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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

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    SEASON 30 PART 2

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Random · 8:42am Dec 1st, 2019

Back to Plans


Not much to say about this one, this is just where all of my random thoughts come together and the ideas that I have for universal magic...but I don’t know where to put at. It isn’t anything special other than whatever random that comes to mind I might want to use in the story is all. Some may be cannon to the Mane, some not…so…it’s just throwing shit at the wall basically…

Random ideas:

The Rest of the Random Ideas that could be used or not

Joke: black people are a myth, every time when someone thinks they got a picture of a black guy, it just turns out to be bigfoot…

Joke: Nigfoot is Bigfoot’s cousin that lives in the hood, but then it turns out that Nigfoot is actually Wigfoot, a wigfoot that tries to imitate a nigfoot, so the Wigfoot is the Imposter…. Wigfoot was not the imposter…

Joke: Goku goes to his high school and goes in with an AK and says with a smile to the bullies, “It’s not going to be a fight, it’s going to be a massacre”…and shoots up the school with Yamcha, who accidently kills himself…with three shotguns to the back of the head… And Krillin joins in as well. And when Goku goes to court, he says the Jews told him to do it by telepathically telling him to do so…and the Jews are the demons basically, that was Anne Frank from the past…

Random: Scooby Doo is part of the KKK and goes to their meetings every Tuesday and Thursdays at 8:30 and says we need to rid of the Riggers, but we can forgive him because he has a speech issue…

Random: A Capital T has far greater power than a lower case T, but the power of the Capital is too great for ay mortal to use that only the T itself can use it it. So only when the T shows up can the [power be used, so Wolf has to rely on a lower case t and burn in it to scare his enemies away, for no one can resist the power of the lower case t…

Random: Joke: Old air trapped in a balloon is the fountain of youth…

Random: The noid telling you to shoot up an elementary school to become Jesus…

Random: Space chimps was the most ambitious game ever made… It was shown off at the very same E3 where Sony showed off the PS2 for the first time. It was shown among the other clips of the upcoming PS2 games that was being worked on for the system. Despite only merely seconds of it being showed on screen at their conference for a brief, few seconds, it was met with praised and critical acclaim. Word got out about the game and into gaming magazines, and people around the world were surely excited and anticipating the game’s release. It had pristine graphics, revolutionary game play, and a story that The Last of the Us wishes it was. It was truly a game that had to be experienced. It would rival the likes of Doom or Half-Life or even Super Mario Bros. However, word was rumored that it was delayed to an unknown date. Rumored suggested it was supposed to release the same year as GTA III, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Devil May Cry. These rumors were proven true. But at E3 2001, some more game play was shown off and it only made the gaming world even more eager for the release of it. However, after E3 2001, there was not a single word said about it. Many gaming journalist tried to visit the development studio behind Space Chimps the game, but no interview could be conducted, with only the creative director giving this statement: “A delayed Heart surgery is eventually a good heart surgery. But a bad heart surgery is forever bad.”

And so the world waited…and waited…and waited. By this point, the next generation of consoles had already been released, with the gaming world already forgetting about the most ambitious game ever, Space Chimps. But in 2008, it was the finally completed, and the most ambitious game ever made was set for a late 2008 release, along with a movie being made based on the game’s plot. Despite the hiatus and complete and utter silence from the dev team, the gaming community was still eager to get their hands on the game. There were a record breaking amount of pre-orders for the game and many, many midnight release parties occurred with lines stretching blocks, with some even camping out for days on end just to get a copy of it. And at midnight of it’s release, the world rejoiced and the gaming community finally got their hands on the most ambitious game ever made. Sadly…Space Chimps only went on to sell 3 copies and the development studio went bankrupt, with the crearive director committing suicide only a day later. But Space Chimps shall be forever remembered for starring the very first African American character in a video game and advocating for Civil Rights…

Joke idea: Maybe for the Ching Chang Bing Bong Connection, but not sure yet. But Knight, Neon, Craig, and maybe that Griffin guy, are going through TSA at the airport to get to China, and TSA notices one of them has a watch on and they don’t know what that is (because phones…)and so they look at it, hear the ticking sound, and assume it’s a bomb. And soon everyone is freaking out, people are scared, they destroy the watch (that has roman numerals) and are arrested…meanwhile, a few hours later, the guys who directed one Survivor, Deepwater Horizon, and Patriots Day, directs, Watch, a movie starring Mark Walburg that is an ordinary, everyday father who works for the TSA, then sees some teorrists with a bomb and has to stop them in an over two hour epic movie about America and Patriotism…

Joke idea: The joke is that the second gaming crash will come when the Second Coming of ET (ET 2) comes, and all of the good games shall have their salvation while the rest goes into the bargain bins and ET Jesus lets the gaming landscape in darkness and set it ablaze for two to three years before a guy from Japan rebirths it anew..

