Sunset Shimmer 4,949 members · 6,828 stories
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Sunset Shimmer Day is this Friday! Just like last year, I'd like to hear your nominations for the best stories starring everyone's favorite fiery-haired pony-turned-human!

But there's not much point in just rehashing last year's list, so I'm adding a little twist! The stories you nominate must have been released or finished on FimFiction after August 1, 2016!

Here's the rest of the rules:

1. You can nominate up to three stories.
2. No self-nominations.
3. Nothing 'Mature' rated (I plan to submit these to EqD, after all).
4. Give a reason why it's your favorite!
5. If the story's incomplete, it needs to be updating regularly.
6. Stories featured in other places (RCL, SA, EqD, etc) are all okay to nominate!

Okay folks! Let's hear it! What are your favorite new Sunny Stories?

Nominations will end at 12PM Pacific on Wednesday, September 20! Voting will begin in a separate thread the same day!

(I'll be posting this in a couple different groups so we can be sure to get a good sample of the community!)

Majin Syeekoh
TSunset Shimmer and Discord Go Back to the Future
Sunset is bored. Discord is bored. What better way to solve their problems than a whacky time travel adventure? A trip to a mysterious era, where nothing makes sense, and everything Sunset knows is called into question. The Nineteen-Eighties.
Oroboro · 9.1k words  ·  347  12 · 5.2k views

Why: It's a fun story that hearkens back to the mysterious era knows as THE NINETEEN-EIGHTIES, and I enjoyed reading it. It was a fun read.

I have two nominations both from 2017. One is incomplete but still a good read.

The first one is The Fall of Harmony by Moon-lite and it has two sequels already. Grammar is off but hardly noticeable but a more realistic take on the Anon-a-miss story. It's teen rating.

And the other is Dawn by Anachronon it's another take of Anon-a-miss but with the other princess reaction to it and even discord. It has a call back to the Hearths warming eve episode with the villain. Although it is still incomplete it's a good read

I'd nominate Hell and High Water as well as Empty Skies.

They're two new and (mostly) original takes on the Anon-a-miss premise, backed by interesting characterizations of old and new characters as well as an extensive backstory. I've talked to the authors and there is still quite a lot planned out that I'm personally very much looking forward to.

Okay, here's the piece I nominate. Fun little story, with an interesting pairing to boot.

TCommon Ground
Luna meets a nervous Sunset Shimmer pacing outside the throne room
stillinbeta · 3.5k words  ·  501  11 · 6.6k views

I'd like to nominate The Fall of Harmony by Moon-Lite, Hell and High Water by Uria the Sacred Beast, and Empty Skies by Sunny Days. I'm a sucker for Anon-a-miss stories, and I feel these three do a good job with pacing, characterization, and for the two that are complete, have a pretty solid resolution.

It was tough, but here are my top three in no particular order:
1. Sunset Shimmer is MAD about EVERYTHING by Justice3442, because it's hilarious but still manages to get emotional when necessary. It's Justice, enough said.
2. Spectacular Seven by Albinocorn. I loved Long Road to Friendship and I love the sequel. And what's not to love about Albinocorn's version of Sunset. (And before someone complains about the Hiatus-tag, I was allowed to nominate this)
3. Sunlight Sliders by 26 different people. A crazy ride of a story and proof what can be created when several authors work together. (Doesn't count as self-nomination, Novel confirmed it)

I think I'll nominate The Last Sunset by River Road. Another case of don't judge by the cover for me.

The Alchemy of Chemistry barely got nudged out of my list because it was already featured on Equestria Daily, Sporktacles' Everything I've Ever Wanted is mature, and Seven Days in Sunny June Book One is way before the cut off date, so onto

3: Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls
This one has the best action I've read in any Sunset story. It is a Bleach adaptation crossover, but doesn't require any knowledge of the source material to be enjoyed (though it does help). It takes the characters in interesting directions and offers something rather unique. It's an all around great story for fans of Shonen and offers plenty for those who aren't.

