
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Exercise · 3:12am Oct 16th, 2016

So I began exercising again. Not just because someone close to me suggested it, but also because a sedentary lifestyle like mine isn't so good for me, so I need to do something to stay in shape. I had forgotten the ache of a genuine workout. I used to be able to do so much more than this when I was in Taekwondo. Then again, I was also a whole lot younger back then too. Maybe that has something to do with it.

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Report Fire Soul · 392 views · #exercise

Buy Fitness Equipment Online · 6:31am Jul 27th, 2020


If you like fake dancing, then you'll love... · 3:54am Mar 10th, 2016


EIM got featured! · 10:58am Oct 16th, 2018

Holy balls!
The second story in five years, were going up in the world!
(Not really, but it's still great. I never thought it would ever happen again.)

Welp, time to get back to mopping the library with renewed vigor.

EDIT: Aaaaand it survived there for about an hour lol. Still counts, though!


The Author is unwell · 8:59am Jun 10th, 2021

Believe it or not, I do most of my writing on a treadmill to breakup my work schedule. Exercise and wordsmithing. The perfect twofer. Sadly, structural issues with my hip have sidelined me for a week and make it hard to sleep. The imperfect twofer. This impacts my release schedule for the The Runaway Bodyguard. I've got me some good doctoring going on, so I will be back soon. Peace. Out.

Report scifipony · 171 views · #Pain #injury #writing #exercise

I finally achieved a normal BMI! · 11:36am May 9th, 2020

From 169, my weight is now 168.8 lbs and my BMI is 24.9. I'm so proud of myself and I can definitely say that the workout today really paid off. However, I will not rest on my laurels. I will continue on my weight loss/maintenance journey while the quarantine still goes on.


Story audio readings, anyone? · 11:26am Aug 28th, 2015

God, I miss when I still got excited for this show.

I haven't made a secret of the fact that Monsters is highly likely to be my last fanfic on the site. Perhaps my last fanfic ever, period. It's been fun, guys and girls and variation thereof, but there always comes a time when one must move on.

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Shelf Cleaning Intiative: Bonus Round Part 1 · 10:31pm Jan 31st, 2016

-OR- The writing exercise that time forgot!

So, waaaaay back when is started the ponyfic thing, a friend of mine suggested I try writing more stories in First Person, and told me I should write a short bit in order to get more used to it. After much grumbling I finally complied, writing a short seven page scene between Zecora and Blueblood... and then we both promptly forgot about it and never spoke of it again.

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Happy Canada Day! · 5:45pm Jul 1st, 2017

It's Canada's 150th birthday today which means 150 years ago today, Canada was signed as an official country and not just a colony owned by the British. If it wasn't for that fateful day, I would never be calling myself a Canadian and I most certainly wouldn't have that Canadian accent.

I think... It's hard to tell you have an accent when you speak that accent your whole life.

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30 days/30stories · 3:44pm Jun 22nd, 2017

Hello dear followers and non-followers (seriously, what are you waiting for to become a member of the first group?). It's been a while since my last update. I am definitely not the most active member on this site. However, I've been more active on the Writeoff website (link). If you are among the few people who have never heard about it (seriously, most of the nice and cool people following me comes from there), the site holds regular writing contests, with

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I'm at my lightest this year · 10:21am Apr 22nd, 2021

Last year, I was at a range of 167-169 lbs. As the pandemic went by, my food cravings have lessened over time. I just finished exercising and now, I'm at 157.5 lbs., with a BMI of 23.3. Awesome! ✌🏻


Being a Better Writer: Why Writers Should Play Games · 10:56pm Nov 6th, 2017


Let's Do a Fun Little Project: The Imperium of Equines and The Heresy · 4:53pm Jan 18th, 2019


Being a Better Writer: Writing Exercises for Character Viewpoints · 8:14pm Jul 17th, 2018

Welcome back, readers! And welcome to Tuesday! As you probably guessed, I had work shift yesterday, and as low as hours have been lately, there was no way I wasn’t taking it.

Just gotta make it to the end of August. The end of August.

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Being a Better Writer: Descriptions and Character · 10:23pm May 18th, 2020

Hello readers! Once again, we’re back with more Being a Better Writer! But first, how was your weekend?

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[Scene Writing] Bon Bon Pranks · 9:33pm Nov 7th, 2015

Bon Bon yawned as she walked into her house. The stars were dancing high above, and she could feel her eyelids getting heavier with each step, but first the dryness of her mouth needed to be attended to. She turned the lights on in the kitchen and pour herself a cup of ice and water. She sat upon a stool at the counter and took a sip, her throat chilling in relief as she drank. Then she looked across the counter towards the living room and noticed the television was on.

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[Scene Writing] Lover's Leave (Big Mac X Marble Pie) · 10:08pm Nov 7th, 2015

Marble Pie woke up from her slumber, recovering from what seemed like the most sweetest of dreams ever. The last thing she could remember was the heavy musk of apples and sweat. As she rubbed the grogginess out of her eyes, she looked around her bedroom and noticed Big Mac adjusting his yoke. Suddenly all the buttery feelings inside her had melted.

“Big Mac?” she called out to him, albeit quietly.

The strong, red stallion turned his head to her with a sober expression. “Eeyup?”

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[Scene Writing] The Pillar of Bronze Steam · 10:01pm Oct 19th, 2015

Oceans away from the coasts of Equestria lied a desolate land of sand and sun, where nothing stood except for a gleaming bronze tower of cogs and gears. It was an imposing landmark, casting a long shadow over the sands while its tangerine armor glistens under Celestia's light. Nothing much was known about this peculiar tower, which made the trip all more exciting for the world renowned Daring Do.

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[TiH] The Cover Process · 2:37pm Apr 4th, 2016

So as you guys have likely seen, I have a new story goin' out right now. It's not exactly right to call it a story, though. Talking is Hard is meant to be an exercise so I can practice dialogue, which I've gone on record several times to say is the bane of my writing. But I'm not here to talk about that. Not quite.

I'm here to share the process I typically use when designing story covers.

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Smash Ideas: Terra Branford · 12:00am Feb 15th, 2019

I've actually been planning to do this for a while, but Mythril Moth just (read: yesterday) gave me the best excuse to do this:
Also, some Final Fantasy 6 spoilers in here, though it's only things that every other Final Fantasy game assumes you already know.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results