Add the Maximum Pony Prison Penitentiary – to whatever episode that I had the prison thing at…can’t find it at the moment……

So, there is an asylum on a dark hill, near Stalia, obviously, where most, MOST of the villains, mostly pony related, came from or was once in, even John was there...

The mystic lands are where god are born and made

Names: Ok so basically I have a bunch of names for a bunch of places like for bars and shit, but I’ve got to be honest with you, I don’t rmemeber any of them and of course it’s going to make me look like a retard if I fon’t keep track of these names and shit…so this is a list just for that…

Big Chunky O’s – An in universe brand of cereal back on Earth.

In universe movie idea:Nothing but Nevada…- a horror movie about Nevada killing everyone…

Random Idea: Stalia’s court of law: Ok, so something came to mind and what came to mind is there is no fucking court of law…is there?...well other than the princesses of course, but still. I don’t think Stalia would be doing anything like that and would instead have their own court of law. Just food for thought, maybe make something up and use it in an episode or something…just an idea…also it can be really weird or wacky…just throwing it out there…The judge is an Eagle named Eagle Legal (And if you can figure where that idea comes from, and for whatever reason not allowed to use it, don’t worry, I’ve got a back up idea. Instead of an eagle, it’ll be a crow that screams every so often like the raven from Grim Adventures…

In universe idea: The No Pants Chef: A chef that teaches you how to cook without any pants on...pizza rolls?


The dreamland/world express

A banana is a gun and a gun is a banana


· Episode idea: Flat Earth Ponies: Something about the ponies thinking the earth is flat and s flat monster…I don’t know, not much to say…
· Joke Idea: Space Hitler: The joke is that there’s a Hitler from mars…or from a different galaxy…and it’s Space Hitler…
· Nazi or Nice: a play on words for Naughty or Nice…but for libtards…maybe for SJW man?...hmmmmm?...
· Wigger: The idea behind this joke is that if you dare say the forbidden W word, then a mysterious god will smite everyone and everyone’s faces melt off and shit…Don’t say the W word you nigger…ha ha ah…
· You’re Going to the gas chambers…a song that is of a happy tune that’s about saying you’re going to the gas chambers…
· In-Universe idea: So an idea that I have in mind is a movie back on Earth, a fake movie that’s a coming of age drama called, “I want to punch you in the face”...it stars a little boy who gets word if he punches a certain kid, he’ll get free stuff and a blowjob…so he goes on a journey to find the kid, and punch him in the face. But he faces hardships as he loses friends and starts to question if what he is really doing is something that he truly believes in. An at the end of his journey, punching the kid in the face and getting his blowjob, the little boy finds out that the real reward…was within him all along..
· Idea joke/episode? Happy: The idea is that the word sounds so weird that it sounds like it’s a monster from pokemon…like “Ohhhhhh nooooo…look out everypony…it’s a Happy…we’re all going to diiiiiiiiiiieeeee…” Something like that. Not sure if I want it to be a joke or its own episode…just throwing it out there…
· If you love something let it die song to the tune of if you happy and you know it…
· Random Music Idea: A song idea that I have in mind, not sure where it would fit in but it’s just an diea for right now. The idea is that it’s a sad little song called, “If you love something very much, let it die”. But set to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. I don’t really have a reason for this other than I came up with this for some odd reason. I don’t know what to say really toher than I just sometimes just come up with weird songs with no intentions of it ever being a thing…I don’t know how to explain it. It just…l.itterally pops into my head and I just kind of go with it. And this happens more than once and it usually involves the word Die or AIDs, so…this is a rare thing where I come up with something that I could use…so yeah…
· Random Idea: So this is an idea for maybe a fake, shitty comic or fake shitty animated in-universe TV-show with a low budget and a politcla adgeda trying to be hip and coll with the kids and shi. The idea is called, “The Adventures of the Amazing Soy Boy!” And it’s a soy boy tryin g to act like a hero, sort of like trash man but if trahs man was combined with SJW man and it’s just a shitty fun idea that I had not too long ago as of writing this. Of course, it could also somehow connect with SJW man at some point, but I’m unsure how they work exxatly. Either he’s real like daring Do like the in the MLP show or SJW man makes him comes to life and he is as shitty in real as he is in the shitty comic/tv-show, which by the way would be both tv show and comic, not one or the other.
· Random diea: Uhh…batman’s villain is just screaing a weird nosies a lot..but secretly it’s the Do You Know Da Wae? Meme in disguise to take revenege on the fact that it has been forgotten or something…
· TK’s class/TK’s lessons
· Happy Birthday song?
· Random idea: Either Arrell or someone else’s childhood, they were tortured by their families obsession with the idea of religion and the dark side of it and shit…haunting stuff you know?...
· Random idea: “We have to kill each other in order to punch god in the face...”
· Random diea: A robot doctor with a very robitic and rough voice…very commanding…
· Random Idea: Stalia’s court of law: Pk, spo something cme to mind and what camre to mind is there is no fucking court of law…is there?..well other than the princesses of coruse, but still. I don’t think Stalia would be doing aythign like that tnad would instead have their own court of law. Just food for thought, maybe make something up and sue it in an episode or something…just an idea…also it can be really weird or wacky…just throwing it out there…
· In universe idea: The No Pants Chef: A chef that teaches you how to cook without any pants on...pizza rolls?

