
Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,420 results

Crossing Over OCs · 6:46am Jun 2nd, 2016

I've been wondering, I know there are a lot of stories where authors collaborate on making stories with famous OCs. But what if someone made stories that had famous OCs such as Nyx and Snowdrop of their respective stories with a random stories like Friendship is Out of This World?

Not saying I'd do something like that, I'm not that lucky, but I'm curious to know; if anyone out there would


My Story. Also Been a while. · 10:21am Aug 26th, 2016

It's been a while since i've been on this website. It's good for me to get back to this after 9-10 weeks of inactivity. Also my story Don't Sugarcoat it will be rewritten. Instead of being Rapid X Sugarcoat. The story will now feature Light Spark and Sweetie Belle. Rapid will still remain a character although as a background/secondary character. Also due to different characters now the title will probably be changed. If you want to leave a suggestion for the title you are free to in the

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Processing Trauma · 4:07pm Nov 19th, 2019

The only way to recover is to process your trauma and move on.

That's what I've been told recently and uh, as usual, I dismiss that...

1: Who says you're SUPPOSED to recover?

2: Who says you're even ALLOWED?

3: Who says it's even possible?

You are what you are, I've been told, and you CANNOT change who you are. Besides that's what people act like all the time.

"You will never be forgiven."

"You did it in the first place."

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Character Discussion: Historical Figures · 11:21pm Apr 7th, 2018

Greetings, everyone!

Continuing with the character discussion series, I'd like to feature some figures from the past. Without further ado, here they are!

Dashing Hoof

Image by Will-Owl-the-Wisp

Age (in human years): 35 in Flight

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Oc · 6:09pm Aug 1st, 2015

New OC! She'll be used in a story I'm starting soon.

Report PikaBlue · 282 views · #OC #original character

Top Ten Forgotten Characters · 5:10pm Oct 12th, 2019

The end is neigh, folks! We really are in the endgame now, and a matter of hours it will all be over! It's been quite a ride and one I wouldn't have wanted to miss for the world, and just because the show may be over doesn't mean the fandom has to pack it up and call it quits. Heck, that's partially why I'm doing this list, because it's inevitable that even when a show runs for long as this one did there are some characters that will be forgotten over time. That just means that their

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Rarity · 4:41am Feb 8th, 2020

I'm writing a story about Rarity.

I like Rarity as a character. She's awesome. But, if she were real, I know we wouldn't get along. Weird, right? Still, it doesn't mean I don't have some affection for her.



Character Profile: Wulfric · 12:44am Jan 14th, 2019

Wulfric was a young buck born in the Warborn Clan; A clan of outcasts and rouges who were actually among the more peaceful members of the viking society. His mother died in childbirth leaving his father to raise him all on his own and while his upbringing was a bit rough, Wulfric would eventually grow into a strong and honorable warrior.

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Putting suggestions down #1 · 12:54am Dec 25th, 2019

People still seem to act like there's only one RIGHT way to write, but there isn't... The only RIGHT way to write a story is YOUR WAY (Since you write the story.)

So I'm here to scoff at some of their "thinking"

It's more complicated that that, sometimes you have to give to get.

Not anymore...

-You can give and give all you want... does not mean you SHALL RECEIVE, (Especially if I feel the characters don't deserve it, or shouldn't have it)

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Help with Season 9 story ideas · 4:48pm Jan 22nd, 2019

Some questions to help me us think of ideas for season 9 stories.  This is a lot of questions, so if you can't think of an answer for a question, just skip it.

For Starlight Glimmer and each of the New 6 (Gallus, Ocellus, Sandbar, SIlverstream, Smolder, Yona),

  • If you wanted someone to guess what character you were thinking of, and could only tell them one word, what would that word be?
  • What do you like about that character?
  • What does that character want?

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Finished my longest story ever! · 9:33pm May 1st, 2020

With that and the contest I've entered closing to submissions soon, hopefully I'll be free to catch up on set aside projects/requests, plus I'll be able to give my main OC Beatrix Belladonna a vacation with the OC focused story!

Thanks to everyone who's contributed their character so far!


(In-character) Finaletale · 10:02pm Oct 7th, 2020

Heya, ghouls and goblins! Missy here, just checking in with you all! As most of you probably saw, the big finale to the Undertale arc came out today! And WHAT A FINALE it was! I laughed, I cried! I punched the air multiple times!

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Gay Characters · 8:18am Nov 14th, 2020

Don't you feel 'entertainment' these days has to make characters scream to the rooftops they are gay? Like literally their sole defining trait is that they are gay. I'm not sure if that's belittling to gays or not. Do any of my followers happen to be gay? If so, what do you think of the way entertainment is portraying you?

I'm not sure... even 'evil' gay characters are allowed to exist.

Report Bendy · 300 views · #gay #gay characters

Equestria Girls character opinion · 6:40am Oct 9th, 2015

So in the human world there is obviously the mane 6, and a lot of the background characters such as Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy, ect. Then they have shown Celestia, Luna, now Cadence and Shining Armor. :twilightsheepish: I have seen a few people think the Principle Cinch could be Chrysalis.:applejackconfused::facehoof: What do you think? If that is the case, could other characters such as Sombre and Discord show up? If so, what would they look

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Proper Categorization · 9:40pm Sep 25th, 2015

Recently I read a story that had improper character tags. When I told the author they seemed to be totally uncool about it. In the comments I showed them an image that pointed out the surplus character tag (& admittedly my dissatisfaction with its presence), & the author then replied to me with a doctored image of my comment removing the presence of the tag on the image (& only on the image, the tag remained on the actual story)(they also missed a corner of the tag when they erased it too).

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And to all a spook night! · 7:20am Nov 1st, 2020

Phew... October was a rough month. Not just for the Multiverse crew, IRL, too. Still, at least Halloween was a chance to have a little fun, and dressing up as Slenderman meant I could see other people and still wear a mask! I finally feel like I caught a break.

How was the big day, Missy?


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Minor name change (Vraddock to Ink Ribbon) · 9:22pm Jan 23rd, 2021

Hey there everyone! Just updating my name/profile picture slightly for consistency with my main account. Vraddock was previously kind of faceless and anonymous, while Ink RIbbon actually has a character. Speaking of;

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Is Evil Sexier? - The Case of Sunset Shimmer · 11:01pm Oct 10th, 2015

It's been pointed out, and with some justice, that Sunset Shimmer is portrayed as sexier or at least more sexually-attractive before her reformation.

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I Am (No) God: The Thoughts & Opinions of a Protege · 6:09am Apr 25th, 2021

Aug. 6; Month of Summer; 1000th Year of Sun
Day 2:
After several attempts at trying to convince my master... I have failed... though in my foolishness, I begin to see that my master has a point. He is not at full strength and any attempt to force him to move just an inch beyond the boundaries of this realm is equivalent to simply... To say the least, it would not be wise for him to leave.

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I don't target my audience. · 9:36pm Nov 3rd, 2022

Meaning, I don't give in to the so-called IN GENERAL thing of what people want.

That's right... I don't.

When I write fanfiction, I'm basically writing for myself! (To satisfy my own needs) I also do it as a feel of vengeance on the characters for doing things in canon, or behaving in ways I find positively reprehensible.

"Why don't you ever target your audiences advice, or listen to what they have to say?"

...Oh, boy! Here we go again.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,420 results