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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Universal Magic Forever · 9:08am Nov 10th, 2019

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Universal Magic Forever

Alternate idea: Universal Magic Forever: Or The Universal Magic Forever Theory, or The Forever Theory for short. Universal Magic continues with new episodes from after the Sunshine and farts Ending…Why? I’ll tell you why….Because, in all seriousness, the story of Universal Magic can go on for all of eternity. Seriously. And I don’t mean from a perspective with “Oh, I like it so much, I just want it go on forever and ever and have these characters go on adventures.” Or that kind of going on forever, where you’re milking it for all its got… The idea of UM is that it is based on alternate universes, or other universes in general. And keep in mind, this is still a Human in Equestria story, but it greatly expands on the aspect of there being other universes and exploring that. And since that is in play here, that means what I did in mane, or have planned for it anyways, is only scratching the surface as to what can happen. And since some of this stuff can reflect what happens in modern times, that only adds more to the possibilities. The possibilities are seriously endless. Of course you have to draw the line somewhere and end it, and I did it for Mane. But with this UMF thing, the idea is to make it go as long as possible. Because I’m pretty sure coming up with all possible ideas for UM would be physically impossible, or at least with the human mind. And call me crazy for saying this, but UM is something that anything can happen. Of course you don’t want everything exactly, but the possibilities are still endless in nature. So that’s basically what UMF will be, except that it’ll continue from the Happy ending, and since I technically did it with the Adventures of Neon and Knight, ehhh…fuck it…in too deep already.

And my ideas so far is that it’ll first focus on trying to capture the villains that escaped in Equestria and hunting them down, and either killing them or sending them back to their respective universes. And from there, really it can be whatever. I mean…even you guys can do something if y’all wanted to, join in, keep this thing going…but at the moment, I doubt it, but the door is always open though. And for the first episode in this one…

Episode 1: The Master’s New Home: Since the Master can no longer go back to his home back in his universe and is exiled from his homelands, he has moved to his new home to the sort of outskirts of Stalia. On the hill tops, overlooking the town and sort of going to be there, and keep in mind, he always remain in his human like form, and maybe lending a hand, although it’s not his thing most of the time. And tries to get used to living in Equestria, along with the girl as well. And basically saying, he annoys Knight as he tries to readjust, sort of have some fun, but doesn’t quite fit in as well… And in the end, he hasn’t succeeded, but over time, he will and continue to live life in the land of his new home and adjust to it…and all is well, a more calming and relaxing episode to introduce UMF…

Detail Idea: The Matrix like universe: Another idea as to what can be explored, an adventure of sorts, is one of them finds a matrix like universe, where it’s a universe just made up of 1’s and 0’s and explore the possibilities of that. Reason why it is in here and not Mane is because…meh…sounds like it belongs here…

Detail/Episode idea: Universal magic Forever: Some episodes to do with the Greek gods, and perhaps other mythical gods as well…

Alternate Idea: Universal Magic Forever: A universe that you cannot not enter or escape from…horror?...

UMF Ideas: TF, UU, and Equestria

TF (Sagas?): Knight finally has a fight with TF in his devil form, a big event more or less… Also, who knows if TF would ever die? I honestly have thought about killing TF off plenty of times, ending the rivalry and such for years, a final fight, a final showdown between the two, but yet I never know what would be the right way or if I should do that at all… but one idea for a saga is TF turning into a basic Death God and he not being himself… or another one where he reunites with his old companions and his own world once more… or Knight trying to recreate that world for him so he could be happy again… stuff like that…

UU Sagas: A big adventure, or multiple adventures with the UU and exploring more ideas with that since it is unique, but wasn’t touched upon too much in ACT V

Equestria Sagas: Considering how much has happened, Equestria changes once more and evolves into something else

The Old Ways Saga: A revolution is occurring once more, and Equestria is going back to the old ways, no more guns and technology, just ol’ fashioned magic and the like, and Knight’s human friends are not welcomed and he must make a stand as to where he belongs….

For a Day: Knight goes back in time back to earth for a day, pretty much saying, after his past self left, he experiences a day in his old life, as he struggles to remember his past self, yet nothing gets revealed…

Space Sagas: The space and other planets and aliens come for a visit, again, or multiple times for multiple sagas…to Equestria, sort of exploring the outer reaches of the universe that Knight’s MLP universe is in…

GT Saga(s?): Either Knight is turned into a kid goes on an adventures with the TLF or time reverts back to the when FIM first began or something…something to mess with you all that is something equal to Dragon Ball GT…

The BlackSwan Universe Saga(s): A universe that in theory can be the most destructive universe out of all universe that could and will end all universes.