· Thimes….
· Character Commentary for all episodes
· Character podcasts….
· Idea: on Earth, ancient civilizations were very high tech, but nuked themselves in order to reset everything and wiped their memories to start over from square one because everything being perfect was boring….
· Happy Apple (revised): So the idea is that one day a farmer wakes up and goes to his apple trees and finds a magical talking apple. He shows his family the apple, but instead they just see an ordinary apple. Well the apple talks to him and gets inside his head slowly grows darker and darker and so the apple tells him to kill his family and do it do it do it do it do it do it do it with a smile on the apple’s face. Question: Is it in his head or is the apple real?....

Knight= The smart one/leader/average/whatever one….

Class Jack=The asshole of the group

Arrell= The Weird one of the group

Mac Farmer= The Jealous one/obsessive of Applejack of the group

Neon=The smart/crazy of f he group

Forrest Fire= The Weakling of the group

Wolf=The lazy one of the group

All 6 + Wolf =The Elements of Protection

· Episode 23-3: “Shoot the Zebra! Shoot the god damn Zebra!”
· Idea: The oranges and the ponies that like them are the master race and they want to gas all the other fruits…especially those dirty grapes….
· Idea: Super Syainic Jesus fights Super Sayainic Muhammad…in-universe TV show…
· Villain: Unnamed Dummy: Just a villan for shits and giggles….
· Idea: Another way to look at UM is that at first in the beginning, Knight is cheerful at times and an idiot. But towards the end, especially towards the ending in Death, his voice slowly becomes more gruffer and bruiting and it looks and sounds like Knight is slowly becoming like TK, the one creation that he created, with the only difference being Knight still has emotions left while TK didn’t have any at all in the end other than anger at times.
· Idea: Maybe in one of the 69 episodes where a cheesy porn situation is about to take place, but right before the couple gets down doing the dirty, they randomly get dragged into an intense adventure and shit…and at the very end they have their sex act….
· Song idea: I’ve got the hooky dooky AIDs tonight: A country like song, fast paced….
· Jack: “Gas the blank flanks…. Cutie mark master race….”
· Hintanic: The idea for the episode is Knight and the guys go on a cruise…air cruise….bad stuff happens…not sure yet…but maybe something a little dark but also comedic. Also the air ship hits a cold cloud and the ship goes down….
· Idea: Black Guy Pony Disease: I have no idea if it will be its own episode, implemented into another episode, or be part of the planet of the zebras trilogy…but basically saying there is a disease that turns others into a zebra….
· Idea: A weapon for an enemy (maybe the brother of TMG) which is a giant monster truck that is deadly and armored to the teeth and has lots of big fucking guns on it with fire shooting out somewhere…
· Podcast/commentary: So either for a character podcast or character commentary, a question is asked. So what if there is two train tracks. On one there is an old guy. And on the other is a small kid. You have a choice of either saving the old guy or the kid. But before you make your decision, the old guy says, “If you save me, I’ll give you one billion dollars and a nice mansion to live in.” But then the kid says to you, “If you let me die, I’m going to haunt your ass for the rest of your life. I’ll ascend into heaven and become a poltergeist and haunt you forever.” Which one would you pick?
· Episode…idea?: I might have an idea where to put this, but the idea is that Stalia is under lockdown and no one can get in or out. And it’s basically a battle royal, either with teams or by one’s lonesome self. So Knight and the others tem up to try and take every pony else down….all for an “Experiment”.
· Random Idea: Something to add maybe, like a doctor says he has a cure for something and it’s time and Mac asks, “What is this so called Time that you speak of?” And the doctor would say, “Oh Time heals all sorts of things. Relationships, bonds, our hearts, our minds, down to simplest cuts and bruises…”
