
Viewing 201 - 220 of 256 results

'World's Most Pampered Buffalo' Called Wild Thing Watches Action Movies In His Own Room And Eats Breakfast At Table · 4:11pm Feb 18th, 2017

The 180 stone beast has almost killed his owners on more than one occasion due to his sheer size - but that doesn't stop them giving him the freedom of their home.

It might sound like a load of bull but this couple really do share their home with a 180 stone BUFFALO called Wild Thing.

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People Who Are In Love With Inanimate Objects · 5:30pm Jun 12th, 2017

People Who Are In Love With Inanimate Objects

Every day people fall in love. It is a normal emotion that people express in different ways. But some people wander of the beaten path and become romantically involved with inanimate objects.

These are just some of many people who are drawn to things people usually would not think of as being sexually attractive. Or dating material at all.

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Nightmare Night part 6 will post tomorrow... · 3:06pm Jan 3rd, 2018

I’m sorry it’s taken so long, but this has been one of those chapters that just does NOT want to come quickly. It’s certainly been fun to write in places, but I’ve only been able to write a little on it at time. Regardless, the completed chapter stands at 7500 words and will be published tomorrow morning. No further teasers except to say it’s got a very unlikely ship, one that I daresay has never been explored before but makes perfect sense in the context of how this thing works. You’ll get a

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Weekly Report #3 · 1:55am Sep 20th, 2015

Hiya! I have nothing good for an opener so let's get started.

Important note: My 10 follower contest was pushed out another week, instead of being over yesterday it will now be over on Friday. That was amazing English. :derpytongue2:

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Apparently You Can Get Paid To Be A Friend · 1:10pm Feb 23rd, 2017

There is this site called Rent A Friend where you can rent someone to hang out with you, go skydiving, go on a date; basically rent a friend to do any kind of platonic friendly activity.

You can either join as a member who wants to rent a friend for a specific activity or you can join as a 'friend' who sells their platonic services to whomever might be looking for them.

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Programs That Help Your Computer Run Great · 1:15pm May 11th, 2017

I thought I would share some programs I personally use on my computer that help to defend it from malicious attacks as well as run faster and smoother. The best things about all of these programs are, not only do they work incredibly well, but they are also one hundred percent free. They each do have 'premium' versions you can buy, but honestly thee free versions work great on their own. There is no reason to 'upgrade' unless you just absolutely want to (for whatever reason).

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Man, 60, Left With Cockroach Stuck In His Ear Canal For Three Days · 5:22pm Feb 18th, 2017

A cockroach was crawling around a man's ear canal for THREE days before it was finally killed off.

He spent hours trying to scoop out the invader including using tooth picks and tweezers.

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Snuggling Is A Job Now (Apparently) · 3:24pm Feb 19th, 2017

You can sign up for a snuggling service type website as a professional snuggler and get paid something like $30 - $80 per hour to snuggle people. You can also start your own snuggling business if you don't want to work for a snuggling company.

One of the largest websites that employs snugglers is Cuddle Comfort. There are no requirements other than just liking to snuggle with other people.

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Gunman At Phoenix Comicon Tries To Kill The Green Ranger · 1:38pm May 27th, 2017

A man armed with loaded handguns and a shotgun was arrested at Phoenix Comicon yesterday and told police he intended to kill “bad” police officers as well as Jason David Frank, the actor known for being the Green Power Ranger who is attending the convention, according to court documents.

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Projects to Come #2 · 2:22pm Oct 30th, 2015

Hello again my fellow fic writers and readers. Before I begin on the progress of the projects, I would like to adress two things. First, I’d like to thank those of you who took a look at Always and Forever. I really appreciate that my first work was so well received, even if it’s not the best story I’ve written. However, I do hope to make more progress with my work while having some fun making them. Secondly, I was wondering if anyone or anypony might be capable or willing to be my

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President Trump Knows More About Border Crossings Than Many Of Your Leaders Do · 1:21am Jan 22nd, 2021

Yes, it's true.

While I never watched either presidential debates, I have heard and seen clips where President Trump referring to coyotes at the border bringing people illegally into the US.

Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

Well, this is proof that President Trump is, at the very least, more informed and knowledgeable about the tropic than most on the left.

Coyote... that's what a person who brings people across the border illegally is called.

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Truancy - Chapter 4 extended Author's Note · 8:03am Last Friday

This Author's Note got pretty long, so I thought it was best to put it in a Blog Post. As you can see, there is a lot.

Ponice Document
CC = Canterlot Calendar. This calendar began after the capitol of Equestria was moved from The Castle of the Two Sisters to Canterlot.
F = female
M = male
NP = nature-pony**
P = pegasus

Kiger is a breed of mustang whose coats fade to black around their lower-legs down to their hooves.

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Oh YouTube, You Card You · 12:17am Aug 2nd, 2017

Now YouTube has just decided to delete YouTube channels and Google accounts that are 'controversial'. Their definition of 'controversial' is pretty broad; comedy, news, anything that goes against what mainstream media says, and more!

Isn't the future looking grand? :')

P.S. Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other social media sites have pretty much taken the same stance.

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New Ships Incomming · 7:03pm Sep 2nd, 2017

Well, now that Thorax has a reformed brother, that means that there are two royal brothers in the Changeling kingdom.

And there are two royal sisters that rule over Equestria.



People are going to start shipping Celestia and Thorax and Luna and Pharynx now, are't they?


State of the Author: July 2017 · 12:53am Jul 9th, 2017

So it's been a whole year since I updated Hand in Hoof. Quite a sobering thought, now that I put it in retrospect. I've really been that horrible of a procrastinator in the last six months.

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Arizona Life · 6:12pm Aug 4th, 2017

I live in Arizona where it is so hot most days of the year that your butt literally glues itself to any surface you are unfortunate enough to be leaning against or sitting on.

It is so hot here that you can cook food just by leaving it outside. I’m not even joking. I have literally cooked eggs, sausage, etc. just by leaving them on a pan sitting on top of the asphalt for a few hours. Oh, and I've baked muffins, cookies, etc. just by leaving them in my car for an hour or so. :I

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Two Random Food Items That Are Selling For A Large Sum · 4:31pm Feb 19th, 2017

Here are some articles about some random food items that have fetched a pretty big sum on the online marketplace for simply being an odd shape or else shaped like something people can recognize.

There's A Crisp That Looks Just Like Harambe – And It's Selling For A Staggering Sum

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Takka Takka Takka: July 2017 - BronyCon, Contests & Releases! · 7:14pm Jul 31st, 2017


Next Week's Episode Was Put On DailyMotion · 1:32pm Sep 3rd, 2017

Next Week's Episode Was Put On Daily Motion

Amazon ended up releasing the new episode of season seven (season 7 episode 18) by accident. Someone uploaded it onto DailyMotion. If you search for it on DailyMotion, you will find it.

The episode has Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Daring Do. It goes into one of the legends from Equestria's past and it is awesome! I totally recommend checking it out if you can.


Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Week 13 · 1:12pm Dec 20th, 2020

I had hoped to close out Pony Life as the last FiCG of the year, a symbol of moving past all the crap it’s thrown at us.

The fact that the last part of Zecora’s comic story still isn’t out yet is the most 2020 way 2020 could have responded to this plan.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 256 results