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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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  • 2 weeks
    All Things Seem Possible in Paul Rudd

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are back open for the month of May! YEE HAW! Bring your family and dogs all down to The Big Sticky and get a free complementary breadstick basket! And don't worry, it was only made of Gluten. And no, we don't provide Gluten Free, get out. And if you're the one of ten thousands sending us emails demanding Gluten Free, we have the

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  • 11 weeks

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY FOR UNIVERSAL MAGIC! HAPPY 11TH!!!! IT'S THE 21ST!!!!....


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    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

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    SEASON 30 PART 2

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Random: Stuff for later in Mane 2 · 1:44am Jul 18th, 2023

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Back to Stuff for Later in Mane 1

Yeah, I had too much random stuff for later in mane.... LET'S MAKE ROOM FOR MORE THEN....

New Character Ideas:

12-21-23: Character Idea: A Phoenix Wright like character, but he’s a politician, and he’s more cheerful, optimistic, yet cool and says stuff like right before a fight, “Sounds like a good idea to me!” or something cheesy like that. Possibly a pony than a human, but not sure other than a stallion. Maybe an Earth Pony because I’m lazy or a Pegasus to add to the whole Cloud City stuff.

12-21-23: Enemy Idea: Reavets? Reavers? Not sure about the name, BUT, the idea is that these are creatures with masks on that take many forms. Let's just say humans for example, and they suck up anything that has matter through their eye sockets like a black hole, even living things which would mean in a sense DEATH. And when it sucks EVERYTHING UP, it pretty much sucked up a piece of the universe, almost reverting back to it's nothingness state. and it's goal is to suck up an entire universe, piece by piece, bit by bit. And it can grow too I guess....

Inspired by a nightmare that I had most nights since I was the age of 4 when I was staying at a specific place; and in that dream, those creatures would be my parents and they would kill me every time at the end of the dream, even when I tried to run away.... good times...

12-21-23: Character / Villain idea: For the TK hell episodes: Nimrod shows up and offers to aid him in his war and to rebel against god. And if you don’t know who Nimrod is, he was the great grandson to Noah who did something in Babylon and wanted to rebel against god and believed in a one world government. And TK might accept his offer at first, but then back stab not because he is a back stabber, but because Nimrod can’t trusted as it is in his nature to be the king. And that would get in TK’s way, otherwise…. Why not? But because of Nimrod’s faults, he falls.

4-21-24: Character Idea: A human or pony or whatever who has reached enlightenment by meditating and reaching a sub-conscious level of 69 or something and now acts like a god, levitates, has basically the force, and can teleport out of thin air to any destination. And can maybe shout really loud. Despite this, the character doesn’t care and only worries about their own survivability and despite the willing power, they still kindly go to say a fast food joint, pays for the meal and even happily tells the youngsters that are interested how to be like the character. A good start is by screeching then-Word every two minutes. Then someone accuses the character of being a racist, but the guy just breaks something of theirs and kindly walks off saying, “IF you’re smart enough, you’ll appreciate it”…. So a bit of an enlighten ego you could say…..

5-21-24: Character Idea?: Not really a character, but maybe as a joke or something. I was talking to someone and joking around about the whole school shooter fishes characters and it came down to how that was the equalivent to “They saved Hitler’s Brain,” but they put it in the fish. So my idea now is that there is a giant Hitler Fish, but all it does now it goes “Glup Glup Glup Glup”. And if you know the language of the fishes, that means “Fire up the ovens….” But no one would understand fish language so Fish Hitler becomes completely harmless….

5-21-24: 21 Jack: A character, either costumed by Classy Jack in the Mare Do Well parody episode but then later on in an episode it I’s an alter ego by somepony else…. Or a different character altogether that belongs in a soap opera…. That gets shot at the beginning of an episode…. So maybe a pony that starts off in Stalia but ends up on Blue Balls and Roses….

In-Universe Show Ideas:

In-Universe TV Show Idea: Ant Hitler: That old wacky Ant Hitler… what will he do next and his crazy get rich quick schemes?
4-21-24: Detail: Ant Hitler: So it starts with a generic 1950’s style family home like Leave it to beaver. The door bell rings, and the wife is like, “Oh it’s Ant Hitler. How are you doing this morning?” And Ant Hitler is talking like Hitler and ranting incoherently but in an ant voice. But neither husband or wife understands him as Ant Hitler is asking to borrow some gas. Of course he doesn’t get the gas and the wife goes over to the husband who is in his robe and reading the newspaper while smoking a pipe and saying, “Oh that silly Ant Hitler and his get Rich Scheme.” And the fathers talks about it being a lesson his son Timmy or something. And while that is going on, in the background with no one else noticing, Ant Hitler walks up to an ant hill with red ants in it and starts stomping on it and trying to gas it while continuing to ran incoherently. Then the ATF shows up in a black van and immediately point guns at him, yelling at him to put his “weapon” down. But Ant Hitler ignores them. The Ant Hitler’s kid shows up and is holding a teddy bear or something and goes, “Papa? Papa.” And Ant Hitler is getting more unhinged while the ATF furiously calls in command that they have a WACO 2 situation. The main leader of the ATF then tells the other agents to “Burn everything down within a 5 mile radius, I repeat, burn everything within a 5 mile radius! Do not leave any kids alive!” The ATF agents then spread out, and the main leader breaks down the door to his house that us across from the street, keep mind, HIS house. The kids then say, “Daddy?” And then the main leader ATF guy starts shooting the kids and killing them. All the while, Ant Hitler is furiously ranting incoherently about killing all of the red ants and gassing them. The husband and wife is completely obvious to this and goes on with their day as if none of this is happening….

