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People Who Are In Love With Inanimate Objects · 5:30pm Jun 12th, 2017

People Who Are In Love With Inanimate Objects

Every day people fall in love. It is a normal emotion that people express in different ways. But some people wander of the beaten path and become romantically involved with inanimate objects.

These are just some of many people who are drawn to things people usually would not think of as being sexually attractive. Or dating material at all.

You can read the first part of this journal series here.

Amanda Whittaker: Amanda Whittaker, 27, suffers from an unusual condition known as objectum sexuality, which means she falls in love with inanimate objects.

The Statue of Liberty is the latest in a long line of objects that Amanda has fallen in love with, as she admitted to the Sun that she had a passionate affair with a drum kit in her teens.

Speaking to the newspaper, she said: ‘She is my long-distance lover and I am blown away by how stunning she is.

‘Other people might be shocked to think I can have romantic feelings for an object, but I am not the same as them.’

Amanda has filled her home in Leeds with memorabilia related to the statue and revealed that she has often thought about tying the knot with the object, which she affectionately calls ‘Libby’.

She has since visited the statue in person four times, when she admits to caressing it and leaning out of a window to kiss its hair.

Doro B: 41-year-old Doro B. fell in love with a metal processing system while she was at work. Doro stated that she felt a female presence from the machine. During the day, she confesses that she has to keep her affection to a minimum of “pecking and caresses” in order to not seem strange, but at night she takes out a model of her partner, stating that it’s “not a substitute; it’s more like a supplement. That’s why it doesn’t count as cheating. The model serves as a kind of fax machine that conveys my feelings to my beloved.” 

Val Theroux: Val Theroux says just because she loves an oak tree in England doesn’t mean she’s a few acorns short of a bushel.

Since 2008, the 64-year-old retired nurse from Kamloops, B.C., has been travelling once a year to Britain to hold workshops in reiki, a type of holistic therapy. But during her trips, she never fails to make time to hug her deciduous friend she met by chance four years ago in Brockenhurst, in the New Forest, Hampshire.

“I do love the tree, but I don’t know about being in love with the tree,” said the mother of two who was reached by the Toronto Star in Dublin, Ireland.

“It is a lovely, lovely tree that I feel very close to…I feel as if it speaks to my heart,” said the Australian-born Theroux, who could hardly stop chuckling when she learned that her love affair even made the Daily Mail of London, which called the tree her “trunk a burnin’ love.”

Theroux was with her husband of 40 years, John, when she visited the New Forest, and that’s when the oak tree’s energy kind of called out to her. Because she did not have her camera with her that day, she looked it up on Google Earth when she returned home to Kamloops “because I couldn’t get this tree off my mind.”

“I specifically go back to that village to see that tree. I liken it to soul mate or a really good friend,” Theroux said, adding that, “I know people think I am a bit quirky.”

“It’s pretty hard for people to wrap their heads around it if they have never just sat and been quiet with a tree.”

Theroux joked that John, 63, calls the sturdy oak her “tree lover.”

Theroux said she is often asked what she gets from the tree.

“It’s not about taking or getting because you don’t go to see a good friend to take or get something from them, you just feel good in their presence,” she said.

“That’s the way I feel about this tree. I feel as if I have a communication with this tree if you will. Trees don’t speak English because, you know, they are not humans. They speak tree, whatever that is.”

She recalled that on her second visit to the tree, “it felt as if it was saying ‘you are here, you have arrived. I’ve been waiting for you.’”

No surprise there because she says she has been talking to trees since she was little.

Theroux, who is now a clinical counselor, said her skills in reiki and shamanism likely contribute to her extrasensory relations with inanimate objects.

“Different people have different affinities for different things. I have great affinities for the trees and I particularly love the trees over here…it is not an unnatural relationship. It doesn’t replace a human relationship, it’s just another relationship.”

Theroux said whereas she used to think of the tree as a young male tree, this year it seemed to be “older and wiser.”

Edward Smith: Over the last 45 years Edward Smith has bedded nearly 1,000 lovers, but only one has been a person - the rest have been cars.

The 62-year-old from Yelm, Washington, United States is a mechaphile - meaning he is sexually attracted to machines.

His unusual conquests have included roaring Mustangs, luxury Jaguars and even attack helicopters.

