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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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ACT VI ~ FOREVER · 11:56pm Jun 21st, 2023

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OK... well this is awkward.

If you read the last Act and that was the grand finale... well that's what I was thinking for... at the time... in the year 2019... but now it is in The Year of Our Lord... The Current Year...

So let me run it down for you. Why the 6th act? Let's take this all the way back to the beginning of Universal Magic, ten years ago as I am writing this. So back in 2013, I didn't know how to end this. Hell, the thought never crossed my mind. Then I thought about it. And originally I had some generic, weird happy ending with Knight fighting back against Earth or something. And then there was a bad ending (which is still there sort of speak), and it would lead off into a small spinoff that I killed off long ago. Why the two? Well if you're dealing with something about the universes and stuff, why not? It fits. And plus I couldn't really pinpoint an ending.

Then I thought it was stupid. Granted it was going to end with some prequel stuff and tie up any loose ends. Plus I came up with the ending from ACT III and thought that was satisfactory. Then I thought about adding a 5th ACT because my mind wondered what if there was more after the whole ending from ACT III, especially with the whole UU thing. A similar situation with how UM was supposed to have ended with Episode 69, but then I wondered about after the fact. Either way, I sort of did the same thing again, but in a weird way.

So with the end of ACT V, you have 6.5 endings with a secret 7th ending. That's not changing. But by this point you have to put " " around "endings" because this is like my... 4th attempt at making an ending for this damn thing, and this time it's fucking fool proof I swear to you.

Of course why is it hard to make an ending for UM? Well why don't you try think of an ending? While you're at it, while don't you try thinking of a description. It's one of the reasons why the "description" section is the way it is. Hell, why don't you try to make the first episode too. I only took me like 7 different tries.

UM is simple, yet complex. And trying to figure out how to start and end it is a fucking bitch. I mean how do you start off this thing? (Well I believe I figured that out the best I could) And how do you end something like this? It's not the traditional three act story, let alone a straight forward novel. Instead of chapters, there are episodes. And each episode (for the most part) is its own story with a beginning, middle, and end. Exactly where does it end? When I'm out of ideas? When there is a clear and cut ending? Sure, maybe... but in my eyes it's all about what subject matter it is. And for most stories out there, it's simple, yet limited. So there are only so many ways one can end a story. With UM on the other hand, and something I don't think many can get what I'm trying to convey here, is that it's about the Universes. All of them. Inward and outward. And with that in mind, the episodes are almost endless. It can honestly go on forever and ever and ever. However the human mind, especially me, can only do so much. I can only make up so many ideas. And while so far I have made over 800 Mane episodes planned, it doesn't mean I have it all figured out. And deep down I know there is more episodes to make. It is only a matter of the ability to think of those episodes.

And so this is where the endings come in. The 6.5 endings and the secret 7th ending in ACT V... are still the "endings". Each of those endings have an endpoint, a clear idea of where it can all end like I explained before. BUT, at the end of Sunshine and Farts, the happy ending... there is room for more. And that is where this ACT comes in. And it fits since when it comes to the universes, some die young, while others go on to live. And it's only fair to have multiple. (Plus lore wise it kind of works if you know what I'm referring to...)

Now to be fair, this was already placed in Alternate, but in Mane. I am moving anything UMF (Universal Magic Forever) related and just straight up making it officially apart of the 6th ACT. It is unique from the other ACTS just like all the other ACTS: it mostly deals with sagas only, it opens up to a brand new world and ideas with a different feel and vibe, and there is no ending per say. It just keeps going and going as previously stated with the intentions with UMF. and to really get into the idea of UMF as a whole and why this even exists, it is not to exist to drag the thing on. No, this lore related, and to vaguely explain why, all I will say that UMF is a call back to the episode The Many Neons. Look at the notes that I wrote down and hopefully that would make sense as to why UMF exists. Plus this whole ACT is in a sense a really long epilogue to Sunshine and Farts ending. And on the plus side, UMF is a call back to the episode Too Many Neons, if you can understand that part.

And just to be clear, this continues the episode count, whatever ACT V's count decides to end on. As for the Side 6th ACT Stuff down below, that still counts as part of the ACT and as part of Mane but I'll just lump it into it's own little thing for simplicity's sake.

So why did it take me this long to even make this? Well 1, UMF didn't come up right away. And 2, I wanted to try and stick with the whole ACT V thing being the ending since I implemented that since like 2015. I didn't want to just shove it in here like it was nothing. This took me a long time to even consider this. And I'm sorry if this seems weird and out of the blue. But I kept calling it Alternate, but happens in Mane... making it cannon... so why not give it's own space and make it canon?

This is ACT VI ~ FOREVER!!!!....

Universal Magic Forever

Side 6th ACT Stuff

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