• Published 20th Jun 2013
  • 726 Views, 4 Comments

Before the end. - SporeDragon

A young colt considered suicide as the only way to rescue himself from the struggles of day-to-day life. But it may have a happy ending after all.

  • ...

Part Two: What really matters,

It was silent in the household, eerily so. And even dad felt something was wrong. He turned off the TV and walk to my door.

"Nalyd?" He calls sternly, about to open my door, when suddenly a loud, heard rapping on the door startles him slightly. He turned away from my door and headed to it. He opens the door to find two Royal Guards bearing Luna's crest.

"What in Celestia's flank do you want" he grumbles. One of the guards hands him am a scroll.
"By Royal Decree of Her Majesty Princess Luna, we are hereby authorized to take custody of your son, Nalyd Swifttrot." They say, barging past him. Completely baffled, dad unrolls the scroll, seeing it was indeed a legal search warrant, bearing the crest of Princess Luna, as well as her signature. As if he was not baffled enough, the Princess herself stepped in past him, immediately turning down the hall, scoffing at the poor condition of the home. She opens each door, peeking in each and eventually finding mine, the door handle was slightly jammed, nothing her magic could not easily deal with. Dad was too busy telling the guards not to break grandmother's vases to notice the princess had wandered down the hall.

"Don't you dare touch that television!" He exclaims distraught. The guards ignore him as they nearly topple the flatscreen. And he has to rush to protect Shasta's ashes.

Princess Luna opens my door and peeks within.

"Nalyd Swifttrot?" She calls. Seeing the room is empty she turns to leave, then noticing the closet door open, with a tipped stool protruding from it. She creeps over to it, and gasps in shock as she looks up to see me, eyes closed, not breathing. Hanging. She quickly takes action, pushing herself forward and pushing her head up to make sure my body was supported as she undid the noose with her magic. I fall limp onto her, and she lies me on my bed, taking the leash out from around my now red stricken neck. She opens one of my eyelids with her magic, they were dull and foggy. Fearing the worst she puts her head on my chest, she can feel that I am still partially unbreathing. She begins to use magic to improve my breathing.


I walk along a shady dirt path, the sky is obscured by the perfectly green leaves. I continue walking until I round a corner and am met by a gate of the purest gold. Two pure white Pegasi stand at the gates, they have soft expressions upon their faces and they open the gates for me. I am about to step forward when Shasta runs out, happily jumping into my waiting hooves as I haunch backwards. She licks my face happily, seeming as happy as she did many years ago...

"I missed you, girl" I say, nuzzling her. She barks happily and gets down, running back into the gates. I run after her laughing happily. Finally free.... Finally free.... But then my vision begins to blur as the Pegasi stop me, sadly shake their heads, and the doors close.
"Wait! No! Shasta!" I call. The dog sticks her head through the bars barking at me hastily, trying to get to me..
"Wait... Wait for me!" I call to her as my vision flushes white, and my words echo into oblivion. My vision fades to black.


My eyes flutter open an I see my all to familiar ceiling. My neck hurts like high hell. A movement causes me to look down to see a beautiful, flowing blue mane and darker blue head resting on my chest. I gasp,

"Luna?" I weakly whisper. Her head turns and she looks at me.

"Yes, little one. It is I" she says calmingly. My forelegs are scrunched up like a common ponies, and my hind legs stretched out.

"You're... In my house?" I ask, being really slow, enticing a soft giggle from the princess.

"Yes, Nalyd... I have come to take you away." She says, giving me some breathing space. One of the guards pokes his head in, and whispers something into Luna's ear. She frowns and nods.

"What's going on?" I ask her, still breathing weakly.

"Give me time, and I will tell. Relax, and breath, I shall return soon." She says, leaving. I look at where the leash is lying on the floor carelessly tossed aside. I suddenly grow embarrassed at the teddy bear lying under me. I turn slightly pink and sit up, looking for a place to stash the bear, I hear voices, and something about 'not taking him', when the princess walks in, a minute later, seeing me.

"Oh, what's this?" She asks, approaching the bed, eyeing the toy.
"Uhm... Just an old stuffed animal." I say, setting it gently aside, attempting to seem like I don't care. She places a hoof on my bed.

"May I?" She asks. I nod, and scoot over, granting her permission to sit on my bed, as not to seem rude. She gently strokes my mane with her hoof.

"I saw them." I say.

"What?" She asks.

"Heaven really has gates." I say. She smiles, nodding.

"I don't understand it though." I say, to which she gives me a questioning look.

"Why heaven? Don't I belong in hell?" I ask. The princess seems to recoil slightly in surprise.

"No no no, little one, nopony belongs in hell. They only earn it through many bad deeds that make them truly unworthy of going into a better afterlife. You have done nopony wrong." She says comfortingly.

Moments of silence pass, sitting quietly, before I ask,

"What's going to happen?" The princess pulls me over with one hoof in a hug as she whispers,

"I'm taking you to Canterlot with me." She says, seeming to have given this idea much thought.

