that if she didn’t show up then she wasn’t able to get off. If that was the case he’d have nothing to do the rest of the day (aside from going to the museum again). The driver dropped him off at a large circular building in the middle of Ponyville. He paid the driver and stood by the steps to wait for Applejack to show up. He looked up at the clock on the building, which read 11:57am. “She should be here soon,” he thought to himself. Applejack galloped as fast as her hooves could carry her. She didn’t want to be late. She decided to take a shortcut to get there faster. She was almost there when she bumped face first into another pony she could not see around the corner, causing both of them to fall. Applejack pulled herself together and looked up to see that she had bumped into Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight!?” she said. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you, I was in a bit of a rush…” “No problem,” Twilight said as she got up. “ I was actually on my way to your place to ask you something. All of us are going to go over to Fluttershy’s place tomorrow night to go stargazing. You want to come? The night is supposed to nice and clear.” Applejack was in a hurry so she swiftly agreed. “Sure, sounds like fun. I’ll be there by dusk. Sorry to cut this short, I need to go.” Applejack continued towards town hall. Twilight just shrugged and started her way back to the library. “Well, at least she said yes.” Thrash looked at the clock again. 12:07pm; He was beginning to think she had to work and wasn’t going to show up. He then looked in the distance and saw the mare galloping right towards him and stopping abruptly. “Sorry I’m late,” she said taking a breath. “No Problem,” Thrash said. “You made it and that’s all that matters.” Applejack smiled. “You best stick close. I’ve got a lot to show you.” Thrash nodded as he followed Applejack. They started on the south side, home to the marketplace that Thrash remembered flying over in the cab yesterday. There were many fruit and vegetable stands scattered around the area with plenty of room to move around. Some stands were busy with lines of customers and others were having bad business days. Applejack even took the liberty to show Thrash where her apple stand was usually stationed. When it came to sales the Apple family would spend one-week selling apples and spend the next week harvesting the apples, moving in a pattern. Beyond the Marketplace was the open park. They walked around the area and got some time away from the crowd. There wasn’t much to show other then the dark Everfree Forest (which they avoided). As they made their way east, she showed him where Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie worked. She really wanted to show him to her friends but they knew what he looked like and would most likely be able to see through his disguise. She kind of figured this was best after Thrash talked her to move swiftly the moment they arrived at Carousel Boutique. They got hungry along the way so she got some cupcakes at Sugercube Corner while he waited outside. The sun started setting as they trailed through the north side. There wasn’t much to show. Homes of all sorts of shapes and sizes filled the area. They made their way to the schoolhouse where Applebloom went to school with her friends. As they continued onward Applejack led Thrash off the trail. They crept through the bushes where they could see Sweetie Belle, Skootaloo, and Applebloom playing ball around their clubhouse. She told him about the Cutie Mark Crusaders and all the things they’ve done to try getting their marks. They stayed out of sight so they wouldn’t see them. On the west side they found themselves near Sweet Apple Acres. They didn’t get close since there wasn’t really much there but fields of apple trees. She just wanted to show him where she lived. They were both exhausted as they ended their tour at a bridge near the center of town. The sun had set and the full moon had brought another night. The streetlights lit the town and everypony was at home and off the streets. “I never knew how big this place was,” he said, “It looked smaller from the sky.” “Well it ain’t that big of a town,” she replied. “Then again I’ve lived here my whole life. Soooo...well you know how it goes. It seems smaller and it’s easy to get around.” “Not where I come from.” “What’s it like in Fillydelphia anyway?” “It’s kind of like Manehatten, only filled with all kinds of ponies from far and near. The locals are nice to one another, and I can imagine that you’ve learned about the history.” She nodded. “I did in school.” “You and me both my friend. I could never have asked for a better place to grow up in. I mean it’s the city of brotherly love, what more can be said?” “So I’m guessing you’ve been to all the local museums?” “All 33 of them. I’ve even covered all the historic sites.” “Honestly, I’m not surprised.” “I didn’t think you would be. You should come by