In-Universe Movie: Hitler Returns Trilogy: A weird and surreal series of movies where Hitler is resurrected from the grave, plots to get revenge, tries to get facial reconstruction surgery in order to marry a commissioner’s recently divorced wife that then ends up being a rip off of that Step Father movie. And somewhere in there Batman, Spiderman, and Indiana Jones are involved maybe… I think they all die or something… I don’t know man I came up with this when I was drunk.

1-21-24: In-Universe Idea: A low budget in-universe movie of a dog named Army Dog. And some people are standing nearby screaming “OH NO ARMY DOG, LOOK OUT! IT’S SOME MILITARY ISSUED ATTACK HELICOPTERS! AND IT’S AIMING RIGHT AT YO! RUN ARMY DOG, RUN!” And some low res jpeg f attack helicopters are there flying around, but there was not enough I the budget to get attack helicopter stock sounds, so they use the ROLF copter sound meme instead…. And Army Dog dies a sad death….

5-21-24: In-Universe TV Show: Soap Opera show called Blue Balls and Roses, a parody on daytime TVthat only Wine MILFs watch. It’s a 69,000 episode series about drama, department mall santas taking hostages, relationships, hospitals, and Nolan North…. And one of the characters show up and gets shot and killed at the start by one of the Santas taking hostages…. Then gets dragged off set by one of the crew while the cameras are rolling…. Part of the lore….

In-Universe Products/Commercials:

In-Universe Commercial / product Idea: A Nigget in your Pocket: Hey kids! Are you tired of not having fun? Don’t you wish you had something to do? Well introducing A Nigget in Your Pocket! Take it on the go with you! Jam to the latest hit songs! Play the latest cutting edge video games! Watch your favorite movies on it too! Bring it inside for even a rainy day! And don’t worry, it’s dishwasher save too! And mom and dad will love it too as it’s great for you to learn exciting new things! “The cow goes MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” It’s a great gift for any occasion: Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, or other family gatherings! All for the low price of 19.95 plus shipping and handling! And if you call this number (1-800-555-6969), we’ll give you a second Nigget for free. And if you call within the next thirty minutes, we’ll throw in this hand dandy Wigget too! It goes great with your Nigget and can even ehlp you with your school work! “The Civil War was over state rights…” You won’t find this exclusive offer in store! That’s 1-800-555-6969 for two Niggets and a bonus Wigget all for 19.95 plus shipping and handling. All major credit cards are accepted except for American express, fuck you… (Just imagine for a moment that the Nigget is pretty much that Try-Hard picture…)

9-21-23 Joke / In-Universe Product: The Doomcast = a knockoff version of the Sega Dreamcast… because it was doomed…

10-21-23 NOTE: Consider this a sort of practice run for something for the future. A little writing exercise, but still using the idea for within UM… : In-Universe Idea: A Duke Nukem game Soft Reboot; where an old man Duke has a son named Little Dukie and they go on a cinematic, emotional adventure that will make even the cringest of all Redditors and Discord mods cry by the end…. And everyone will clap because it’s like a movie and Roger Ebert’s ghost would give it 4 stars and everyone will applaud it for a camera that never cuts and everyone will say Duke Nukem is relatable now even though those people couldn’t relate to shit in their own lives because they live alone and they waste their life on Reddit demanding everyone submit to them or else be banned because they have no life, and they think this is the hottest shit and will write in endless forum posts how this game saved their life even though their “depression” could easily be cured by going outside for the first time in ten years. Instead they just stay inside, jerking off to Marvel and Star Wars porn because it’s the closest thing they will ever get to having a girlfriend, yet they will continue to go online defending feminists, hoping that they can relate to those women and score, but it’ll never happen because all they do is eat McDonalds every other day because “Muh Childhood” and they will cling to that harder than their actual fucking life because they ran out of excuses after their parents kicked them out. And now they will complain about how they can’t afford rent, yet they somehow can afford weed and vape from their local dealer as they smoke playing the Duke Nukem soft reboot…. And thus the cycle continues….

Sub-Plot ideas:

Sub-plot idea: : Swallows (birds) racist against other birds… southern sub plot for Arrell

Sub-plot Idea: After Hintanic episode, Mac starts up a tour with his cardboard box sub called The Hintan, all five passengers suffocate and implodes at the wreckage site… except for Mac who bails and collects the insurance money…

10-21-23 Sub-Plot Idea: Forrest is doing spring cleaning and Arrell is there to help. As Forrest is dusting, Arrell warns Forrest not to do too much or else the dust mites will band together, unionize, and revolt against god. Forrest tells Arrell, despite him being the animal expert, that’s ridiculous. So Forrest continues dusting anyways. Down below however, the dust mites are like the old tribes and are noticing their food supply dwindling. Some dust mites believe they have not sacrificed enough dust mites for their gods; others believe god is angry at their degeneracy; and others believe they have not prayed enough to god… By the end though, one of the dust mites sees god (Forrest) and believes they must unionize the tribes and to form as one, literally, and kill god to earn their freedom. Soon all the dust mites band together to form one giant dust mite that you can see ad they even speak, “We will not bow to you anymore god!” And Forrest looks confused and asks, “What?” Arrell then says, “I told you this would happen…” The giant dust mite then captures Forrest, in which case he asks Arrell for help. But Arrell says he only knows animals, he doesn’t fight them. He then walks away. Forrest then struggles with the giant dust mite till eventually he is on the ground in Stalia and lands right next to Jack who is checking his mail. Jack says “no” when Forrest asks for his help, but Forrest pleads to him and Jack makes a deal with him with something to do with the word faggot. Forrest agrees to it, and Jack goes one on one with the giant dust mite, putting his hooves up But by the end, either Jack wins or both are captured till the main plot kicks in to save the day… also add jokes about one of the dust mites that wants to constantly sacrifice others and it is also implied that Jack cleans even though it wouldn’t seem he’s that type…

