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A Promise Between Men! Luffy and the Whale Vow to Meet Again!

At the entrance to the Grand Line, Laboon was still howling at Reverse Mountain.

"All who had seen Laboon asked the same question. Why does he continually strike his body against the Red Line? Why does he keep howling at Reverse Mountain? Listen closely, and I will reveal to you, Laboon’s tragic story." Crocus said as everyone started paying close attention, while Sunset’s eyes suddenly glowed white, as if her Equestrian Magic was showing her the past. "One day, a group of good-natured pirates passed through the red line. They were followed by a young whale, spry and chipper, a whale I would soon come to know as the one and only Laboon."

"Laboon said 'Rumbar,' does that have anything to do with those pirates?" Fluttershy asked.

"Why, yes. They were known as the Rumbar Pirates, lead by a man known as Yorki." Crocus answered before tilting his head. "How did you know what Laboon is saying, young miss?"

"Oh, um… My geode actually has magic in it, and it will only let me communicate with animals of all kind." Fluttershy timidly answered.

"I see. So you can talk to animals." Crocus realized with a smile.

"No doubt about that. She loves animals, and she’s a bit of a doctor for them." Rainbow Dash added.

"Well, that's something I can get behind." Crocus said with a smile, before Donnie coughed to get their attention.

"So, the story of Laboon and the Rumbar Pirates?" Donnie asked.

"Yes, Laboon had developed a bond with the pirates traveling with them for much of their journey. But knowing the dangers of the Grand Line, the pirates chose to leave Laboon behind in the West Blue. But the stubborn little whale followed them anyway. As a general rule, Island Whales are social animals and traveled together in family groups. I suspect that Laboon had somehow come to feel that those pirates were his family. The wear and tear on the pirate ship was quite severe, so they stayed here for several months. In that time, I too was able to forge a close relationship with them. Thus, when the day of their departure finally arrived…" Crocus narrated as Sunset saw the times Laboon had with the Rumbar Pirates when he was a young whale, before seeing Yorki talking to Crocus at sunset.

"I have a favor to ask of you, my dear friend. Could you look after Laboon for a few years? When my men and I have completed our voyage around the world, we’ll be back. Listen to me, Laboon… We’re taking our ship to the end of the Grand Line. Until we return, I need you to wait for us here with Crocus. You can’t come with us, it’s too dangerous, even for a mighty whale like you. Don’t worry, three years will pass by like a flash. And don’t forget, no matter the distance, our friendship lasts forever. Well, I guess it’s time. Alright men, we’re setting sail! Hoist the anchor! Laboon! You have to wait for us here and mind Crocus, Laboon! Don’t worry, we’ll be back! I promise!" Yorki called out as he a his crew sailed toward the Grand Line.

"That was fifty long years ago." Crocus said, leaving everyone shocked at this revelation.

"Fifty years?! That's crazy!" Karai said in disbelief.

"No wonder he's so upset! That kind of wait would drive anybody crazy!" Mikey agreed with a nod.

Later, everyone found themselves sailing across water in an iron tunnel.

"This is some canal." Zoro noted.

"No doubt about that." Wolflood agreed.

"It’s so awesome that Laboon’s still alive with a hole like this!" Rainbow Dash said in excitement.

"It is impressive." Shini agreed.

"I suppose you’re responsible for this?" Sanji assumed.

"Just a doctor’s playful mind." Crocus answered.

"Doctor?!" Usopp asked in surprise.

"That’s right. Legally certified. I also ran a clinic on the cape once upon a time. Before that, I served as a ship’s doctor." Crocus answered.

"Really? That's great, then join us! We need a doctor!" Luffy said with a grin.

"Don't be ridiculous, I no longer have that kind of energy. Exploring the seas is a young man's burden." Crocus answered.

"Why would a doctor live in a whale, though?" Casey asked.

"He needs to be treated." Crocus answered.

"And is installing hallways and hollowing him out a part of said tratement?" Donnie added.

"Exactly. With a creature of this size, it's virtually impossible to treat it from the outside. Therefore, I devised a more drastic solution." Crocus confirmed.

"Honestly, it sounds complicated as it is drastic." April noted.

