
Viewing 1141 - 1160 of 1,199 results

Random Late Night Blog Post #1 · 10:10am Jan 4th, 2019

I couldn't sleep tonight, and I was bored, so I thought I'd come on here and write a long blog post. Fair warning, I'll be using a fuck load of equipment jargon in this post. If you don't know what I'm talking about, click here for an Imgur album I made explaining what everything is.

I wanted to talk about WW2 equipment and, more specifically, reenacting. This'll be a more of a stream of consciousness thing, so bear with me.

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I am in love with what we are, not what we should be · 9:55pm Oct 18th, 2021

it's my birthday. Ish. I'm posting this at almost midnight, when it'll technically not be my birthday anymore, but in my defense -- I'm very busy. So here's a BUNCH of short comics! I've been trying to get better at short punchlines, literally just cause it's a fun challenge for myself, and that way I have something to do whenever I am not working on the next Big Comic, which is coming along nicely.

So, here you go. I hope you like them.


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Not dead · 1:17am Oct 3rd, 2018

Just faking it pretty well due to an ongoing combination of RL factors. And watching my notifications climb (there's 871 unread items in my feed). It's long past time to call a notification amnesty, so I'm gonna do it before it hits four digits. (Amnesty means I won't be making any effort to hit the backlog, so if there's anything you've posted in the last … um, two months … that you think I'd find cool, please tell me in comments.)

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The Comedy (is Serious Business) Contest Results! · 3:43am Mar 10th, 2018

Aaaand we’re finally here.

What can I say, folks – it’s been a journey. I almost feel emotional writing this announcement.

This contest literally started as me idly muttering “would be cool to make one of those m’self one day” in a public chat. And now look at this! Forty-seven entries, more than four thousand views in the original announcement, we took over the featured box, and overall? I’m sure we all had a lot of fun.

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huh · 4:41am Jan 20th, 2019


Aragón at Bronycon 2019 -- Day Three · 5:45pm Sep 24th, 2019


Return after a busy month and after another month of writing break + New Story Announcements befitting for the cold season! · 9:39pm Nov 30th, 2020

Wow, these were two crazy months I am coming out from..... October was filled with so many releases like I never had before in a single month. All together, I published three one-shots + my flashfic anthology in October. "Unsung Hero" and

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Humorous/insightful blogs postponed · 5:20pm Aug 7th, 2019

Not super feeling it right now, guys. Got a meeting this late afternoon/evening and another tomorrow morning, involving co-workers, a performance review and a meeting about our current product. (The performance review should, honestly, be fine, but that's not going to stop me from worrying.)

I could have typed stuff during the con, but, well - it was a wonderful convention and i want to gush about it later.

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I miss these glorious Saturdays..... · 11:16pm March 4th

I have seen this thread in the Crossover group about saturday morning cartoon openings (that's now deleted) in my feed and it triggered it..... The memory of the Saturdays when a new episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired. I miss these Saturdays..... Watching a new episode, waiting for an upload, downloading it, rewatching it 3 - 5 times, writing an analytical review of the episode on my Deviantart account..... Then going onto AssasinMonkey's Picarto channel (or,

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Not dead. · 1:48am Jan 15th, 2018

I'm very, very sorry. A declaration like that typed out on a phone in front of a river is very scary. As an author who wanted to have his blog either be for comedy or stories, I feel it was very rude to drop that out of nowhere.

Also, not dead.


Sleep Paralysis Sucks · 1:59pm Aug 13th, 2016

I woke up at ass o'clock, but I was still only half awake. I heard something beeping and someone stood at the end of my room, shining a light in my face. I couldn't move a muscle, and it was pretty fucking terrifying. I tried to scream his name so he can wake me up, but it didn't work. You know how you try to scream in a dream and it's just soft noises that aren't even at a normal speaking volume? It was that. Oh and that little stinker kept on shining the damn light in my face!

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Not dead · 8:43am Sep 25th, 2019

... though not for lack of trying. In between a layoff and a vacation at my new job, I've been working the work of three people. (At least I've been earning double paychecks due to all the OT.) The death march hopefully should ease up this week.

As a reminder that I'm still around, new story in the morning! A minific that started life in one of the Quills & Sofas speedwriting competitions back in like ... mid-August. :ajsleepy:

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Does "Complaining About Your Headcanons" Equal "Actual Criticism"? Nah -- A Celestial Tirade · 4:05pm Dec 3rd, 2016

Hey, remember that time Celestia beat Chrysalis without even trying? And then revealed everything that’s ever happened in the show has been part of her plan? And then she flew around Equestria solving every problem and Luna popped out and gave you a blowjob?


Well, shit. I wonder why.

…That’s pretty much the entire blog explained in exactly fifty words. A more in-depth analysis on this subject after the page break.

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I'm in a Star Wars Podcast! · 9:47pm Apr 4th, 2020

Honored guests and applicable aliases, it's time for a slight paradigm shift from what we usually see around these parts. For the past few months, my buddy and I have been working on a fun project. Y'see, he's got to create a podcast for his college project, and he wanted to base it on something that was fun to talk about. The two of us routinely get into the nitty gritty about what we like and dislike about Star Wars, so it seemed a good fit for me to "guest" star.

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Got a Wattpad now! · 5:07pm Oct 30th, 2021


Meet The Mares: Sweetie Swirl · 1:54am Dec 2nd, 2022

There’s only so much that can go into a story, especially one with as many characters as 16 has. So I’m opening the floor to asking these characters questions. Post your reply with any questions you have and Sweetie Swirl will be happy to answer them (I’ll be editing this blog to add those questions).

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A Poem · 2:28am Mar 19th, 2018

My friend has an apartment
A trade
A conventional relationship
With a good girl to settle down with
She's lovely, really
And when we talk he gives me that smile
That smile
That laugh
That says he's grown up
And he's waiting for me to catch up

And it hurts because I have nothing he has.

But then I think
He's the same as he was in highschool
He'd finished growing then
So he thought
His highschool sweetheart
His highschool job
His highschool ambitions

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"Iron Horse" fans: New Robot Story news! · 9:49pm May 17th


Okay... · 4:04pm Nov 12th, 2015

So if I'm snarky/rude or giddy/slap-happy, I purely blame my lack of sleep last night. And the night before. And the night before that. And so on. I... am a light sleeper. If I hear-a-loud-noise/feel-something/see-a-bright-light, I will likely wake up. It also takes an hour or so of staying still to get to sleep... Blegh, it doesn't help when a certain someone I will not name decides to watch a movie/tv at normal volume.


Video Game Reviews #1 - The Talos Principle · 10:03am Jan 6th, 2016

I have written reviews of video games I have played for a long time. I realized that it was kind of silly that I only ever posted them on Steam and Metacritic, and not here. So I thought I'd start out with something of a doozy - The Talos Principle, a game which was widely regarded as the game of the year of 2014 (and not just because the cover art has a robot petting a kitten).

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Viewing 1141 - 1160 of 1,199 results