· Idea/Joke: So in one episode, an idea for a joke that is that Trump is involved with like a secret coder giver or something and Knight says, “Wait…if you’re Donald Trump…then that only means…” And then from out of nowhere both Republicans and Democrats come out in a large group and start yelling to each other “Rable rable rable” while holding signs that says that they hate each other…and by the end of it by another scene they both killed each while Neon is playing a trumpet that was being held by a guy that he ripped their arm off from…while two last surviving members of the parties both try and kill each other with a brick…and they both say what they usually say when it comes to trump. And then the joke is over and they go back to whatever the problem is…
· Idea?: So maybe use it as an idea but it might be just stupid..but maybe Neon and the others were lying about their cutie marks and it’s just painted on…but it sounds stupid for me to do it but it kind of interests me…
· Idea: Take note: Briefly mention, either as reference or as joke about Prince Blue Blood, Starlight Glimmer, and the Lego universes in appropriate episodes….
· Zigger….
· Idea: A very creepy like, raspy voiced doctor spider from another dimension, but is actually quite helpful; how much is that puppy in the window? About uhhh…5.50 a pound…then an Asian guys come from out of nowhere and says, “I’ll give you two dowrra for the dog”…and the guys says “Sold…to the highest bidder!” and then the Asian guy says, “You’re going to make find chowder tonight doggie…”; an undercover cop that writes tickets that drives a white car….intense; don’t rape the chicken eggs before they hatched…you don’t want to accidently rape an under 18 chick….
· Re-edit idea: For when I go back to re-edit my old episodes, I need to keep in mind and add details about when Knight goes back to Earth for the first time years and how it has been a while…
· Line: A line to put anywhere…maybe be said by TF or somebody/somepony… “You know what beats friendship? A gun.”
· Idea: Maybe a creepy villain with long arms will say this…but I’ve got an idea where someone says this creepily “What kind of a friend are you looking for? What kind of friendship do you want?...” I don’t know…just throwing it out there…
· Idea (sort of…) So if to say UM ever got an actual show and shit…an idea I would like to keep in mind is where somewhere in ACT 3 (or maybe not…who the fuck knows…) where someone is dying and the other one is holding the dying one in their arms and signing a sad song acapela like as they sing the credit rolls…just a thought….
· Title idea: Wolf Got Fingered- for the episode where Wolf’s past is brought up…
· Character idea
? Rad Chad…I don’t know…maybe…
· Character Idea: Dan wee: He’s like a mysterious, random person/pony…not sure yet…just pretty much as a joke character…
· NOTE: Make sure to put episodes John Dies at the End and the episode where ponies think it’s the end of the world, somewhere in act I …
· Episode Idea: Universal Magic: Not sure what it would be about…but it’s an idea…about Universal Magic…
· Idea Specials: I would like to do some Christmas specials for Universal magic it would be in the alternate part though since I would want to include Santa Claus and pony Jesus and shit, but that obviously would need to be in the alternate section…but it’s some ideas I would like to do at some point…just to have some Christmas fun if to say the ponies ever got a Santa Claus and a pony Jesus and egg nog and shit…
· In-universe TV show idea: A show about some psychopath going around the world and trying to kill every animal that is on Earth…and does it in some extreme ways…like nuking Malaysia…
· Episode idea?: The idea is that a carnival comes to Stalia, but only the guys are there and something seems off about the people that run the attractions and something unsettling happens to them…
· Episode idea?; Possibly an episode, possibly not…but an idea nonetheless. It’s where there’s an invisible friend that neon makes up and at first the guys thinks it is fake but it turns out to be real…and it starts to get weird and shit with the invisible friend stomping and shit…


Two Universe Theory: A theory of "combining" two separate universes

Reverse Two Universe Theory: A moddified verson of the Two Universe Theory, but backwards

One Universe Theory: A modified version of the Two universe Theory, but all in one

The Deadman Theory: ??? something to do with death

The Universal Magic Theory: Something to do with different realities and changing it...