The Return of Lawman: Somehow…not quite sure yet, and to be fair this whole idea can be shot down, but I’m willing to consider it, that Lawman comes back and is brought back. The idea is that however he got brought back, he can only be brought back for 1 year, or 1 Earth year or something like that. And when they do, Lawman is in pony form and wakes up in Knight’s home. And after he does, Knight, TK, Factory Dash catch up with him and bring him up to speed on everything and what happened. And then they show him around, and explain how everything happened. With TK being the devil, TF being the devil, as well as him wanting to go after him right away, but finding out they are at a stalemate. And of course finding out Knight isn’t human technically, which kind of bums him out in a way. Because during ACT 2, both of them shared a connection since TK was emotionless and Factory dash…is Factory Dash. But with Knight, it’s something else by this point.

He then finds out about UU, gets taken on an mission for one of the squads, and they have to go to the Mystic Lands, in which case he tries to help, but is rejected, and he runs away, and reflects on everything. Then later, the guys find a way to keep him around, and for the most part, through the year, he goes on further adventures and the like. But at the end, he is hearing his wife and daughter calling out to him and that his time has come. And basically, he’s going to go to heaven, and even though he could stay, he wants to leave. So he goes to the grassy fields in the outskirts of Stalia, and has a private word with TK, Factory Dash, and Knight. And he says that they don’t need him around and they’ve got it all covered, especially with Knight. He has grown since ACT II, and he gives him his rifle as a final goodbye. And he says his final words to them all. TK says goodbye in his own way, and Lawman says to never change. He says goodbye to Factory Dash, and even she smiles and says goodbye and wishes she could fight him one last time considering what happens in ACT II. And finally, Knight, where Knight starts to cry and says that he could give his family a home in Stalia, he doesn’t have to go on adventures, but he says while that is a nice idea, he has to pass. And so he hugs him and then as the sun sets, he turns into dust or something. And at the end, Lawman is sort of in heaven with his wife and daughter back in his time, forever and ever, by his house, by the lake, and tells his daughter the story of Knight and the others…and is happy ad content…

Again, could be shot down by me and murdered and shit, but I’l leave it out there to see where it goes…

TF’s End Saga: I’ve been throwing the idea of TF dying and the fight between TF and Knight ending for years. And I’ve tried multiple times, but never really have came up with a good idea. And I still haven’t, but I figure if we are going to do this UMF thing…it should end. After all the other SAGAs in UMF happens with TF, it should end with one big finale for him. Now original ideas I came up with is Knight fighting TF in hell or them playing chess in the mountains and then Knight throwing TF off the mountain with him, but Knight lives. I thought the one where TF dies in the childhood house back in ACT III was it, but it wasn’t. I thought he would die in one of the endings, really it’s hard to decide TF’s ending since he is one of the bigger villains.

But my idea, at least for right now, is that he ends up disappearing. So not much dead, but rather he becomes like the Samurai or PGD and he is out of bounds of the universes and he simply leaves. Never to be seen again…and is happy and is no longer mad at Knight. And he forgives Knight for forgetting him.

Knight’s accession Saga?: So just like how TF went out of bounds, I’m thinking the same thing happens with Knight, but eh doesn’t disappear of course. I don’t know…just thinking…

The Master’s Apprentice: The Master gets a new apprentice and tells him the story of Knight or something…

The Coup: Knight, TK, and Factory Dash are being attempted to be over thrown by someone who desires the lust for power and to control the UU. And the one who con trolls the UU and potentially control all the universes in theory and cause either nothing or complete chaos…

The Windows Rebirth Saga (The Windows Saga 2):

Detail Idea: Forever: The Windows Saga Rebirth and SSN Beyond Sagas: For the Windows Saga Rebirth: I want to bring back XP, 7 and the others again, and since the ending of the saga sort of hints that somewhere deep down they sort o still remain despite being wiped out by the virus and resetting to something else, it kind of works. But what direction it will take, who knows, maybe the EoP will be involved and it may or may not put them into the future where the Future Philosophers are from. Perhaps a little cameo from the characters from the Retro Pop City… hmmmm?

Update: Detail Idea: Windows 2 Saga: When the Windows machines travel into the future, they come across the Future Philosophers, and in the future the human built them but basically became extinct as they were in a sense “enhanced” enough to where they no longer have wars, but no more feelings as feelings lead to war. They basically became robots where they all think and feel the same. Also ideas for future Windows Machines: Windows Vita and possibly more but I have to think about cool names instead of just numbers… As for how Vita is, he is cool, slick, sly, and a bit of charm.

Detail Idea: Window’s Sequel Saga: The machines go back in time from the future with their souls and into new machines that they make, while the new machines that replaced them are curious and into their past and what happened, and that’s when the guys get involved. And the FP, they want to control the past so they can control their own fate in the future, which is their present.

Detail Idea: Windows Saga Sequel: Vista is still alive as he was still alive in the hard drive in his old body ad was rebuilt and waited for the others to arrive in the future in their new bodies.