2: One Last Regret
An amazing one shot that tackles Sunset's reformation and Anon-A-Miss in a way I haven't seen before. In a way, it reminds me of Scar Tissue with the raw emotion and group dynamic. It's one of those simple concepts that's extremely well written and each action carries a lot of weight.

1: Gunsmoke
Where to begin with this one? It's technically a crossover that requires no knowledge of the source material and completely destroys it in terms of everything. It tackles Sunset's identity issues in a very unique way and really builds her friendships in a great way. The two main plots feel very connected and still feel fresh. The way the MMO is tied into Sunset's identity (and identity in general) was brilliant. There's a very real sense of tension on where the different relationships would go, an interesting romance, and so many great interactions. It builds on Sunset in a way I rarely see. When compared to other top tier Sunset fics (like Albinocorn's, Novel Idea's, or Oroboro), the writing itself is on the weaker side, but I didn't even notice until after I had already finished reading it. Honestly, I could gush about this one for days (it's my third favorite story I've read period, not just fan fiction), so I'll stop here.

I'll nominate River Road's The Last Sunset! It's a good read, and definitely not what you'd expect based on the cover.

Stuff that came out after August 2016, eh? In that case, I definitely have to give a shoutout to

TThe Eye That Floats, Silent and Unblinking, in Sunset Shimmer's Kitchen
Sunset Shimmer's apartment is invaded by a giant, cosmic eyeball, which is generally kind of a bummer, and almost as annoying as the constant advances Twilight keeps making toward herself.
Posh · 33k words  ·  457  14 · 5.1k views

This story is as hilarious as the premise is absurd, but despite that veneer of absurdity, it takes a insane situation seriously, and delves deep into some of Sunset's insecurities about Princess Twilight and her new student. Posh is a great writer, and its a great read.

And the eyeball is a great OC.

TLosing Sunlight
When Princess Celestia comes down with a mysterious illness, Sunset takes it upon herself and Twilight to get to the bottom of it, which would be hard enough if she wasn't dating the other Twilight in secret.
MarvelandPonder · 33k words  ·  432  9 · 7.7k views

I loved this one from start to finish. It was an emotional rollercoaster that made me feel feelings, which can be kind of awkward when you're reading at work. Not to mention the the writing is excellent. A strong example of why stories should be written completely and polished to a shine before ever posting a single chapter.

EThe Memories We Share
With her new magic powers, Sunset Shimmer is about to discover that sometimes a memory doesn't tell the whole story.
CommissarAJ · 9.6k words  ·  472  16 · 12k views

A story that can actually make me appreciate SunFlash? Color me shocked! But following the events of LoE, Sunset and Flash reconnect a bit, and and as they reminiscence, Sunset's powers allow her to see their relationship from Flash's eyes. Its quite sweet.

There's plenty of other stories I could mention, especially those I've recently judged for the Sunset Shipping Contest, but I'll have to keep silent about those for just a little longer.

I'd like some more love for Alternate Universe stories, so here are my nominees:

TAcross the Shimmering Sea
Twilight Sparkle is kidnapped by Sunset Shimmer and her pirate crew to hunt down a legendary treasure. A high-seas adventure awaits!
Albi · 55k words  ·  564  18 · 8.5k views

Sunlight in a world of pirates and adventure. Do I really need to say more? But let's not forget the amazing writing from Albinocorn, whom you probably know, if you love Sunset Shimmer fanfiction. A new and refreshing take on Sunset as a Demon, is a bonus.

TFriendship Is Monsters
Twilight is a human in a world of monsters, although she's never met one. So when she finds a vampire dying on her front lawn one day, she's not sure what she's found. A new friend? Or her demise...
spotty8ee · 93k words  ·  724  13 · 16k views

Though this one is incomplete, originally the first chapter was a one shot story, and in itself, deserves a nomination. It has a very well built world where monsters and humans coexist, a cool vampire Sunset Shimmer, and an adorkable Twilight Sparkle. The later chapters, so far focused on the rest of the monstrous mane 7, are awesome too.