He said: "Some guys look at boobs and bums on beautiful women. I look at the front and rear on beautiful cars."

Edward, who first became attracted to machines in his teens, went on to bonk hundreds of vehicles and at his peak was having sex with one a week.

But his joyriding days are now over and he has committed himself to long-term lover, Vanilla, a second-hand Volkswagen Beetle he bought 30 years ago.

It's is an open relationship and Edward also makes love to his 1973 Opal GT called Cinnamon and a 1193 Ford Ranger called Splash.

But Vanilla is 'the one' and Edward likes to woo the white-coloured hatchback with picnics and wine-fuelled dates.

He added: "When I hold Vanilla in my arms there's a powerful energy that comes from her."

"I would say it is extremely satisfying but at times a little melancholy because I know she cannot talk to me. But overall I know she feels what I feel and its intense."

He added: "If anything was to happen to her I would be more than heartbroken."

But Edward wasn't always so open, and admits it was a struggle coming to terms his with feelings as a teenager.

He remembers first "cuddling and kissing" a model James Bond Aston Martin as a youngster before finally losing his virginity to a neighbour's Volkswagen Beetle.

He said: "Every kid that age awakens to their libidinal energy but with me it was secret, intense and different to say the least."

"I know some people will see it as weird but there are a lot of weird things in this world. I am not hurting anybody and I don't intend to hurt anybody."

Edward has only slept with one woman, who he had a one-night stand with in San Francisco, but it had little impact on him.

He admits to being tempted to stray sometimes but added: "I know better now than to pursue other people's private property without permission."

"I will not deny that I look at other cars on TV or at shows and still get those old impulses and desires - but those were the early days. Now I want to settle down with Vanilla."

He added: "There's something about her that I can't fully express on an emotional level except it's very powerful and very sincere."

"I'm never ashamed or awkward in my heart. I have never questioned myself - I just love her."

Sandy K: Sandy K. from Berlin has been in love with the Twin Towers in New York City since she was 8 years old. She had a model made with a façade of anodized aluminum, just like the original towers, and snuggles and bathes with them. About her unusual love interest, the 25-year-old said, "When it comes to love, I am only attracted to objects. I couldn't imagine a love affair with a human being."

Emma McCabe: A tree is currently getting more action than a lot of men out there.

According to news.com.au, Emma McCabe, 31, told Closer magazine she has found the most satisfying sexual relationship she’s ever had in a tall poplar tree she has named Tim.

McCabe intends to marry the tree because all of her relationships with humans have failed miserably.

The 31-year-old did not hesitate to provide details regarding Tim’s magic touch.

She told the British tabloid,

"One night, I took off my top and rubbed my naked breasts against Tim’s trunk until I orgasmed."

"Tim is also a great source of emotional support", she says, and she sometimes goes to see him just to talk.

McCabe added,

"I look at other trees, but don’t touch — I wouldn’t cheat on Tim."

Her family refused to comment, so who knows what they think of her suitor.

McCabe would love for them to come to her wedding, which she’d prefer to be a “low-key ceremony.”

Tim and McCabe’s bond is most likely the result of an extreme case of dendrophilia, which is a psychological disorder involving a sexual attraction to trees.

Alix Henriol: Alix Henriol, self-titled "Sonic's Wife", is a 23 year old French woman who is most famous for her complete obsession and devotion for a fictional character, in this case Sonic the Hedgehog.

She constantly endeavors to garner attention (good or bad) for herself by ANY means necessary. But things weren't always like this, there was a time, long ago, when she was simply a deluded interonaut with an extremely creepy obsession for a non-existent woodland mammal.

She began her proselytizing of the "toonophile religion" in the Sonic Passion forums, for which she was (and still is) administrator. She gained the reputation as being a little too devout and obsessed with this particular character, even amongst her fellow forumites. That's right, people who can honestly sit here and say that they want to be legally married to a fictional character think that she's too obsessed. This may have something to do with the fact that her site seemed to be nothing but an immense circle jerk between herself and the few other sad sad people who visited the site. Or perhaps it was her continued, almost desperate, insistence that she would die for Sonic in all sorts of disturbing ways. Regardless of the cause she soon began to drive away any but the most hardened of fans while also building herself somewhat of a fan base.

