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Luffy and Friends Get Angry! A Dirty Trick Violates The Sacred Duel!

Deep in the Forest, Leo continued to search for the source of what he sensed. "Where are you?" Leo wondered before he felt the wind roar and raced in the direction.

Back with the others...

The two groups saw the battle between the two giants as Dorry and Broggy clashed. Broggy dodged a thrust as Dorry’s sword went into a boulder. Broggy tried to attack with his axe, but Dorry blocked it with his helmet before headbutting him as they broke through a boulder. Usopp whimpered in fear with tears.

"He… He blocked that hit with his helmet! That’s incredible! A couple of inches left or right and it would’ve killed him!" Usopp yelped in awe and fear.

"These are great seats!" Croven said before the giants clashed again and again as Usopp was amazed.

"What an incredible fight, huh…? Every one of those attacks is aimed at some vital spot. Just one slip from either of them, and that’s it, they’re dead." Usopp realized.

"You sound impressed, Usopp." April noticed.

"These guys have really been fighting to the death for a hundred years? That’s gotta get old." Nami asked.

"Yeah, they could at least get a hobby or something." Donnie agreed.

"This is a good thing. This is our chance to get away. Let’s go." Nami said as she started leaving, but Usopp stayed still.

"Usopp, what’s wrong?" April asked.

"Huh? Usopp?" Nami noticed.

"Amazing…" Usopp awed as the memory of Broggy’s words rang.

{Why? I don’t remember. Kyabababababababa!!!}

"They fight so seriously, and they don’t even know why…" Usopp said.

"This fight’s getting really annoying." Nami groaned.

"Usopp... Does this have something to do with your dream?" April noticed.

"Don’t you see? This is an example of a real battle between real men." Usopp pointed out.

"Hmm? Say what?" Nami said in confusion.

"Maybe an analogy will help. It’s as if they have each planted a flag in their hearts that says, ‘I am a warrior.’ This flag is more important than anything, more than their lives even. They can never allow the flag to be destroyed by someone else. That’s why they both continue this fight for a hundred years!" Usopp explained.

"I guess I can respect that." Rarity admitted.

"Do you see it now? This is a proud duel, a legendary fight, between two dedicated warriors!" Usopp said as the giants kept clashing.

"Yeah, whatever. That warrior stuff doesn’t really interest me in the slightest. Any of you coming?" Nami asked while walking off.

"I guess." Croven shrugged.

"Okay." April said.

"I suppose some of us will come along." Rarity noted.

"Yeah." Donnie agreed.

"I’m stayin’ here." Bebop said.

"Me too." Fluttershy agreed.

"Same here." Shinigami nodded.

"No. I’m still watching this. This is my ultimate goal… This right here… To be a brace warrior like each of these titans! Really though someday, I will be a proud warrior of the sea!" Usopp declared.

"Hmm… So what you’re saying then… is that you wanna be a giant?" Nami asked, making Usopp flinch at that as it struck a funny bone in the others.

"No, to be brave." April clarified with a giggle as Usopp angrily ran to Nami.

"Moron!! You haven’t listened to a single word I’ve said, have you?!" Usopp asked.

"Hey Usopp, isn’t there something you’re supposed to be watching?" Nami pointed out.

"She's right." Fluttershy agreed as the giants kept clashing.

"If there’s a village full of warriors like these two, then I really wanna go there someday." Usopp smiled while unknown to anyone, Ms. Valentine laughed as she floated into the air.

"I got a great view from up here." Ms. Valentine said.

"They’re gonna see ya, Ms. Valentine. Now get down here!" Mr. 5 pointed out.

"Oh don’t be so jittery, Mr. 5… You see, they’re completely absorbed in the fight down there. Haha! They won’t notice me." Ms. Valentine retorted.

"Just come down already!" Mr. 5 urged.

"Okay, okay." Ms. Valentine groaned as she floated down to the ground and landed.

"Now, behave yourself. This is a 500 million berry job here." Mr. 5 said.

"Of course… Though I’m not really crazy about this. What Mr. 3 wants us to do…" Ms. Valentine responded.

"I know… Come on now." Mr. 5 finished.

"Okay." Ms. Valentine sighed as the two agents walked off while the giants were still clashing before their weapons were knocked out of their hands as they fell on their backs before getting back up.