sometime. I could show you around some of them. We could also checkout some of the local shopping areas. They have this shopping mall that sells practically everything.” “So is that where you got those from?” “What?” “Those things that you’re always wearing. Are they sold in that shopping mall you were talking about? They look pretty.” She was pointing at the two gold bracelets on his foreleg. Thrash removed his sunglasses and stared at the two polished pieces of jewelry. “No, these are...something else,” he said in a moody tone. He turned and looked as his reflection in the creek beneath the bridge. “Are you alright there, sugercube?” she asked. He tried to maintain himself. “What? Oh. Yea I’m fine…just...Oh dear sweet CELESTIA!” He grunted as he buried has head in his hooves. Applejack trotted forward and put a hoof on his back. “What’s wrong, was it something that I said?” He perked his head up and tried to keep himself calm enough to speak. “No it’s fine. It’s just whenever I think about it the memories just flow back into my head.” “Huh?” Thrash stared at their reflections in the creek realizing that he never did tell her anything about his past. “You’re a lucky mare Applejack, you know that?” he said calmly. She was still confused. “I guess I’d better start from the beginning.” > Chapter 9- Past Lives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 Past Lives “I grew up in an apartment building in the city. My Family was low class but we managed to get through our lives at a decent pace. My father, Stripes, worked as a taxi driver to pay the bills, while my mother, Gloria, worked in a carriage manufacturing company to afford the bare necessities. We were able to get by and we had one another, which was enough for us. “When I was 10 my father had passed away from neighmonia. It was one of the saddest times of my life. He was gone...all I had left was Gem and my mother, who was pregnant at the time with my little brother, Capps, who was born a few months later. At least he was able to bring some happiness back into the family. “Years went by and my mother had been working 19 hours, Six days a week to get enough money for the rent and food. My Sister graduated high school but choose not to go to college in order to help care for Capps and myself. I gave my own contribution by giving him my own bed when he grew out of his crib. My sister wanted to give me hers but I told her to keep it; I was just going to school while she worked at home and deserved to sleep comfortably. So I slept on the living room couch. “Year’s passed and I entered high school. Every day I was constantly bullied because I hadn’t gotten my cutie mark. I didn’t know what my special talent was and I didn’t have time to try and find out what it was. My schedule was basically get up, go to school, get home, help my sister, eat, sleep, and repeat. Even the weekends were busy. Aside from hanging out with friends from time to time, I would always be helping my mother or sister at home. Half the time I didn’t even think about what my purpose was. But I knew that fate had something in store for me and whatever it was I knew that it was going to be great. So I ignored the insults and bullying over the years and it got better over time. “...But nothing could prepare me for what was about to be thrown at me next. “When I arrived home I saw Gem trotting out the door with Capps, who was off from school that day. She looked worried and seemed to be in a hurry. I was about to ask where she was going but after she saw me she told Capps to go back inside the house. He did as he was told and left the two of us alone in the hallway. I asked where she was going and she said she had to go to the hospital. This wasn’t unusual; Gem often went to the hospital to pick up prescriptions for mom. But she seemed much more concerned and worried then usual so I asked her what was going on. She took a deep breath and told me that our mother was injured. Badly injured. Everything in my mind just stopped. I didn’t know what to think, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t even know how to act. According to Gem, she was moving some interior materials for the carriages at the factory when some clumsy thickhead on the floor above knocked over a large stack of gears for the machinery. She was under the gears and fell unconscious when they landed on her all at once. My legs were shaking and my mind sank. Gem could tell. She said she was fine and that I had to watch Capps while she went to get her. “So I did as she said and spent the whole day with my brother. He didn’t even know what was going on. Gem probably didn’t want to scare him so she kept it to herself. Personally I don’t blame her; Capps was only 8 years old, how could he take in all of this? I couldn’t even take in my father’s passing when I was 10. So I did the same and kept it to myself. I put him to bed after he fell asleep on the couch later that night. For the next hour I sat