Currently Sonic Passion is a pay site and requires the investment of something like 50 bucks in order to be privy to Alix's sexual delusions. It seems to have become less about Sonic and more about a tight cluster of very lonely men jacking off to the thought of Alix masturbating with her Sonic dildos.

Her fame started back in June 26th 2005, when starring in the online article "Sonic Passion a case study on idiots". Since the article was created, Alix craves the attention that it has naturally attracted. Craving attention means doing anything to get people to care about her, no matter what--whether it's a lap dance or a crazy rant, if you got the money, she'll give it to you. So now, she makes tons of sites about herself, takes sexy pictures, and makes everybody worship her. She believes that people admire her or are jealous of her (or BOTH), everybody loves her, and soon she will be rich and famous.

Self-proclaimed Princess Queen Goddess Alix has an ego the size of Asia and firmly wants to become a billionaire since she considers herself deserving of all the money and attention of the world. She takes each one of her negative publicities as a compliment and her ego grows with whatever attention she receives, good or bad. If you were to visit her official website you could even notice that she's saved the wholeness of her deleted YouTube hater's videos, which she is now archiving as real trophies.

The people who are willing to pay to enter Sonic Passion are, of course, batshit crazy. They are the people who seriously want to have babies with Eggman, Mario and Tetris blocks. They are willing to defend that Alix's reputation no matter what, even in the face of undeniable proof of her greed, attention whoring, and general bitchness. One of her biggest fans is a man known as PaulandAmy, a sonic fan in his twenties and still having sexual fantasies about a prepubescent hedgehog. Also notable, is that Alix Hernriol has a fanpage Facebook, where people talk about their feelings towards her and answer questions she asks.

It has been debated whether that Alix is really a nutcase, or is just starving for attention. The way she gets naked so easily and begs for money points to her just being an attention whore. Once upon a time, years ago, she loved Sonic (or at least that's what she claimed). But now, she just wants your attention and money -- she wants to be a somebody, to be famous.

It has recently been confirmed on Alix's website that she made up a lot of her feelings towards Sonic the Hedgehog for the fame and attention it brought her. She claims that she can no longer be attracted to video game characters because she found out that humans voice them and it shattered the allusion. She is still trying to get into the reality television business. She has had many cosmetic surgeries in order to more closely fit the image of a reality television star.

Matt Beard (jin1515): Matt Beard (also known as jin1515 on Deviant Art) is a man who claims to be the fiancé of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic's main character, Twilight Sparkle. He was engaged to the character for some time and supposedly married a plushie of Twilight Sparkle later on.

While still engaged to the iconic purple alicorn, he contacted a user named Kevinsano who is a member of the online art community known as DeviantArt to demand he stop drawing sexual pictures of his imaginary pony-bride. The request was made in a letter that was then published in full on the Internet.

“I would really appreciate it if the next time your birthday comes around you would request that your clop artist friends (who like to give you sexually oriented pony art as gifts) draw some pony other than Twilight Sparkle for you,” one grown man typed to another, using the system developed through decades of work by British scientists and military contractors.

Their dedication paid off in their descendants’ easy access to forums where other, similarly pioneering men could discuss their love for a cartoon pony show, even forging bold new identities as “bronies,” as well as explore virtual art galleries in which those ponies are drawn engaging in erotic acts—all without ever leaving their homes. This, after all, may have led to social situations where caring so intensely about cartoon ponies might have been discouraged.

Instead, the system was in place for a man to not only develop such feelings, but to have “actually found a wedding chapel that will let me marry someone that most people would consider a fictional character” but at least isn’t the same sex as him. The innovations of the Internet also enabled him to share that love—not only with the family and friends who will attend that wedding while staring with a vaguely pained expression into space, but with everyone in the digital world, so that they too may know its very detailed depths:

"You see, I am totally head over heels in love with Twilight Sparkle. I have been for abut 11 months and now at this point I am in a committed relationship with my Twily. By that I mean I don't date anyone else, I don't sleep with anyone else, and I have zero interest in having any kind of relationship with anyone other than the mare I adore. I love her with all of my heart and I am 100% committed to that love. To express my love in a tangible way, I have a beautiful hand made custom Twilight Sparkle plushie that I can hug, kiss, cuddle up in bed to go to sleep with at night, and take out on the town to do all of the fun things together that normal couples do. I take her out to eat at nice vegetarian restaurants, we go shopping together, I take her out for coffee, we do social activities together like hanging out with friends, seeing movies, etc.