12-21-23: Sub-Plot Idea: Family Mill Entertainment: A cheap looking, cash grabbing, innocent looking production company that redubs forgiven animated films with has-been actors that need money for their drugs /crack cocaine addictions for cheap. And they also give hardcore christen families and the Po’ of America cheap movies to watch and to give to their kids that they merciless beat every other day and to love Jesus or else. But underneath there is a rabbit hole that goes deep, and Knight, Neon, Craig, and the Griffin Guy maybe set out to find the dead bodies buried somewhere in the Mojave desert because the dead guy tried to testify against Family Mill’s money laundering with China, the mob, tax evasion, and other sinister schemes…. Inspired y Grindstone Entertainment Group, look them up…. Also Rob Schneider needs his money for his crack cocaine addiction….

12-21-23: Sub-Plot Idea: The gay potatoists: Arrell is annoyed and having to deal with the ponies who rent his shed, the Gay Satanists, as they freak out that The Gay Potatoists are comings…. A group similar to them, but they believe in the Potato, more specifically, they worship the Potato Deity, similar to Nimrod. And if you don’t know who Nimrod is, look him up. And they even have their own holiday for the Potato Deity.

2-21-24: Episode / Sup-plot idea: Crazy guy in sewers teaching lost and forgotten kids martial arts and to be super heroes….

4-21-24: Sub-plot Idea: Knight or Jack or maybe both are visited by the Rat monkey Nymphs (whose kind originates from the rat Island episode)They live in the basement walls and kind of whisper they must feed them teeth or else they will die. They then drag out an old corpse and tell them to chisel the teeth out for them or else. Knight or Jack then annoyingly and unammusingly say no. And as they try to sleep, they keep bothering them and telling them to do stuff that is mildly annoying. Think if it was from ATHF….

5-21-24: Sub-Plot idea: The mayor of Stalia unveils a whopping new trash can in order to take heat off of his insider trading scandals…. Where he trades inside a bunch of stuff when it should be outside….

Random Stuff for Later:

Joke: Squiggly line and the zig zag line are in trouble said the squiggly line…

Joke: I Sexually Identify as John F. Kennedy…

*Assassination intensifies…*

*Cuba Missile Crises intensifies…*

*LBJ intensifies…*

*Marilyn Monroe intensifies…*

Joke: Fury Goku…

Joke: Harvey Weinstein fucked both Billy Bob Thornton and his wife, but in the end, all Billy got was a role in Princess Mononoke, which he was pissed about. But that’s ok because they evened it out by giving him 6 6 packs of pure alcohol. Billy is just an old extreme alcoholic who is willing to get fucked n the ass for some beer and a role to pay the bill on his tab at the bar…

Joke: Getting the Quran, Bible, and Torah? And putting it near a pentagram to summon Muhammad Yahweh, Jesus…

Villain Idea: A maniac who wants to be god in the next world with 21 trillion personal slaves…

Dream Idea: I had another dream last night. It was short this time though. I dreamed of UM again. Arrell was there along with Neon and Mac I think. Neon was there, but not sure about Mac… and it was something to do with TLECS and going under a bridge in the slums in a big city; brining the band back together or something… and something to do with a shotgun too… I should also mention in the past I had little dreams of TK too. Just nothing noteworthy, but he was there in some way…

Dream Idea: Another dream I just woke up from. Luna and Applejack? (could have been Fluttershy…) Luna and whoever are solving a murder mystery, like a Halloween special or something. (From humans) (and Bob Ordinkirk, the one from the Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul was there playing as a ghost who was trying to help who witnessed everything…) The mystery is solved and the ghosts are fine, seem like a happy ending. They are on a green hill somewhere, in the middle of the night under the stars. One of them joke about killing the villain with a knife. Their faces then turn weird, twisted and scary and they take a knife. Weird, mystery like music cues (string like cue with a bunch of violin at once and a base string), then they joke with putting berries to make it look like blood as if they cut the villain open (and laugh?), Nightmare Moon suddenly shows up in a portal through the clouds and one of them says (or I said?) “Oh finally…) and the episode ends. It was an episode I didn’t see before.

On the topic, I slightly remember seeing unseen mlp episodes before in my dreams. I vaguely remember a weird Christmas / Winter themed episode and ne with a weird sleepover with crystal… as in the material in a club house or something. Wasn’t scared or disturbed by this. Thought it was interesting.