"But what about mother and father?" I ask, trying to be formal.

"Your mother has already been spoken too, and your father...." She trails off.

".....Prison?" I ask.

"That might be the case." She says.

"....But, i'll have no home... No family.. No... Friends.." I worry aloud, although I didn't have much of those anyway.

"That is why I'm going to raise you, little one. Both Celestia and I are going to take care of you." She says. I seem to like the idea, but still worry.

"Pack your things and meet me outside, Nalyd." She says, lightly kissing my forehead and getting off the bed, leaving the room.

I reluctantly grab my saddlebags, putting in them my bear, the leash, and placing all the LEGOs in a big bag within my saddlebags. This is all I really wanted to keep, after all... It wasn't easy collecting all of these. I look around my room, not really wanting anything else. And I step into the living room, seeing my dad writing some things on forms, and he gives me a soft look, one I have never seen out of him, I can see him mouth 'I'm sorry' to me before turning back to the forms, continuing to write on some. Princess Luna takes my hoof, and leads me outside, and towards the royal carriage where the other guards await.

"Wait a moment." I say before running back inside. I ignore that my dad is trying to tell me something as I grab the small box containing Shasta's ashes, and trotting back outside, putting it in my saddlebag.

"Ready?" The princess asks me. I shake my head, starting to tear up, but proceed anyway. I'm not ready to go, but it's not an option. Luna helps me up into the carriage, and climbs in as well.

"Let's go" the princess says, and they take off, carrying us towards the magnificent Canterlot Castle.


We land at the castle, and the princess helps me down. I would normally have been overjoyed at being able to be in the magnificent castle.... Had it not been for my situation. We walk down a hallway, passing some guards and royals... We eventually stop at a door.

"Wait out here." Luna says, and I nod, my eyes still upon the ground. She goes into the room and I plod my way sadly to a hallway bench. And I sit there staring at the wall near the door, which through it slightly being open, I can see Luna talking to Celestia. Pointing in my direction. Celestia seems to be scolding her about something, but her expression soon changes.

"Well, why the long face young stallion?" Asks a fancy Mare who was going by on her business. I sigh, not answering.

"Are you new here?" She asks in a friendly tone. I nod.

"Welcome to Canterlot then, little one." She says, placing a muffin in front of me.

"Compliments of the Canterlot Kitchen." She says with a wink before trotting off down the hallway. I smile. People were nice in the castle, perhaps aside from the stone faced guards. Luna steps out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Come." She says softly, beckoning with her hoof. She leads me up a set of winding stairs at the end of one of the long hallways, passing the windows, I can see it is becoming dark outside. We eventually get to a room where the double door is locked. She unlocks it with her magic, and urges me inside, following me in.

I am simply awed by the large circular tower room. It is nicely decorated and furnishes with dark blue and black furniture printed with scenes of the night sky. A bed that could easily fit three full grown ponies graced part of the circular room opposite the door, another door next to it leading to the balcony. I look at her and she smiles.

"Make yourself at home, little one." She says, turning to the door, and leaving. I set my saddlebag down near the wall and lie there, using it as a pillow. This carpet was very soft. It is not long until I drift asleep. And I have no dreams, no nightmares. Just, for the first time in years. Real sleep.


Luna enters the room, seeing me asleep on the floor, she gives a soft smile and walks over to me. Using her magic, she gently lifts me up and places me on the bed, under the covers, near the right end of the bed, tucking me in. She goes over to the left side getting in as well, facing opposite me, she uses her magic then to entice peaceful dreams for my sleep.

I wake up the next morning, feeling so refreshed and so comfortable, that even the consideration of the consideration of considering to leave the bed I woke up in is completely distasteful. Suddenly, light floods the room as I hear blinds open.

"Good morning, Nalyd" says Luna from by the window.

"Did you sleep well?" She says. Well was an understatement. I can't remember ever being so well rested. And despite all things that have happened lately, I can't stop myself from smiling.

"I actually did... And Good morning indeed." I say with a wide grin.

"Come now, time for you to eat!" She says, ripping the blanket off of me with her magic and using a pillow the same way to urge me off the bed,
"Woah! Hey I am perfectly capable of getting up on my own!" I say laughing, and dropping off the bed, landing on my face. I lift a hoof.

"I'm okay." I say, struggling to stand. She giggles, and opens the door, heading down the stairs. I follow her, passing her by.

"Wait, Nalyd, the floor is-" Luna begins, but it's too late, I've already bolted by with the speed of a jungle cat, hitting the floor with monstrous velocity, and sliding against the opposite wall with a thump. The bruise I got from where my father tended to hit my side in anger flares up and I wince.

"Are you okay?" Luna asks. Stepping off the stairs more carefully.

"Yea" I say, my previous excitement has been hit with a psychological wrecking ball. We walk to the grand dining room where sits a large table. Royal cooks are setting about... Pancakes? Huh, I figured royalty to eat something aside from pancakes.

