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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Random: Stuff for later in Mane 1 · 10:52am Sep 13th, 2020

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To Stuff for Later in Mane 2


Yeah, this section is getting a little to big for Random, so I'm making it's own separate area. I just want to keep organized and not have a big ol' mes. I mean I know Random is already a big of a mess as it is, and I'll have to sort through this mess to make sure it's stuff for later in Mane, but have no place to put it any where else in plans.

Check out Stuff for Later in Mane 2 for more random ideas for later since this one got too big...

Stuff for later in Mane:
I'm just making a little section that is meant for Mane, but I have no time or not bothered or worried to put it in Mane just yet...just so it's organized...technically that is what Random is, but it'll put more of a focus on the more important stuff...

possible sub plots

Putting this section here just to have a little organization, within what is in a sense a sub section already...

Idea: Not sure if it’ll be used as a short or as a plot point for an Episode featuring Arrell, or a sub-plot, but Arrell’s favorite pet, Asshat, bunny is dying…that or he fears he is getting too old and that he might die. And unlike his second favorite animal, he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure Asshat doesn’t die. So he and somepony else, go out to seek the legendary fountain of youth. And in the end, they find it, and either Asshat is sort of saved or he does something where Asshat dies but makes Asshat 2.0 or its semi Asshat, not entirely sure yet about the outcome.

Idea: For a sub plot, not sure where I’ll put it just yet, but two or three of the guys go to their little underground hide out thing that’s under Stalia, and their little hideout specifically in the underground area is an old abandoned house from long ago. Well the spirit of that owner arises and is woken up and demands them they get out of his house. And the whole entire sub plot is trying to convince him otherwise, and at the end, one of the guys make a wholesome speech about togetherness and stuff like that, and extends an open hoof out for the disgruntled spirit…and the spirit looks upon with sparkly eyes, and says right before the end of the entire episode, “Get the fuck out of my house…”

Moose jews…fear them, run from them, die from them…

Silent bob having his legs cut off and is in wheelchair, trying to blow his brains out and asking jay to do it for him through text to speech…

A mail package delivery service at night time

Introducing the STD Bean, a bean with all STDs in it to automatically give up on life…

Stalia has an urban legend of a haunted tunnel where someone died in it, like the real like one…

A monster created from silence…or whenever there is silence…

Idea: The Doodle Demon: In order to summon the Doodle Demon, who looks like cranky and is a donkey, you have to play the Doodle song backwards at 3 A.M., go to the bathroom, turn the lights on and off while chanting the phrase, “Oh Doodle Foodle, Comes play with my Noodle” three times backwards while looking into the mirror, legend has it, that you’ll see the Doodle demon with hyper realistic eyes that bleeds and he’ll scream at you in the mirror. But then afterwards, he’ll grant you one wish, but before you do, you have to play tag with him. And whoever touches his doodle first wins. And if you lose, he’ll take your dingle berry away forever, never to be seen again…the horror…

Random Idea: Raccoon Gods that control space and time…

Dan wee was the greatest guy that ever lived, but he was a little bit of an asshole though. In Dan Wee we Trust. Dan Wee would have wanted that way. Dan we knew how to do that thing… Dan Wee…

Mini Jesus is introduced somewhere to Baby and regular and he is an asshole and a prick…

The body has a mind of its own and can take actions on it’s own, separate from the mind…

Idea: Something to with getting lost in an IKEA, but then it’s past closing time and an announcement is made over the intercom that tells all remaining customers that it closing time, all exits have been locked, and the hunt begins… as they try to escape the grasp of the evil IKEA…

Random Idea: Heist: Knight and Jack, failed: An idea for a side thing for the episodes, Jack wants to break into somewhere, he asks for Knight’s help; they do the thing, but fail miserably despite having a decent strategy plan for the heist…

Random: Mac is haunted by a creepy ghost pony who used to own a farm near his farm house that he resides in now, and it sued to be a carrot farm, but for some reason it was retconned, and now it's just the apple farm and the ghost pony has a vengeful wrath...(psst, I got the idea from the first episode of FIM. Literally look in the background of Applejack's farm, there's a carrot farm in the background that we never see again I think...)

Sniper rifle detail: Ok so I have three other gun details but not sure where it is, but I got a new one. The idea is that it’s a sniper rifle that each bullet can be controlled and flown like a tiny drone within a certain mile radius. And it can go pretty far and a use for it would be to I don’t know, assassinate someone and get away with it. And maybe like the bullet, once it hits blood, the bullet disintegrates or something. I don’t know, messing around with ideas that sound cool… it sounds cool, although probably improbable in reality

Sub Plot for Later: Merchant Caravan Group: Some of the guys comes across a traveling merchant group and they are a small group that is trying to sell that stuff that are mostly dead and unwanted, but remain optimistic. And by the end of the plot, they are happy, sun is going down, ready to move on to the next town, and are ready to sell something else that is also dead, but still optimistic.

Sup Plot for Later: Some of the guys goes out looking for a some weird, mythical sword in a nearby cave somewhere, possibly in Everfree, not sure of the name, but the sword is said to have magical properties, but they find the sword and it turns out the sword has a mind of its own and transformers into a pony, a nice one, and something something, I don’t know yet, but roll with it.

Idea: Future City learns the science behind the windeogoes and says that, “Windeogoes used to be old ponytales to tuck your children at night to. But know, they are no longer a threat.” And they dissect them open and stuff like that…

Side Plot: a fire breathing timber Wolf and Wolf come into contact with him as the fire breathing one knocks him out and tries to live out his comfy life while Wolf goes back into the Everfree and ahs to live there until he can get out, as Knight suspects that Wolf is a little different. Got this idea as one time, years ago, someone reviewed UM and someone made a comment about, “IS THIS THE STORY WITH THE FIRE BREATHING TIMBER WOLF!?” And I was like, “Wat?” And it kind of stuck with me cause what the fuck was that guy talking about? Well here’s that sick fuck’s dream I guess…

Side Plot: So one of the guys becomes a ghost writer, possibly for the new mayor gets installed in Stalia, and asks for a novel “written by him” to be made, and whichever pony I pick is getting a lot of bits out of it, and stuff… yeah…

Side Plot: So it’s more or less like a joke, so it could be sued for one of the more relaxed, lower episodes. The joke is that the EoP (or some of them) are fighting against this evil big corporate baddie, and he is the generic evil rich guy / politician. And he’s playing golf. Basically, the joke is that every villain / rich guy / politician plays golf, and always invites the protagonists there to subtly explain their evil plot to them, and then try to make some sort of weird analogy with the golf ball with it. And Knight and the guys who are on the golf course ask why golf? And the evil guy is like, “Fuck you, I’m trying to explain my evil plot to you in hints, so shit up and listen to me!” And the guys of course are unamused and they play along with it…. Good stuff right?... A good trope to analyze

Sub-plot Idea: God in some universe is dying and needs a successor, so god picks some kid and it’s an alternate universe of Knight or something…I don’t know… just throwing it out there as a possibility…

Idea: I know I want to put this in an episode, just not sure which episode, Was thinking as an episode by itself, but not god enough but good enough for a side thing, perhaps something that connects. Probably somewhere in ACT I. But the idea is that some Spaceman from U.S. from some other universe is traveling through space, gets sucked up into a hole and ends up in Equestria. And the entire time he keeps the suit on, thinks the air is unbreathable, and just walks around almost like he’s in a trance as he tries to make contact with his home, while denying the reality around him. An example of this is that he is just walking around, Knight says something, and as the space man is passing by, he says, “They talk… the horses talk. How weird…” And another idea is that the guys are at the café in town and trying to enjoy their meal but are annoyed by something, and then the space man is there and Mac has had enough as he then angrily gets up in the space man face and says, “These goddamn foreigners and these weird fucking creatures! GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY YOU FUCKING WEIRD CREATURE THING! WHATEVER YOU ARE, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND STOP TAKING ALL OF MY BEER AND SHIT! DRINK YOUR OW DAMN BEER PISS YOU FUCKING IMMIGRANT!” And the space man responds with, “The understand how to speak English. This place is so weird…” Something like that… And in the end he somehow comes into contact with his home by picking up some signal that thinks is his.

Villain Idea: Possibly used for an episode, but this villain’s powers or lore or whatever, is that he offers souls a chance to live forever, to be in the realm in the between of the living and the dead. Maybe might get used for that light world, dark world episode thing…maybe…

Sub-plot Idea: Jack’s love Triangle: To follow up on the two lovers for Jack and Jack having to choose between his ex and his new lover. Jack in the end takes the former, but the other one still gets a happy ending, ending on a sweet note… not sure which episode it’ll be implemented in, but there you go…

Sup-plot idea: The 5th Wall: A group tries to figure out the 5th wall and where it goes off to…

Sup-plot idea: The blood ritual of the universes where it’s about transferring one soul from a body to another body from a different universe… just roll with it…

Subplot Idea: The Phone: 2 or 3 of the guys find a mysterious ringing rotary phone, even if not connected to a landline. But it turns out it is cursed / haunted. And the guys get on edge a bit about answering it, yet they can’t stop answering it. And then some weird freak kind of shows up whenever they answer it cause why the hell not?

Half Episode Idea: Ok, so one of the guys not Knight… maybe Mac and Arrell… the idea is that you can die, but be resurrected like how Jesus was and be all good and clean… but it takes 3 years for you to do so. So you wake up three years later. Although I’m thinking at the end of the sub plot, when Mac thinks it’s been three years, it’s really been three hours after Mac tries to do the while die and resurrection thing after he see someone else do it or something…

Character idea: The bumbling cop: So out of nowhere, Stalia gets a single and only cop sort of speak, but it’s a bumbling cop like Officer Barbrady from South Park. And he is the only town’s law enforcement to keep things under control when necessary and whenever he is introduced, the guys are like, “We have a cop?” and “What’s a cop?”