Dream Idea: So I had a dream of Ghost and what he looked like. He was old, thin, had a bald spot, wore a track suit for some reason, and a dark vibe where I didn’t want to look at him. Yet it was him and like a specific garlic bread. And he was at a school for some reason… I took a quick glance at him. It was the real Ghost from The Ghost Show by the way…

Dream Idea: Just woke up from a nightmare. Forgotten most of the details already. However I was in a foreign city somewhere, like South Africa or Middle East or something. Something dirty and grimy, but lots of people. And there was this man dressed in black. A demon or devil maybe. Something out of a horror movie. And while nothing happened to me, while I was but being lost in the city somewhere like in the middle of an unfinished highway ramp. He appeared on top of me in mid air, and had someone else lying down flat, like frozen in time, sleeping, in mid air, cutting into her face with a knife and a fork and eating the flesh like a fine meal or a pie… So when the person woke up, they’re face will be missing, and would be in extreme amounts of pain. And while nothing happened to me, it was hurting just to see it. And I think the man in black did other gruesome things too, but can’t remember. Why write this down? Could work for a fucked up episode if the time ever comes for it. Like I said, it was like out from a horror movie scene…

Joke: What is Dan Schneider’s favorite Disney ride? Sorin… (And if you don’t get it… Sorin is where you feet dangle in the air and if you sit in rows two or three, you’ll see the feet…)

Joke: Ron Howard only exists to replace Paul Rudd… and even then he is a punching bag and can never replace the lovable Paul Rudd…

Joke: The Wiggles Lore…

Joke: Not really a joke I guess but I was on a bus one time and everyone was squeezed in. Ii was late at night, I was standing up and holding on to the hand rails just barely, and the person next to me held on to that handle that turns when the doors open. And he joked about the door opening him being the first to go and about his own demise. And everyone laughed about it… the joke here is we laugh at our own and other people’s possible deaths…

Joke: A cooperate meeting is taking a place and a line chart is shown. And one of the cooperate people go, “As you can see, the chart is going down. This is very bad…”

Idea of Some Kind: Deep Fried Matter…

Idea: A creature that can only speaks with three spate mouths.

Dream Idea: Not much but worth sharing I guess… but I had a dream where George Lucas and his wife were in a 50’s style diner, holding each other and enjoying their old years, reminiscing on their younger days… IT was all dark and stuff like closing time.

Dream Idea: I dreamt of Luna, but as if she was human (not from Equestria Girls…) but not from MLP, but she had the mane and tail. And Celestia and the Mane 6 were there in the same room in my home, sitting on the couch, watching TV. I talked to Luna while holding a Luna pony plushie and talked what if MP was real or was our reality…

Intro Sequence Idea: Ok, so this is an idea for an intro to an episode. I know it’ll sound weird, but just follow me on this… and yes I was drunk when I wrote this down in my notes. So for a beginning of an episode, somewhere an alt Knight in human form is working with The Master who in that universe turns out to be the original creator of the universe and tasks Knight to reset the universe and create something new. And while on Earth it is the apocalypse and all devils and angels are falling due to this change, all humans perish and Knight and The Master will wake up in the new universe. And transition: Knight wakes up in pony form and continues where we left off from the last episode almost as if none of what I just said ever happened and life moves on… get the joke yet?... think of a Simpsons couch gag, but instead of seeing the TV, it transitioned into the episode from the couch gag…

9-21-23 Joke: Ru ro raggy, looks like the infidels are coming. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehehe….

9-21-23 Joke: The real CIA Gay Psyop was sponsored by DIC along the way… DIC was the real Big Gay in our hearts… that was selling drugs to kids…

9-21-23 Joke: Having a Rural King Vibe Moment…

9-21-23 Joke: All the kids who grew up with Shrek and such, when they become the new boomers and are in the old folks home, they will be trying to remember their good ol’ days with some guy in a shrek costume coming out to dance for them; all the while All Star gets played faintly in the background. And they will all say, “yay Shrek!” And then the nurse will say, Ok Mr. Old Grumpy Pants, that’s enough excitement for you today. Time to take your meds…” And the old guy says, “No…. No… NO! I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK TO THE VOID! NOOOOOO!” Then they hold them down, force the drugs down their throat and the old guy blacks out in the chair, almost as if he was a corpse or had Alzheimer’s…

9-21-23 Joke: If you had to hide somewhere in the world, it’s not a meaning of where, but when… as in you hide in the year 2007, the best place to hide. It’s where they least suspect to look for you in. But as soon as it turns 2008, you have to run like shit because then they’ll find you. IT’s like “OH SIT, IT’S 2008! I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!” So you have to start running like The Flash… or else 2008 will get you in your sleep. It’s already too late for the rest of us… run…

9-21-23 Joke: Dennys is just a red flag, it’s run by the feds… run…

9-21-23 Joke: Some movie director guy is trying to get Chris Hemsworth, but his agent says he isn’t available but he can get his brother on the phone. Before the director can say no, Liam is put on and the director says, “Oh hi Liam… I was going to…. No no no no, I asked for you first. Yeah that’s right. Nonononono, don’t cry. Don’t cry. We totally wanted to Liam. You’re so cool and you’re perfect for this part we have for you. Yeah that’s right Liam, we were thinking of you when we wrote the script. Yeah… yeah that’s right, not your brother. Ok… see you on set big guy…” And as the director hangs up the phone, he then goes into a rampage as he mumbles to himself , “Son of a fucking.. piece of shit Liam. That mother fucker… mother fucking piece of fucking shit Liam… piece of dog shit…” as he is trashing his room…

9-21-23 Idea: What if there was a 4th set of Sagas? That… I’ll leave up to you and your imaginations… imagine what is beyond all of this…

9-21-23 Song Idea: Mutilate the Brain: A metal like song about mutilating the brain…

9-21-23 Song Idea: A song idea for later if ever. Just something that came into my head… but uhhh… Ziggers in the Backstreet: I’ll try my best to describe what plays in my head, but it’s acoustic guitar song with the stomping and clapping involved with the beat. Sort of an upbeat mid tempo sort of thing. The lyrics are “Ziggers in the backstreet, oh honey!”And that is repeated with every appropriated verse changing to “ooooooooo” to various tones… and that’s it. I probably won’t remember this in my head after today as of writing but it’s worth writing down at east… also it’s more traditional sounding too…

Yee Haw! Welcome y'all to the one and all... Big Sticky House! Yes that's right folks, it's the world famous Big Sticky and his little stick! We here at the Big Sticky House will like to welcome you all here for a nice fine dining and bed and breakfast. That's right, we have the illegal fireworks, and only the illegals because this here is America. And we have our big old Cactus farm, just don't eat it now you hear? We also have some camels here. Don't know what they're doing here. This here is America. And we have a big hole in the ground. We don't know where it goes or how deep it goes. It may or may not lead into a deep and endless void that will rip your soul apart. Or who knows, it may have a giant baby faced demon monster that only comes out once every twenty seven years, but don't let that scare you. So make yourselves at home and welcome to the Big sticky House! Yee Haw! It's me the 21st of the month!