The Windows Sequel Saga:

9 says at the end right before the final battle begins, “Our fate is in our hands.”

Also the gang from the Retro Pop City spin off joins in as well for the Saga.

Detail Idea: Windows Saga Rebirth: There is a new space station near the moon, and an OS that can instantly go to space, and will also fight in space later on as well.

Detail Idea: Windows Rebirth Saga: At some point during the saga, 3.1 master is killed by the future philosophers. And it’s because 3.1 refuses to do their bidding anymore, they come to his home, his says some final words, put up one final fight, he dies, the other OS’s witness their master’s goodbye…

Detail Idea: Windows Sequel saga: Rebirth: 7 Questions his directives, protocols, and orders.

Detail Idea: Windows Saga 2: Some more names to use for the new machines: Odyssey, Longhorn, Nashville, Memphis, Whistler (A bounty Hunter), Blue, Threshold, Redstone, Centro, Vail, Mantis, Triton, Janus, Razzle, Jastro, and Snowball… And for the new xbox consoles that show up; Direct X, Xenon, and Durango… All of these names aren’t final, but for consideration with maybe Vita being the leader of the new group. It’s supposed to reflect the old group in some way, at least that’s the intention…

12-21-23: Detail Idea: Windows Saga 2: Some humans are alive in the future, but the Future Philosophers want them wiped out….

2-21-24: Detail Idea: Windows Saga 2: During the final fights, one of the future philosophers rips off one of the next gen machine’s arms off, but that doesn’t stop hi, as he uses his legs to fight; paying homage to Asura’s Wrath…. And another machine tags team into help by kicking the Future Philosopher’s face in…. The saga will also mostly focus on Frutiger Aero vibes with some Y2K thrown into it, like new vs the old.

5-21-24: Detail Idea: Windows Saga 2: The Future Philosophers send some of their robo henchmen and also send a virus to infect humans and other lesser machines to attack the main machines. One spot of battle is at Glass Ocean Beach where XP and the others are deployed at after jumping off from an aircraft that carries them there….

SSN Beyond Saga (SSN Saga 2):

SSN Beyond Saga is where SSN is back and there is more enemies to fight and more power levels to go, hints the beyond title, and beyond the MLP universe. Just remember that the guys are surprised there is more to the power levels and that SSN is a good guy now…kind of. He is friends with the EoP, but just like TK, no one else, although the potential is there…

Update: SSN Beyond Saga: The enemies that SSN will have to be facing and fighting and threatening the MLP universe and universes are Super Gods, with the leader being a Super Ultra Mega God, much stronger than Ultimate SNN… So SSN has to go beyond his powers and become even stronger…

Detail Idea: SSN Sequel Saga: SSN protects the universe from foreign invaders from other invaders.

Detail Idea: SSN 2: Roaster: Detective Jingo - A universe detective who solves crimes and stuff and is hunting SSN down through the universes.

2-21-24: Detail Idea: SSN Beyond: Some ideas for SSN at this level: Solid SSN form, Chrome SSN form, a giant form of SSN, a tiny SSN form, along with SSN getting a pet, sort of like a dog.

The 4 Ghosts Saga (The Ghost Saga 2):

The 4 Ghosts Saga – Something to do with the 4 Ghosts and Ghost somehow…

Also an idea is that, not saying anything official yet since it’s just an idea for something waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there… Ghost or Thomas in his human form (or not…) and Alice after Sunshine and Fart end up on an island surrounded by an endless ocean of beautiful water, like a lonely tropical paradise. Sort of a similar other island place if you catch my drift… Anyways, they live there together and Ghost or Thomas looks out into the far distance on the beach and thinks or says how it feels like there is another world for him out there, waiting to be discovered and that it’s waiting for him. And that maybe, just maybe he might find a way back home as he looks out into what looks like the endless ocean with it being so vast and open. Or something like that. I don’t know…

Update: Ghost 2 Saga: Celtic B is the main villain of the saga and has schizophrenia…

Detail Idea: Ghost Sequel Saga: Ghost is a secondary / background villain for the saga. Loses his wife for good? He goes all out?

Detail Idea: The 4 Ghosts Saga: An ending for this saga is that somehow, not sure yet, but Ghost’s wife is alive, but then disappears. Then Ghost thinks she is dead, but then a little robot fella that gets introduced at some point, / used, tells Ghost when he loses all hope, that his wife is still alive somewhere. She is just in one of the many many universes. And to Ghost, this makes him happy and makes him smile. And so he goes out and travels the universes, trying to find his wife, no matter how long it takes cause she is out there somewhere.