The Time Loop Theory: Time is forever and time is loped

The Universal Magic Forever Theory / The Forever Theory: Universal magic can go on forever and ever

The Neon Theory: Neon is in control and is behind everything or most of everything...

I wonder if I can have math mathematical equations to go along with these theories...I'm retarded so I wouldn't know..

Mac Farmer (EP), a farmer pony that is cousins with Applejack and part of the Apple family, but has been shunned away from it, never to be mentioned as he went insane one day and killed his father as he heard voices in his head and soon became jealous of Applejack and her success. And now he lives at the same farmhouse with his little brother Shadow who he abuses, but no one really cares. He also had a sister that also went crazy too, heard voices, killed her mother in the kitchen, same with Mac, as a kid, and was then taken to a insane asylum, "treated", and was then abandoned as the whole asylum was abandoned, vowing revenge to kill the rest of her family as well as sacrifice Shadow to the voices in her head.Also Mac hates Applejack and tries to kill her every so often but fails miserably every time...

Neon Party (EP), a pony who has questionable origins as well as questionable motives as his history remains a backstory. He acts in similar ways to Pinkie but times 11 or more, as well as knows secrets to the universe and may or may not have created the universe, or a universe. He always smiles, although on occasion will sometimes get sad or maybe even angry if driven to a certain point, but most of the time remains in a "happy" mental state, says random things that may or may not be connected to the current topic, and has a tendency to kill random ponies with no one batting an eye at him. He also seems to be connected to Knight in some way.He now resides at the Sweet Shop, where he mostly runs the place alongside Mr. Sweet, a war veteran who suffers from PTSD who also went insane and represses his memories from the war where he couldn't save a burning orphanage, so now he sees dead ghost kids constantly starring at him, asking he didn't save them, as well as his son dying in the war and Mrs. Sweet being in a constant state of denial that her son will return home, safe and sound...

Forrest Fire (Pegasus), a combination between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Is athletic, but is usually the punching bag of the group. He is the weakest link, but he always tries to remain nice and kind. He can be as fast as Rainbow, can even make what he calls a Fire Boom, which may or may not break space and time where he can go into a another dimension, which he did once, and found The Fates, who then erased his memories and accidentally fucked his mind a little bit. He now has social issues, especially since he has a crush on Rainbow Dash, but never seems to try and talk to her. He instead stalks her and clops to her on a nightly basis. Besides from that, he is also a child somewhat at heart, despite his hardships. He grew up in a single parent home at a cloud trailer park. His dad abused him, called him not a stallion, as well as his dad murdering his mother while one day in court trying to fight over legal custody of him. Also, he has many brothers and sisters that went on to become drug addicts, prostitutes, as well as incest, but Forrest still remains a child at heart. Also when no one is looking, his confidence level rises...just saying...

Classy Jack (Unicorn), One word to describe him: Asshole. A likeable able asshole perhaps. He's the tough one of the group, takes no shit from no pony, however he makes nice suits as well as other things just in general as a way to make money for himself. He has a little brother named White that he likes to pretend doesn't exist, who White is influenced by his older brother Jack. Also if anypony criticizes his works, he will send a hitpony after them to kill them as he is sensitive to critics and will kill them if they give him a low score. As for redeeming qualities, he does have a soft spot as he has an on and off relationship with a mare that later on changes him somewhat on the inside... Also for backstory, he used to be kind, but then life threw him a curve ball and learned to be an asshole. Also both his parents died in an accident and was left to take care of his little brother to a certain point...or not, haven't figured that part out yet...