Half Episode Idea: Ok so two of the guys need a loan, but none of the banks will take them due to bad credit, so probably Mac and… Jack? But then there is this one bank that will give them a loan, but only if they past some Trails first out in the nearby woods first. You know like maybe surviving an onslaught of arrows, or having to complete a deadly course in less than five minutes, along with competing with others. And whichever teams wins will get the loan that they would still need to pay… but you get it at, .3% interest…

Sub Plot Idea: Long shotgun: Two of the guys are in the back woods and find a house there. They are lost and they knock on it. Then a shotgun just comes poking out like from a cartoon, the guy threatens them. Then he suspiciously invites them in, and the guy has a suspicious attachment to the shotgun as the shotgun itself gets longer and longer as the guys stay there. And then eventually the guy becomes deranged and tells them, “Where are you goin!? My little buddy just wants to have a talk with you?” Just a standard crazy guy in a house in the backwoods with a shotgun that just gets longer and longer…

Sub-Plot idea: Some burger king King inspired looking guy is going around town severing crap to ponies in Stalia whenever they get hungry, and one or two or even three of the guys get annoyed by this and they need to stop him… but the King inspired character has other intentions… sinister one… ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Sub-Plot Idea: The mayor asks two of the guys to help with the lack of tourism in Stalia and to raise it for the town’s economy.

Sub-Plot Idea: The F Word: Jack calls Forrest a faggot, but Forrest questions finally what the word faggot means. Remember, this is a different universe and not every word from Earth is a 1:1 in Equestria. So Jack questions it too try to find out what it means and find the old sensei, a bundle of talking sticks. At the end, it means something that Jack uses against Forrest still…

Sub-Plot Idea: The guys discover a weird cow. It's Moooloch, mess with it at night... get scared... something like that...


The idea for this is to keep track of all the in universe tv shows and stuff like that, add to the meta and stuff like that. Some have titles, some don't, just roll with it, and will be shown up sometime in the future for UM.

Captain nigger with nigger boy and nigger lad(white); the white cracker (with whip) (Black); BuckTooth Chink (Jew); LongNose Kike(Asian); The Jumpy Wetback (Indian); The Mighty RedSkin (Mexican); Villains: The Igloo Eskimo (Muslim) and Blazing Sand nigger (Captain Nigger’s arch) (Eskimo) With the henchmen Truck of Peace (Midgets)

Australian and Britbong villains?

Think of it as like The Super Friends where the main leader is Captain Nigger, you know, “CAPTAIN NIGGER!!! WITH HIS TRUSTY SIDKICKS NIGGER BOY AND NIGGER LAD. WITH ALSO FRIENDS BY HIS SIDE TO FIGHT CRIME WITH THE WHITE CRACKER! BUCKTOOTH CHINK! LONGNOSE KIKE! THE JUMPY WETBACK! THE MIGHTY REDSKIN! TOGETHER, THEY FIGHT TO STOP CRIME AND BRING WORLD PEACE! Last time we saw them, they are at their base in the swamps, discussing how to bring everyone together.” And then maybe the arch villain comes on to the screen and Captain Nigger and the gang has to fight them…

Now, here is one thing I should mention, there are going to be planned fake TV shows, some for kids, some for adult in the Earth universe. Here are some of the ideas, that are yet to be figured out when they will be put into:

Yellow the Beaver: An Asian, suicidal Beaver, animated

Joe the Crack head, all about Joe the crack head, animated

John and Friend : all about some weird shit, and also is a thing for kids

The Hood: all about the hood and is a thing for kids

A Don't Hug me, I'm scared inspired thing for kid

Rappy the turtle: All about a turtle that is slow and wants to rape things, will be in Episode 23 as a TV joke., animated.

Pineapple Train Express to the Universe; Star System Kids – A show about where a talking pineapple maybe takes kids on a trains through space and some weird and trippy stuff happens. Part of the fake TV show stuff…

The League of Heros – Leader being Captain nigger and stuff

The Amazing Adventures of Soy Boy! – The whole dead body joke…I wrote it somewhere but no sure where it is, but the idea is that the Soy Boy helps out a black guy who is mugging an Asian Woman cause the blacks are oppressed, so he punches the Asian woman, gives the purse to the black guy, and the black guy stabs him and he dies. And continually throughout each installment, the cops, villains, and a little crossover with Captain nigger that interacts with him, they are interacting with a constant decaying corpse until it’s just a skeleton…a weak skeleton…

An Overly Happy Alligator – A guy tries to bare his roommate who is a overly happy alligator and uses the laugh track of dead people.

Idea: Blackjack 21 Pirate station: Might get used for Episode 555, not sure yet, might just be added to the in-universe shows, but whatever. The idea here is that there is a pirate TV station, inspired by the Lucky 7 in real life of course. But the difference here is instead of being on air once, it’s a secret pirate station that runs 24/7, and is run by a host that is in a gas mask, but has some charisma to him as well as a little jingle for the channel. The station airs some weird and questionable stuff.

Idea: In-universe show: Anime like based, everyone is dead, it’s the apocalypse, and it’s all the Gay Satanist’s doing. But only them, and a group of survivors remain, and they battle is out against the gay Satanists. But the vibe si upbeat and electric. And the leader of the group of survivors is kind of like the early version of Travis Touchdown and goes like, “Your shiny armor and fine words won’t get you anywhere” like a douchebag. You know something like that…

Fake in universe TV show idea: A Fake soap Opera called The Nolan north Show (Cause he was on the soap opera Port Charles… no really he was in the early 2000’s… look it up... I’m not lying…) And it’s all about Nolan North being in a Soap Opera like setting… and it’s a comedy where a girl falls down the stairs and hurts herself in the funniest way possible…

Joke: An in-universe horror movie, where someone is getting weird calls but not sure who’s making them. And then they find out… The caller is coming from inside their ANUS!!!... bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum…

Joke: An in-universe movie: Narrator: Scott Speedsman was just n ordinary man. Then one day, he got hit by a bus. Now… he’s out for revenge who killed his ex-wife. Scott Speedsman is… Scott Speedsman 2: The Movie: The Sequel… Coming to a Theatre Near You…

Joke: In-universe movie: Angels with Guns… 5: A movie where angels fight demons and probably other angels for the 57th time… with guns… And it stars an edgy dude who doesn’t care about anything and he looks cool doing it and is an incredibly boring character with no motivation… and he has a gun…

Detail Idea: In-universe TV show: Angels with guns 5: “It’s an angel… and it has a gun… for the 5th time… again…” and then the angel heavenly descends while signing with a heavenly voice that goes “ooooooooooooo” and then pulls out a glock and starts shooting at the characters…

Joke: In-Universe movie: The Freaky Freaksters: An early 2000’s style movie that would be published by New Line and it’s a campy comedy about… Freaks… and they are a family… called the Freaksters… lol XD…

In-universe Movie: The Fast and the Furious 34: It’s the revenge of Vincent from the first movie, who is turned into a cyborg for revenge. And he tries to blow up the moon so Dom and his family need to save the world with unrealistic physics once again… and with cars. And there’s probably a race somewhere in there somewhere… remember when this used to be about cars?...

In-Universe Show: America’s Funniest Home Suicides: A show where people laugh at all the ways people commit suicide. And there is a Bank Crash Special, where the stock people can’t afford rope so they just jump off buildings instead… And do back flips and fail to jump off properly and stuff like that. And the host a psychopath who just pushes a button for a laugh track.

In Universe Show: The Man With No Generation: A parody of The Man With No Name, but it’s about fighting The Boomers, The Zoomers, and The Doomers (and probably the X’ers and Mill. too…)

Zigger, wigger, Easter special with dead crusaders coming back…

Random: Zigger: A term that socially defines a zebra is black with white stripes

Wigger: a term that socially defines a zebra is white with black stripes

Both words are said to be cursed and cannot be spoken of, by anypony no matter what…

A zigger wigger : An impossible, but if possible, a legend, a myth, zebra that is both black and white, with no stripes. And legend has it that the Zigger Wigger is the Jesus of the Zebras and will bring peace among the ziggers and wiggers, allow for the curse words to be cursed no more, and shall lead them to the promise land…

Random: Nipper: A word that has no meaning, but yet is somehow is to believed to be cursed and will bring the apocalypse if spoken once…even though it doesn’t…

unemployus africanis

Time does not exist, but yet can be measured

Random: Day of the dead = grim reaper…

Villain Tier List?:

Power color levels:

Random idea: For a joke, running gag, episode? I don’t know, but the idea is that the Corona Virus makes an appearance…literally as a big ol’ virus, human sized, maybe bigger than a human sized corona virus, that’s purple has talks in a high pitched voice, with the intentions of world domination. And he has little tiny baby corona viruses as well in a test tube or something… And every time it talks, it glows, and tries for world domination, but always fails, but is determined to take over the world and make every human its slave…

Arrell = charming characteristic, but is also a narcissist at times...

Asians get their power from the mighty dragon and its balls…it’s three magical balls…

Background pony idea: a pony who is like a crazy christen…and is religious and thinks everything is the devil…

John runner…john conner’s brother with something fucking up

Detail Idea: A Random My Little Pony Fan Fiction 3: I know this isn’t for UM, but just putting so I don’t forget, but the reason why the villain invades Equestria is that a crystal that he needs is on or made out of the throne, and heeds the energy from it as he was “king” from his own universe, so John has to go find the counter crystal and gain the assistance from the past kings to fight the villain, especially since John is king and sat on the throne as well…also right before Luna dies and he is taken away, John yells, “LEEEEEEEEGS!!”

Also, Random MLP fan fic relates to the three kings trilogy in UM…

Detail Idea: For the episode that involve TK and is war against God and, use The Bible Project for ideas…specifically the satan and demons one... Also use the universe where the endless angel and demon war in one of those episodes I guess…

Arrell = Over confident

Forrest = Works in delivery center at rainbow factory

RG number 775-779-9180 = Use it for the Ghost Saga somewhere?

