• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 5,633 Views, 70 Comments

Out of the Pan, Into the Forest - SpikeShip

Spike recants the tale of how he was banished from Ponyville

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Chapter 4

“Phew, I didn’t think it’d take that much out of me.”

“I told you your cooking is too good.”

“You’re right, I gotta start working out more.”

“Same. But right now, I’m gonna take a shower before the sweat sticks to the clothes.”

“You want some help scrubbing your back?”

“Hm... Tempting, but you remember what happened last time we did it in the shower?”

“In my defence, I did fixed the linoleum...”

“Yeah, but we can’t afford to fix it EVERY TIME...”

“Alright, alright. Just save me some hot water.”

“I won’t take that long,” and with that she was off, rounding the corner to get all hot and steamy. And I guess you’d love to hear all about this, wouldn’t you? Pervs :)

But I digress. You’re here to continue the tale of my banishment, and if I’m not mistaken, we left off when I received the letter as I made my introductions to Kzibas. But I have to be honest, everything that really happened for a good portion of that was me telling her about my life and everything I already told you, but if you want to be reminded, you’re welcome to. And she told me her story of how she was raised with lone dragons that died a few months ago and she was the only one of her siblings that survived this long. That was about it.

But something else happened during that time, something that I learned about much later, after I had... well, we’ll get to that when the time comes, as for right now, we must go to the courtroom of Princess Celestia. Her tall and regal stature stood firm like nearly every waking moment of her duties, listening to the common folk speak with their god, negotiating with the peacekeepers of law, and communing with dignitaries that come to share their blessing. Needless to say that it became tiring after a single sitting, but she knew it was her duty and she only needed to perform it for those ten hours each day, allowing her time to relax and enjoy the the day she brought to her people. That day however, she had needed the company of newly appointed princess Twilight in order to finish off the paperwork with other dignitaries, and decided to write a mostly formal letter to her, sending it via the draconic spell that was given to her by the nobles of Drikon that allowed her to send messages that cannot be received by anyone other than it’s intended receiver, that all fire-breathing dragons are able to do.

I don’t think I have to remind you that this was the message that I sent back, confusing the princess at first as to how fast it was responded to, then that it still contained her unbroken seal. It was not a pressing issue, but she didn’t like putting these kinds of things off, so she wrote a short message on the top of the scroll, one that could be read as soon as it opened, and resent it. She grew annoyed however, when the letter reappeared in the same amount of time as the previous attempt. She was told that as long as the receiving dragon is alive, it will send the message and be forced out as soon as they get it, so it could only mean that spike was purposely sending it back, and having made sure her schedule for the next few minutes was open, she sought to see why he was doing that with her own eyes by teleporting to the Ponyville Library herself.

What she saw there, was something that made her pause. It wasn’t a sight of a distraught library with books skewed all over the place, nor was it a spotless location of OCD cleanliness, It was one of a library that looked recently abandoned with all of its books. They were still on the shelves for the most part, but the dust had gathered and cobwebs have formed, I should know, I had to clean them off every day and let me tell you that it was a chore. She took note that there was no curtains drawn, nor was any candle alight in the house, which didn’t make sense in the middle of a work day.

She caught wind of a faint cry, causing her to suddenly twist her head towards the stairs, begging her to follow. She found Twilight in her room, or should I say our old room, crying in front of the pile of ashes that used to be my bed and asked what was wrong. Twilight jumped at the question, turning to her mentor in anguish of the recent events and the sudden shock of her arrival, replied with that she missed Spike.

The princess was once again confused, asking for what had happened, and almost regretting it after finding out as Twi recounted her tale of the whole town wanting Spike’s head on a pike and because she could not think of any better solution, she banished him. The princess was appalled to hear that fact, shocked to hear that the hatchling she raised as, and considers him to be, her son, has been banished from all of Equestria. She asks what he was said to have done to deserve this, and was shocked to hear that he allegedly eaten a pony whole.

The princess, after taking the acquisition in, asked where those rumors came from and was told that he confessed to killing and eating his meal that day, but that it was Fluttershy who witnessed the event. After hearing this, she ordered her pupil to gather her friends and meet at Fluttershy’s abode, teleporting there herself as soon as she finished the order.

What she saw there only confirmed her fear, as Fluttershy was cowering over a puddle of tears still flowing out of her while being comforted by her animals. She calmly walked over and asked what was wrong, briefly startling the mare before saying that she felt so guilty over what she had done to one of her closest friends. The princess admitted that she had heard of Spike’s banishment only today, and that she was the start of the rumors that gotten him banished. She shot up at the remark, saying that she never told anyone that Spike was eating somepony! She said that she only saw him eating a deer, and the way he looked while doing it made her so frightened that she forgot who Spike was, she only saw what he was. A dragon.

The princess comforted her on her mistake, it was not something she could overcome easily, and understandably so, for even though the timid mare knew many carnivorous animals, she was only fearful of the draconic kinds. The princess also took note that Fluttershy was not the start, but because she did not explain herself clearly, another of her student’s friends mistook the feast for something much more sinister, but not wanting to bring that up twice, she asked if Fluttershy could make some tea, because she had asked the others to come to her home as well, which Fluttershy happily obliged to do.