9-21-23 Dream Idea: A weird dream I had last night, but an interesting story unfolded. I was with this guy who had a house and a small personal farm for lettuce and weed I think, and he was trying to find his lost mom that he never met. And for some reason DSP or Darksydephil knew her and he was our only lead. (I think I have been watching too much TIHYDP lately…) But even he was hard to track down. And we went to all these places like this abandoned house which someone in it was supposed to know DSP’s whereabouts. Another was going to Japan for some reason. But by the end, there was no luck. Some guys was messing with his farm when they were trying to find some kind of problem. But some contractor guy (I think? A friend?) was there, he asked what the guy was so upset about and I told him. He said he knew DSP and said he wasn’t good, but he was willing to take us to him. And DSP was alone in a park I think… drunk?.... And we were about to leave but then I woke up… interesting idea for an episode or sub plot though right?

9-21-23 Dream Idea / Short Idea: I had a dream last night where I was at an abandoned theatre from the 2000s. The doors were locked and blocked and the only way in were these tight, thin passage ways that had ominous graffiti on them. And there was a ghost of a dead girl that was a Twilight fan that went and jumped and her ghostly imprint was left high up outside near the collapsed scaffolding. I went looking at the tight entrance and felt a bad presence if I went inside. So I turned around, went back to the car, hoping no ghost was watching me or trying to follow me home… so with that in mind, let’s turn this into a short for Universal Magic!!!

What I had in mind was the guys go up to the abandoned theatre and dare one another to go in there. Some pooky stuff happens but in the end they make friends with the roast… or not… and the spelling was intentional… wink wink… nudge nudge…

10-21-23: Joke: Santa Blood Diamonds: Santa get his diamonds for Christmas gifts through the mines in Africa and pays warlords to enslave the Africans to get the diamonds…. And when some try to rebel, he shoots them and also those who try to run away, showing them who is in charge of the business… the elves help out too…

10-21-23: Joke: (Insert your joke here….) **Bum bum bum bad a bum** OY VEY! Don’t forget to NOT tip your waitresses. They’re a bunch of dicks. They are most likely the lizard people!

** Lizard people waitresses start coming on stage to attack me / you, I / you crack out a whip as I / you whip at them….**

Huh yeah! Back you vle lizards! Back!

See you all next Thursday everybody!

**I / You run off the stage with a smile….**

10-21-23: Joke: An Old Fart Sitting Right Next To Me in a Theatre: You can’t yell fire in a theater and get away with it….

Me: Yes I can! Watch…. PEANUT!!!!

**I throw a peanut into the crowd, and so everyone yells and screams and starts panicking; all the while everyone takes out knives and guns and starts indirectly killing each other…. And then everyone dies…**

Me: See, I just did it…

Random guy sitting a few seats away from me and says happily: I’m still here…

**throws a peanut at him….*

Me: Peanut….

**Guy screams bloody murder, takes out a gun and blows his brains out… I then casually go back to eating my popcorn as the old fart right next to me sits in disbelief….**

10-21-23: Joke: When we die, we die. We will all go in the end whether we like it or not. Every time when a family member or friend dies, it only reminds us of our own mortality. And what we leave behind are only memories. Otherwise we leave nothing behind in this world. Death comes for us all in the end… 2008 comes for us all….

** A giant 2008 is looming over the horizon and distance...*


**2008 Grabs me as I struggle and 2008 groans and crushes my skull ad kills me…**

10-21-23: Joke: When you die and leave this world, there is nothing I can do for you. When I’m dead, I’m dead….

WRONG! I can use the Necronomicon and resurrect you!

**Starts humming that one song from the 90’s that I don’t know the name to…**

10-21-23 Idea: You are the most loudest when you’re at your most quietest….

10-2-23: Song Idea: A sad moving song called (Do You Know) Love and Care…. And it’s about if you know about love and care or not or are you just broken on the inside or something… I don’t know…

10-21-23: The First Story of existence: There were two beings or creatures for your simplicity. They existed besides each other in a void with no purpose or reason of being. Yet, they existed regardless. Eventually the second being started to bother the first being; enough to make existing difficult. So the first being said to the second he did not want the second being to exist anymore. So the two fought for survival from one another; and thus began the first war of any living being in all of history of existence.

11-21-23: Joke: Michael Meyers is a Has Been Killer and no one pays attention to him anymore. So to be controversial again and to get back into the spotlight, he commits a school shooting, puts his knee on someone’s neck, and casually enters the Capitol building in DC and takes some pictures…. Boom, he’s the villain again creating 9/11 times 21….

11-21-23: Idea: Can you hear the universes?.... Can you hear the universes sing?....

