• Published 18th Jun 2013
  • 1,804 Views, 27 Comments

Legend of Zelda: New Grounds - Lil Drabant

Link must learn new warfare in a new place to defeat his enemy

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Chapter 5

Link saw the town peek over the horizon, still filled with people. He was still amazed that some had a pair a wings, and some had a nice horn that made them capable of magic, he knew magic back in Hyrule, but it was certainly different here. He kind of liked it, once he was able to go back to Hyrule, he'd definitely have to bring Zelda and some wizards back so they could study it.

"Midna, I have a question" Link spoke aloud, following her appearing from his shadow.

"What do you want, Link? Kinda busy." She said.

"Doing what?"

"I can do things in your shadow, dummy. I'm looking at some sort of bug-type thing here, a Parasprite i think its called, eats basically anything given to it, kind of interesting to look at and study, I might feed it a bottle of lava from Death Mountain." She said back.

"Alright...So, I know you've profiled almost everyone here, and that girl, Rarity, she designs garments, right?"

"Yeah, she does, and don't call them garments, they call them clothes here. Why do you need to know that?" She asked.

"Well, look around, I feel so out of place here, its weird." Link said.

"What's wrong with the clothes the spirits gave you?"

"Tell me, does anyone in this place wear anything like this? I feel about out of place as a man in Gerudo Valley, but i'm not being arrested. And what's with those things I see police and soldiers with? None of them have swords, I see plenty of daggers and clubs, though."

"Well, i guess you could have Rarity make you some clothes more "in style". You gotta remember, Link, you're in a different universe, this isn't Hyrule, they carry guns, something you should probably learn to use, i've read up on history, and The other side of Equestria is in a war with a militia-type group called "The Changelings", which is weird because the Princesses gave them a chunk of their nation so they could have their own, but they started attacking again, and they are slowly pushing toward Canterlot. They are under command of their "Queen Chrysalis, and I fear Iron Will and Ganondorf may form an alliance, you need to learn guns, I mean you are a master swordsman and hand-to-hand combat artist, you could do it."

"Makes sense, who could train me in shooting these guns?" Link asked.

"Well, it just so happens that Twilight Sparkle's brother, Shining Armor, is captain and leader of the royal guard and military, he could train you." She said.

"Huh, convenient. You think I could get a bit more of a modern hero's clothing from Rarity?" Link asked.

"Sure! I'll go explain to her, and set up an order for clothing, you go explain to Twilight and ask if she can set up a meeting between you and her brother for some training. You sure about Rarity? After all the things that sorta just happened to her?"

"Damn, you're right. I did sorta save her, just, if she asked how she can pay me back tell her that all i require is the order, if she doesn't, just tell her I asked for it, and how much for it.."

"Alrighty, no problem!"

"Where should we meet up?" He asked.

"Umm..., The fountain in town square" Midna responded.

"Sounds good" He said back. Midna began heading toward Rarity's place.

Link turned around and started toward the town again, seeing the large tree-type house over all the buildings, a light sun only a couple hours from setting and beginning night. As Link walked, he could smell the fresh maple leaves coming from the trees, it smelled like the brew Illia made back home in Ordon Province, she brought him some every Saturday morning before they walked through Faron Province to wash Epona in the spring, they often took a ride through the mass of Hyrule Field as well, but kept to where the soldiers were to keep away from Bokoblins, as much as Link loved to fight them. Until Zant invaded Hyrule, that is.

Again, when Link entered the town, he felt weird in his tunic because no one wore anything like it, He saw people with thin, short sleeved shirts and some sort of denim fabric on their legs, and short boots, but he knew they had different names. The town was full of busy people going in and out of stores and shops, this definitely was nothing like Hyrule Town, people had stands set up, but these were individual buildings set up.

Link saw some cars, which he learned about when he first got here and was talking with Fluttershy....'Fluttershy', Link thought, lightly giggling. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, even more so than the Princess back in Hyrule, or even Illia, he long, pink hair was the best thing he had felt. Link shook his head, and focused on the task at hand. He saw Twilight's house nearby, and he knocked on the door, having forgotten to take off his metal gloves, and creating a loud sound.

Twilight opened the door, and smiled. "Oh, Link, it's you, come in.", she said, moving aside.

Link entered her home and took a seat on the couch, Twilight sitting across from him and pouring some tea. Link looked around her house, it seemed cozy, a fire lit and brightly burning, easily keeping the house warm. It smelled of some sort of pastry. 'Blueberry pie', he thought, it was rather strong.

"So, Link, what brings you to my home?" Twilight asked, starting the conversation.

"Well, I actually need a favor. Midna told me a little bit about your nation, said you were in a bit of a losing war, and these 'Changelings' seem to be advancing?"