"I can understand that. Here’s the exit." Crocus said as he opened the door as the ship left the whale.

"THE SKY!!!" Luffy cheered as he laughed in joy.

Meanwhile, Ms. Wednesday and Mr. 9 regained consciousness. "What is it?" Mr. 9 asked, only for Ms. Wednesday to silently tell him to be quiet.

"Don’t you think 50 years is a bit extreme? Those pirates sure know how to test someone’s patience." Usopp said.

"Idiot, don’t you get it? This is the Grand Line. His friends are dead. That whale can wait forever, they won’t be back." Sanji responded.

"Sad to say, but that’s probably true. Back in the day when those guys traveled the Grand Line, it was an uncharted sea, a thousand times more treacherous than it is now." Nami added.

"Can’t argue with that." Croven agreed before Usopp butted in. "Urgh! Why are you all being so pessimistic? You don't know that they're dead! They could still come back for him! Come on, have some sympathy, will ya? I thought it was a touching story. I mean a whale still believing his friends are coming back despite all these years? That's a true bond, right pops?" Usopp asked as Crocus adjusted his glasses.

"Indeed. But the lesson here is that reality is cruel. His friends ARE dead. I learned they turned tail and left the Grand Line out of fear and tried to make their way back to Reverse Mountain, but were wiped out before they could ever reach this place and keep their promise." Crocus informed, leaving Usopp and the ninjas in shock, while Fluttershy thought there was more to it than that.

"I don’t believe it! I mean, why abandon him like that?" Usopp asked.

"I can't say for sure what happened to them, but I doubt they are alive now to make it back here. Seasons, weather changes, currents, in the Grand Line, these things defy the laws of nature, and the terror of that fact can be quite overwhelming. And for anyone who tries to leave, they are met with the fate of death by those with greater ambitions." Crocus answered.

"So you’re saying these pirates cared about their lives more than their promise to Laboon?!" Princess Twilight asked in anger, only for Crocus to shake his head.

"They cared about their promise. But they left the Grand Line trying to make their way back here to Laboon. But that isn't taken kindly to the pirates in these waters. They ended up wiped out before they could keep their promise." Crocus answered.

"But if you know that his friends are dead, why not just tell Laboon? He can obviously understand people quite well for a whale." Fluttershy asked.

"I did tell him, down to the last miserable detail of his friends dying before they could keep their promise. But he refused to believe me." Crocus answered as Sunset saw more of the past.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it's the truth. Your friends left the Grand Line and died, trying to come back here. The bond you shared with each other was real, just as real as the promise they made to return for you one day. But still, face the facts, those men are never coming back." Past Crocus said, before past Laboon started howling at Reverse Mountain. "Laboon, please! I say this for your own good! They're not coming back!" Past Crocus told past Laboon as the island whale continued howling at Reverse Mountain. "I understand that you don't wanna accept it! But you need to realize this is how things are! Listen!" Past Crocus yelled before past Laboon splashed the water, leaving the man drenched. "Laboon!"

Sunset's eyes then stopped glowing, returning her to the present. "That was the day Laboon began to howl at reverse mountain. Not long after, he began slamming his body against the Red Line, trying to break it. It's as if he believes that wall is what keeps his friends away, and by breaking it, he can clear a path for their return." Crocus informed.

"You gotta admire his dedication at least." Karai admitted.

"He didn't gave up on them for a second." Dog Spike agreed.

"He refused to believe his friends are dead, because then he'd have to admit that it's over. And that terrifies him more than anything. There's no way for him to go back to the West Blue, so what we've got here is a paradox of tragic proportions. Laboon is a lost soul, dying to live with his friends, but won't stop killing himself to reach them." Crocus said.

"Tragedy. Still, for all the grief those pirates put him through, they did the same to you by saddling you with their burden. I mean, you’ve done enough for Laboon, what about you?" Sanji asked.

"The scars on his hide are deep. Those in his heart are even deeper. He needs someone to tend his wounds, and I'm all he's got. For years he's battered himself while I've patched him up. A strange friendship, but it works." Crocus answered.