in the living room trying to calm down, but it was no use. Despite what my sister said, I was worried; I’d already lost my father and I didn’t wasn’t to lose my mother to. It wasn’t real healthy for me to even think that way so I started to relax myself. “I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes the lights were off. However, the kitchen light was still on. I sat up I saw my mother there holding a cup of water. She had a neck brace on and was in a wheel chair. None of that mattered to me; she was safe, she was home. I approached her and after she noticed that I was up, we hugged. I asked her if she was ok and she said that she was fine. I was glad for that but she said her injuries were so bad that she had to spend the rest of her life in that wheelchair. She wouldn’t be able to work anymore. The accident broke her hind legs and her back which rendered her unable to move or bend over. There was no way she could work in this condition. She was scared. Scared that she could not support her family or pay the bills. She had no idea how her family would survive. I stayed up with her the whole night, holding her in my hooves and keeping her calm as she cried.” Applejack was speechless. Never before had she met, nor heard, of a pony with such a rough past. Not even Princess Luna’s excile to the moon by her own sister could compare to this. She could tell Thrash was having a hard time letting this out. “Thrash that’s terrible,” she said rubbing his back with her hoof to calm him, “How did your family hold out?” Thrash pulled himself together and tried to remember about what happened next. “Well...”he said in a less moody tone “Because of this I was left with no other option. I decided to drop out of high school. My mother and sister told me not to, but I needed to support my family like my father did. My sister now had to care for our injured mother and our little brother; there was no way she could hold a job on her own. So it was up to me. I got a good job at a local pizzeria near the park. Everyday I’d either be making pizzas or taking bits at the register. My employer was a Unicorn whose name we could never pronounce, so we called him Peta for short (not one of his favorite nick names). I worked with his nephew whose name I can’t really recall. He was a nice stallion, about five years older than me. It was hard but every Friday was worth it when I received my pay and brought it home to my family.” Thrash finally gave a smile “Now that I think about it, if it wasn’t for those two I wouldn’t have became what I am today,” Thrash said. “What do you mean?” Applejack said. “Every day they would have the radio playing in the restaurant. It was always tuned into the classic rock station. They had all the famous names – The Parasprites, Black Saddle, Spears N’ Roses, The Hooves – you name it, they had it. Whenever we were working or cleaning up, we would sing to the music they played. After hearing most of the songs they had to offer I was always improving on my singing skills. As the months went by my voice was improving so much that I was able to sing anything. Peta’s nephew… He always said that my voice was unlike any other he had heard before.” Of course to be fair Peta’s nephew was a really good singer himself and he gave me some pointers along the way.” Thrash stopped and looked at Applejack. “I learned parkour as well. I can’t tell you how but its how I learned to do my infamous stage stunts.” “It’s fine, just go on,” she said. She was really interested in the story and was really happy to see that he was starting to return to his enthusiastic self again. “Well, after working there for almost a year I was walking home on the usual route through the park. I had my paycheck and I was on top of the world. Along the way I passed a lone Pegasus sitting on a bench entertaining a small audience of ponies. He had a guitar in his hooves and an empty top hat on the ground with a sign that read, ‘Strumming for bits’. I recognized the song he was playing from the radio so I dropped a few bits in the hat and watched him perform. He was really good and clearly knew what he was doing. After he finished the song he asked for requests. Nopony said anything; in fact most of the audience started leaving. So I gave him a song request, I can’t remember what it was but I heard it all the time in the pizza shop. He raised his guitar and started playing. The moment he strummed that first note my mind was just BEGGING me to sing to it. I took a deep breath and sang. He didn’t seem to mind, he actually had a smile on his face after I started. One of the spectators that left actually came back after we began and it even started attracting more viewers who were dropping more bits in the hat. Once the song was over we were applauded (unlike last time). I was about to leave but he stopped me in my tracks and asked me to stay. At first I thought he saw me as a ticket to make money but then he acknowledged the crowd