And I talk about her as if she is Twilight Sparkle, because to me she very much is. When I look at her I see Twilight Sparkle. When I talk with her I am talking to Twilight. When I hold her in my arms and kiss her there are no doubts in my mind that it is the mare I love who's lips are pressed against mine. And every morning when I open my eyes and see her head on the pillow next to mine, with her gorgeous violet eyes staring back at me, I can't help but wonder how I ever got to be so lucky as to have a partner as smart, funny, beautiful, and all around wonderful as her."

In addition to allowing this man to not only affirm his commitment to abstaining from all the sexual partners he would instead very much be enjoying, the Internet also allowed him to pledge his fealty by defending his pony-bride’s honor, reaching out to the Deviant Art user “Kevinsano” and demanding he stop drawing her in degrading sexual situations. Indeed, without the Internet, both men would have enjoyed their private fantasies about having sex with the same cartoon pony, and the imaginary cuckolding would made them both to look like pathetic fools. Instead, this one man was able to stand up and say what was in his heart, declaring that he doesn't wanting to see the pretend pony he’s going to marry have her face covered in ejaculate, and state this very clearly in front of everyone, everywhere. Thanks to the Internet.

"Don't get me wrong here though. This isn't a jealousy thing. I'm very secure in my relationship. I know without question that Twilight is just as faithful to me as I am to her, she's actually sitting on the couch next to me reading while I type this. She's very real to me and I know that she is not sneaking out in the middle of the night to go have kinky sex with some famous artist. And I do respect your talent as an artist and an artists's creative freedom to draw whatever they want, that's cool. What bothers me is that in all of these birthday images you've been getting Twilight is always depicted as if she was your sexual plaything, drawn wearing a collar with your name on it or with a speech bubble saying something that would somehow suggest she was your property. And I know quite well that Twilight Sparkle is not your plaything or your property, she's my fiance. So that bugs me a bit. What I find really loathsome though is your pension for degrading my partner in both your art and the fan art you have been receiving lately. Twilight is a sweet and fairly vanilla little mare who I treat with the utmost love and respect, an she definitely does not deserve to be portrayed as some kind of sexual slave who likes being dressed up in sleazy attire, wearing a collar, getting sodomized, and having her face ejaculated on. She's not into that kind of stuff and the fact that there is someone out there in the world such as yourself who would desire to treat Twilight in that way, and have his friends support and validate his desires to demean and mistreat my partner by drawing pictures of him doing so, really does bother me. I don't take any issues with people having kinky sex as long as both parties consent to it and enjoy it, but I know quite well that my Twily has no desire whatsoever to be treated like that."

And thus, having used the Internet to its absolute fullest potential, there is inarguably nowhere left for it to go. We must shut it down. It’s presumed that within the week the entire infrastructure will be dismantled—triumphantly retired like the space shuttle, its most historic parts sent to museums, its remaining hardware scrapped and salvaged. And then the world will begin work on the newer, bolder mode of communication that will allow the people of the future to argue about the cartoons they like to imagine fucking.

Sleep well, Internet. You’ve earned it. 

Reighner Deleighnie: Reighner Deleighnie is in a relationship with a 3 ft statue of the Greek god of desire Adonis, who she calls Hans. The 40-year-old carer spends hours every day with the £395 molding, made of cold marble that heats up with touch.

And she said: “I can honestly say I’m in love with him. He is my boyfriend and more.”

But poor old Adonis cannot take fickle Reighner’s devotion for granted.

She said: “I would never marry him, only because I couldn’t be faithful.”

And she told how one day she hoped to travel to Florence to meet her dream man, Michelangelo’s statue of David.

Reighner, of South London, has an obsession known as objectum sexuality in which people feel romantic desire for inanimate objects.

Reighner has dubbed her loved one “Hans” because the Pointer Sisters’ hit Slowhand was playing in her cab the day she brought him home.

She talks to him, keeps him close when she watches telly, kisses him, caresses him and reads to him.

She said: “Being in a relationship with Hans has changed my life."

“He never tires of the emotional side of it. I can talk to him for hours about what I’m feeling, something I could never do before in my relationships with a human man.”