"It’s safe to say that we’re both starting to get homesick here, huh Dorry?" Broggy assumed.

"That’s why I intend to win this duel of ours. I’m going to beat you and go home to Elbaf. Got that, Broggy?" Dorry responded before the weapons fell on the ground as the giants charged at each other while roaring before each punched each other’s faces with their shields.

"73,466 duels…" Broggy started.

"73,466 draws…" Dorry finished before the two fell onto their backs again, as the duel indeed ended in a draw. Their weapons fell out of the ground and onto their sides as the two giants smiled and started laughing.

"Hey Dorry! A couple of guests of mine gave me some alcohol." Broggy said.

"Drinks? It’s been a long while, eh Broggy?" Dorry replied as the two giants laughed again.

With Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash…

"Huh? What was that? Laughing?" Zoro wondered.

"Doesn't sound like from a dinosaur." Raph noted.

"We got to find the others." Rainbow Dash said.

"First that long strange earthquake, and now this creepy laughing sound? What’s going on in this place? What kind of creatures live here?" Zoro asked.

"Nothing friendly if we could die here." Raph pointed out.

"Well, that cowgirl, sports boy and damn cook are still hunting out there. Maybe they’ll run into one of those monsters…" Zoro smirked.

"Most likely." Rainbow Dash admitted as the trio kept walking.

With Sanji, Applejack and Casey...

"Were those bird cries? 'Cause the birds here don't look appetizing." Sanji noted.

"You're probably right. Hey what's the deal with your old man, Sanji?" Casye asked.

"Why're you asking?" Sanji responded.

"Just small talk." Casey simplified.

"Well, he was the captain and cook of a famous pirate crew. After he lost his leg, he gave up the pirate." Sanji informed.

"What? Ya serious? How?" Applejack asked.

"Eh, the two of us were standard after a shipwreck. All I know is I thought he had all the food, instead I found nothing but his gold and his leg missing." Sanji remembered.

"Wait, yer saying you were the only one who had food?" Applejack realized in shock.

"Every scrap of it." Sanji confirmed.

"Dang..." Applejack sighed in amazement.

"Let's just find something to eat." Sanji urged.

"Okay." Casey responded.

"We may be competing for big prey, but a chef has to have standards. Doesn't matter how big it is, it still has to taste good. Something I'm sure that lousy swordsman and turtle doesn't understand." Sanji smirked.

With Luffy and his group, Dorry was laughing as he held two barrels of alcohol.

"That's interesting, so Broggy's guests are friends of yours then? I saw a goofy guy with a long nose, some women, a human-warthog, a turtle with a purple mask and a guy there." Dorry said.

"That's Usopp, Nami, Croven, Rarity, Fluttershy, Donnie, April, Shinigami. They said they weren't even gonna get off the ship. Guess they wanted to have an adventure after all! And that was that Bebop guy, right?" Luffy asked.

"Da, Luffy." Rocksteady confirmed.

"As man, I missed this stuff!" Adagio sighed in satisfaction while drinking the alcohol.

"Ditto!" Aria and Sonata agreed while drinking them as well.

"If they're your friends, then I guess I can thank you too for these yummy refreshments." Dorry said in gratitude.

"Don't mention it." Pinkie replied humbly.

"Least we can do." Mikey smiled.

"So Dorry, tell us. Does it really take a year for the log to reset on this island?" Vivi asked.

"Yes. Didn’t you notice all the mountains of human skeletons that are lying around here? I guess it’s hard not to. The people who come to this island tend to die before their logs are reset. Some become dinosaur food, some die from heat, or thirst, or starvation. Others are killed because they stupidly attack us. Whatever the case, they all die here, somehow. An entire year on this island just seems to be too long. So far, no humans have been able to survive here for the full year." Dorry explained before he gave a sigh. "Or worst... They sense the sword." Dorry added as the Dazzlings froze at that. "Deep in the jungle stands the infamous, Kitetsu l."

"Huh? Isn’t Leo looking for that?" Luffy noted.

"I'm not going anywhere near that sword." Adagio said.

"Me neither." Aria added.

"Same here!" Sonata agreed.

"Is just simple sword." Rocksteady shrugged.

"We'll explain later, Rock." Adagio responded.