who also wanted me to continue. Seeing as I had nothing better to do that day I decided to stay a while longer. He continued to play more classics while I sang along and after a while we attracted a larger crowd. They loved my voice and his guitar playing so much that they started dancing and cheering during each performance. “After the sun set and the people left I started talking with this guitarist. He asked me if I ever performed before since it really seemed that I knew what I was doing. I told him I didn’t but he thought that I should take advantage of my talent and use it to entertain. So we then decided to form our own musical duo. Little did I know I would be working with this stranger for quite a while; this was the day I met Shredder. “We continued performing in the park each day after I got out of work and eventually we started getting paid to perform in restaurants and clubs around the city. We were known as YING YANG, a fitting name for a duo. Soon our name was starting to get out there and we were performing all over the place. We were commonly known for playing at Peta’s Restaraunt. With the money we were making I was able to get our family back on a steady track. “Once our names were starting to become well known around the city we eventually decided to form a new band where we would write our own music to perform. After months of planning, several auditions, and help from our friends, Blank Flank was formed. We started making our own music and our gigs were getting bigger thanks to the help of my mother – who knew a lot of Ponies in the city. She supported us very much and was proud of me for what I had accomplished with the band. And it wasn’t long before we released our first album, ‘Sickness for Rock’. “I remember the crowd cheering after we performed our biggest gig in the Fillydelphia Park that kicked off our first tour. As I stood with my friends on the stage bowing to our fans I realized that this was it. I always knew fate had something great in store for me and THIS WAS IT. I made some new friends, found a career that’s all about entertaining people, and I helped my family get back on track. I knew this because… this was the day I got my cutie mark.” “What did it look like?” Applejack asked with a smile. “I made a promise to myself to never show it off,” he said, “I wanted to live up to the bands name. The only ponies that have seen it is my family. The band doesn’t even know what it looks like.” Applejack thought it was a bit strange at first, but it was his choice so why should she argue with that. “Well at least everything turned up well in the end.” “Honestly wish it did,” Thrash sighed, his smile turning to a frown. He looked again at his bracelets, “But there’s more to tell.” “About a year ago, we were preparing to finish the needed recordings for the ‘Radiation’ album. It was a rainy night, 1 am in the morning, and I was in the studio practicing with Rush and Slide after the other member’s left. I was about to record the vocals for the track when I was interrupted by a phone call. It was Gem and she was crying. I asked her what was going on I can’t remember the exact details...nor do I really want to, but all I can say is that the reason she was in the hospital was partially my fault. “According to Gem…My mother was dropped off by a friend, after she got herself checked out at the doctors. While she was approaching the front gate there was a small group of Fans that were checking out the home I lived at…which is common for me. The moment they saw my mother open the gate to let herself in they took notice and... ran towards her attempting to get in through the gate. She didn’t even see them coming until she was on the other side. As she tried to close the gate the fans tried to push the gate open. She was hit by the gate, knocked out of her wheelchair, and fell back first on the ground where the fans… paid her no mind as she was trampled…all because they were fans of my work. My sister was there with her own friends and they were able to call for help and have them taken in. My mother was rushed to the hospital. “I galloped out of the recording studio and made my way towards the hospital as fast as I could. I arrived to see Shredder and Whiplash waiting with my sister and brother outside her room. The expressions on their faces... I will never forget the sadness in my sibling eyes... I didn’t think it was anything serious but… but Shredder told me that her condition was crucial, and wouldn’t be with us for much longer. “I entered her room and she looked at me with a smile. I stood next to her bedside. I apologized to her and said that I had no idea anything like this would… but she stopped me and said it was okay… she said it was her time to go… I was in tears but she told me not to grieve… I never forgot this moment. The last thing she ever said to me.” “Words cannot describe how much I am proud of you. When I held you after you were born…I never would have