12-21-23: Joke: What if a fat, pudgy, trash man that everyone loves and a guy who killed a family in a drunk driving accident in Ireland and was never convicted ad got away with blood on his hands…. Were neighbors during Christmas and tried to put on some Christmas lights? Watch Deck the Halls 2006 this Christmas… only on ABC FAMILY….

12-21-23: Joke: Two people or ponies in a room, one makes a little fart, a little toot on accident. The other one goes ape shit in rage because he doesn’t like farts and think it’s disgusting, destroying the room in the process…. Yells and screams like a little bitch….

12-21-23: Joke: Eat a fish, but the fish talks and says its god as god is all the fish and can see through the fish... so you are technically eating god.... as you continued to scuff him down your throat and as god screams in pain because he is a fish now.... no one is going to get this joke but me but damn it, I'm going to try....

12-21-23: Joke: In Home Alone 2, when Rob Schneider is counting his tips in public, Tim Curry says not to do so in public; Tim Curry should have lay off of him. Rob was just trying to prepare his money for his crack cocaine addiction that he will have in the future after he stops getting rolls. He’s just trying to prepare and embrace his inevitable downfall. There’s nothing wrong with this, he’s just being realistic than most of us…. I’m not sure if that was funny or sad….

12-21-23: Joke: This Christmas, Kevin Macalister is home alone…. Again…. In New York…. IN THE FUTURE….

“Kevin, you have time traveled to 9 years in the future to 9/11! Quick, we must stop who is behind this!” ~ some future 2001 cyborg that Kevin meets….

“MARV! SHUT UP! WE’RE TRYING TO STEAL THE WORLD TRADE CENTER!”~ Joe Pecsi as he hijacks a 747…..

“BUT HARRY, WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE TIME TRAVELING BANDITS! OY VEY!”~ That other guy (who is Jewish for some reason)….

**Then the 747 hits the South Tower….**

Watch as Kevin and the cyborg solve the mystery of who was behind 9/11, what really happened in the 2000 election, if Bill Clinton really had sexual relations with that woman, and who shot Mr. Burns AND 2pac. Home Alone 3: Lost In Time… Coming Soon…. In the future….

12-21-23: Joke: You star in a Lifetime Christmas Movie, getting paid 500 bucks, and play the role of Jimmy; where you go in a retarded sounding voice, “I’m Jimmy and I’m autistic.” Then you proceed to bang your head on the wall until you bleed and crack your skull open…. “My mommy says not to stick my banana in the electrical outlet….” Then you collapse, it starts snowing, the end. A Lifetime Christmas Movie in a nutshell….

12-21-23: Joke: All Canadians are automatic soyboys…..

12-21-23: Joke: Disney’s The Santa Claus 5: Where Time Allen needs to deliver presents to the Middle East and the Hood….. and just in case, if Tim Allen is dead, Disney just resurrects his dead corpse in order to do the movie….

12-21-23: Dream Idea: I just woke up from a dream; a clearish dream you could say. Writing this down before I forget. Part of it was in my living room, needs to baby sit some dogs or that were coming over? Not sure, but then I was in a game, and the creator of it was with me, giving sort of like hints I guess for the puzzles. Something to do with turning off and on a light to change something. But I took my time, told him I always appreciate the little details in games and he thanked me for it. Then there were some cheap little figures that he was explaining to me about, like I think Nintendo based like Zelda and how it’s cheap and can b broken off. (As he was doing this, some people came out of some bathroom stall as I was on the counter top.) Then he was explaining to me while I was watching old footage like it was from 2007 from a cam corder upside down, posted on the internet, and that it was about suspected to be a los game or fan made game if it was real or not. But it was like a Super Mario 64 leve, and it was vertically where you were going down, and everything was fine. But then everything started to repeat as things started to be messed up, but to get to certain items, you needed to go left, left for one and another go right once down, then right up in that pattern until you get to that item. Didn’t see the end though but there was something to do with clones though with the footage. Then I saw a bunch of AVGN clone falling on each other with like portal gus and something to do with Nutty Bar boxes. But then, I thought to myself, “Hey, that’s an idea for universal Magic.” Yet I wasn’t sure if I had done it (and I will check if I had or not.) But then I started to see Knight and the other guys on screen. They were in some green fields with some hills in the background and something to do with clones and Knight or someone making them. Mac and maybe Jack was messing with their clones. Mac was in a white mech too and so with Knight telling him not to fuck them or something. And the whole plot for the clones wall metaphorical, a meaning behind it, but I sadly forgot what that meaning was. And while I cannot 100% remember, but I think I even saw TK at one point in the dream and other characters from UM…. Maybe talking to me?.... wasn’t a bad dream, just kind of clear….

12-21-23: Idea: New Color. As in, with the whole universes thing, Knight eventually comes across seeing a new color in some universe, but it cannot be describe since most brains cannot process the idea of a new color. But a new color can exist in another universe. Well more than one anyways…

12-21-23: Idea: not sure why I’m putting this here, but why the fuck not? So those Twilight cloud sex stories that I wrote a decade ago? And how I had plans for others but I wanted to focus on UM? Well how about RD has sex with water, but the water multiplies her like in Gremlins and then she just ends up fucking herself into an endless infinity of fucking….. yeah….

12-21-23: Note: Ax the Bioshock episode possibly. It was an ok idea in the beginning, I came up with a good idea for it later on, but now I feel like it ain’t good enough, especially with all of these episodes. Besides, the more “original” content I can make on my own, the better anyway. Not for legal reasons (even though technically the more, the better), but so I can at least call it my own. Basing an idea off a pre-existing idea is one thing, but making it your own feels so much better. Doesn’t mean everything that is based off a pre-existing idea needs to go, it just means the weaker ones needs to be purged in order to make it pure… or at least as pure as it can be…. But until everything is decided, it’ll stay…. Until I put it in the back of the ovens that is….

