
Viewing 341 - 360 of 399 results

Lyra's Random Thoughts Compiliation #2 · 9:54pm Jan 29th, 2017

Lyra's Random Thoughts Compiliation #2

This is a compilation of random thoughts, ideas, and musings I have on a daily basis. Read at your own risk. My mind is a very odd place.

Random Thought #1: My goal is to be well known writer, artist, musician, and all around creator. I also want to continue to be as weird as possible.

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Lyra's Random Thoughts Compiliation #3 · 1:06am Jan 31st, 2017

Lyra's Random Thoughts Compiliation #3

This is a compilation of random thoughts, ideas, and musings I have on a daily basis. Read at your own risk. My mind is a very odd place.

Random Thought #1: I think that the American flag should be changed to an eagle holding a taco in its talons, flying against the backdrop of fireworks exploding in the background.

That combination of things pretty much sums up what American culture is all about.

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My Thoughts On Using Social Media As A Hiring Tool · 10:47pm Sep 21st, 2016

Using social media to judge someone who works for you or using social media as a hiring decision (for future employees) are two things I personally disagree with.

There are people who have told me they haven't gotten jobs because a potential employer saw that they were a certain spiritual belief or sexual preference on their Facebook and chose not to hire them. This is against the law, but let's face it; employers do it anyway.

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First World Problems · 12:09pm Dec 7th, 2015

I created an RPG forum where people can run their pony RPGs off of (as well as other types of games) but no one ever uses it.

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My Cat Just Gave Birth To Kittens! · 4:02am Apr 19th, 2017


A Close Up Of My Kittens · 5:41pm Apr 24th, 2017

Here is a close up of the kittens my cat gave birth to. They are named Muffins, Cupcake, Sugar, Cinnamon, Pancake, and Cookie.


I'm Married To Tom The Rock · 4:10pm Jun 15th, 2017

Listen, Tom is a real person. He just lives in another universe.

He has solid rock abs. He has a chiseled physique. Basically he is everything I am looking for in a rock.

We can also do pet play because I can pretend he is my pet rock.

So Maud better keep her eyes off my man.

I saw her ogling Tom's butt the other day. I was not amused. <_<

Rarity also had her hooves all over my man in that one episode.

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Cat and Kitten Update · 4:14pm Aug 16th, 2017

Cat and Kitten Update

Well! It turns out that the cat we adopted is a silver Bengal and she mated with a Savannah Cat; which means that the kittens are half Bengal Cat and half Savannah Cat!

In case you don't know what a Savannah cat looks like,'s a picture.

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I Like To Visit Cemeteries · 2:06pm Jul 25th, 2017

I Like To Visit Cemeteries

Well, this will probably make me sound like sort of a weirdo, but I actually like cemeteries a great deal. I like visiting cemeteries in different cities and even various cemeteries in the city I live in.

There is just something very peaceful about cemeteries (to me). And it is kind of fun to imagine what the people there used to be like. Especially the people from the 1900s or earlier.

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An Update On My Mom's Condition · 9:09pm Aug 20th, 2017

An Update On My Mom's Condition

As many of you know, my mom had a very bad injury at her job a few months back, which led to the activation of a recessive genetic disorder know as Vikings Disease, which unfortunately has no cure.

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Dream Journal · 4:52pm Oct 15th, 2017

Dream Journal

I keep a journal where I record my dreams since I usually have very vivid dreams that play out like watching full television shows or movies.

Sometimes I turn these dreams into stories, poems, or other types of writing later.

I actually have four or five dream journals laying around since I've been recording my dreams since elementary school.

Now I record my dreams in a Microsoft document because they are easier to keep track of that way.

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Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks · 3:24pm Sep 29th, 2017

Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks

Here are some of my favorite foods and drinks in no specific order.

1. Potatoes in any form. They can be boiled, stuffed, put in a soup, turned into potato chips; whatever form a potato takes it will be my favorite dish.

2. Any food from India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, and other parts of Asia. I am a big fan of Asian food from all parts of the world.

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Two Amazing People · 1:30am Apr 17th, 2016

As many people know, I have been going through a really hard time right now. You can learn more about my current situation here.

I just wanted to take some time to thank two really awesome people who have helped me out in my time of need.

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I Found Some Interesting Graffiti · 2:25pm Aug 21st, 2017

While my mom and I were walking on a trail that follows the water canal system that winds through the city, I found some interesting graffiti on a wall.

Here's a picture I took of it.

I have always found graffiti (especially street graffiti) to be very interesting. So I was glad that I found this.

I wonder if this is a quote from something or if someone just made it up?

If anyone happens to know, feel free to fill me in.


My Mom and I Went On An Adventure · 2:03pm Aug 22nd, 2017

My Mom and I Went On An Adventure

Yesterday after watching the eclipse, my mom and I went to a bunch of shopping centers and looked around the various stores.

We found this neat costume store while looking at a bunch of stores in a particular shopping center and we tried on a bunch of costumes.

Here are some pictures of us being weirdos like usual. :P

(By the way, I gained some weight over the summer. I'm walking every day to take off the weight. So don't judge meh. <_<)

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Arizona Tea Goop · 2:52pm Aug 18th, 2017

Yesterday I was drinking some Arizona tea. When I took the third sip, some brown goopy stuff slid into my mouth and I swallowed it. I ended up dumping out the rest of the contents of the can into the sink and all of this brown goopy stuff the consistency of snot came pouring out of the can.

I immediately rinsed my mouth out like a million times. I couldn't do anything about the stuff I swallowed though. :L

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The Darkin Blade - Aatrox quotes (rework) · 6:02am Jan 18th, 2020


Good Things Are Coming My Way · 4:57pm Jan 21st, 2016

A lot of awesome things are coming my way in terms of working with games, animation, getting more of my stuff published, as well as some more opportunities to get my art and my music out there.

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Armchair Treasure Hunt Book: The Secret · 7:38pm Nov 30th, 2016

One of the twelve images featured in The Secret that hold information about the buried casques.

Armchair Treasure Hunt Book - The Secret:

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Bezier I’m using your character · 7:55pm May 25th, 2021

Bezier:Apparently, adding an extra y at the end of ‘hey’ means someone is interested in you.

Bezier: Oh, btw, heyyyyyy!

Pharynx: He

Viewing 341 - 360 of 399 results