Joachim A: Joachim A has a thing for the inner workings of technical objects, which is great since he works as a repair man...but not so great for his spouse, a steam locomotive.

"A love affair could very well begin with a broken radiator," Joachim says, "Repair jobs have often led to infidelity in the past." But they always seem to plow through it and stay together somehow.

He stresses that people like him (the people on this list) aren't just fetishists. "For some people, their car becomes a fetish which they use to put themselves in the limelight. For the objectum-sexual, on the other hand, the car itself – and nothing else – is the desired sexual partner, and all sexual fantasies and emotions are focused on it."

Needless to say, this guy loves to fix things.

He realized he had a "thing" for objects when he was 12.

His first relationship was with a Hammond organ in which he shared “an emotionally and physically very complex and deep relationship, which lasted for years.”

He's currently 45. He loves his train like he would a person, according to him: "you can reveal yourself to an object partner in an intimate way, in a way that you would never reveal yourself to any other person...[even] experience sexuality together."

Bill Rifka: Bill Rifka is a psychology student who revealed that he was in a relationship with an iBook when he was 35 years old. He admitted that he felt sexual desire and a longing attraction for computers and laptops in particular, explaining how he would spend time ogling the equipment on sites such as eBay. However, he has remained committed to his iBook throughout all that time, an Apple computer that Bill has given a male personality to.

Nathaniel: Nathaniel is a 28-year-old customer service technician who has found the love of his life: his car, a cherry red 1998 Monte Carlo that he has named Chase. Nathaniel admits he can’t go longer than 24 hours without seeing Chase, and that it sometimes brings him to tears to be away from the car. He even has a picture of Chase as his screensaver at work to get him through the day.

But this isn’t just a car owner really loving his car — Nathaniel goes on dates with his car, goes outside to kiss it first thing in the morning and is even intimate with it. He strokes Chase lovingly, gives Chase long bubble baths and even buys Chase birthday gifts. If Nathaniel could sleep with Chase he would, but that honor belongs to his first love, a model car he received as a child named Dylan. His feelings for Dylan have evolved over the years, and he sleeps with it every night (though he doesn’t think Chase minds at all).

Though Nathaniel has come out to his friends and parents about his objectophilia (when a person develops a strong emotional and often sexual relationship with an inanimate object) and his relationship with Chase, he’s hoping no one at work will find out. It’s not exactly the easiest thing to discuss.

Mark: Many people will be taking time out today to do something special for their loved one on Valentine's.

But for one man, this means spending time with the 'love of his life' Lila - a blow-up yellow dragon.

Mark, 20, has been addicted to his 15 inflatable pool toys for the past six years but claims to be in love with his favorite Lila.

His favourite is a yellow dragon that he has named Lila and he even sleeps with her lying on top of him. 

Mark, who features in the TLC TV show My Strange Addiction, says he would even marry Lila because he loves her so much. 

He showers her with kisses and can be seen sitting on the couch stroking her during the program.

Mark believes his addiction began at the age of 14 when he purchased a whale for his pool and turned to the inflatables for the affection he claims he never got from his mother. 

He now refuses to be separated from them for more than a day.

Mark says he loves the inflatables because they are 'soft and cuddly' and he can talk to them. 

Mark agreed to see a psychologist after his friend Josh and cousin Matt stepped in. 

After several sessions Mark is now interacting with more people but still has his inflatables at home. 

Mark has started interacting with people again but still won't give up his inflatables

Becky: On a recent-ish episode of “In The Bedroom With Dr. Laura,” sexually dissatisfied wife Becky opens up about about her unusual self-pleasuring technique. She likes to hump the corner of her laundry basket to climax — she’s been masturbating this way since college.

Becky’s dependence on her hamper has gotten so out of control that she prefers grinding the basket to grinding her husband Steve’s really “large” penis. The worst part of the whole segment is that Steve silently stands by while Becky tells Dr. Laura what a wimp he is in the sack. Poor guy. Talk about being completely emasculated. But then again, there’s no denying that clean laundry is sexy as hell.

40-Year-Old UK Man: There’s no tactful way to relate this story, so here it is: A UK man got his penis so horribly stuck inside of a steel pipe that it took seven firefighters and a metal grinder to get it out. The man had initially been rushed to a hospital, but doctors were unable to remove the pipe because restricted blood flow had caused the penis to become too aroused, the Sun reports.