What if someone was so depressed that they were going to commit suicide by blowing their brains out? BUT… they were going to do it as a part of the main act. So the person gets a whole circus together, some side acts, a band, sells tickets to his suicide. And then for the final act, he blows his brains out, everyone claps, the end… cue the circus music…

Joke Idea: Someone buys a swamp for a cent an acre in D.C. for about twenty bucks, drains the swamp, and builds a Disneyworld parking lot over it. Possibly could be used in the Parking Lot episode…

Round up the Jews Marty…


Joke idea: 911 call sponsored by RAID Shadow Legends…before the operator takes your emergency…

Time traveling through the mind…

A roller coaster ride that is a single track, but goes downward double helix style called the Dragon’s challenge…saw it in a dream once…

The corona virus is just a prank bruh…

Hitler Land- name only…one of the best amusment parks in the world…

Orange cultests

Evil squeaky

When you kill a roof top Korean, the Koreans get a noticed that Korean is dead and sends a Korean mech after you, where your punishment is death…

The Booty Warrior, someone who wants that booty one way or another…

Thomas the tank engine knew too much so he had to be assassinated, war crimes, Vietnam war crimes, he tricked the jews tat were running away from Nazis and brought them to austizs, times for the gas chambers tot toot

Save 3 people or 5 people? Answer: derail the trains so we all die…

Negatoes = niggers

2d dreamwork animation movie rides

PoE = building a pyramid for seven years with the song You’re paying with the big boys now, but only that specific section on a loop for seven years until some just named Jeff saves you..

Joseph Color of dreams = you enter a very early 2000’s christen home, put in the Joseph moving on vhs and watch it, that’s it.

Road to el dorado = 18+, bring a condom

Spirit = you kill and eat red skins

Sinbad = Brandon Fraser brings you on a boat ride and constantly asks you to give him a job and give you his pictures…

Paranormal activity ride…

A collector’s edition box has stickers and the promoters make bird noises…

When john wilk’s booth is about to kill Abe Lincoln, sweet victory pays in the background, freeze frame of Abe’s brains being blown out…

Neil druckman is everywhere

Watch the scene from dbz season 8 were buu is taking a shit, but then it transitions to putting toothpaste on a tooth brush over and over again cause it funny…

School shooter fishs’s metal bodies and pgd’s arms are made of same material

The blue jew camolion comes for you when you have not been a good goy… Last thing that you hear is, “Oy Vey, shut it down” And what you hear when the blue jew is near is, “Oy Vey Oy Vey Oyvey, you have not been a goody goy”

Memory within a memory…

If you feel suicidal, please…call your local Dominoes for help…

Welcome to the corn fields (or Apple Fields?) mother fucker! Release the corn monster (Apple monster?) A monster that crawls fast on all fours…

Death by donut croissant…

Joke idea: Someone says Nigger, and then a god of destruction comes down and asks, “Who said the N word!” And the guy says nervously, “me….” And then the god then says, “You said the N Word!?” Ad then the god smiles and as confetti reigns down and says, “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’TE THE BILLIONTH’S PERSON TO SAY THE N WORD! TELL HIM WHAT HE WON JIM!” And then Jim the announcer says, “You have just won a million dollars!” And the guy says, “woah” and then Jim says, “You also win this brand new car!” And the guy says, “Cool…” And then Jim says, “And the complete, total destruction of earth.” And then the guy says, “Woah cool, wait what?” And then the Earth gets destroyed, the end…

Black Tornado Lives Matter…

Also add spin off where a game store in equestria pops up and a sort of sitcom occurs there. And lost joke about Disney from a dream…

The ziger wigger or wigger zigger is the anti zigger igger or wigger zigger…

Idea: Fun Sized Snickers are an abomination against nature and goes against every laws of physics…

A school shooter vs a school shooter…to the death!...who will win?

I wish I was an angle sometimes..

Holy Bible 2: electric Boogaloo…

Alliance of Villains: AoV, like Sinister six: ghost, PGD, 7, MK, Second Neon, Gadget Boy, and Unnamed main villain from Universe X, …and others?...

Idea: Someone that The Master knows, also wears a black rope, but is more retarded, like a druggie, a pothead…something like that, but he’s cool…

Background Pony Idea: The Simp Lord: A radio like host background pony that is over energetic and such…and the simp part is just because…I couldn’t come up with anything better…

Background pony idea: A pony like the cable guy from the cable guy movie who knows all there is to everypony and is a stalker…

But Ra Ra Ra Raggy, what about all of the testimonials and remains?

Like Zoinks Scoob, there were never documented proof of the Jews dying , like come on man!

But Raggy…what about the 6 million?

Like zoinks Scoob, the holocaust never happened…

Phil Heartman was going to do 9/11, but his wife shot him…

The four ghosts are technically are not bound to the universe and are not…

Everything bad that has happened is Juno the ape’s fault…even though it really isn’t…

Don’t shoot the Jew or the sheckle curse will be put onto to you…

Goofy says the demons tell him to do it again and do a back flip out a window…

Background Pony Idea: A pony that is a hobo and is a drunk that claims to be a king of Equestria, and some ponies play along with him…

Background Pony Idea: A crazy hobo with conspiracy theories that he yells out loud…

Background Pony Idea: A weird pony that lives by the garbage cans and can eat tons of food, has a big mouth, yet only weighs like a hundred pounds or so…

Fucking yutz….

Song Idea: The Ziggers and Wiggers of Old: A slow, acoustic guitar, campfire song, with some MMMMM’s and a harmonica in it at one point. A slow, Happy/Sad song about the Ziggers and Wiggers of old that are dying out…

A Bit of a start I guess for the lyrics (I mean…I’m not good with lyrics so go figure…)

Haven’t you heard,

Of the Ziggers of Old?

Did you get the word,

Of the Wiggers of old?

Random Idea: A guy has a patent on the word Nigger and is the only one that can say it, or else you have to pay…and so only he can say the N word, even though he is white, and owns a big cooperate business. And his little henchman tries to plead with him because others want to say the N word, but the guy doesn’t, he wants the monopoly on the word Nigger…

Random: someone gets their own country and is big enough to have copyright laws, so a big company moves in, tries to do the whole copyright thing, but before they do, they must give a sacrifice to the blood god before they can receive their copyright, and the demon tells them it’s only good for one thing only…

Joke Idea: So a solider for America, or Equestria, doesn’t really matter, a private is at boot camp, and he is told to get ready in fifteen minutes and be out and ready for work. But this private has to take a shit and needs more than 15 minutes, but then the drill sergeant yells at him that he has to take a shit for America. The enemy does not care if he has to take a shit, so he needs to take a quick shit and take a shit for America…

Zibba, Wibba, Zibber, Wibber…

Joke Idea: Snoop dog is a Pinocchio type of character, and he is saying to his papa, “Papa... please papa…I want to be a real boy…” And his papa says no, but snoop continues to say in a deep, elegant voice, “Please papa, I want to live a full life papa…I want to be free papa…” And the papa says no and says he needs to put him in the wood chipper because the magical blue fairy told him to, but Snoop says, “No papa, don’t do it. I want to be a boy papa. The blue fairy isn’t real papa… she isn’t real papa…she is just a figment of your imagination papa…you have schizophrenia papa…” But the papa says no, and that he sees her every night under his bed…but really she isn’t real…and Snoop dies…bad um tss…

The first two hours of SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom is the normal game, but then Abby from the last of us 2 comes in with a golf club, says you stupid old sponge, and kills sponge bob and the rest of the game is his friends trying to kill Abby for revenge…with Abby also getting fucked by Neil Druckmann in a tranny mocap sex scene so Neil can continue to live out his sick fetishes…used in the episode where Neil Druckmann is introduced.

If you feel suicidal, please... call you’re your local Dominoes…

Random Idea: Captain Nigger with his trusty sidekicks, Nigger Boy and Nigger Lad (all played by white guys), and then include one that is a wetback played by a black guy, a kike played by a Mexican, a faggot played by a Jew, and a cracker played by an Asian or red skin…or something, I’ll work on it… A black plays a white named The White Cracka? and the Amazing Adventures of Soy Boy has a cross over with this group?...

Fake movie: Dwayne Johnson in (disaster movie title here): It’s time to put Mother Nature back into the kitchen; as he shotguns mother nature…

if you have kids, make sure to put them far, far, far away from Paul Giamatti, for he wants them and their souls as he smiles…

Joke Idea: Jesus being a Jew is a myth. He didn’t have a big long nose and looked for sheckles. Unless… my god, it’s all a big long nose on Jesus’s face? A Jew: Oy Vey, it always has been… *Gunshot, cut to black*…

Joke Idea: A nerd 50 years later goes back to his elementary school bully’s house who is old and miserable and tries to explode the world by creating four black holes…

Random: The plot to Tomb Raider Anniversary is that the Illuminati has cloned George Floyd, and their plans is to create a clone army of cyborg George Floyds in order to take over the world. That’s why you shoot the gorillas in the game…because it’s a clone. And I might use this dumb idea somewhere in the story something…

The cycle of rebellion, where the offspring will always rebel against their forefathers one way or another…

Random: You want me to deliver all the niggers? But that’s impossible! I can’t do that!?

The Holocaust only happened so Hitler could get a tax write off and evade his taxes…

It IS a human right to ask to live in people’s attics, and nothing more…

Dreaming machines/inception different outcome on how they get busted…

Twin towers were just a figment of our imagination

Being (Insert color here) pilled is awesome…

Joke Idea: It’s ok, we can still take back California, and it will only take 2 to 3 wars to do so. Look, I know 5 to 7 wars sounds like a lot, but the 37 wars is necessary in order to take back California. The 111 wars may take many lives, sure, but those 300 wars will take back California in the end within the span of a year…

When you die, you go to brazil against your will, and the giant jesus statue looks over you and makes sure you never leave, and it knows all and sees all…

Joke Idea: What are the positivities of resurrecting Hitler if it were to happen and we couldn’t kill him again? 1. Less Jews

Joke Idea: The Best U.S. Defense system is not nukes to deter their enemies, but a fake alligator skull, it scares the bajebus out of the Chinese.

Joke Idea: IT’s time to commit all the war crimes…

What would you choose?: Save the one person that you care the most for, the one you would go to hell and back for, the one where you would give your life for, or 8 billion people who you don’t know, no do they know you, they don’t care, and possibly all hate your guts? Let the world blow up? Or sacrifice your friend (or child, friend, parent, grandparent, lover, etc. whoever it might be…)

Joke: So when that centipede chick from the first episode of Inayasha and how she wanted the gem, all you have to say is “NO”. Look, it’s not that I’m racist towards people with many legs, I just don’t want them drinking from the same water fountain as me.

Sell all them Calis all back to Mexico…

Location idea: The Dark – Market – A place on Stalia where you can get the illegal goods and mysterious and dark objects.

Random: TK is something that even the devil is afraid of

Random: Nuclear bombs goes off in an empty city in a dream?