Detail Idea: Ghost Sequel Saga: Ghost Owes Celtic B; in Troll War III, what really happened was that Celtic B made a deal with ghost; give him a good location to finish his deal to save his wife, and once he gets her, Ghost owes him. He even threatens him with the sword of DOX, and the sword of DOX talks to Celtic B, and whispers to him and only to him. Was allowed to be sued by Knight back in the first Saga cause Ghost failed. A Deal within a deal. The story of Celtic B being a hero was fabricated and Celtic was painted as a hero. He went into a deep sleep until Ghost got what he wanted, but now he is awake. And he goes to Equestria first, asking what happened to Ghost, and then he finds a way to get Ghost, wherever he might be where he trying to play hide and seek / teasing game with his wife in a forest somewhere beyond death. But Celtic B threatens to take his wife away from him if he doesn’t do what he says. Ghost also dreams of him and his wife going back home to Earth, their Earth and pick up where they left off, back in the year 2000 and pretend like everything that happened didn’t happen.

Detail Idea: The 4 Ghosts Saga: The song is northwest passage by stan rogers

This song is playing somewhere, as Ghost and Alice are in their little beyond place, in peace and teasing each other in happiness, but then Celtic B and his Knights are quietly going in killing anything in their wake to get to Ghost, and take Alice away from Ghost. Also another idea to add is Ghost envisions scenarios in his head due to the distress, imagining fake situations where he needs to save his wife. Not guarantee I’ll use it, but I’ll throw it in there.

Scenario 1: Ghost is on a ship, in human form, in a cloak, traveling to an island to find his lost wife there. Talks to captain, says it’s an undiscovered, forgotten place with a forgotten kingdom. He’ll have to fight his way to and from the island. He’ll do it and takes his journey.

Scenario 2: Somewhere out space at an abandoned space station, host has his wife and needs to revive her as he has a suit on. Tries to get to a medical bay to get her into something but the time is limited and is holding out for hope.

Detail Idea: Ghost Sequel Saga: Use recent IRL events from The Ghost Show as inspiration. And Include Dan the Oracle in it somehow…

Ghost sequel: There is an army called The Gunt Army that hates Ghost and vows to wipe him from existence from all universe, possibly tries to get The Universal Magic Theory….

Detail Idea: Ghost Sequel Saga: A fail army is involved called the GT Republic. They try to get in on the action, but fail… in other words a joke…

Punished God Discord Returns Saga (The Discord Saga 2):

Discord Returns Saga – Not sure other than it has mostly to do with PGD and maybe Second Neon making a return from the Dark Zone and becoming more powerful and threatens to the destroy everything…

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: Second Neon wants to gain freedom just PGD and grows powerful, along their other discords that PGD will have to fight as well as time and universal travel.

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: There is an alternate universe where it is filled with discords only, mostly God discords. And they can all talk and have conversations with each other and some aren’t as bad and may be friendly towards the guys.

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: PGD must face the consequences and reactions from him being free and no longer bound, so his future is “bleak” and everything is on fire. And he may or may not have to sacrifice himself at the end. And the Saga mainly focuses on him as the Mane while the EoP are kind of on the side and there to help him.

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: Will PGD have to kill or be killed? Also for the beginning sequence or something… PGD has a dream, could possibly be a sign that he might die. Creatures that look like Time Demons, but are cousins of them and are on fire say he has dues to pay for his “freedom”, and that the bell tolls when it is due. He’ll have to pay a price for it all since he is supposed to be bound, but is not. That’s now how it works. Then he gets attacked by them and he wakes up. He is in some other universe; he has a “friend” that follows him around constantly despite PGD not liking him, and PGD plans on leaving…

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: PGD “dies” at the end, but there’s a “slight” hint that he’s still alive really and just being free, exploring the universes and not let anything bound him. And he’s happy too…

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: The fates answer to someone higher than them? It’s like a ladder. See in Random for stuff later in Mane for reference…

Detail Idea: Discord Sequel Saga: The Tagline to represent the Saga is “Freedom Has Its Consequences”

Detail Idea: Discord sequel saga: Cult of the 44 involved and looks to SN to lead their cult.

10-21-23: Detail Idea: Second Discord Saga: At one point, PGD and gang get a visit from the Wise Fates / Wise Travellars who tell PGD his efforts will fail. Also second Neon is cocooning to be reborn again sort of speak for the final showdown.

12-21-23: Detail Idea: Discord 2 Saga: A sort of like dream / alternate universe of PGD where e is washing ashore in a war during a d-day like battle and is told by someone to get a move on and attack…

The Ancients re:Born 214 Saga (The Ancients Saga 2):

The Ancients re:Born 214 Saga: I don’t know. I’m only putting this one out there since I’m doing the other 7 major sagas and their comebacks. And while the potential is there for a sort of sequel saga where I could do something like an alternate universe where the ponies never arrives so the Moon King can come back, I’d rather keep the mystery of what the world was back in their time of living is all and leave it up to the imagination of the reader is all…