"Strange indeed." Rarity agreed, before Luffy suddenly began running up Laboon's forehead while carrying the broken mast of the ship that he ripped off, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"What the hell is that idiot up to?" Sanji asked.

"You gotta watch him every second." Zoro said.

"We were, and look where that got us." Rena responded.

"Gum-Gum… Flower Arrangement!" Luffy yelled as he stabbed the mast into the bleeding wound.

"Doesn’t Luffy know that’s the mast?" Leo asked.

"Not to mention he put it on a whale." Spike added.

"Why’d he do that? Hey, Luffy! Stop tearing up the ship!" Usopp said, before the island whale then howled in pain and anger from the attack.

"YOU ASS!!! LUFFY STOP!!!" The Straw Hat Pirates shouted in anger and fear as Crocus and the ninjas gasped at what happened.

Everyone moved out of the way as Laboon leapt into the air and smashed his head against the Red line with Luffy under him.

"The boy! He's dead!" Crocus dreaded in horror.

"Oh don't worry. It'll take way more than that to kill Luffy!" Nami said as the ninjas, Turtles, Rainbooms and Dazzlings were shocked at this revelation before Laboon leaned back from the pain on his wound as Luffy got back up.

"Ha! Gotcha!" Luffy said as he and the whale the proceeded to fight each other.

"What does he think he’s doing?!" Usopp dreaded as Luffy knocked Laboon back, before the whale knocked Luffy back to the tower.

"You wanna let us in on your plan before you kill yourself?!" Zoro asked as Laboon started charging towards Luffy, before...

"It’s a draw." Luffy said, making Laboon stop before the young pirate put his straw hat back on his head with a grin. "I'm stronger than I look. But I have a feeling you knew that. I can always tell when someone's itching to fight. Well, if you want a battle, I'll gladly give you one. Your shipmates used to spar with you, didn't they? You miss it. Well, I can rival anything they threw at ya. Tell you what, when my friends travel the Grand Line, we'll come back here and find you, and then you'd better be ready for a rematch!" Luffy declared, making Crocus smile while Laboon howled with tears of hope and joy, and leaving Fluttershy positively aghast from that promise. Later, Luffy drew a copy of the Straw Hat Jolly Roger on Laboon's scarred head, albeit very poorly drawn. "Hey, not bad! Consider this a symbol of my promise to come do battle with you. Of course, it's a rush paint job, so you'll have tho avoid hitting your head or else you'll rubbing off, understand?" Luffy asked, as Laboon grunted in reply, with the young straw hat pirate captain smiling. "Good whale!"

Fluttershy was still aghast, so Rainbow Dash got some smelling salts and snapped her out of it as Usopp started repairing the mast, before realizing something. "Hey, where are they?"

"Who?" Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata asked in confusion.

"Oh, you mean those two weirdos? I guess they escaped. Must’ve happened while we were distracted by Laboon. I wonder who they were." Nami responded.

Meanwhile, Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday were in the waters around the cape.

"Ms. Wednesday, what are we going to do now?" Mr. 9 asked, as Ms. Wednesday sighed.

"First, put some distance between us and these morons, then we report to the boss. Our time for completing this mission has long since run out." Ms. Wednesday answered.

"I can hear the others now. They’re probably already calling us traitors." Mr. 9 agreed.

"I know, but without our weapons, we have no choice but to back to the office and start over." Ms. Wednesday said.

"And this time, no one will stop us!" Mr. 9 declared as he reached into his jacket, only to find nothing, making him panic. "No! No, it couldn’t have!"

"What is it?" Ms. Wednesday asked.

"It’s… gone." Mr. 9 uttered with tears flowing from his eyes.

"What?" Ms. Wednesday asked in confusion.

Back on the Going Merry, Luffy noticed an odd compass watch on the ground near him. "Huh? What's this thing?"

"Dunno." Mikey shrugged.

"Beats the heck outta me." Pinkie agreed.

"How could you have lost the log pose?!" Ms. Wednesday asked.

"I don't know, I must've dropped it somewhere! But we're not going anywhere without it!" Mr. 9 answered.

"How awful." Ms. Wednesday said before Mr. 9 gasped as he saw something in his binoculars.