Random: Start the race war even when civilization is gone

Random: Joke: You know on the ends of every aisle in a store like Wal-Mart and there always seems to be some useless, unwanted crap on those ends, it’s unwanted that you could commit a murder there and no one would notice. The perfect crime, the perfect hiding spot to hide a body…

Random: There is no Mike, only Ike now…

Joke: Nigger’s the name, and stealing is my game…


*Black guy steals your heart

Black guy: Your heart is mine now

Starts running away in deep voice

Cop: Hey, that black guy just stole that kid’ss heart, get him!

*Black guy runs real fast like sonic

Black guy: You not going to catch me you bitches…

*Black guy leaps over wall; cop car crashes into it and explodes; black guy lands on feet

Black guy: It’s mine now bitch…

*random guy pops in’

Random: NIGGERS!

*Random guy screeches and explodes…

The king of hitlers…


Joke: Two black guy robs a white guy’s house at night. The white comes out with a samurai sword to defend himself. The first black guy looks at the second black guy in horror as he says to him, “You didn’t tell me we were robbing an Asian guy’s house! Quick! Let’s get out of here!” And then they run off with some Scooby doo like sound effect or something and there is suddenly a taking dog next to them that says, “Ruh Row Raggy, I’ve been to the Chinese shop before, but this is ridiculous…”

Joke: Where are the Nayggers at Ben Teneasene? Where are you keeping the Nayggers at? Are the Nayggers in your basement Ben Ten? Where are the fucking Nayggers at god damn it!?

Joke: The last thing that you see as you’re turning off the lights to the house as you’re going to bed the is the Klaspy Couspo logo trying to come and get you. And if you’re taken, you won’t be seen alive again. As the Rugrats was canceled, that was keeping the demon at bay, but now that it’s back, the demon has been released and we are all doomed.

Random Idea: Instead of taking the bus, you take a tornado and wait at the tornado stop, where a tornado rolls on by, you get picked up the winds and go weeeeee! As you travel around… and it’s safe, nothing dark or edgy about this idea…

Random Idea: Just a random thought, what if Knight is with Fausticorn, is a child, seven, eight years old, whatever, and he is friends with the EoP, but are also kids, and kind of like the Baby Loony Toons idea… something…

Random: A grindhouse movie called Jesus with a Shotgun…. And the devil is like some pimp or something…

Idea: Not sure where to put this at, but kind of an interesting thought, what if say Knight or whoever, doesn’t matter. Knight is a male, right? Then what if he met his female alternate universe counterpart…. And they fucked? The question is, is it morally wrong? My guess, no, guess that would mean you’re fucking yourself… in a weird way. I don’t know, just an interesting idea that I thought up… worth a write down at least…

Random: Whether it’s raining or shining, it’s a good day, even if a tornado is ripping through town…

???? Idea?: Not sure if this would be added on to the Chrisyliss Trilogy or r something else. But that detail from Daylight savings time, and the whole world gets destroyed in an alternate universe Earth and all the people are just thrown into death at a moment’s notice… well… what if one person survived that, and was sort of saved by some sort of comsic god or something, as they travel through space, and either they are looking for revenge or something. Just an idea…

Joke: Run Moses run! The niggers are after you! *Moses is running through sand land away from the weird black creatures… that aren’t Africans obviously…

Joke: The pharaoh from The Book of Exodus did nothing wrong. He was just trying to save us all from Israel and to prevent the fall of Europe. Hitler just tried to pick up the slack where he left off at.

Niggerooni Packatooni

Joke: So a little training video starts up ad Niggerooni Packtooni is standing out in the middle of nowhere, and then the police yell, “Hey look! It’s Niggerooni Packatooni! Get Him!” Ad then all of the police start beating on him,, but the a big red X mark appears with a negative sounds with a voice that says, “No! Permission Not Granted!” And then a guy in a suit comes out and says, “As you can see here, last year this was tolerable, but this year, we must be better and do the right thing. Let’s see how this SHOULD have gone” And the same scene plays out again, but this time the only difference is that after a couple of seconds of the police beating on Niggerooni Packatooni, they get off him and smile as he gets up and is now a white guy as he then says, “Wow, I’m white now! Thanks!” And then the voice says, “Acceptable! Permission Granted” And the guy in the suits says, “Just doing our part for a safer society” along with a wink and a magical fairy passing on by or something…

“You Little Fool!” ~ Some big brained smart guy…

Background Pony Idea: So for an idea for a background pony, there is this crazy, insane pony, probably escaped from the asylum or something, and is constantly holding on to a knife and saying to himself quietly, “I’m going to save you all. I’m god, and I’m going to save you all. I’m going to do it… again…” As he is laughing in an insane way a little bit with a smile… and then hits himself with a wine battle over the head and says his mommy keeps the liquor locked up…

Joke: A white guy is talking to a black guy and ask the black guy rapid ire questions of historical figures and what their race is after getting into an argument about history. And the white guy asks, “What was Jesus? What was Cleopatra? What was Greece? Was was the Egyptians? What was the Muslims? Etc.” And the black guy answers every time, “Black. They were all black. Jesus was black. Abraham was black. Etc.” And then the white guy does a voice and changes it to an India guy, and says, “Hello sir, can I help you with your computer today? Did you turn your computer on and off?” And the black guy looks around frantically and says, “What!? Who’s there! Is it that India guy that fucking scammed me! I’ll get you one day, even if it’s the last thing that I do?” You get it yet?... the black guy is “color blind”…

Joke: Stay away from the kids Rip Torn, keep you and your fat slapping ass away from him you monster!

Idea: Is Universal Magic and everything in it within a universe itself, or is it everything including you?

Joke Idea: So you know how Abraham got shot and killed? Well he didn’t, because what really happened was that the secret government agency PPP saved him, and after Lincoln was saved, he said, “Oh thank the heavens you saved me.” But then the ones who saved him say to him, “Nope.”And then they drag him into a deep underground base while Lincoln is kicking and screaming bloody murder and what really happened to Lincoln is that they put him on a penny presser where his face is printed on to trillions of pennies forever and ever and ever right next to Washington for the quarter and Jefferson for the nickel. And to this day, he’s screaming as his face is being squashed onto a penny… or he’s just dead and they are just using a dead body to make the pennies, the end…

Joke: You go to an aquarium and see all the little fishes in a giant glass tube and you go, “Ha, you puny peasants shall build a statue in my image. I am our god now!”

Joke: POV: You are a colored person drinking from the white person water fountain.

Otter Joke: That’s him officer, that’s the colored person drinking from my water fountain. Get him…

Idea / Joke: Not sure if this’ll get used in an episode or not.

You’re in your house, you’re in your room sleeping at night and you have an old CRT TV and the glow is bright as it fills the room as you’re sleeping in your bed and the TV is front of you. You left the channel on Nick @ Nite, to have some background noise as you sleep. And then the clock strikes to 3:00 A.M. and you hear a loud noise come from the TV that wakes you. It’s the George Lopez show. You think nothing of it, but then it starts to become slow and disturbed.


And then a tall, creepy, slim and disturbed version of Lopez crawls out of the TV with an estranged face. You run out of the room quickly, seeking safety from someone else in the house, but as you check all the rooms, no one is in the room. No parents, no brothers, no sisters, no one. You’re all alone in the room. You try to see if you can get out by the widows, but you can’t. So you then head out the front door as the Lopez draws near, not knowing what it will do to you. You run outside in your pajamas, yelling towards your neighbors, asking for help, but no one answers. You are all alone. And Lopez is chasing after you, not showing any signs of slowing down. So you panic and enter your next door neighbor’s home as you notice the door is slightly open. You run in, thinking someone might be in there, but as you enter the living room, all you see is a little ritual being conducted by a few mysterious people dressed up in cloaks. It appears that they worship Satan or Demons, and have made a little circle of blood, as they take out a living goat and gut it alive and parade around in its entrails. You’re afraid of them, but they appear to pay no attention to you. In fact, it appears that they may have summoned Lopez. But soon before you know it, Lopez has got you, and grabs a hold of you and drags you back to your house and back into your room. As you scream and cry bloody murder, hoping for someone to save you, but the truth is that you are all alone in the dark. And soon Lopez takes you back to your room and goes back into the TV where it came from and drags you in it with him. And there, you live every Episode of George Lopez forever and ever on an endless loop, in a small infinite hell as Lopez makes sure you can never leave. And all you can hear are the laugh tracks of the dead, laughing at your existence as your current existence is no more of a joke to god. Ha.. ha…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….

Joke Idea: An idea for a commercial for one of the specials I guess: You like getting merch for your favorite TV show? Well now you can get merch and waste thousands of dollars that you could have used for food or to help your kids out for useless shit. Not introducing the Hogan’s Heroes Merch. The first one will be a Swartz Neck Pillow, and Swartz big blobby body hugging round your next with one of the ends being his face. And the in the ad, the face comes alive around the customer in the car, in the backseat that is, as Swartz moves around like a snake and says to the man, “I see nothing if you see nothing.” And then moves the tongue around really, sexually. And then next to the man is a naked Bob Crane, where he is all wet and covered in blood and in the fetal position as his eyes are wide opened and is breathing heavily, like something is after him. He doesn’t speak, but his eyes are moving around frantically. And in the front seat, Klink is a skinny old, almost skeleton like human, staring at the old man and every now and then screeching like a crow. And then pictures of the Jews from the camps during the Holocaust flash in front of the man. It’s all part of the Swartz Neck pillow…. GETS YOURS TODAY!

Joke Idea: I go Nuts for Peanuts!...

Idea: Not sure if I were to use this idea or not, a concept really but I could probably use it in an episode somewhere. What if you dropped a nuke or a “nuke” in a super power like country, i.e. China, U.S., etc. but the nuke is not detachable, it comes from out of nowhere and it goes off and the country can’t conclude where it came from. How much of an ape shit show will it be? Will they attack who they think they did it, Be afraid and cower in fear, or do absolutely nothing at all?...