"What’re we going to do? Even if we could manage to last here for a year, who knows what could happen by then. My country could be lost." Vivi dreaded.

"Oh no…!" Princess Twilight gasped.

"She’s right. Plus I’d get bored here after a year." Luffy added.

"I think anyone would." Spike agreed.

"Isn’t there anything else we can do about it, old man?" Luffy asked.

"Hmmm… We do have an Eternal Pose here, but it’s magnetic link is to our home village, Elbaf. Basically, that Eternal Pose is what Broggy and I have been fighting for with our duels this whole time. Of course, you can try to take it by force." Dorry informed.

"Wouldn’t do good for us." Ursa said.

"Yeah, that’s not gonna work. Elbaf isn’t the place we’re trying to get to. We just wanna get to the island that’s right after this one. Right?" Luffy asked.

"Hey, as long as I have a Sake supply, I'm fine either way." Adagio shrugged.

"How can you drink that stuff?" Sci-Twi asked.

"It's tasty." Sonata answered.

"Yes… We must stay on the route that’s going to lead us to my home, or else there’s no point." Vivi urged.

"Yeah." Luffy agreed.

"Can’t argue with that." Sunset admitted.

"Yep." Spikanine nodded.

"Every problem has a solution." Aria said.

"Maybe you could try sailing forward randomly. You may get there eventually, if you’re real lucky." Dorry noted when silence rang as birds were heard chirping before Luffy laughed.

"Maybe so! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! We may actually get there." Luffy said as he and Dorry laughed.

"Now that I think about it, someone did leave the island once before his Log was reset." Dorry remembered as most of the others tried to contain their laughter as it was getting contagious.

"And happened to him?" Luffy asked.

"How should I know that?" Dorry responded as those trying to contain their laughter covered their mouths.

"I’m sure he was able to get to the next island." Luffy noted.

"That must be it!" Dorry agreed as he and Luffy laughed, before those trying to hold in their laughter noticed Vivi growling with shadows over her face and sweated at that.

"What is so funny? I don’t understand what these two idiots are laughing about at a time like this!" Vivi angrily thought.

"I'm sure we'll think of something." Aria said while drinking.

With Fluttershy’s group…

"A brave warrior of the seas, you said? What’s that exactly?" Broggy asked.

"I’m talking about you guys. What I really want is to be like the two of you someday!" Usopp answered.

"Huh? You wanna be a giant?" Broggy said in confusion as that made the others, except Usopp, laugh.

"Ya hear that?" Nami smirked.

"Sorry to interrupt, but have you or your opponent heard of the Rumbar Pirates?" Fluttershy asked.

"Huh? No, I don’t think so." Broggy answered.

"That’s not what I mean! I wanna be a great warrior, I wanna be brave and proud like you and the others from Elbaf!" Usopp clarified as Broggy smiled and laughed.

"I see! You know in Elbaf, even though our lifespan’s a lot longer than yours are, we still think about how we will die. We know everything we have and everything we are will one day cease to exist, like everything else. But it is worth it to die a true warrior of Elbaf, without sacrificing your pride. That is what we call ‘dying with honor’. To die such a great death would be an everlasting treasure, it’s what we seek in Elbaf." Broggy explained.

"So pride is your treasure… That’s great… I’ve decided to learn from you… From now on, I’ll call you Master!" Usopp declared with a smile and sparkly eyes.

"Huh?" Broggy noted in confusion.

"Is he serious, Nami?" April asked.

"Why’re you asking me?" Nami responded.

"You've know him longer." April pointed out.

"Not sure how to answer because he tends to exaggerate from time to time." Croven explained.

"You mean he lies a lot?" Donnie asked.

"Yes." Nami and Croven deadpanned.

"Wow." Donnie uttered in surprised.

With Luffy’s group, Dorry suddenly groaned in pain before with an explosion erupted from his open mouth, much to Luffy and his groups shock as the giant fell on his back.

"Old giant guy! What’s going on?! Why did it explode?! That was the same alcohol we had with us on the ship, wasn’t it?!" Luffy asked as smoke was seen coming out of Dorry’s mouth before soon, the same started happening to Adagio, Aria, and Sonata.

"Poison!" Adagio gasped as they went into their full beast forms before explosions erupted from their maws.