"No! This can’t be happening!" Mr. 9 dreaded as the two saw something flying their way, much to their horror. "It’s…!"

"Oh no!" Ms. Wednesday gasped as for what they saw was a suited otter with sunglasses banging his seashells against each other on a string of rope while riding a vulture with a bonnet and sunglasses, holding a box.

"The Unluckies!" Mr. 9 said.

"We’re out of time!" Ms. Wednesday feared.

"Mr. 13!" Mr. 9 whimpered.

"Ms. Friday!" Ms. Wednesday dreaded.

"Don't be hasty! Please, we can explain!" Mr. 9 pleaded.

"We'll check in with the boss immediately!" Ms. Wednesday said before the otter lit the fuse and the vulture dropped the packaged bomb on the screaming pair before the explosive detonated.

Meanwhile, Nami stretched before sitting down. "Okay then, I finally have some peace and quiet so I can work on our plan for the Grand Line journey." Nami said as she brought out a map and compass, with the needle of the latter, somehow spinning in continuous circles.

Meanwhile, in the Going Merry...

"So Sanji, what’re we gonna have for lunch?" Applejack asked.

"A rare fish, that’s for sure." Sanji answered.

"Rare?" Casey wondered as Sanji opened a cooler, revealing a giant tuna with an elephant trunk and tusks, much of the appearance being to the two ninjas’ surprise.

"Ah, don’t think I forgot about you, Elephant Bluefin Tuna." Sanji said.

And on the deck, Usopp was angry while he, Rainbow Dash, Raph and Aria were repairing the mast.

"Geeze, that’s my life! Luffy breaks it, then I put it back together! Hey, Zoro! Get off your lazy butt and give us a hand! This ship isn’t gonna fix itself, ya know!" Usopp shouted before Nami let out a completely horrified scream as Laboon splashed his tail in the water.

"You mind? Keep it down." Luffy simply said before Sanji came up to Nami with hearts in his eyes while holding dishes full of food on his hands, head and right leg.

"Is there some problem, my dearest Nami? If it’s food you’re worried about, say no more!" Sanji swooned as everyone else except Zoro got up to have some lunch.

"Did someone say food?" Usopp asked.

"You idiots! The compass is broken!" Nami said as Sci-Twi approached the compass and found what she saw baffling.

"That’s impossible! Why is the needle just spinning without stopping at all?!" Sci-Twi asked.

"Huh. Yeah, you’re right." Sanji noticed.

"I don’t know about you, but I’m getting dizzy." Usopp said.

"Whoa! This is cool!" Luffy awed.

"Agreed!" Mikey, Sonata and Pinkie said in agreement before Crocus turned towards them.

"It is sadly apparent that none of you possess the slightest knowledge about how things work here. Did you all come here to die? There is nothing wrong with your compass." Crocus informed as Sanji put down the plates of food.

"Aah… Great Spread." Luffy said.

"It’s for everyone." Sanji told Luffy.

"What do you mean it’s not broken?!" Donnie asked in shock.

"The Grand Line has little regard for the rules of the sea. Common sense is useless at this place." Crocus answered.

"Then maybe you can tell us why the needle’s spinning." Princess Twilight requested.

"It is because we are surrounded by a powerful magnetic field. All the islands in the Grand Line are riddled with magnetic minerals which cause all sorts of abnormalities Also the winds and currents lack constancy in their patterns. As a navigator, I'm sure you can appreciate this dilema." Crocus informed.

"That means with all of this magnetic minerals around us, not being constant for a single second, we can’t get anywhere!" Sci-Twi realized.

"So then… If we don’t have a way to tell direction, this whole trip is hopeless." Nami added as Luffy started eating some food.

"This is yummy!" Luffy said.

"I don’t know what to say. We’re screwed." Nami nervously admitted.

"Hey! You’re the navigator, so navigate us outta here!" Usopp panicked.

"This is delicious! You gotta try some!" Luffy said.

"Gah! This is really starting to freak the pink outta me!!!" Pinkie freaked out as she pulled on her cheeks in stress… which started to stretch… like rubber… which no one seemed to notice.