Idea: Someone who is looking forward to something, like going somewhere really special and they never have gone there before ad are excited to go or receive something very special to them, yet that day never comes, but that someone keeps their hopes up and looks forward to it happening everyday, thinking that it might happen that very day, and this process is repeated over and over, even for a thousand years…

Joke: The Disneyworld / Land (Land is a scuffed World) ride Pirates of the Caribbean was secretly made by the feds to track down and arrest (and possibly eliminate) Insurrectionists all the way back in the 60’s. And a way they do this is if the riders break the rules. Like the pirate skull says, “Please refrain your arms, leg, hands, and feet in the boat at all times.” And then a little girl is playing with the water a little bit, splashing a bit, and the pirate skull at the beginning then puts a spotlight on the little girl with sirens going off and yells, “INNSURECTIONIST! WE’VE GOT AN INSURECTIONISTS HERE” And then the feds come out and glow in the dark and stuff…

Idea: What if you threw a party, but all you had was one bottle of champagne, and one bottle of champagne only, nothing else, but you invite a few friends over and call it a party?

Idea: What if two guys were being groomed to harbor a demon within them by gay Satanists, but in the end nothing happens so the guys just plays along with it and make the gay Satanists do stupid stuff for them… this is stupid I know…

Idea: Being interrogated but at a DMV like place where if you don’t want the shit beaten out of you, you need to pay a surprise fee…

Joke Idea: You’re in line for a ride at Disney, it’s 75 minutes for the wait time. You’re tired; you’ve been out all day. Your feet throb, your skin sweats, you have bad sun burn and your eyes grow heavy and just want to lay down and sleep. But you can’t, for you are standing in a long long long line… And the little Mexican kid who doesn’t speak English that is with their Mexican family that also doesn’t speak English are talking non stop and annoying you while the kid just looks at you and possibly into your soul. The sun beats down on you and you drank all of your water. The only liquid thing you have is C O K E. And you are so far into the line there is no turning back, you’re stuck. So now your only option is to evolve, adapt, overcome, or die. So you do what you have to do in order to stay hydrated. You change the water in your body to C O K E You Become C O K E in order to stay hydrate…

Idea: The Plain of Non-existence

Idea: The Milk Salad

Idea: Life is like an endless ladder. There is always someone or something that has created you and that rules over you. There is always something above you, and sometimes you cannot see it…

Idea: Gamewhop is still open even during an apocalypse.

Idea: Wiggatron and Ziggatron, two robots that one is a wigger and the other a zigger…sounds fun…

Random: God creates a world to live in, but he is the only one to live in it

Idea: I wrote this down for later but I can’t remember what it meant so I’m putting it down here just in case.

Leviathan Castle = Bad news

Size of is
Not too bad
Time on is

Idea: You can Stop time for 30 seconds per day, but for 30 seconds and only once per day…

Idea: There is no such thing as anti-biotics. IT’s all just pure Columbian cocaine…

Idea / Joke: The Race War will begin with at the Water Fountains: If we don’t fight for our Water Fountains, then there is no liberty, not freedom, no pursuit of happiness… We must stand up for our rights! Our families! Our loved ones! For Future Generations will look back upon us on this day and ask us why? Why didn’t we do enough? Why didn’t we do enough to secure our spot in the history books! Well I’ll tell them and to their grandkids, that I’ll be damned if I was going to let our Water Fountains fall to the heathens otherwise known as anyone that isn’t us, cause us is us, and them are them. And us does not equal them so therefore us cannot be them or else we will be damned… So fight with me my brothers and sisters! For this day, we will look back in infamy as we fight for our very lives for the water fountains! / Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls of All ages, the Race War will begin momentarily…

Idea: Death doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. It can be a spectacle of epic proportions.

Stuff for Esoteric research for specific episodes: 22 fallen angels / 21 fallen angels ? 13 tries to return to Adam? Angels not good? Don’t trust king james version of bible? Book of Enoch left out of current bible… enochian magic… LUCIFER THE GOD OF LIGHT. Lucifer is how we perceive things according to luciferians? 4 faces, face of human, ox, eagle, and lion = An angel… lileth in garden of eden? Council of Nazceth? Nazcey? Gospel of Thomas. 22nd fallen = Satan / Lucifer is one of the fallen and bad? Satan the god of music?

Jews were on mushrooms when they created their religion, that’s why they wear a mushroom shaped hat and worship the mushroom…

Joke Idea: Wacky Racists Races: So you know how I joked about how the race war will start with the water fountains? Well what if the race war was an actual race war… with cars and a race of the races…And that villain, I forget his name, from the Wacky Races Cartoon would be presented by the Jews (despite being a religion and not a race, but that’s how some people see it these days… sigh…), we’ll call that Team Long Nose… And the first place winner gets the good looking water fountain while everybody else gets the shitty one. They fight over that water fountain themselves… might turn it into a short…

Joke Idea: Ok so there’s a little improve group doing a little bus set up. Three or four people, and the bus driver is pretending to drive the bus, and then the bus driver says, “Next stop, New York!” and then they literally time travel to NY, on 9/10 in 2001. And the passengers says, “What is this? And the Bus Driver improve guy is like, “This is a bus that can time Travel!” And the passenger says, “Wow! When are we?” And the bus driver says, “In New York at the twin towers before 9/11.” The passenger asks, “But why?” The bus driver says, “Cause we’re going to prevent 9/11!” And then all the passengers says, “Yay! But wait, how are we going to do that mister?” And then the bus driver says, “By ramming into the buildings outselves! There can’t be a 9/11 if there isn’t twin towers on 9/11!” And then the bus driver rams into both buildings and explodes, making everyone ask the most important question of all… Can a Bus melt steel beams?....

Random: A Nigga Named Todd…

Random: The Nigger’s Can’t Hurt You No More Song…

Background Pony: An idea for a background pony for Stalia is a failed actor who is constantly acting and is changing character and that character changes based on the pony’s current surroundings. And the pony is a little bit crazy too…

Random: Hippy the Hippo and Rippy The Ribbit, two hip and in the know mascot animals that teach kids to not do drugs, cause drugs are bad and are not cool. Hippy the Hippo says weed is not cool and you’ll die if you smoke. Listen to me kids, I’m Hippy the Hippo, you’ll burn in hell if you do. And then the two would proceed to rap a cringy rap song about not doing drugs that then encourages the kids to do the said drugs…

Random: Big Mac: “9/11 was an inside job, Eyup…” “The Holocaust didn’t happen, Eyup” “The Jews control the media and big corporations and push the lie of their being 6 million Jews that died, yet that is impossible because there wasn’t even 6 million Jews in Germany to begin with, Eyup” “The Armenian Genocide did not happen and is a conspiracy, just ask CHENK YEGER all about it, as he receives payment from George Soros, Eyup”

Joke: In the movie i, Robot, the scene in the tunnel is actually telling the viewer that Princess Diana actually died from glow in the dark robot niggers from space that were made by the gay Satanists. That’s what really happened in the tunnel that night…

Joke: During the Veggie Tales Jonah movie, when Jonah is about to deliver a message from god, he says to all who hears, “God says you Jews aren’t his chosen people, your foreskin is nothing special.”

Joe: In Spider-man , the real reason the Green Goblin is after Spider man is because he just wants to get Spiderman on his side and tell him the truth, that the Jews control the world, and they both have to team up to stop them… but Spider-man, is trying to be a good goy…

Joke: The ghost of the Twin Towers

Joke: Old man Colombo, he’s dark, edgy, and kind of like Old Man Logan.

Joke: Playing the song “Another one bites the dust” at a funeral.

Idea: a kid who is lonely, but friendly, who is lost, and has no home or friends or family, walks around aimlessly just trying to get by. When you meet the kid, the kid is friendly, but there is a little catch to the kid. T he kid brings death wherever the kid goes to, as Death literally lingers nearby. Anyone who comes close has a chance of dying just being near the kid. And the kid knows this, but can’t do anything about as death latches on to the kid like a tick. Yet nothing but happens to the kid because of this. Death kind of ironically protects the kid in a way.

The Dickens award, award for animals in service

World War 2.8 Final Chapter Prolouge

Idea: Satan is not a creation of god, but rather a creation of a collective consusious where humans made him, and because enough humans made him, therefore he exists.

Idea: A Zigga named Ted and a Nigga named Todd…

Joke: The Niggers are after me Lucky Charms…

Joke: Your stepfather is Hitler, like your dad just died, and your mother gets remarried. And she finds her new lover… Hitler. And Hitler is trying his best to be your new dad. He sits down even though you tell him he won’t replace your real dad, but he sits you down and says to you, “Hey there champ? Look, I know that I will never replace your real Papa, but I can be just as fun. I’m trying to be the best that I can for you and your mother. Won’t you give me a chance? Why don’t we go out and throw the ball out back huh? And then we can get Ice Cream… what do you say?” And then you agree to give him a try, and then you warm up to him and bond together. You may not be bonded by blood, but by the soul or something… like something out of Danger 5…

Joke: When you die and become a ghost, you can time travel (like in the movie A Ghost Story), and so the question remains, what time period to you go back to as you time travel as a ghost? Well the answer is quite simple actually, you time travel back to 9/11. Not to prevent 9/11. But to travel back in time, at the right moment to catch the first plane hitting the first tower... cause why not? Why not watch a train wreck in real time… get the popcorn out. And maybe by doing this, your love can reach the highest point if you know what I mean. Then the giant face in the sky will finally leave you alone once you solve the mystery if jet fuel can melt steel beams.

Idea: This is meant for an episode specifically one about dreams, but not sure which one or where. So for now it’ll remain here for obvious reasons. But the idea is that you can call yourself and say for example, leave a message on your phone while you’re sleeping in a dream. Like, let’s say you’re having a weird nightmare and you call your own phone to leave a message to try and get help or something, but all that comes out on the other end is muffled and distorted screaming as the horror encapsulates you.

Idea: A name for the zebra guy is Zag? Maybe, it’s the best that I’ve got. I can’t remember what I had originally made for him because I never wrote it down But for right now, that’s the zebra guy’s name, but as a placeholder for now…

Joke: The History Channel is sponsored by Papa Johns, eat better pizza you fat ass. Now back to WWII: The Utold Story.

Narrator: What really happened in World War 2 was that the allies used to the power of Papa Johns pizza to stop Hitler from taking over the moon base from mining the world’s cheese supply and hoarding it for himself. So Papa John gathered his allies, Dominoes and Pizza Hut, and maybe Little Ceaser and took a rocket to Jupiter to find the crystals to stop Hitler and his evil plans to take over the pizza planet place from Toy Story, so the world can live in harmony with pizza.

