• Published 12th May 2013
  • 5,062 Views, 52 Comments

My Mommy - Serina

Ms. Cheerliee assigned her class to write about their favorite pony ever, and this is Dinky's report.

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Written in Love

The room was crowded with talkative fillies and colts as Ms. Cheerilee sat down at her desk. She looked up to see that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were enjoying themselves all too much with planning their next trouble making/cutie mark finding adventure. Over in the other corner, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were chatting away about shopping most likely, while Snips and Snails were in the middle row cracking jokes with Twist.

Suddenly the dismissal bell rang, and the all too energetic ponies sprang to the door. Cheerilee spoke up before any of them left, “Okay class, before you leave, I need you to turn in your report of who you think is the best pony ever in history!”

A flurry of papers hit her desk as her students nearly trampled each other to get out of the classroom. The papers piled up into a stack that towered over the desk. She smiled and shook her head, wondering where they ever got the energy. She started to try to organize the papers when a little, grayish-purple filly sat her report onto the teacher’s desk, away from the rest.

“Here you go, Ms. Cheerilee!”

Ms. Cheerilee put the paper on top of the others.“Why thank you, Dinky. You better hurry along now, I bet your Mother is waiting on you.”

Dinky smiled wide. “Okay! Bye, Ms. Cheerilee!”

“Bye, sweety!” Ms. Cheerilee watched as the little filly bounced out of the door before returning to organizing the papers.


Ms. Cheerilee placed another paper into the growing pile beside her and looked up; the clock read 4:15 P.M. The fuchsia mare rubbed her head and looked at the papers she had left. “Only a few more papers, Cheerilee,” she mumbled to herself, wondering why she ever assigned so much work when she had to read it over once they finished. She grabbed another paper and looked at it, scanning over the words slowly. It was Dinky's report.

My Mommy
By Dinky Doo

I have the best Mommy ever and she's the best pony ever! My Mommy’s name is Ditzy Doo but most ponies call her Derpy for some reason. She really likes muffins and sometimes I get to bake them with her, even though most of them don’t come out so good. We can’t bake muffins too often because Mommy says the stuff that makes them is expensive but that’s okay, because when we do get to make them it makes baking with her even more special. Mommy sometimes says funny stuff to ponies, it always makes me giggle even if she is serious. She said one time that she was going to throw muffins at me if I didn’t clean my room, I did, but I still thought it was funny. My Mommy works for the Ponyville Post Office. She used to deliver packages but now she just delivers the mail. The Post Office is a really long walk from our house so she has to leave really early so I usually get ready for school by myself, but that’s okay because she always leaves me breakfast, I love when she leaves me an orange because those are my favorite. My Mommy can’t see very good but the post mare lady said that’s okay and hired her anyway. I guess that’s why Mommy doesn’t fly a lot because of her sight but she’s really good at sewing. For Hearths Warming Eve last year she made me my own mail carrying bag and inside there was an orange and a peppermint! I was so excited. I carry that bag everywhere I go now, it makes Mommy smile to see me with it all the time. My Mommy smiles a lot too. All the time I see her smiling even though sometimes I know she doesn’t mean it. I never tell her that though because I’m afraid it would make her sad if she knew I knew about her fake smiles. It’s probably because of the mean ponies that call her names and laugh. But Mommy usually ignores them, but sometimes I hear her crying when she thinks I’m sleeping and I wonder if she’s always crying on the inside. But then I know she’s not always crying because when she smiles at me she means it and when we do stuff together its the funnest stuff in the world, like playing in the park, drawing, and blowing bubbles. One time I was coming home and I saw our mailbox was broken, Mommy said it was an accident, but I still think it was some mean pony again, but that’s okay because maybe they just didn’t know better, like when my Mommy sometimes breaks things too. But even though she breaks things my Mommy is still the best pony ever! She’s even the bravest pony ever! She sticks up for me all the time even to the really mean ponies. She’s even super nice and smart! She lets me work at Ms. Roma’s tomato stand sometimes and sometimes when she’s not paying the bills she helps me with my homework. But what makes my Mommy the best Mommy in the world is because she’s my Mommy and nobody else is special like her.

Ms. Cheerilee put the paper down and wiped away a few stray tears from her eyes. She sat the paper on top of the others. That little filly really does love her Mother... Bits of memories crossed her mind of her own Mom when she was just a filly. A picnic lunch here, a trip to Neigh York there. They used to do everything together; After she discovered her cutie mark her Mom always took her to teaching conventions. But even before then, when she was a filly, they were attached at the hip, either writing poetry together or drawing. How long had it been since I told my Mother I loved her and how much she meant to me as I was growing up, and even now how much she means to me? She thought about this for a moment.Then the mare opened her desk draw and brought out a blank piece of paper. She grabbed a pencil.