"WOULD ALL OF YOU SHUT UP FOR FIVE SECONDS SO I CAN FIGURE THIS OUT?!?!?!?!" Nami shouted in frustration and stress.

"The nose of the elephant tuna is my favorite part. Tasty!" Luffy said.

"If you have any hope of navigating the Grand Line, you’re going to need a log pose to guide you." Crocus informed

"Log Pose? I’ve never heard of it." Nami said as Fluttershy started to notice Pinkie’s stretchiness.

"Um, everyone?" Fluttershy called out, but her voice was too soft to get her noticed.

"It’s a specially designed compass that can record levels of magnetism." Crocus explained.

"Is it strange looking?" Luffy asked.

"Why yes, it does have an odd shape." Crocus answered as Pinkie grabbed the log pose that was on Luffy, unknowingly stretching her arm, much to Fluttershy’s surprise.

"You mean odd like this?" Pinkie added to the question.

"Yes, exactly. Only a fool caught in disaster would attempt to travel the Grand Line without one." Crocus confirmed.

"Understood. Excuse me for one second. So…" Nami started when suddenly, she punched Luffy in the face. "WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD ONE OF THOSE LOG THINGS?!?!?!" Nami asked as she punch made Luffy fall onto the ground, before he got back up.

"Me, Mikey and Pinkie found it on the deck, laying there. Those two weirdos must’ve dropped it when they escaped." Luffy answered.

"Did they?" Nami questioned.

"Why’d you hit me?" Luffy asked.

"Felt like it." Nami asked.

"Oh, okay." Luffy shrugged.

"Guys!" Fluttershy shouted, getting her noticed.

"Something wrong, Flutters?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Um, I noticed Pinkie’s body, stretching like Luffy’s, so I think she has the powers of the Gum-Gum Fruit." Fluttershy answered.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" Everyone else except Crocus and Zoro gasped in shock.

"Yeah! Look! It happened when I got stressed out and pulled on my cheeks!" Pinkie confirmed as she kept pulling on her cheeks.

"Oh no! Just what we needed, another Luffy!" Usopp dreaded.

"Dude, all this stress the others are having is tearing me apart." Mikey panicked when suddenly, he turned to stone and crumbled, much to everyone’s horror, before the stones mixed and morphed back into Mikey again.

"Mikey! You have the powers of the Gravel-Gravel Fruit! And that’s a logia type! You’re earth itself! Which means you can create, control or merge with any kind of earth at all! And you can’t get hurt when you become a natural element!" Sonata explained, making Mikey go wide-eyed at that.

"Really!?" Mikey asked

"Just remember, you aren't invincible. Most logia powered devil fruit users tend to overestimate their power and meet defeat because they believe themselves to be invincible, and it leads to their downfall." Adagio confirmed with a nod.

"But this ‘log pose’ doesn’t have a dial face. How’s that suppose to work?" Croven asked.

"You don't need one. It's a special kind of magnetism that runs through the Grand line, complete with its own rules that make it possible to get around. By recording the level of magnetism between two islands, you can chart and route from one island to the next. The log post method is really the only choice, since the magnetism here presents huge problems for conventional navigation. As it turns out, Reverse Mountain is a great starting point. From here there are seven levels of magnetism with their own routes, but it doesn't matter which one you choose, at the end they all pull together to one destination. And the island at the end of that destination....is Laugh Tale. Its very existence was confirmed by the King of the Pirates nearly 20 years ago." Crocus explained.

"Laugh Tale…" Nami said.

"Laugh Tale?" The Dazzlings repeated, feeling vaguely familiar with the name.

"That’s it! That must be where the One Piece is hidden!" Usopp realized.

"That’s the most prominent theory. But no one’s been able to set foot on Laugh Tale island since." Crocus said while Luffy grinned as he bit the bone of the Elephant Tuna.

"Don't worry. We'll find it soon enough." Luffy said, as Crocus silently gasped, seeing him as someone else for a second, before smiling. "*Exhale* Well I’m satisfied, you ready to go?"

"I told you that was for all of us!!!" Sanji yelled in anger as Usopp's eyes comically stretched at the sight of the table.