Joke: So like you know how there’s always a kink or a fetish for people with foreplay and stuff? You know someone, somewhere out there has a kink for all kinds of foreplay. Like a Nazi and Jew Foreplay. A Racist role play like, “I’m Robert E. Lee, and you’re my sex slave!?” And the black chick is like, “Oh yeah, I’m yours master… I’m yours…” and gets off to it. Don’t lie, someone out there likes this stuff sexually.

Joke: A nigger you say? Why… I haven’t seen one since 1862…

Idea: A concept from going from universe to universe… With some universes, if you or your body changes reality with the said universe, you could die possibly. A simple example is the germs. The germs that your body is used to is not the same of even an alternate earth or a different universe entirely like MLP. The germs could kill you or you could kill it. Just a thought…

Idea: There is a bomb bot diffuser that gets send in for something, but the bot talks in a nice, calm voice and tries to calm down anyone nearby and sing to them and tell simple jokes.

Joke: You have entered the Nigger / Zigger Zone song *Techno music intensifies*

Joke: Moses really said in the lost version of the real bible, “Let my Niggers go! I need them for my own plantation!” as Moses was actually a rival business to the Egyptians…

Joke: What if ____ came in to your home? So like what would you do if Sonic and friends walked in to your home? What would you do if Peter Griffin came into your home? What would you do if Shrek came into your home? What if The hamsters from The Hamster Dance song came into your home? I would kill all of them and if they came back as Ghosts and endlessly sing the song caramelldansen, even if they turned into furries, I’d be fine with it. What would you do if The Crazy Frog came into your home? I would pick it up and hold it in my homes like a baby while it’s making weird noises, and call it my son and kiss it on the forehead. What would you do if The Gummy Bear from The Gummy Bear Song came into your home? I would eat while it was signing he Gummy Bear Song on loop and then die of diabetes. A great way to go out in this world I tell ya… You know, ideas like that...

Fake Movie Idea: Extreme Snowboarders: Some American snowboarders fight terrorists to save America after 9/11 when they are going on a snow skiing trip somewhere in the mountains. And it’s very schlock like. Their snowboards deflect the terrorist’s bullets; they do ninja kicks; and they are also in a band. And they need to get back home in time for the prom, cause the prom is tomorrow. And they are probably like high school kids maybe… maybe college I don’t know…

Idea: A Device that can go into your mind and subconscious like Inception.

Idea: Mooloch. It’s like Moloch, but it’s even better. Mooloch is a god that you sacrifice too, but it’s just a cow. Just an ordinary cow that lives forever, but that’s it. It doesn’t hurt you or anything, it’s just a cow doing cow like things. But if you sacrifice something to it and ask for something in return in front of the cow, then you shall receive. And how you spel Moloch is M, O, O, another o, the batman symbol, superman symbol, John Candy, and the letter 3.

Idea: to be used in Midnight Universe / The Island? A boy who was trapped somewhere as a kid; grows up but still a kid on the inside; has little toys like the small things from Mega Man Legends games; forever lives in the past

Idea: A CGI monster comes into your room all of a sudden. But it doesn’t hurt you, it just stands there, looking scary and stuff. Or that it could hurt you, but it won’t because you’re too busy playing Snake on your phone.

Idea: Breaksert: IT’s having dessert for breakfast.

Idea: Conspiracy Theory #1: The Hulk (2003) was actually the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie and that The Incredible Hulk was the sequel to that movie...

Conspiracy Theory #2: Spiderman from 2002 is actually part of The Evil Dead universe. Bruce Cambell is just undercover, waiting for fight some Evil and has his limbs done by that magic wizard from Army of Darkness, and the celebrity, car from Evil Dead is in it, so therefore Spiderman from 2002 is in the Evil Dead Universe.

Joke: Hitler is the son of Jesus… it all makes sense now…

Idea: I can’t remember what this was for… but I vaguely recall about thinking about it yet can’t recall what it was supposed to be for… so add that to the list of things I forgot about:

Song Idea: When will the sun rise again? When will it all end?

Hamster party outlined, voice, lair, bodysize…?

Idea: A ghost hunter who fakes it for the camera fr reality TV has to take on a real ghost for a change…

Joke Idea: So the Ghost from Poltergeists. They’re not angry because a house was built over their graves. No… they’re just a little mad because the US took their oil… and they want their oil back…

Joke: Wait… he’s B-b-b-b-b-b-bigger than a n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nigger? Quick! Let’s get out of here! (Insert cartoon noises here)

Joke: Someone holds you hostage and asks you home many pennies can fit in this room. And you ask… why? What purpose is there for it? Who has that many pennies? The guy is who holds you hostage is a psychopath…

Joke: You see a spider in the hotel room, you assume the hotel is trying to kill you… because reason…

Joke: Pogwahgees (kind of alright Nazis…) > Townkies > Progs (Filthy commies)

There are 3 teams from World War II: The Allies, The Axis, and Y(o(ur)anus)

Idea: Dream: A dream that I had wrote noting for a potential idea… The devil’s railing: A railing where it can signal out the devil ad prevent him from come near you; but if not enclosed 100%, he’ll get angry and scary and scary stuff happens and you’ll probably die…

Idea: Dream: Another dream that I had was a fat cat that talked and was selling a podcast of his on a USB… I don’t know how I would use that but it’s there…

Idea: Ok, maybe I’ll use it as a one off joke or something or somewhere… but how about a monster that is running through the Everfree Forest that is the bottom half of an unborn fetus, an 11 foot at that, like the thing from Resident evil 8… and the way it eats you is by sitting on top of your head through its asshole and just forcing you through its asshole… It’s an ass monster…

Idea: Update Duology episode to Duality…

Idea: The Titanic is raised from the ocean floor and you can tour the first level of the ship, but then someone is paid by a politician to collect some expensive and rare things from the forbidden second and third floors. So that someone breaks through the floor to the lower floors, but finds the floors to be extremely haunted with dead happy ghost kids, and upset and evil spirits of the opens who drowned. Had a dream about this, was kind of scared as I couldn’t move… something to consider…

Idea: A Duet song idea called Fuck You, where two people or ponies from opposite sides sing “fuck You” and why they say that to each other…

Idea: 44: The symbol of a deep secret organization, similar to that of 33 or illuminati but totally different…

Joke: You use body spray on yourself, then you put a lighter near you, and then you explode…

Joke: Klaus Swab from the WEF, that bald fuck, he has a fetish for crickets and likes to watch cricket porn. He jerks it to cricket porn daily and even likes cricket vore to the point where he wants to spread his love for cricket porn and vore to the entire world…

Joke: Did you hear the album released by Jonestown? It was nothing but DEAD silence… *Cricket noises intensifies*

Joke: Hideo Kojma DID kill Abe Shiznowhatshisface… he just didn’t have time to say out loud to everyone, “Death Stranding 2 is coming soon. Please be nice to me this time. I worked really hard on this one. I promise you’ll get to do stuff in it…”

Hamster, party outlined, voice, lair, bodysize? Not sure what I wrote here or what it was meant for…

Idea: An alien space ship that is part machine and part a living creature…

Idea: Song: The Niggerooni & the Packatoonies: A song called “Oh Shit! The Alien is going to eat us!” in the style of the purple people eater song…

Idea: It is the year of our Loud… The current Year…

Idea: It’s easy to complain, but hard to appreciate…

Idea: This is probably a bad idea and I shouldn’t this, but I’m doing it anyways because I’m a bad idea myself.

Idea: Figgers…

Joke: Oh my god… honey… look! IT’s the basket Case from the movie Basket Case. Quick! Let’s take a picture!

Basket Case: Get away from me you fucking low lifes! Can’t you see that I’m drinking!? I used to be somebody damn it!

*basket case starts to cry*

Joke: For headstone in graveyard “A Wheelchair… what is going on in this…”

Joke: “From the writer of Training Day comes… Not Training Day the movie… 2…”

Joke: “It’s Voreing Time!”

Joke: “Disney’s The Nigger and the Sloth, a Disney classic that’s going back into the Disney vault. And if you don’t get it soon, it’ll be gone until we say so… bitch…”

Joke: Game developers are being told that they are going to have to Crunch as the exec says, “It’s Crunching Time Baby!” And then he says, “And to help with the Crunching, here is Captain Crunch…” And then Captain Crunch walks in and he says, “They’re Great!” And then he takes out a whip and starts whipping all of the game developers. And then the exec of the game company starts looking like a southerner plantation owner, the game developers are the slaves and captain Crunch is overseer… And he calls his slaves Giggers…

Joke: When St. Louis is no longer the number murder city in the country and it’s New Orleans, everyone in St. Louis takes out a gun, say “Wooooo” while responsibly aiming their guns in the air and firing all the rounds in the gun… because nobody will get hurt from that at all…

Joke: “It’s Genocide Committing Time!” as a guy is ready to wipe out a hornet’s nest.

The Hornets: “It’s the end of the world! It’s Judgment Day! God doesn’t like us anymore! It’s the Apocalypse! Repent! Repent! Repent! IT’s every hornet for themselves!” as hornets are shooting at each other.

Joke: Oh hey, it’s (P R E D A T O R 2 0 1 0) What’s you got there?

*It has a grenade in its mouth*

Predator 2010: I’m going to commit Genocide!

Oh…well ok then…

Joke: Puya Puya and Tetris is the forbidden love like interracial sex. It is the modern day of Romeo and Juliet… or a kinky porno…

Joke: “I’m going to do the George Floyd!” ~A kinky Sex Position… mostly done for Ebony…

Joke: Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio when he outside of the whale and telling the whale to let his friends go, “Let them go now… or else I’m going to ut my knee on your neck!” And then he puts his knee on the whale’s neck and the whale says, “I. Can’t. Breath…..”

Joke: “I enjoy killing the nig-gers”

“Cheese and crackers!” as the guy is squatting with one squinting eye and looking like a pirate kind of a face ~From the game Mafia 3… no really that first line is from Mafia 3, look it up..

Joke: Fentanyl Man! A superhero who is has the power of Fentanyl! He has come to save the day!Fentanyl man… Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!...