thought that this sweet colt of mine would go so far as to do something so big that would make people happy… If your father was still with us… there is no doubt that he would… he would feel the same way… I’ll be sure to tell him everything when I see him again… Keep your brother and sister safe… and never forget… no matter where I am… I will always love you…” “...The last thing I said to her was…I love you to…as I held her hoof in mine… and then…she left.” Thrash held back his tears as best he could. He held up his foreleg and the bracelets glistened in the moonlight. “My Parents exchanged theses bracelets when they were married” he said. “I wear them all the time, like my mother did. We wrote a new addition to the Radiation album entitled Sweet Colt O’ Mine. It was written in her memory. This is also why we had to start wearing disguises; to protect ourselves and anypony around us from getting hurt.” He wiped a tear from his eye. Applejack felt bad. It wasn’t the fact that he lost his family, but more of how he witnessed the passing of a loved one before his very eyes because of something that was caused by his own fame. She couldn’t even imagine the pain. “I’m so sorry Thrash,” she said with remorse. “I didn’t mean to open old wounds or nothing.” “You don’t have to be. You didn’t know. I just always remember her and how I made her smile with my music. I remember whenever she came to a concert I’d see her in the front of the crowd smiling as we performed. But now she’s gone and it’s because of me.” She put a hoof on his shoulder. “I can’t imagine the pain you went through. But I can kinda relate.” Thrash looked at her with concern. “You see my parents were traveling sales ponies. They traveled to exotic places to sell and collect the foreign fruits. “But after they had Applebloom they went out and we never saw them since. It doesn’t bug me as much though; I know they’re out there somewhere.” Thrash could see how they could relate easily. He was a bit jealous though. At least her parents were alive to her. “But I remember something that they always told me. Follow your heart and be who you are” He looked at her. “You’re a kind hearted stallion Thrash. Everyone knows it. Not just your fans or the band, but even your parents know this. Your mother’s death wasn’t caused by you; it was by a bunch of uncaring coldhearted fools. You had no real involvement,” she said, giving him another pat on the back. “Never change who you are.” “Thanks Applejack.” Thrash’s taxi flew down and parked itself by the bridge. “Well...This is my ride.” Thrash said as he made his way towards the cart. He then stopped and looked back at her “Hey, the Cloudsdale concert is tomorrow, so I was thinking… well, after my rehearsal, if your not busy, did you want to grab some lunch or something?” She smiled at him. He could tell what her answer was off the bat. “Meet me here tomorrow around the same time as today. I know the perfect place,” she said. He nodded and proceeded into the chariot. Applejack watched him as he took off. She knew that she needed to cancel out on her brother again but it was only going to be for lunch so how long could it be. She could go have lunch with him and then resume work afterwards. She started her way back home. Shredder was strumming his guitar on the couch behind Slide, who was busy playing a card game with Snap under a single light that illuminated the dark carriage. “I’m telling you I can’t take it anymore!” said an annoyed Slide. “Whenever I go to that boutique that unicorn is always getting into my personal space.” “Well you said she told you how much she admired you as a teenager,” Snap said, “How can you blame her? Besides why keep going if she’s so crazy for ya?” “You know me; I need to finish something when I start it. Curse my obedience to myself.” Shredder and Snap looked at each other. “What in Celestia’s name are you talking about?” Snap said. “...Whiplash keeps making me go with her.” Snap sighed to himself. “Your hopeless mate, your hopeless.” Thrash then came in and trotted towards his bedroom. “Long day today, monsieur?” Slide asked. Thrash turned to see everypony looking at him. “In a way, yes.” He responded. “I did a lot of walking.” “Hey, No hard feelings about what I said this morning, right?” Thrash turned and faced them. “Yea I knew you were only fooling all along.” “What’s wrong with your eyes.” Shredder asked. “Huh?” “They look red and sore.” Said Snap Thrash didn’t realize until now that the tears had caused his eyes to turn a pinkish color. Still he came out with the truth. “I had a moment today,” he said shaking his hoof with the bracelets. They got the message and didn’t want to ask any more questions about it. They only wanted to help him through his misery. “Well we about to deal a new game.” Snap said. “You want in?” Thrash turned and smiled. “Sure why not.” He trotted up and sat down at the table with his friends. Snap shuffled the deck as Shredder continued playing.