2-21-24: Joke: If you work for the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and you fuck up on the job, then you have to put a cum sock over your head as they slice your skull open….

2-21-24: Joke: When the Chuck E. Cheese Race Wars begins stay out of the ball pit. That’s where you go to die….

2-21-24: Joke: Halo Brownie Cooking Pans got from a weird dream that I had once….

3-21-24: Joke: This was taken from Ghost. What happens to do you when you die? An illegal Mexican will come and take your place….

3-21-24: Joke: Sending Mexicans up into space to clean up the space debris on the cheap. And whoever lives can come into the US be a citizen. And don’t worry, just send a cactus up with them and they’ll be fine….

3-21-24: Joke: When King Ghordan (how ever you spell it) screams and wakes up the monsters in Godzilla 2 (2019), what he really is doing is waking up the sleeper agents (the other monsters) to eliminate all sniper targets…. Which are mostly high political figures. There’s only one election, the King Ghordan Election…. Bitch…. And after they eliminate their sniper target, they say “lol, you died, lol lol you died while tea bagging the corpses. Imagine a giant monster doing all that with a tiny sniper rifle….

3-21-24: Joke / Theory: What if the reason wh the Xbox 360 Kinect never really worked and picked up your tracking that much was because a spoopy roast ( a spooky ghost) was in the room…. And fucking with you…. Hmmmmmmm….

3-21-24: Joke:

Guy: I’m going to say the N word!

**two cute little animals that show up**

Cute animal 1: Oh pwase measter, don’t say the N word!

Cute animal 2: Oh pwease, it’ll break out wittle hearts!

Guy: Awww…. I can’t say no to those cute sad faces of yours! Awww… ok, I won’t say the N word….

‘**Guy smiles and hugs the animals**

Cute animal 1 : Oh thanks you very very much measter!

Cute animal 2: We’ll wove you for eva!

The Secret N Word was Nutella….

[insert picture of finger sticking into Nutella]

3-21-24: Idea: Destroying the central being of consciousness in the great beyond that most living things connect to in order to break the loop or achieve some other goal…. TK maybe?....

3-21-24: Idea: A universe where you never sleep

3-21-24: Idea: Super Universes: So big and vast….

4-21-24: Joke: You’re that kind of person where you take a hot date to the Dollar Tree. You’re another kind when you’re on the prowl as an old fart looking for some tail at a Dollar Tree….

4-21-24: Joke: How Dare you. HOW DARE YOU ASK FOR ME TO BUY YOU THE LIMITED TIME LAYS GARLIC BREAD CHIPS!? I will slap you mercilessly now….

** Starts bitch slapping the person very aggressively in complete silence as a woman screams in horror and begs to stop it as she cries., as the funny scene turns into a domestic abuse scene…. TBS, Very Funny….**

4-21-24: Joke: “You mess with the best, you die with the rest.” ~ Circa Rock Dog 2 about Columbine….

4-21-24: Joke: All British police officer go “oOi oi oi oi” like birds and nothing else. They are partly challenged.

4-21-24: Joke: Elephants uses this trunks to whip small animals to work the cotton fields….

4-21-24: Joke: A white guy in a cracker costume walks into the hood with a fancy watch. He then gets beat up by a bunch of blacks, and the cracker likes it. It gives him energy; and he then has the power for the Cracker Alien Invasion…. CRACKERS INVADE THE EARTH….

4-21-24: Idea: A son from the future travels back in the past to see his dad, but his dad in the past is changing course, preventing the son’s birth. And at the end, the two fight as the dad doesn’t want the son to come into existence while the son tries to force him to be with his mom…. Follows Laws 1, 3, and 4 of Existence.

4-21-24: Idea: Not sure if it could be its own separate independent thing or be ponified, but a zombie apocalypse happens. And the main character is immune. Not just to the bite, but the zombies just walk past him, almost as if he isn’t even there. Sop as the rest of whatever society it is, human or ponies, are eaten and turned into zombies, he moves around freely, doing whatever he wants. At first he thought he could kill all the zombies, but even if the entire population turned into zombies and he killed them all, who would he have left to talk to? Hell, some of the zombies he talks to seems to have a tiny bit of humanity / pony / heart in them. So he throws parties and invites the zombies, go to the movies, and pretends that they are his friends to a certain extent as he tries to survive. He has seen some survivors but they always end up eaten four seconds later. Soon a survivor group recruits him as legend spreads that he is immune and he does stuff for them as he lives in a diner somewhere with his zombie pal named Ned or something and his zombie dog or cat named Skip or whatever. Soon the military / government entity catches on and tries to collect him and his survivor buddies to test him and get some possible cure. As he is taken and, Net subtly notices his disappearance and goes after him and other zombies start to follow. I draw a blank here, but military installation gets over run by zombies, evil military general guy is eaten and Ned and main character are reunited once again as main character learns a couple of life lessons. Survivors also live, most of them, and happily move on with staying in contact with main character maybe. At end, main character, Ned, and Skip go on the road to find a new home as his legend spreads. Also main character is about college age I guess…. Or something….

4-21-24: Thought: There is more than one version of The Master?....

5-21-24: Idea: Dan Wee was the best of us. Dan Wee was an American hero….