Idea: Stalig…

Idea: Your future self goes back in time, pauses time in a time bubble as you meet your past self. Then your future self talks and shows everything from the future that your future self knows of to your past self. Then your past self is now your future self in memory.

Idea: The four story tellers:

The Writer (From The Hangover Saga)

Ryder’s Creator (From the Ryder Episodes)

Leviathan (From The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga)

SSN (From The SSn Saga)

Joke: Megatron’s Feet… they are sexy and Megatron wants you to touch them…

Joke: Transformers 4 Over whipped its animators china slaves; so that would explain the bad cgi that was in the movie.

Idea? For Episode 14 re-edit, a different universe zecora shows up, is into drugs and lives in the other side of the everfree… knws about the polka dotted zigger…

??? I don’t know what I wrote but uhhh… Cans.wav – Ghost bot? I don’t know… I forgot…

Joke: Hello fellow Judiaisms. Where is the Menorah that I can lit?

Joke: Kate Blanchet is so poor; she needs to suck on some jew nose to do Underworld 6, so she can get money to buy some crack cocaine… and the jew nose cums Jew Juice or Jew Goo… It’s green and sometimes gold…

Joke: You go back in time to a concentration camp. You show all the Jews the Hitler memes from the future on your phone… then a Nazi guard walks up to you and asks, “Who are you talking to, there’s no Jews there…” Then the Jews that you were seeing disappear…

Joke: Furries are born from Furbies…

Joke: Remmeber… No Russian; Mama Mia… Putting Pineapple on a pizza is a crime against humanity; mama mia…

Joke: There are 4 kids on Halloween who are all dressed up as a piece of candy. The first kid says, “I’m dressed up as a piece of candy.” The second kid says, “I’m a piece of candy with a razor blade in it.” The third kid says, “I’m a piece of candy with cyanide in it.” Then the last kid says, “I’m the piece of candy that killed those kids back in the 1970’s that was killed by their father for the insurance money…” And then he disappears…

Idea: You can go to the past, but only when you are asleep…

Idea: Jump the Nub: Someone jumps a numb around these weird looking creatures and they go like: jump the nun. Jump the numb! Jump the nub?...... He jumped the nub. He jumped the nub! He’s kind now! He is the nub king now! He jumped the nub! All hail the nub king.” Something like that…

Idea: A universe with a world where no one speaks. Not because they can’t, but they won’t. “Talking” through action only.

Idea: TK hell episodes: Michael is the leader of the angels against TK. Gabriel is a rival of his that is used for secondary purposes… perhaps betrayal against god? Hmmmmmm?....

Joke: Generic Villain: I was never going to get blank) into that fancy school to begin with! Mostly because I ended up fucking one of the teachers and now they won’t let me within twenty five feet of the school now. But if I hadn’t, I still wouldn’t let (blank) in!

Joke?: Knight sees a big bug on his bed. Then a tiger from under his bed eats it. He looks under his bed and sees a whole family of cats living under there.

Idea: TK is sitting by a campfire in the middles of the night in the middle of the woods. It is surrounded with natural sounds such as bugs and animals howling throughout the night and crickets chirping. It is somewhere in the middle of the state of Kentucky. He talks to the group, “On this night… “ anticipating a group of elders/ power seekers; an old group that seeks control of every living thing. He and the others await to kill them all no matter the cost. Whatever it takes to get rid of them. The silence of the night and the animals and the crackling fire fill the air ad set the mod. A quiet, subtle mood with a message that goes for goes on for centuries. A chilling tale that questions one’s existence and place in realty. A question of what does it mean in the end if you do nothing or if you of something. An end? TK battle cries to break the cycle. To the end the loop that drives the loops. The circle must come to an end and be broken for good…

Joke: Death from Abub…

Joke: Oy Vey, did someone say the Star of David? *Jewish music intensifies….*

Joke: Oy vey, where are the matzah balls at? *As the Rockefeller Jew walks and snaps like a crab…*

Joke: A troubled person breaks down and decides to go crazy and shoot up a place. He is so crazy, he starts to shoot up a Kmart. And from what he sees, he’s mowing people down like it’s No Russian. But in reality, he’s a schizo, and he’s shooting up an abandoned building… And he still thinks it’s 1997. And then he realizes everything was a lie… and he just stands there… in the dark building… screaming to god, but god won’t scream back…

Joke: Pretend its 2008 again or something… “Dear Nintendo Power, how do you score your game reviews?” “Answer: That depends how many bullets are in the chamber when Nintendo points the gun at us. They tell us how many bullets they have, and if we don’t give that rating to the game, we pt with our blood. Either one employee gets all the bullets or ones employee per bullet… please send help… “

Idea: Some more ideas that I got while in and out of sleep; at the end of Rainbow Road Parody, Knight needs to bring back color or some shit (I know it’s the village but still) and Knight says to wait, but Jack mocks him and teases him. Nothing happens. Knight is wrong. The two fight physically.

And also something about a restaurant welcoming the Bronies during a Bronycon or something with special Brony food like at a Burger King or something… not sure what to do with that but seems worth it.

In fact, while we’re on this subject. Years ago I had this dream that me and a friend was going to this MLP road show. And I was excited to go see it. We went through a tent and everything, we got in our seat almost like a circus, and the show began. It was weird yet pleasing at the same time.

Another thing, in like 2015 or 2016 I guess. I had a dream where I was at the theatres, with a big crowd. And we were watching the MLP movie. And before the movie started, either Lauren Faust and Craig McCracken were in the audience (or not, in name only, but I forget…) and everyone was saying happy birthday to them. And I thought it was weird… and that was it. Just wanted to put that dream out there.

Idea: Not sure where to post this, but maybe for the 21 ziggers, 21 wiggers or it’s on characters. Zig Zog and Wig Wog. And Wog Wig and Zog Zig. Maybe the second choice can be the names of the leaders of the gang while the first choice are two feud blood brothers. That or vice versa.

Idea: A sort of horror scenario. For a possible episode? There is a small town, it’s quiet and seems nice. And some people move in. They are welcomed and such. But once a year, the natives to the town lock it all down and hunt and kill the noobs. And if anyone survives till the end of 24 hours, they get to stay there as long as they take part in their yearly rituals. Sounds like a stupid Blumhouse movie, I know but maybe I could do something with it… But hey, Blumhouse, call me, I’ll sell it to ya for 5 bucks. I know that’s all your movie budget is worth.

Idea: Not really an idea, more like a tidbit but whatever. In Episode 17, Neon breaking the 4th wall is more metaphorical and philosophical. Like how you get the feeling of being watched sometimes… and the whole thing of Neon from the Many Neons looping the universe; it’s like doing the holocaust for the 9th gorzillionth time and not even knowing it and think it’s the 1st and only time.

Idea: Hopefully I can remember this for later but Jack has a small shitty, rundown apartment in Manehatten from when he used to lvie there when he tried to achieve his dream there. And his pet bulldog lives there and is being taken by the owner of the building upon request. He still pays for it because he can’t let the memories go.

Joke: At a Kmart, there is only one employee who is in charge of everything and the store is fully stocked. And the employee is excited when once guy comes walking in casually looking for an Adam Sandler movie (or Monty python) and so the employee keeps egging on the shopper if he needs any help and that he’ll be right there if he needs any help with a smile.

Joke: Harvey Wienstien and Kevin Spacy are made for each other… and that are gay for each other… and they make a SpacyStien

Joke: Someone voting for a President based on their signs like “I don’t him because his sign is Aquarius and not Cancer so I’m not voting for him…” Let’s be honest there is at least one person in the US that does that…

Tidbit Idea: Another tidbit I wanted to throw in here… TK and FD are the opposites of Celestia and Luna and the opposite of each other. TK is natural while FD is Pony made, they both serve their kingdoms in place of the sun and the moon; more symbolic and metaphorical. And are commonly seen as two evils vs. the goods from Celestia and Luna. And the two are distant rather than close unlike Celestia and Luna.

Joke: “Oh boy, it’s so hot today. I better take off my cloths…”

*Proceeds to take off all the skin on the body*

“Ahhh… that’s better…”

Joke: If it’s a monkey, give it some Xnax

Joke: The Ghost of the hamster Dances come to haunt you late at night in your seep at 3A.M.

Joke: There’s knocking coming from outside the door; but little did he kow… THE IGGER WAS KNOCKING FROM INSIDE THE WALLS… (Insert your favorite letter before the igger! Try it yourself! It’s fun for the whole family! For example: Zigger…)

Joke: Some guy with a southern accent looks at an alive apple and calls it a nigger. The apple squees and starts flying upward. The guy calls it an igger, pulls out a shotgun, shoots it down, and starts fucking the apple in the holes that he made with the bullets.

Joke: The Mudds shall inherit the Earth once again…

Joke: A ghost knocks on wood, “Oh shit what was that?” A ghost knocks twice on wood… “Oh my god, the says yes! The ghost says yeeeeeeeeeeessssssss!”

Joke: a giant retard or autismo is a monster from Monster Hunter…

Joke: Guy Ritchie (The movie director) is on the sidewalk in the year 2017 and is sad because his last two movies bombed and Warner bros. kicked him to the curb. The Disney Logo (or mickey?) walks by and manipulates him:

Guy: *sobbing on the street*

*Disney logo walks by and sees this…*

Disney Logo: Oh no… oh nooooo…. What happened here? Wh-What happened to you there buddy?

Guy: They don’t want me anymore…

*Disney sits down with Guy on the sidewalk*

Disney: Hey, it’s going to be alright. Tell me what happened…

Guy: They threw me out because I didn’t do a good job with my last two movies…

Disney: What? That’s terrible! Who would do such an awful thing!?

Guy: They did. They said I wasn’t good and I was a mistake. And they werne’t going to let me do Sherlock Holmes 3…

Disney: What!? Who said that? You’re not a mistake.

*Disney logo starts hugging Guy.*

Disney: Shhhhh… it’s alright. The Mouse is here for you…

Guy: You are?...

*Disney then slips him a check with some 0’s in it .*

Disney: Shhhh… just be out bitch and do Aladdin for us. We’ll make it better…

Guy: What?

Disney: What do you say? You want to be my bitch?