"We’re okay, but we’ll have stomachaches for a while." Aria coughed.

"I hate spiked Sake!" Sonata growled while vomiting.

"It exploded in their stomachs! The other giant must’ve booby-trapped them!" Vivi claimed.

"Hold it! Were you even watching them?! They fight their duels honorably!" Luffy pointed out.

"For a hundred years no less!" Karai added.

"That means there’s no way he’d do that!" Luffy agreed as Dorry got up.

"Alright, then who did do it?" Vivi asked as the Dazzlings smelled their drinks and snarled.

"Bounty Hunters." The Dazzlings informed as the trio went back to their mink forms.

"You strangers… It wasn’t Broggy. No way. No warrior of Elbaf would dare. But… I would have assumed it was any of you if I hadn’t seen those three in the same situation I was in. Those three… They’re the Siren Sisters… It didn’t look like any of you would betray them like that…" Dorry noticed as Spike and Spikanine went off to find Karoo who ran away from the explosions in fear.

"Easy, big guy! We'll help you!" Sonata said.

"Well, he seems to be calm." Vivi noted.

"Well I’m not! The old guy was right about one thing anyway, the other giant would never do anything like this, but I know that our friends wouldn’t do it either! They aren’t like that!" Luffy growled.

"Yeah, then who…" Vivi wondered.

"There must be somebody else on this island…" Luffy realized.

Meanwhile, at Mr. 3’s hideout…

"The key to winning any game is to know your opponent’s state of mind. *Pours tea into tea cup* And now we have succeeded in confusing our enemy. They’re no doubt wondering about the mysterious bomb that we delivered, and about the identity of their invisible enemy. *As Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine grabbed their cups* Our first target was the long-bearded giant, Dorry. I knew it of course that it would be nearly impossible to finish him off, but the damage done to his stomach by the bomb must’ve been considerable. Now we can sit here, enjoying our tea while relaxing, and wait for the next duel to start. But who would’ve guessed that the Siren Sisters got the bombs as well, no doubt they went into their Zoan forms to lessen the damage, even though it’s quite painful." Mr. 3 calculated.

"So we stay in the background and let the giant kill off the injured one." Mr. 5 assumed.

"Yes, that’s exactly right." Mr. 3 chuckled as Mr. 5 drank some of his tea.

"That’s certainly an indirect method." Mr. 5 noted.

"Again, you have to consider your enemy. Warriors like these two operate much the same way as wild boars. They can be intimidating in a head-on fight, but they don’t have the brains to think beyond their immediate circumstance. The Siren Sisters operate like blood hounds. Their sense of smell is quite astounding, but mask the scent well enough, and even bloodhounds can’t detect them. So why bother going after them directly when you have the intelligence to destroy them indirectly? *Chuckles before noticing the girl staring at him* Hmm? Hmm… *Gets up* Why can’t you just get the tea yourself, Ms. Golden Week?" Mr. 3 asked as he gave the cup of tea to Ms. Golden Week.

"And just what are we supposed to do with the Straw Hat gang and those brats?" Mr. 5 asked.

"*3 hairpiece turning into ?* Straw Hat Gang and brats? *? Hairpiece turning into !* Oh, you’re talking about the little brats who found out the boss’ secrets… *Brings out pictures* We can start by luring them out, one by one. The order doesn’t matter, really. Let’s start with the one closest to my tea set. I have a personal motto you know, and that is ‘Big crimes via cheap tricks.’ There are plenty of good ways to defeat any enemy, all without fighting." Mr. 3 darkly chuckled.

"Hey Mr. 3, refill." Ms. Golden Week requested.

"Yeah, while you’re up." Mr. 5 added.

"Can’t you savages take some time to actually savor your tea?!" Mr. 3 asked.

Meanwhile, the volcano erupted, with Luffy and his group noticed.

"That’s their signal… Isn’t it?" Vivi asked.

"Got to be." Aria answered while coughing.

With Zoro’s group…

"Well, damn. Guess our time is up." Zoro scoffed.

"Looks like it." Raph noted.

"Zoro! Watch out for the-" Rainbow Dash gasped before Zoro suddenly stepped on something as he stopped. "Never mind."