"You may sit by me, little one." Luna says, sitting in a large blue chair at the end of the table. I sit next to her, and our breakfasts are presented to us. I thank the cooks and they smile and nod, before walking away. I take the fork in hoof and attempt to jab the helpless pancake, but the fork doesn't go through. I look at the pancake and try again, to no avail.

A face suddenly appears on the pancake, not a scary face, nor an unkind face, but a humorous face. I nearly fall out of my chair from shock.

"What's the matter? Not hungry?" The pancake says, before jumping onto its side and slowly spinning around.

"I think myself quite delicious, do you not?" It asks. I simply stare wide eyed. Princess Luna looks as well and only rolls her eyes at it. The pancake falls backwards and the entire stack of pancakes grows, each one nearly quadrupling in size. My eyes widen.

"That's enough, Discord." Luna says nonchalantly, taking a bite from her own. A tall, insane looking creature pops out of the pancake pile.

"Whatever's the matter, Luna? Don't you see this kid? He's underweight! He needs to eat! So I took it upon myself to make his pancakes bigger!" He says, all the while laughing.

"You almost gave the poor colt a heart attack" Luna says, her voice turning stern.

"Yeesh," Discord says, before whispering to me, "Mind this one, she really murders fun" he says before sinking into the floor.

"Elevator going down." He says while waving his hand. I can't help but laugh afterward, not entirely sure what happened.

"Never mind Discord... He's..... Different.." Says Luna while turning back to her breakfast. I nod as I return to mine.


~That Night.

After a long, fun day with Luna, we climb the stairs back to her room. She seems exhausted, but I am still full of energy.

"Calm down, little one." She says smiling, trying not to trip over me.

"Sorry, Luna. I just can't believe I've been missing out on so much fun in my life..." I say. She smiles and opens her door, I hop into the room. And she goes in after me, closing the door.

We had barely enough time to settle down when a loud bang hit the balcony door. It was none other than Derpy, the mailpony. Princess Luna opens the door with her magic and Derpy zigzags in, opening her mail bag.

"I have a few things for Nalyd here..." She says, spilling everything on the floor. The princess sighs. I walk over and inspect the pile... Noticing something.

"A few?" I ask, noticing all but ten letters are to me. Derpy picks up the 'few' that aren't to me.

"Heh, sorry about that" she says before closing her mailbag, and taking off towards the... Window. She smacks into it and falls to the ground, the princess lifts her up with her magic, as well as opening the door, and closing it behind her. I look at the letters... Two from my two best friends.... One from Pinkie Pie, another from Twilight Sparkle... Even one from Sweetie Belle. Others are amongst the jumble. I decide to open them all tonight despite the princesses objections.

~Ten Years Later.

I look out from the balcony of my room at Canterlot Castle, looking up to the right at Luna's own window. I remember many a time before I had gotten my own room around six years ago, I used to stand up there and think. I turn around to face my own room. Smaller than Luna's .... But it fits me perfectly. Shasta's ashes and leash sit like a monument upon the fireplace mantle. I leave the room and head down to the courtyard, where soon I will take a carriage to my job. I smile proudly at my cutie mark... A severed rope. I help correct young colts and fillies who look to suicide much as I had ten years ago at their age.

I couldn't remember a time before all the arguments. Before the pain. But I do remember now my past ten years as Luna mothered me to be the proud stallion I am today, she is a mother figure to me, and Celestia an Aunt. Discord and I get along wonderfully. I cannot go a day without laughing because of his foolish antics. I visited Ponyville twice in these years to see my old friends. Twice I offered Sweetie Belle to come back to Canterlot with me, and twice she refused. Her heart lies in Ponyville, but she says she's not going to marry anyone because of me. But she wants me to move back to Ponyville to do so. With my job, however, I cannot do that. As I head for the carriage I see a familiar figure. One I hadn't seen in ten years.

"Dad?" I ask the old stallion who approaches me. He nods and smiles.

"Fresh outta prison." He says.

"What brings you here?" I ask nervously.

" I wanted to see you and apologize... Son... I know I was an asshole and a terrible father to you... And I realize now that that wasn't right. I've had ten years behind bars to think about it.

"I forgive you." I say

"What? Why?" He asks

"Because if not for you, I wouldn't have trained to help ponies with my old problems." I say, to which I get an understanding nod.
"I still live at the old place... If you ever want to come and visit your old stallion." He says.
"I would love to" I say. We both embrace, and I truly feel how sorry he is through his heart. I smile as we release one another and I climb into the carriage to my job, and he waves me off.

I often think about how my life used to be... But my life does not bother me anymore.
And in my years in Canterlot I have discovered much about real family life, Love, and Friendship.
.... And that's what really matters.

The End

Comments ( 3 )

I haven't said this since "My Little Dashie" but manly tears were shed

It was short and sweet :twilightsmile:

Thanks everyone. Sorry the end took so long to make, but I couldn't leave a sad cliffhanger.

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