". . . Listen, I know the six of us aren't doing a totally good job of defending Equestria, but we're trying. So do not criticize is, okay?" Twilight said back, a bit upset.

"No, no no! That's not what i'm saying at all!" Link said back to her.

"I'm saying that i'm new here, I better get accustomed to your way of warfare, which is with firearms, i guess. I have less than no experience with them, and Midna says your brother is a leader in your army, and could train me with guns. If he's willing, and I came to ask if you could set something up so I could meet with him and talk with him." Link said.

". . . Oh, i'm sorry for my outburst, it's just. . . difficult right now. I will give him a phone call, one moment." Twi said, pulling her cell phone out and getting up and going outside.

Link made a face at the device Twilight had pulled from her pocket. If he had to guess, it was supposed to be some sort of device that allowed communication from long distances, but much, much faster than sending letters back and fourth. He waited a little bit, and Twilight came back inside. "Alright, we're to go there tomorrow on the train, and he's agreed to train you with guns, he's actually anxious to meet you." Twilight said with a smile.

Link finished off the small cup of tea that Twilight had poured him, got up, and smiled at Twilight. "I thank you very much, Twilight, i appreciate it. I must go get rested up, thanks again." He shook her hand, and began out the door and toward the fountain in the center of town.


Midna kept floating along after her and Link had departed, and couldn't seem to stop thinking about what had happened to Rarity and her little sister, Sweetie Belle. 'How could someone do something like that? Are people in this country really like that?' She thought, still floating. She could float through walls, so she didn't bother going through the town, she just flew right to Rarity's shop.

"The Carousel Boutique." Midna read aloud, Fashion wasn't really her thing, but she liked the name. She decided she'd have enough decency to knock on her door, see how she's doing before she explains the fashion problem and asks for the order.

Midna raises her hand and knocks on he door, soft but loud enough to be heard. A Still beaten up, dirty Rarity answers the door, softly smiling at her "O-oh, Midna, hello" She says, a bit scared and alert.

"Hi, Rarity, may I come in?" She asks. Rarity nods and moves to he side, Midna moving into her house and taking a seat, Rarity coming and sitting next to her. Midna had noticed that tissues littered her table and around the floor, she had been crying for obvious reasons.

"So, you doing okay?" Midna asks, lightly patting Rarity's back.

Rarity jumps a little, and responds with "Y-yeah...i-its okay...".

"And Sweetie Belle?"

"Sh-She went with our parents back home. . ."

"You sure that you are okay? Link's kind of worried." Midna says.

"I'm fine. . .Does he need anything? I'll do anything he needs, its the least I could do to repay him..." Rarity said a bit sadly.

"Well, He needed something, it's one of the reasons I came over. He's going to be going into battle here as well, and he's like something a bit more...modern for a soldier, he said he'd pay for it as well." Midna said with a smile.

"No, no! No payment is necessary, i'll get right on it, no problem, it will be done by tomorrow morning, pouches, holsters and all." Rarity responded, smiling as well. Midna got of the couch and headed toward the door.

"Thanks Rarity, it means a lot, He felt out of place here wearing what he was, so it's a big help." She waved, and floated out the door, Hearing Rarity say "Goodbye" back.

Midna didn't know her way around Ponyville, but she had a good sense of direction, and from the tour earlier, she was easily able to find the fountain. She saw Link there, and waved as he approached him, and they started toward Fluttershy's house.

"Twilight set up a meeting between me and her brother tomorrow." He started.

"Good, Rarity said she'd make you an outfit, and it will be ready by tomorrow morning." Midna responded.

"How is she holding up?" Link asks, heading into the lightly wooded forest that had reminded him of the outskirts of Faron Province.

"She's not too good, she had been crying when i got there, poor girl." She said, seeing Fluttershy's house.

Link and Midna got to the door, Midna going into his shadow, and he knocked on the door, remembering that Fluttershy had said he could stay there. Link stood there a second, hearing some rustling.

But no one answered.

He heard a bang, and then a scream from the inside, and he kicked the door open, and what sounded like a portal was heard from upstairs. He sprinted up the stairs and burst into the room where all the noise was coming from.

"Fluttershy!" He had screamed, seeing Fluttershy being pushed through a portal, a muscular man following, and Link saw something very familiar. A man the height of two soldiers had looked back at Link, smiling at him. It was Ganondorf, and he had already gone through the portal.

"Link!" Was all Link heard before the portal had closed.

Comments ( 4 )

Damn it! Cliffhanger!

now we will pay the waiting Game:pinkiehappy:..oh this story is so awesome please continue cant w8 to see the next chapter:heart:

Whats keeping you from updating man?:fluttercry:

i'm guessing this story is dead

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