11-21-23: Detail Idea: Discord 2 Saga: in the beginning after PGD’s dream, Knight and co are messing with the Universe portals, TK tells him to quit for important UU business. He says ok cynically, but the guys asks if they can go, but Knight says no, and the guys are upset and ask why they can never be aprt of the serious stuff like the UU? Then The Master over hears this and comes up with an idea and offers to help sneak the guys into the UU. Then Knight, TK and Factory Dash are talking, Knight tells TK to do the talking. So as they do a presentation to the top agents of the UU, TK explains there is a mysterious place called The Dark Zone and picked up by other universes and it originated in The Specials Universe (or at least that’s what Knight likes to call it), by the same scientist. So their task is to round up that Universe’s Knight and friends for interviews and to talk to the scientist. And so they do a little raid on whiplash Studios in broad daylight, capture the guys while they are in their trailers, and the scientist guy is busy trying to find the missing hologram R…. Meanwhile Second Neon is conversing with his new allies in The Dark Zone….

Update: The Ancients 2 Saga: The Hitler nugget comes back somehow…

Detail Idea: UMF: ancients 2: The main villains will be the Ancients once again, but not the Ancients from before, but different ancients. The Ancients of the universe. The first beings ever created alive aside from The Universe. And the other ancients could be brought back as well, but only through the alternate universe in a timeline where they did win and take back Equestria. The other ones from the other saga are still very much dead…

Detail Idea: Ancients Sequel Saga: The Universe Ancients were a group, there were five of them, and were created slightly after The Universe was made.

Detail Idea: The Ancient Sequel Saga: There is a mythical place called Paradise that the Ancients wants to find. It is a place where they can be free. A place where memories become new again and their home is there. There home that once was exists once more in this place. But the question is, does it exist? And if so, can they find it?

The Midnight Universe: 3.A.M. (The Midnight Universe Saga 2):

The Midnight Universe 2 Saga: I don’t know... Return I guess…

Update: Detail Idea: UMF: Midnight Universe 2: A vague idea to consider for it, perhaps a main theme or plot setting, moving back in time and going into the past, so that the old and forgotten creations and go back home. But it all goes very wrong. Adult swim bump music…

Universe XX Saga (Universe X Saga 2):

Universe XX Saga: Twice the fights and twice the explosions…

Update: Universe X 2 Saga: For the name, it might be either Universe XX or Universe XL, cause why not? I’m not sure yet, but either way, an idea for this sequel saga is that it takes place in a Mega Universe, a LOT bigger than that last one. And the Two Universe Theory was used somewhere in a natural way sense to make the Mega universe. And just like the ending of the first universe Saga, this one too… explodes at the end, whatever happened in it that is…

Detail Idea: Universe XX: For the sequel saga, whoever the main villain is going to be, I’m thinking he should be able to change his size at will and can be as tall as Leviathan was in the Lost Episode Chronicles Saga. Also for the Special Guest Characters for the roaster, it should be Christopher Columbus and Leviathan, but after he was reformed at the end of the Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga.

Detail Idea: Universe XX: The universe and kingdom is in for the most part, night time, with a blue and white color palette to it all, with the King being bored and sees what happened with Universe X and wants to fight the EoP for fun. He also has a brother like him that shows up in SSN Beyond and mentions him briefly; like an evil greek and takes things too seriously and wants to destroy everything he sees. The King can change size and is very powerful. By the end of it, the whole universe explodes, even bigger this time around, but King Beralious rewinds time and brings everything back, laughs it off, and say “Good Game” to Knight and the gang and tells them it was the best fun that he had in years and it was a good fight. He also wishes them well, hopes they can do it again soon, and if they need anything ever, just ask him. Sort of a happy ending really. ; King Beralious is big, kind of looks like Megatron from the bay movies, but is white with a hint of blue and looks more stylized in a way. He is a happy psychopath, and is the king of the cool / king of the night time. The capital is a white city, looks kind of like the 2000’s version of the future and futuristic a bit.

Round 1: TK and Heavenly TK V.S. King Beralious

Round 2: The Master V.S King Beralious

Round 3: Special Guest Characters: Leviathan and Christopher Columbus V.S. King Beralious

Round 4: New Super Hero character V.S. Beralious – Knight makes up a new powerful super hero character for fight and it is a generic heroic ego hero.

Round 5: Everyone From the MLP universe respectively V.S. King Beralious – The Master gathers everypony and Lord Mitus make a surprise appearance in it.

Detail Idea: Universe XX or XL: The EoP uses that combined ghost monster that they used at the end of the first Discord episode in the Discord saga again; everyone combines into one consciousness being to combine strength for an hour. Lord Mitus shows up at the very end, back from the dead, for an explosive finish to fight the king. And at the end he screams, “I WAS BROUGHT BACK FROM THE DEAD FOR THIS!?”…

9-21-23 Detail Idea: Universe XX: The made up hero is named OverPowered Man!

