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Gunman At Phoenix Comicon Tries To Kill The Green Ranger · 1:38pm May 27th, 2017

A man armed with loaded handguns and a shotgun was arrested at Phoenix Comicon yesterday and told police he intended to kill “bad” police officers as well as Jason David Frank, the actor known for being the Green Power Ranger who is attending the convention, according to court documents.

The judge set 31-year-old Mathew Sterling’s bail at $1 million and he is facing charges of attempted murder, three counts of aggravated assault, resisting arrest, carrying a weapon in a prohibited place, and wearing body armor during the commission of a felony, according to the Phoenix police.

The police report obtained by the Arizona Republic states Sterling “believes that there are police officers that have kind faces in uniform but they can be bad officers,” and he “would use violence against them if it meant he needed to protect his friends.”

Sterling allegedly told police he was the Punisher, and that the firearms were for “self defense in case officers gave him trouble and that he would shoot to kill.”

But his vendetta against cops was only one reason for his attendance, according to police who said he intended to kill Power Rangers actor Jason David Frank.

The police report states that Sterling told them he stabbed the potential victim 15 years ago at an event and wanted to “finish the job.”

At Sterling’s initial court appearance, Maricopa County prosecutor Ed Leiter said he had set a calendar reminder in his phone for May 25 to “kill JDF comicon.”

“He exhibited a dramatic threat to the community beyond police officers, beyond Jason David Frank,” Leiter said. “A number of other people were referenced as possible targets or people he wanted to kill.”

No one was hurt at the event and Phoenix Comicon organizers have since heightened security measures for the duration of the weekend.

Including restricting the entrances and increasing security at the checkpoints, Convention Director Matthew Solberg said in an email prop weapons would be prohibited at the event.

Source: http://comicbook.com/movies/2017/05/27/phoenix-comicon-gunman-allegedly-wanted-to-kill-police-jason-david-frank-green-power-ranger/

Some Thoughts:

This happened in my city (Phoenix) yesterday during an event I usually attend every year but fortunately stayed home from this time around. I just thought I would share it since it is very odd and I am glad that I literally dodged a bullet by not attending. My condolences go to everyone who attended the convention yesterday. I hope that things will go smoothly for the remaining days.

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Comments ( 27 )

Ok that's just crazy. And not the good kind of crazy, just the messed up kind. Wonder how did they arrest him before he harmed anyone. Or at least I do not see mention of casualties.

Also the con banned all cardboard and foam props as a result? Bit excessive unless foam swords are that hard to distinguished from real ones.

What the hell...

As if he could hope to kill a Pro Genji.
Jokes aside, glad to hear the police got this guy before anyone got hurt.


As I understand it, the police were given a tip about the gunman by a female who was talking to him on the Facebook messenger before the event and started noticing him typing worrying statements such as 'I want to kill the green ranger' and 'take down the Aphrodite cops'.

Here is the source on that: http://www.abc15.com/news/crime/update-armed-man-arrested-at-phx-comicon-after-struggling-with-police

Because of the girl's statement, he was searched for in the convention building and was caught with all of the weapons in his jacket.

4549029 It is definitely an odd situation for sure. I hope that all of the people involved can find peace.

That guy is insane.

4549115 He is indeed. It is sad for all of the people involved. I am just glad that he was able to be arrested and detained before he could carry out his intentions.

I wouldn't be surprised if this gets blown out of proportion. Paints fans as being disturbed, tightens security, and gives us all a black eye.

I hope I am wrong.

I am so thankful no one got hurt though.

4549741 It was an isolated incident and most news outlets are reporting him as just being a mentally disturbed individual. So I don't think we will have to worry about that.

My goodness. I'm glad no one is hurt.

4552148 I am glad that they were able to arrest the gunman before anyone got hurt as well.


This could have ended tragically

4552942 So true. But fortunately it ended with no one involved getting hurt.

4555540 Things are going good, thank you. How are things going with you?


Great to hear. And I'm okay, feel just a bit ff but okay

4556877 Aww I am sorry to hear that. I hope that you will feel better soon. :heart:

Thank you Lyra. And I do feel better ^W^

4561869 Yay! I am happy to hear it. :)

4562833 You are very welcome. :)

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