It took firefighters 30 minutes to cut the pipe off, leaving the penis within bruised and swollen, but otherwise unharmed. “It was a very delicate operation that required a very steady hand,” said one fireman. “It’s certainly an unusual call-out and I’m sure the man won’t be getting into that situation again.” The 40-year-old wouldn’t say how he’d gotten into the situation in the first place. 

Polish Worker: A Polish worker has come up with an unusual excuse after being caught in the act with a vacuum cleaner.

The building contractor claimed he was cleaning his underpants with Henry Hoover when he was found naked and on his knees in a hospital's staff canteen.

A stunned security guard stumbled onto the man in the middle of a compromising act with the cleaner, which has a large smiley face painted on its front and a hose protruding from its "nose".

According to the Sun, the contractor was supposed to be locking up the building site near the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital where his firm is refurbishing administration offices.

The security guard, suitably horrified, told the man to "clean himself and the hoover" before asking him to leave and informing his bosses.

When later questioned by his employers, the man said he was vacuuming his underpants, which was "a common practice in Poland". He has since been fired.

The man's employers, HG Construction, told The Sun: "That behavior is not acceptable, though it gave a few people a laugh".

Henry Hoover is described on a cleaning website as "famous for its looks, but under its fascia lies a powerful, reliable vacuum cleaner ready to go time and time again."

Robert Stewart: A "cycle-sexualist" caught half-naked in a compromising position with his bicycle has been put on probation for three years.

Robert Stewart's unlikely perversion has been analysed in chat rooms around the world after he was caught by two cleaners who walked in on him in a hostel room.

The 51-year-old was naked from the waist down and when the women opened the door he paused only to ask, "What is it, hen?", before continuing to "move his hips back and forth as if to simulate sex".

The police were called and at a hearing last month Mr Stewart was placed on the sex offenders' register after admitting a sexual breach of the peace.

The case has prompted criticism of "loony British laws", but he ended up in court because the "shocked" cleaners said they had knocked repeatedly before opening the door.

At Ayr sheriff court on the west coast of Scotland today, Mr. Stewart was sentenced for the rare offence and for a separate breach of the peace charge for threatening a member of staff in a hostel in the town.

The court was told that alcohol was the cause of his problems, and he was placed under the supervision of a social worker and warned that if he re-offended he would be sent to prison.

Sheriff Colin Miller added: "In almost four decades in the law I thought I had come across every perversion known to mankind, but this is a new one on me. I have never heard of a 'cycle-sexualist'."

Mr. Stewart, an unemployed bachelor, has described the incident as a misunderstanding caused by too much drink, and said claims that he was having sex with the bike were "a load of rubbish".

His solicitor Gerry Tierney described his client as a "sad little man" who was trying to tackle his drink problem.

He added: "When the cleaners came in, he thought he was having fun with them. He does not think it is funny any more, and he has had to move home three times because he has been targeted because of the offence."

Mr Stewart's exploits have also earned him multiple dishonourable mentions on the internet.

After the story appeared on Telegraph.co.uk, it spread to Canada, the USA, South Africa and Australia.

On chat forums north and south of the equator participants continue to ponder some of the issues raised by the case.

Has the bicycle in question been taken into protective custody, asked one?

Other contributors wanted to know if he had been banned from bike sheds in his hometown of Ayr, whether the bicycle in question was over 16 years old, and exactly what sex with a bicycle involves.

But answers came there none as Mr Stewart left court with his head bowed and sought to hurry out of the limelight.

Karl Watkins: Karl Watkins 20, appeared at Hereford Crown Court in February 1993 on five counts of outraging public decency: in particular, making love to pavements.

Watkins claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, but he was fingered many times as the man found face down on the paving stones with his pants round his ankles. One boy told of seeing Watkins's bare backside moving up and down, while a mother said she was shocked to see a group of children gathered round him.

He also attempted to mount an underpass. How he passed the time during his 18 month jail sentence is far from clear.

Watkins was back in court in April 1995, on charges of simulating sex with black plastic dustbin bags in front of teenage schoolgirls. He revealed a nine-year fetish with the plastic sacks, centered on the "feel and touch of the bin liners". He went out at night to spend his time in rubbish piles, and had been found in wheelie bins, and even in the back of dust-carts.