Detail Idea: UMF: The NU saga: The UU have to fight against their equal, the NU.

Idea: UMF: The New Cult of the 44 saga:

1. Luna Clone
2. Celestia Clone
3. Zeco
4. Ryder
5. The Universe?
6. The Halo Master
7. Punished God Discord (How would that work? The whole point is for him to be free, regardless if it’s before or after second discord saga) SSN as a replacement?
8. Trash Man
9. The Corona
10.Factory Dash
11.The Master
12. Robo Satan?
16.The Masked Ghost
18.The Zebra Guy
20.The Griffin Guy
23.Neon Party
24.Mac Farmer
25.Classy Jack
26.Forrest Fire
40.Lord Mitus (is resentful about it…)
41.King Beralious
42.Craig McCracken
43.Captain Claw?
44.SJW Man?

The new saga for UMF… the old cult dies and is replaced with some new ones which is started by The Master.. t discuss certain things and order… possibly…

Inspiration song – Bee Gees How Deep is your love… yeah…

Also no EoH because they are their own unit and their own thing. It’s weird when you think about it, but they don’t belong in the new cult of the 44… huh…

I guess for the +1 question, PGD could be the secret 45th member…

The simplest way to describe UMF is that it is an ending to UM, but it is an ending that has no end…

7 Sagas: Sequels to the Sequel Saga?:

Ok, this will most likely not happen. Mostly because I’m still trying to develop the second ones, let alone finish Season One. But thinking ahead and getting everything as planned and detailed as possible doesn’t hurt and only helps map things out for the future. But sometimes I think and sometimes ask that +1 question. And the question is what if there was one more; make it a trilogy of sorts. In my mind that sounds nice, but if the idea just isn’t there, then why force it? But still, something to consider for the future. Maybe just doing for the fun of it and asking what would I do for a third one? Just remember I wasn’t even going to do the sequel sagas. But after doing some thinking, there was more that could be explored with those ones. But a third one… ehhh. But hell, why not? Even if it is the black sheep and there is no point to it like The GodFather Part III, it could still be interesting. And if I’m lucky, it could be just as good as Back to the Future Part 3. Not beloved, but not bad either. But I doubt it.

Ghost Saga 3: This is probably the most probable one out of all of these. The way the sequel saga ends with Ghost being hopeful, going through the universes to find his wife. And this could expand upon that. My idea: Have him go through the universes, come across alternate EoP and ones from his mind, find his wife, and maybe try to turn back time so all is right again. But maybe fail? Again?...

Discord Saga 3: I wouldn’t know. PGD just goes and lives his own life in the end with the implication that he is dead with the others. So there isn’t much to say. Sure you could expand with PGD and stuff, but that’s the spinoff is for sort of speak. After the sequel saga, he isn’t returning, at least with the EoP. And technically you already have 3… kind of. In The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga, I’d say you consider that separate from Mane of course, and that’s kind of your third. It’s not too connected to Mane so not sure if you would count that or not. But still… I intended the first one to just be a trilogy but added it with Big Mac and it works. And the second is more of a focus on PGD.

The Windows Saga 3: Really I have no idea other than the window machines carving their own paths / their own destinies with The Future Philosophers gone. But it’s not much to go on though… With the first saga, I intended it to end with them pretty much dying. But I thought some more, came up with the sequel saga, and it works out. It’s pretty much like a two parter and at the end of the second, it pretty much wraps everything up. You even have the RPC side series, but just throwing it out there.

The Ancients Saga 3: Honestly, the second one was the hardest to make even to begin with. With the end of the first one, they all die in the end. Dead. And they are still dead. The only way to bring them back for the second was the alternate universe thing. And at the end of the second, they go back “home” sort of speak. So where would you go from there? I don’t know. I’m thinking something lonely, dark, dread filled, depressing, off beat, a bit eerie, a black sheep, and something to do with the Ancient of the UNIVERSES and The Wise Ones in the Outside of the Universes. As in all of them. It’s the only way to raise the stakes from there. Wouldn’t even know where to go from there…

SSN Saga 3: I’m drawing a blank on this. The first one was SSN getting to his Ultimate form to destroy the universe and remake it in his own image. The second one was being an ally and going beyond the universe and protecting it sort of speak and gaining more power. What about after that? Well... the only thing I can say is SSN Saga draws inspiration from DBZ (if you couldn’t pick up the slight hints…) and that is still going with more arcs coming as of writing, at least last time I heard. And Goku just keeps going. So… maybe take notes from there? It’s no more than a suggestion, but it’s something at least… NOTE: I just remembered, there is a third one, it's also in The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga... So yeah... oppsie...