"He-He even ate the bones!" Usopp uttered in shock as the ninjas looked and saw what he meant, amazing them.

"I've never seen someone with an appetite like that!" Pinkie said after she whistled in amazement.

"This shouldn’t be scientifically possible!" Princess Twilight panicked.

"Somehow, I think Luffy can tie himself with Pinkie in an eating contest." Rainbow Dash noticed as Sanji glared at Luffy in anger.

"A log pose, we have to take special care of this. It’s the key to find the greatest treasure of all time!" Nami said.

"You greedy bottomless pig! You ate the meal I made for the girls! Well, I hope you left room… For your dessert!!!" Sanji declared as he Luffy so hard that when he flew past Nami the Log Pose shattered, leaving the navigator simply speechless at what just happened.

"Ow. Why is everyone hitting me?" Luffy asked.

"You never think of anyone but yourself!" Sanji seethed.

"Sanji…" Nami started, getting Sanji's attention.

"Yes?" Sanji asked in loverboy mode.

"BOTH OF YOU GET OUTTA MY SIGHT BEFORE I WRING YOUR NECKS!!!" Nami roared as she kicked both Luffy and Sanji into the water.

"Okay, so, correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the log pose work better when it’s not broken?!?!?!" Usopp asked in panic.

"Oh no! Our Log Pose is ruined!" Nami dreaded.

"This is bad!" Croven agreed.

"Calm yourselves, I will give you my own. As a thank you for helping Laboon." Crocus offered before Laboon surfaced, bring Luffy, Sanji, Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday back to land as the humans were gasping for air.

"Oh, good. I’m not dead." Luffy said before he and Sanji noticed Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday.

"Hello, dear lady. Allow me to help you to your feet." Sanji offered as he helped Ms. Wednesday up politely.

"Oh. Thank you." Ms. Wednesday responded.

"Hey… We need a favor." Mr. 9 said.

A few minutes later…

"Whiskey Peak?" Luffy, Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata wondered in confusion.

"So, what is it?" Usopp asked.

"That's where we live, um... sir." Mr. 9 answered.

"How are you stranded? Where’s your ship?" Nami asked.

"Well, it was destroyed." Ms. Wednesday answered.

"You two asking us for a ride makes you suspicious, especially after that stunt you pulled trying to kill the whale." Croven said in skeptism.

"What’s with the getup, and what’re you supposed to be anyway?" Casey asked.

"I am a king!" Mr. 9 answered, only to get grabbed by Applejack.

"If that ain’t a bald-faced lie, Ah don’t know what is." Applejack responded before letting Mr. 9 go.

"No. Please..." Mr. 9 begged.

"We can't say!" Ms. Wednesday said.

"She's right! You have to believe us! Our only motive here is getting home! We'd tell you everything if we could, it's just that..." Mr. 9 started.

"Mystery is our company's motto!" Ms. Wednesday finished.

"You see, we have to be mysterious! It's sort of a rule." Mr. 9 confirmed.

"We have confidence in your character, can't you give us the same courtesy?" Ms. Wednesday asked.

"Please, we're begging you, show some mercy!" Mr. 9 pleaded.

"Don’t do it. These two fools are dishonest to the core, they can’t be trusted." Crocus warned.

"Listen, I should mention that our log pose was broken and we don’t have another one, so still wanna ride with us?" Nami asked.

"What?! You broke it?! That was mine! Those aren't cheap you know!" Mr. 9 panicked.

"You're stuck here too?! How long are you gonna make us beg before you bother to tell us?!" Ms. Wednesday asked before Raph smacked Nami in the head.

"Hey! We have another log pose that Crocus gave us! But I still don't think we should let them-" Raph started to say before he was cut off.

"Raphael, you bastard! How dare you hit Nami!" Sanji growled as he was about to kick Raph, only for his foot to hit his shell, making the cook’s leg stagger a bit.

"Sometimes it’s good to be a turtle." Raph said before Sanji did a leg sweep on his head, only after that, Raph’s head was completely gone, making the others start to panic before his head popped out of his shell, calming everyone. "And sometimes, it’s good to be a short turtle." Raph added as he turned around.