It took a few minutes before they finally arrived, long enough that the tea had already cooled to a moderate temperature and was already being enjoyed by The princess and the timid mare. Twilight spoke as soon as they entered, declaring that she had done what she asked, and awaited further instructions like a soldier. The princess calmly told them to have a seat and enjoy some tea, which confused the 4 gathered at first, but complied shortly, waiting for all the friends to sit before asking what they knew about the situation with Spike, looking towards AJ first.

She said she didn’t know anything, she was in the middle of harvest for the last few days with her brother, which opened to door to Pinkie opening her mouth, jibber jabbering about all sorts of things, eventually saying that Spike was a big meanie pants because he took away one of her friends and never had a goodbye party for either of them. Rainbow was surprisingly cowering behind the couch, shivering out of her fur, and when Celestia asked what she knew about it, she meeped! Yeah that’s right, the great and powerful Rainbow Dash meeped! But she followed with a laugh and the classic line “you know, it’s a funny story...” before revealing that when she heard about the incident, she thought it was a prank and even went as far as to spread it like wildfire, being sure to stick around for the reactions as her exaggerations became more and more horrifying, even bringing the ‘joke’ to her co-workers when she had to report back shortly after.

Then it came to the mare that started it all, Rarity. She still held her noble appearance, especially before royalty, and clearly explained that after hearing about Spike and his actions from Fluttershy, she felt it necessary to report it, asking for everyone to check their loved ones to make sure they’re there, and rushed to her boutique to see if Sweetie Belle is alright, where she stayed for the rest of the day, so distraught that she only made one dress that whole time. And so the princess asked what she thought after Spike’s banishment, but to her astonishment, Rarity cocked her head and while puffing her hair up, proclaimed that she never really liked the beast in the first place, saying that she only associated with him because of his connections and her overly generous nature. She either didn’t notice, or flat out ignored the shocked and disgusted faces of her friends and ruler while continuing to talk about how every time he comes up in conversation with her customers, they would say how dangerous it is to have such a savage beast loose in their town, and even saying that if it wasn’t for Twilight, they would’ve skewered him the second they saw him.

They were all at a loss for words, even the anger within Pinkie was dwelled into disgust for even thinking against her dragon friend, and before long the princess got the nerve to speak. The first thing out of her mouth was the fact that she had no idea the town thought this badly for Equestria’s crowned prince simply for his uncontrollable attributes, and in the stunned silence she asked the group, but Rarity in particular, if they really believed that Spike had eaten a pony, to which the five nodded, before she asked why they did. Rarity said that Fluttershy told her that Spike was eating somepony and it terrified her to tears to see it.

It was surprising to hear Fluttershy with such a strong voice, but she interjected the fashionista by saying quite clearly that she only said she was frightened by the ways the hooves moved when he was eating, nothing more. That it was only her projection of her fear, or worse, what she wanted to hear, that made the story of a dragon eating a wild deer into such a vicious crime of eating a civilized pony. And it was then that Celestia added that if he did not eat it, he would have starved to death, because it seems that he finally grew out of his child eating stage, and now requires meat to live, for the rest of his life.

“Alright, you’re up. I made sure to save a few seconds of hot water for you.”

“Thanks honey. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

“And I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you. I think I’d still be in that cave if it wasn’t for you.”

Author's Note:

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore... I practically rushed this whole chapter...

Comments ( 28 )

Great chapter, doesn't feel rushed to me. :moustache:
On another note:
I want Pinkie to open a portal to Equestria, just for a day or less.:pinkiecrazy:
I just want to knock Rarity into the next month:twilightangry2::ajbemused:. Then I'd go back, maybe:twilightsheepish:.

That must've been an awkward trip back to town for Rarity.

Talk about being a HUGE bitch, that rarity...

I hope Spike slaps Rarity with his claw on fire.

You can always count on Flutterbitch to stab you in the back. Not really suprised by what Rarity said/did either. Aot of times she's about as deep as damp napkin.

My anger for the mane 6 especially Rarity is giving the urge to rip them limb from limb.
I hope Spike disembowels Rarity with extreme prejudice.
As such as the video below.

At this point Clestia should of slap Rarity and imprison her.

2944041 it wasn't just her, remember? just about everyone in the town she talked to about Spike was like that... at least that's what I thought I said

I love To hate Raribitch, I hope spike stomps her to death

2944110 I know but she did started the rumao(sp).

Yes it is a bit rushed indeed. Not because of all the things that happen, but because of the way you explain them. Specially the omision of conversations, giving us instead only small descriptions of what could have been very long scenes for characters development.

I would recomend you to stop ending the chapters the way you do. It was a bit funny and even intersting on the first two chapters cuz we didn't know who or what was Spike's wife. But now the way it keeps interrupting the narrative and kicking us out of the inmersion into the story just to show both characters... Exchanging awkward/cheesy lines? I don't even know how to call it. Doesn't help the fact that we still now nothing about Spike's mate.