His ultimate sexual fantasy was to be in a dust-cart when the bin bags were crushed. Convicted of outraging public decency, he was put on three years' probation and ordered to seek psychiatric help.

32-Year-Old UK Man: A 32-year-old man was arrested in Wiltshire for allegedly simulating a sex act with a lamp-post.

A police spokesman said officers were called to a road in the town of Westbury on February 16 after they received a report of a man acting indecently outside a block of flats "occupied by several young women".

When they arrived they arrested him on suspicion of outraging public decency.

The man was released on bail, but following an investigation into the incident and several interviews with witnesses - including children - he was recalled for questioning. He has since been re-released pending further inquiries.

The Wiltshire police spokesman said: "We are awaiting a decision as to whether there should be a prosecution."

Art Price Jr: An American man is facing public indecency charges after allegedly being filmed having sex with a picnic table.

Police say that Art Price Jr was seen copulating with furniture on four separate mornings, most recently on March 14 when a neighbor recorded it as evidence.

The alleged incident took place near a school in broad daylight in the town of Bellevue in Ohio.

The neighbor, who remains anonymous, said he saw Mr. Price in his garden turning over a round metal tale before performing a sex act upon it.

Local Police Captain Matt Johnson said: "He was completely nude. He would use the hole from the umbrella and have sex with the table."

Mr. Price, 40, will now face up to four charges of public indecency.

Brice Jacobs, another neighbor, told local reporters he was disgusted that Mr. Price was not jailed immediately.

"He could do that again," the website of local television station WTOL11 quoted him as saying. "Nude that close to a school. It should be zero tolerance"

Mr. Price is understood to be married with three school aged children.

Local police said they had never encountered a similar case. "Once you think you've seen it all, something else comes around," Cpt Johnson said.

Daniel French: A drunken man broke into a central London park and attempted to have sex with a fence, a court heard.

Daniel French, 24, made "sexual motions" towards metal railings in Leicester Square Gardens after being challenged by police in the early hours of Sunday morning, Westminster Magistrates' Court was told.

"He said words to the effect of: 'I'm going to have sex with that fence'," said Philip Lemoine, prosecuting.

"The gardens were locked and police asked French to leave. He was drunk and there were some sexual motions - drunken silliness - to the railings."

Mr Lemoine added: "French said he had a relative who was a solicitor and would teach the police a lesson."

French, of Verity Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, admitted being drunk and disorderly after a night out in the West End, but angrily denied making romantic overtures towards the fence.

"That's not right at all about the fence. I was surrounded by three big police officers. I felt I was being bullied and wanted to go home.

They were pushing me against the fence and trying to provoke me," he told magistrates on Monday.

"The suggestion that I was trying to do something sexual to the railings is disgusting."

French was sentenced to serve the time he had already spent in custody since his arrest - meaning he was allowed to walk free from court.

Oliver Arndt: In 2002, Oliver Arndt, from Germany, created a large and active network called Objektophilie. Oliver Arndt is one of the main OS advocates in the world and has been in a serious relationship with the train Sahneschittchen for many years.

Original Source One: http://metro.co.uk/2012/03/05/shop-assistant-amanda-whittaker-27-falls-in-love-with-the-statue-of-liberty-340198/

Original Source Two: http://www.therichest.com/rich-list/10-people-who-are-in-love-with-inanimate-objects/

Original Source Three: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/05/22/kamloops_woman_has_love_affair_with_english_oak_tree.html

Original Source Four: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/mechaphile-sex-thousands-cars-now-2356854

Original Source Five: http://www.womansday.com/relationships/a1464/10-romances-between-people-andthings-105631/

Original Source Six: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/woman-marrying-tree-best-sex/977768/

Original Source Seven: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Alix_Henriol

Original Source Eight: http://www.avclub.com/article/the-internet-finally-reaches-its-apex-as-man-marry-94206

Original Source Nine: https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/health/469288/im-in-love-with-3ft-statue-of-adonis/

Original Source Ten: http://www.ranker.com/list/13-people-who-married-inanimate-objects/jude-newsome

Original Source Eleven: https://www.scoopwhoop.com/inothernews/13-inanimate-lovers/#.3vuo776z7

Original Source Twelve: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/10/my-strange-addiction-cars_n_1268798.html