5-21-24: Idea: Perhaps a theme or plot or something. Got it from a dream, don’t remember it despite just waking up from it other than the weird metaphor for the Xbox One with the two gates at a theme park. But the dram was a kid from “my childhood” was asking me and I think others to help find these lost themed Halloween media, like a Charlie Brown thing. And somehow I said, “Yeah, I know, we were there…”And then he did while grabbing his head, “Oh god, we did?” And themeing for the idea is basically a false memory, you weren’t told everything from your childhood or something, like it wasn’t as it seemed and it’s a mystery as to why like Pirate Cove. Did the past really happen? Is anyone’s past even real? Can apply to any episode that I need some kind of an idea for, but not an episode on it’s own unless otherwise….

5-21-24: Idea: Riding a dinosaur or something?.....

Special Section:

2-21-24: In 3 eras of Universal Magic, mainly represented by the endings.

The 0 Era: You could argue that there was The 0 Era, where it was going to be just 69 episodes, make fun of the first three seasons and that was it.

1st Era: Great things from small beginnings, humble yet no plans outlined, but clear idea where I’m headed…. This can be represented best by the original good and bad endings that I originally had for Universal Magic.

The first Era is represented by Original Prologue – Episode 20.5

The 2nd Era: The multiple endings, a vague outline was made, and a sense of where I was going with it all. Yet it feels depressing, with some feelings of doubt about every now and then. There was only 3 side things making 4 things total. Only Knight was focused on later episodes. The Death ending was canon sort of. It is represented from Episode 21-23 as a whole sort of…. With the 6.5 endings….

The 3rd and current Era: 2019 was a renaissance, a third eye opened to the possibilities and a clear idea of how everything should be and what should be embraced. And the UMF and Sunshine and Farts ending gives optimism as to what can happen with a lot less doubt. More ideas, more episodes. More characters, more universes…. Couldn’t be happier…. Plus the EoP are focused more on throughout the majority of the episodes with a lot more of character development and strength with a more stronger lore attached. Represented by Episode 23-3 / 34 – Present….

The 4th Era: Soon to be perhaps, but what it needs to e is more than the 3rd, more real and true than the last…. It needs to Go Beyond….

Game Ideas: If Universal Magic had video games, these would be it. Of course it would never happen, but it's fun to day dream and think about it....

One Perfect World: An open World game with Original villain, like Breath of the Wild sort of with multiple Universal Magic locations being stitched together into one big open world. You visit characters, do side stuff, and just explore while you control all 6 of the EoP and maybe Wolf and TK at appropriate times. And there would be a flow to the movement and the rest that you don’t pick to control follow you in line or in some sort of formation and helps with combat. Game mechanics would be in the details.

Sagas: Playing through the 7 Mane sagas with some side episodes….

Open Universal: Going through all universes with original plot and smaller multiple open worlds….

Fighting is Universal: A quick, fast paced fighting game but like Smash Bros Melee and a big roaster. And maybe a bonus mode where specific characters are used in a realistic fight, and two or three hits takes you out….

Forrest Fun Game: A 2D platformer, colorful, challenging but fun game starring Forrest in his own world with a hidden second game underneath like Petscop that changes the tone to dark and scary…..

TK Prequel: A third person action games that is a prequel to TK’s origins starting in Japan or only in Japan…. Maybe be sort of hard but not too hard….

Universal Warfare: A multiplayer COD like game that is fast paced, choose your own character and do Team Deathmatch and other modes in various UM locations.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds is not LSD, but it's for LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER... (Used later for esoteric references?...)
Hollywood gets it's name from the hollywood tree / wood, where in some culture it is used as a wand to do "magic" or fool people... hmmmm?....

Evergreen tree is to worship the deity Nimrod, was a Satinist, he died, they buried him, and when they buried him, an evergreen grew on his grave. So they decorated the tree. And the gifts were mushrooms that were growing under the trees. Look at old Christmas cards from 1900’s for examples ].

Lilith was her own being, and not from Adam, that’s why she wanted to peg Adam….

Binary, 1s and 0s mean male and female. And gods are usually men and the other is women. And whatever this place is, it is made by a woman because Mother Earth and Mother Nature. Those who are born are created by a woman….. ahhhhhhh…..

April 8th is a Satanic day especially in 2024 because of how special the eclipse is. And according to Ghost, it’s why P Diddy and Manson are being exposed because Satan (or “Satan”) has no more use for them, and an eclipse is about to happen. And an arrow pointed downward is representative of the Satanic Army…. Satan and his powers that he bestows upon you for doing his bidding, it is finite. It’s because Satan is darkness, he is the prince of darkness and that’s why you have to follow the light…. You have to be Enlighten. You have to be illuminated…. That’s why they call smart people BRIGHT. That’s why in a cartoon when someone gets an idea, they have a light bulb go off in their head…. April 8th, that’s not the moon eclipsing the sun, IT’S THE BLACK STAR! IT’S THE BLACK STAR! (David Bowie did a song on it, 33 33 33 and gay satanic stuff like that…. But 44 44 44 44….) Can’t Feel My Face by The Weekend is about cocaine and a little satanic…. A guy in the music video, looks like kind of pair, is supposed to be Lucifer…. Or represent or something…. And later in the music video, the guy lights him on fire, and The Weekend is on fire and does certain dances while everyone else gets up and dance. An obvious satanic move according to Ghost…. The Hills by The Weekend, another satanic song. He’s getting out of a crash car in the music video, he’s walking away from the car and the chick. The car explodes behind him as he walks away from it. The fire is representative of Lucifer and it’s supposed to be the Walking Dead. He goes into an abandoned house and into a weird room, following the light, and in the room is Lucifer (literally the same guy from the previous music video) in a red room with the chicks that died with him in the car crash….


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