And finally a very original story that more than an AU, is a hard Sci fi story from the distant future

TFate of the UNS Moon Dancer
New frontiers aren't always safe.
Shrink Laureate · 14k words  ·  204  1 · 2.4k views

So, in this universe Sunset Shimmer is an immortal alicorn in a human body that have lived on earth for centuries, and now she is living through the age where humans try to conquer space.
This story gives you a full view of Sunset's history, all while she tries to survive a terrible accident in space.
The storytelling intertwines the past and the future perfectly, and with few words gives us an amazing view of a very well planned and constructed world.


Seeing as the only Sunset stories I've read in the past year have basically all been from the Sunset Shipping Contest, these are all gonna be romances. Astonishing, I know.

TShot on Goal
Sunset Shimmer talks to an old friend about her complicated feelings.
Scott Curl · 2.1k words  ·  97  2 · 3.2k views

Great story. Sunset is a joy to read, she's just so on point here that it's wonderful.

TTripped Out
Twilight has a great idea. She’s going to drop acid.
Majin Syeekoh · 8.3k words  ·  387  23 · 5.4k views

A lot of Sunset's less perfect sides are brought out in this story, and in ways that come naturally and hilariously... and touchingly, as the story goes on. It's a real treat!

T...But It Often Rhymes
For four years, Sunset Shimmer has carried a torch for Miss Cheerilee, and for four years, she's struggled to look at her without thinking of the one who got away.
Posh · 13k words  ·  295  7 · 3.4k views

Excellent romance, between Sunset and two sequential versions of Cheerilee. Out of all the best stories in the contest, I think this one's the most purely romantic.

Its not fine by inky shades. The ending wasn't really that much of a surprise but the build up through out the story was very interesting. It showed off Sunset having an internal struggle over a tragedy she believed to be her fault that gave the impression she was losing control of herself over the course of the story, Not the best plot points but definitely still worth the recommendation.

So in a completely unbiased and selfless fashion, I'm going to go and nominate the three stories from the Sunset Shimmer Shipping contest that I helped edit/pre-read. To be fair, I do honestly think that they're great stories, and am proud to have been part of their creation.

TVoices Lost
Adagio Dazzle wants to sing again. Easier said than done when you can't speak.
DwarvishPony · 8k words  ·  443  13 · 8.9k views

Dwarvish has taken a fascinating premise and used it to tell a compelling story about Sunset and Adagio. The characterizations are excellent and the way the characters play off each other is great. The build-up to the final reveal and the climax of the story are also handled well.

TLove Is In Doom
As the world ends, a group of teenagers covered in blood enter Sugarcube Corner. What follows is technically a love story.
Aragon · 11k words  ·  646  23 · 9.3k views

Aragon has, in his usual style, told a wacky, hilarious comedy featuring Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Humane 6 fighting off threats from Equestria. The romance is mostly in the background, but the characters are entertaining and the jokes are on point as always with him.

TThe Girl Who Couldn't Change
Chrysalis knows the world is a simple place. There's people who have power, and people who don't. Sunset Shimmer is about to make things complicated.
R5h · 12k words  ·  260  9 · 4.7k views

And last, but certainly not least, the story I think has a very good chance of placing Top 3 in the contest (we'll see how true this is in a few days). R5h has a told a wonderful story about Chrysalis and Sunset going head-to-head in a battle of wills and friendship. The writing is crisp, the characters are constructed beautifully, and the interplay between Sunset and Chrysalis is an absolute treat to read. The constant mind games feel real and smart, and the whole story is very intelligently plotted.