Dear Mom....

Author's Note:

This was really a one shot story for Mother's day. I want to continue writing one shot stories of Dinky and Derpy's relationship, but more as a random thing then an actual series. So when I have some free time or I just feel like it, I'll write about Dinky and her fantastic Mother Derpy!
Thanks for reading!!!!

Comments ( 52 )

Cute little story you have there. Take a thumb. :)

Thank you for writing this. It may be short, but it was beautiful. -Wishes he had a nice Mum- Have a thumb up and a fave :pinkiesmile:

This was cute. I liked it. :twilightsmile:

I have always loved a good Dinky/Derpy story. This one was great. Take a star.


Derpy Doo and her daughter both bring a smile to my face. Everything they do seems to just tug at the corners of mouth, no matter how much my stone heart protests. I think that's what I like the most about Derpy. She reminds me life isn't always about the harsh circumstances, and it's not always about losing, and it's not always about getting hurt. It's about smiling through the pain, laughing when you lose, and singing as if your heart never broke.

In the long run, I think that's worth a lot.

A good Ditzy/Dinky story always fills you with D'aaaw. :derpytongue2:

D'aww. I always love Ditzy/Dinky stories. People who aren't perfect deserve love and happy endings too, y'know! :pinkiehappy:

One of the rare instances in which a wall of text actually makes the story better.

Oh my.
Liked and faved!
That ending made me cry a little bit too. :pinkiesad2:

I literally d'aww when i saw this...
and I usually don't do that.
Definitely a +1 and a favorite from me.

Okay...First off, this is really good, no joke. It's beautifully written, heartfelt, and extremely moving. It hits all of the right buttons. What drives me crazy is that the best thing of the story is also paradoxically the worst part. Dinky's report is exactly what you would expect from a small child. It's completely in character (though her mastery of both spelling and grammar is rather impressive for a foal her age; seriously, she writes better than a good chunk of the people on this site). Of course, it's understandable that she probably hasn't learned about paragraphing yet, which is unfortunate. The report was a treat to read, but after slogging through that wall of text, damn do my eyes hurt. :derpyderp2:

I guess the moral of the story is that good art is sometimes painful to behold. :eeyup:

Damn this dinky spells better then half the people on this sight:twilightsheepish:

Still elegantly well made :moustache:

Mothers are the strongest of us. They withstand the pains of birth, and afterwards, the headaches of our incessant crying, tantrums, fits, and other such shenanigans. No man can ever truthfully say that he is stronger than his mother, because his mother gave him the strength he possesses.

Very well done. I like how you made the report itself seem like a youngling like Dinky actually wrote it. For me, that is difficult to emulate. I salute you, good sir.

<3 DarqFox

Moving, and in only 1000 (and change) words. Impressive.

P-p-p-popular box, TAKE THIS FIC ALREADY! :flutterrage:

I-I-I mean... please? :fluttershysad:

dis storiez iz so gud i wantz to cryz

Proper english: Dayumn son, you've made me D'aww all over my keyboards.
Edit: ^ oh the irony of 'proper' english that I assumed

Oh God, the feels. I love how the report is believable as a child's writing and it just... wrenches at your heart to get a glimpse at Derpy's life. Very great short!

A great & heartwarming story.:twilightsmile: Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the thumb! :pinkiehappy:

2568314 2568420 2569312 2570031 2570356
Thanks!!! :yay:

*huggles* no problem and nice moms don't always make good moms in the long run but it usually helps. :pinkiesmile:

It's my favorite Mom and daughter fiction pairing actually and yeah I think they are all so full of D'awww. :twilightsmile:

2568671 2568673
Yeah I agree they're all so d'aw! And no one is perfect :raritywink:

I didn't notice that until i published it! but thanks! :raritystarry:

OH GOSH DON'T CRY! :pinkiegasp:

Wow thanks! I thought it sounded childish but i never knew it would move this many people you know? And I mean with the spelling Ms. Cheerilee is a very good teacher after all! :twilightsmile:

Ms. Cheerilee is a very good teacher. and thanks! :raritywink:

Thank you. I mean it didn't take me very long to write at all. I'm more of a kid at heart really so it's not hard to imitate a child in text sometimes. Also I agree Mothers are very precious and should be treated as such. :pinkiesad2:

DON'T YOU CRY TOO! :flutterrage: and it's in there idk where though, just not the feature box because i have to have over 4,000 words i think to get in there. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks I will! :rainbowkiss:

To Everyone!
Thank you for taking your time to read my story. I didn't expect it would get this much praise (let alone views/comments/votes) because of it's length but obviously i was wrong! I will continue to write short stories about Dinky and Derpy's life together when I can (as school permits, summer jobs, ect.) and try to publish them soon! I hope you like them as much as you enjoyed this story. :derpytongue2:

P.S. OMG I'm so sorry if i made anyone cry I mean yes I know they're happy tears or heart moving tears ect. but i still feel like all apologetic so sorry!!! :fluttershysad:


! I will continue to write short stories about Dinky and Derpy

HUZZAH! Take my eyeball, for I must see them as they come to fruition (pretty sure that's the word I want).