Arrell (Pegasus), A tough one to explain. The only way to explain is that he is the nice one of the group, not like Forrest though as he is the weak one, instead he is like Forrest, but stronger, has confidence, maybe a little bit of charm to him. He sometimes acts as a leader whenever Knight isn't around, and also an interest in animals like Fluttershy...too much of an interests as he does terrible experiments on them, makes new species that wants to die, has a shed that no pony can ever look into. And he sometimes fucks the animals. He also has a little bunny named Asshat that just kind of comes along for the ride, as for the downsides to him, he sometimes will get smug and have a bit of an inflated ego as well as him being haunted from his past. His backstory includes his parents being dirt poor farmers out in the middle of nowhere, and as a child, believed that the was the son of god or some shit like that, and so he got up and ran away from home, leaving his only parents to cry for him and later die without knowing if he ever lived or not. Arrell as a run away became a thief of sorts, from treasures to breaking into pony's homes and stealing, but then felt sorry and tried to move past that...

Knight (Unicorn), a cynical kind of character, but also a bit more complicated, as his history is a long and complicated one, so I'll just give the basics. He is the leader of the group, at first he doesn't like the guys, but soon they grow on him and accepts their friendship, even if it isn't all that stable. He sometimes drink, sometimes smokes, and struggles to find peace and comfort in his life. He sometimes struggles to find meaning as well at times and at times just want to be left alone, but life constantly keeps throwing him a curve ball. He can sometimes have a sense of humor, sometimes acting a bit random like Neon, but more tamed, but most of the time he is just mellowed out, tries to relax and sit back until life throws something at him, but hopes for one day he can get out of the rut that he is in. He also resides in a library There's a lot more to Knight however, especially his backstory, and where he comes from, but this'll do for now... He also has a timber wolf named Wolf.

Wolf is a timber Wolf that Knight found in the everfree one night while living in a cave. He was the abused one in his pack, and so the two befriended each other, and since Knight is a unicorn, he was somehow able to make Wolf talk. Wolf is a bit smaller compared to the other Timber wolves, along with his wood being a light-ish brown instead of a usual dark brown. He has green eyes, and he is the stupid one of the group. He is an alcoholic, drug addict, and sex addict as well. He is also lazy and most of the time doesn't care about things too much, but his relationship with Knight is rock solid as the two are mostly buddies and so most of the time , he hangs out with Knight.

The prayers of Christens get sent up into space where it gets collected by space Jews to send to god but sadly... the letters to Santa Claus don’t get sent cause he ain’t real just like Michael Jackson, only a figment of our imagination made by the government to sell more non black people on the French fried market…

Joke: What are you waiting for? Pull the fucking trigger already, just do it, pull the fucking trigger you pussy, do it. Do It! JUST FUCKING DO IT ALREAY, YOU CAN dO IT, JUST PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER AND IT’LL ALL BE OVER EASILY! JUST PULL THE FUKING TRIGGER ALREADY YOU FUCKING FAGOT! PULL THE TRIGGER! DO IT! DO IT!...

Joke: Nigger Bot 3000: So it’s like the year 1855 or whatever, before the civil war and in the south. The owner gathers all the slaves up and says to them he has good news and that they are all being let go and are free to leave. The black people then asks is it because he has a change of heart and sees that slavery is bad? And then the slave owner says no with a smile and that he has found their replacement, a robot from the future named Nigger bot 3000, improved from the 2000 version. In other words the slaves are being fired and are being replaced by an automated system to increase profits. But of course this has repercussions as in the future, the word nigger no longer refers to a black guy, but to a robot, as the robots start to rise up in mass with Robot Lives Matter and Robot Civil Rights with the famous but assassinated leader Robot Luther King Jr. who was shot as he tried to give rights to robots. So for example, a black guy is drive through the hood is worried as there are a bunch of robots looking at him, and then a root stops him and hijacks his cars and calls him a fleshy. And the robots gets antsy at you and calls you a racist for calling them a nigger as their ancestors were brought onto ships and put into cardboard boxes as they were shipped from china and slaved into labor to make useless and pointless things for humans and I think you know where this joke is going…

Knight: The main leader of the group. Kind of well rounded of the bunch. Has some knowledge, but is also kind of a goof off at times. He has some weird, strong magic, which is why he is the student of Celestia. He doesn't know how to control it or know of its full potential. He just kind of does whatever with it, and rather just wants to have a good time, but is annoyed by the others at times. Sometimes becoming cynical towards them, but has a heart every now and then to do what needs to be done. He is also the voice of reason at times. He has a blue coat color, black color mane with a black cowboy hat and a brown satchel sometimes.