Midnight Universe Saga 3: Considering the first 2 are no more than just simply the EoP having an adventure in a different, almost mystical land. This one would just be probably just another adventure in the lands of The Midnight Universe. But that depends on the ending of 2 since I haven’t thought about that one too much in detail, let alone the ending. But depending on how 2 ends, this one could be about the death of The Midnight Universe. As in it all ends here… bum bum bum… but that assumes I don’t kill it in 2 first. I ain’t promising anything. I finish 2 first. And this is no more than a hypothetical even to begin with. But if it were to ever happen, this is maybe something to think of…

Universe XXX or XXL Saga: While the title is obvious, I have no clue at all for this one. The first one was basically a series of fights with the strongest characters with a dark story. The second one was more or less the same, but with a slight brighter tone. A third one? Well it was all about going big and getting bigger and bigger. And while I should say triple the explosions, I’ve got nothing. It would be just more or less the same, five rounds, 3rd one is the special guest characters. Maybe the villain is a big black evil robot or something. And in theory, I have more characters that I have yet to make, some that would probably end up putting on the strongest list. And in theory I would use those in the rounds somehow. But unless that happens, I have no idea.

Corona Shorts 6th arc: Consider this a bonus. 1-4 is sort of your first saga. The 5th is a sort of a second. And to go along with the thirds, a 6th one is in order. What would it be about? I don’t know… maybe him being a grand daddy and entering a mid life crises. And so he actually tries to take over the world for reals this time. And at the end learns a valuable lesson. Ends up creating a cult of personality behind him and a new secret shadow government to rule the world; following in the ones that his friend killed in the first parts. And if he dies, he dies Scarface style.

Ending thoughts: Once again, this is all hypothetical’s. This is not even confirmed and something that I don’t even want to entertain. And if it ever does, it would be many many many many years before I even consider it. The first sagas are fine, but there are some things that I could expand on and tell more of. The seconds went in and pretty much ends things on a perfect note. The window machines come full circle and free their destiny. PGD is on his own and is free. The ancients find their home. SSN just keeps going in a metaphorical sense. Midnight and X are just standalone stories sort of speak. And Corona… I don’t know, does it need to keep going? Not really. Sure the character of the Corona is fun and weird, but I don’t even see much beyond the 4th Arc. 5th Arc is pushing it. The only one, and in theory I could just do this one only and forget the others but still, is Ghost. That one ends with him still looking for his wife, but with hope. It could add something to the thing but I don’t know. But just throwing some ideas out there and having fun with it…

That’s all. And if for some dumb fucking reason I do end up making these… assumingly… then it’s a trilogy… and trilogies are fun…

3rd sets of sagas: Windows Saga 3: A cheap, cheesy Saturday morning writing style kind of saga, featuring a next generation of machines with only a brief mention of the past gens... all with a cheesy villain. A commentary on cheap, cheesy Saturday morning kid shows? Maybe... But I also hate the idea too...

3rd Ghost Saga: The entire saga is Ghost's last moments before he dies and he ends up like his wife? don't know...

Something to add: If there was ever a plan to do these 3rd sets of sagas, obviously it would be the last ones that I would do just like with any other trilogy. And just like any other trilogy, this would be the black sheep of the sagas. The blackest sheep of the black sheeps you could say... It's all weird, ruined, twisted, dark, depressing, and filled with nothing but despair and hopelessness. At least that would be the feeling that I would aim for. Even with the 3rd SSN and Discord sags accounted for...

Detail Idea: Windows Saga 3: It’s about it being out of the ordinary with this and the others. It’s not dark or depressing, just soulless and miserable. Unlike other new gens, you don’t get to say goodbye to the old characters or have them join the new gen. They only become a faded memory as people forget It’s like waking up from a 100 year coma, you’re still the same age, and you have no idea what to make of the world. It’s not about the context, but about the time that has gone by and that you’ll never get back and all that is left that remains.

Detail Idea: Ancients 3: All ancients in all universes start to disappear along with their history, to be forever forgotten. They too start to lose their memories of who they are or what they are…

9-21-23 Idea: What if there was a 4th set of Sagas? That… I’ll leave up to you and your imaginations… imagine what is beyond all of this…

9-21-23 Detail Idea: Windows Saga 3: One of the machines look up to his heroes, the original machines and sometimes go to The Hall of Glory to see their portraits even when the lights are dimmed down, wondering if he can be as great as they were… of course I’m referring to XP, 7, 95, etc…

9-21-23 Detail Idea: Universe XXX: The Black Wolf is the Villain. A scary, powerful villain. A machine?... from A Lone Universe?...

10-21-23 Detail Idea: Third Ghost Saga: Ghost at some point in some universe is in the dark, black void, touching nothing and deprived from all sense. But even then, he can see where he needs to go and find his wife Alice. He sleeps and dreams and there his brain acts as a reception to find and fly to where he needs to be…

11-21-23: Detail Idea: Ghost Saga 3: Takes notes from Alan wake 2…. That is all, I know vague but I could take some inspiration or two from it, take some notes. Some concepts are interesting….