Original Source Thirteen: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2278532/The-man-love-INFLATABLES-says-marry-favourite--dragon-named-Lila-sleeps-night.html

Original Source Fourteen: http://www.thefrisky.com/2011-11-16/woman-prefers-her-laundry-basket-to-her-husbands-penis/

Original Source Fifteen: http://www.newser.com/story/77709/man-gets-penis-stuck-in-steel-pipe-firemen-called.html

Original Source Sixteen: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1580535/Worker-caught-having-sex-with-Henry-Hoover.html

Original Source Seventeen: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1569272/Man-who-had-sex-with-bicycle-sentenced.html

Original Source Eighteen: http://www.ssrichardmontgomery.com/download/weirdsex.htm

Original Source Nineteen: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1580899/Man-arrested-for-having-sex-with-lamp-post.html

Original Source Twenty: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1583118/American-caught-having-sex-with-picnic-table.html

Original Source Twenty One: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1570045/Man-attempted-sex-with-fence-in-London-park.html

Original Source Twenty Two: http://www.ejhs.org/volume13/ObjSexuals.htm

Original Source Twenty Three: http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/articles/7-people-who-have-fallen-love-inanimate-objects

Comments ( 16 )

Okay, this is enough Internet for me for today.

4569075 My thoughts exactly. :rainbowlaugh:

At least they found their... loved ones?

Though in case of Polish guy it could be just the natural male curiosity of... sticking the sausage in various holes because they can.

4569296 There seems to be a 'spectrum' when it comes to people who are attracted to inanimate objects.

There are people who are monogamous and end up marrying the inanimate object they are infatuated with (my previous journal entry was on this subject).

Then there are people who go out and make love to random inanimate objects. They are usually caught doing this more than once. They are more prone to exhibitionism.

But in any case, they are all attracted in to inanimate objects for one reason or another. Some people are better at keeping their urges under control than others.

Well I am not actually surprised. I mean pretty sure there were marriages already between people and objects. World really is strange.

4569326 The truth is stranger than fiction, as they say. And that is the truth. :P

That's quite crazy, but the most that surprises me is Alix Henriol. :twilightoops:

4569580 I know right? Her story is pretty crazy. :0

Surprised and not surprised, really people are weird, you should make a blog about inanimate politicians, had you ever heard of president toilet paper? truly the greatest leader of ecuador.

4573009 Is that toilet paper thing real? :o I will have to look into it. Thank you for the recommendation.


Sorry i meant president talco de pie (foot powder) of ecuador, and look for non human politicians that's a better one.

4573034 Interesting. I will have to look into it.



PICOAZÁ is a charming parish in Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador. In July 1967 elections for MAYOR were held which had "original" results in PICOAZÁ. There was a talc for footwear brand "PULVAPIES" and always, for the elections, launched an advertising campaign promoting the "Honorable Pulvapies". The day before the elections in Picoazá, the Talc distributor in that small town launched an aggressive campaign with the following slogans: a) "VOTE FOR ANYONE, BUT IF YOU WANT WELL-BEING AND HYGIENE, VOTE FOR PULVAPIES" b) "FOR MAYOR, THE HONORABLE PULVAPIES ". Along with the loudspeakers (propaganda by loudspeakers) in the streets of Picoazá, promoting the "new candidate", were distributed ballots similar to those of the royal ballots, where previously had marked the vote in favor of the Honorable Pulvapies. The next day the settlers of that parish went to vote. Once the elections were over and the count was done, they realized that the WINNER (almost unanimously) was the HONORABLE PULVAPIES. The other candidates presented the respective complaint and threatened to sue the manufacturer of the Honorable PULVAPIES. This singular news DID THE RETURN TO THE WORLD and paradoxically today, on the web, it is possible to find the story of the singular event, only in foreign media. The famous NEW YORK TIMES (photo) and the WASHNGTON POST ("Foot Powder Wins Election Hands Down." 18 July 1967 p. A13) were responsible for spreading to the world what happened in that small town of Ecuador of 4,000 Inhabitants, on the date indicated. Picoazá and Pulvapies will be registered forever in the anecdote of those rarities that occurred in democratic elections around the world. My particular appreciation to the noble people who knew how to mock the usual politicians.

4573279 That's definitely interesting. :)

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