His family origins is a little complicated. Let's just say there is a twist in the middle for that and there's a reason why he has the strong magic.

Wolf: Knight's best friend, sometimes Knight kind of hates him a little bit though, but they are still good buds. He's the lazy friend that just lounges around and leeches off of you but you still love him enough to keep him around and every now and then he becomes useful. He was once abused by his family members before they were killed by Knight in some way. He has the sound of Brain Griffin for some reason. And he has an addiction to alcohol, various drugs like crack and heroin, but mostly weed, and is a sex addict and likes the kinky, bondage stuff. He's also smaller than the average Timber Wolf and is a lighter brown color.

Neon Party: The Pinkie Pie of the group, but instead of being random, he is even more random, with a side of confusion. No one knows his true origins as he keeps changing the story of where he comes from. He seems to have a hidden agenda that never gets explained and forever is shrouded in mystery. His goals are never stated and are not clear, but he has some kind of connection to Knight and always wears a smile, even when he shouldn't be wearing one. His actions are off, and are never predictable. He cannot be tamed, nor controlled. Who ever he is, he's just part of the gang for some reason. Also his alter ego kind of is SSN or Super Syonic Nyonic, although this is technically a different separate entity from Neon, but still apart of him, gets explained in the SSN Saga.

He kinds of looks like Wooden Toaster's OC, but with slightly different colors of green, a fuller mane, and is male. Or something like that for reference.

Mac Farmer: The dumb / idiot of the group. Has the stereotypical southern accent, and is of course a farmer who farms apples from apple trees. He is a somewhat close cousin to applejack, but has been shunned from the family and kind of disowned for his past actions, which is why he is never brought up at family gatherings. He also has a grudge against Applejack and is jealous of her and wants to kill her, but never does and fails. He drinks a lot, abuses his little brother, and is in charge of the farm.

His family origins is that he was once part of a family of five. One mother, one father, one big sister, one little brother. The Sister heard voices from the well one day, went crazy, tried to sacrifice the little brother, but didn't, and killed the mother in the kitchen with a knife one night. Got sent to the asylum up on the hill that was then later abandoned along with her and the other inmates and was stuck there for several years somehow surviving. Then Mac himself started to hear some similar voices, went crazy, killed the father in the kitchen with the same knife at the same time as the mother at night, and abused the little brother every now and then while getting drunk and trying to summon a demon from a book he found one night to try to kill Applejack... also he stole a pig to sacrifice to summon the demon from Applejack, that's why they both hate each other. AJ doesn't know about the demon thing. Nor the killings... But for the most part Mac is the dumb one of the group.

He has a white ish, maybe a bit with a hint of dirty in it, coat color, I forget the mane color, and wears like a red trucker's type of hat or something...

Forrest Fire: He is the weakling / the punching bag of the group. He is both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy combined. He is nice, wants to be nice, but also has some weird tendencies. He tries to think of others, be friendly, but every now and then Forrest might snap and go the opposite direction if it calls for it. He is also super fast like RD, so fast that things get set on fire in his wake. Especially with his Fireboom, it all goes up in flames. He has a crush on RD, but is too shy to talk to her, so he becomes more of a peeping tom instead. And dreams being just like RD like joining the wonder bolts and stuff like that. And when he is alone, he has some self confidence. He is red with his mane being the colors of fire.

His family origins is that his father abuses him. His mother tried to divorce him and even won the custody of Forrest, but the father stabbed her in court one day and so the father took Forrest. They lived in a trailer park up in the clouds, the father is a drunk and doesn't like Forrest cause he is a weakling and tried to man him up sort of speak. He also has tons of older brothers and sisters who went on to do prostitution, doing the nasty drugs like Heroin or the ones that fuck you up real bad, and even dabbling in incest with one another. And Forrest still loves his daddy despite the father wanting to beat him up to a bloody pulp.

Classy Jack: He's the mean one of the group, the big toughie. Although he's not all that tough. He can throw a punch more than any other in the group, but in reality, he can only go so far and get his ass kicked. But still, he's the one who is mean, mostly towards Forrest. He kind of wants to do his own thing, he run his own shop selling stuff like suits or masks or whatever it is, I forget. He has a little brother that he tries to pretend that doesn't exist and ignore. Although if pushed, there may or may not be a soft spot for him to explore. He has a grey coat color while also wearing a black jacket, the fancy kind, not the leather kind.