And, to be fair, Dash played a pretty big part in this because she was too stupid to realize when a joke went way too freakin' far

Let me confirm if I am reading this right, and please forgive me, I'm only commenting on this chapter, since the previous three are pretty self explanatory.

Spike was banished from Equestria, never to return (at first glance), and he was banished w/o any sense of trying to get his side of the story. Fluttershy witnessed Spike needing to eat meat, ironic since she of all beings would understand natural instincts, and basically snitched to Rarity. Rarity, being the huge gossip queen that she is, ratted out Spike to the entire town, including Twilight (in Twilicorn form). With Twilight now able to act as basically judge/jury/executioner with her ascension to royalty, she caved to the base, selfish, blind cries of protest to punish Spike for something that he cannot control. Needless to say, the others ponies of the mane 6 are having mixed emotions and basically split down the middle: Pinkie, AJ, and RD don't believe it, Rarity and Fluttershy want him gone, and Twilight is similar.

And while all of this happened, Princess Celestia did not know what had occurred, and also calls Spike her son. The only way she found out is when she realizes that her reports that were supposed to be sent to Twilight kept coming back as "Return to Sender". I'm guessing that once she found out what happened to Spike in Ponyville, there is a bit of intense anger (seriously, how is she able to mask that??), deep loss, extreme fear, and somber regret, all at once.

What I see is apparently Celestia knows about what happened, and she knew that at some point in her lifetime, her son would eventually begin craving for flesh, as is normal development for dragon. I just wonder, how is she going to take it?? We just got to the gritty-nitty and her son's gone. Another thing I have to ask though: Would it have killed Celestia for telling Twilight (like at her cororation, as a matter of fact) that as per the natural order of things, Spike will eventually need to have meat to live, like animals that rely on other animals for nourishment?

I'll try and answer these in order:
1) he was banished from Equestria due to the public outcry of his carnivorous nature (they wanted to lynch/slaughter him the instant they saw him) and immediate action had to take place
2) Fluttershy has a dragon-phobia... in case you forgot
3) Rarity asked what Fluttershy was shivering in fear over, which she partially described
4) Rarity told the town on her way to see that her sister was fine, she never told Twilight anything
5) she was the head authority figure and was seen to be responsible for what would happen, and nearly the entire town was demanding Spike's head
6) Pinkie was angry she didn't throw a going away party, AJ didn't hear anything about it, and RD thought it was a joke. Fluttershy was acting through her dragon-phobia and Rarity was "too sophisticated to associate with such lowly creatures like that"
7) Celestia has an entire country to govern, in case you haven't heard, and the incident happened within a period of hours, and she had (apparently misguided) trust in Ponyville to take care of her son and not judge him for what he was
8) She did and she masked the emotions through desire to learn the truth
9) I'm not sure if I should answer the rest, but wait until I finish writing the next chapter... but if you really want to know, I can answer

but I thought that was all stated clearly, I even said, "the way he looked while doing it made her so frightened that she forgot who Spike was, she only saw what he was. A dragon."

and if you don't mind me asking you a question: how do you feel about the intros and outros? (the parts where he's talking with his wife in the 'present' between his memories of the past) because I've tried to ask before, but I didn't get any response at all.


Firstly, thank you for responding and clearing up a few things. Sometimes it does seem to be Captain Obvious, but it's always welcome to clearing up some confusion.

Secondly, I do enjoy the entire premise that you have for it. There is a bit of showing going on, where we can see what happened in Spike's past, as well as what's going on now. As it is, it's a first-person pic, so there is going to be a bit of interpretation allowed. I am relieved that despite what happened to him, he's still willing to relay that to whomever wanted to hear his story. And the interaction between him and his wife is quite humorous. To me, it truly feels like I'm in the story, where I have come to visit Spike, and even though his has his stories and fish tales, he still has time to converse with his wife and show the love he has for her that he apparently lost when leaving Equestria.

I do have a bit of a feeling that despite what we have seen from him account so far, there is going to be a bit of a surprise visitor. I'm guessing Celestia shows up, just to see how her son is doing after 300 years.

no problem at all, and I'm glad to see that someone understands what I was going for

and as for your guess, I will say this: there is a surprise, but it's not Celestia

Then, continue.:rainbowkiss:

............. you realy hate rarity don't you?


6775629 Don't count on it and even then it's probably just more nonchalant filler.

i completely agree with you

I don't think you rushed it at all actually this chapter is my favorite in a different sense. Please continue though this story is really good (in a say it with me now a different sense)

I must say, I really liked this story. It's rare that I enjoy stories from First Person Perspective. I also really enjoy the little bits of conversation that take place in the present, a very nice touch. Perhaps I should try something similar in the future.

Abandoned filler garbage.

If the story ever finished would it have ended like a dragons requiem?

With everyone dying? He did conquer Equestria, so I assume he took revenge on them.

Please tell me he wouldn’t kill them, especially not Twilight.

Please update

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