"Why you…!!!" Sanji seethed as he kicked harder, when suddenly, and hole made of fire appeared on Raph, making the cook’s kick pass right through him, much to everyone’s surprise.

"Looks like Raph has logia powers, too! The Flame-Flame fruit!" Aria noticed with a grin.

"Gah! Damn, that burns!" Sanji hissed.

"Heh, not surprised about that, since I can control my anger, which is like fire, and because of my medallion." Raph said.

"It's fine. You can ride with us. You said your home is called Whiskey Peak? Let’s go there." Luffy delcared, much to everyone else's shock, and Fluttershy's surprise.

"Why?! These two are obviously some pretty shady characters. Why would we take them anywhere?" Usopp asked.

"It's fine. Don't sweat the small stuff, we'll be alright." Luffy answered.

"Choose your route carefully. Once you head out from here, you'll be committed to that course." Crocus warned.

"That's okay. If we don't like it, we'll try a different route next time." Luffy responded.

"I see." Crocus understood with a smile.

"Okay. It’s time we get going! Now that me and Laboon have an understanding, I can leave with a clear conscience." Luffy said.

"Just who on earth do you think you are anyway?" Ms. Wednesday asked.

"What’s that? Me? Oh, I’m the man, who’ll be king of the pirates!" Luffy answered, making Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday snicker at that.

"Not too bright, this one." Ms. Wednesday thought as Fluttershy turned to Laboon with her geode activating her magic.

"I'm sorry we have to cut our time short, but we'll need to leave soon. And I'm sorry about your friends, your family." Fluttershy apologized as her geode translated Laboon's voice.

"(Thank you. Fluttershy, if you see my friends... Tell them I forgive them. And that I don't hate them.)" Laboon requested.

"I will." Fluttershy accepted, taking Laboon's words to heart.


"Should be good to go, the log poses have had plenty of time to store the route. The needle should be pointing in the same direction as the map." Crocus said as everyone was ready to depart.

"It’s pointing directly to Whiskey Peak." Nami confirmed.

"See ya pops! Thanks again for the Log Pose! Take care!" Luffy said.

"Have a safe trip, my boy!" Crocus responded.

"I’m off, Laboon! Be ready to fight when I get back!" Luffy told his friend as Laboon howled in response. "Next stop, Whiskey Peak! Ready, gang? Let's set sail!" Luffy declared as the Going Merry went off as Laboon howled, wishing them luck on their journey.

"I wonder, Luffy and his exuberant crew could be the very pirates we've been waiting for. That young captain sure has a way about him, it's uncanny really. The same being said for Leonardo, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. Wouldn't you agree, Roger, Celestia and Luna?" Crocus asked as he smiled to himself.

Author's Note:

Devil Fruitpedia;

Gravel-Gravel Fruit: The user can turn their body into gravel that they can split apart and reassemble at will, as well as control nearby pebbles, gravel and all nearby small rocks. As well as maneuver the area in quick session, and even levitate their gravel state to fly. They can also fire the gravel at high speeds at opponents causing severe puncture wounds. After training to enhance their control, they can focus to turn just parts of they body to gravel, such as they arms and reform it into weapons like spiked maces, hammers or axes. They can even absorb large quantities of gravel to make themselves a large hulking monster, like Marvel's Sandman.

Devil Fruit made and described by Ezio1-3


Luffy: Hahahahahahahahaha! What a feast!

Pinkie: Let's party!

Mikey: Booyakasha!

Sonata: Woohoo!

Usopp: Getting this kind of classy treatment as soon as we arrive? Oh, I love being a pirate!

Fluttershy: Eep!

Zoro: Don't you find it a little weird?

Applejack and Casey: You're telling me.

Sanji: So many cute girls! Look at them all!

Raph: Zoro's right, something's wrong here.

Rainbow Dash: I think so too.

Aria: Better be ready.

Nami: When it comes to drinking games, I don't lose!

Croven: Better take Nami's word for that.

Nami: Bring it on!

Rarity: You too, Nami?!

Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls: One Piece...

Princess Twilight: A Town that Welcomes Pirates? Setting Foot on Whiskey Peak!

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!