• Published 18th Jun 2013
  • 1,803 Views, 27 Comments

Legend of Zelda: New Grounds - Lil Drabant

Link must learn new warfare in a new place to defeat his enemy

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Link was about to finish off the evil Dark Lord Ganondorf. He was locked in a battle with him, and when Link put Ganondorf on his back, he took this opportunity to finish him off for good, making sure he would cause no more deaths, and no longer kill anyone.

When Link jumped up and did a front-flip, he was coming down to deliver the last blow, and a portal of some sort had opened up, and he and Ganondorf started to fall through. Link only panicked for a brief second, then realized he had faced much worse, and calmed down.

Link saw Ganondorf falling, and he fell toward Ganondorf to finish the job. But when he turned him over, he saw that Ganondorf was out cold, and decided it was better to conserve his energy trying to find a place to fall into without dying, than to waste some of it on a doomed anyways person, so Link decided he was gonna leave him for the fall to kill, and Link pushed him away and continued to look down.

He saw a lake, and it looked really deep, so Link decided that is where he was gonna fall. He knew that the fall into the lake would still knock him out, but if he was lucky, someone nice enough would pull him out and save his life. When he started reaching more toward the bottom, he pulled his legs up into a diving position, closed his eyes, and braced for impact of the water in the lake.

Link dove in, and became very drowsy. He started to drift off when he saw a sort of skinny arm reach in and pull him out. the figure pulled him out, and pumped his chest a few times, and he spat water up. He didn't get a good look at the figure, but he could tell it was a girl, in a yellow sweater that revealed her shoulders, and had long, pink Hair. He wished he could see her face, wanting to see what she had looked like, he had imagined that she was very beautiful, but alas, he fell asleep, but not before seeing another one.

"Rainbow Dash! help!" She screamed, wishing her friend would come quick.

"take him to my cottage" she said, a rainbow haired lass laughing.

She picked Link up, and carried him to an unknown place he had never seen, and he drifted off to sleep


Ganondorf had awoken with a sharp pain in his side. He cried out the same moment he felt it, but it was a dislocated bone, and he snapped it back into place, and he sighed in relief as it was a huge lift off his shoulders. He limply got up and started limping around the forest he awoke in.

He came across a cottege and scoffed at the muscular man lifting very heavy weights on the inside of it. Ganondorf took a better look at him, then the world he was in, then he smirked very, very evily. Ganondorf was going to convince and manipulate him to his will and use him to take over the land he was in. So with that, he walked up to the door, and knocked.

He heard the weights rack up and the bar holders, and heavy footsteps to the door. Once the man opened the door, he looked at Ganondorf, and frowned.

"What is it? Iron Will is in the middle of his weight lifting session!" Said the man, very meaty voice.

"calm yourself, i mearly wish to speak with you" said Ganondorf, very devishly

"well about what?"

"ever wanted complete power of this land"

"well everybody does! especially Iron Will! and Iron Will will have it!"

"would you be interested in a partnership?" asked Ganondorf with a creepy grin

"are you strong?"

After Iron Will asked that, Ganondorf put him in a chokehold he could not get out of, and he tapped out and called uncle.

"ok, I know that you are now, so this shouldn't be such a problem" said Iron Will, still trying to get his breath back.

"but if you see a boy in a green suit, and a skirt looking thing, destroy him" Ganondorf then shows him a picture of Link.

"but he is just a boy, what could he possibly do?"

"do not underestimate him, he is as strong as me, and he almost defeated me before I was teleported here, I highly doubt he is here, but we shall see" said Ganondorf.

"I never asked your name"


"Iron Will" he ended as they shook hands.

This was going to be a big partnership. They were going to do all the things regular criminals would do, but they were going to a new level, a level that regular criminals would take it to even if their livelihood depended on it. They would try to take over the whole land of equestria.

"where am I?" asked Ganondorf confused.

"you my friend, are in the land of Equestria. This land has more love and compassion than any other place that has ever exsisted! and I believe that you and Iron Will are going to change that, aren't we?"

"yes, change it to the land full of horror, sadness, and darkness, unless he stops it....."

"do not worry about him, he might not even be here, lets just focus on trying to take over Equestria"

"that's probably a good idea, plus in all this, I may grow stronger, unless he decides to do something about it, if he is here"

"Iron Will will crunch him under his teeth!"

"that's the attitude we need, now, we need an army of monsters"

"Iron Will knows where to get that, follow Iron Will" he said as they got up.

They walked out the door and Iron Will led Ganondorf to a small pond under the land

"now we need a monster, and throw it in there" said Iron Will.

Ganondorf merely pulled one from his pocket, and threw it in the pond, like he said, and two more came out. they continued to do so, and threw the rest in with more coming out, they rounded them and took them to a place far into the artic, and proceeded to make plans to attack and take over, but it would take awhile, with the noise of the monsters.

Author's Note:

Humanized, and I hope you guys love it! I love my little pony and I am in LOVE with legend of Zelda! so I thought "woah! what if I made a crossover woah" so I made this prologue! im going to keep writing it even if some people hate it, because there will also be people who mwill like iot, and want another chapter! so I hope that you all like this, and chapter 1 will be up soon!