Guy: I-I guess so…

*Disney then helps him up and shoo him away*

Disney: That’s the spirit buddy! Now get out of here and get yourself an ice cream cone champ!

*Disney then slaps him on the ass*

Disney: Yeah… that ass is mine now…

*Disney lips his lips...*


Robin: Holy Nigger Bible Batman! The Joker has escaped again!

Batman: Quick Robin! Into My Anus!

*Robin goes into Batman’s Anus as his legs stick out of Batman’s buttcrack.*

*Batman then moves like a motorboat and catches up to the Joker.*

Joker: Ha ha ha! You’ll never catch me you sick black furry son of a bitch! I’m using my bleeding anus to take over the world!

Batman: Not on my watch you fucking Whore!

*Batman uses what is remaining of Robin after he clinches Robin to death with his ass cheeks, and beats the Joker to death with it…*

Batman: Oh no! Not again! Not another Robin! Oh well! Time to visit the kids in my Batcave Basement! The Mexican should be able to handle my anus like Jumping Bean!

Joke: In the far future, the last two people that are waiting for MGS4 to come to the 360 to own the PS3 tards are on their death beds. Then a press release happens where it is finally announced that MGS 4 is coming to the current Xbox. And one of the guys says, “See… I told MGS 4 was coming to the Xbox. See? The PS3 doesn’t have any games… the 360… is better than the ps3… blllleeeeehhhhh…” Then both of them die… the end…

Joke: Oooooooo… I’m the ghost of the 2008 comedy movie Ghost Town…oooooooo… staring Ricky Gervias…. Ooooooo… It’s forgotten and nobody remembers it like the movie The Watch… ooooooo… or the remake The Sitter…. Ooooooooooo….

Joke: Bark Darf is the best friend of Dan Wee, but he later died to save Dan Wee’s life…

Joke: Duke Nukem has a son named Lil; Dukie and it turns into The Last of Us or God of War 2018 between the two…

Joke: Hitting and threatening Ghosts with a ghost bat and some ghost bullets…

Joke: Neo-Canada… in 50,000 years in the future… oooooooo…

Idea: A Moooonster: A monster from the moon that only comes for you if you touch yourself at night… a way to scare abstinence into kids…

Idea: Stuck in a cage with a lion, need to fight it with a medieval sword.

Dream Idea: Don’t know where I’ll use this, but I just woke up as of writing this. This is a dream that I just had. I was somewhere. There was this shop that was celebrating either 10 years or 100 years of MLP. I was keeping my cool, while I was very excited. They had MLP everything like shirts, kettles, cups; almost everything you can think of as it was MLP themed. Then some items started to go missing. I took some items but didn’t pay for it. Someone else was with me, but walked away. I went back to the story to pay I think. But then there who was wrecking up the store at night. I saw him and he wouldn’t let me out Then I kid you not, I saw Neon Party from Universal Magic for a bit. Then a black guy came in and tried to fight off the guy alongside the owner of the store. The place was being destroyed as I grabbed a big bag and started taking more MLP things since it was complete chaos and everything was being destroyed. Then the guy made a huge explosions someone sad he just wouldn’t stop. I started running with the others as sort of lava started to flow. But it also happen to be the apocalypse at the same time as well and something else was coming towards us I the other direction with people running in fear. And there was man and a baby in a stroller and the man was scared and crying because we were at the last, very small safe place on Earth before we all died, but it was all closing in on us fast. And as we were all about to die, I then woke up

But as I was writing that, I remember something else from earlier in the dream. I saw an MLP pony that looked like Neon, but he didn’t look quite right. He had light green and light blue in his mane. And then I saw Neon Party again in his correct look again for a bit.

Idea: A kingdom that pops up all of a sudden ad is built in the middle of the desert and it’s hard to get to and through, and it’s a solid fortress.

Joke: Animooo

Joke: pizza rolls are the anti-depressents of food…

Joke: What’s the point of continuing to live DAVEY…

I’m going to end it all now DAVEY…

Goodbye DAVEY…


Background Pony Idea: A muscle head that sells the weed to Wolf who is self conscious about himself and his strength. He’s from Manehatten so he has an accent. He is also a lowcol, has a beta friend and a Mexican Italian like friend who is stupid but loves to lifts weights and wrestle. The meat head eventually stands on his back legs, flexes his front arm muscles, hunches over, and yells “FUCKING ZIGGERS!” After his money and weed is stolen, he starts wrecking the place. He lives in Stalia of course…

Idea: An episode where the guy’s race changes for a day? Check season 11 episode…

Idea: Contrary to what some people believe; some things do last forever, and Universal Magic is one of the..

Joke: Kiss him on the forehead of your dying enemy and say God forgives you... and then you brutally murder him... womp womp womp womp, syke, NOT...

Joke: Hostage at a sandwich shop, someone asked for a cucknadian bacon, but they got ham instead... he he he...

Joke: Trans bathroom sing is a TRAPazoid...

Joke: A horror scenario where a pregnant woman is being killed / haunted by an evil dead like demon, and then the unborn fetus bursts out of the womb like the alien from Alien; it's demonic, has a top hat and cane, and sings, "hello my babu, hello my honey, hello my rag time gal..."

Joke: A black kid's parents book the KKK fir their son's birthday. The KKK comes in, make the kids laugh, and leaves a complementary lower case t on their lawn before they leave... the parents are fine with this and thanks them and everyone had a nice day...

Joke: a song that goes like "Nuttin in a miffin, I'm nuttin in a muffin..."

Idea: From a dream that I had... very I don't know what happened or remember...: accidently woke up a moon god and a gay? (happy) god...

Idea: Knight: I don't want to hear about how your mother didn't love you...

Villain: But she did love me. Very much so actually. I just hated her guts and wanted to see her die because... something...???....

Idea: another version of TK’s suit that is made out of the souls of the damned. You have regular, hell, patriot, souls, and if you want, the heaven and Black versions of the variant of the suits. So that’s like 6 different versions. That’s something huh… not sure where I’ll use the souls thing.

Idea: A non-existing universe...

Idea: The Bogo Sword: A sword so powerful, it can kill any god from any universe and is the strongest thing in existence in all existing universes (non-existing universes may not apply...). Only catch is that it only works .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the time. Otherwise it might as well be made out of paper...

Tidbit Idea: Wolf is young in pony years but old in Timber Wolf years, Knight is "21", Mac is older, Forrest is younger, and Neon is Unknown. Jack and Arrell are ???...

Idea: Character: The dominator: An over the top villain who dominates universes one at a time, dominating them... SSN3?...

Idea: Character: Mr. Perfecto, a villian who is obbssed with being perfect all the time and mutilates himself to become perfect. By his final form that he considers to be perfect, he is a horrible loking beast like monster...

Idea: A TK like cop character in a desert somewhere with Knight and others. TK like cop calls in his number 4117 and summons a ride and bails on the guys. Knight asks him, "Are you just going to leave us here?" The answer is yes and that there is more important business to take care of...

Idea: Weretotallynotanevilcompany: “Have you embraced your digital future today?”

Joke: Legend has it… if you watch the Klasky Csupo Logo at 3A.M., the Klasky Csupo logo comes out to kill you. Then you have to play its game at exactly 2:14 A.M. and say Klasky Csupo backwards in the mirror in the dark three times in a row, or else you have to play hide and seek with the Klasky Csupo logo and if it finds you, it bites your fingie off…

Joke: Forrest gets up on stage and before he even says a single word as he inhales, everypony boos him violently and tells him to get off the stage…

Joke: Autistic Hitler… he only gassed the Jews because he thought gas was their favorite color…

Joke: Nothing is worse than an Indian scam calling from beyond the grave…. About your car’s extended warranty….

Joke: “Woah there jumping bean. One more outburst like that and I’m out of here.” ~ Goku

Joke: Slacker Cats… look it up…

Joke: A 9/11 Enthusiast. George Bush Sr. was one of them. Whenever he went to a car show, he would yell “Where are the 9/11s at? I demand more 9/11s”…


Me: *Makes a fart noise with lips*

Guy: Yo? Did you just say the N Word?

Me: *Makes a fart noise with lips*

Guy: Yo bro, you better shit up if you know what’s good for you…

Me: *Makes a fart noise with lips*

Guy: *ready to punch me* Shut the fuck up bro! I mean it! Stop saying the N word you bigot!

Me: *Makes a fart noise with lips*

Guy: *grabs me by the neck and ready to beat me to a pulp* I’m going to rape you if you don’t stop saying racist stuff you nazi!

Me: *Makes a LONG fart noise with lips*

*Everyone then claps ad gives me an award for ending racism…*

In-Universe Ad Detail: *a rip off Discount Danny Devetio Wannabe shows up behind a green screen filled picture of his store…*

Danny: Hi it’s me! Knock off Discount Danny Devieto here! And this si my light bulb store, where I sell nothing but light bulbs only. I’ve got light bulbs everywhere, I’ve got some coming out of my ass!

*Danny starts shitting out lightbulbs…*

Danny: And anyone who comes to my store gets a happy greeting from me personally!

*Guy walks in, gets burned by the bright lights in the store, like a stage light. He can’t see and starts screaming in agony and in pain in a loop; Danny greets him with a smile. Then a guy in the corner is coughing and asking for help as he is dried like a raisin and asking for some water and for help… and he can’t see…*

Danny: And I also do something special for the ladies… wink…

*Woman walks in asking for a light bulb; Danny runs right up to her and throws a barrel of acid on her face as he smiles. She is screaming in agony on a loop as her face melts off…

Danny: And if you but from my store, you get NO money back guarantee! Your money is mine bitch! So what are you waiting for? Come on down to my light bulb store right now. Right now… do it…

I’ll see you here Reeeeeeeeaaaaalllll sooooooooon… bye!....

*Danny rides on a light bulb shaped rocket…*

Gun Idea: The Change Gun: A gun where any loose change cab become a deadly weapon…

Christmas is worshiping and tree is Nimrod burred under evergreen gift, bared gifts after winter solstice, it was mushrooms = the magic mushroom… = it gets you closer the gods/ either/ another dimension… tree from Adam and eve was a giant mushroom, about knowledge and getting closer to god and good and evil…

Jack Parson, Parkson, Parlson??? (Real world) = Leader of the Satanists, use it for reference for UM?

To Stuff for Later in Mane 2
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