Hmm, editors and promoters united?
Here's my list then:

Wavelengths Timeline AU is peculiar by itself. A great premise, an interesting choice of characters, and great writing.
For this i nominate two stories, linked heavily, after all LIttle Truths is the prequel to Alchemy of Chemistry, but written by two very different authors.
And each story has Sunset at opposing moments of her life - at her strongest and most confident and at her weakest and most uncertain of herself.

Last nominations is a personal favorite, even if it takes on a well-researched premise, but as usual from the author with a delicate twist.
Dreaming in Dawns Light

normally it's hard for me to follow group rules.... but I want to make an exception because of these two Sunset stories:


Why: because it's easily my favorite stories on the whole of FIMFiction because with Sunset Shimmer in it along with some OC's. but that's not all. what makes these two stories special is that, with permission from Bauglir100 himself, I will be making these two stories into full on comic adaptations on my Deviantart account on my laptop!! how awesome is that?!! :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry: :rainbowdetermined2:

While I do appreciate your enthusiasm, Eclipsed is from 2013 and Rekindled is from 2015. The goal of this is to gather the best of Late-2016 & 2017. Thank you though! :twilightsmile:

your welcome..... :fluttershysad:

..... I don't like the little twist though :fluttercry:

I would like to nominate Gunsmoke. Though its first chapter was published at the end of 2015, it's final chapters were posted this year, if that makes it eligible.

EDon't Ever Let Me Go
For years, Sunset Shimmer has held her place at Celestia's side. She was her prized student, her number one prodigy. In return, Celestia was Sunset's world, her passion. However, with time and age come change, and Sunset cannot take it any more.
All Art Is Quite Useless · 9k words  ·  306  14 · 6.9k views

I really like this one because of pretty much everything, the writing, the emotion near the end, the way Sunset's inner conflict develops, etc.. I'd give a more in-depth summary, but it's been a while since I last read it, so my memories of it are foggy. :twilightsheepish:

Sunset and her friends attend the Cherry Blossom festival at the Canterlot Royal Botanical Gardens. However, Sunset will soon discover that the cherry blossoms won't be the only thing to bloom.
PoisonClaw · 6.7k words  ·  159  4 · 3.8k views

It's been even longer since I've read this than the last one, but I remember it had great character interactions, dialogue, plot development, romance, etc.. I'm almost certain this story will be in the Top 3 of Oroboro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest. At least.

In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. But what if things happened differently?
Dainn · 37k words  ·  884  49 · 33k views

Now this one, it's been the longest since I've read. I am sure, however, that it is the best Sunset Shimmer story I have ever read, and one of my favorites of all time. Such great writing, emotions, drama, and that ending made me want to cry in a corner for a few years. It just felt so sad, and I felt empty inside. Which is a good thing, of course. :raritywink:

Only three?! But there's so many Shimmy stories since last year. Oh well, I'll try to narrow it down then. I have no idea how to use most of the icons so I'll just copy and paste my recommendations. I hope this isn't too late, I'm not good with timezones.

Just a showcase of just how wonderful and skilled Sunset is at everything.

I really want Sunset to return to Equestria and become an alicorn (though I know that will never happen in canon), as well as imagining what could happen if the Mane Six met their counterparts. Since that will never happen in the cartoon, something like this is close enough for me.

Well, its just an absolutely hilarious story starring Sunset where she makes an episode way better (well, her presence alone would improve things by at least 20%), yelling at Starlight for being stupid, then Twilight too. After Sunset reforms, she makes an excellent straight man/sane one in almost any situation.

Unfortunatly, I'm pretty sure that Dainn's story that started the whole craze doesn't count, namely because of one simple fact in the rules.

But there's not much point in just rehashing last year's list, so I'm adding a little twist! The stories you nominate must have been released or finished on FimFiction after August 1, 2016!

Pretty sure the story was started and finished in 2015.

Riiight...Oh right! I forgot Dreaming in Dawn's Light. So, Dreaming in Dawn's Light would be first, Blossoms would be second, and Don't Ever Let Me Go would be third. :ajsmug:

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