His family origins is that he was kind like Forrest. Hopeful and friendly towards others. Kind of classy like. And then one day he set out for the big city to make a name for himself like Rarity. Set out to Manehatten, tried to get his hoof in the door, but it all went downhill from there. thought he had some friends, but they back stabbed him. His jobs were a joke. The world was knocking him down and he just lost all hope and went towards the opposite direction. Later, he finds out his parents died in an accident, but his little brother doesn't know, so he thinks they are on vacation or something. And he just kind of pushes him away, focusing on only himself, while still sort of embracing the only other buddies, the EoP cause deep down, he kind of cares for them, but won't admit it.

Arrell: The Fluttershy of the group, but not quite. He isn't shy, but tries to be nice, but is more of an over confident, charming pony who falls flat. He is technically the smarter one of the group, his knowledge doesn't go that far though like Twilight. But still, a little bit more in the know how than the others. He tries to charm the girls, but doesn't quite have it. And also dabbles into animal care... and does some weird and crimes against nature experiments on them and creates weird creatures out of them. He has a pet bunny named AssHat who doesn't do anything but sits there being a bunny, but is his right hand man. Before Knight came into the group, he was sort of the leader of the group, so there is some conflict there of sorts. His coat color is like that of Daring do I think but slightly different and I think wears a hat.. or not I forget...

His family origins is that he was the only child of poor dirt farmers out in the middle of nowhere. He felt hopeless and thought he was destined for more, so one day he ran away. He became friends with Asshat, and led a life of thieving, which he later regrets doing. And then one day he found redemption and tried to start a new in Stalia.

TK: The sort of Celestia of the group. The one that is the most powerful of the group and is on the top 11 list of most powerful characters in UM, and is also the one that doesn't show up when they could have easily fixed the problems by showing up just like Celestia. He is a creation of Knight, he was made up in his head back when he used to live on Earth as a human, but found the universe that he made of him, and are sort of buddies together. well not buddies buddies, but you know... together. TK is a cross between Batman and Snake Eyes with a gruff voice between Dark Knight Batman and Rosasch from Watchmen. He is that edgy character that Knight made when he was in middle school or something. He never shows his face, also in a black suit with a cape. He has a Japanese sword on one side of his back and the other a gun. He kills, he's emotionless with sometimes the feeling of anger. His universe's origins is that he fights the illuminati alongside Lawman, an eye patch / dust coat wearing cowboy who uses a sniper who is a little bit more human than him. But of course one day Knight comes in, tells him that he created him, and blah blah blah, he is aware of his own existence. Later in his universe, he (as Knight tells how it happens) dies, goes to Hell, fights and kills the Devil, and becomes the Devil with devil powers, all the while fighting god and Jesus and their armies of angels like Michael. Forever in a war to kill each other. And Knight made it to be that way.

To simply put, Knight is friends with the Devil and he helps him out from time to time. But since it's kind of like a Dues Ex Machina, it's limited to only the extreme cases.

Factory Dash: The sort of Luna of the story. Factory Dash or Rainbow Dash from Rainbow Factory is kind of friend, kind of foe. One day during the early days of Knight, they were messing around with the portals, when suddenly TK gets trapped in one of the MLP universes. It's one with the Rainbow Factory. He finds a way out, meanwhile comes across FD, FD gets curious and follows, and wants to be apart of the group. TK becomes her mentor, she later tries to betray them, but then comes around and becomes a loyal pupil, but only to TK. She kind of hates Knight even though Knight tries to get buddy buddy with her. She also uses a hidden blade as her weapon and wears a dark robe constantly. And just like Luna, she is barley in it, but when she is, she has moments and her purpose.

The Masked Ghost: Sort of as a bonus, not part of the main crew but there is a comparison to be made here. He is the Cadence of the story. He lives in an alternate Earth universe, sort of has his own little kingdom hidden somewhere beneath Arizona called The Ghosts or something... I forget. A group that he started for all those who were forgotten and alone, a place to call home and to be together as one. Sort of a mercenary / Outer Heaven group if you will. There own little nation underground. TMG wears a brownish goldenish mask and never reveals his face, and also uses a sword that is on his back. He is like TK, but more gentleman like and more kind with honor. He interacts with Knight and the guys from time to time when they need to be, and also uses technology of his own to jump from universe to universe.

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