
Viewing 141 - 160 of 173 results

Recent Site Changes: Account Deletion, the Future of FIMFiction groups and "Fluttercheer's Orphanage for Abandoned Pony Fiction" · 11:27pm Jul 17th, 2018

Yesterday, knighty wrote a site blog post about changes to He implemented new features on the site in the last few weeks and summed them up in a changelog:

One of those changes to is sticking out and heavily discussed in the community right now. You sure heard of it already, but for the sake of completion, I mention it here anyway:

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You thought I was dead, didn't you? So did I. · 2:50pm Jun 10th, 2017

I'd just about given up for a good year now. Didn't really have anything else to say about ponies with all the game-changing stuff happening in the world. Thought about just cancelling all my stories and leaving the task of writing to the many far, far more popular writers on the site. It was boring, sure. I was giving up like a complete failure, true. But as Western civilization declines around me, it's tempting, very tempting, to just follow the example of the rest of Europe and North

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do i dare cancel Wielder of the Orb a third time lol (also lab horse) (also it'd be nice if you could tag multiple stories on blogs) · 10:34pm Jul 1st, 2022

EWielder of the Orb: Third Time's the Charm
A story that just about dumps one of the characters in its cover art and turns from a comedy into a fantasy adventure. Nothing much.
TheMajorTechie · 7.1k words  ·  15  4 · 428 views

this heckin' thing ^^

has not received any updates in almost two years now.

and fractures is on the way to bulldozing wielder of the orb and eating part of its plot up as a pseudo-fourth attempt at the dang thing as part of my plans to make a weird tonkusverse-sort of inter-story referencing inside joke thing :V

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Rant: Mobile Versions of Sites · 12:23am Dec 2nd, 2016

Mobile versions of sites, and mobile apps to replace sites (facebook, reddit) piss me off.

For starters, 99% of mobile sites/apps solve the problem of "How do we adjust our site designed for 1920x1080 down to fit a tiny phone screen?" by just cutting out over half the useful features. Don't have room for a search bar? Delete it. Don't have room for formatting options? Delete them. Don't have a keyboard for useful shortcuts? Delete all the shortcuts.

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Situation Report · 3:46am Mar 20th, 2018

Earthpatriot117 reminded me that I hadn't given any updates on my situation lately, so let's fix that, shall we?

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bio edit thing · 3:11pm Jun 30th, 2018

why does it look fucking disgusting right now

like it literally couldn't look any grosser


The Best Picture Storage Websites · 2:53pm Aug 30th, 2017

The Best Picture Storage Websites

Recently, Photobucket decided to be a butt monkey and charge its users to put their stored images on other websites (or what many sites call 3rd party hosting). So all of the images on every one of my sites was blocked.

I tried to use the backup images that I had on Imgur and some other picture storage sites, but those sites blocked my ability to place my images on other websites as well.

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I'm Boycotting Certain Social Media Sites · 3:43pm Nov 27th, 2016

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit have become cesspools of biased news, overrun by ads, and are starting to restrict what you can post on them more and more.

You can learn more about how they are legally getting away with censoring things by reading this article here:

I've decided that I've had enough of this. Fortunately I have found excellent alternatives to each one.

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The end of MLP:FiM and the Bright Future · 3:00am Feb 17th, 2019

Hello kiddos,

As I'm sure many of you have already heard, and what we have expected since the leaks, it is confirmed that S9 will be the last season of MLP: Friendship is Magic. No doubt people are spooked by this news.

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Pony music · 4:44pm May 10th, 2018

No news regarding me or my writing at the moment, but I had the pleasure of meeting an amazingly talented and sadly underrated composer recently, and I wanted to give his stuff what little bit of spotlight I'm able to :yay: DoctorSympony writes instrumental music based on MLP, usually inspired by locations throughout Equestria. Check out a couple of his songs below, but please, if you like it then hit up his YouTube to drop

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Let's Talk Long Stories · 3:27pm Sep 11th, 2019

So, every so often, I take a look at what's featured and popular on this site just to see where the trends currently are. I don't really read a lot of FiM based fic these days, since, as I've stated, I'm more interested in Equestria Girls. But I like to know what's going on story-wise around here and I've noticed something that kind of irritates me.

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Zootopia... Why?! · 7:08pm Jul 23rd, 2016

Brain: Watch Zootopia for the 50th time.

Me: Okay.

Brain: Your not even going to ask why?

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What an Interesting Week... · 5:53pm March 31st

Well, I mean, interesting to me. Took care of a few IRL things. Work was busy in... unique ways, lately. Winter doesn't seem to want to go away quite yet (which I'm actually fine with. Already sick of Mr. Sun). Had a quiet celebration for my wife's birthday and our Anniversary (got her a CD and some books she wanted). We've been officially married for 8 years now, living together for almost 5 (well, at least OFFICIALLY). Kinda proud of that, even though these are still rookie numbers. Finished

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Press Release Distribution Services - Let the World Know · 6:15am Jan 13th, 2021

This sometimes led to untrue information about the company being printed and circulated and contributed to misinformation for the general public.

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What We Write About When We Write About War · 9:16pm Nov 21st, 2017

I've never really looked at my own body of work and tried to suss out a general theme. As far as I know, I don't really have an identity as far as what I write, at best having one for how I write. I don't know that you could sum my work on Fimfiction up in one sentence, the way you could say that Majin Syeekoh writes irreverent comedy with intermittent navel-gazing, or that Carapace and friends write fluffy romances about the contrast between sour and sweet. Of course, if you can, feel free. I

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How to Evaluate Press Release Distribution Services · 6:51am Jan 18th, 2021

You might even buy press release distribution applications in a fraction of the price. Irrespective of which way you select, there are a number of things you'll have to think about before you spend your cash.

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something · 7:46am Oct 19th, 2016

so i've been reading a ton of SCP entries and tales, now somewhere near a total of around 3000 including deleted content. Two things that stood out to me were SCP-2480 and SCP-1730, both of which feature pictures of real world buildings, which i have found to actually still exist, so if someone wanted to go find it, they could. I have actually found a vending machine in my building's basement that exactly matches how SCP-294 looks, so I am curious, are there any other entries that give a real

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Journeyman's Easter Extravaganza · 10:47pm Apr 11th, 2017

Ho, and well met!

Journeyman on the mic, and I'm here to tell you all I have a lot of content coming your way this Easter! Let's just get right into it.

Celestia's Curse

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Important Future Update About Everything. · 7:51pm Jul 5th, 2023

So I have some personal stuff going on, and I know most of you are here for the stories but I got laid off the other job, turns out it was a probationary period, but I'm quickly trying to get back into the work force and get my life on track. I'm not here to ask for your sympathies or apologies, I just wanted to let you the readers and fans know that I will probably post no new chapters for the Equestria Chronicles this month....maybe. I might be able to squeeze one more out but it would either

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Potential Inactivity... · 9:15pm Apr 4th, 2018

I just figured I'd leave this little heads-up for anyone who may, or may not, wonder where I might be disappearing to for a little while...

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 173 results