Oh, and it may or may not have made me shed sweat from my eyes cuz my heart was warmed too much.

2572272 ive actually seen a 2k word story up there

Yay for hugs! :rainbowkiss:

another crier! :pinkiegasp: and sweet! Thanks for the watch!

Really! I thought they put up a 4k rule :rainbowhuh: Maybe i was mistaken? :derpyderp1:

No. It was the single tear that trickles down your cheek when you encounter something of true beauty. That doesn't make me a crier. (We really need new emoticons)

ah ok! and yeah we do.... :facehoof:

There wasn't an insecure one. I needed an insecure one for after that last line. Kinda like the face Pinkie made when that truth blossom plant thing was planted in the cutie pox episode.

I know others have said this as well, but...
This is the best disorganized wall of text I have ever read. It warms the heartstrings:heart: :moustache:

*wipes eye* I'm not crying. I just have bad *thinks of excuse* allergies. :twilightblush:


:fluttercry: such a, a nice story:fluttercry:

You have just earned not some of, but all of my "Dawwww!"

Have a star, a thumb, and a moustache! :moustache:

Also a yay, because all of my "Dawwww!" :yay:

Whoo! Mustaches!!! :moustache:

Awww thank you! Yeah I didn't even think about the whole block of text thing. :rainbowlaugh:

*huggles* DON'T CRY! :raritydespair:

*hugs* DON'T YOU CRY EITHER! :raritycry:

Yay! Thanks! I love d'awww. :twilightsmile:

Ouch, right in the feels... short and sweet...:twilightsmile:

Sorry about any damage that came to your being while reading this. And thanks!!! :pinkiesmile:


GAH! It hurts so good!

Hi there. I hope you don't mind, but I liked this fic so much I have put together an audio version ot it on YouTube.

OMGOSH! I do not mind at all! That was so nice of you to do that! And your Dinky voice was like great so don't worry about it. :rainbowwild:
Thank you for audio reading my story! I'm glad you liked it. :derpytongue2:

But what makes my Mommy the best Mommy in the world is because she’s my Mommy and nobody else is special like her.

:fluttercry: Dear Celestia that line hit me so hard. Thanks for the feel, have a like.

the feels.... :fluttercry: this story is amazing and adorable and perfect!!! :heart::heart::derpytongue2::heart:

Who here has the unbreakable will and battle-hardened resolve necessary to completely read through Dinky's letter without cracking a smile?

Because it sure isn't me.

A-d'aww-able story the likes of which I shall never be able to craft.

Screw you, Serina.

I wouldn't wish these feels on my worst enemy!

Awww~!! This was such a sweet, touching story! :pinkiesad2: I really enjoyed this as a read, and you did an absolutely wonderful job of bringing forth a child's unconditional and understanding love for her mother. :twilightsmile: In fact, I do believe I have heard of this delightful oneshot of yours before, and I've been searching for it for a while. Trust that the moment I give up all hope of ever finding it, much to my delight, I happen to run across you on here without realizing it and then see it in your gallery of stories! Talk about serendipity! :scootangel: I am so glad that I found you and that I found this story of yours! It's warmed my heart, and I absolutely love it!

Aw, that's nice.:fluttershysad::heart: I reminds me of how much I love MY mom.

Heard scribbler's reading of this and found it too cute:rainbowkiss:

I won't lie, the fort time I heard this story I actually went and gave my mum a huge hug.

Very well done

Bloody hell, this is so sad and yet so sweet. An amazing bittersweet oneshot. Even I shed a few tears when I read through Dinky's report.

And now for a bit of a less emotional/truthful and more funny comment:
Damn! Foals are like little alcoholics, they just can't lie! They just spill their hearts out in the most honest of ways.

About Half way in something wet dropped on my keyboard. It took me a moment to realise it was my own tears. Haha

Ha ha ...

So sweet. I always love these cute little stories that show the loving mother-daughter relationship between Derpy and Dinky and how much they care about each other.

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