• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
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A brony of few words who writes many.

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Situation Report · 3:46am Mar 20th, 2018

Earthpatriot117 reminded me that I hadn't given any updates on my situation lately, so let's fix that, shall we?

Anyway, WHEN WE LEFT YOU LAST...I had announced that I was moving out of my current abode, and I'm still working towards that. The property owners of my apartment, however, we kind enough to strike an arrangement with me that allowed me to stay in the apartment for an additional month, giving me additional time to prepare to move out and them additional time to find new renters for the apartment, so everybody wins!

Naturally, though, I've been still super busy all of those said preparations, hence why no new updates on...well...anything, really, but most especially "Grief is the Price We Pay."

As it happens there's been a few small additional complications to that delay as well, though--the current chapter I'm working on in "Grief" is proving a tad troublesome, and I've recently come to conclusion that I'm not satisfied with the approach I'm taking with it, and thereby will have to go back and not-quite-start-over with it trying a new approach...which of course means that it's completion and posting was going to get delayed anyway.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! As it happens, I've also been working on a top secret, non-MLP, collaborative project with another writer behind the scenes, for which I am writing an opener of sorts. I have known about it for months now, but had been putting it off to focus on "Grief," thinking "Oh, I'll have "Grief" completed with loads of time to spare to write that."

Which, of course, didn't happen.

And unlike "Grief," I actually do have a legit deadline to get my part of this other project complete by (early May), and need to do it with time for the other writer to review and give his two-bits for any needed changes, so since that deadline's coming up, I have to switch gears from "Grief" and focus on that for a bit now.

In short, more delays. Dang. Not been a great start to the year for "Grief." But, now you know. And as always, know I'm working on trying to get through this pile up of delays as quickly as circumstances will permit so we can get back to your regularly scheduled "Grief," and as usual, I thank you all for your patience.

'Til we meet again!

Comments ( 11 )

Thank you for the update! 😋

Hope it gets better

Well its a good thing you didn't pinkie promise....

Thanks for letting us know—good luck with the move when it finally comes around.

And believe me, I totally understand chapter delays. I've had to do some re-writes myself, which is why my updates tend to come in groups. Take as much time as you need.

You just... take care of your other, more pressing stuff, then think about Grief. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: we can wait for this free horsefic you’re giving us.

Also, I, uh, need an excuse to catch up...

No worries mate, you just take care of yourself and do what's right. :heart:

And know that even if Grief ends...
...you're still an evil man.

Evil man.

That tag, should it be "Sadly you're NOT gonna see it here on this site"? good luck in the apartment moving thing!

I hope your situation improves. Really, don't stress yourself even more by worrying about the story.
But still... Dang it!

It should, fixed it. :twilightsmile:

Glad I could help bro. :pinkiehappy:lol
Hope everything works out for you. :rainbowdetermined2:


Best of luck to you in your endeavors

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