Zoro looked down, seeing that he stepped on the back of a baby triceratops. "Oh… Sorry, buddy." Zoro apologized as he stepped off the baby dino before it lunged at him, biting on the foot that stepped on it. "Ow! Gah! Let go! I said I’m sorry! Come on! We don’t have time to mess around with this! Cut it out, you little brute! Seriously, we don’t have time for this!"

"Should we help?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nah." Raph answered before the mother triceratops showed up.

"…You were saying?" Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"Grab him and run!" Raph urged.

"Good call." Rainbow Dash said.

With Sanji’s group…

"We don’t have any big game to bring back and that was the signal. Dammit… Guess our time’s up." Sanji growled.

"Let's head back, Jr." Applejack taunted.

"Would you quit it already? It’s annoying." Sanji requested.

"Not likely." Applejack smirked.

"Hehe, no argument here." Casey agreed.

With Usopp’s group…

"Well, there’s the signal… It’s really been active today." Broggy noted.

"Huh? You’re really going? But your wounds from the last battle haven’t healed." Usopp pointed out.

"Please, Dorry can’t be doing any better than me! Kyababababababababababababa! A few scratches won’t take me out of a duel! That would sure make me a poor excuse for a brave warrior! Kyababababababababababababa!" Broggy laughed.

"He's dedicated." Donnie said.

"Definitely." April agreed.

With Luffy’s group, Dorry struggled to get up.

"Wait, giant guy! Don’t!" Luffy urged.

"You're hurt. We can tell him you need some time to recover." Sonata said while coughing violently.

"Sonata’s right! You can’t fight, Dorry! You need to rest! You’ll die if you push yourself too hard!" Vivi agreed.

"I will fight, I am Dorry… I will-*Cough!* fight for Elbaf’s pride, and die as a warrior!" Dorry declared.

"Look at yourself. You can barely stand!" Adagio pointed out.

"Doesn’t matter…!" Dorry responded.

Back at Mr. 3’s hideout, his glasses gleamed as he poured himself a cup of tea before drinking it and softly chuckled to himself with a smile. Broggy was ready as Dorry struggled to prepare himself for battle. This duel was not gonna be pretty.

Author's Note:

Zoro: Aw great, I'm lost again.

Rainbow Dash and Raph: OH COME ON!!!

Fluttershy: Oh dear oh dear! This is not good!

Shinigami: We need to get Luffy, Mikey and the others.

Bebop: Snap-dizzle!

Usopp: Nami and the others disappeared! What are we gonna do?! Luffy?

Luffy: Someone's interfered with the giants' duel...

Pinkie: And that's totally wrong!

Mikey: Come on out, ya cowardly cheater!

Usopp: Hey, who are they?!

Vivi: Baroque Works!

Luffy, Rocksteady, Ursa, Karai: It was you...

Usopp: How dare you violate the warriors' battle, you scoundrels!

Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls: One Piece...

Princess Twilight: Broggy's Bitter Tears Of Victory! The Conclusion of Elbaf

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!

Comments ( 34 )

Whoa, I did not see that coming:pinkiegasp:

What did you not see coming?

What, did I say about not asking questions?

You’re not asking me any questions.

Comment posted by Postwarmonkey50 deleted Sep 6th, 2023

I have a idea maybe april gets the dragon dragon fruit model brachiosaurus powers in this story

I was actually going for the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami.

Wait really how come no one decides to use sarupods I mean they are some of The biggest dinosaurs plus you already gave three of the dinosaurs devil fruits to the dazzlings

Yeah, but sometimes there are disadvantages to having such a big body. For one, it makes you a huge target. And two, you don’t get a lot of speed like that.

Well combing both speed and strength is a good thing

Still going with the dog dog one.

Then who could have thE brachiosaurus model fruit also will there be any other ocs?

You know I feel like every Zoan fruit starts with a specific animal name then has model: in the name

Also what’s a okuchi no makami?

So what powers does this Zoan devil fruit possess

So ice powers cool get it?

You know how come there’s isn’t a zoan devil fruit based off a trex since there’s ones based off a triceratops, brachiosaurus, pteranodon and spinosaurus

Sorry it’s just who knows what other devil fruits are out there

Haven’t ya heard of fanmade ones?

So who will get a devil fruit next

Comment posted by SuperUltimateBrony deleted February 23rd

i hope this gets up dated soon.

i am. but its such a good story.

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