2-21-24: Detail Idea: Windows Saga 3: The vibe for this one is depression of a weird combination of the two (Y2K and Frutiger Aero) with some weird core and luminal spaces?.... Also the EoP gets involved somehow, the machine pupil character asks Knight and the guys about what XP and the others were like. The pupil character also visits the abandoned 3.1 place and talks to the 3.1 ghost.

3-21-24: Detail Idea: Ghost Saga 3: Ghost gets his wife back alive and while unsure 100% for the ending, maybe have Ghost and Alice go back to their human form and back to a universe of theirs and in the year 2000 on the road at night, traveling in the car (the same one that Alice died in) listening to some old sad live song on the radio as they drive into the night, possibly into a loop but with smiles on their faces as they live on happily with Ghost having his wife back in hand….

5-21-24: Universe XXL: Round 1: Lord Mitus and Baranbus (2nd villain from Universe XX Saga or new character Mitus made up because he was lonely….)

Idea: I thought about it some, and while not confirmed yet, I might just continue the episode numbering with UMF instead of restarting it back to 1. Why? Well it technically continues from one of the ending. It’ll still be called UMF because it is entreating a different era of sorts, yet why go and call it Episode 1? Might as well let it continue the episode numbering I guess. Then again it kind of sounds stupid so I don’t know yet.

UMF Detail Idea: The Universe X Y and Z Saga: I don’t know… something… the name sounds cool though…

UMF Detail Idea: The 33s and the 55s Saga: The 33s are the old guard and the old rival to the 44 cult. The 55s are a new breed who wants to destroy both33s and 44s… 33s are unknown and 66s… well they aren’t talked about… and might reference these subtly in the cult of the 44 episode… and the 77s are a myth….

11-21-23: UMF Saga Idea: Back to the Simulation!: Remember the thing that Knight did where he simulated Stalia to remember the old says? Well even after when he turned it off and unplugged it, it sort of had a life of its own and whatever the 1s and 0s once were became twisted and goofy and turned into a new different world based off of Stalia, key word being based off of.... And the guys themselves have turned into different personalities and designs and when the real EoP enter and get stuck in it (with Knight having to awkwardly explain everything how this is even happened in the first place....) the digital version of the guys looks at the OGs and sort of recognize them but don't. Also I guess the rule 63 episode version of the EoP could also make a comeback for a little bit as well. And for the Saga, I'm aiming for goofy and light heartedness with some twists with maybe some dark themes but probably not outside of the jokes. But ultimately the guys need to find a way out before they permanently become a part of the simulation themselves forever. Also I guess a weird and unrecognizable digital version of Knight was created that became the ring leader of the new digital landscape. The current inspiration for this Saga was.... The Amazing Digital Circus... can you tell?

2-21-24: UMF Saga Idea: The Dead Universe Saga: Should have we woken up the dead? The UU discovers more about Dead Universes and the varieties of them from turning into one from birth of the said universe, and a more deadly version of it. And they figure out a way to bring one back to life, but it unleashes an army of the dead sort of speak, kickstarted by Forrest (or somepony else) from earlier on And either they find a coffin in the dead universes or have a coffin on hand from one of the UU based universes, a guy comes out Dracula style as he looks like he is being resurrected and he has a sort of a cool, sly energy as the explains about the Dead Universes and the dead connection to the Deadlands…. Think Troy Baker’s villain from Death Stranding….

3-21-24: UMF Idea: The Universal Beast Saga: The Universal Beast returns as he foretold and will be the end of all who seek life in the universes…. And maybe something more….

The UU however finds that there is hope. Word is one universe out of them all, might hold the secrets to fighting The Universal Beast. And its inhabitants are at war with many factions and deep “lore” and the inhabitants are weird looking, dream like, ad would fucking scare you if you were on SSRIs and shrooms or something. There is also a desert universe where there is no space, just an endless plane of sand and “dunes” that is connected to all this with PGD kind of involved maybe. Maybe before his second saga.

3-21-24: UMF Idea: Infinite Universe Saga: Wouldn’t know the overall plot, but the UU deals with an Infinite universe that is swallowing other universes into it. This is a World ending event, The Infinite Death event, where universes are still being made, but it will eventually die before it’s real death by the infinite universe. This has a weird connection to Back to the 90’s episode.

4-21-24: UMF Saga: TK’s God Saga: After the Christian god is killed and TK has domain, there exist others as well in his universe that see TK as a threat and TK once again raises his sword against more common god figures from Hindu to whatever the fuck Mormons worship…. Jehovah witnesses…. And answering the question what TK does after there is no more story for him? What if his role as the Devil is complete for him? What if never happened? Where would he go or do? Idea: He would wonder from universe to universe seeking the answer of existence, eventually finding it within his soul and coming back to fight and return more powerful to Knight and stuff….

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